After Molly and I finished our sex, we dressed and waited for Jenny and Craig in their living room. When Jenny and Craig emerged from the bedroom, neither of us said much before walking to our house. When we hit our bedroom, Jenny broke the silence, “Did you have a nice time with Molly tonight?” Jenny asked.
“Uh, yeah, it was nice. Can I ask you if this whole thing was planned?”
Jenny turned away from me, getting dressed for bed, “No, of course not. Why do you think that?”
“All three of you knew I was going to confess that Molly had given me a blowjob. I was fairly sure that you all could tell I was feeling guilty about it and wanted to make it right. It seems rather convenient that as I was suspecting you and Craig of infidelity, Molly tricks me into infidelity. I mean, you weren’t even concerned that your best friend gave me a blowjob. I’m just wondering if it was really my idea that the solution for my weakness in allowing Molly to blow me was a makeup blowjob from you to Craig.”
“Seems you’ve come up with quite a conspiracy. What are you implying, honey?”
I'm not implying anything; I’m just making some observations. I have always thought of you as shy and reserved and, not to be offensive, but conservative sexually.” Jenny turned around, looking at me with a mad look. "I'm just saying that my stomach was doing flip flops the whole night but you were cool and giggly heading upstairs. You headed upstairs knowing that you weren’t just going to be giving Craig a blow job. You knew you two were going to have sex.”
Jenny quickly went on the defensive, “Wait a minute, you started this whole thing by sticking your cock in Molly’s mouth and cumming down her throat. I recall you were the one who told Craig that I would pay your debt by blowing him.”
She was right, I had let Molly blow me and I didn’t stop her. I agreed to let my wife blow my friend as some sort of make-up for my indiscretion. And yes, that blow job turned into us having sex with our neighbors.
Jenny fell asleep quickly while I tossed and turned. I couldn’t help but think I had been set up. I thought back through the events of not only last night but the last few months.
My suspicions were real about Jenny and Craig. I immediately attributed their suspicious activity to planning my surprise party. The more I thought about it, my suspicions came back. Jenny had been acting strangely for about six months. Way too long to be just planning a surprise party.
Going over the events last night seem to confirm it too. It seemed too easy that my shy Jenny jumped in bed with Craig. It just had to have been a setup. It started with the blow job from Molly... or did it? I assumed at first that Molly’s nonchalant attitude about my suspicions of them cheating was due to her knowing that they weren’t having an affair and just planning my party. I was starting to think that she knew and was somehow involved. She knew exactly what she was doing wearing those tight pants and having me put my hands on her ass to lift her up. It was Molly who suggested we go to our bedroom to get a better view. It was Molly who rubbed her ass against my crotch till I was hard. It was clearly her plan to blow me.
Last night, all three knew I was going to confess to the blowjob and I think they wanted me to. I think it was their plan that they were going to guilt me into allowing Jenny and Craig to be together to make it my idea.
I started to wonder if I should be mad; I did get to fuck Molly. Although it was enjoyable, I felt guilty afterward. It was similar to the guilt I felt after Molly’s blowjob. I couldn’t believe how easily my “shy” wife was able to hop in the sack with another man. I thought back to how long it took Molly and me to get outside their bedroom door. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes when we were at the door listening to them already fucking. My wife had no hesitation in spreading her legs for Craig.
I had convinced myself that last night’s sex couldn’t have been their first. I was pissed that they had tricked me, was determined to find out what they were up to and how it started. My mind was racing all night long keeping me awake. Finally, I just got up getting on my computer and going back to my research on adultery.
Jenny came down to find me late in the morning, looking as fresh as ever. Apparently, she had no problem getting to sleep after her fuck with Craig. “Honey, how long have you been up? I thought you would have slept in after your big night.” When I turned to her, I think she could tell I hadn’t had any sleep. “Honey, are you alright? You look terrible.”
“Jenny, I need to ask you something again. Was last night planned?”
Jenny is a terrible liar. Her face gives it away when she is telling a lie and she was telling a lie. “Whatever do you mean? The plan was to have dinner with our friends. You and your conspiracy theories.”
“You know what I mean. Was it planned that we would split up and go into separate rooms to have sex?”
“No, remember, that was your idea,” Jenny said timidly.
“Okay, then tell me what happened in that bedroom.”
Jenny laughed “Honey, it’s like Vegas, what happened in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. I haven’t asked you about the details of Molly’s blow job or what you and she did in their guest bedroom last night. We both had sex, all of us.” She put emphasis on the word all. ”We weren’t making love, it was just sex. Honey, you know I love you and it is just you that I love.”
“I’m just confused, this time last week I had it in my mind that you and Craig were having sex. I was downright pissed about it. Now here we are, I know you two have fucked and I’m supposed to be alright with it?”
“Wait a minute, you’re not going to be a hypocrite about this? You started this by putting your cock in Molly’s mouth. You suggested that I give Craig a blowjob. After we went upstairs to do what you said, you were driving your cock into Molly’s pussy when she spread her legs for you.”
I could tell Jenny was getting pissed. I hadn’t accused her of cheating with Craig but I had gotten close. Her defensiveness was telling me that they had planned this, but wasn’t getting us anywhere other than making her mad. I decided to stop the conversation. I needed proof before I would confront her again. If I was right, they had been fucking around soon as I gave them the chance.
Monday evening, I told Jenny that I was having to work late on Wednesday and not to hold dinner for me. Jenny made a joke that she hoped this was a ploy for me to be sneaking around trying to catch her and Craig cheating. She also slipped up, saying that if I was, I would be doing it alone because Molly had to work nights this week for real. I laughed along with her, very curious that my wife knew Craig’s wife’s schedule.
I looked online and I couldn’t believe that I found an inexpensive small wi-fi camera that I could watch and control remotely at Wal-Mart. For under fifty bucks I had the camera I needed. I set it up so it was focused on our bed. My hunch was that they would do it there. I was kicking myself for not adding cameras to our security system. But with the system we had, I would be able to know when the doors out of the house were opening and closing.
I would be able to watch on my phone, and if the doors opened and closed then I could turn on the camera. The camera would record sound and video but only transmit video using the home wi-fi.
My suspicions were in full force when Jenny called me at 4:30. She said that she called just on the chance that I didn’t have to work late and she could still make dinner for me. I figured she calling to make sure I wasn’t coming home.
I sat in my office looking at my phone. Ten minutes after my wife hung up, the back door opened and quickly closed. Panic set in, thinking I had miscalculated that they were going to Craig’s to fuck. Just then the light on my security app indicated movement on the kitchen motion detector. Damn, I hadn’t even thought of the motion detectors. There was another motion detector in the hall by the stairs. It was five minutes before the hall indicator lit up. If Craig was there, they were heading upstairs.
I closed out the security app and opened the camera app. The camera was dark when I turned it on. My heart sank when the lights came on. It was aimed at the bed, not the door, so all I could see was the empty bed.
Maybe I was mistaken as the minutes passed and the bed remained empty. My insides were churning when my fears were realized. Jenny’s naked body fell onto the bed. I watched as she was looking into the camera motioning me to her. It wasn’t me she was motioning. A naked man stepped between the camera and the bed. Craig’s naked ass was pointing at the camera. I picked a poor view. All I could see was Craig’s ass as he climbed on the bed putting his cock in my Jenny.
I put the phone down for a while, not wanting to see Craig’s ass as he continued to pump his cock in my wife. After what seemed like an eternity, Craig must have shot his load. When I looked again they were lying cuddling in our bed. I wished the sound would have come through the phone. I would have to wait to hear what they were saying to each other.
I watched as it appeared they were having a nice chat catching their breath, probably getting ready to fuck again. Craig started kissing and rubbing her tits in preparation for their next session. I had enough so I texted Jenny that I was on my way home. I watched as Jenny read my text, then stopped Craig’s advances. She and Craig scurried around cleaning up their mess. Jenny pulled off the sheets while I assumed Craig got dressed.
When I got home, Jenny was watching TV, telling me she was sorry I had to work late. When I asked her what she did, “Just boring TV, I think I will go to bed now,” was her reply.
I got up early the next morning covertly grabbing the camera to get the flash card out. In the privacy of my office at work I plugged it into the laptop I brought from home. Didn’t want my wife’s sex scene on a to get on a company computer.
I skipped past them fucking in hopes that I would get some pillow talk that would enlighten me as to what was going on. They didn’t disappoint.
Lying there naked on my bed, they gave a complete confession.
“Oh fuck, that was great,” Jenny said out of breath.
“Damn, I can’t believe it’s been six months since our first time on this bed. The best thing is we can now be open about it,” Craig said.
“I don’t know, Chris was acting weird about it. He asked me if we had set him up.”
“What did you say?”
“I played him off, putting it back on him just like we talked about. I kept telling him that it was his idea.”
“I don’t get it. Molly said that he enjoyed fucking her and she said that he fucked her really good.”
“Yeah, but he seemed pretty suspicious about the whole thing. I think we need to wait a while before we bring up the swinger club thing with Chris.”
“No, we aren't going to wait. I can't hold Molly back. She has enjoyed our threesomes but she is wanting more. You want it too, right? You’ve said that it has been exciting having something new. Molly says you will love having all those guys at once.”
“This has been exciting, but I’m not sure about that club you and Molly have been talking about. I think we need to give it a little more time before we try that. I’m not sure I’m ready for all those strange guys like Molly was talking about. I can’t imagine Chris is ready to see me getting fucked by multiple guys.”
“You will love it. We’ve all decided we are going to do this; I would hate to have to bring up with your husband that we’ve been fucking behind his back for six months. You’re in this too deep to be backing out now. We’re not going to let you back out. I’ve told all the guys about you and they can’t wait.” Craig started kissing Jenny’s tits and rubbing them.
The ding of her phone stopped him. Jenny reached over grabbing her phone. “Oh shit, you have to go. Chris is on his way home.”
'Damn,' I thought to myself. I almost texted too soon, ruining their confession. Those motherfuckers did set me up and it was just the beginning. I was right she was cheating on me and now they wanted me to join them in their swinger lifestyle. 'Fuck that,' I thought. 'I’m not going into that world. If Jenny wants to be a swinger, she could do it as my ex-wife.'
I wasn’t sure, but I believed that I could reason with Jenny and talk her out of this. It seemed that Craig and Molly were pressuring her like they were trying to pull me in. From what I saw on the video, she did enjoy the sex with Craig. I decided that I was going to confront her hoping she wouldn’t lie to me. Just in case, I called a buddy who is a lawyer who put me in touch with someone who specializes in divorce law.
The next night we were having dinner like normal or as normal we were. As we finished dinner, I asked Jenny to join me in the living room. “Honey, can we talk about this past weekend?” I asked looking her in the eyes.
“Honey, we already did. What’s there to talk about? Are you wanting to go over to Craig and Molly’s this weekend again?” my wife asked looking away from me.
“What if I said I thought what we did this past weekend was a mistake and didn’t want to do that ever again?”
Jenny was squirming not looking at me. “You mean you want us to go back to where we were before Molly gave you a blowjob?”
“In a manner of speaking, I guess yes.”
“But honey, remember it was your idea. Didn’t you enjoy having sex with Molly?”
“Having sex with Molly was nice, but it wasn’t making love to my wife, who I love. I made a promise to you that I would be faithful to you and only you.”
“Honey, I told you I wasn’t bothered by you getting a blowjob from Molly and this weekend we all consented to your idea of having sex.”
“Was it really my idea?”
“You’re not going to start that conspiracy theory again, are you?”
“So, if I told you I was not going to have sex with Molly again, would you agree not to have sex with Craig again?”
Jenny sighed, “If that is what you want, we can go back to the way things were before Molly gave you a blowjob.” Jenny expression was clearly one of disappointment.

It was my turn to sigh as I shook my head.
Jenny noticed my look, “What’s that look about?”
“You’re telling me things will go back to the way they were before last week?”
“Yes, if that’s what you want,” Jenny said indignantly.
“No, what I said is that I don’t want us having sex with Craig and Molly ever again.”
Jenny was getting mad now, “That’s what I said.”
“No, that’s not what you said. Alright, no more beating around the bush. Was Saturday night the first time you and Craig had sex?”
“Come on, Chris, you know it was. Just like you and Molly except she gave you a blowjob before that.”
There it was again, the distraction technique trying to make me feel guilty. “So, you’re telling me that Saturday night was your first and only time with Craig having sex?”
“Chris, I don’t like being accused.”
“I’m sorry, but was the answer to my question, yes? Was it the first and only time?”
“Yes, you know it was.”
I sighed loudly and mumbled under my breath, “Fucking bitch.”
Jenny stood up, “What did you say?”
“I’m sorry, I should have said 'fucking lying bitch whore'.”
“What the fuck, Chris?”
I didn’t reply, I just picked up the remote hitting play. On the TV came up my wife and Craig in our bed fucking.
Jenny stood there with her hand on her mouth.
“Honey,” I said sarcastically. “The time stamp on that video is last night. You two were fucking last night.”
“It’s not what it looks like,” Jenny said crying.
“Really? What it looks like to me, is that my buddy Craig has his cock in your pussy and my wife throwing away our wedding vows to become a cheating slut.” Jenny tried to hug me. I put my hands up stopping her.
“I’m sorry, Craig came over and wanted a repeat of Saturday night. You had agreed to us having sex on Saturday, so I didn’t think you would mind.”
“You want me to believe that? You want me to believe that this was fuck number two?”
“Yes!” she shouted. Jenny then turned angry, “I can’t fucking believe you recorded me. You let our neighbor suck your dick and now all this is my fault? You started this with getting Molly to blow you.”
“When you tell that many lies it is hard to keep them straight, isn’t it?” I asked picking the remote up again.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“One thing I didn’t mention about the recording that I made of you and Craig.” I hit pause then turned up the sound. With a push of a button, the video skipped to them talking about how they had been fucking for six months. “The camera records sound too.”
Jenny stood there, silent, closing her eyes. I saw a tear run down her cheek.
“Six months!” I yelled. “You’ve been fucking him for six months in our bed. And now you want to drag me into your depravity. Just so you know, I have no intention of becoming a swinger. If you intend on continuing your lifestyle with Molly and Craig, you can do it as my ex-wife.”
Jenny was in a full cry now, sobbing that she was sorry. “They said it would be better if you got involved and if you didn't they were going to force you. Please, let me make it up to you.”
I turned off the TV. “You now have a choice to make. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a divorce lawyer. I called him today asking him to prepare two documents. One is a petition for divorce.”
Jenny called out, “No!” crying louder.
“The second is a post-nuptial agreement that you will have to sign if I agree to continue in our marriage.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you ask me. I don’t want a divorce.”
“Don’t be so quick to agree, Jenny. You are going to have to agree to certain conditions if I think there is any hope of saving our marriage, which I doubt there is. Tonight, you will move into the guest bedroom regardless of your choice and you will stay there till we get the results of blood tests we are going to take. I have to make sure that we didn’t contact some STD from your swinger friends.”
Jenny lowered her head, “Anything else?”
The agreement will stipulate that if you have sex with anyone, man or woman, other than me you will forfeit claim to any marital asset in the divorce that will become automatic. You will have no contact with Molly or Craig once the agreement has been signed. Our house will be put on the market and we will move away from this situation and those people.”
Jenny’s crying had subsided. “Of course, I will do whatever you ask, I’m glad you are not going through with the divorce. I was so stupid; I can’t believe I put our marriage in jeopardy.”
I put my hand up, “Jenny, I haven’t ruled out a divorce yet. I’m not sure I can still live with you after all your lies and cheating.” Jenny’s crying started again. “Tomorrow when I come home from the lawyer, we are going to have a long talk. You are going to be completely honest with me. I’m going to ask hard questions about your affair. If I catch you lying or holding anything back, it will be the divorce agreement we sign.”
Jenny nodded again saying, “I will do anything to save our marriage.”
“The second thing. Before dinner, I texted Molly, inviting them over for dinner tomorrow. I plan to confront them tomorrow night about their part in your devious plan. It is going to get ugly and if you don’t have my back, you better plan on going with them when I throw them out.”
Jenny wiped her eyes, “Can I have a hug before I go to the guest bedroom?”
The fact I wanted to hug her gave me hope for our marriage but I wasn’t giving in. “No, I’ll consider it after we have our talk and you sign the post-nuptial agreement.”
“Fair enough,” she said sniffling as she went the guest bedroom.
I doubt that either one of us slept much that night. I went back and forth wanting to strangle her and wanting to hold her. I didn’t have those same feelings about my neighbors, only strangulation.
My meeting with the lawyer went smoothly. He was proud of his post-nuptial agreement, saying it was ironclad if Jenny strayed. It was comforting that the lawyer thought I was making the right decision not divorcing Jenny. His reasoning had more to do with the outcome of the divorce if we went forward now. Even though she committed adultery first, the fact I fucked Molly would hurt much of the leverage we would have in court.
Jenny was sitting at the kitchen table when I got home. Her eyes were red and bloodshot. She looked up seeing me carrying the two large envelopes. Tears started rolling down her face. “Please tell me we still have a chance.”
I sat down at the table with the envelopes in front of me. “A lot depends on the conversation we are about to have.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t hold anything back.”
For the next two hours, I grilled her. I made her give me excruciating details about her affair.
She told me how she helped Craig redecorate their guest room. Craig was telling her about the sexual rut that he and Molly were in. Craig claimed that Molly had lost interest in sex and hadn’t given him a blowjob in over a year. Jenny confessed to not having sucked my dick in a long while too.
Their discussion led them to Jenny telling Craig that mine was the only cock she had ever seen or touched. Craig surprised her by dropping his pants, showing her his dick. “Now you’ve seen your second one. You’re welcome to touch it to see if it feels any different than Chris,” Craig told her.
I knew my wife was a virgin when we met and I could understand her curiosity about what another man would look like.
I watched intently as my wife told me how Craig got hard in her hand. She knew it was wrong, but stroked him till he was hard. Craig begged her to kiss it. A tear rolled down her cheek as Jenny told me that when she kissed his dick, Craig moaned loudly. She admitted she was getting turned on by getting him off. Another kiss of his dick led to another, till Craig’s cock was in her mouth being sucked. She sucked him and swallowed his cum.
Craig was no dummy; he told her that she gave him the best blowjob he ever had. That stroked Jenny’s ego. The following day Craig came to our house under the guise he wanted to see how Jenny had decorated our rooms.
Craig is a smooth talker. He told Jenny that he and Molly were virgins when they met too. He later admitted to her that was a lie. He said given his wife’s small breasts, he wanted to just once know what it felt like to touch a pair of big breasts like Jenny’s. She bought his line, pulling her shirt and bra off. It didn’t take him long before they were both naked on the bed. Craig ate her to two orgasms before he guided his cock into my wife.
Jenny told me she was so ashamed of herself that she avoided me for over a month. She was afraid that if we had sex, I would be able to tell she cheated on me. All that time, Craig was pressuring her to get back in bed with him.
Jenny finally gave in to him about two months after that first time. I asked her if Craig was better, knowing the answer I would get.
“He wasn’t better, he was different. I know you but I didn’t know what to expect from him. No, he isn’t bigger than you if that is what you think.” I knew that he wasn't from what I had seen on the video. “It was the danger that made it more exciting. We did it a few times here. On our first time at their place, Molly walked in on us. That was about three months ago.”
Molly later admitted to her that it was planned that she would walk in on them. Jenny told me that Molly was bisexual and confessed that Molly had wanted to seduce her for a long time.
I had been out of town so Jenny went to Craig’s with the two of them getting drunk. Molly walked in on them just as Craig had shot his cum in Jenny’s pussy. Molly acted shocked but Jenny was too scared to notice that she was just acting. Molly stood over her raising her voice, “Is that my husband’s cum in your pussy?”
Jenny said that she tried to cover up but Molly pushed her legs apart sticking her fingers in her pussy. Molly knelt down and licked my wife’s pussy clean. Molly “made” Jenny eat her pussy, telling her if she didn’t they would tell me about the affair. Jenny admitted that eating Molly's pussy was not bad and the sex was exciting. Jenny told me that she felt like she was under Craig and Molly's spell.
A month ago, Molly announced the surprise party plan. The original plan was for Molly to come to me and suggest Craig and Jenny were having an affair. I guess I just walked right into their scheme.
Jenny tried hard to get me to believe she had been duped and to some extent, I believed her. Between her gullibility and her curiosity of something she hadn’t experienced, I believed that while she became a willing participant in their plan, Jenny was coerced in a way.
When she finished her story I opened the two envelopes In a dramatic fashion. One document was titled Petition for Divorce and the second, Post Nuptial Agreement. Jenny mouthed the word “please” to me.
With a heavy sigh, I pushed the Post Nuptial Agreement toward my wife. “Read every word. When you are done, read it again. When you are finished come get me.”
Twenty minutes later Jenny tapped me on the shoulder, “I’m done and I’ve signed it. I’m so sorry.”
After seeing her signature on the document, I opened my arms for my wife. We hugged for several moments. Jenny stepped back. “Will you promise me one thing?”
“What is that?” I asked cautiously.
“Promise me you won’t hurt either one of them tonight. It is not that I don’t want them hurt, but I don’t want you do go to jail.”
With a smile on my face, I said, “Don’t worry, they aren’t worth it.”
Jenny gave me a funny look, “What’s for dinner?”
I laughed, “I’m not feeding those assholes. We are going to get Mexican after I tell them off.” For the first time in a while, a smile crept across Jenny’s face.
I told Jenny to wait in the living room when the bell rang. I refused Craig’s handshake and Molly’s attempt to hug, ushering them into the living room. I told them to sit down, we needed to talk.
Craig stood next to the couch sensing something was wrong. “What do we need to talk about, buddy?”
In a quiet but firm tone, I told Craig to sit down and shut up, which he did. “I know what you’ve been up to and I know what you are planning. It is not going to happen.”
Craig stood up, putting his hand up to me. I think he guessed that Jenny had told me everything and went to the nuclear option, “Hold on, buddy, I don’t know what Jenny has been telling you, but this whole plan was her idea. She seduced me, then Molly and now wants to pull you into this.”
I stood there just looking at my buddy Craig. Molly interrupted, “Come on, Chris, can we talk this over after you’ve cum in my pussy again?”
I looked at Molly giving her a wink. In one quick motion, I decked Craig. He fell back onto the couch, blood gushing from his nose. Molly screamed reaching for her husband. “You son of a bitch, I’ll sue you for that!”
“Please do, I’m sure the jury would love to watch the video of you admitting your scheme after fucking my wife in our bed.” Craig and Molly both looked up surprised. “You want me to give you your words back to you as you threatened her that you weren’t going to let her back out?”
I could see the panic on both of their faces. “Get out of our house. We don’t want to see either one of you ever again.”
Jenny and I did put our house up for sale. Within a week we had a buyer. Yes, we lost some money but it was worth it to get away from that house. Thankfully both our blood tests were negative. Jenny and I were able to share our new bedroom when we moved into our new house three months later.
Jenny was surprised that I only hit Craig one time. She thought I let him and Molly off the hook too easy.
A year later, Jenny had a shit-eating grin on her face when I came home from work. She was grinning ear to ear telling me that she had just found out that Craig and Molly had been fired from each of their jobs. Seems there was something about a morality clause in their employment. Someone had gotten photos Molly and a couple of married doctors at her hospital. Pictures also surfaced of Craig and a married secretary from his work. No one knew who took them or where they came from. Something about the swinger’s club they belonged to and an unscrupulous bartender.
Smiling I grabbed my wife, kissing her. “I guess that is what they call comeuppance.”
Taylersam, I just finished rereading this part 2 to the story and marked it ans a favorite. I totally enjoyed the revenge that happened to Molly and Craig after how they coerced Jenny. Thank you for sharing your excellent writing.
I like that she was given the chance to come clean. Personally, I would have burnt the neighbours house down, but did like how 'someone' shopped the pair of them.
Thanks Taylorsam