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Paybacks Are A Bitch! Chapter 4

"Honey starts working and finds she has a knack for stripping!"

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Dressed now, she sat in the dressing room waiting nervously to come on stage and take her clothes off for men. The club wasn't very full; it was still too early for the main crown to hit. There were about fifteen or so men in the audience.

That was good for her–Honey was nervous and didn't want to dance for the first time in front of a packed crowd. It was still early, and the lunch crowd had already started to dwindle. Things wouldn't start to really pick for another couple of hours or so, giving Honey a chance to get used to stripping and work on her routine.

She peeked out of the curtain that hid the backstage from the crowds in the main bar. There were seven men spread out around the main stage, what the girls called the "meat rack", and the rest were sprinkled singly or in small clusters around the tables in the room.

She couldn't see the men sitting at some of the tables due to the dim lights, but the lights surrounding the stage illuminated the men sitting there very well. A couple of them were older, but most looked young to middle-aged, some dressed in business suits, while others wore regular street clothes.

A leggy young woman with ass-length straight black hair was just finishing up her routine on stage while a couple of the other girls were in the audience working the crowd. One was doing a table dance for this obviously excited man, and another was sitting and talking with her attentive devotee.

She could see another girl in the back working the satellite stage for a couple of other men. She watched as one man gave the woman on the main stage a tip, sliding it folded in the crack of her ass.

This was her last song of the set and she was totally naked, so he didn't have a g-string to slide it into. He didn't mind, however–he was happy to get a chance to cop a feel of her firm ass cheek.

A moment or two after he tipped her, her song came to an end and the music stopped. She collected up her tips on the floor and her clothes and hurried off the stage.

Honey was sitting at her dressing area, waiting timidly for her turn on stage. She couldn't remember ever being this nervous and scared. Even when she got married, she knew she had her family and Charles there with her.

Here though, she was on her own. No one here to support her except a couple of hastily-made friends who had already seen these first fearful steps themselves and knew what it was like. Four other girls sat at their dressing tables, primping and touching up their makeup as they got ready for their routines.

The girls were friendly and sociable, talking amongst themselves about their lives, their boyfriends, and about work. When one of the girls would come in from their set, they would tell the next girl who was tipping well and who wasn't.

Raven, the long-haired girl ahead of Honey, came off the stage and met Honey. "You're the new girl, aren't you? Well, I guess you are next. What should we call you?" she asked.

"Excuse me?" Honey said.

"What is your stage name, sweetie? The DJ is going to have to introduce you, and you don't want to use your real name," she said.

"I-I don't know, I never thought of that!" Honey said.

"Well, you are dressed in white and blonde, how about Angel? We don't have an Angel here right now," Raven said.

"Okay, I guess," Honey said. 

So Raven went to tell the DJ and then came back. "Okay, Angel, the guys on the meat rack are just spectators–that means they aren't tipping very well. But you see that table over there?" she pointed at a couple of men sitting at one table. "They brought some money with them. Play to them and you'll do better."

With that bit of advice, she took a deep breath, plastered on a weak but doable smile, and got ready for her song to start. She shifted her outfit around so that she had maximum cleavage.

She wasn't a tall girl, only 5'5", but with her six-inch-platform heels, she made up for it. Honey was also very curvy. Her 36-24-34 figure didn't look out of place at all in a stripper's costume. Her heart was in her throat as she waited behind the curtain for her song to start. 

As the DJ announced her, she thought It's now or never–here goes! and she flung open the curtain to her new career. Honey (now Angel) had picked the song White Wedding by Billy Idol as her first song. It was the only wedding-themed song she knew she could dance to!

She strutted out to the middle of the stage and began her routine. She went straight to the pole and began walking around it slowly and seductively while scanning the room.

She had planned on focusing on the table that Raven had said was paying well, but she also knew to flash a smile at the meat rack as well since they were the closest.  

One of the girls had given her a tip to dance to one man or one table at first while she was getting used to this whole stripper thing and it would be easier than trying to please the whole room and getting overwhelmed.

Angel stroked the pole up and down as she spread her legs and squatted up and down behind the pole. She saw the guys lining the stage trying to stare through her clothes.

She saw various suits and street-clothes types in the audience and the table that Raven had pointed out. She decided to dance for those two men and hope that everything else would fall into place. She walked to the front of the stage and began dancing like she had watched the other girls do.

Her first song went relatively uneventful and Angel was beginning to think this wouldn't be so bad. But when her second song kicked off she realized that she hadn't taken anything off yet!

The thought that now she would have to get at least partially undressed in front of this bunch of strange men made her more than a little panic-stricken. But there was no turning back–she had to go through with it for Charles's sake.

It's okay Honey.... this is a big town–the odds of anyone here knowing you are very remote, she said to herself as she tried to work up the courage to strip for them. She began dancing to her second song and as she watched the men intent on her every move she slowly got the courage up to peel away the cup from one tit.

Angel was frightened at first by the noise the crowd made. It took her by surprise–this was a strip club, after all, and they had seen the other girls already.

But as their attention turned to her and she realized these men were cheering her and not mocking or laughing at her, she started getting more confident and self-assured. These men actually wanted to see her!

They were excited to watch her! the idea unlocked a part of her that she didn't even know existed! She was getting turned on that these men, some of the very good looking men, were there to see her!

Angel could feel her cheeks get hot and she knew she was blushing but the men didn't seem to notice. She began gyrating more and she reached up to teasingly remove the second cup from her costume–to equal cheers and hoots.

Angel was pretty proud of her tits. They were large, to be sure, and they didn't ride as high as they did when she was in her 20's, but they were still full and didn't sag very much. Now, all that hard work at the gym was paying off. She beamed as she danced with enthusiasm now. 

Angel cupped her tits, holding them up, and pretended to lick them as she walked around the edge of the stage. The men reached up to try to grab a feel and she leaned over them, keeping just out of their reach. She teased them like this until one of them pulled out a five-dollar bill from his wallet.

That got Angel's attention and she went over to the man with the money. He wanted her to lean over so he could feel her tit and so she went down and sat on her heels with her knees widespread. He reached out and got to cop a quick feel which she made an appropriate mock gasp and he slipped the bill into her g-string.

She stood back up and blew him a thank you kiss and moved on. She had made her first tip! She turned around to find two more men holding up Lincolns for her to collect. She smiled and walked over to each, giving them both the same attention as the first man. The two men, both sitting together enjoyed their little thrill and afterward gave one another a congratulatory "high-five".

With three five-dollar bills sticking out of her g-string now, she strutted back to the pole. She began to grind her hips in circles and bend at the waist to let everyone see her ass. She swung around behind the pole to face the audience and hugged the pole and squeezed each tit on either side of it and rubbed it in between her cleavage to simulate getting her tits fucked.

The guys started elbowing each other and casually placing their hands on their laps to hide growing erections. Slowly, she moved around so the pole was at her back and as she leaned back against the pole, facing her appreciative audience, she began unclipping the front of her bridal costume, to the cheers and shouts of encouragement from the men watching. 

She unclipped the last fastener holding the costume together as the song was coming to a close. There was just enough time to give them a little tease, opening one side then the other. At the last beats of the song, she threw the garment open and let it slip off her shoulders to the floor, catching it just as it slipped to her fingertips. The crowd went wild, cheering and clapping for her.

Angel's self-confidence and excitement were through the roof now and she wanted to do more for the men who had welcomed her so warmly. As her third and final song of the set began, she strutted to center stage wearing nothing but her g-string, fishnet stockings, heels, and her fingerless gloves.

The headpiece and the bridal teddy were piled up next to the DJ's booth for her when she left the stage. This was the song she was to get totally naked, although she planned on leaving the gloves and stockings on for effect.

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Angel got to the center of the stage and laid down on her back with her feet to the men she pulled her feet to her chest then immediately stretched them up and let them fall to each side spreading her legs as wide as she could get them.

The tiny white g-string was all that kept the men from seeing her most private places, but she wanted to show them even that. She wanted to show these men everything. Honey Davidson, in the guise of Angel, had become a bona vide exhibitionist!

She pulled her knees back up to her chest again and grabbed the skimpy white thong by the waistband at her hips. She wriggled it down her hips teasingly until she could feel the now wet middle section pulling gently and then uncovering her sopping pussy. She gasped as the cool room air hit her there–she hadn't even realized how wet she had gotten from all this!

The men directly in front of her all inhaled in unison as Angel pulled the thong away from her and down her long stockinged legs and from around her heels. With nothing left covering her, she spread her legs once more to show her admirers what they had done to her. With her wet slit glistening in the room's bright light she smiled and blew them a collective kiss from between her spread legs.

Angel crawled catlike and seductively back to the pole and stood up slowly rubbing her tits then her pussy on the pole as she rose. Her wetness allowed her to slide easily up the pole and she licked the pole as she stood, further exciting the men in the room.

The coldness of the brass pole sent electrical signals through her clit but that only made her hotter and wetter. She was as turned on by this as the men watching her were Finally she was standing and after sliding up and down a couple of times, mock humping the pole, she moved to the edge of the stage and began to collect the sea of bills awaiting her.

Angel knelt down in front of the first guy and he put his tip in his mouth. Angel put his face between her enormous tits and pushed them together, pulling back and taking the dollar bill from his mouth. She blew him a thank you kiss and moved to the next man in line.

For him, she sat on her ass with her legs spread wide. She let him move his face is fairly close to her wet pussy but just as he thought he would get a taste she pushed him back with the heel of one shoe giving him a smile and a "no-no" wag of her finger.

Everyone laughed and she got her tip from him. She crawled to the next man who spun his finger indicating he wanted her to turn her ass to him. He folded the bill lengthwise and slipped it into the crack of her ass a bit giving her a swat as she crawled away which she made an "ooh face" for him then blew him her now trademark kiss.

With each man, she tried to give them something different as she collected their tips. This made each one feel special like she was his girl at least for the moment. Every man got a thank you kiss and a bright happy smile. When she had gone completely around the stage and got all of her tips. she got up and as the music of her last dance ended and the place quieted down a bit she spoke:

"Thank you so much, boys, for making my first time here so special! I love all of you!" she said, blowing the whole room a kiss.

In return, she got a standing ovation from the whole room. She collected her clothes and a few more dollars that had been tossed onto the stage for her and walked backstage to the dressing rooms.

Angel's heart was beating a mile a minute, but the hard part of the job was done. Now she would go out onto the floor and try to find herself a boyfriend with a thick wallet that wanted to buy her a drink and maybe a table dance.

She wasn't too sure about going to the VIP room although she knew that's where the real money was made. But this was the slow crowd so she would work this for a bit before moving up to the busier and more boisterous crowd.

As she walked back behind the curtain Candy was there getting reading to go on herself in a little bit.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I did that! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack! How did I do?" she asked.

"Sweetie, it's not every day I see a stripper get a standing ovation–hell a lot of times we barely get tips. But you owned that room today! You are going to do very well as a stripper if you keep that up!" Candy said. "Once word gets out that the Pussy Cat Club has its very own Angel, this place will be jumping and we'll all make a ton of money!"

Once Angel was dressed again she went out to work the main floor. She hadn't gotten very far when she saw a man beckoning her to come over.

"Hi Darlin' looking for some company, I hope?" she said with a bright smile.

"Actually, I was wondering how much you girls charge for a table dance," he asked. The question caught her off guard, but she quickly recovered.

"Uh, $10 for a topless dance or $20 for a fully nude one, sir"

The man quickly pulled a $20 out and put it on the table. Since the song currently playing was already about half over, she asked, "Mind if I start with the next song–I want you to get your money's worth!" 

"Of course," he said. "Please," and he indicated she should sit down. She smiled and took a seat.

"You were very good up there," he said, "It's hard to believe this is your first time!"

"It really is. I have no idea what I'm doing, to be honest, I'm just trying to copy what the other girls do and add a twist or two if I think of something!" she said.

"Well, if you don't mind my saying, I think it's the genuineness and the honesty you bring to your dancing that makes you so special. You haven't gotten jaded and blase' about it yet. Most of these girls couldn't give two shits about their customers–to them, we are just whatever we bring out of our wallet and slip in their panties.

"But you smile, blow us all kisses, and show that you still care that we are having a good time. Please don't ever lose that... it is soo refreshing," he said. 

"Aww, you are so sweet!" she said, putting her hand over his. Just then, the music stopped. 

"Okay, how about that dance now?" Angel stood up and smiled down on her customer.

She began moving and unclipping the front of her bridal costume. While her hips swayed, she noticed the men around their table turned and began watching her, which made her feel even better. When she had removed her bridal teddy, she turned around and let him pull her g-string down over her hips. She leaned one hand on the table as he slid the filmy garment down her legs.

She turned back around and knelt, straddling his lap. She ground her ass against his crotch, feeling the hardness she had produced in him. She leaned forward, putting his face between her tits and rubbed his face in her valley as she tousled his hair.

Then she slowly slid down his body and onto the floor in front of him. She spread his legs and moved closer, kissing the inside of his pant leg as she did. She got almost to his now raging cock before she pulled up teasingly.

She walked slowly around him and leaned over his shoulder, running her hands over his chest, then unbuttoning a couple of buttons to run her hands under his shirt. As she pulled her hands back, she lightly scratched his chest with her nails as she kissed his neck and lightly bit his earlobe, tugging on it with her teeth.

She moved back around his chair and sat on his lap again, this time with her back to him. She leaned back, allowing him to fondle her tits as she wriggled and ground into his lap. She was getting very turned-on feeling his hardness between her ass cheeks and his hands playing her tits and rock hard nipples.

All too soon the song, and her dance, ended. He invited her to sit down and he called the waitress over. "I know you aren't allowed to sit with the customer unless you are drinking with me so what would you like?" he said as the waitress came over.

"Well, they want us to push the champagne because they get a bigger percentage from it. But I really hate the taste and I would not be drinking with you and have to leave anyway. So I will have a screwdriver if that's okay," she said.

"Of course," he turned to the waitress "I will have a Jack and Coke and the lady here will have a screwdriver," he said. Angel liked the way he called her a lady–she appreciated that he thought so.

They drank their drinks while they talked a bit. She learned his name was Michael and that he was some sort of executive-type.

"Well, Michael, it was very nice talking with you and thank you for the drink and letting me dance for you. But I'd better be moving on," she said when their drinks were finished.

"Listen, Angel, I know this is your first day here and I will totally understand if you don't want to but I am having a lot of fun talking with you. Would you consider going into the VIP room with me so we can get to know each other better?" he asked.

Angel thought about it. She had already told herself that she wasn't going to do that, especially at first. She would see how the money came in before she resorted to that degree of involvement.

But Michael seemed very sweet, and she had gotten quite aroused dancing in general, and especially when she felt what her dancing did for him. It seemed a shame to leave the poor man in such a state! 

"I'll tell you what, Michael, my next set is coming up in a couple of minutes. If you are here when my set finishes, I will go to the VIP room with you, okay?" she said.

"It's a date! I'll be right here. Or maybe up on the meat rack where I can really see my girl work it!" he said with a grin.

"Well, your girl will be sure to give you a top-notch show then!" she said. She kissed her finger, then placed the kiss on his lips before she went back to get ready for her next set.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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