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"We get to act out one of our favorite fantasies."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks for reading. Loved having the chance to write a scene we’ve fantasized about for decades!"

“If we ever do this again,” I thought, as I scanned the lobby, “I’ll find a hotel where I can be alone somewhere other than my room.”

( . )( . )

Lillith had insisted on coming to a restaurant in a little inn in the next town over from ours. When we first moved here, we used to come here from time to time, but we had grown a little stale on the menu and we hadn’t been back in years. This afternoon, though, Lillith had texted me at work. “Change of plans for dinner. Let’s go to the Cameron Inn and see if they still have the pretzel bites you like.”

“Blast from the past,” I wrote back and went back to work.

In fact, I had to work late to hit my deadline so I was an hour late walking in the door. Lillith looked great! She always looks good, but I had never seen her so carefully put together for pretzel bites and beer at the Cameron Inn. She registered my surprise and gave me a teasing pout. “What? You don’t think I look presentable?” She pulled the zipper down on her blouse to reveal more cleavage…a lot of cleavage. “Is this better?”

I started to pull off my winter coat. “Screw dinner, let’s stay in and…”

“No,” she said and gripped my coat in place. “I’ll be a lot more fun after dinner and drinks.”

“What are we waiting for?” I pulled my keys from my pocket. “Let’s beat the crowd!”

( . )( . )

We didn’t. The hostess said the wait to get in was going to be at least thirty minutes. I turned to Lillith. “We could try Lamberts?”

She was craning her next to see the crowded dining room behind me. “No, I don’t want fish. Besides, it’s Friday night. It’ll be more crowded there.”

I put our name on the list and we milled around in the hotel lobby with another dozen or so people waiting to get in. Lillith seemed anxious and kept peering in the door to the restaurant so I offered to call around to some other places to see if they could get us in sooner. After she had checked the room several times, her shoulders slumped a little and she frowned. “Sure,” she said. “Go ahead and call. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

We stepped away from the little crowd so I could hear better and I started calling around. The first place had at least as long a wait. I was scrolling through my phone to pick another candidate when Lillith tensed up beside me. I looked up just as she was looking away from the restaurant. She looked a little flushed.

“Everything OK?”

“I just decided I don’t want to go out in the cold again and you’re running your battery down. Let’s just wait our turn.”

What the hell is going on? I wondered as I slipped my phone back into my pocket. 

Within minutes, we were being seated at a table near the crowded bar. Lillith usually drinks wine, so I was surprised when she asked for a vodka martini. I raised my eyebrows, “Guess I’m driving tonight?” 

She laughed. “I’ll make it worthwhile.”

We spent the rest of the meal making small talk. Lillith does not have a poker face. She seemed a little more interested than usual in the doings at my office. She ordered a second drink when her salad came. She looked in my face a lot.

I noticed she also looked over my shoulder a lot.

I knew she had something up her sleeve, but I couldn’t figure it out. My birthday was three months away and I couldn’t think of anything I had done to merit a surprise. I decided to let her have her fun and tell me when the time was right.

She ordered a third martini.

She must have asked me three times if I had finished my meal. The first time I actually had a forkful halfway to my mouth. Finally, I laughed. “Are you so horny you want to leave now? ‘Cuz I can have this boxed up…”

Her face went red and she took a big gulp of air. I noticed she was gripping her phone. 

“I…we have a deal, right? I have to tell you when I want to…” She leaned a little closer and lowered her voice. “When I’m interested in other people.”

My appetite vanished in an instant. I leaned forward, too. “I’m all ears.”

Lillith glanced at her phone and swallowed hard. “Do you remember me telling you about the contractors who have been re-wiring the green floor?”

She had been teasing me about them since Fall. The facility where she worked was doing major renovations and she enjoyed being gawked at by the various tradesmen bustling about the place as she went about her work days. Every couple of days she would send a text that read, “the guys were so obviously checking out my tits just now” or “the guys keep checking to make sure the power hasn’t flickered in my office…must be the top I’m wearing today.” Or, my favorite, “I ‘accidentally’ dropped my pen in the hall just now. NO WORK was done until I picked it up.”

“Go on…” I urged her.

She glanced at her phone again and swallowed. “Well, Gracie called in sick today and Tom is on vacation so I was alone most of the day.” I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. “And, uh, I was crossing the Green Floor to get to dietary and only the electrical guys were there today because…” She took a gulp of her martini. “Anyway, the guys were flirting and I was…flirting back…and…” She started to hold her phone out to me and pulled it back.

She was talking very rapidly now. “You always egg me on when I text you about this stuff and…I-know-our-deal-is-that-we-talk-about-it-first-when-we-are-interested-in-other-people-but-things-just-sort-of-happened-faster-than-I-realized….” she gulped for air. “...and when I did realize…things…I stopped and we didn’t finish and it didn’t go any further.”

My empty fork was suspended in space over my plate and I’m pretty sure the fillings in my molars were showing. I could feel my heart banging on the bars. I closed my mouth and blinked for the first time in a minute, reaching my hand across the table for the phone. Lillith didn’t retract it, but I had to pull it gently from her grip. 

Her eyes never left my face.

On the screen was a photo: I had seen the top of this woman’s head many times and I recognized the wedding rings; I had never seen the two dicks she was pulling to her mouth.

I’m not sure how many seconds went by. My cock was stirring even while my guts were roiling a little.

I looked up just in time to see Lillith’s eyes snap back to me. I swiveled around in my chair and looked around the room. Four tables away, two guys were sitting at a table in the corner looking at us. One of them was a little older than me, maybe mid-fifties. The other, a little younger. By their dress, they were blue-collar guys. The older one was pretty beefy and had a big brown mustache that bunched up when he smiled at me. The younger one gave a nervous wave. 

He had a big hand. Lillith is always commenting on guys with big hands.

I turned back to my wife who was biting her lip nervously. She looked at my face for a long time–watching me process all of it.

When I finally smiled, you could see the tension visibly leaving her body. I clinked my beer bottle on her empty martini glass. “What do you have in mind?”

Slowly, she took the neck of my beer bottle in one hand and used the other to unwrap my fingers from it. Then she brought it to her mouth and made sure to run her tongue visibly over the rim before she took a sip.

“Want to play ‘lockout?’”

I gulped hard. After a few seconds, I turned around and looked the guys up and down again. They held very still, understanding that they needed to make some sort of impression here.

I turned back to Lillith. “How murdery are they?” I asked, retrieving my beer bottle.

She smiled, “I can’t tell for sure, but on a scale of one to ten, I would say a five or less.”

I nodded and signaled the server for one more beer and the check.

“Facetime,” I said.

“You’ve always talked about speaker-phone…” 

“But now that it’s happening, I want to see.”

“We’ll figure it out.’ She winked at the guys over my shoulder. 

“And I get a key,” I said. “In case things go…South.”

She smiled and I could see the color rising in her face. “Or in case you want to join in?” she purred. 

“Or that.”

Lillith stood as the server brought my beer and the check. “I think I’ll use the restroom before we go,” she said more loudly, as if anyone was paying attention to this middle-aged couple at a table in a crowded restaurant. She blew me a kiss and headed for the lobby. 

I took a long pull from my beer and stared at the door she had walked through. After a few minutes, the two guys walked past. Without a glance, Mustache pressed a key card on my napkin as he passed.

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“623,” he said.

A few minutes later, I finished my beer and paid the check. I gathered my coat and Lillith’s and stepped into the lobby. The rush was ending and the place was mostly deserted. I approached the reception desk and waited for the woman to look up from her screen.

“Excuse me,” I said. “I’m not staying here but I’ve just eaten in the restaurant and I need to take a Facetime call in a few minutes. I don’t want to be rude…do you have a place I could talk without being a nuisance?”

She looked apologetic. “Not really,” she said. “But feel free to sit in the lobby. The dinner rush is over and I think the rest of the night is going to be pretty quiet.”

( . )( . )

Half an hour passed. I was pleased to find that my earbuds still had a charge when I dug them out of my coat pocket, but I was worried that my phone showed 41%. I was trying to turn off every other app when the Facetime call came in. Through the earbuds, the ring tone sounded like the foghorn of a barge so that I nearly jumped out of the sofa. 

Lilith’s face appeared on the screen. Her lipstick was pretty smudged and her hair was messy. “Hi, honey, sorry it took a minute.” She was holding the phone so close that her face, lit up by the screen, took up most of the frame.

“That’s OK,” I said, aware that the receptionist might be able to hear me. “I know you’re busy.”

She grinned. “I AM busy, baby. Do you want to see what I’m busy with?” She looked away from the screen and said something inaudible.

The phone was jumbled for a minute then I could see that it was further from her face. She flashed a big smile. There was a substantial cock in her left hand. “I should introduce you,” she said. “This is Stephen.” She turned her face and touched the tip of her tongue to the cock in her hand, looking into the camera. She dragged her tongue lightly around the head and then took the full tip in her mouth. For a second she closed her eyes.

Then she released it and looked up, away from the camera. It swiveled slightly and I could see she had a cock in her right hand, too. “And this,” she repeated the process on purple head of the cock in her other hand. “ Mike.” She pushed her mouth down the full length of the cock, then came up for air. She looked up at the cock’s owner. “And Mike is going to eat me now, aren’t you Mike?”

The phone was jostled for several seconds as they reset themselves, then it came to focus again on Lillith. In the dim light of the phone screen, I could see that she was on her back. The first cock was in her mouth and she was eagerly pulling on it with her hand. Whoever was holding the phone (Stephen, I deduced) would occasionally turn it to try to catch the action between her thighs, but all I could see in the darkness was a dark blob of hair between her pale thighs.

It didn’t matter. I could hear her groaning in encouragement around a mouthful of cock. Whatever his technique, it must have been good because she was orgasming within just a few minutes. Even with the shaky camera-work, I could see her gripping the cock in her hand even tighter as she jerked it into her mouth and bucked her hips.

Finally, she released the cock from her mouth and hand and looked at Mike. “Let me feel your mustache, I was squirting pretty hard.” The phone tilted and I could make out her hand running over Mike’s mustache and chin. “If you were here, honey,” she said to me. “I know you would want to feel this. His mustache is dripping with me.”

“Uh-huh, that’s impressive,” I said, glancing around the lobby. Two couples were laughing as they pulled their coats on near the doors.

Lilith was saying something to the guys that I couldn’t make out and the phone was again being jostled. This went on for longer than I liked and I was starting to get impatient when suddenly Lillith had the phone again and her face was very close. She looked serious.

“Everything OK??” I asked. I was wondering if I should take the elevator or risk a heart attack by trying to bolt up the stairs.

“Condoms.” She said. I could hear her frustration. “They said they had condoms but I just checked and they are expired.” Even through the phone, she could read my mind. “By two years.”

My mind was a blank. I could hear them talking but I couldn't make out the conversation. Lilith’s face appeared again. “Do you have any?”

“Of course not! We haven’t used condoms in twenty years,” I looked up and saw the woman at the reception desk looking away…determinedly looking away. I lowered my voice, “You’re not going to not…

Lillith batted her eyes at the phone. “Sweetheart,” she pouted her lips, then gestured to someone off-screen. Instantly she reached out and pulled a cock to her mouth. She ran her tongue down the full length. “Can you go to Rite Aid?”

“CVS is like three blocks from here,” I said. The lady at reception cleared her throat.

Lilith flicked her tongue on the cock. “Hurry,” she said as the screen went blank.

I nearly jumped out of my chair, then had to go back and get my coat. Then I had to go back to get her coat.

“CVS is closed,” said the lady behind the desk as I hurried past, though her face was concentrating on her computer screen.

I was trying to decide between playing dumb and asking for help. I could feel a little bead of sweat on my temple.

Without looking up, she said, “Try the Mobile station.”

“Good…idea,” I said. Not knowing what else to say, I turned and walked out, nearly sprinting across the parking lot. 

( . )( . )

Twelve minutes later, I was back in the lobby. “I’m just going to…” I pointed to the elevators as I passed the reception desk. 

The woman pretended I wasn’t there at all.

At 623, I knocked before I remembered I had a key. I was shifting the coats and bag in my hand so I could fish it from my pocket when the door opened. Lillith had never looked sexier. Her hair was a mess, her face was red and slick with sweat, her nipples stood out like steel thimbles beneath her black teddy. The whole room smelled of sex.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled me in, closing the door behind me. Mustache was on the bed, propped up on one elbow. The other guy, Stephen, was standing at the foot of the bed. His face and chin were wet.

Lillith had tossed the plastic bag of condoms to Stephen and was stripping my coat off. “Can you hold out if I suck your cock while they take turns fucking me?” She was almost breathless.

Her hands fumbled at my zipper. “I’m pretty excited but I’ll…” Lillith reached in and squeezed my cock with one hand while she jerked my pants down with the other. 

She looked me in the eye while she spoke to them. “Someone better have a condom on when we get over there.” 

She was pulling me toward the bed as I tried to step out of my pants. I pulled my left leg free as she swung me around and pushed me onto the bed. In a second, she was on me, swallowing my cock and wiggling her ass at the other two. She had no idea if it was Stephen or Mike (it was Mike) behind her, but the whole room could feel her urgency for a cock in her even as she moaned around a mouthful of me. 

Very quickly, Mike grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed into her from behind. She was shouting with pleasure and rocking back and forth against him. I looked at him once or twice, and I was aware of Stephen opening a condom packet, but 95% of my attention was on Lillith. Her eyes were locked on mine as she was getting plowed, first by Mike, then by Stephen. She gripped the base of my cock like a vise with her hand, even though she sometimes struggled to keep it in her mouth as she was violently pounded. Wave after wave of pleasure passed over her face. She had me so locked up that I couldn’t possibly cum, though I knew I would explode the moment she released her grip. 

Several minutes must have passed. I’m not sure I had noticed that both Mike and Stephen had finished when Lillith finally pulled her mouth off of my cock and smiled. “I’ll let you cum in my mouth if I can sit on your face,” she purred.

Even as she maintained that tight grip on my dick, she scooched around and planted her dripping pussy on my mouth. It was swollen and pink and my face was instantly soaked. I was lapping eagerly when she finally released her hand. I could feel my cock exploding at the back of her throat while she ground herself on my face. 

Finally, both of us went a little limp. I knew she was going to climb off of me. In that weird calm clarity that rises when you have just cum, I knew Mike and Stephen would be standing there. I couldn’t predict whether they would be getting dressed, or readying up for another round. I couldn’t tell if one or both condoms had failed or if one or both had faked putting them on.

Lillith’s face appeared over mine and for just a second, her long, wild, blond hair curtained our two faces. She kissed me deeply. “You taste sooo good,” she whispered.

“I like playing ‘lockout,’” I whispered back.

Written by Reagent264
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