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Erotica with a story behind it or jump into the sex.

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Quote by deviantsusie

I dunno.. please write that Joyce/Beckett gay sex scene.. though be hard to imagine either of them shutting up long enough to actually get down to it ?

It is as you say all about the balance.. I can't emphasise without some back story.. but those chapter stories where there is no action until chapter 3 so drive me mad

Don't believe everything that you read.

Character development trumps all. Without it you’re not writing a story. For erotica to be good and meaningful you have to have this. Short of just randomly listing details about a character, the only way to develop characters is through telling a story. If you don’t have this foundation then what you’re probably writing is something plot driven. Fiction that is plot driven, for it to be successful, has to be done on such a high level few of us have the talent to pull it off. The best example I can think of where a plot driven story fails is ever M. Knight Shyamalan movie except for “6th Sense.” Why have none of his movies been as successful as “6 Sense?” Because “6th Sense,” was character driven before you knew it was plot driven all along. You felt for the scared young boy and the struggling mother. You empathized with the psychologist trying to help someone amidst his failing marriage. And then you got hit hard by the truth that all of those was an avenue for the major plot twist at the end. Sayamalan’s other movies were flops for two reasons. One, they lacked the character development needed to pull it off. And Two, the audience had come Tom expect the plot twists and we’re looking for them.

Usual suspects is plot driven but you don’t know that till the end after 90 minutes of character development. I think erotica is done best when it’s the same way. You almost don’t want the reader to know it is erotica until they are neck deep in the eroticism.
Quote by Buz
You can create a great sexy character without really giving a physical description of them anyhow and that would work better in a story than listing their height, weight, age, hair color, bra-size, etc.

Yah, there is nothing that will stop me dead in my tracks like reading a sentence that is a de facto laundry list of a character's physical features. In my own stories, I prefer to give the reader exactly enough information to build their own mental image of the characters.

For beginning writers, try checking out Nicholson Baker, Elizabeth Kostova, and yes, Hemingway. All can describe everything about a character without describing anything specific at all.
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Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by Jimwillhavefun

I can see where many LS authors have gotten their inspiration.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Southern Gentleman
I second what Sprite and Verbal said . I enjoy a build-up but not too long. I love to read and I have read many different authors but if I have to wade through a thousand words then one paragraph of vanilla sex, probably won't read that author again. I'm probably i in the minority but that's just me. I've read many great authors here,if I've not read yours then please introduce yourself.
Active Ink Slinger
I like to set the scene and characters, then begin the erotica.
So far most of my comments on my stories have been complimentary.
I enjoy the conversation as part of my sex so I build that into my stories.
Active Ink Slinger
If I am writing a stand alone story I try to get into the action quickly but if I write a series I draw it out to heighten the experience
Writius Eroticus
Back story and build up every time. But as others have said, you don't have room to describe things to the nth degree. You have two sentences max to get people interested enough to click. You then have the rest of the word count available to keep their attention and sell the idea behind the intro.

I try to approach everything like a movie script... not always successfully, but that's learning the craft. And it doesn't have to be linear. With a strong plot to back things up, you can jump into the action and then go back to explain how the character got there. Then maybe even carry on where the intro left off. That's a standard movie trope (think: Reservoir Dogs, American Beauty, ...) and it works exceptionally well here, as Buz atested.

One thing I've tried a few times is to keep physical descriptions of characters to a minimum and use their actions and mannerisms and other people's reactions to them to flesh out their look. The old "show don't tell" mantra. Couple of examples:

* Use the fact they're pushing a Bugaboo pram and listening to some 80s hair metal band on their phone to give people an idea of age and social outlook. Not perfect, but it's a start, then introduce more defining qualities later.
* If your character is jogging around the park in tight leggings, men's heads are turning and she leaps over a ditch, you know she's not likely to be 300lbs, but of a more athletic build. Maybe she stops at a water fountain and has to brush a lock of blonde hair that's escaped from her pony tail out of the way.

Best advice: go read anything by browncoffee. Learn from it.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 110 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by Verbal
I suspect I am one of the few exceptions here. I get bored by backstory and character motivation and long, linear build-ups. Don't necessarily jump into the sex, but jump into something, whether it's action or dialogue or plot (or sex). Jump into them moment and let the reader figure it out.

I don't really care that before fucking, they had dinner in a nice restaurant and then romantically walked the streets of Paris at sunset.

This. But, like Verbal, I like writing Flash Erotica and that demands a swift start to the action.
Active Ink Slinger
I like a narrative to give depth to the story. But a really good flash with "grab" (attention grabber) element often gets me too.
I actually don't read many stories anymore....

But I have done basic statistical analysis on my stories and I have found that the longer my stories are (which usually equates to more backstory) the higher ratings they get.

I also think that the type of people that want immediate gratification usually aren't the ones that bother to comment on a story or give it a rating so it's hard to tell what the majority wants.

When I used to read stories I wanted enough intro to set the scene... But if the sex stuff was boring I had no interest at all. I feel like the build up should paint a picture in the reader's mind so that the sex scenes are amplified.
You can have both story build-up and sex right away. I do this a lot, because I like a long, slow burn but I know that it can be irritating to a reader.

Just show sex that isn't happening between your two protagonists. I think I used this in Ty's Girl and Night Music.
Active Ink Slinger
I prefere to both read and write stories that set the scene and let it flow into the erotic and sexual scenes. When writing I try to write to create a visual for the reader. That is why I include a good bit of detail.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX
I actually don't read many stories anymore....

But I have done basic statistical analysis on my stories and I have found that the longer my stories are (which usually equates to more backstory) the higher ratings they get.

I also think that the type of people that want immediate gratification usually aren't the ones that bother to comment on a story or give it a rating so it's hard to tell what the majority wants.

When I used to read stories I wanted enough intro to set the scene... But if the sex stuff was boring I had no interest at all. I feel like the build up should paint a picture in the reader's mind so that the sex scenes are amplified.

WOW!!! I never though we would have anything we both agreed on. I don't disagree with anything in his post I also like to have a visual when I read and create one when I write. I like it especially when I can see it like a movie.

Active Ink Slinger
I like slower buildups and conversation to flesh out characters before sex, and then usually sex and more sex, and that's what I write. However, that doesn't seem to be what everyone wants to read; clearly my characters are boring as hell, kind of like their creator, I guess. smile
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Burquette
You can have both story build-up and sex right away. I do this a lot, because I like a long, slow burn but I know that it can be irritating to a reader.

Just show sex that isn't happening between your two protagonists. I think I used this in Ty's Girl and Night Music.

Nice trick! I may try that sometime!
Active Ink Slinger
I like a nice buildup. I like being taken on a journey
Jumping right into the sex has its place such as in a Flash piece but for me I like a good story that builds slowly to the actual sex. Erotica to me is as much about the sensual exploration of the characters and that thrill of anticipation. In my humble opinion the best writers here on Lush develop the psychological aspects of their characters and weave a sensual path of escalation that allows one to paint their own vivid pictures. Sex is about touching the mind, the physical sensations enhanced by thought.
Internet Philosopher
I think it depends on the writer. Verbal, for instance, is able to create truly interesting snippets with a bare minimum of words. It can be really tough, though without a creative author who had a real vision.

For me though, feeling a connection requires some back story. Without it that, no fancy prose will turn me on. That’s one reason I’m not really into flash.

As a writer, I find the story and characters the most interesting part to write. Let’s face it, a blow job can only be described so many ways. It’s the set up that really makes it special. My stories run from 5k to 10k and the responce has been worth the effort I put into each story
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I think it depends on the writer. Verbal, for instance, is able to create truly interesting snippets with a bare minimum of words. It can be really tough, though without a creative author who had a real vision.

For me though, feeling a connection requires some back story. Without it that, no fancy prose will turn me on. That’s one reason I’m not really into flash.

As a writer, I find the story and characters the most interesting part to write. Let’s face it, a blow job can only be described so many ways. It’s the set up that really makes it special. My stories run from 5k to 10k and the responce has been worth the effort I put into each story

Milik, I couldn’t agree with you more. I want a story, and for that to happen there has to be some kind of buildup. There have been times I’ve encountered a story that jumped straight into the sex, and after reading a few lines and when I’ve realized that that is probably going to be the way the story continues, I’ve quit and found something else to read. Without that buildup, it all becomes a wham-bam-thank-you-mam type of story and there is nothing interesting about that.

One of the stories I’ve remembered many years after reading it, was a long one you wrote that didn’t have to much sex in it, but is an absolutely fantastic story. I’m sure you remember me talking about it many times. Hint! Hint! :>)
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Active Ink Slinger

I like a plot. Not really slow but fast enough to keep my attentoon.

Active Ink Slinger

LOL... I've been accused of writing erotic novels, so I love a gradual buildup. My favorite story I've written on LUSH is 21 chapters and still growing because I love the characters and there are so many things for them to explore.

Rookie Scribe

I like a good build up to heat up the room, but don’t drag it out too much.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by EroticFantasies

I like a good build up to heat up the room, but don’t drag it out too much.

Same here

Active Ink Slinger

I like an erotic tale, but not jump right into the juicy bits, but a slow, but not protracted build-up to the story, describing the scenery around. For example:~ I assumed I would be on my own for hours, so I could dress up in women's clothes, full make up and my shoulder length blond hair styled, but that was not to be, as soon as I was done, I stepped out side the back door into the back yard, and from across the meadow, Mr. Terry was sitting in his wicker chair on his front porch and spied me. Thinking I was a young woman, hollered over and asked who are you young lady? I panicked and ran in doors. Later that week, my mom asked me did I have a young lady in the house when she was out with her lady friends in town, on a girlie shopping spree? Shall I confess to mom, or say, it was a girl from High School mom?

Active Ink Slinger

I look at it this way, it's erotica, you don't have to start right off with the sex part, although I have written stories that do, but someone should be talking about sex, thinking about sex, flirting or fantasizing about sex within the first two pages. After that, the story needs to always be moving in its natural progression to the 'climax'.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

As a writer, I prefer to develop a story. Even if I start a "stroke story" that's meant as pure sex, I usually end up with at least some backstory on the characters. And, really, I am more of a story writer than a sex writer, as witnessed by my output on the blue site.

As a reader, I enjoy a good story but there are times where I just want some stimulation, too. So "it depends" I guess.

puts the ‘ass’ in ‘class’.
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First person stories recounting the experiences of some nameless, generic protagonist hold no interest for me. Stories should involve a character on a journey, and erotica involves a sexual journey, I feel.

My stories always involve real characters (sometimes literally) and those characters need development. There's always a sexual hook early on, but I am comfortable taking the character’s journey step by step.

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden