The last story told about my genital piercings my present ones, and my future ones. Unbeknown to me hubby had set things up with my piercer, tattoo artist Angelina.
We arrived at Angelina's. I was told that I would be getting a "Vch piercing and eight inner labia piercings." I was surprised and excited as I had previously discussed this with Angelina. My nine genital piercings will bring my total body piercings to thirty-two.
I have ten in each ear, two nipple piercings, one navel piercing, and nine in my in my cunt.
I surprised Red by doing this for her. We have changed a lot since Red became a hotwife five years ago. Red, dresses very extreme, makeup, jewelry, and revealing outfits when she goes out.
The body modifications have brought out a very intense sexual side of her. She has six tattoos. She wants two more tattoos, near her shaved cunt sometime in the future. Red and I have discussed her possibly experiencing a black man. I told her that while her piercings are healing, she should chat with a few black men to decide on the type of black man she wants.
Hubby was told if I decided to get blackened, our lifestyle would not change. I will still go out with my present guys and my new black boyfriend. I have no intentions of changing our lifestyle, I will be experiencing a very intense blackened lifestyle.
I will be going out with a black man in public and doing things as a couple. I will be going out to black clubs, dinners, dancing, and meeting his family and friends.
Your hotwife will be getting well fucked and filled with hot black cum. Black men want their white women to dress in certain ways. I will dress the way he wants me to: extremely revealing outfits, makeup, and jewelry along with high-heeled shoes and boots. Black men want their women to have Queen Of Spades tattoos, which I will do, but only temporary ones.

"There will be no turning back. You will have a 'black cock loving hotwife.'"
I told Red, we have read that white women change once they have been blackened. I know it will be the same with you. I will show you the same support and encouragement that I always have, once you are blackened.
I told hubby you have always supported my hotwife lifestyle. You help me get dressed and buy extreme outfits for my lifestyle. You make my hotel and dinner reservations and pay for my extreme lifestyle. I will expect the same from you once I'm blackened. You will continue to be denied any sexual relief including you being "locked up for up for three to five days" when I go out.
Our marriage will not change, once I become a blackened hotwife.
I want to experience a very well-endowed black man, with at least a ten-to-eleven-inch cock. I denied you after I fucked Marcus and Wayne because of how sore and stretched I was. I know once I'm blackened, the results will be the same
I will be coming home to you. stretched and black cum filled. You will have a black-cock-craving hotwife.
Signed, Your extremely tattooed, pierced, hotwife—soon to be a blackened hotwife.