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Maria My Shy Wife

"After five years apart, Cory and Maria meet up at their daughters wedding."

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Author's Notes

"The inspiration for this story came from a woman who contacted me after reading one of my stories. Maria lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, and we corresponded for about five years until she caught Covid. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Much of this story mirrors her life, with heavy doses of her fantasies that she related to me."

In the summer of 1981, Cory Larson was twenty-five. Ronald Reagan was president, and John DeLorean had just released his flagship DMC-12. Cory had aspirations of owning one. He had graduated from the University of Cincinnati, third in class, with an Engineering degree. His high achievement had landed him an excellent position at one of Cincinnati's leading Civil Engineering firms.

He was your all-American boy, tall, handsome, olive-skinned, with dark brown hair and eyes. He was mild-natured, and his mother instilled good values and morals into her young man. Above all else, she had hammered home that he would always treat women respectfully and jump to their aid if they were in trouble.

The family was well off. His father was an accountant, and his mother had been an air hostess when the two of them had met. He had three younger sisters. As well as their large home in one of Cincinnati's better suburbs, they owned a holiday home up on the shores of Lake Erie, where they spent most of their summers.

Cory got on with everyone, young or old. He could strike up a conversation on almost any topic with anyone. From a very young age, he had happily joined in his sisters' games and, by his early teens, was in hot demand to attend the birthday parties of his sisters' friends.

He lost his virginity at one of his sister's parties in the summer of seventy-nine. As usual, they were holidaying at Lake Erie, and an older sister of one of his sisters' friends had secreted him away to a guest area of her parents' holiday home, stripped him naked, and had her way with him. Laura was three years older than Cory and was rebelling against the strict upbringing her parents had inflicted on her. That summer, they secretly met whenever they managed to escape the family.

Laura used Cory to advance her knowledge and experience in various sexual activities. She stole her father's hidden books and magazines, and they perused them whenever possible, using them as a guide. Laura taught him how to play with and manipulate her nipples, breasts, inner thighs, ears, mouth, neck and, of course, her genitalia, where her magic little button nestled. They had searched many times for her elusive g-spot without much success, but she often had more than one orgasm during these treasure hunts.

Laura went to college at the end of that summer, and he never caught up with her again. But his education with the opposite sex did not end with her departure. He found new popularity with the ladies back home and never lacked for a date.

He had had three steady girlfriends by the time he reached twenty-five. The longest lasted two and a half years and had finished almost a year before when she had found him in bed with her best friend. He had tried, unsuccessfully, to explain that he was fighting to stop her friend and was not making love to her. But the fact that he had his trousers around his ankles, and she was stark naked, astride him, did not make a convincing argument.

They had made up and started dating again a couple of months later, only for him to find her naked in a bedroom with one of his best mates one night. She had been riding his mate hard and did not miss a beat as she yelled at him, "What's it like to walk in on your friend fucking your partner?" He realised he'd been set up, that she had just wanted revenge.

Cory knew how far he had strayed from the good upbringing his mother had given him and swore to himself that he would change his ways. He practically stopped going to parties and threw himself into his work and sport. He had had one major slip-up a few months earlier with a married woman.

She was the receptionist at a company his firm was doing business with. He worked at their offices three days a week, and she would join him for lunch daily. She was unhappy in her marriage, and one lunchtime, she had asked him to accompany her to a Dire Straits concert on the coming Saturday night. She told him she had bought the tickets, but her husband would not go with her as he had something else he wanted to do.

Halfway through the concert, they had managed to work their way to within ten rows of the stage. The crowd was pulsing and throbbing around them. It was too tight to dance, so he dropped his arms over her shoulders from behind and drew her into his body to protect her from the crush. She wriggled her bum against his crotch, then pulled one of his hands between her legs. He drew up her dress, slipped her panties aside, and fingered her in time to the music.

It seemed like no time at all, and she was writhing against him, her body pulsing and jumping to the beat, then slumping back against him as her climax sapped all the strength from her legs. She recovered quickly, and feeling his rock-hard cock pressing into her back, she turned around, leaned down, and gave him a blow job. The people around them had to have realised what was happening, but no one seemed to take much notice. All, far more interested in the band's antics on the stage.

He had stopped the car beside a river after the show, and they had heated sex on the back seat. Afterwards, she had him drop her off around the corner from her home, as she did not want to get caught getting out of his car by her husband.

Furtively dropping her off like that had him annoyed. Again, he had fallen victim to his amoral standing prick. Fortunately, he only had a couple more days at her workplace, and after a couple of weeks evading her calls, he had managed to extract himself from the situation.

At his youngest sister's twenty-first birthday party a month later, he first saw Maria. She stood in the lounge with a group of girls across from him. Cory was talking to some friends when he gazed across the room and caught Maria's eye. He felt the breath leave his lungs. She was stunningly beautiful, petite, maybe five foot two or three, with blond hair just past her shoulders. Her attire was modest, but she could not hide her trim figure and perky young breasts. He decided there and then that she may be the one he could settle down with.

Cory asked his mates if they knew who she was. One of his mate's girlfriends spoke up, saying she knew her and was a year behind her at school. But then she warned him not to bother with her as she was just a frigid, religious prude. Of course, that just made Cory much more interested. He loved the challenge of a reserved, forbidden woman and strode across the room to give it his best shot.

Maria had been watching Cory Larson all night. She knew who he was. His reputation as a womaniser was well-known in the neighbourhood. She was amazed that even with his reputation, many of the women at the party seemed intent on attracting his attention. Yet, as much as they tried to catch his eye, he didn't seem interested in any of them and, contrary to the rumours, seemed quite modest.

She was at the party because she had been allowed out on her first date with a member of the opposite sex. Her date was the same age as her, eighteen. She knew her date reasonably well. They had gone to the same church for as long as she could remember and had been invited to the party as his family were long-time friends of the Larsons'.

The week before the party, both parents gave the young couple strict instructions about how to behave on their date. As Maria had departed for the party, her mother's last words had been to reinforce the no alcohol message, and she quietly reminded Maria yet again about what all boys were after. She had been receiving the same message for several years.

However, once they had arrived at the party, her date had dumped her and moved across the room to talk with some girl that she knew he was forbidden to see. And she noted that he had a drink in his hand within minutes.

Shy and submissive around people she did not know, she had joined a group of girls she vaguely knew. She stood quietly to one side, listening to them discussing all the guys at the party, and was embarrassed by their indecent comments. She wondered how she could leave and get home without dropping her date in trouble.

She looked up to see Cory looking directly at her and could not tear her eyes away. Then, she internally panicked at the unfamiliar surge of warmth that flooded her body as he walked across the room toward her.

He asked if he could get her a drink, and she accepted, even though that was one of the biggest no-nos of the many rules she had received. He didn't even ask her what she wanted, just returned with a Black Russian, which she gulped down rather quickly and then, against her better judgement, found herself agreeing to another one. She sipped the second drink more slowly, and when Cory started talking and asking her questions, she tried to sound interesting and somewhat intelligent. But she was nervous. Her awkwardness with the questions he asked her, some of them loaded with sexual overtones, had her stammering awkward replies.

For Cory, it didn't take him long to realise his friend's girlfriend was probably correct in her summation of the pretty girl. He took in that she struggled to meet his eyes when they talked, and his usual banter either went right over her head or was met with an almost sullen response. But the prospect of all of his friends laughing at him and saying they told him so made him refuse to back off and give up on her so easily. So he struggled, toning his conversation down and taking things much slower than he was used to.

By the time he had coerced her to have a third cocktail, she was loosening up. They danced, and by the night's end, he managed to get her phone number and a promise that she would sneak out and meet him for another date.

Their courtship moved slowly at first as she struggled to find ways to creep out from her mother's scrutiny. Cory was mesmerised by how naive and innocent she was. Everything he taught her brought wonder and surprise to her face. Six months after the party, he met her parents for the first time, as he had asked them if he could take her to a show. On the way home, they stopped at his flat and made love for the first time. It wasn't the most outstanding sex he had had by a long shot, but he was confident that with his experience, he would soon have her climbing the walls in ecstasy.

They married eight months later, just before her nineteenth birthday. Maria gave birth to their first child, Sacha, only six months after the wedding. Her family was unhappy as they were good Catholics and very much against sex outside marriage. They never entirely accepted Cory for bedding their daughter outside of marriage and frowned on the fact that he wasn't a good churchgoer.

Cory and Maria had two more children (boys) in subsequent years, and with Cory being made a partner in his firm just after the second boy was born, they moved into a larger house in a better neighbourhood. To all appearances, they were a well-matched, happy couple with no financial problems and plenty of good friends. But there were issues. Maria was insecure and worried that Cory was playing around.

Maria's upbringing taught her to believe that sex was a duty she was expected to bear, and she couldn't bring herself to experiment or fully let herself go. Her worries about Cory and other women were the cause of many of their arguments.

Cory was, in fact, very faithful. He had numerous opportunities but knew that he would ruin his marriage if he ever succumbed to the pleasures on offer. The morals his mother had instilled in him, and how he had felt that year before he met Maria kept him on the straight and narrow.

Cory travelled often with his work. Sometimes, it was just a night away, but more often, it would be two or three nights overseeing a project in another city. When away, he always bought Marie clothes or lingerie that he thought she would look absolutely beautiful wearing. But to get Maria to wear these items was always a struggle. She was timid and dressed in the most subdued manner possible to avoid being noticed when they went out. And so, the sexy clothes and underwear he bought her mostly sat unused in her wardrobe.

Cory became more and more frustrated. He had tried everything he could think of over the years: sexual aids, vibrators, etc. He even went through a phase of bringing home porn movies with varying themes, hoping one of them would spark some interest. But although she would watch them with him, she made it clear that she was only watching because he wanted her to. The only time she ever loosened up a little was when he managed to load her up with alcohol.

As the years passed, he started to give up. Then, after sixteen years of marriage, things came to a head. Cory loved Maria dearly but slipped up one night while drinking with some mates. He had succumbed to a very alluring redhead and didn't get home until 4:00 a.m.

He didn't bother lying to Maria when he got home. She knew what had happened. She could smell the other woman on him. They had been growing apart for a long time, having different interests. With only one of their three children still living at home, they decided to part.

Cory had no worries about Maria surviving on her own. She had been working as a nurse when he met her. In the last few years, she had completed some university law and administration papers, which landed her a well-paid position at the hospital near their home. Her job involved liaising between the doctors, nurses, and others, together with the barristers defending the hospital against medical malpractice lawsuits. It meant that financially, she was in a good position to support herself.

Cory sold out his shares in the partnership as he wanted a total change. With the money from the share sale and the money they got from selling their home, they each bought apartments, and Cory set up an investment account for each of them with the considerable sum of money that remained.

He became self-employed and started taking on contract work that took him all over the country, sometimes for months on end.

He would catch up with his children on his visits home and sometimes see Maria at events, like the kids' birthdays, etc. Then, two years after their separation, Cory landed an extremely lucrative three-year contract in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


It was a stinking hot day, sweat pouring from my body as I struggled up the steps to my apartment. I saw I had a letter from home, and on closer inspection, I saw it was from my daughter, Sacha. I tore the envelope open and read that she was getting married, and wanted me to call her as soon as possible.

I had only four months of my three-year contract left to run. The project was in the wrap-up stage, explaining why I arrived home at 3:00 p.m. on a weekday afternoon. I checked the time and put a call through to the States. Sacha wanted to know the date I was returning home. She and Gary had not entirely tied in a date for their wedding, but they had to decide in the next few days. I gave her my flight schedule, and she was happy to find that there was a date free at their preferred venue just two weeks after I arrived home.

Sasha informed me that they were having the wedding in New Orleans and that even though many of the guests would have to travel quite long distances to attend, she was expecting around eighty people. She asked me about paying for the venue, which I agreed to readily, as I could easily afford it. In the past two and a half years, I had banked about three times more than I would have had I been working with my old firm. And my old firm had paid well.

Sacha gave me the hotel where they would stay so I could book a room. And she informed me that they planned to hold the wedding reception in the same hotel.

I asked after her mother and how she was keeping and then if Maria would be bringing a partner.

"She's looking great," replied Sacha. "She has been attending a gym since you guys split. I don't know if she will be bringing a partner. She says she is dating, but I have never seen her with anyone, and I catch up with her at least once a week."

Then Sacha asked if I would be bringing a partner.

"I don't know. I need to give that some thought," I replied. I needed to find someone to take along if Maria was taking someone. I suddenly felt a surge of jealousy. Why, I do not know. I had all the sex I could ever want here in Malaysia. I shouldn't be the slightest bit concerned about her having met someone. I then forced myself to think happy thoughts and be pleased about her finding someone new. But the pain in my gut told me that deep down, I did not want her to have met anyone.

"Well, I'm going to be putting 'plus Guest' on both of your invitations anyway," Sacha replied.

Upon hanging up, my first thought was that I needed to get back to the gym. There was a company account for all our contractors to attend the local gym, but I needed to catch up in going over the last year or more.


Four months later, I arrived home and booked a hotel in downtown Cincinnati. I couldn't move back into my apartment as I had leased it out while I was away. I had to give the tenants three months' notice. But the hotel worked well, giving me time to settle back into the city and sort out my life without worrying about cooking and housework.

I splashed out and bought new clothes, including an expensive new suit for the wedding day. Sacha had warned me her mother was looking pretty hot, so I felt the need to polish up my act.

I also hit a few car dealers and bought myself a new car. I was very tempted between a V8 Mustang and a McLaren 570S Spider. But I knew they were both ridiculous, as I couldn't turn up at a construction site in either car. I finally settled on a brand new Lexus RX350. That was a much better choice. I could go skiing or fishing and turn up on a worksite without looking like some monied snob.

I didn't catch up with Maria in those two weeks I was back in Cincinnati. I wanted to, but I was unsure how she would receive me. The first time I saw her was in New Orleans when both sides of the family met for dinner the night before the wedding. I had met Sacha's husband-to-be, Gary, three times since I had been home, but it was the first time I had met his parents and some of their extended family.

Maria had taken my breath away when she walked into the room. She had a finely sculptured body, almost a picture of how trim she had been in our early years of dating. I noted that she must have been on a rigorous exercise program. It made me realise how out of shape I was, even with the last few months of exercise I had put in.

She wore tight-fitting white slacks, a white tube top that showed a lot of mid-drift, and a good amount of cleavage. Over this, she was wearing a very smart pink blazer. She was tanned, and her hairdo had obviously cost a fortune. She looked pretty stunning. It was as if she had just stepped off a fashion show runway.

Whilst both our sons were over giving her hugs and welcoming her, I looked around to take note of Gary's family's reaction and was pleased to see Gary's father getting a dig in his ribs from his wife. There were a couple of other wives giving their husbands dirty looks. The new version of Maria had undoubtedly caused a stir.

I thought she looked taller than I remembered, and then I noticed her very high-heeled shoes. This was definitely not the Maria I had been married to. And I was surprised when I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me. The thought that she must have met a man and that he had managed to get her to change really choked me up.

Besides our initial hellos, I didn't get to say more than a few words with Maria, as Gary's father and uncle cornered Maria for most of the evening. At the end of the dinner, as we all got up to leave, I asked her if she would like a quick nightcap with me. I wanted to talk with her and find out how the changes in looks and confidence had come about. She surprised me with an enthusiastic 'Yes!' and I excited caught the elevator down to the house bar with her.

"Can I have a coffee? I think I've had enough to drink," she asked.

"Sure, that sounds good to me also." Then, pausing, I blurted out, "I have to be frank. I wouldn't have recognised you in the street. What, or who managed to bring about this amazing transformation?"

Maria hung her head, and for a second, I saw the submissive, shy woman she used to be. Then she noticeably pulled herself together and replied.

"Sacha talked me into counselling and found me a wonderful woman to guide me. I saw her once a week for over a year, and she slowly got me to re-invent the person I was."

"I wish you could have met this woman while we were together. It would have made a huge difference in our marriage," I replied.

"An old cliché I know. But they say you must reach rock bottom before you realise you need to change," she responded. Then, with a hopeful look on her face, she asked. "Are you going to stay put in Cincinnati now, or are you off overseas again?" And before I could answer, she asked, "If you are staying a while, could we see one another sometimes?"

I hesitated, which was the wrong thing to have done, as I saw a pained, awkward expression cross her face. So I quickly responded with. "Of course. Sorry, I hesitated because I haven't decided what I'm going to do. Of course, I would love to see you."

She had thrown me into a turmoil of disturbing thoughts. Did I want to take up a relationship with her again? My dick was telling me yes, but had she really changed? I didn't want to return to those sleepless nights after awkward sex again. The arguments and snapping at one another all the time, I just couldn't go there.

But I hadn't been happy in Kuala Lumpur for over the last year. The sex that was available over there had seemed incredible at first. Most young Asian women would do anything with a European guy, hoping to land themselves a husband. Even wives of ex-pat workers had thrown themselves at me. Yet the inclination for that slowly wore off, and I had avoided superficial relationships for the last year. I craved to find a decent, steady woman I could settle with.

I pushed her again, "Can you tell me what brought this change?"

"I can try, but there are some things I don't know that I should share. I don't think you will be thrilled if you know everything I have done."

"Well, we will have to discuss it all some time and get everything out in the open if we are to see one another again. I've not been an angel myself the last five years and not at all proud of many things I have done either."

Maria looked me in the eye, "I'll try then, but you have to share as well." Then she added, "Not tonight, though. I don't want to shock or disgust you and ruin our day at Sacha's wedding tomorrow."

We made small talk, finished our coffee, and I walked her to her room. At the door, she surprised me with a quick kiss, and before I could react, she slid in past her door and closed it. Walking back to my room, I was beset with confusing emotions. What did I want for my future, and foremost in my mind, what about the feelings in my groin that the kiss had given rise to?

I had paid for two suites on the top floor of the hotel. One being for Sacha and Gary, the other for myself. The idea was that we could use them for all the pre-wedding stuff. Changing clothes, bride and bridesmaids, makeup, etc.

Friday morning was all the preparation. We had an early light lunch in my room for our side of the family, after which we all got ready for the 3:00 p.m. ceremony. Sacha had wanted a Saturday wedding, but all the venues they tried were booked. So, their ceremony was to be held in a small wooden church five blocks from the hotel. Afterwards, there were photos, and the guests milled around in the lounge bar at our hotel until it was time for the wedding reception.

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I was seated alongside Maria, as, like me, she had not brought a partner. We were sharing a table with Gary's parents, and as I had surmised, I got along famously with Gary's father. I wasn't so keen on his younger brother, though. The guy showed way too much interest in Maria, and what ruffled my feathers the most was that Maria seemed to be lapping up all his attention.

Again, I marvelled at how stunning she looked. She wore a plain pink V-necked chiffon cocktail dress with ruffled sleeves. It showed plenty of cleavage, and although the hemline was well below her knees, it was a semi-wrap-around below the waist and split open, showing plenty of leg as she walked. I struggled to get a dance with her, as it seemed every male in the place wanted to get her onto the floor.

It was hard to believe she was now thirty-nine, soon to turn forty. More than one guy jokingly asked me if she was my daughter. Others made jibes about my having been a dirty cradle snatcher. Gary's uncle kept making advances on Maria, and his wife embarrassed the hell out of me by making very obvious advances. I surmised she was just trying to piss off her husband.

Around 11:00, when most of the guests were retiring, Maria and I snuck away together. I asked if she wanted to go to the house bar again for coffee.

"No, let's go to your room. We need some privacy if we're going to talk. I want to hear your filthy secrets if I am to tell you any of mine. I don't think we can be very open with a bar load of drunks around us."

"Suits me. I'll get pissed off if the guys keep hitting on you," I replied.

Once in my room, Maria sat beside me on the settee. She cuddled into me and asked me to start first.

"This is bloody awkward. It feels like kiss and tell, something I was always told not to do in my youth."

"Well, I have some pretty revealing secrets to disclose, so if you want the truth from me, then you have to be open as well," she replied.

"Okay. The months after we parted are a bit of a blur. I know I slept with some women, but cannot remember much about them. Then I had a couple of relationships, but soon found they didn't match up to you in many ways other than in bed. I also had a disastrous relationship with a married woman during this time and was lucky I didn't get myself shot. It was this, more than anything, that convinced me to take the contract in Malaysia."

I looked at Maria to see how she was taking all this and took a sip of my water. She just smiled and indicated for me to continue.

"When I arrived in Kuala Lumpur, I found I had a two-bedroom apartment arranged for me. I didn't have to buy furniture, cooking utensils, sheets, towels, or anything. It also came with a three-day-a-week housemaid service, all paid for in the contract. Everything worked well for the first three weeks while I settled in. Then, one of the other contractors mentioned one night at the local bar that he and a few of my colleagues had dropped the company maid service and hired another local outfit to do their cleaning. The benefits were that the new housemaid started at 4:00 p.m., cooked your dinner, cleaned the apartment, and was more than open to a bit of sex before they left for the night. Of course, if you wanted the sex, you had to pay extra."

Maria turned to me and raised her eyebrows, "So! You leapt at that like a hungry dog?"

"I did. But honestly, my main reason was not the sex. I had no intention of taking them up on that. I had never paid for sex in my life and had no intention of starting. What attracted me most was getting my dinners cooked three nights a week. Also, they were there in the evening so that I wouldn't be sitting alone."

"You're not going to try and tell me you didn't sleep with the housemaids. I know you!" Maria whispered in my ear.

"I did. But as I say, I really wasn't planning to. However, the first lady who turned up was quite attractive, and when I went to dismiss her, she made it very plain that she expected me to want extras and to give her a good tip as she couldn't survive on cleaners' wages."

I was surprised at Maria's acceptance of what I had told her. She just wanted to know what they cost and how many nights per week I had them.

"Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and the going rate was $50 cash each night. They rotated the girls every week unless you specifically asked to keep the same girl. Some of the guys did this. In fact, one of the guys employed his lady full time, and I expect he will marry her."

I did not tell her everything, though. I had taken quite a shine to one of my cleaners. She was a very slight, attractive woman from the Philippines. She literally fell in love with my cock, and would lie on my stomach after sex, telling me it was the biggest one she had ever seen. This was incredibly good for my ego. My cock was above average, but certainly no eight-inch monster! She just laughed when I told her it was not that big. She would waggle her little finger at me and say, "My husband is half-size."

I answered a few more questions Maria had, then asked her again what had brought about her transformation.

"When we parted, I tried to act as if I was okay, but I was devastated. I went home and stayed with my mother for a week. I tried to tell her it was my fault that we had split. But she would have none of it. She blamed you, said all men were bastards and only ever wanted one thing. I thought she would have mellowed since my father had died, but no way. She was a bitter, twisted old woman, and I decided then that I did not want to turn out like her."

She paused, then started again.

"I came back to Cincinnati and spoke with Sasha. She was incredibly open with me about her sex life and that I needed to make huge changes if I wanted to have any fulfilling relationships. As I told you last night, Sacha put me onto a counsellor she had met through university. The councillor, Miranda, worked with me once a week for the first two months, sorting out my guilt issues. I won't bore you with details tonight, but it was mostly around my religious beliefs, lack of self-esteem and the way I viewed sex. She soon had me feeling better about myself and not wanting to jump off a bridge. Then she asked if she could hypnotise me. I agreed, and at the next three sessions, she put me under."

Maria took a sip of water and then related the next few months. She said Miranda had worked on the self-esteem issues that the hypnosis had revealed and that she had made very rapid progress with her confidence issues. Then Miranda dropped a bombshell on her, telling her that she had revealed some pretty wild sexual fantasies in the final hypnosis session. And that to address these issues, she had a positive development course that she thought would help.

The course had run for three weeks, some online, but there were two live-in weekends at a retreat. It had been a real jolt to Maria. Some of the stuff they discussed was way out of her comfort zone, especially as there were five other women and two men on the course, and she was expected to reveal stuff that she struggled even to tell Miranda. There was also an assignment set where they had to research and write a thesis on a taboo sexual topic. Her topic was 'wife sharing'. They had given her some sites where she could read erotic stories on the subject and some books she got from the library. She had to write up her findings, both pros and cons.

She admitted that some of the stories had gotten her very excited.

When she resumed her sessions with Miranda, she found that Miranda had explicitly asked the course director to give her the assignment on wife sharing, as that had been the most dominant theme revealed in her fantasies.

The sessions with Miranda continued, and they became good friends. She took Maria out shopping and slowly persuaded her to buy a new wardrobe that was much more flamboyant and revealing. The next step was taking her to bars and clubs.

She admitted to me that she had spent a lot of money on all this counselling, but Miranda only charged her for her counselling session, not the shopping sprees or nights out on the town.

It took a few months, but finally, Maria gained the confidence to go to a bar on her own, dressed to kill. She got hit on, but Miranda had given her tools to deflect the men and keep herself in control of most situations. She found herself slowly getting more comfortable and looking forward to getting out of her apartment, meeting new people, and the attention she received.

I enjoyed having Maria cuddling into me again. I held her tight and said, "There is nothing embarrassing about anything you have told me. I'm impressed with how you dress now and your new-found confidence."

"Yes, but I haven't even come close to revealing anything outrageous yet. Are you sure you want me to continue?"

"Of course. It can't be worse than what I have been up to, and it's not like we were cheating on each other. Remember, we are separated," I breathed in her ear.

She turned to me and looked up to see how sincere I was being, then continued on.

"Miranda set me an assignment to write up a story about my having sex with someone. I was to pick a real person. Someone I worked with or met at a bar or club. I picked a guy from my gym as he had been hitting on me for weeks, and I had been close to giving in to him."

They had discussed the story at her next counselling session. Miranda had been enthusiastic about how good the story was and how it turned her on. However, she pointed out some things in her writing that needed to be more realistic.

Miranda came to dinner that night, and they spent the evening correcting and rewriting her work. She persuaded Maria to publish the story on the site she had read for her research. It was a big hit, and she got lots of positive feedback.

With Miranda's continued support, she picked out a doctor from her hospital and wrote a filthy story about him. She didn't particularly like the guy, so she let her imagination flow. Again, it received rave reviews on the story site, and for the next six months, she wrote a dozen more.

All the time, Miranda was pointing out things that Maria was getting wrong. She kept pressing Maria to live out one of her stories for real to get some real-life experience for her stories.

She stopped and looked up at me again, "Are you really sure you want to hear more?"

I just nodded to her to carry on.

"Well, one afternoon at the gym, one of the young guys asked me out to dinner. I said no, but he kept pushing me, and I finally gave in. But I had a meal all prepared at home, so I asked him if he wanted to come to my place. I went home, got the dinner cooked and set the table. I even found some candles. He arrived at about 7:00. Before I could even dish out the food, he had me on the floor, making love to me. After dinner, he made love to me again. It was terrific. He was quite a good lover and managed to keep it up for a long time. It was the first time I ever remember having an orgasm."

"Did you never have an orgasm with me?" I blurted out, not managing to keep the hurt tone from my voice.

"I don't know; maybe I did. But I don't remember, as I used to shut myself off when we made love. I thought it was dirty and only something that was my duty to do as a wife."

"Are you still seeing him?" I said, still unable to keep the slight tone of hurt from my voice.

"No! I never saw the bastard again. The couple of times I did see him at the gym, he looked away. It set my rehabilitation back by months. But Miranda was great. She talked me through everything and persuaded me to try again. Only this time, I was to dictate the terms and make it clear it would be for one night only. We also made up a set of rules for these liaisons. The guy would have to wear a condom. The first guy hadn't. I was worried for weeks about catching something. And she said to make sure they knew they had to be out of my apartment before midnight."

"So you did try again?" I asked, this time managing to keep my voice under control.

"Yes, about two months later, I asked another guy home. And I have had at least one guy home weekly for over a year. They have all been around twenty. Some have been great, some have been average. I've learned a lot about myself and a lot about men. I'm a very different person to the woman you married, Cory."

She sat up, leaned back and searched my face for my reaction. "Are you shocked? Are you disgusted with me? Do you think I'm a slut, because sometimes I think I am?"

"Christ, no!" I almost screamed out. "I'm fucking happy you have finally joined the real world. Look at me," I said, pointing down to my crotch, "I'm so hard I could punch a hole in a tin roof."

Maria rubbed tears from her eyes, dropped her hand down to take hold of my raging hard-on and said. "I'd like to have some of this again." Then she whispered, "I think I could appreciate it much better now. Besides, I haven't had sex for over a month. I haven't been with anyone since I learned you were coming home."

I didn't mess around. I stood up, lifted Maria, and carried her from the lounge to my bed. This was not going to be some tender, loving makeup sex. I needed her urgently. I was going to have to be careful I didn't hurt her. I was so horny. I just wanted to fuck her until she screamed for me to stop.

She was just as crazed as I was. She was so intent on removing her dress that a button popped off and flew across the room. Then I got the shock of my life. She didn't have any knickers on. She was lying there, clad only in her bra. Fuck me! She had danced with guys at the wedding all afternoon and had not worn panties. The recollection of her walking toward me at the wedding flashed through my mind. Her dress was parting in front with each step she took, revealing a good foot of leg above the knee.

That vision tore apart the last vestiges of the gentleman from me; I was on her like an animal. I had gotten my shirt off, but my trousers were only down to my knees. I didn't waste time on my pants. I just hobbled to the bed and forced her legs apart. I leaned over her, balancing on one hand and using the other to guide myself deep into her waiting open sheath. It did not surprise me at all that her cunt was sopping wet. I hammered home right to the hilt and withdrew almost all the way before I slammed home again.

I searched out her mouth and mashed down hard onto her lips. She responded like an absolute vixen, nipping at my lips and thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth. When she tilted her head to the side and cried out for me to fuck her harder, I nuzzled into her neck and started chewing on her ear lobes. I remembered that that had always gotten a reaction from that when we were married.

I came far too soon. I knew I had been too quick for Maria to achieve an orgasm. But before I could apologise, she rolled me onto my back, squirmed down my body, and took my deflating prick into her mouth. Drenched in her own juices, my cock was still leaking cum. But she showed no hesitation, lapping up everything and swallowing, turning me on more than ever.

When she finally let my prick drop from her mouth and made to say something, I rolled her onto her back, then dived between her legs.

"No! she exclaimed. "I'm dirty. I've been leaking like a faucet all day. Let me go and have a shower."

I ignored her and forced her legs apart. The animal in me was far from sated. I attacked her cunt with a vengeance, trying to get my tongue as deep as possible. I had never been down on a woman after I had shot my load before, but tonight was not concerned in the slightest. I could taste my bleachy cum, but more importantly, I savoured her juices that were mixed in with it, lapping them up hungrily. Then pulling back and inserting two fingers into her, I attacked her clit with my teeth and tongue.

Maria went ballistic. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me hard against herself, then jerked her hips against my face until she let out a scream, and her body writhed and jerked around as an orgasm ran through her body.

She squirted! Fuck me. I had only ever had a couple of women squirt. Never in a million years could I have imagined Maria would squirt. Where the fuck had this woman been hiding! I had to lift my head and check that it was not a dream and that I was on the bed with my ex-wife.

We rolled apart onto our backs, trying to get our breath back.

She spoke first. "I'm so sorry for all those years we lost. Do you think we can try at a relationship again?"

I didn't hesitate this time. "Sounds fucking great to me."

"There may be some bumps on the way. You haven't heard half of what I have done this year," she whispered.

"There are always bumps. If the sex is anywhere close to what we just had, I don't care if you fucked the president. But don't tell me any of your experiences yet, as I'm buggered. And they turn me on too much."

We lay and talked, mainly about the wedding. Who we had found interesting, etcetera. Then I brought up Cliff, Gary's uncle. I didn't like him, not just because he was hitting on Maria all night, but I thought he was a slimy bastard.

"Would you have slept with Cliff if I hadn't been there? I didn't like him much."

"Probably. I've been working all year to find out what presses my buttons. And some of the guys I have taken home I have not particularly liked, yet the sex with them was usually very good. What about you? Would you have slept with his wife? She was making me jealous the way she pawed all over you."

Her comments about sleeping with Cliff had put a knot in my stomach. I did not expect such honesty and had wished her to say, 'Never in a lifetime.' Or something like that. I replied, "I was not at all interested in his wife. She embarrassed me. I guess she does it because of Cliff's playing up."

Maria turned and looked at me, "It's the other way around, I believe. More than one person told me she has not kept her legs together their entire marriage, and she corrupted him into playing her amoral games."

Her mentioning that she may have slept with Cliff and the thought that he was not a very nice person, for some reason, made me horny. I was sure he would have been brutal with her, and I found myself getting hard again as I pictured that happening.

Maria must have noticed my prick twitch and swell because she took hold of it and gave it a few sharp strokes. She sat up, removed her bra and rolled on top of me. Resting a hand on my shoulder, she pushed and straddled me, her butt a few inches above my waist.

I found my eyes drawn between her legs. She was shaved bare except for a strip of short pubic hair directly above her slit. I had not taken that in earlier, and again, my mind struggled to comprehend the change in my former conservative, prudish wife. I distinctly remember a couple of times that I had tried to get her to shave down there. I also took note of the fact that her mound was quite prominent. I guess this had to do with how fit she was now. God, she was beautiful.

I reached up and took hold of those beautiful globes bouncing in front of my face. They weren't as firm or perky as they once had been but were better than anything I had handled in a very long while. I had found most of the Asian girls were quite flat-chested.

"Don't touch my nipples yet. I'll tell you when you can. I've learned this year that if they are pinched at the right moment, it makes me cum really hard."

She dropped her hand between her thighs, took hold of my erect phallus and lowered herself onto me. The folds of her pussy lips spread apart as they engulfed my knob, and she swung her hips back and forth, working herself down until she had taken the entire length.

She leaned forward and flattened herself against my body. The heat from the well-lubricated walls of her vagina had me gasping for air. The exquisite feeling caused me to clench my bum, and reaching for her arse, I pulled her hard against me.

She searched out my lips and glued her lips to them. Her upper body was quite still, but her hips moved in circles, from side to side, and then she jerked them up and down. A long-drawn-out moan escaped her lips, and she lifted, arching her back as she worked towards another climax.

Over the next five minutes, she continued to rock her body and force the nub of her clitoris against the pubes at the base of my cock. Then she upped the tempo and began to pump even harder against me. She drew her feet up so that she was almost squatting, opened her eyes and asked me to squeeze her nipples.

I reached to caress her boobs, placed my thumb and forefinger around each nipple, and squeezed hard. Kneading them, I felt her nipples stiffen and swell, even though I had thought they had been already fully erect. I felt ripples of pleasure running through her body and realised I was about to explode, too. I couldn't remember the last time I had had two ejaculations on the same night.

A second later, as she started screaming out for me to pinch harder, her vagina pulsed and squeezed tight around my cock, and I felt her juices flooding between my legs. She had squirted again. Her climax set me off so hard that I arched my back and lifted Maria bodily from the bed.

I looked down between my legs and saw her clitoris was unhooded and being mashed against my mound as her intense orgasm consumed her. She let out a long, convoluted moan but kept bucking her hips against me until the spasms racking her body subsided.

Maria lay on top of me for what seemed an eternity as she waited for her breathing to resume some semblance of normality. I felt my cock shrivel and slip from her, and she let out a little sigh of dismay. I wished I was in my teens again because, in those days, I could maintain an erection, and I did not want this to stop.

Finally, she rolled off and lay beside me. "Oh, Wow! That was incredibly good. The best I have had for a good while. I need to get up and go to bed now."

"You could stay here for the night."

"That would be nice, but I don't want Sacha to know what we have done yet. We can tell the children after their honeymoon."

She disappeared into the bathroom, and I heard the tap running as she cleaned herself. She appeared moments later, fastening her bra. The top of her dress was a little more complicated as two buttons were missing. Then, clutching the top together, she came over and gave me a long kiss before heading out the door.

As the door closed, I heard her call, "I'll see you at breakfast about 8:00. We have a busy day tomorrow."

I looked at the digital clock beside my bed. It was tomorrow already. The time was 1:35 a.m. I wondered if I could sleep, but my last thoughts were - Sacha and Gary would have to be stone-deaf If they did not hear our lovemaking.

The next thing I knew, there was banging on my door. Sacha was yelling for me to wake up. "Sleepyhead, breakfast is nearly finished."

To be continued…

Written by mingemuncher
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