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Famous Story

Author's Notes

""This series chronicles Sue's wild week of sex in Las Vegas, compliments of her husband Ben's hall-pass. Every wife's fantasy come true. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Every husband's fantasy come true. Hope you enjoy this hot-wife/milf series of stories.""

I never expected to take advantage of my hall-pass in Las Vegas, other than maybe going topless at the hotel pool.

In part-one of this series, I surprised myself with how easy it was to fuck strange men without feeling any guilt. My husband, Ben, encouraged me to let loose in Las Vegas with Linda, my divorced, slut girlfriend.

I still couldn’t believe I texted Ben several x-rated photos of me with Brian and Ed. I could only imagine what Ben thought when he saw me with Ed’s cock in my mouth and Brian’s cock buried in my cunt.

After my night of debauchery with Ed and Brian, I got some sleep before lunch on Monday. Dressed in a sexy pair of tight pants, a low cut revealing top, and a pair of ‘come-fuck-me’ heels, I headed to lunch with Linda.

I couldn’t wait to talk to Linda about our first night in Las Vegas. She also fucked both Ed and Brian, so we shared the experience of having their cocks in our pussies. Linda is an experienced slut, so I was curious where Ed and Brian ranked on Linda’s stud list.

The lunch was sponsored by the trade show Linda was participating in. It was pretty crowded, and I felt a little self conscious in my sexy outfit. I could tell the guys were checking me out, and some of the women were giving me disapproving stares.

I found our table and was initially surprised to see our mutual friends, Tom and Mike, sitting with Linda. It made sense since they work with Linda. We are both friends with Tom and Mike and their wives.

I felt a little awkward in my sexy outfit as I greeted Tom and Mike. I wasn’t wearing a bra, which was pretty obvious in my low-cut top. I could tell the guys were gawking at my tits. Oh well - it is what it is.

Linda hugged me with a big grin on her face. She nonchalantly said, “Sue, I’m glad you could join us. I’m not sure if Mike and Tom knew you joined me for the week in Vegas. Well, they do now.”

Tom grinned at me and said, “Sue, it is nice to see you here. A pleasant surprise. I love your outfit. Definitely a nice choice for Vegas.”

I smiled and said, “Tom, it’s nice to see you and Mike. I almost forgot that you both work with Linda. This should be a fun week.”

I actually enjoyed having both Tom and Mike staring at my tits. I certainly didn’t dress like this at home. I’m friends with their wives, and we socialize with them at a few events every year. Tom and Mike are also thirty-five, and they are both in good shape. This was certainly an interesting turn of events.

We chatted about the hotel and all the amenities. Tom can be a little obnoxious at times and said, “Sue, we should make sure we spend time with you and Linda during our stay. I hear they have a great pool where we can hang out. I assume you brought a bathing suit.”

I decided to be a little sassy and replied, “Tom, I did bring along a new bikini for the pool. But, from what I hear I don’t have to wear the top. I’m not sure your wife would want you hanging out with me if I was topless at the pool.”

Mike stared at me and said, “Sue, that is pretty funny. We all know you’d never go topless at the hotel pool. Ben would never approve of that.”

I felt pretty liberated, so I casually replied, “Mike, Ben approved of my skimpy bikini, and actually told me to go topless at the pool if I wanted. The only condition was that I had to send him a photo if I did. Maybe you could pose with me and we can send the photo to your wife as well.”

Linda laughed out loud and said, “Touché Sue. Maybe we could both go topless and send the group photo to both Tom and Mike’s wives. We could put a caption on the photo that says ‘hanging out with friends in Vegas. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.’ That would be a hoot.”

Tom smiled and said, “I’d catch hell at home, but seeing you both topless would be worth it.”

It was fun flirting with Tom and Mike. As we finished lunch I announced, “Well, I’m going to the pool after lunch if anyone wants to join me.”

Linda looked at me and said, “Sure, sounds like fun. We have the afternoon off, so why not.”

Tom and Mike were initially speechless. Tom broke the silence, grinned and said, “I’ll call the bluff. Let’s meet at the pool in thirty minutes.”

Linda and I walked to the elevator in silence. When we got in the elevator Linda looked at me and said, “This could be dangerous. I work with Tom and Mike. We are all friends at home. We know their wives.”

I shared Linda’s concern. But, I also felt liberated after fucking both Ed and Brian. I replied to Linda, “Let’s go topless at the pool, let the guys see our tits, but that’s as far as we go. No fucking. Give them a thrill.”

Linda and I changed into our bikinis and put on coverups for the walk to the pool.

When we got to the pool Tom and Mike were already there. We stood next to them, took off our coverups, and let the guys gawk at our bodies.

I looked at Tom and asked, “So Tom, do you like my bikini. Is it too revealing?”

I turned around so the guys could see my ass. I was having fun. Tom and Mike just stared at us with their mouths open.

I went up to Tom and asked, “Tom, can you help me take off my top. The clasp is here in front. Why don’t you unclasp my top so my tits can come out and play.”

Tom was shaking as he put his hands on my tits and unclasped the bikini top. He held my top and stared at my tits.

I grinned and said, “I dare you to fondle my tits here in the open.”

Tom smiled and put his hands on my tits. My nipples were hard and sticking out. He rubbed his fingers across my nipples.

I smiled and commented, “Tom, I can’t help but notice your cock is getting hard. Is this stimulating for you, seeing and feeling my tits?”

I looked over at Linda who was also topless. She and Mike were laughing hysterically at the give and take with me and Tom.

I took out my iPhone and asked the pool attendant to take a photo. He said that photos weren’t allowed, but since we wanted a photo of ourselves it was okay.

I motioned for Linda, Tom and Mike to join me. They all hesitated but I said, “A deal is a deal. Don’t worry. I won’t send them to your wives. But, you can have a copy to jerk off to later tonight.”

The attendant took the photo as Tom and Mike looked disoriented. They never expected this turn of events.

We all sat down and ordered drinks. Tom looked at me and said, “Sue, I’m not sure what has gotten into you, but I’ve always wanted to see your tits. They are more alluring and sexy than I ever imagined. I love your hard nipples. Wow.”

Mike then chimed in, “Linda has great tits as well. This is all a little surreal. It will be our secret. No reason to upset the wives. And, I’m sure Ben wouldn’t want to see Sue standing topless next to us.”

I didn’t say anything as I texted the photo to Ben. I put a caption that said, “Ben, I can’t help myself. As you can see, I’m standing here at the pool with my tits out for Tom and Mike to enjoy. Just know that’s as far as it goes with them. I’m not going to fuck either of them.”

I hit send and then sent him another text. I texted, “I don’t think we should talk until I get home. I’ll send you photos and texts when I misbehave. I’m happy knowing you are probably jerking off ten times a day. I’m sure you are beating off as you see me topless with Tom and Mike. And, you finally get to see Linda’s tits. You’re welcome. Haha.”

Linda and I chatted with Tom and Mike as the guys couldn’t stop staring at our tits. I was having a lot of fun behaving like a very naughty wife. I spent more time talking to Tom than I did talking to Mike. I’ll admit I was always attracted to Tom

I said to Tom, “I’ll bet you can’t wait to get back to your room so you can beat your meat. Is your cock hard? How many times do you think you’ll jerk off tonight as you look at our topless photo? I can imagine you now, stroking your hard cock and shooting off. I find that very arousing. Knowing you will jerk off looking at my tits.”

Tom was embarrassed. But I wouldn’t let him off the hook. I looked him in eye and said, “Tom, I’m looking for an answer. How many times do you think you’ll jerk off tonight? Three times? Five times? How many?”

Tom smiled and replied, “Sue, you seem obsessed with me beating off as I look at the photo of you topless. The simple answer is ‘yes’ - I’ll jerk off when I get back to my room, and I’ll probably jerk off three or four times tonight as I think about your naked tits. My cock is getting hard right now. I think you want to see my hard cock. And, I think you’d like to watch me jerk off. Is that right?”

I was now embarrassed. Tom turned the tables on me. I blushed and answered, “Tom, I do admit it turns me on knowing you will be jerking off as you look at my topless photo. I’ll probably masturbate as I think about it. My pussy is getting wet right now.”

Tom grinned and responded, “Why don’t we go back to my room and watch each other masturbate? I don’t think we should fuck, as much as I’d like to fuck you. But, watching each other masturbate is something I won’t feel terribly guilty about.”

Wow. My mind was spinning. Tom was right that fucking was a step too far, but he was looking at my tits, so why not have some adult fun?

I couldn’t believe I was saying what I was thinking when I responded, “Okay, let’s go?”

We both got up. I looked at Mike and Linda and said, “Tom and I are going back to his room to talk more in private. Don’t get the wrong idea. We aren’t going to fuck. But, we are both more than a little horny right now and need some relief.”

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We didn’t wait for a response as we headed out to the elevator. My head was spinning. I did feel guilty about what I was getting ready to do with Tom. We got to Tom’s room and looked at each other, unsure of what to do next.

I made my mind up. I took off my bikini and told Tom to get undressed. Tom’s cock was rock hard and pointing at the ceiling. His cock was a good seven inches long and nice and thick.

I pulled out my iPhone and dialed Ben. I had told him I wouldn’t call, but I felt the need to tell him what I was doing. He answered and I started talking before he could say anything. Tom looked stunned.

I calmly said to Ben, “I want to FaceTime you and get your permission for something I’m getting ready to do. I’m naked, and I’m standing here with Tom, who is also naked. His cock is standing at attention.”

I pointed the phone at Tom so Ben could see his hard cock. I continued, “Tom was with me at the pool when I took my bikini top off. You’ve seen the photo I texted you. I’m really, really horny and so is Tom. I want to watch him jerk off and he wants to watch me masturbate. We aren’t going to fuck. Are you okay with me having some adult fun with Tom? Just say yes, or no.”

Tom was dumbfounded. The phone was on speaker as we both heard Ben say, “Yes, it’s wrong to do, but go ahead. Have fun with Tom. I’m glad you aren’t going to fuck. But, if you want to suck his cock, that’s also okay with me. Bye.”

I put the phone down and said to Tom, “Ben gave me a one week hall-pass for this trip to Vegas. He wanted to spice up our sex life. Knowing I might fuck strangers on this trip was very stimulating for him. The deal was I had to keep him informed on my slut behavior. In fact, I fucked two young studs last night. I sent Ben photos of me with Ed’s cock I’m my mouth and Brian’s cock buried in my pussy.”

Tom was speechless. I walked over to him, got down on my knees, and wrapped my lips around his hard shaft. I gently massaged his balls, rolled my tongue around the tip of his cock, and stared up into his eyes as I gave him a blow job.

I sucked Tom’s cock for about five minutes, got up, and walked Tom over to the bed. I said, “Tom, I want you to lick my pussy as I continue sucking on your hard cock. Let’s go with the flow.”

I got into position and slowly slipped Tom’s hard shaft back into my mouth. I felt his tongue lick my clit and we went at each other like teenagers in heat. After ten minutes of satisfying oral sex, we simultaneously exploded with electric orgasms. Tom unloaded a huge load of creamy cum into my mouth. His cum filled my mouth and seeped down my chin. Holy shit. What the fuck. I never in a million years thought I’d be naked, lying in bed with Tom, with a mouthful of his hot jisim.

I repositioned myself with Tom and kissed him passionately. His tongue went into my cum filled mouth. I swallowed most of his cum, but I still had a load in my mouth, on my lips and chin. This was really nasty.

We kissed for at least five minutes before we both relaxed. I looked into Tom’s eyes and said, “Holy shit. That was unexpected. I hope you had as much fun as I did. You have a really nice cock. I’m glad Ben suggested I suck your cock. Trust me, this is between you, me and Ben. Your wife will never know we got naked and had oral sex here in Vegas.

I got up and went to the bar in Tom’s room. I poured two whiskeys and sat on the couch. Tom sat down next to me and took one of the drinks. We clinked glasses and I said, “Here’s to your hard cock.”

Tom responded, “And, here’s to your wet pussy and great tits.”

We both laughed hysterically. I snuggled up to Tom and asked if he was okay with Ben knowing what had happened. Tom replied, “Sue, it’s beyond surreal that Ben agreed to you sucking my cock. And, a hall-pass? What the hell! I can’t wrap my head around that. You coming to Vegas to let loose, fuck strangers, and suck cock. What universe does that happen in?”

I laughed and said, “It’s safe to say this is a game changer for Ben and me. I don’t know all the ramifications, but I’m sure we will never again have a boring sex life.”

I looked down and Tom’s cock was hard again. I started rubbing my pussy and said to Tom, “I want to watch you jerk off and beat your meat. I’m still really horny.”

Tom wrapped his hand around his penis and slowly stroked his hard shaft. I rubbed my wet cunt and we watched each other masturbate. I didn’t last long before I experienced another earth shattering orgasm. I watched as Tom continued jerking off, and a few minutes later I smiled as cum dripped from the tip of his cock.

I got up and put my bikini back on. I went up to Tom to kiss him goodbye as he playfully pulled my bikini top off. He fondled my tits and tweaked my nipples. I laughed and put my top back on.

I casually said, “See you later. Maybe we can reconnect before the week is over. But, for now, I’ve got other conquests I need to pursue. I’m sure I’ll find other willing studs to fuck as the week progresses.”

I walked out the door and headed back to my room. I could only imagine what Linda must be thinking.


When I got to our room, Linda was eagerly waiting to hear my story. I calmly told her I FaceTimed Ben and he suggested I suck Tom’s cock. I told her I pointed the phone at Tom so Ben could see his hard cock. I told her I experienced a huge cum deposit into my mouth, and subsequently watched Tom jerk off as he watched me masturbate.

Linda was speechless. She listened and then said, “Sue, to say you have shocked me, is the understatement of the year. Your recent behavior makes me look like a choir girl. You are a true slut with no holds barred. You are beyond naughty when it comes to Ben. This week should be real fun. Count me in on your hall-pass adventure. We can start tonight.”

Linda and I got dressed, and left the room around 9:00 PM to go down to a party bar in the hotel. I wore a short dress with a plunging neckline. When I looked in the mirror, I felt very sexy with my boobs on display..

They had finger food in the bar which was all we wanted to eat. We sat at the bar and scoped out the room. Linda had picked out a sexy skirt and silk blouse. She was dressed more conservatively than me.

It didn’t take long for the guys to come up to us and talk. All of them stared at my boobs. They don’t seem to realize how obvious they are. At the end of the day, all guys are pigs.

Linda and I had fun flirting with the guys. I told Linda before we went to the bar that I was tired, and had no plans other than a little flirting. I chuckled and said, “Between my fuck-a-thon with Ed and Brian, and my nasty masturbation session with Tom, I’m done with sex until tomorrow at the earliest.”

Linda laughed and replied, “Listen to you. The stay-at-home soccer mom taking advantage of her hall-pass. I’ll give you credit, you’ve transformed into a real slut.”

I really enjoyed chatting with the guys. I settled down with John, a very good looking guy around my age. We hit it off and I was very relaxed talking to him.

John asked about me, and I told him I was a stay-at-home Mom with 2 kids. He told me he was thirty-five with a wife and three kids at home. He told me he was in Vegas for a few days with three friends to play some poker. He said his friends were gambling, but he wanted a break and came to the bar.

John looked at my boobs and complimented me when he said, “Sue, I do like your sexy dress. You don’t look like a stay-at-home Mom, that’s for sure. Is your husband around somewhere?”

I thanked John for the compliment and replied, “Ben isn’t here in Vegas. I’m here with Linda who is participating in a trade show this week.”

John smiled and said, “You must have a very trusting husband to turn you loose in Vegas on your own. He must know that guys will hit on you all day, every day. And, that dress of yours suggests that you might be a player, if you know what I mean.”

I laughed and said, “John, what are you suggesting? Do you think I’m a hot-wife looking for action on the side? That’s pretty suggestive for a happily married man. Are you hitting on me? Are you thinking you might get to fuck me?”

John blushed, hemmed and hawed, and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you. You are so sexy, I don’t know what to think.”

I was having fun so I decided to push the boundary with John. I looked into his eyes and said, “John, I’m here in Vegas with a hall-pass from Ben. It’s our way of spicing up our sex life. I have his permission to fuck anyone I want, as long as I tell him about it. So, I’ll cut to the chase. I find you very attractive and I’m more than willing to see you again tomorrow night and see what might happen. I’m pretty tired tonight, so I’m going to head back to my room for a good night's sleep.”

John was speechless. He looked at me and stammered, “Are you suggesting what I think you are?”

I calmly replied, “Yes, you have a good chance of scoring with me tomorrow night. I know you want to see my tits. And, I’m interested to see how big your cock is. Is that plain enough? Are you willing to cheat on your wife?”

John absorbed what I said and responded, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I absolutely want to see your tits. I’ll meet you here tomorrow night around 9:00 PM. I can’t wait.”

Linda and I headed back to our room around 11:30 PM. I told her I was going to meet John the next night, and planned to fuck his brains out. Linda smiled and said, “Why am I not surprised. He is very good looking, and I could tell you guys hit it off.”

I went to bed, got undressed, and immediately started to masturbate. I rubbed my wet pussy, slid my finger into my cunt, and fantasized about sex with John. It didn’t take long for me to enjoy a satisfying orgasm.

I feel asleep dreaming about John and his hard cock.

Written by happyguy987
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