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Maria My Shy Wife. Chap.3.

"My once shy wife, Maria, has her first interracial sex."

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Once Cory had paid Lewis for the ride, he, Maria, and Penny stood by the hotel's main door and watched Lewis drive off. Penny had a sad look on her face. Cory asked her if she was alright.

"Yes. But Lewis asked me if he could see me later. I didn't answer him. I was too scared. I wish I had said yes."

"Why didn't he come up with us now? Cory and I wouldn't have minded," said Maria.

"He said he had two more groups to pick up, then he would come and see me. I guess I won't see him again." 

The three of them walked inside to the lifts. It was refreshing to get inside as it was humid and muggy even at this time of night. It was only twenty paces across the foyer to the lift, but Cory wished it had been further and that the lobby had been full of people to see him walk the two attractive women past reception.

As the lift doors closed behind them, Penny spoke up, "I heard some of what you guys were talking about in the taxi. I appreciate you guys getting me out of the club, but I don't want to be part of some orgy."

Maria placed her arm reassuringly around Penny's shoulders, "We are not expecting you to participate. We have a large two-bedroom suite, and you can head to the bedroom whenever you want. I don't know how much you heard, but Cory is not totally on board with my fantasy, either. So it's quite possible that nothing will happen."

Penny averted her eyes, obviously embarrassed about what she knew they had planned. But when Cory opened the door to the suite, she asked, "What is dogging? I heard you say you wanted Cory to take you to one?"

Maria guided Penny to one of the two couches in the lounge and sat beside her to explain, "When I was your age, we had park-up spots where you went and made out with your boyfriend. Well, it seems nowadays, all ages frequent these spots, and if the couple leaves the interior light on, guys will gather around the car to watch. I have heard that the car windows can get covered in the men's cum, as the watching guys get so excited."

"Why do the women do that?" Penny asked.

"Again, when I was your age, I was very sexually inhibited, so much so that it ruined Cory and my marriage. In our five years apart, I have had extensive counselling and experimented with all forms of sexuality. One of the many things I have discovered about myself is I like people watching me when I'm having sex."

Penny screwed up her face, letting them both see how shocked she was at the thought of having someone watch her.

"I know," replied Maria, "I struggle to come to terms with it myself, but the fact is, it turns me on much more than it disturbs me."

"But the guys could break into the car and molest you!" Penny exclaimed.

"I've not read about that happening, but I hear that some women will wind down the window and let guys touch them, and some women I have heard go all the way. Anyway, that is what they call dogging. Now, let's go to the bathroom and freshen up. I will loan you some casual clothes, and I have a nightshirt you can wear to bed."

While they were talking, Cory moved around the suite, opening the windows and the ranch slider that led to their private balcony. The rooms were stuffy from the afternoon sun, and the breeze up this high up was much cooler than down at street level. Seeing the ladies disappear to the bathroom with an armful of Maria's clothes, Cory sat on the two-seater cane settee out on the balcony. He took some deep breaths and enjoyed the light breeze. He listened to the noisy partying on Bourbon Street and wondered how he would handle Jadyn touching Maria.

When the girls reappeared, Penny wore pink hot pants with a white teeshirt, and Maria wore a denim skirt and teeshirt. They looked like mother and daughter. Some would even pick them for sisters. They were so alike. Cory raised his eyebrows at the fact that neither was wearing a bra.

Seeing him perving, Maria exclaimed, "I know! I managed to persuade her to give sitting in front of Jadyn braless a try to see if it excited her. I told her we won't laugh if she bails out."

Cory left them talking on the settee and changed into some Chinos and a teeshirt himself. When he joined them back in the lounge, he asked Penny about her unease at being around blacks. She made to deny that fact, but lifting his hand to stop her, he said, "Look, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Back in the day, most of my friends, including Maria, would not have been very comfortable in that club tonight."

He looked to Maria, who was about to object. "It's true. You would not have lasted five minutes in that club during our marriage. Admit it!"

Maria capitulated, then looked to Penny for her answer.

Penny sighed, then started to talk. "I come from Maine, and my family are well-to-do. They are biased against anyone below their standing, especially against blacks. The men in the family are anyway; my mother is a bit more liberal, and she does some community work. But I've hardly ever spoken to a black person in my life."

"But you must have met a few coloured people in New Orleans. I believe you are attending the university?" Cory asked.

"I'm doing a Music education degree, and there are a few coloured women on my course but no coloured men, so I haven't ever really had much to do with black men before tonight."

Maria tried to change the subject, "Penny has a beautiful music tattoo on the inside of her arm. I've thought about getting a tattoo. Show him yours, Penny."

Penny was a little shy but lifted her arm, pulled the sleeve of her Tee into her armpit and revealed a swirling keyboard covered in musical notes. It was simple but stylish, and Cory told her he liked it.

There was a knock on the door, and all three of them noticeably stiffened. The moment of truth had arrived. Cory got up and opened the door, welcoming Jadyn and Divine. He could see that they had been home and had also changed into something casual. Jadyn had our alcohol with him and headed to the kitchenette, saying he would make the drinks. Divine was carrying a duffle bag, and she moved over to the two-seater settee and sat beside Penny, placing the bag down beside her.

Cory joined Maria on the three-seater and possessively held her hand. He knew he shouldn't but could not help himself.

Jadyn returned with drinks for the ladies. He explained they were his own special Pina Colada, Divine's favourite. Then he returned to the sideboard and mixed two drinks with a large shot of bourbon in them. Cory was glad he had stayed off the alcohol at the club. He had been nervous when he saw the mix of people at the club and had whispered to the waitress to bring him a coke, with ice and lemon in it, so it looked like he had a bourbon, and added that she was only to serve him that all night.

Jadyn brought the drinks over a few minutes later, announcing he had made him Bourbon Old Fashions. He sat down on Maria's other side and began to talk about work.

They discovered that Jadyn was a social worker and part-time musician, which led to a healthy conversation about Penny's degree and what she hoped to do with it. Divine was a nurse and also did some part-time social work with Jadyn. As the drinks kicked in, everyone noticeably relaxed. Maria nudged Cory and whispered that her drink was good but very strong, and he was to watch out for Penny.

Onto their second drink round, Maria hinted about Penny having a tattoo. Of course, they wanted to see it, and poor Penny had to lift the sleeve again. Blushing red from all the attention, her nipples hardened, and she quickly pulled her sleeve back down again and held her arm across her chest.

Divine calmed her and said she and Jadyn had tattoos and asked Penny if she wanted to see them. As Penny gave a slight nod, Divine indicated for Jadyn to get up and remove his shirt. The guy was cut; it made Cory very aware of how he had let himself go.

Jadyn had an African tribal tattoo from just above his left elbow, right over his shoulder, covering his left pec. His right shoulder had the head of an attractive woman wearing a Cheetah headdress. The tattoo was distinctly African, although the woman's face was more that of a beautiful European.

He sat back down beside Maria, not bothering to put his shirt back on. Cory looked to see how Penny had reacted to Jadyn's disrobing. She was leaning forward with a look of dazed awe on her face. The man's potent, raw, animalistic power had had the same effect on her as it had on Cory and Maria. As Jadyn sat, Maria pulled her hand away from Cory's. Then, turning her body towards Jadyn, she reached out a hand and ran her fingers along the ridges and curves of the tattoo.

Jadyn held her hand against his chest, then, looking over to Divine, told her to take off her top and expose her back. Divine turned to Penny, leaned down, and asked her to help pull her top off. Penny looked shy about this but gripped hold and pulled it up, revealing a Dragon covering most of Divine's back. She was wearing a white lacy bra that covered both her magnificent globes. However, it did little to hide the small, erect black nipples protruding through the lace, and Cory noticed that Penny's eyes flicked from Divine's tattoo and her hard black nipples.

Divine bent over and lowered herself across Penny's lap, flexing her muscles, making the dragon seem to come alive. Penny could not help herself, and she ran both her hands across Divine's back, feeling the ridges of the tattoo.

Divine ordered Penny to undo the bra so she could touch the whole tattoo. Mesmerised by the quality of the artwork, Penny complied and ran both hands down the tattoo, almost to the crack of Divine's arse. For the first time that night, Cory had to admit to himself that there was a good chance Divine may just be able to seduce this innocent young woman.

Penny looked in awe at the writhing dragon tattoo and ran her eyes over Divine's figure and golden brown skin.

Cory sensed Maria change position, and he dragged his eyes away from the opposite couch to see what she was up to. She had bent down and had both her hands in Jadyn's lap, undoing his trousers and nudging him to lift his hips so she could draw them down. She spoke, "I have heard all about this great monster you have in here. I want to see it."

Jadyn lifted his hands to Maria's breasts and snapped back, "And I want to see these magnificent booties that I have been craving to touch all night." He lifted his hips from the couch, letting her drag his trousers to the floor. Then, he arched forward and went to lift her teeshirt.

Maria pulled back, turned to Cory, pulled his head to her, and kissed him passionately. Then, leaning back, she asked Cory to remove her tee shirt. Cory realised she was asking for his consent to carry on, and realising that he was not that uncomfortable with how things were progressing, he moved his hands down, took hold of the hem off her Tee, and lifted it over her head.

Did he have doubts? Of course, he did, but the look of voracious need on Maria's face quashed them. And with only the slightest hesitation, he threw the teeshirt to the side and enthusiastically returned her kiss. Maria pulled away, mouthed thank you, and then turned back to face Jadyn. An eager groan escaped her lips as Jadyn took her now naked breasts in each hand and lightly tweaked her nipples.

Cory rubbed Maria's shoulders and saw Jadyn looking him in the eye. "We are two lucky men, you and I, to have such beautiful women." He spoke sincerely, and Cory smiled back at him, nodding in appreciation of Jadyn's sensitive comment.

Maria dropped any pretence now, kicking Jadyn's briefs away from his feet. She took his large, meaty rod in both hands. It was an awesome sight to behold, not a lot longer than Cory's own, but the massive girth of it was very impressive. It was standing up almost vertically, and Cory saw that it matched the rest of his body. It was well-defined, veined and muscular. Thick like a bloody donkey's dick, Cory thought.

There was a gasp of disbelief from Penny, and Cory glanced over to see her staring with her mouth wide open and her face showing surprised awe. Her eyes opening even wider made Cory turn back, and he saw that Maria was attempting to get Jadyn's knob into her mouth. She was struggling to open her mouth wide enough but bobbed her head up and down anyway, a little bit more of it slipping past her lips with each downward thrust. She reached back with her left hand searching out Cory, and pulled him in behind her, "Cuddle me, please," she mumbled around Jadyn's knob, "I want to feel you near me."

As Cory leaned over, stroking his hands along her spine, he heard Divine asking Penny if she wanted to watch and was not surprised to hear Penny stammer out that she didn't.

"Come, we will go and sit out on the balcony and get some fresh air," Divine spoke softly.

From the corner of his eye, Cory saw Divine pick up her duffel bag and help Penny from the couch. Penny looked quite unsteady on her feet, and he guessed this had more to do with what she had just witnessed than the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

Turning his attention back to Maria, Cory saw she had managed to get a couple of inches of Jadyn into her mouth. Feeling fucking horny himself, he undid the button on Maria's skirt, undid the zip, and when she lifted, he eased the denim skirt down over her hips.

He noted that his petite ex-wife was wearing no panties and wondered if she had persuaded Penny to leave hers off as well. Maria lifted her hips from the couch, enabling him to slide the skirt down to drop on the floor, and then she let out a muffled moan as he slipped two fingers between her drenched labia. Thinking about the stories she told him that lunchtime, he pulled his slippery fingers out and eased one of them past her tight sphincter. He relished the feeling of her little puckered brown bud spasming on his finger.

For the next few minutes, Jadyn and Cory played with Maria. At one stage, they had their heads pressed close as they nuzzled on her nipples. Jadyn worked his fingers deep between her legs while Cory gave all his attention to her little puckered bud.

Very worked up now, Maria broke free of them, pushed Jadyn back on the couch and straddled him. Cory sat back to watch. The moment of truth was here. He wondered how she would manage to get that massive girth past the lips of her vagina.

But I needn't have worried; she seemed to have little trouble, as she was well lubricated, her juices flowing so freely, they had even leaked down the insides of her thighs. She took her time, though, and when she finally had Jaydin fully embedded, she set too, rubbing her mons vigorously against his wiry black pubic curls.

Cory sat back to watch, feeling a bit redundant now. Then he heard Penny cry out, "No! Don't do that," then a long, drawn-out, "Ewwww God."

He leapt up, thinking Penny may need my help, and walked over to the ranch slider. The last time he had looked, he had seen them sitting on the cane two-seater, but there did not seem to be anyone there now. That is until he stepped out through the ranch slider and saw that Penny was lying on her back, head against the cushion on the far armrest, with Divine down on her knees, her head buried between Penny's legs.

Penny had lost her teeshirt but still had her hot pants on. Divine had the crotch of these stretched to one side, and her tongue was working like a jackhammer between Penny's thighs. Cory felt a surge of longing engulf him at the sight of Penny's pert young breasts. He was already hard but felt his cock expand and throb as he took in the look of arousal on Penny's face.

Her eyes clenched tightly shut, she was making small twitching motions with her hips, and a hand pulling on Divine's head told him she was not doing anything against her will. Divine did something with her mouth that brought forth an ardent cry of pleasure from Penny's lips, and she opened her eyes to gaze down at what was happening to her.

She saw Cory standing over her, watching and squealing with embarrassment, covering her breasts with her hands. Divine lifted and gave Cory a big grin, "Squeeze her nipples for me, would you? We'll give her an orgasm like she's never experienced before." And she held onto Penny's hips tightly as she tried to squirm away from her.

"Relax, my little poppet. I'll make you feel so good you won't know whether to laugh or cry." And she physically lifted Penny's hips from the couch to remove her hot pants. Now, with unrestricted access, she attacked her with both fingers and tongue.

Penny was looking up at Cory, eyes pleading with him to forgive her, so he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead as he cupped both the hands that she was holding tight to her chest, "I'll go back inside if you want me too, but I heard you cry out, I only came out to make sure you were okay."

"No! Stay and hold me. I'm so embarrassed, but I want you to hold me," she pleaded.

So Cory held her, realising she was way out of her depth and needed to know he didn't disapprove. Penny clamped her eyes closed again and soon her hips were rotating urgently. She dragged her hands from beneath his and then clasped his hands tightly on her breasts. Penny gasped aloud as he caressed them and worked at her nipples. As her orgasm started to creep up on her, she lifted her head and searched out his mouth, so Cory leaned in and kissed her hard. He felt bloody guilty about kissing her. Even though he knew his ex-wife was fucking another man, not fifteen feet away. Abruptly, the full force of Penny's orgasm hit, and the waves of pleasure forced her to lift her hips high up from the cushions. Cory squeezed down hard on her breasts and mashed his lips to hers.

She held onto him tightly as her body shuddered with the effects of her orgasm. Cory watched from the corner of his eye as Divine stood and reached into her duffle bag. She withdrew a leather harness and strapped it around her hips. The harness straps converged on a large stainless steel ring positioned over her prominent pubic mound. She reached back into her bag and withdrew a descent-sized black dildo, and pulling the ring away from her body, she slipped the dildo through the ring so it jutted straight out in front.

She motioned Cory to move away as she positioned herself between Penny's legs. Penny's hips were still moving slowly as her climax subsided. She opened her eyes to see why Cory had released her and looked startled. She recoiled back as she took in the silicon shaft sticking out from Divine's waist. Divine reached out and slipped her hand between Penny's legs and cupped her vulva, cooing that it would be alright. Cory expected some horrified reaction from Penny, but to his surprise, Penny opened her legs wide and slumped back onto the couch.

She reached up, pulled Divine down close and held her tight. She did let out some token cries of resistance, "Oh no. I can't, we shouldn't," But her body betrayed all the words she was uttering as she writhed hard against Divine, seeking another climax.

Divine took her time working the dildo in, and when she had it embedded all the way, she started to slowly fuck her. Cory felt guilty standing watching this, and he glanced inside to see what Maria and Jadyn were up to. He saw that Maria was still sitting in Jadyn's lap, but they looked to have finished. They were both covered in sweat, and Jadyn's prick had softened and taken on somewhat more mortal proportions.

Turning back, Cory saw that Penny was now taking deep, gasping breaths, and moans of joy were escaping through her parted lips. She was lunging more and more aggressively, rubbing her swollen clit harder and harder against the silver ring at the base of the thick black dildo.

When the two of them searched out each other's lips and started kissing passionately, Cory felt decidedly out of place and stepped off the balcony into the lounge. Maria was in the process of rolling off Jadyn, and as she collapsed down beside him on the couch, Cory sat down beside her just as she opened her eyes to search for him.

The three of them lay slumped on the couch, listening to the passionate sounds drifting in from the balcony. Maria turned to Cory and, sounding quite breathless, stated, "From what I can hear, you have lost your bet with me about our young lady not being seduced."

Cory didn't comment. He did not remember them making a bet on Penny's seduction. But she was right. He would have lost big money if he had bet on it. He had blue balls; he had had his erection for so long, but he did not want to couple with Maria. He wanted anything between them to be private and determined he would wait until everyone left.

The three of them lay on the couch, Maria's breathing slowly returning to normal. She shifted away from Jadyn and cuddled into Cory. They sat quietly, listening to the sounds drifting in through the ranch slider. Soon, the sounds turned into a crescendo of Ooooh's and Aaaah's and some choice exclamations he never expected to hear from a young lady's mouth before it finally went deathly quiet out on the balcony.

After a few minutes, Divine appeared. She was unstrapping the harness from around her waist.

Looking over to Cory, she said, "Penny is asking for you. She needs your understanding manner and some comforting words."

He looked at her questioningly, "Why?"

"It happens! In my experience, the girls I have had either stalk me for weeks afterwards wanting more, or they desperately seek out a man immediately, trying to counter what they have done. Penny is one of the latter. She's asking for you to come and hold her. Be prepared; my bet is she will want you to make love to her."

Cory rose from the couch, turned to check with Maria, and saw the look of consternation on her face. "Don't worry. I won't fuck her. I'll just put her to bed and lie with her until she sleeps."

Still seeing doubt in her eyes, he told her to trust him.

Maria looked guilty and mumbled something about him giving her what she wanted. It's only fair after what I have just done. He knew she did not mean it, though, and leaned down and kissed her, "I'll not sleep with her. You have done nothing wrong. We will talk everything through later." And he turned towards the balcony to comfort Penny.

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He found her curled up in a fetal position, crying softly. She had not attempted to dress, and he didn't bother covering her, just bent and lifted her naked nubile body into his arms. She flung her arms around his neck, sniffing that she didn't know what had made her do what she had done. Cory held her tight and carried her to the bedroom, murmuring everything was alright.

The others were all sitting on the couch, looking up at them as he traversed the lounge. Cory saw that Divine had her arms around Maria and was consoling her. In the bedroom, he freed an arm to draw back the covers, then lowered Penny onto the bed and covered her.

She tried to shift the sheets back and draw him in beside her. But Cory gently brushed her arms aside and lay down with her on top of the sheets.

"I want you to make love to me," she agonised.

"Penny, I think you are beautiful, and under other circumstances, you would not have even had to ask me. But I want to get back together with my wife, and even with what you just witnessed her doing out there, I don't want to fuck up my chances. So I can't sleep with you."

"Surely, she would not mind?" She pleaded.

"Look, you are feeling bad about what you have just done, yet there is nothing wrong with what you and Divine did together. But you would feel worse tomorrow if you slept with an old bugger like me. So save yourself for your boyfriend. He never needs to know anything about this night."

They whispered until her eyes drooped, and he held her and stroked her hair until she finally fell asleep, and even then, he stayed with her for another five minutes or so.

As he rose, agitated moans reached him from beyond the bedroom door. He quietly moved over to the door and peeked around to see what the others were up to.

Maria had her head resting forward on Divine's shoulder. Jadyn was behind her, reaching around her body, cupping her breasts, while Divine was working her hand between Maria's spread legs.

At that moment, Divine whispered to Jayden, "She's ready!" and she lifted Maria, turning her to face Jadyn. She steered Maria onto his lap, then pushed them so Maria fell on top, and they slumped back onto the couch. An urgent longing engulfed Cory. It tormented him as he watched Divine take hold of Jadyn's shaft and direct it to Maria's very wet and willing cunt.

Maria lowered her hips, sliding herself down onto his pole's slick, fat length. Divine held her husband's shaft tight until her hand was crushed between their groins. Then easing her hand from between them, she inserted first one, then two fingers into Maria's arse.

Cory stepped out past the bedroom door, intending to join them, then paused as Divine stood up. He didn't think she saw him. She didn't take any notice of him anyway. She reached down for the harness lying on the floor and strapped it around her hips again. This time, she pulled a different black dildo from her bag. It was about seven inches long and looked like a string of balls. At its tip, the first ball was only about half an inch, but each ball increased in size, and the last couple were easily an inch in diameter.

He knew what was coming and staggered back against the door jamb. His emotions were swamping him, he had dreamed many times about taking Maria anally, and now he was about to witness someone else getting there before him again. But he realised he may never have the opportunity to see this again, so he held himself back and leaned back against the wall.

Cory found he was more aroused than he had been all evening. The arousal only increased as he watched Divine go to work. She liberally plastered lubricant into Maria's butt, then bent her knees so she crouched behind Maria in a half squat. Lining the obscene beaded dildo up with Maria's rear end, she eased herself forward.

This gave Cory an unobstructed view of Divine's rear. Her cunt was peeled open like a lotus flower. As she jerked her hips forward, inserting the tip into Maria's arse, Cory moved across the room to insert his fingers into Divine's inviting opening. He unzipped himself with his free hand and began to jerk off against her broad brown arse.

Divine turned and gave Cory a welcoming smile. She continued guiding the tip of the dildo between Maria's cheeks. Meeting resistance, it tried to bend in half, but gripping it tightly, she worked half the balls in before she let it go and grabbed Maria's hips with both hands. The remaining balls were much larger, and using Maria's hips as leverage, she worked the remaining four balls between her bouncing cheeks.

It was all too much for Cory; he leaned in and rammed his fingers into Divine's parted quim. Two things stood out to him; one, just how large her clit was, and two, how dripping wet her cunt was. He realised that Divine was even more turned on than he was.

Divine flicked her head around at his touch, "Oh yes! Just what I need. More fingers and fuck me in the arse, please." And she attacked Maria's arse with renewed vigour.

Maria, meanwhile, was getting pretty agitated herself, she was jerking her haunches back onto the two shafts that were working on her sweat derrière, and she was crying out for them to fuck her harder. She had matched their rhythm, lifting forward as they each withdrew, then ramming back onto them as they thrust forward.

Divine's bare pink pussy stood out, a large pink gash against the golden brown of her thighs. Cory forced three of his long fingers as deep as he could into her folds, working them in unison with their exertions. But he resisted the urge to ram himself between the checks of her brown derrière.

Divine closed her eyes as she felt him try to insert another digit inside her. The 'slurping' sound of his fingers searching and exploring her insides forced a huge groan of pleasure to escape her lips. She slammed the artificial cock deeper and harder into Marie's butt, bringing moans and groans from Jadyn and Maria.

After another couple of minutes, Maria suddenly went stiff for a second or two. Then, her body started being racked by spasms that seemed to originate deep inside her very core. She set Jadyn off, he had been caressing her breasts, and now he twisted them hard and yelled out a few choice words to let everyone know he was coming.

Cory wanted to finish this, and that meant getting Divine sorted. So he started thrusting his three fingers into Divine, harder and faster, and with his other hand set about wanking himself. Lasting only seconds, he deposited a good quarter cup of spunk all over her thighs. She bucked her hips on his fingers and moaned that he was hitting the right spot.

As Maria climaxed, Cory saw her anal sphincter palpitate and squeeze on the ribbed dildo working in her. Her long, convoluted moan and some choice swear words set Divine off, and Cory had to help the spasming woman collapse to the floor.

She dragged him down onto the thick sheepskin rug beside her and attempted to roll him on top. "Fuck me," she moaned, "I need to be fucked."

Cory panicked. He did not want any other woman. He only wanted Maria. And desperately needed to get her into their bedroom alone. He had already turned down Penny, and it would be hypocritical of him to take Divine now. Besides, it would be a while before he was ready again. So he turned her head and indicated it was too late, as he had already come.

Once Divine accepted that he was not going to fuck her, she turned to Jadyn. He and Maria had rolled apart and were lying back, panting on the couch. But Jadyn was buggered. He wrapped his arms around Divine, telling her he would sort her out when they got home.

Divine responded, "Then let's get out of here. I'm horny and frustrated still." And she pulled herself to her feet to go look for her clothes.

Meanwhile, Cory dropped beside Maria, pulled a throw over her and held her close. He watched as Jadyn started getting dressed, and Divine headed into the bathroom, her clothes under her arm.

"Are you okay?" Asked Cory.

"Yes, I'm much better than okay. But I want to make love to you now. Are you okay?"

"I'm good," Cory responded, "But let's wait until Jadyn and Divine leave. I want us to be alone."

So they sat together on the couch, Cory holding Maria tightly as the others readied themselves to go. Jadyn came over and gave Cory a business card, telling him the night had topped any other he and Divine had ever had and that if he ever needed anything done here in New Orleans, he just had to ask. And with a final wave, they opened the door to leave.

They heard them talking to someone before the door closed, though, and Divine stepped back inside, holding Lewis by the hand. "Look who I found outside trying to pluck up the courage to knock on the door?"

Lewis looked guilty and blurted out, "Penny thought she might want to see me when I finished work. Can I speak to her?"

Cory stood and walked over to stop him. He was still feeling very protective of Penny and intended to kick Lewis back out the door. Lewis took a step back. he was a good three inches shorter than Cory, and although young and athletic, he had nowhere the bulk. But Maria stepped between them before he had a chance to open his mouth. Still wrapped only in the throw from the couch, she put her hand out and stopped Cory, "Let him go talk to her. She would want to talk with him."

"I'm coming in with you then to see if she is okay with this." And Cory grabbed Lewis by the shoulder and walked him to the second bedroom.

He turned the bedside lamp on and then gently shook Penny awake. She came awake slowly, but when she saw Lewis, she beamed and blurted out, "You came!" 

Cory stepped back, nearly knocking Maria over, as she was so close behind him. He paused at the door to make sure she was still okay and saw that Lewis was shedding his clothes and that Penny was holding the covers back for him to get in beside her. He noted that Lewis was very well put together and sporting a decent-sized semi-hard. Maria pushed Cory out and closed the door firmly so as to let the young lovers know they had left.

Once they were settled in their own bed, Maria cuddled into Cory and moved to take hold of his cock. But Cory stopped her, "I want to talk. I have questions about tonight."

"You want to know if I'm going to want to do something like this every week?"

Cory laughed, "I was thinking more about ever again?"

"I don't know. I'd be pretty keen if we found ourselves in a similar situation in a week, a year, or ten years from now. That was incredible sex. The only thing I can promise is that I won't do anything behind your back, and if you don't want to, we won't. I promise you I will always ask."

"Was the sex better than what we had the night before?" Cory asked.

"It was different. The night before was sex with the man I have always loved, which was exceptional and special. The sex tonight had nothing to do with love. It was simply sex, albeit bloody incredible sex. But if we tried to recreate tonight's sex, I bet it would be nowhere near as good. It was the novelty as much as anything that made it so good. In contrast, the sex you and I have will always be incredible. That's the best I can explain it."

"I can live with that." And they embraced, and soon we're making love.

Maria gave Cory a sly grin and cocked her head to the second bedroom as they drifted off. The sounds of Penny and Lewis making love were audible, even with their doors closed.

Cory woke at about 5:30 a.m. to the sounds of lovemaking from the other bedroom again. Soon after it had gone quiet, he heard Lewis creeping past their bedroom door, followed by the front door opening and closing. He closed his eyes to return to sleep, feeling much more comfortable knowing Lewis had departed.

Much later, Cory woke, slowly sorting out where he was. A woman was lying up against him, and it took a second to remember it was Maria. He knew they had slept in. His inbuilt clock told him that. He panicked, then relaxed, remembering he had asked for a late pass on the room, as their flight wasn't until 3:30 p.m., and they had discussed having lunch in the hotel before departing straight for the airport.

He looked at the bedside clock and saw it read 9:35, and found Maria looking at him.

"It's nice to wake up next to a man. I don't think I have done that for five years. Come and cuddle me, I've been lying here thinking about last night, and I'm horny."

"I need to go piss!" And Cory leapt out of the bed but was back within minutes and dived right back beside her. Their lips met. Seconds later, they were frantically kissing, tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Cory's hands were all over her and hers over him. When they finally broke for air, she looked at Cory with a hungry expression, part lust, part love. "So you still like my body, do you?" she asked huskily and lay back, opening herself to him.

"I do. I want to eat you!" Cory exclaimed, attacking her breasts with his mouth.

Maria made little mewing sounds and ground herself into Cory's crotch. "I can tell!" she said, making a most suggestive movement. "I can tell."

And Cory marvelled again at the fact that those years of timidity and prudishness had long disappeared.

He cupped her delicious, firm bottom. Not stopping his kissing of her mouth, face, throat, and neck. He then paid serious homage to her breasts again, rolling one stiff nipple with his hand while sucking hard on the other. The noises Maria made let him know he was hitting all the right places.

Then he trailed his tongue down over her skin and elicited a giggle when it darted into her belly button. The scent from her crotch wafted up to him. It was intoxicating, and he continued down between her legs and savoured the taste of a very turned-on woman. His arousal sent a fresh flood of blood to his engorged cock.

"Please?" she said, lifting her hips and pulling on Cory's shoulders.

But he resisted, and her moans turned to loud whimpers when his tongue started circling her clit. The whimpers soon turned to a drawn-out low scream of pleasure as her first-morning climax hit. And when it hit, she called out his name and then just yelled, "Yes, yes, yes," before her speech blurred into a long, drawn-out wail.

Cory moved back up her body, kissing her gently on the mouth, then made eye contact.

Her eyes seemed unfocused, but her hand snuck between her thighs and gripped his cock, guiding him home. When she had almost half the length of him sheathed inside her, Maria released her grip on his cock and lifted her legs to wrap them around his butt.

Cory just held himself, taking almost all his weight on his elbows and knees, as she appeared to want to do most of the work. He did tilt his head down and nuzzle her breasts again but lifted back to watch her face as she upped the tempo of her thrusting hips.

For the next little while, Cory concentrated on not coming too soon. Maria worked him like a woman possessed. She upped the tempo, using her feet locked behind him to pump her crotch into his.

After another couple of minutes, quite suddenly, every muscle in her body went stiff before her body was racked by spasms that seemed to originate deep inside her bowels. Cory dropped a hand to stroke her clit and feel her pulsing vagina. He felt her juices pooling on the bed, and he thought, 'It was just as well they were checking out that day as the bed would be a real mess.'

 It was all too much for Cory and tensing up, he shot a load that would have travelled across the room had he not been buried deep within her.

As Cory rolled off and collapsed on his back, he became aware that Penny was standing at the foot of the bed. She had a towel wrapped around her.

He managed to gasp out, "How long have you been standing there?"

"A while, sorry! I should have stayed in the lounge. But I can't find my clothes or my purse."

Rolling out of bed, Cory said he thought he might know where they were.

Maria piped up, "Hop in here and keep warm. Cory can find them," Then to Cory, she said, "Penny's purse is on the top shelf in the bathroom. I hid it up there before our guests arrived."

Cory pulled on his boxers and a tee shirt, as all the windows were still open, and the air was quite chill. As he turned to go out onto the balcony to look for Penny's clothes, he heard Maria ask her about Lewis.


Penny was busting to tell someone about her experience with Lewis. She had no friends here in New Orleans, only acquaintances in her dorm, and she didn't feel she could tell any of them she had slept with a beautiful black man. In reality, she knew no one she could tell. All her friends back in Maine would have heart failure if they knew she had even looked at a black man.

So when Penny asked her about him, she just opened up and told her everything.

"He was absolutely fantastic! I never knew sex could be like that. I have a boyfriend, and we sleep together, but I have never climaxed during sex with him. I had at least three orgasms with Lewis, and they were all better than any I have ever had before."

She blushed profusely as she admitted this, but Maria's response was one of encouragement and said to tell her she could tell her anything.

At that moment, Cory returned to the bedroom, carrying Penny's clothes and purse, saying he had found her clothes down the side of the cane couch on the balcony. Maria asked him to leave them alone for a few minutes, as they were having a girl's talk.

So Cory picked up his jeans and went to the kitchen to make them a morning coffee.

Once he was through the door, Maria asked Penny why she was doing her degree in New Orleans, "It is such a long way from Maine?"

"My mother is from here. Well, she grew up on a plantation outside of New Orleans, and we have relatives here. Judy, the bridesmaid from last night, is my mother's sister's youngest daughter. They still live on the outskirts of the city. I also wanted to get away from home, and I wanted a university that had a good music program. So my mother insisted I came here near relatives, and she is paying for all my private fees."

"It sounds like your mother has money?"

"Yes, my grandfather left all her brothers and sisters a substantial inheritance. And I also have had money left to me in a trust."

"You said your father and brothers are quite discriminatory, is your mother also?"

"No, Mum is not too bad, but she is very subservient to my father. My eldest brother is the worst. He hates blacks and is not very tolerant of women in general. He is the main reason I was keen to escape Maine. He has enjoyed putting me down all my life."

Maria asked, "Why?"

"For some reason, the boys were not left as good a trust as mine. Also, he's not blessed with the looks my mother, younger brother, and I have. He takes after my father. I guess he compensates by putting us all down, me especially."

"So, will you see Lewis again?"

"Yes, my mother never wanted me to be in the dorm. She wanted to lease me an apartment. But I resisted as I didn't want to be on my own. So I'll look for a two-bedroom apartment now, and Lewis can have a room close to the university. At the moment, he has to travel right across the city every day."

"Oh! So, is Lewis at your university?"

"No! He's at the public one doing an engineering degree, but it's very close to mine. That's why he drives the taxi on the weekends, to get the money to pay his way."

Maria pulled Penny close to her, "Tell me more about last night?"

"I'm too embarrassed. My girlfriends and I used to talk about sex. But I've never told anyone about anything I've done."

"You have just watched Cory and me making love, so you can't be shy."

"I'm sorry I watched. But I couldn't move. It was like something out of a dream, nothing like the sex I had known until last night. Lewis is big, like Cory. I never for a moment thought I would be able to accommodate him. But he treated me like a goddess, just lying beside me, staring and caressing my whole body. I made the first moves. He got me so worked up I didn't care if he hurt me."

"Did it hurt?"

"Not really. As I said, I was so worked up that I didn't really notice. He was saying such nice, comforting things to me, and when he rolled against me, I felt his hard press against my hip, and I wanted to touch it and do much more. It was all I could think about. He was an amazing lover and brought me off twice before he came himself. Then we talked most of the rest of the night."

"What about?"

"Everything, family, university, music, he has much the same tastes as me and has promised to take me to hear some groups that I would never learn about without him."

Maria interrupted, "We heard you making love again early this morning."

"That was me. Lewis was in a rush to leave. His car was on the taxi rank, and he was worried his car would be towed. But I wouldn't let him go. I crawled on top of him and held him down, rubbing myself on him until he was hard again. Then I went down on him, something I had never done before. I could still taste myself on him; it felt dirty and turned me on something terrible. I understand now why you like to be watched. It's nice to be dirty sometimes. I rode him until we both came. It has been a night of firsts. I have never been one to take control in anything I do."

They rose and joined Cory in the dinette. Afterwards, they all dressed and went down to breakfast. Penny's phone rang when they were almost finished. She was very excited. It was from Lewis saying that he was waiting outside to run her back to the dorms. They walked Penny out, swapped numbers and watched her excitedly clamber into the front of the taxi.

Cory and Maria returned to their room and discussed the evening's events. Cory admitted that the night's events had turned him on, but he still struggled with his feelings. They were still swapping experiences and discovering things as they drove to the airport. Maria couldn't stop smiling. She felt she had won the jackpot, as Cory agreed to move in with her once they returned to Cincinnati.

Written by mingemuncher
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