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Passion: Part One

"A Housewife's Passionate Journey Into Becoming a Hot Wife"

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Author's Notes

"Everyone loves a hotwife, the allure of eating your cake and having it, too, is so sexy. Elle, sometimes called Ellie, is a typical suburban housewife, artist, and greeting card writer that has everything anyone could dream of, except passion. this is the story of how Elle accidentally discovers her husband's fetish and how they rekindle their hot, torrid, sexual passion."


Envying those that have it, jealous of the ones that inspire it, we are driven by life's passions. This is especially true in matters of the heart. While we verbally swear that we want love, perhaps even believe it to be true, our heart yearns to be utterly consumed by the ferocity of a fiery, unbridled passion that incinerates our soul, the ashes of rapture our release. Only with our heart thundering, our quivering thighs slick with our volcanic arousal, and our soul singed by passion, do we take flight, become truly free, and completely at peace.

The fact that passion wanes is a truism of lamentable despair. As the mantle of maturity slowly bends our spines, our dreams are supplanted in lieu of stability or comfort, and each decision trades something passionate for a paycheck, mortgage, and predictability. Still, we tightly grasp that one thing, the one person, that ignites our impassioned fury, that inspires us, above all others.

Tragically, the romance fades and the bonfires of passion wither down to barely-glowing, suffocating embers, routine in its stead. The nights of bliss and erotic adventure slowly trickle away. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, our sexy clothing gives way to comfortable attire, granny panties where no underwear or a sexy thong once were. High slits and low cuts devolve into sweats and fuzzy, full-length robes.

All the while, at first just a drop, then a trickle, the passion and adventure drain from our existence as the drudgery of mundane life fills the void where lust, thrills, and being completely consumed by our passions used to be. We neither note the phenomenon nor take responsibility for it, instead thinking and feeling that we haven’t changed; our partner is the one.

Like everyone else, I found myself, quite accidentally, in that trap. Over seven years, the passion of our romance dwindled into a comfortable existence. We had love, disposable income, and a nice home in the suburbs; we were happily wed, and my husband, Greg, and I were the picture-perfect example of the American dream. Dates nights became movie nights; wild nights on the town, the two of us pawing at each other, eagerly seeking any somewhat-private place to fuck, became, “do you feel like sex, my love.”

“Elle,” he’d tell me, “you were always a sexy girl, but you’ve grown into a beautiful woman.” He’d pull me into him, his hand around my waist, maybe caress my long, brown hair, and then gently peck my lips before grabbing his briefcase and disappearing for work until the evening.

Vainly attempting to convince myself that this was “normal,” I pretended to not long for his hands desperately kneading my ass in passionate lust, his lips smashing against mine in urgency as his tongue invaded my wanton mouth, and making him late for work because he couldn’t resist the burning fires of passion, so desperately needing to shove his hard, throbbing cock inside my treasure-hole. I missed the feeling of his cum oozing out of my snatch the entire day. Instead, “I love you, honey,” was always my reply, and I’d tidy up our house, get everything ready for dinner that evening, then retreat into my home office and get to work.

My life’s passion had been writing poetry and painting. The lofty goal of becoming an artist gave way to designing greeting cards. At best, it was a shadowy phantom of my true passions, a specter of what could have been had I pursued my true lust with zeal.

Passion, I thought to myself. I need to rekindle our passion. If only he’d pay attention to me and my desires, instead of work politics and whether our lawn is the correct shade of green. If only Greg would treat me how he used to. Despite my best efforts, his lusty passion for me had waned, and I was too self-absorbed to realize that mine had as well.

Braless breasts beneath my comfy, raglan-sleeved top no longer enticed him. A thong over my supple, round ass, finely conditioned through exercise and Yoga, merited an appreciative comment but no hard cock slamming into my cunt as he forcefully bent me over the couch. Foreplay became undressing in the dark, beneath the covers, and the act of sex, while satisfying, followed exactly the same script. Fervently fucking had devolved into routine sex.

Still, I tried to visually entice, never once comprehending that my lack of passion had either triggered or enhanced Greg’s. It was by accident, the serendipity of folly, that our passion for each other, that one thing we both thought we’d latched onto but let slip away, was reignited. While unplanned, all the trappings of normalcy evaporated, and that all-consuming passion, all the bliss, and rapture of being desired welled up in Greg’s core and filled him with a primal urge so intense that he attacked me, ravaging my body.

Over the years, as our love life faded into predictable mediocrity, I resigned myself to having a sex life that was satisfactory, but not fulfilling. With ten to twelve hours to myself every day, including most Saturdays, my fantasies, fingers, and phallic-shaped objects served as my surrogate lovers. Many were the times that my paintings of card covers took on a “romantic” cast. Those became my private paintings, never used or shown. Sometimes, I’d paint lewd representations, fingering myself while I fantasized about wild, unruly sex. Thick, large paintbrush handles, various artistic implements, and even my handy stapler were all used at various times, the sensations of them sliding between my dripping cunt lips making me moan as I fingered my swollen clit.

It was one such day, frustration over the wording of a card and extreme horniness had made me more than a bit stressed. Deciding to paint, I sought refuge in my art. Instead of another saccharine card cover, my whimsical lust painted demonic figures coupling in hellish fornication. Their horns were thrusting into crude places, talons raking the other’s flesh, just as I wished my husband would do to me. A curling tail spiraled into the buxom demoness’ ass. In my excitement, I had forgotten to change into my painting shirt, only remembering that I should have when I spilled paint all over my clothes.

Consumed by the primal, sexual urge to create, I stripped off my jeans, top, and bra, leaving my thong, and shrugged into the button-down, threadbare, ripped shirt I used as a smock to protect my clothing from paint stains. The top three buttons had forsaken the garment long ago, and it was ripped in places, worn down to a crosshatching of naked thread in others. It left half of my body exposed, but the old, white, oxford-style shirt was my artistic uniform.

Nipples hard, my paint-stained, 36C breasts half-exposed in the raggedy shirt, my mind reeled at the demonic figures coming to life on my canvas, fucking each other as the fires of passion, that long-forgotten sweetness of life, roared around them. My glasses steamed as the heat of my carnal thoughts escaped my flesh, but, still, I kept painting.

With my palette clenched in my grinding teeth, my painting rag wedged between my scorching, nude thighs, and a brush in each hand, the fury of my art, driven by a lust that I had all but forgotten, moved my soul. It was then that I heard the front door, slamming at the other end of the house.

The realization that I hadn’t prepared dinner, as was our ritualistic habit, startled me. Without thinking, I dropped my brushes, the palette tumbling to the floor, and ran out to apologize to my handsome, raven-haired husband about the lack of food. The fact that I was barefoot, covered in paint, my boobs bouncing freely and threatening to expose themselves was not a concern. Greg might notice my aroused nipples and make a joke, perhaps take the telltale wetness on my uncovered, white thong as the promise of some more mundane sex this evening.

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“Hi, honey,” I cried out as I bounded down our turning hallway. “I’m so sorry…” my words caught in my throat.

Greg wasn’t alone. Instead of just my husband, three of his friends were standing in my kitchenette, talking. They stood, freshly opened beers in their hands, talking about our plans to turn the garage into my new home office. I’d interrupted them, Greg talking about the remodeling plans.

All discussion about framing and flooring ceased when I entered, babbling like an idiot. I paused, embarrassed. Stunned, I just stood there on display, looking like a painted mess, feeling eight eyes devour me. My first thought was to flee in panic, but my inner demons of passion, the very same ones that had just escaped my psyche through my paintbrush, wouldn’t allow that.

Outwardly still but inwardly shaking, I stood there, their eyes like heat lamps that scorched my flesh. My extreme cleavage elicited smiles, the taut nipples of my tits pressing out the thin, worn fabric a main focus. My flesh burned as eyes traveled to my crotch, the wetness of my cunt darkening the white, satiny fabric. I was positive that my finely-groomed pubic hair could be seen. My already-flushed skin turned bright crimson as my jaw dropped along with their collective maws.

“I, uh, I, I’m so, sorry,” I finally managed to stutter out some words. “I didn’t know we had company, Greg.”

“Aaah…” my husband said.

“Sorry, boys,” my voice regained some strength. “I’ll go put on something respectable. I was painting.”

“That’s okay, Elle,” My husband said. “We’re going to go lay out the new garage.”

“Fine,” I smiled. “I’ll finish my painting, then I promise I’ll cook dinner.”

Something within me broke free. The internal cage I’d built to imprison my desire to be desirable could no longer hold my passion at bay. It burst forth with a moaning, orgasmic growl, freeing my pent-up lust. I spun myself around, spinning on the tips of my toes to make my breasts jiggle, and walked back down the hall. A lusty, horny smile, that of a hungry succubus, could not be suppressed. I knew my short excuse for a smock left more than half of my sexy ass exposed, the tears on the back proving that I was nude beneath the tattered garment. I was rewarded by the sharp intake of breath from one of my husband’s friends and a nearly silent sigh from another.

As soon as I turned the corner in the hallway, I ran into my office and picked up my fallen utensils. Feeling overheated, I opened the window just a crack. The curtains hid me from view, but the music of the outdoors filled the room. Rather than paint, I just stood there in a horny daze. I could feel the wetness pouring out of my pussy, soaking my already-sodden thong.

“Did you see Elle’s ass?” I heard from outside. Curious and highly aroused, I crept near the open window, eavesdropping. My attempt to be surreptitious alerted me that my breathing was deep and heavy. I was incredibly aroused by the fact that Greg's friends had eyed up my mostly-nude body.

“Wow,” the other said. His name was Bob, and he was single. I found him sexy. “That ass is so spankable. Gave me major wood.”

“And did you see those tits? I mean, we all know Ellie’s hot, but holy fuck.”

They walked away, touting the laurels of my desirability. Hearing the things they secretly wanted to do to me had me in a sexual stupor. Overcome with passion, I yanked off the nearly-ruined top, pondering my blushing tits. My nipples were harder than I recall them being in many years, the areolas puffed up, little goosebumps of pleasure all over them.

My tits heaved with my breath as I inhaled the crisp, Spring air and exhaled the fiery fumes of my overheated body. Some tacky paint, a mix of Hellish red and umber, was still on the brush. Dabbing it around the contours of my breasts, I painted my bosoms, adding to the haphazard stains that had already colored my smooth, round flesh.

As I pondered the buttocks of the demoness in my painting, the hard, smooth handle of my brush found its way under the waistband of my thong panties. With my hips grinding in torrid circles, my breath coming out in muted pants, I imagined her passionate lust and how she was overcome with sinful delight as his turgid, veined cock plunged into her wetness, his barbed tail fucking her ass as his claws rent her back muscles.

I heard some commotion and voices out in the living room, but they didn’t register; I was so lost in my passion, mulling over Greg’s friends wanting to fuck me, treating me like a horny piece of meat, that my entire universe shrank to the fantasy in my head and the erotic picture before me.

My door slammed open. I wasn’t startled, only aggravated that my self-induced pleasure was interrupted. Pulling out the nectar-coated, wooden paintbrush handle, I turned to see my husband. His face was stern, his jaw tight. Greg’s skin was rosy-colored. When he saw me topless, his mouth opened as if to berate me for looking scandalous in front of his friends, but his teeth clenched over it while the tip of the moist flap traced his lower lip.

“Honey… Greg,” I began. “I honestly didn’t know that…”

With fire in his eyes, my husband approached me. He’d never once struck me before, but he seemed so agitated that I momentarily feared the worst. Instead, he grabbed me harshly, one hand tugging at my thong while the other groped my bare, excited breast. He moaned into my mouth as his hand left my tit, pulling my mouth over his.

With an urgency I hadn’t known since we’d first met, his tongue invaded my mouth, grappling with mine as he forced me to the paint-covered floor, only stopping to tear off my soaked thong, so he could shove his mouth over my clit. Already nearing orgasm, my mind went blank, and I wantonly surrendered, my thighs encasing his head, forcing his tongue onto my needy pleasure center, my hips grinding into his face.

“Omm, aaahhh, mmm,” I moaned. My orgasm came quick and hard, my entire body tensing up, then melting as my excitement over being seen as a sexual woman coursed through my soul.

It also helped that this was so unlike our usual sexual endeavors. I was enjoying the thrill of being seductive, the bliss of my husband devolving into animal need, and my body’s reaction. When my orgasm subsided, I released the death grip my thighs had on his head, letting him pull away. His face was covered in my juice, and some stray specks of paint colored his cheek.

Without ceremony, Greg pushed my legs apart, his pants barely undone. With lasciviousness in his eyes and moans escaping his lips, he thrust his hardness into my wet hole and fucked me savagely. He was brutal and hard, his cock slamming into me, his hand clawing at my flesh.

“I… thought you’d…be…mad.” My words came out in short bursts, moaning interspersed. Greg only moaned and grunted. “You’re not mad that your friends saw my bare ass?”

When I said that, he screamed, “Fuck, Elle…mmm, aah.”

“Bob wanted to spank me!”

“Oh, fuck.” He increased the tempo, driving his cock into me with a fury that made him pant and grunt with each stroke.

“Jim wanted to see my paint-covered tits,” I was going to say more, but he erupted in an intense orgasm that was so powerful, so overwhelmingly vocal, that my eardrums vibrated as he screamed his passion to me.

His load shot into me with spurt after spurt, all hot and with such force that it curled my tows. Then he embraced me, telling me how hot I am, how much he loved me, and that he just couldn’t help himself and had to have me.

It was all passion, a passion reignited, and I knew exactly why. It was only the beginning.

To be continued.

Written by krystalg
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