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Free Use for Poker Night

"Amanda and her husband Josh have something special planned for his weekly poker night with friends."

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“Okay, Rob deals first since he won last week,” Justin said, checking the notebook where he kept a running record of their weekly poker nights. 

It had been a tradition since they’d taken a trip to Vegas to celebrate their 21st birthdays nearly ten years earlier.

“Three weeks in a row now, isn’t it?” David asked, handing the deck of cards to Rob and passing out four sets of chips. 

“That’s right!” Rob gloated. “Going for a month-sweep tonight. Anyone feel like adding a little something to the wager tonight?” 

“What do you have in mind?” Josh asked before taking a sip of his beer. 

As if on cue, Josh’s wife, Amanda, came out from the kitchen carrying a plate of snacks. She wore a short, yellow cotton sundress with thin spaghetti straps and a pattern of white daisies. Her hair was pinned up, several strands falling out of a messy bun. She instantly caught the attention of all four guys.  

“Okay, be nice please, this is a new recipe,” Amanda said, setting the plate towards the middle of the table, but out of the way of the cards and poker chips. 

“Thanks, babe,” Josh said, grabbing her hand and pulling her down for a kiss. 

Rob sat on the side of the table to Josh’s left, and couldn’t help checking out Amanda’s ass as she bent to give her husband a kiss. 

David was on Josh’s right, and his eyes caught on Amanda’s cleavage as she leaned forward, resting a hand on her husband’s chest. One of the spaghetti straps slipped down her shoulder, giving David a glimpse of her lacy white bra. 

The guys both looked away when they caught themselves staring and then smirked at each other across the table, each knowing what the other was thinking. Justin shook his head, but he smirked too, clearly having caught the others enjoying their respective views. 

Amanda disappeared back into the kitchen then, and they started the first game. After the first round, Rob was already off to an early lead. 

Josh tossed his cards into the pile with a groan to fold on a hand, then called out to his wife.

“Hey babe, can you bring me another beer?” 

“Yeah, just a minute!” Amanda called back. 

She came back into the room moments later carrying an open beer bottle. 

“Here, hun,” she said, handing him the drink. 

Josh turned his seat to face her as he accepted the beer and took a sip. 

Rob glanced up at the couple and noticed them exchanging looks, having what appeared to be a silent conversation.

Then, without another word, Amanda slid down to her knees in front of Josh. The other guys all watched as she unzipped her husband’s jeans and pulled his dick out, stroking and then taking him into her mouth to suck him right there at the table.

The other three guys all reacted with curses and exclamations of, “Holy shit!” “Fuck!” and “Whoa!” Again, they looked around the table at each other, unsure how to respond. But their eyes kept getting drawn back, and they couldn’t help watching. If Josh and Amanda were going to do that out in the open, they had to be allowed to watch, right?

Josh groaned and his head rolled back in pleasure as his wife sucked his cock right in front of his friends. Then he looked up and around the table, doing the best he could to hide a smirk. “Who’s bet is it?” 

David picked a card to continue the game, laughing and shaking his head. 

The others followed suit and continued the game. 

“If that’s the prize for being first out, what does the winner get?” Rob asked. 

The others laughed, probably louder than what was warranted from the joke, releasing nervous energy. 

Josh laughed too and smirked, gently guiding Amanda’s head and hissing in a breath. 

She looked up at him, smiling and blushing as she sucked and slurped. 

He groaned and leaned up then, reaching down to unhook her bra and help her get it off from under her dress. Then he pulled down on the front of the dress, letting her big tits hang out, groping them, and pinching her nipples hard. 

Amanda whimpered and moaned, causing all four guys’ cocks to throb. She reached up to cup Josh’s balls in one hand, and wrapped the other around his base, squeezing and stroking. Bobbing her head faster and sucking harder, she brought him to the edge quickly. 

Josh grunted as his cock pulsed between Amanda’s lips, and several spurts of cum filled her mouth. 

“Mmm,” Amanda moaned, licking her husband’s cock clean and causing it to twitch again. 

Then she put her hands on his thighs to push herself back up to her feet, wiping her lips and pulling the straps of her dress back up. 

“Does anyone else need another drink?” she asked then, smiling and blushing as she looked around the table.

All three guys responded in unison, “Yeah, sure!” “Yes, please!” and, “For sure!”

Amanda bit her lip to hold back laughter as she went off to get the drinks. 

Once she exited the room, the guys all made silent exclamations, looking around the table at each other and at Josh, mouthing things along the lines of, “What the fuck was that?!” 

But Josh’s expression was unreadable. 

When Amanda returned moments later, she made her way around the table, delivering drinks. She made a point of leaning over each guy as she placed a beer in front of him. The spaghetti straps holding her dress up kept slipping down over her shoulders, revealing her breasts and occasionally her pebbled, dark pink nipples. 

When she passed Josh, he dropped a poker chip on the floor in her path. 

“Oops. Sorry babe, I’m so clumsy. Could you pick that up for me?” 

Amanda scrunched her nose and gave him a playfully annoyed look, then turned away from the table and bent to pick it up. 

Josh took the opportunity to flip the bottom of her dress up, revealing his wife’s bare, round ass and clean-shaven pussy. 

There were curses and groans around the table as Amanda stood up and smoothed her dress back down. She handed Josh the chip and then turned to leave the room again, dark pink circles on her cheeks. 

“What the fuck kind of game are you guys playing, Josh?” Justin asked once Amanda was out of earshot.

But Josh just took another swig of his beer and shrugged, not offering an answer. “Who’s turn is it?” 

The others laughed and shook their heads, adjusting themselves in their pants as the game continued. 


After another few rounds, things had settled down, and they were all focused back on the game. Justin had taken the lead, but Rob was still in a close second place. 

“Fuck. Bad luck tonight,” Josh groaned, tossing his hand out first in another game. 

His friends made their next round of bets, and he finished the last sip of his beer. 

“Hey, babe, can you bring me another beer?” he called. 

The other three guys all looked up at Josh, wondering whether he had another surprise planned. 

He only smirked in response as Amanda called back. 

“Yeah, be right there!” 

She came in a few moments later carrying another bottle, and Josh stood up to greet her this time. 

“Just put it down on the table,” he directed. 

As Amanda leaned over the table to set the beer down, Josh pushed down on her back until she was bent over, resting with her elbows on the table. Then he flipped the bottom of her dress up over her ass, unbuckled his belt, opened his pants, and pulled out his once again hard cock. He kicked her legs further apart and rubbed the head of his cock through her slit a few times before pushing into her all the way in one thrust. 

Amanda yelled out as her husband’s cock filled her. Rob, Justin, and David cursed with her, adjusting in their seats as their cocks throbbed. Her face furrowed with pleasure and she struggled to contain her moans as her husband fucked her hard, right in front of his friends. 

“Who’s bet is it?” Josh asked, encouraging the guys to continue their game. 

They attempted to focus on their cards, distracted as they were by the loud breathing and skin slapping, much less the table shaking. On one thrust, Amanda’s arm bumped the full beer she’d just brought out for her husband. She just caught it before it tipped over, but not before a drip spilled out onto David’s cards. 

“Shit, sorry,” Josh grunted. 

He stopped thrusting and pulled Amanda back by her shoulders, then turned her to the side and bent her over onto David’s lap. 

“Fuck!” David cursed. He’d been mopping up his cards with a napkin, then brought his hands up and out of the way as if he was afraid he’d get in trouble for touching. 

At first, Amanda just held herself up with her forearms on David’s thighs. Then, as Josh picked up the pace, pounding her pussy harder and harder, he leaned forward and pushed her head down until her cheek rested on his friend’s lap next to the obvious outline of his hard cock. 

David let out a strained groan as Amanda gradually started brushing her fingers over it, rubbing him. He looked around at the other guys as if asking for help, not sure what he should do.  

Rob and Justin looked just as surprised and unsure. 

Then David looked at Josh, who winked at him and reached down to grip Amanda’s messy bun in his fist, holding her up so that her face hovered over David’s lap. 

She looked right into David’s eyes as she opened his pants and pulled his cock out, stroking and moaning. 

Then Josh pushed Amanda back down, and she dropped her mouth onto David’s cock, moaning and sucking as her husband fucked her. 

“Oh, fuck,” David groaned, his head rolling back. 

“Who’s turn is it?” Josh asked then, looking around at the other guys. 

Rob cleared his throat, and they tried to continue the game amidst the moaning, slurping, and skin slapping. 

Amanda sucked eagerly on David’s cock, rubbing with her tongue, pressing down as far as she could go and gagging on him, getting his fairly thick, 6” cock nice and wet. 

David took deep breaths as he enjoyed the attention of his friend’s wife, trying to make it last as long as possible. He dared to rest a hand on her head, gently guiding her as she sucked him. 

“Your turn, Davey,” Justin teased, smirking.

David groaned as he tried leaning up to pick a card. It was hard to reach with Amanda’s head in his lap, though.

“Here,” Justin said, handing a card to him. 

“Thanks,” David breathed, sitting back in his chair and moaning. 

“No problem,” Justin said, smirking and rubbing himself through his pants. 

With a few more hard thrusts, Josh came inside his wife with a groan, his fingers digging into the sides of her ass as he pulled her back onto his cock, pushing his cum deep inside her. 

Amanda moaned and reached back to squeeze her husband’s hip, pulling him into her without interrupting her rhythm as her head bobbed on David’s lap.

When Josh pulled out and stepped away to go to the bathroom, Rob, who sat in the seat on the other side of Josh’s, got a good view of the cum dripping from Amanda’s pussy.

He silently pointed it out to Justin, who sat across the table from Josh, and he scooted his chair over so that he could see it, too.

David had been close for a while, struggling to hold on to control, since he didn’t know if he was allowed to cum in her mouth. Getting a blowjob from his friend’s wife was uncharted territory. But once all of Amanda’s attention was focused on his dick, she brought him to the edge more or less instantly.

“I’m gonna-” David started, offering a warning.

But Amanda only pushed down on his hand on her head, interrupting him from speaking. 

“Oh fuck,” David groaned, holding her head as he played his next card and his hips bucked up, thrusting to the back of her throat and filling her mouth with cum. 

Amanda moaned and swallowed everything. Then she cleaned him up with her tongue and put his cock back away in his pants gently and carefully before straightening up, wiping her lips, and asking, “Does anybody else need anything?”

Justin and Rob were almost afraid to speak up, looking at each other. 

“I could go for another beer,” Rob said, finally. 

“Sure! Another round for everyone?” Amanda asked cheerfully, heading back into the kitchen. 

“You okay, dude?” Justin asked David, who looked like Amanda had sucked his soul out through his cock. 

“Fuck, I don’t know,” he admitted. “That was crazy.” 

Before the others had a chance to discuss anything further, Josh came back into the room. 

“What’s the status, guys? Who’s dealing?” he asked, leading them to continue the game.

Amanda waited until the next round was underway before coming back out with the fresh drinks. 

When she delivered Rob’s, he glanced up at Josh, raising his eyebrows slightly as if to ask a question. 

Josh smirked and winked, nodding his head slightly. 

Rob would’ve preferred more clear consent, but the way Josh had been playing things all night, he figured this was as clear a signal as he was going to get. 

So, before Amanda walked away, he gently grabbed her by her wrist and turned his seat to the side, just as Josh had done earlier. Then he took his hard cock out and watched his friend’s wife’s eyes go wide as she took in his size. Rob was a lot bigger than what she was used to, and now they all knew it.

Amanda crouched down and used both hands to stroke Rob’s cock, her fingers barely reaching around him. She licked and teased his tip, his slit, and perineum as she swirled and flicked her tongue around his head. Then she stretched her lips around his head, sucking and rubbing with her tongue, gradually taking him deeper. She tried her best to take as much as she could, but gagged when she’d barely taken him halfway. 

Rob groaned and brought his hand to her head to guide her gently. He didn’t force too much, but gently pushed when she went down, encouraging her to take a little more.

Then Justin took a chance and stood up, pulling up on Amanda’s hips until she stood up so that he could fuck her from behind while her mouth was busy. He took out his cock and eased it into her, using Josh’s cum as lube. 

Amanda moaned on Rob’s huge cock when she felt Justin push into her messy pussy, thrusting slowly. They worked out a rhythm together wordlessly as the two men double teamed their friend’s wife. 

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“Your play, Rob,” Josh said, with as casual an expression as he could muster. 

Rob grabbed his cards and looked over at the dealer’s hand as he considered his move. All the while, Amanda went on sucking and gagging on his cock, using her hands to manage what she couldn’t fit in her mouth, getting him sloppy wet with her saliva. 

“Two,” Rob finally said with a groan, and he threw two cards into the discard pile.

“Justin?” Josh asked next, cueing their other friend to take his turn. 

“Fold,” Justin said without bothering to check his cards, thrusting faster and harder into Amanda’s pussy.

Josh finally won that time, as Rob and Justin struggled to stay in the game. 

“Interesting strategy,” David teased, making them all laugh.

Amanda moaned on Rob’s cock as Justin varied the pace of his thrusts. She brought one hand to her pussy and rubbed her clit fast until she came, whimpering and shaking, her thighs quivering. 

“Oh, fuck!” Justin groaned, suddenly grunting and thrusting deep as Amanda’s tight pussy clenched around his cock through her orgasm, milking his cum out. 

Once Justin had finished and eased out of Amanda’s pussy, Rob guided her to turn around. He gently pushed down on her head until she got the hint and started licking and sucking Justin’s cock clean. 

Then Rob pushed three fingers into Amanda’s pussy, through her second creampie of the night, thrusting and fucking her hard and fast right away. He forced his thick fingers deeper, stretching her and pushing down to rub the front of her pussy from the inside, finding and stroking her g spot. 

“Ohhhh fuck!” Amanda yelled, arching her back and pulling back from Justin’s cock.

Rob added a fourth finger and used his thumb to stimulate her clit, fucking her with his entire hand. 

“Ahhhhh, oohhhh god!” Amanda yelled, grasping onto Justin as she struggled to brace herself. 

The others were all fully distracted from the game at that point, watching as Amanda came hard on Rob’s hand in practically no time, her whole body writhing and bucking, an intense quiver overtaking her thighs in waves.  

Rob groaned, squeezing and slapping Amanda’s ass, thrusting through her intense orgasm. Once she stopped shaking, he took his messy fingers out of her and stroked his cock with the same hand, wiping the other guys’ cum onto himself. 

Then he guided Amanda to turn back around and kneel in front of him again to lick and suck it off. He held her head, thrusting steadily into her mouth, pushing deeper gradually.

Whenever Rob felt and heard Amanda gag, he’d still himself for just a moment without pulling out to let her recover, and then he’d continue. He kept going until he grunted and filled her mouth with another big load.

After swallowing Rob’s cum and licking his cock clean of Josh and Justin’s cum as well, Amanda got up, wiped under her eyes and around lips, and smoothed down her dress once again. 

“Let me know if you boys need anything else. Or if anyone else needs a refill,” she flirted, smiling at them around the table, her eyes landing on Josh. 

“I wouldn’t mind a refill,” David said right away.

Amanda looked at him and smiled, eyes wide. “Already?”

That made the other guys laugh, but David just smiled and nodded, rubbing his once-again hard cock through his jeans. “Yeah. I think I’d like to try something different this time.”

Amanda walked over to David’s side of the table and watched as he pulled his cock out once again and gave it a few strokes. Then he guided her hand down to take over, and she moaned as she felt his smooth skin, still slightly sticky from cumming in her mouth earlier. 

After just a few strokes, David guided Amanda by her hips to stand between his legs and turn around, facing away from him. Then he helped her to ease herself down onto his cock, using the edge of the table as leverage to help her bounce on his lap. 

“Okay, let’s start the next game. Who’s deal is it, anyway?” Josh asked, collecting all the cards into a pile. 

“Mine, I think,” Rob said, accepting the cards from Josh as they all anteed up. 

David reached around Amanda to toss his chip into the middle, then went back to holding her hips and guiding her as she rode him. 

Josh tossed in his chip, then reached over to tug down the straps of Amanda’s sundress, which had already started slipping again. 

She smiled at her husband as he bared her chest for his friends, so that they could all watch her tits bouncing as she rode David’s cock. 

“Fuck!” she yelped, back arching as Josh pinched her hard nipples.

Justin put his chip in, then got up and stepped closer to where David and Amanda sat. He took his cock out, stroking with one hand and using the other to guide Amanda’s head down. 

David held Amanda down on his lap and pivoted his chair to the side to make it easier for her to bend down to take Justin in her mouth as she rode him. 

She moaned and allowed both guys to guide her, cupping Justin’s balls and using her tongue to rub his cock as she sucked him, and periodically clenching her pussy on David’s cock as tight as she could.

Both guys groaned and cursed, varying their thrusting speed to last as long as possible while somehow maintaining focus on the poker game and carrying on conversation with Josh and Rob. 

“Fuck, how the hell did you just win?” Rob asked, watching Amanda’s ass bouncing on David’s lap.

“I’m a good multi-tasker,” David said, smirking and making the others laugh. 

Justin had to go back to his spot to deal the next game, so David took advantage. He held Amanda’s waist and started thrusting up into her hard and fast, bouncing her on his lap and making her moan and yell out, her breasts jiggling obscenely. 

Amanda rubbed her clit as David pounded her pussy, feeling close to cumming. But then he reached around and pushed her hand out of the way, taking over and rubbing her fast with a light touch. Within moments, she came undone, writhing and moaning, bucking and grinding on his lap. 

David groaned and pulled her down onto his cock all the way, shooting several ropes of cum into her pussy as she clenched around him. He pulled her back to lean against his chest, groping her tits, grinding, and fucking his cum deeper. 

After finishing with David, Amanda eased herself up from his lap, righting herself once again. She didn’t bother pulling her dress back up this time as she made her way around the table. She walked past Josh, stopping to give him a peck on the lips as he reached up her dress and squeezed her ass. 

Amanda felt David’s fresh cum leaking down her inner thighs as she went around to the corner of the table between Justin and Rob. Justin’s cock was still out, so she got on her knees to resume sucking him. 

She also reached over to Rob’s lap to rub him through his jeans, finding him fully hard again, or maybe still. He took his cock out for her so that she could stroke and suck him, too. So she kept moving back and forth between the two cocks as they continued the poker game, occasionally reaching down to fondle and grope her boobs. 

On one of his turns with Amanda’s mouth, Justin gripped a fistful of her hair and pulled her head down into his lap hard, holding her down and thrusting up, fucking her face. He let her up to gasp in a quick breath as he pulled his balls out, and then pushed her down onto them until she took them into her mouth. 

Amanda sucked and moaned on Justin’s balls, reaching down to rub her clit fast until she came again, shaking on the floor. 

“Fuck,” Justin groaned.

Watching Amanda cum as she sucked on his balls sent him over the edge again. He barely managed to drag her back up onto his cock before thrusting deep down her throat and filling her mouth with another big load. 

After swallowing Justin’s cum, Amanda moved back over to Rob. His cock was so big and thick that she still couldn’t make it much past halfway without gagging. But she kept trying, rubbing him with her lips, using her tongue, and keeping a hand wrapped around his base, squeezing and stroking. 

Amanda kept going until the head of Rob’s cock pressed against the back of her throat. Each time, she tried to force herself to take more, wanting to feel him slip further down. She gagged herself on him again and again as she tried, making his cock wet and sloppy with her saliva. 

When it became apparent that she would not get his thick cock down her throat, Amanda pulled back a bit, focusing her mouth on his head as she used both hands to stroke his sloppy, wet cock. 

Rob hissed and moaned, caressing Amanda’s cheek and guiding her gently to look up at him as she sucked him. 

Then his phone chimed on the table in front of him. 

“Fuck, it’s Amber,” Rob said, his wife’s picture flashing on his screen with the incoming call. 

“You better not fucking answer it,” Justin said, as he noticed Rob stalling. 

“Call her back. Tell her you were in the middle of a game,” David added.

Then Rob looked down at Amanda, who gazed up at him with her lips wrapped around his cock, a devilish grin on her face as she continued sucking and stroking. 

“Fuck,” Rob grumbled again, gripping Amanda by her hair, behind her neck, and guiding her to go slow as he clicked to accept the call.

“Hey, baby, what’s up?” Rob said, his voice even and casual. 

The game came to a halt again as the others looked on, only hearing Rob’s side of the conversation as he talked to his wife. 

“I’m still playing with the guys. We’re in the middle of a game.” 

Rob looked around at his friends then, gesturing with his hand to get them to chime in. Justin, Josh, and David all complied, yelling hello to Amber through the phone. 

“I’m not sure how late I’ll be… Can I pick it up tomorrow on my way home from work? … Babe, it’s poker night. I just need my one night to relax and have fun with the guys, okay?” 

Rob pulled Amanda’s head onto him further as he spoke, and pushed forward to thrust down her throat, making her struggle a bit. His head rolled back, and he bit his lip to hold in a groan as his friend’s wife deep-throated his cock while his wife went on talking in his ear on the phone.  

“Okay, yeah, I promise I’ll get it tomorrow,” Rob went on, once he recovered his control. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get home… No, don’t wait up… Okay, I love you. Bye.” 

As soon as he ended the call, double-checked that he’d ended it, and put his phone back down on the table, Rob held both sides of Amanda’s head in his hands, pushing her down further on his cock and thrusting up with a groan. 

Amanda gagged and moaned, reaching down to rub her clit again fast. 

The others had just resumed the game when Amanda moaned loudly around Rob’s cock, writhing on the floor through another orgasm. 

“Your turn, Rob,” Josh said, watching his wife cum with his friend’s cock in her mouth. 

Rather than taking his turn, Rob tossed his cards down into the discard pile suddenly. 

“I fold,” he said, pulling Amanda up and guiding her onto his lap, facing him. He lined his cock up with her opening, moaning and sucking on her tits as she eased herself onto him. 

“Ohh fuck,” Amanda whimpered as she slid down on Rob’s big cock. 

Even though the other three guys had already fucked her, and her pussy was still coated with all of their cum and her own juices, Amanda felt her walls stretching considerably to accommodate Rob’s size. And feeling his hands and mouth on her tits as he licked, sucked, pinched, and bit her nipples only made her clench tighter around him. 

When Amanda finally lowered herself to take him all the way, she squeezed tight around him again, helping herself adjust. Then she started sliding on his cock, holding onto his shoulders and the back of his chair to give herself momentum. 

Rob reached around and squeezed Amanda’s ass with both hands, kneading her cheeks with his tight grip and guiding her to bounce on his cock a little faster. Then he slid one finger down to tease her asshole, testing the waters. 

“Ohhh god,” Amanda yelled, arching into him and burying his face in her tits. 

That was encouragement enough. Rob kept rubbing and teasing around her asshole, gradually working his finger in. He gripped a fistful of her hair again near her nape and tugged her head to the side so that he could kiss and suck on her neck. 

“Fuck! Oh my god! Oh, shit!” Amanda yelled, losing control and grinding, bucking, writhing wildly on Rob’s lap as she came on his cock, fingernails digging into his sides. 

Rob groaned and pushed Amanda up from his lap when she’d barely finished cumming, then moved his chair closer to Josh and bent her over to kneel on it, facing her husband. Then he slid into her from behind, pushing in hard and deep right away.

“Holy fuck!” Amanda yelped, unable to contain her reactions as Rob bucked her forward. 

He kept thrusting fast and hard relentlessly, so that she needed to hold on to Josh’s chair and his leg for support. She couldn’t help moaning loudly and yelling out, right into her husband’s face, as she came over and over on Rob’s cock. 

Josh just watched as his friend absolutely railed his wife, kissing her and letting her hold on to him, his cock throbbing in his jeans. He reached back to rub Amanda’s clit for her, helping her to keep cumming and spasming, her thighs quivering, her whole body writhing. 

Then Rob pulled out suddenly, stepping around the chair and stroking himself as he held Amanda’s head back, shooting spurt after spurt of thick, gooey, white cum onto her face, right in front of Josh. 

Amanda gasped when she felt the first rope of cum hitting her cheek, breathing hard and opening her mouth to catch what she could on her tongue as she felt it dripping down in thick globs. 

The others had all stopped the game to watch, and there was a fairly tense silence as they all recovered. 

Rob backed away, and Amanda got back to her feet so that he could have his seat back, wiping more of his cum from her face with her fingers, and then sucking it off. 

Josh beamed up at her with pride and pent-up arousal. 

“I’m gonna go get cleaned up,” she said, smiling back and squeezed his arm. 


When Amanda came back out, she went right over to Josh and sat in his lap, kissing him sweetly. He started groping her again, kissing her neck and whispering into her ear, making her giggle. 

The others just watched, feeling more awkward now as their married friends turned each other on again. Soon, they got the hint and wrapped things up with their game, deciding to call it a night. 

“Same time next week?” Josh asked, smirking at his friends as they got ready to head out.

“Fuck, man!” David exclaimed. 

The others laughed, but they all agreed, wordlessly agreeing to pick up where they left off next time. 

Written by AJPages
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