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Special Delivery (Harder! Faster!)

"Ordering the full package turned out to be a terrible mistake ... for him, but not for his wife"

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ā€œHarder!ā€ she urged. ā€œFaster!ā€ Feliciaā€™s hands were on his buttocks, pulling him into her. Perspiration soaked his forehead as Ben tried his best to rise to his wifeā€™s desires. It was never enough. ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€

Any faster and theyā€™d have to call an ambulance. Besides, the speed at which he was going ensured that a premature conclusion was all but inevitable. With Felicia clawing at him, doing all she could to force him to give her inches he simply did not have, there was nothing he could do to prevent the inevitable.

And there it was. ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€ Felicia cried, even as he sent his seed cascading into her. ā€œStay where you are!ā€ she gasped. Experience caused her to make sure she had a vibrator at hand, satisfying her own climactic needs before too much shrinkage set in.

Ben blamed the porn industry, and secretly his wife for watching too much of the kind of footage that gave her unrealistic expectations of a manā€™s endurance. What normal man was capable of twenty to thirty minute marathons of piston-like thrusting? Certainly not he. Two minutes was his limit, at least with the vigour and at the speed his wife craved.

Somewhere at the back of his mind, Ben imagined that there were men with greater stamina then himself, even if not up there with the exorbitantly equipped hunks who littered pornographic films. He didnā€™t want to think it of his wife, but sometimes, in the small hours, he was gripped by a fear that his own inadequacies might eventually tempt her to seek the kind of experience she craved elsewhere.

It wasnā€™t the kind of thing he felt comfortable talking about with friends and acquaintances. However, armed with an anonymous username he found a forum on the internet where he could discuss these issues, and where he was fortunate enough to be offered advice from a fellow sufferer.

At first the idea seemed preposterous, but the fellow sufferer ensured him that his own wife had never been happier, and recommended a site offering the kind of equipment that had brought about this blissful state of affairs. It certainly proved an eye-opener. At first Ben found it very disconcerting, but the more he browsed, and after further discussion with his fellow sufferer, he settled on a device glorying in the unwieldy name of the SuperMax 250 Miracle Love Machine.

Feliciaā€™s birthday was approaching, and it occurred to Ben that Love Mac, as his fellow sufferer liked to call the machine, would certainly be an unexpected present, if nothing else. What if it could be delivered on the big day itself? That would be quite good fun, especially seeing how Felicia had already made sure sheā€™d have the day off.

In stark contradiction to the General Law of Corporate Jargon, which states that any word carrying a generally positive connotation by default or by design inevitably manifests as the exact opposite, calling the companyā€™s helpline he was immediately put through to an extremely forthcoming woman who not only assured him that theyā€™d be happy to deliver on the day in question, but processed his order then and there, rather than referring him back to the website.

ā€œWould that be the regular delivery service, or the full package?ā€ she asked at length.

Overwhelmed at the kindness and effortless efficiency offered so far, Ben didnā€™t think too much about it. Without bothering to ask about the details of the full package he decided to go the whole hog. It was his wifeā€™s birthday after all.


# # # #


The big day arrived. It was a Friday, and Ben had time owing. He didnā€™t tell his wife that, like her, he had the day off, departing in the morning as usual, but parking up in a back road a short distance away. He was fortunate in that a narrow path separated the back gardens on their street from a railway embankment. It wasnā€™t beyond the bounds of possibility that one of the neighbours would see him, but most of them would be at work just as he was pretending to be.

Negotiating his own garden without being seen from one of the windows was a different matter. He solved this by clambering over the fence to the neighboursā€™ garden. He knew for certain they werenā€™t there, since for weeks theyā€™d mentioned their forthcoming jaunt to the Costa del Sol the moment Felicia or he were within earshot. Crouching so that he remained hidden behind the fence separating the two properties, he was soon level with his own front door. There were no windows on this side of the house, so he felt safe hauling himself over the fence, almost ensuring that he would never again be in a fit state to service his wife (even for two minutes), before skulking behind the thick tangle of greenery that had spread throughout the flower border like an invading army when Felicia and he werenā€™t looking, proving that nature does indeed abhor a vacuum.

It could have been a very tedious hour, but Ben was in a state of fevered expectation, using his phone to once again check out his wifeā€™s birthday surprise on the companyā€™s website and amusing himself with pleasant thoughts of how grateful she would be to him for spending such a copious amount on her pleasure.

The van pulled up on the stroke of ten. He could glimpse the creamy white bodywork in the road, and heard doors open and slam shut, along with male voices, and a great deal of gasping and grunting.

Lying prostrate, Ben could no more than glimpse the men through the thick screen of vegetation; one older, one younger, both dressed in overalls, lugging a heavy, wooden crate between them. ā€œSheā€™d better be in,ā€ the older one muttered as he rang the bell.

Felicia was, of course, but the man had to try a second time before she came to the door. ā€œYes?ā€ she said, Ben craning his neck to see her, but only able to see her lower legs and pumps.

ā€œMrs Felicia Johnson?ā€ the older man said.


ā€œSpecial delivery. The new improved SuperMax 250.ā€ The man rapped on the crate with his knuckles.

ā€œI donā€™t recall ordering anything,ā€ Felicia said.

Ben could just about make out the manā€™s tablet as a grimy finger moved across the screen. ā€œNo,ā€ he said at last. ā€œThe order was placed by a Ben Johnson. But youā€™re down as the recipient.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s Ben got up to now?ā€ Felicia said, in a tone which seemed unnecessarily uncharitable. ā€œI suppose you want me to sign for it.ā€

ā€œWe can sort that out inside,ā€ the man said. ā€œIt seems Ben has ordered the full package for you.ā€

There was silence before Felicia said, ā€œThe full package?ā€ She sounded as if she was being confronted by a fraudster asking for her bank details, and for a dreadful moment Ben imagined she was about to send the men packing.

ā€œThatā€™s right. Unpacking, assembly, set-up, instruction, functionality check. The works.ā€

A new, uncertain silence ensued, followed by a sigh. ā€œHeaven knows what Benā€™s got into his head, but I suppose you may as well come in. Iā€™ll have you know Iā€™m not having whateverā€™s in that crate clashing with the wallpaper. It can go in the guest room. Up the stairs, third door on the right.ā€

ā€œRight you are.ā€ There were two heavy grunts as the men hoisted the crate. Shortly the door slammed shut.

As soon as he felt it was safe, Ben was on his feet, trampling the invasive plant life underfoot before crouching down again to make sure he wasnā€™t seen making for the other end of the house. Though he was slightly disappointed in his wifeā€™s initial reaction to what she must surely realize was a birthday surprise, it suited his purposes that she wanted it placed in the guest room. His aversion to setting about repairing or replacing the outside shutters must have had a meaning all along. The damage afforded him an excellent opportunity to peer in and see how Felicia reacted to the present.

To do so, he needed a ladder. Fortunately there was one still propped up against the house where heā€™d cleaned out the gutters. Unfortunately it was round the front, and he was forced to manoeuvre awkwardly to lessen the risk of being seen, both from inside and outside the house, before positioning the top of the ladder right next to the guest room window.

Ben ascended the ladder gingerly, slightly disturbed by the way the wooden rungs suddenly felt much less robust than he remembered. Taking excessive care, he climbed far enough for his head to be at a height where he could lean across and peer in through the gap in the broken shutters, noticing that the window had been cracked open a smidgen, perhaps to clear out the musty smell.

All this took Ben so long that the delivery men had already had time to assemble the machine, which looked exactly as he remembered from the internet, though taking up much more room than heā€™d imagined. Within a square frame was a seat with a vibrating pad. There was a second seat, this one with an opening which allowed items to be attached to the vertical rod beneath. Another arm allowed for what, on the website, had appeared to be an inexhaustible range of vibrators to be attached, while a robust metal road extended beyond the parameters of the frame, pointing towards the bed. The older of the two delivery men was handing Benā€™s wife a brochure. ā€œIn here youā€™ll find all the attachments currently available,ā€ he said. ā€œThough new ones are introduced all the time, so you might want to keep an eye on the old web thingy.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll do that,ā€ Felicia said, taking the brochure and immediately throwing it on the bed. She was looking as if she was just waiting for the men to leave, which made Ben feel a little better.

The man, though, was continuing. ā€œHowever, several attachments are included with the Supermax 250 Miracle Love Machine. There are dildos in three sizes, from Comfort to Super Stretch. Youā€™ve got five different vibrators. Thereā€™s also a special G-Spot Molester and a Triple X Suction Cup, not to mention the Anal Trainer and the Double Penetration Special. Most women, however, prefer to start off with the Ductile Vibrator Tongue, which is capable of everything from gentle lapping to probing.ā€

ā€œExcellent,ā€ Felicia said, her tone of voice conveying that it was time for the men to be gone.

Undaunted the man said, ā€œSo which attachment would you like to start with?ā€

This wasnā€™t a question Ben had anticipated. To his relief Felicia seemed to feel the same way. ā€œThat seems to me a very impertinent question. Almost an invasion of privacy.ā€

Now the younger man got involved, but not before scratching the back of his head with a pained expression on his face. ā€œWe canā€™t leave without completing the delivery. Itā€™s more than our jobs are worth.ā€

Before Felicia had time to respond, the older man added, ā€œYour husband did order the full package.ā€

Benā€™s wife eyed the men quizzically. ā€œWhat exactly does the full package entail?ā€ she asked, no doubt thinking that, like her husband, she should have asked sooner.

ā€œWe said,ā€ the younger man told her, a tad impatiently. ā€œUnpacking, assembly, set-up, instruction, help and guidance during first usage, a functionality check, and any extras the customer may require.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s the first Iā€™ve heard of the ā€˜help and guidanceā€™ part, Felicia said. ā€œNot to mention the extras.ā€

ā€œMust have forgotten to mention it,ā€ the older man said, tapping his tablet. ā€œBut itā€™s all here, ready to be checked off.ā€

ā€œAnd what exactly does help and guidance entail?ā€ Felicia asked.

ā€œNothing to worry about, love,ā€ the older man told her. ā€œWeā€™re trained professionals. Weā€™ve done this loads of times, havenā€™t we, Nick?ā€

ā€œIā€™m sure you have,ā€ Felicia said. ā€œBut Iā€™m still none the wiser as to what ā€˜help and guidanceā€™ actually means.ā€

Ben, however, thought he had more than an inkling, and was hoping fervently he was wrong. When the helpful woman on the phone had offered him the full package, heā€™d imagined (if heā€™d imagined anything at all) that it involved an additional complement of attachments, a detailed instruction leaflet, and an encrypted video link offering helpful tips and guidance. He was now wishing very much that heā€™d enquired as to the exact nature of the ā€˜full packageā€™.

ā€œThe long and the short of it,ā€ the older man said, ā€œis that we do our best to make your first encounter with the Supermax 250 as enjoyable as possible. Make sure everythingā€™s working alright and strive to maintain the companyā€™s high customer satisfaction rating.ā€

ā€œThat wonā€™t be necessary,ā€ Felicia said. ā€œThough itā€™s kind of you to offer.ā€

The relief Ben felt was short-lived when Nick said, ā€œItā€™s all part of the full package, and weā€™re obliged to provide the full service.ā€

ā€œAnything else would be a dereliction of duty,ā€ the older man added.

ā€œBesides,ā€ Nick amplified, ā€œif for some reason, lack of customer consent, say, we canā€™t fulfill the terms of the order, we have to take the machine away again.ā€ He grinned. ā€œWe could probably dismantle it alright, but Iā€™m not sure Dave here would survive lugging it back down those stairs.ā€

ā€œYou cheeky beggar!ā€ Dave exclaimed. ā€œIā€™m a prime specimen, I am! I wonā€™t pretend that I donā€™t much want to have to remove the machine from the premises, mind.ā€

Ben was barely listening, staring intently at his wife. Felicia looked to be thinking about things, and for far too long for her husbandā€™s liking. At length she said, ā€œAre you quite sure this is what my husband ordered?ā€

ā€œI can show you the paperwork again,ā€ Dave said. ā€œIf you want to check.ā€

It wouldnā€™t have made much difference if Felicia had elected to check, but it disturbed Ben that she didnā€™t. Instead, she said, ā€œSo what happens, specifically?ā€

ā€œWell first you take your pick from the attachments,ā€ Nick said. He wasnā€™t wasting any time, his hand was already in a cardboard box, bringing the items out one by one. Felicia took them from him, casting an appraising eye over each before placing them side by side on a bookshelf containing more dust than books. It didnā€™t escape Benā€™s notice that they were all in various shades of pink, a stereotype he heartily disapproved of.

ā€œLike I said, most women like to start with the Ductile Vibrator Tongue,ā€ Dave informed her.

ā€œNo,ā€ Felicia said, reaching out for the medium-sized dildo and holding it up. ā€œThis seems more straightforward. If itā€™s all the same to you.ā€

ā€œWhatever you say, love,ā€ Dave said as Benā€™s heart sank out on the ladder. What was his wife doing? Surely she must realise thereā€™d been some mistake? Surely she couldnā€™t imagine this had been his intention?

Nick was taking the dildo from Felicia. ā€œNow if you look here,ā€ he said, ā€œyou can see that itā€™s very easy to attach. All our attachments have the same metal base that just clips onto the rod, like so.ā€ He demonstrated on the thick metal extending from the frame. Ben could hear the click out on the ladder. ā€œAnd to remove, just press here,ā€ Nick went on, removing the attachment before instantly reconnecting it.

As he spoke, Felicia bent down following the simple demonstration. ā€œUncomplicated. I like it.ā€

ā€œItā€™s a special, patented design,ā€ Dave informed her. ā€œNow, the next thing is the question of position.ā€


ā€œMost women go for doggy, donā€™t they, Dave?ā€ Nick said.

ā€œAll fours, on your back, or some other positionā€¦ Itā€™s all the same to us,ā€ Dave added helpfully.

Ben imagined it was. He was desperately hoping Felicia would come to her senses. Instead, she said, ā€œThis first time, perhaps it would be better if I just laid on my back.ā€

ā€œRight you are,ā€ Dave said, moving swiftly to the bed while Nick manoeuvred the machine. The older man took the two pillows and placed them in the middle of the bed. ā€œNow it'll all go much smoother if you just undress below the waist before resting your buttocks on these.ā€ He patted the pillows.

To Benā€™s relief this seemed to be a step too far, for his wife exclaimed, ā€œReally! Iā€™m very grateful for your help, but Iā€™m sure I can take things from here myself.ā€

ā€œSorry,ā€ Dave said. ā€œNo can do. Thereā€™s the controls to show you, and besides, we canā€™t offer help and guidance or do the functionality check from behind the door.ā€ He gestured at it to emphasize his point.

ā€œSurely I might be allowed some residual modesty?ā€ Felicia asked, for which Ben was very grateful.

ā€œI see your point,ā€ Dave said. ā€œBut if we canā€™t deliver the full package, we canā€™t deliver any part of it. It would be a shame to have to dismantle this beauty.ā€ He patted the rod. ā€œBut itā€™s up to you.ā€

ā€œPerhaps a generous tip would encourage you to tick your boxes anyway?ā€ Felicia nodded at the tablet.

ā€œNaaah!ā€ Dave said, as if in horror. ā€œThatā€™s bribery and corruption, that is. Besides, what if we left you here and you did yourself an injury because weā€™d been negligent in our duties, or the functionality was impaired? Thereā€™d be hell to pay with the insurance, and me and Nickā€™d be scrounging for pennies down the Old Kent Road.ā€

There was a new silence. Ben didnā€™t like the way his wife was hesitating rather than just sending the men packing, although it seemed a shame on such an expensive present. ā€œPerhaps if you turned your back while I removed my skirt and pulled the blanket over me?ā€ Given the circumstances, Ben thought this sounded a reasonable compromise.

ā€œNot possible,ā€ Dave said. ā€œWe have to be able to see what weā€™re doing, whatā€™s going on, make sure the machineā€™s operating at peak performance.ā€ He gave a cursory scratch of an armpit. ā€œBut thereā€™s nothing for you to worry about, love. Nick and me have seen all sorts, havenā€™t we, mate?ā€

Ben could only imagine. He was disconcerted by the way his wife gave the machine a new glance before licking her lips. ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ā€ she said, but with her reticence already visibly on the wane, Ben found that he wasnā€™t even surprised when she unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Much more of a surprise, and very disconcerting, was that it immediately became clear that there was nothing else for her to pull down.

Eyebrows were raised. Both men were staring at Feliciaā€™s hairless mound. Ben had often told his wife that she neednā€™t shave on his account, but Felicia liked to do it anyway, no doubt one more example of the porn industryā€™s nefarious influence on her. It occurred to him that the whole sorry situation resembled a bad skin flick.

ā€œLube!ā€ Dave exclaimed. He began tearing bubble wrap from the box. ā€œThere should be a complimentary tube of the stuff in here. Got it!ā€ He held up the item triumphantly. ā€œYou might want to prepare both the attachment and yourself.ā€

Felicia took the tube and squeezed a dollop on the dildo before running her hand all over the rubber phallus. Yes, it was definitely like a low-budget skin flick, with the delivery men looking on with what was definitely more than dispassionate interest. Though it had been coming, Ben felt his heart sink some more as his wife got onto the bed and positioned herself with the merest flicker of reluctance and embarrassment in the corner of one eye, squeezing some gel into the palm of one hand and giving herself a functional rub.

ā€œExcellent!ā€ Dave said as Nick rolled the machine toward the bed. The older man grabbed the lubricated attachment and made sure it pointed straight between Feliciaā€™s thighs as Nick checked the alignment of the rod and tripped the foot lock.

ā€œAlways remember the brake,ā€ he told Felicia. ā€œWe donā€™t want the thing setting off on its own. Health and safety first.ā€

ā€œBrake. Check,ā€ Felicia said with a smile.

Dave took over. ā€œNow, the rod is presently pulled right back. Thatā€™s how you want to start, so you know how far back the attachment will move. You donā€™t want it slipping out all the time. Right annoying that is. So Iā€™m told.ā€

Ben watched as Felicia reached out, then he felt nauseous as his wife said, ā€œThis first time, you wouldnā€™t mind showing exactly how to position it, would you?ā€

Sick to the stomach he watched as his wife let the delivery man touch her as he slipped the head of the dildo between her labia before making sure the bulb was safely lodged inside. ā€œHowā€™s that? Nice and comfy, are we?ā€

ā€œVery, thank you,ā€ Felicia said.

Nick double-checked that the wheels were locked and the machine stationary before carrying the cordless control panel across and sitting down on the bed next to Felicia, holding it up for her to see. ā€œFor the dildos, itā€™s all pretty straightforward,ā€ he said. ā€œAll of the functions are adjusted via the touchscreen. Youā€™ve got your on-off here, then speed, alongside the depth adjustment. If you want it to rotate, you can choose between clockwise and counter-clockwise.ā€ He tapped on the screen and the machine began to hum. Another tap caused the rod to whir into action, clanking back and forth at a gentle enough pace.

ā€œIā€™m sure Iā€™ll get the hang of it,ā€ Felicia said.

ā€œAnd it feels OK?ā€ Dave enquired.

ā€œFine,ā€ Felicia said. Then, screwing up her face, ā€œExcept itā€™s a bit slow.ā€

ā€œWould you like to take over?ā€ Nick asked, offering her the controls.

ā€œNo, you carry on,ā€ Felicia said. ā€œYou have the experience, after all.ā€

Nick tapped on the screen again and the dildo began moving faster, back and forth, back and forth. Outside on the ladder, Ben watched with mounting despair, not just at the way his wife was now behaving as if this was nothing out of the ordinary, but also because it hadnā€™t escaped his notice that Dave and Nick had acquired large bulges in their overalls.

Then there was the shame. For Ben had a bulge of his own, standing there clinging to the ladder watching as the machine dildo had its way with his wife. At first, she lay completely still and silent as the attachment moved back and forth, back and forth. Then she let out a long sigh. ā€œFaster!ā€ she breathed. ā€œFaster!ā€

ā€œWhatever you say, lady,ā€ Nick decided, tapping a couple of times, making the machine whirr louder as the dildo increased in speed. And now Felicia began to moan, though she was still perfectly still. Ben became convinced that the glistening he could see had very little to do with the artificial lubrication sheā€™d applied.

ā€œFaster!ā€ Felicia moaned. ā€œHarder!ā€

The response was immediate as Nick gave the screen a number of taps, the dildo working at a speed Ben could never hope to achieve, but wasnā€™t that the point of it all? He wasnā€™t sure anymore. He wasnā€™t sure about anything, only that his wifeā€™s lusty moans told him she was very much enjoying her present, even before she exclaimed, ā€œThatā€™s good! Thatā€™s very good!ā€

ā€œSounds like weā€™ve got ourselves another happy customer,ā€ Dave said to his mate.

ā€œFaster!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œFaster!ā€

Ben hadnā€™t imagined the machine could go this fast. It suddenly worked up a frenetic pace inside his wife, and he could hardly imagine that any woman could stand it. There was a clear ring of creamy white round the tickle me pink dildo. Maybe the blasted thing generated dairy produce they could sell to cover the cost.

ā€œFaster!ā€ Felicia screamed. ā€œHarder!ā€

Nick attended to the screen again, the dildo now speeding back and forth at a punishing speed, penetrating so deep the thing practically disappeared with each forward thrust.

ā€œFaster!ā€ Felicia cried, bucking her hips. ā€œHarder!ā€

ā€œItā€™s on max,ā€ Nick informed her. ā€œIā€™m sorry if the machine doesnā€™t live up to your expectations.ā€

But Felicia wasnā€™t listening. ā€œFuck!ā€ she wailed. ā€œI love taking it this fucking hard! I need it deep and hard! I need itā€¦ā€

Ben began to think that if she wailed any louder the neighbours might call the police and that he didnā€™t want to be up the ladder when they arrived. Then he remembered that next door was living it up in Spain and realized that his wife was orgasmic. As her body jerked, so did his cock. He leaned back and felt the ladder come away from the wall. His heart lurched and he pushed all his weight against it.

Catastrophe averted, he was instantly afraid that somebody in the room might have heard him, and even more that he might be caught with the shame of having ejaculated in his trousers watching events inside. Fortunately, when he peered back through the shutter, no one appeared remotely interested in the outside world. Of course not, how would anyone have heard anything above his wifeā€™s screams of pleasure?

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Felicia was sitting up. ā€œIs it me, or is it suddenly awfully hot in here?ā€

No, Ben thought. No. But yes, his wife was pulling her top over her head and unfastening her bra, allowing her full breasts to swing free, exposed to the delivery menā€™s gaze.

ā€œWeā€™re sorry if the machine stops short of your requirements,ā€ Nick said.

Felicia frowned at him. ā€œNo, it was fine,ā€ she said.

ā€œItā€™s the fastest there is on the market,ā€ Nick persisted. ā€œAlthough we understand thereā€™s one in the pipelineā€¦ā€

ā€œCalm down, big boy,ā€ Felicia told him, taking his hand and placing it on one of her breasts. Outside Ben felt physically ill. What was his wife doing? She couldnā€™t imagine this was what heā€™d arranged for her birthday, could he? ā€œIf itā€™s alright with you, I think I would like to test the machineā€¦ doggy, as you put it.ā€

ā€œThe more we see it put through its paces, the better,ā€ Dave said.

ā€œAll part of the service,ā€ Nick agreed. ā€œOur aim is one hundred percent customer satisfaction.ā€

As if she hadnā€™t already climaxed, Felicia was up on all fours in a jiffy. This time Dave adjusted the position of the machine. ā€œAlways remember the brake,ā€ he reminded her, flipping the foot lock. Felicia backed onto the fake dick as if it was a month of Sundays since sheā€™d felt anything like it inside her, rather than just a few minutes.

ā€œOh yes!ā€ she moaned as soon as the dildo started moving. ā€œFull speed ahead, Captain.ā€

ā€œWhatever you say, love.ā€ Nick adjusted the settings, Felicia pulling forward, possibly overwhelmed by the sudden change of speed. Nick slowed the thing down, allowing her to back on to it again, and this time when it started moving at full speed, Felicia held steady.

To Ben it looked almost like a punishment, but the way his wifeā€™s ceaseless moans dripped with salacious appetite suggested something else entirely. ā€œDonā€™t stop!ā€ Felicia cried, as if there was any danger of the machine suddenly conking out. ā€œKeep fucking me! Keep fucking me! I need it hard! So very hard!ā€

Ben was suddenly struck by the horrible idea that she might never want to have sex with him again, not when she had this clearly inexhaustible machine that would fuck her hard and fast for any length of time she desired. But did that have to be so bad? After all, she looked really hot on all fours, her breasts jiggling beneath her as the machine ploughed into her relentlessly. His cock was hard again, a mere five minutes after shedding its load, which was a bloody miracle in itself.

ā€œOh yes! Do me! Do me!ā€ Felicia screamed. Then, in spite of the fact that the machine was already in full effect, ā€œFaster! Harder!ā€

Nick leaned over, his mouth up close to her ear. ā€œMay I suggest you try another attachment?ā€

ā€œYes!ā€ Felicia screamed. ā€œYes!ā€ It wasnā€™t clear if this was a response to Nickā€™s suggestion or to the hard-working machine, but the younger man gestured to his older colleague who immediately went across and picked up the anal attachment.

If Ben had been able to see his own face, he would have seen the colour drain from it. Yet at another level he was also amused. Many a time his wife had tried to interest him in the fine art of sodomy, but heā€™d always demurred, not understanding the attraction, and putting it down to yet another way in which pornography exerted a baneful influence on Felicia. Now she was about to get what she wanted. She would soon see that it wasnā€™t all that it appeared to be.

Nick brought the machine to a halt, allowing Dave to exchange the medium-sized dildo for the anal attachment, before smearing a huge dollop of lube over it.

Once again the ladder came away from the wall as Ben leaned back in amusement at the sight of his wifeā€™s face when she felt lube being squirted on her anus. He forced it back again, crouching and stifling a chuckle. Inside Felicia was saying, ā€œI suppose thereā€™s a first time for everything.ā€ Ben adjusted his body to peer back through the shutters, preparing for a scene of considerable discomfort. He was just in time to see Nick doing the honours, slipping the head of the dildo against his wifeā€™s rear hole and slowly manoeuvring it past her sphincter.

ā€œOo, oo, oo!ā€ Felicia exclaimed.

ā€œYou alright there, pet?ā€ Dave asked solicitously.

ā€œEr, yes, just about.ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t have toā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™m fine. Just set the thing in motion.ā€

Feliciaā€™s face was turned away from the window, but Ben still experienced a certain amount of satisfaction at hearing his wife sound as if the experience was not what sheā€™d hoped, even at what was quite a slow pace. Then he realised, to his chagrin, that heā€™d misread her.

ā€œFaster!ā€ Felicia gasped. ā€œFaster!ā€

He didnā€™t understand. On the one hand, his wife was whining and whimpering as if she was being skewered, on the other she greeted every gradual increase in speed by crying out, ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€

He grew sick as he watched Nick bit by bit increase the speed of the machine until it was once again working to full capacity, rushing back and forth so that he wondered if Felicia would be able to sit down for the rest of the month. He wasnā€™t sure whether this was a cause for schadenfreude, pity or self-reproach.

Further dismay wasnā€™t long in coming when Dave sat down on the end of the bed and reached out. Not one murmur of protest came over Feliciaā€™s lips when his fingers touched her labia. On the contrary, she screamed out loud, ā€œOh fuck! Oh fuck! Harder! Faster!ā€

Ben watched wide-eyed as Dave took this as all the encouragement he needed to grind his hand against Feliciaā€™s crotch, appearing to take a keen interest in the way the machine dildo was still piling into her backside.

ā€œHarder! Harder!ā€

Nick came round, still holding the control pad, watching as his colleague slipped callous fingers between Feliciaā€™s labia and began rubbing her clit.

ā€œHarder!ā€ Felicia screamed. ā€œFaster!ā€

ā€˜Stop!ā€™ Ben wanted to shout. Instead he remained where he was, watching the circular motion of Daveā€™s hand. Nick fiddled with the controls, slowing the machine down a notch. All that accomplished was making Felicia scream, ā€œNoooo! Give it to me hard and fast! I need it hard and fast!ā€

Nick obliged, the dildo plunging deep into Feliciaā€™s rectum, while she responded with ecstatic cries. Dave kept up his treatment of her too, his hand only ceasing its treatment of her nub long enough to give her labia a quick slap before resuming the swift movements. Heā€™d said they were experienced professionals, and it certainly looked that way.

Would this madness never stop? Ben wondered. Then he witnessed the signs that indicated the end was nigh.

ā€œYes!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œOh, yes! Thatā€™s so good! Iā€™m fucking cuuuUUUUā€¦ā€

Her body seized as she wailed on and on. To Benā€™s amazement, a torrent of fluid cascaded from her. To his shame it triggered him, or rather his cock, which once again twitched, sending fresh spurts into his underpants. Inside Felicia was still wailing on all fours, the dildo driving back and forth without pause, until finally she lurched forwards and collapsed in a heap. ā€œGive me a minute, please,ā€ she gasped.

Ben felt he needed a minute too. He climbed down a couple of rungs before turning and balancing his bottom precariously. It was horrible, terrible. How could this be happening? And how could his cock betray him by spurting twice in quick succession at the sight of his wife in this unbecoming state with two strangers? In a moment of weakness, he contemplated throwing himself from the ladder, then realised the result would most likely be a stay in hospital rather than eternity.

Then he heard a voice from inside. ā€œWell, that was a very satisfactory functionality check, if you ask me. But if thereā€™s anything youā€™d like to ask, feel free.ā€

It sounded to Ben as if the men were about to be on their way. Thank goodness the insanity was about to end! He turned, almost losing his footing and taking the fall heā€™d envisaged before climbing back up to peer through the broken shutter.

Felicia was sitting up now, but looking no more decent than she had on all fours with the machine pounding her rear end. ā€œAs a matter of fact, there was something I wanted to ask.ā€

ā€œAsk away, love,ā€ Dave said.

ā€œThe equipment that's making your overalls bulge so. Can I see?ā€ She didn't even have the decency to blush.

ā€œAnything and everything for the customer,ā€ Dave said, glancing across at his colleague.

Technically, Ben thought as outrage exploded within, he was the customer, and all he wanted was for the two men to disappear. Instead both were unbuttoning their overalls. This was beyond belief. True, heā€™d always known Felicia was oversexed, but this was extreme nymphomania on a grand scale. Then dismay descended like a dense fog over a heavily trafficked sea lane as he realised that the delivery men were hung like the two most extreme examples of manhood he imagined pornography had to offer.

Worse still was the delight with which Felicia greeted exposure of those beastly organs. ā€œMmmm,ā€ she purred, swinging her legs round to sit on the edge of the bed and beckoning to the two men. With them standing before her, she put out her hands and cupped the two mammoth ball sacks. ā€œAnd what might two such handsome devils have in mind?ā€ she asked.

ā€œYour shout,ā€ Dave told her. ā€œYouā€™re the paying customer.ā€

ā€˜No, Iā€™m paying for this!ā€™ Ben wanted to shout. Somehow he managed to remain silent, watching as his wife leaned back, spread her legs and began stroking her pussy. How the hell could she not be satisfied after what sheā€™d already been through?

The two men exchanged glances again, this time leering slightly. Each grabbed his own dick, though neither could wrap their fingers fully around their engorged members. They stood there, staring down at Felicia, stroking their hard cocks while she rubbed her fingers in her slit eyeing them with mischief in her eyes before saying, ā€œIn that case, Iā€™m curious about the Super Stretch attachment.ā€

ā€œWhatever you say, love,ā€ Dave told her, but it was Nick who walked across the room to collect the attachment and set the machine up. As Felicia got back onto all fours, Ben was momentarily concerned she was minded to try it in her back passage, which would surely cause an immediate trip to A&E. It came as a perverse kind of relief when the huge dildo was aligned with his wifeā€™s pussy, allowing her to back onto the head, which slid in with an ease Ben would have thought wholly improbable mere minutes earlier.

ā€œReady to go, love?ā€ Dave asked, taking charge of the controls.

ā€œOh, Iā€™m always ready to go!ā€ Felicia replied with relish. Then as the super-sized phallus began moving, ā€œYes! Thatā€™s just what I need. Harder! Faster!ā€

Dave increased the speed incrementally. Every increase was greeted by the awful refrain of, ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€ Outside Ben contemplated his eminently average size with shame, wondering how his wife could take that monster so easily, with or without lubrication. She was clearly self-lubricating, though, fluid running down the inside of both thighs. ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€

With the machine on full, Felicia balanced on one hand, reaching back with the other to rub her clit. Still stroking his cock, Dave asked, ā€œIs there anything else youā€™d like us to do while weā€™re here?ā€

ā€œDo whatever you feel like,ā€ Felicia gasped, then, ā€œOh fuck it feels so good being stretched like this! Harder! Faster!!ā€

Faster was an impossibility, but that didnā€™t stop Nick from glancing at Dave, who cocked his head at Felicia. The younger man stepped up and reached out, teasing Feliciaā€™s rosebud with a fingertip. Still rubbing her clit, she responded instantly by gasping, ā€œYes! Go on! Stick it in me! Stretch me!ā€

ā€œStop!ā€ Ben cried out, terrified at what this might do to Felicia, but his throat was dry and the word was no more than a croak, inaudible to the people in the room over the whirring of the machine and the wild moaning of his wife. Yet in spite of his horror, his cock was once again straining. Ben watched in amazement as the delivery man slid his finger inside Felicia, shortly adding a second.

ā€œOh!ā€ Felicia screamed. ā€œYes! Yes! Fill me right up!ā€

Nick looked back over his shoulder, giving Dave a wink. Almost immediately the machine slowed right down, coming to a stop.

ā€œNo!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œFaster! I need it hard and fast!ā€

ā€œDonā€™t you worry, love,ā€ Dave said. ā€œThe company would have our guts for garters if we left a customer having delivered anything short of a wholly satisfactory service.ā€

As he spoke, Nick climbed onto the bed, cocking one leg over the steel rod. As he prodded her anus with his monstrous bulb, Felicia brought her hand away from her clit to steady herself properly and cried out, ā€œYes! Yes! Do it! Stretch me! Give me the full customer service!ā€

Ben could taste the morningā€™s breakfast in his throat, yet he couldnā€™t tear his eyes away as the delivery manā€™s thick shaft slowly vanished into his wifeā€™s back passage. How was that even possible, especially given the super-sized machine dildo still resting in her pussy? And how was it possible that his cock was rigid as he watched?

ā€œHard and fast!ā€ Felicia panted. ā€œI want it hard and fast!ā€

ā€œThe customer is always right, lad,ā€ Dave said, prompting Nick to drive his cock a little faster in Felicia.

ā€œIā€™m the customer,ā€ Ben said furiously, but his words were drowned out by his wifeā€™s urgent expression of need:

ā€œHarder! Harder! Faster!ā€

With a cheeky grin, Nick gave an almighty thrust, and at the same time the machine whirred into action again, slowly at first, but when Felicia cried out, ā€œFaster! Faster! Harder! I need it so hard!ā€ that was quickly remedied.

Jealously Ben observed that the young man appeared to be able to keep up a frenetic pace while not even breaking sweat. By now heā€™d no doubt be ejaculating, he thought sourly, and the very thought made him do just that, while the thick young rod he saw before him just kept on plunging back and forth in his wifeā€™s rectum with almost the same vigour as the unflagging machine in her pussy.

ā€œHarder!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œI need it so fucking hard!ā€ There was a steady drip, drip, drip from her apparently insatiable pussy to the bedspread. ā€œFaster!ā€ Somehow the young man was capable of satisfying her demand. Ben wished he knew what the secret was. It was exactly like those videos his wife liked to watch, where the studs could keep raging erections going seemingly indefinitely, no matter how long and hard they pleasured a woman.

In the end, it was Felicia who put a stop to events through the simple expedient of collapsing in a third orgasm and gushing all over the bed. This time she wasnā€™t to be given a moment. Dave was over her in a flash, digging his fingers into her vagina. Even at a distance, Ben could hear the stirring of accumulated moisture. The machine appeared to have been forgotten about, standing there, the super-sized dildo fucking fresh air in the most obscene fashion.

ā€œOh, yes!ā€ Felicia moaned into the bedspread. ā€œUse me! Just use me!ā€

Nick leaned over and grabbed hold of her. Dave pulled his fingers from her to help out, rolling her over on her back. As the older man spread her legs and held her open, Nick moved the machine into position, not bothering to stop the speeding attachment as he saw to it that the thing once again penetrated her in the most merciless fashion.

ā€œFuuuuuk!ā€ Felicia screamed. ā€œOh fuuuuk!ā€ To Ben it sounded as if she could barely take any more, but then came the by now obligatory cry, ā€œHarder! Faster!ā€

There was no harder or faster, just the same relentless speed, but Dave was up on the bed, holding his cock with one hand, turning Feliciaā€™s head so that he could prod her lips with his monster. Feliciaā€™s tongue came out and she gave Daveā€™s bulb a quick lash before gasping, ā€œUse me! Just use me!ā€

By now thoroughly defeated, Ben watched as she opened her mouth wide. If her other holes had been able to accommodate much more than he would ever have imagined, her mouth was less capable. Daveā€™s cock was so big she couldnā€™t even get the whole head between her lips. That didnā€™t stop the delivery man from doing his best to force more of his meat into her, but that was now the least of Benā€™s worries.

Heā€™d ordered the machine partly out of fear that his oversexed wife would look elsewhere for a man with greater stamina. The ease and willingness with which she engaged with this pair seemed to suggest that she might not have been as faithful in the past as he had taken for granted. It wasnā€™t as if she lacked opportunity, was it? She was forever at one conference or the other.

Something snapped. It was the rung he was standing on. Fear gripped him, then he felt a jolt. The next rung down held. Breathing heavily he clung to the ladder for dear life, eventually realising that the snap had made quite a sound, one that youā€™d have thought the people in the room above must have heard.

But then again, his wifeā€™s cries would drown out an ambulance. She was at it again. ā€œUse me! Take me! Fuck me! Use me any way you like! Harder! Faster!ā€

Not able to bring himself to leave, yet not able to climb back up, Ben stood, pushing all his weight against the ladder, afraid to move a muscle. There was much grunting and panting and over it all his wifeā€™s wild cries, ā€œHarder! Faster! Use me! Faster! Harder! Fuck, your big cocks taste good! Faster! Oh yes! Harder! Harder and Harder! Yes! Yes! Fucking use me! Fill me right up with your big cocks! Faster! Thatā€™s right! Faster!ā€

After what seemed like an eternity, Ben felt he couldnā€™t stand it anymore. How could any man keep going like that for this length of time? It was beyond belief. Daring himself to look at the ladder he reckoned it was possible to climb up to the rung above the one that had snapped. He was no spring chicken these days, but motivation is a wonderful thing.

Peering through the crack in the shutter once again, the first thing he saw was the super-sized dildo, still moving to and fro, but nowhere near his wife. Nick was on his back with Felicia on top of him. He had his hands on her buttocks and was driving her down on his beastly manhood, occasionally giving her arse a slap for good measure. Dave was behind Felicia, his cock buried deep in her anus.

Her face was turned towards the window, but without seeing anything, Ben imagined. Instead, she kept on, ā€œHarder! Harder! Yes! Your big cocks feel so fucking good! Fill me! Fuck me! Use me! Stretch my needy holes! Harder! Harder! Faster!ā€

And still it went on, and on, and on; Dave pounding Feliciaā€™s bumhole, while his colleague pushed down on her buttocks while thrusting upwards. Ben felt the full shame of a renewed erection as his wife cried out, ā€œOh, yes! Use me! Iā€™m your little slut! Iā€™ll be your cumslut too!ā€

Finally, Dave pulled back. ā€œDonā€™t go anywhere, love,ā€ he told her.

Not that Felicia gave any indication she wanted to be anywhere else as she bounced up and down, willingly spearing herself on the younger manā€™s cock. ā€œYes! Yes! Harder! Faster! Deeper! Use me like an insatiable slut!ā€ Her tits swung wildly as she moved, and as one of Nickā€™s hands moved across. His finger disappeared in her anus in no time, Felicia making enthusiastic noises and crying out, ā€œDeeper! Deeper! Iā€™m just a little fuck slut who needs to be used!ā€

Ben was so focused on his wife that he didnā€™t notice what Dave had been doing until the older man was slapping Feliciaā€™s bum and saying, ā€œUp on all fours, love.ā€ Heā€™d switched attachments. The machine was now sporting the special double dildo. No, Ben thought, surely his wife couldnā€™t take any more. But apparently she could, because she proved perfectly willing to do as Dave had said, and the moment heā€™d expertly guided the two dildos to their respective holes, she started up again, ā€œYes! Yes! My slutty holes need using! Let me have it hard! Hard and fast! Give it to me! Let me have it! Hard and fast and deep!ā€

She didnā€™t exactly need to beg. Dave switched the machine to full speed while Nick got in front of Felicia, grabbing her hair. With his monstrous organ up against her face, he said, ā€œWeā€™re gonna let you have it alright!ā€

ā€œDon't hold back!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œI want it all!ā€

Dave was up on the bed now, shoving his cock against Feliciaā€™s other cheek. ā€œWhat is it you want, love?ā€

ā€œI want to be fucked hard and fast! I want big cocks stretching my slutty holes! I want to be used by big fucking cocks! And I want big, thick loads of cum!ā€

It really was like watching a horribly clichĆ©d pornographic film, Ben thought. Felicia definitely indulged in far too much of the stuff. As the machine piled into her, he saw his wifeā€™s pussy drool again, all over the bed. Thereā€™d be cleaning to do.

ā€œOh fuck!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œIā€™m such a slut! It feels so good having my holes stretched!ā€

Dave twisted his hand, holding Feliciaā€™s hair in a firm grip as he began pumping his cock. ā€œIā€™ve forgotten,ā€ he said. ā€œWhat is it you want again?ā€

ā€œI want my slutty holes seen to by big cocks every day! And I want huge, thick loads of cum!ā€

Both men had their swollen knobs up against her face, both were wanking hard. There were rivulets down both of Feliciaā€™s thighs as the machine relentlessly used her.

ā€œWhat is it you want?ā€ Nick asked, slapping his knob against Feliciaā€™s face.

ā€œI want to be fucked so very hard! And I want my face covered in hot, sticky cum!ā€

Her wish was granted almost at once as the younger man started spurting. Huge ropes shooting out across her face. ā€œYes!ā€ Felicia cried. ā€œOh yes!ā€

ā€œThat's right, lad,ā€ Dave grunted. ā€œNever leave a customer wanting for anything!ā€

"More!" Felicia cried! "Please, sirs, give me more!"

"As you wish."

Nick was still spurting when Dave began to ejaculate. As if it hadnā€™t all been absurdly clichĆ©d already, the pair seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of sperm. The stuff was flying everywhere, in Feliciaā€™s hair, over her cheek to her forehead, forcing her to close her eyes, into her mouth as she cried out, ā€œYes! Cum all over your dirty cumslutā€™s face with your big cocks! Plaster my face with cum! Use me as your slutty little cumdump! Cum on me! Cumā€¦ Iā€™m cumming! Iā€™m gonna cum so fuckingā€¦ā€

The scream was ear-splitting as she pulled forward. Nick and Dave were still spurting as Feliciaā€™s body spasmed violently. She was ejaculating herself, a torrent of liquid shooting out of her. It was only when the two delivery men had completely emptied their balls that Ben noticed that he had also ejaculated yet again, as his wife collapsed on the bed.

The two men climbed off as if theyā€™d done no more than tighten a few nuts and bolts. Felicia lay there breathing heavily, her face completely plastered with sperm. Ben kept staring at it, unable to believe his eyes. It was Nickā€™s voice that brought his attention away from her. ā€œWill that be all, or is there something else we can do for you before we go?ā€ The machine had stopped and the two men suddenly looked as harmless as they had when they arrived all that time ago.

Felicia sat up and wiped her eyes, blinking at the men and scooping away the flow of sperm that immediately threatened her eyelids. There was a thick coating round her lips as she said, ā€œThank you. Youā€™ve both been most helpful.ā€

Nick had the tablet in hand and was tapping busily. ā€œI reckon we can safely say that functionality is tip-top,ā€ he said.

ā€œNot so fast, lad,ā€ Dave said. ā€œWhat with one thing and another weā€™ve forgotten to test the seats.

Nick slapped his own forehead. ā€œI must be going as daft as Uncle Ernie.ā€ he said. ā€œAnd why didnā€™t you say earlier? You know very well weā€™ve got another delivery at one out at Lampton.ā€

ā€œWeā€™ll have to come back another time to complete the check,ā€ Dave decided, as out on the ladder Ben wailed a despairing, but silent protest.

Nick was busy tapping on the tablet. ā€œWe can fit you in first thing Tuesday,ā€ he told Felicia.

ā€œA tight fit,ā€ she giggled. Then, ā€œIā€™m sure work wonā€™t mind if I get in a bit late.ā€ She added an indecent tongue-swirl, scooping up some of the cream from her lips.

Defeat being total, Ben gingerly made his way down the ladder, remembering to prop it back up where heā€™d found it. Then he made his way out of the garden the same way heā€™d come and went for a long walk, the congealed sperm in his underpants an uncomfortable and constant reminder of what he might otherwise have believed to be a nightmare.

He returned home to find Felicia as clean and presentable as ever, with not a trace of semen in her hair or on her face, and, to his surprise, with no evident difficulty sitting down.

She was also hugely appreciative of the gift and minded to demonstrate exactly how appreciative. Unfortunately, in spite of having lost count of how many times heā€™d spontaneously ejaculated that day, Ben found himself unable to enjoy the fruits of that appreciation beyond two minutes. He awoke the next morning to find himself alone in bed, Felicia nowhere to be seen, at least until she emerged from the guest room midway through the afternoon.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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