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Finally Taking The Plunge 4

"Under the stars"

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The next week was very sexually intense as we role-played and pillow-talked the various scenarios for the Xmas party. Yes, we might have exaggerated a bit in the moment but the sweaty afterglow when we collapsed together, left us tingling with hearts racing.

Twice, during the week, Greg found me, with phone in hand, texting with Brad, in our large L-shaped lounge. I’d merely point at my pussy and he’d immediately kneel between my splayed thighs, pull my panties to the side and gently lap at my wet folds, taking me to the edge in no time at all, making it almost impossible to concentrate on what I was texting.

When he would finally slip inside, we’d both cum instantly, such was the mental intensity of our naughty game.

This whole flirty texting with another guy was all so new to me, while it hadn’t turned into sexting the underlying heat and innuendoes were certainly having an effect on me. I reveled in being pursued by this young man.

When we were at the ‘Brassy’ I noticed the looks he got from other women, plus the bitchy looks I got from them when he showed no interest. The mere fact he was so into me was certainly a huge ego boost and to be honest I wallowed in it, especially, because there was an obvious age difference between us.

During boot camp that week I found out that three guys, from our group, would be going to the party, so I knew that I would have to be very careful not to let the cat out of the bag. In some strange way, it also added to the naughtiness of the situation.

A huge part of our fantasy was that we would abstain from any kind of sex for a day before a ‘hotwife’ date, as we thought it would make the whole experience more intense. That proved to be an understatement, Greg was a walking tripod, on the Friday, and I felt like a walking, talking erogenous zone. My whole body seemed to be on fire and it was so hard for me not to touch myself or throw Greg to the floor and ride myself to a sexual nirvana.

On Saturday afternoon, I had Greg choose my outfit for the party.

I came out of our ensuite to find my red skater dress, complete with the matching lingerie, laid out on the bed. 

I’d only ever worn it four times. Greg had bought it especially for me to wear to dinner on Valentine's Day four years ago, the night he revealed his fantasy for the first time. So, I immediately knew the significance of why he chose it for tonight.

After I had applied my make-up, I slipped into my lingerie and looked at myself in the mirror. The half-cup-bra held my breasts up perfectly, without covering my already hard nipples and the sheer red panties highlighted my totally smooth purring pussy.

My mind flashed back to the first time Greg saw me in this ensemble and the way he ravished me through the night. A tingle went through me, as I wondered if it would have the same effect on Brad.

By the time I shimmied into the dress, added my accessories, including a cute pair of Xmas-themed earrings, and slipped into my, four-inch-black stillettoes, all nervousness had left me and was replaced by a sexy confidence.

I sashayed down the hall to our bar area, Greg was sitting on a stool nursing a ‘Makers’, our eyes met and held as I moved closer. I felt hot as his eyes devoured me.

As I got to him, I turned. “Zip me.”

I felt his fingers tremble as he pulled the zip up. Then I felt his hands on my hips, so I quickly stepped forward and twirled around.

“Do you think Brad will like?” I said teasingly.

Then I saw something, in his eyes, that I’d had never seen before.

Real angst.

It wasn’t just his eyes, his whole body was slightly trembling and even though he was trying to control it, he simply couldn’t. My man, who had always been in control, was so very vulnerable right now, out of his comfort zone. It was at that moment that I understood the power I actually had and wow, was it ever all-encompassing.

It feels powerful to make a man desire you but this is next level and takes it past physical and adds mentality.

If we hadn’t discussed this moment, in depth, I would’ve known how to handle it. Greg had tried to explain the ‘power’ he wanted me to feel, but until right then, I never quite got it but now I certainly did.

Normally I would’ve wrapped myself around him, held him tight to allay his internal doubts. Instead, I didn’t even pause and said “Well, will he?” with an added edge to my voice.

He looked into my eyes and with a quiver in his voice, replied “You look absolutely amazing and Brad will go crazy when he sees you.”

“Crazy enough to want to fuck your wife?” I said huskily.

“You know he will.”

“I’ll make sure he does, and some,” I said as I stared into his soul.

I moved in close to him, stroked his face, and flicked my tongue over his lips. I then pulled back.

I dropped my hand to his bulge and gently squeezed.

“Look at my lips, babes,” I teased and gave him a seductive smile.

His eyes focused on my bright red lips.

“Just imagine how they will look wrapped around Brad’s cock tonight,” I giggled.

I moved in close and whispered in his ear, “My other lips too.”

He throbbed in my hand.

“Yes, he will be throbbing like you are now.”  

“Now take me to him.” I teased as I grabbed my clutch.

We walked to the car, my arm through his, he opened the passenger door for me and I put one foot in while leaving the other on the garage floor. My dress rose over my thighs as I leaned myself back in the seat, exposing my sheer red panties. His gaze was fixed on them.

“Looks good enough to eat, doesn’t it?”

“Oh yes please!!”

“Hold that thought because it will taste even better later.” I chuckled.

I teased him all the way to surf club, turning us both on even more, in the process. As we drove past the entrance, I could see Brad walking down the path.

“There’s Brad babes, WOW! He looks so hot too.”

“Mmm.. babes, my pussy just fluttered, she wants him so bad.”

Greg pulled into the car park.

I undid my seat belt and turned to Greg, taking his hand in mine. I felt his wedding ring and turned it with my fingers. I brought his hand to my lips and kissed his ring. He understood the significance of my actions.

“I love you with all my heart and always will,” I said looking into his eyes.

“When I step out of the car, you know there will be no turning back and it can’t be undone.”

“I know. Go and enjoy him, baby girl,” he replied with a quiver.

I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips, then turned the rear vision mirror, pulled out my lipstick, and teasingly, reapplied another ‘glossy’ coat, to make sure they looked perfect.

“You better be waiting for me, when I get home. I will need your tender loving and to be reclaimed by the man I love,” I said, in my sultry voice.

“You’re killing me, you sexy vixen.”

“I have no intention of killing you unless you mean loving you to death,” I laughed.

“I have no idea what time it will be, but rest assured I’ll be coming home your, for real, hotwife,” I added with a giggle.

With that, I hopped out of the car, took a deep breath, and strutted towards the club.

When I got to the entrance stairs, I turned and blew Greg a kiss, as he drove by.

I was ‘SO’ ready.

“Wow look at you," I heard someone say.

It was Josh, from my boot camp class.

“You don’t scrub up too bad yourself,” I quipped back.

When you only see someone dressed and sweaty in workout gear, it’s very refreshing and wonderful to see them in a different environment.

We bantered back and forth, as we made our way up the stairs, into the foyer, and then up more stairs into the huge, function room.

The place was buzzing. Lots of Xmas decorations and balloons adorned the room. The lighting dimmed, just enough to add to the ambiance. A ‘DJ’ was playing a cool tune. It all mixed together to give the room a fun vibe.  

I soon found myself, at a high bar table, with the three amigos from boot camp. Their flattery was giving me a warm glow and I soon found myself flirting, subtly, with all of them, while discretely, scanning the room for Brad.

Suddenly, there he was, walking towards us, with a huge smile on his face. Fuck! He looked hot, his slim-fit shirt hugged his torso and biceps like a second skin and his black dress pants were so snug against his strong thighs. The vision of him made my pussy seep.

He greeted all the guys with a firm handshake, he wasn’t a 'high-five' or 'macho-hand-dapping guy'. I’ve never gotten that whole meme, just seems so childish to me.

Then he stepped before me, took my hand, and lifted it to his lips.

“The lady in red. Exquisite,” he said, looking into my eyes.


I’m sure my face was instantly as red as my dress, but I held it together.

“Who would’ve thought our commander and chief was capable of such a flattery.” I quipped, maybe a bit louder than was normal.

Everybody laughed, the amigos even ribbed him cheekily, as guys do, which thankfully, took the emphasis off me. It gave me time to compose myself.

Our table soon expanded as others joined us. The drinks were flowing and raucous laughter from bawdy jokes and light-hearted banter filled the air.

I grabbed each of my three amigos, individually, up to dance and then finally I pulled Brad to the dance floor. I made sure I kept our dancing toned down but it didn’t stop us from touching each other discretely and looking into each other’s eyes. The heat bubbled.

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When our dance finished, I grabbed his arm and pushed a breast into his arm, as I raised my mouth to his ear.

“Soo.. wet for you,” I purred.

Then I walked back to our table and grabbed my clutch. I could feel his eyes on me, as wiggled my way to the restroom.

I touched up my ‘lippy’, sprayed a little “J'adore” into my cleavage, lifted my dress, and gave my pussy a little squirt, as well. I looked at myself in the mirror, pushed my shoulders back, and took a deep breath.

Then I pulled my phone out, it had 9.16 p.m. on the screen. I texted Greg, “It’s time babes, think of me xxx.” then pressed send.

“I love you baby girl xxx,” Was Greg’s instant reply.

“Love you more xxx,” I texted back, then walked out, down the stairs into the fresh sea air. I went around the corner and then texted Brad. “Come find me, lover.”

I waited for a long five minutes, the anticipation and nervous energy was maddening, before he walked outside.

I stepped out, into his vision. His smile beamed, as he made his way towards me.

He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. His lips were a mere inch from mine, as he carried me around the corner. He smelt so good.

That’s where we kissed, it was intense, it was searing, so full of passion. Our, bodies mashed together in a full-body kiss, my hands running through his hair and his pulling my body tighter to his. It went on and on and on and on, as the hunger rose—pure fire.

He then took my hand and led me up the ‘Corso’, until we came to a grassy area that had a park table with bench seats. He lifted me up and sat me on the end of the table, pushed himself between my legs, and attacked my neck and ears with burning kisses, bites, and licks. His hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so he could have better access, to my tender bits.

His passionate attack had me spiraling and panting, my whole body charged up and tingling. I felt the zipper, on the back of my dress being pulled down. His hot kisses worked from my neck down into my cleavage. My moans escalated into rasping groans of passion.

He then pulled the dress straps off my shoulders down my arms, exposing my heaving breasts and throbbing nipples, to the night air.

No thoughts at that moment, that we were outside in public, where anyone could see us.

The need to be careful is a very distant thought.

He pulled back and took in my half-naked torso. “WOW!, so perfect,” he uttered.

He looked up into my eyes, “SO, fucking perfect,” he said, then pulled me in for another toe, curling kiss.

I watched as he trailed his tongue down into my cleavage again and then ran his tongue all over my breasts and nipples, his saliva making them shiny in the moonlight. My head dropped back as he took my right nipple and sucked it into his mouth and when he latched onto it, with his teeth. I announced my pleasure with a guttural groan. My hips rose involuntarily as my pussy flooded.

“OH!! FUCK!!” Came from somewhere deep inside me.

With one nipple still fizzing, he did the same with the other one, while at the same time, his fingers found their way to my sopping panties and were soon, ever so gently, stroking over my gushing folds. Causing them to flutter and my clit to ping.

He was a maestro, applying his trade.

My nipple popped out of his mouth and his lips devoured mine, again. He perfectly timed his tongue slipping into my mouth, with two of his fingers sliding into my over-heated pussy.

I screamed into his mouth as I exploded into orgasm and screamed even louder when his fingers curled up inside and hit my “G” spot. My orgasm intensified. My legs shaking, as he continued to work me to a frenzy, on the end of his fingers.

How did he find my spot so easily?

I gasped for air when he pulled back. My eyes couldn’t focus and my scalp was a mass of tingling nerve endings. I felt myself being gently pushed back on the bench, then I felt him slip off my panties.

I lay back, against the wooden bench, looking up. The tree branches formed a tranquil silhouette as the moon and stars shone through.

Through a glazed haze, at that moment I thought of Greg. ‘Your baby girl is about to become a hotwife’.

As his hands lifted my hips up, my pussy opened in anticipation of what it was about to receive. But he kept lifting me until only my head and shoulders were in touch with the bench. My eyes found focus and I was looking into his smiling eyes. His strong hands held my butt up as his mouth descended on my open pussy, then his tongue ran the length of my folds in one delicious long lick until it reached my burning clit. ‘OMG!!’ The haze came back, and mewing sounds escaped, as he continued his tender assault.

It was beautifully unrushed as he took me to another delicious, rolling orgasm under the stars. It started in my toes and slowly washed its way up until it escaped my body via a deep groan of total ecstasy. I floated off, who knows where, I didn’t care, I just basked in the glow until his soft lips touched mine.

“My, my aren’t you just the sexiest lady and so delicious.”

I took my pleasure. I owned it and I felt no guilt, just a hunger for more.

“Take me to your bed lover,” I purred.

He lifted me off the bench and I pulled his head to mine. I tasted myself on his lips as I took control of the kiss as my body ground against his.

“I love how hard you are for me,” I whispered in his ear, as my hand moved between us.

“How can I not be, you’re incredible,” he hissed.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” I giggled, stepped back, and deftly undid his belt, and then his zipper. I looked him in the eyes and licked my lips seductively. The smile on his face said it all.

I dropped to my knees, onto the grass, then pulled his trousers and “Heidi Klums” down, to below his knees, in one swift motion.

‘Smack’, his cock slapped against his torso.

This was only the third cock I’d ever seen in the flesh, in all my life. Hard like granite, with smooth plump balls and beautifully manicured. I marveled at the vein running up its length, so thick and goddamn sexy in the moonlight.

It’s hard not to compare but in that moment, I did without shame.

Instead of wrapping my hand around it, I tickled his balls with my fingernails and flicked the head with my tongue, making it bob and pulse involuntarily. Showed him I had tricks in my armory, as well.

I looked up at Brad, his mouth was open and his eyes focused on me. Greg had taught me the power of eye contact. I used it to full effect at that moment. I not only wanted to blow his cock but his mind as well.

“Such a beautiful cock,” I giggled in my little girl's voice. No little white lies are needed.

Then I ran my tongue up its full length while continuing to tickle his balls. It jerked its appreciation.

“So delish too!” I added.

Grabbing hold of his shaft, I then sucked first one ball and then the other into my, salivating, mouth. He gasped. It was music to my ears. Then I rolled his balls in the palm of one hand while I stroked his shaft with the other until I wrapped my lips around the fat head and sucked it, like a mega “Gob-Stopper”.

I wasn’t going to be denied, he didn’t stand a chance as I greedily worked him over. Only a few minutes later I could feel the change, his balls tightened, his shaft thickened and pulsed. His hands gripped my head.

Right there under the stars, for all the world to see, I felt him explode into my hungry mouth, so thick and creamy. There was so much of it, I had to gulp twice to avoid any spillage. I mewed in pleasure, so tangy with a sweet edge. So deliciously tart

I savored the flavor, as I swirled his delicious treat around in my mouth, before swallowing the last remnants.  I pulled myself up, from my knees and pulled his face down to my lips, then slid my tongue into his mouth. He didn’t balk one iota as our tongues danced, in harmony.

I could feel my juices gliding from my naked pussy. She needed to be filled.

We walked back up the Corso. My arm in his, our bodies so close and in sync, laughing as lovers do. All the while a gentle breeze lapped at my naked purring pussy, keeping the fire burning within.

We reached our corner and stopped for another heated kiss.

I pulled a tissue out of my clutch and dabbed away at Brad’s lipstick-stained face. Cleaning up the evidence as best I could.

“You go ahead, give me a few minutes, I don’t want anyone seeing us leaving together,” I said.

“Of course,” He replied as he kissed me.

I took my phone out, as he walked away.

“Wish I was kissing you right now, he tastes divine,”  I texted.

“OH! For real?”

“Yes babes, so thick, creamy and so much,” I texted back while giggling to myself.

“Fuck I love you. This is really happening,” was the reply.

“That was just the entrée, going to his now, for the main course.”

“What!! Where? Oh!! Fuck, this is insane.”

I could almost see Greg’s shocked face.

“I know right, I’ve been so naughty and he told me that I have delicious puss.”


“I said that fifteen minutes ago, lol.”

“You’re incredible.”

“Apparently I am, xxx.”

“My head is exploding.”

“LOL, make sure you keep your hands off, don’t want your other head exploding, until I get home.”

“You sexy minx, I love you so.”

“Love you too, my pussy is calling Brad’s name, see you when I’m a hotwife xxx.”

“XXX baby girl.”

My hips rolled, seductively as I strutted, around to the car park.

The lid half closing on the 'baby-girl-box' with each long confident stride.

Written by jules42
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