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Finally Taking The Plunge 3

"Truths and Discussions"

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 I opened the door and made my way into our large open-plan family room, the lights dimmed just enough to make it look warm and inviting. I was expecting to see Greg waiting for me in our large L-shaped lounge.

He wasn’t there.

To the right, I could see a flickering light coming from the hallway to our bedroom. Placing my clutch on the side table next to the lounge, I slowly made my way toward our illuminated bedroom. My heart rate was already elevating with anticipation

The click of my heels seemed to complement the smooth jazz playing in the background. When I got to our bedroom door I could see candles on our bedside tables; the scent of roses filled the air.

There was my man, sitting on our love sofa, in a robe, with a cognac in his hand. I was about to make my way towards him.

“Let me look at my beautiful wife,” he said with a low-pitched tone.

I totally hadn’t expected this, my shoulders automatically went back and my neck elongated to push my head high. My arms dropped to the side and my hands clasped together, behind my back, pushing my breasts forward as far as they would go.

My heart rate went up tenfold as a shiver went up my spine.

“What an erotic vision you are, pure perfection,” his eyes holding mine as he said so.

The pose I struck had been perfected over the eighteen years of our marriage and was a very natural state for me. I have been Greg’s, submissive ‘baby girl’, through all of our marriage, and it will always be my very special place. Even now as we explore different sexual fantasies.

My outward persona was perfectly still. Inside though, my whole being was a mass of tingling flutters and seeping juices. The only giveaway, was the instant pinging of my nipples as they expanded to their full capacity, against the fabric of my black mid-drift top—such a delicious ache.

A smile came to his lips, he knew the euphoric bliss I was in.

The timing of his taking me to this place, especially on ‘this’ night, was impeccable.

Seconds turned into minutes as I stood before him awaiting his instructions,

“Show yourself to me, baby girl.”

There was no strip-tease, I merely, slowly discarded my clothing, without any provocative undertone, in a pile on the floor. I kept my wet panties in my hand, as I clasped them behind my back again. The excitement within me building.


I slowly turned, three-hundred-and-sixty-degrees, for his viewing pleasure, reveling in the moment.


 I slowly padded, bare-footed, to where he was sitting. He pointed his finger downwards and I automatically dropped to my knees, onto the plush rug, in front of him. My hands landed on my thighs, palms up, revealing my soaked, wispy, white panties.

His hand reached and took them from me and he lifted them to his nose and inhaled my scent.

“So… wet baby girl. Your sweet essence of arousal—simply divine., he said in his calm voice.

He then unwrapped the belt of his robe, to reveal his rock-hard cock. He then wrapped my panties around it and stroked himself, a few times, his eyes holding mine so intensely as he raised them to his nose again.

My mouth opened and I could feel myself purring inside, from the spectacle before me. The sexual tension in the air was all-encompassing.

Then the moment came, he simply nodded, I leaned forward and my mouth enveloped the object of desire. I was so ‘fucking’ hungry. I needed to feed on his beautiful cock. My need to service the man I love, like never before, had my juices dripping from my pussy.

He grabbed my ponytail and lifted my head off his cock, until our eyes met.

“Did I say you could suck?” his voice suddenly dominant.

I knew better than to answer

“Just hold my cock in your warm mouth!”

For the next five minutes, that’s what I did. Blissful torture coursing through my veins as I watched my saliva running down his shaft soaking his full balls.

Finally, he pulled me off him and stood up, reached down and pulled me up by the hand. His lips met mine, in what can only be described as a soul searing kiss. I surrendered into it as he owned me.

In one quick movement, he picked me up in his arms and carried me to our bed. He laid me down gently, my head hit the pillow and my hands were quickly raised over my head. I knew they were expected to stay there.

He then proceeded to lavish my body with gentle fingers and soft kisses, driving me insane while doing so. Every inch of my body pinged with goosebumps, as he deliciously tortured me, my hips were rolling around with wanton desire.

“Be still!” He demanded.

He licked down one leg, back up, then across my smooth pubic mound, making my pussy scream in frustration, as he went down my other leg. My frustrated moans echoing through the room.

He was now kneeling at my feet and lifted my toes to his mouth, slowly sucked each individual toe, before bending my knee and placing my foot firmly on the bed. By the time he did the same with the other toes, I was on the verge of an orgasm.

He now had me in the classic missionary position.

Keeping my hips still, was proving impossible. They wanted to roll and move up and down, in the hope it would entice him to lose his control and put my aching body out of its misery.

He crawled between my legs, his cock laid on my pubic bone, its heat causing my pussy to rise in an attempt to suck it into my folds. PLEASE!!

He reached for a pillow and quickly knelt back.

“Lift!” He demanded, and pushed, the pillow, under my butt.

He blew out a breath of air, which felt so cold as it hit my over-heated pussy, then his tongue flicked my clit, that was all it took. My head crashed back onto the pillow as my whole body went into shock, my temples and brain exploded in unison. FUCK!!

I couldn’t be passive anymore.

My hands grabbed his head and pulled him in, his mouth devoured my puss and his tongue lapped up my juices as I flew into orbit. One ‘O’ was quickly followed by another, as I lost all control of any mental capabilities as I spiraled through the layers.

Then his cock was in me, how, when, I had no idea. My eyes rolled back in my head, the white lightning exploded. When his molten lava hit deep inside me, my pussy clamped down and sucked like a demented milking machine. His roar filled my ears, or was it mine filling his? All my nerve endings screaming in a euphoric release.

I was tightly wrapped around him as we both slowly came down. Even as my after-shocks slowly dissipated, I never wanted to let him go. All my pores gushed with love for this amazing man. I was his, forever, ‘baby girl’. This is my heaven.

The smell of coffee woke me, in a haze, I reached for Greg. My brain computed that Greg’s making coffee, so I snuggled into his pillow. His scent filled my nostrils as I reminisced about our love making, causing me to hug his pillow tighter.

He walked in, totally naked, carrying a tray. “Coffee and toast, who’s the spoilt girl.” I giggled.

After a loving morning kiss, we propped ourselves up against the pillows, enjoying the coffee and toast in a semi comfortable silence. There was a lot we needed to discuss.

Greg finally broke the silence. “You’ve chosen well, you look good together.”

“So, you approve?” I quizzed.

“Yes, I do, he has a confidence and a swagger about him without being arrogant, I can see why you’re attracted to him.”

“I have to be totally honest babes, I nearly let him fuck me last night and that really scares me.”

“Isn’t that the idea,” he laughed.

“I’m scared because I think I enjoyed last night a little too much, the way I danced with him was bordering on obscene, and right there for everybody to see,”

Greg started to say something. “Hear me out baby.” I said stopping him.

“I know we’ve fantasized about this for many years, but last night I behaved like a slut on heat. I touched his cock in public, I let him play with my nipples, for fucks sake I came for him on the dance floor, then went into the toilet cubicle and brought myself off again, because I was so horny for him.”

“I’m happily married to the most amazing man and yet, I went out with a guy who is twelve years younger than me. For fuck’s sake he’s less than half your age, and I kissed him in public like some depraved cougar looking for fresh meat.” I ranted on.

“The worst part is that I loved it, loved his attention, loved other people’s reactions, loved that I can turn a hot guy on. Do you see where I’m going with this. I’m scared of myself and what I am capable of.” I finished.

I suddenly felt embarrassed, I couldn’t look into Greg’s eyes. I waited for his response, which didn’t come.

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Finally, I looked at him, he had a naughty smile on his face.

“Your hard, aren’t you? I just bared my soul to you and you got a ‘fucking’ hard on?”

With that he pulled the sheet back to reveal his unashamedly rock-hard cock.

I dove for it mouth first. Swallowing it to the hilt. I sucked it like some crazed woman for a few minutes, then I straddled him and fed it into my boiling cunt. I truly hate that word, but in that moment that’s what it was, a “cunt” that needed to be fucked. Nothing more, nothing less.

I rode him, slamming myself onto him like I was possessed, my first orgasm crashed through me, but I was only getting started, my need in overdrive. I raised myself until I was squatting over his, “cunt- pleaser,” then I held Greg down, for leverage. I was using him, abusing his body for my own selfish need.

One turned into two, then three, my head thrown back, my eyes closed as I screamed my pleasure.

Then the big one hit, I was squirting as I fucked myself, Greg, was cumming with me. My legs wobbled and I collapsed off him, falling to the side. My body twitching with after-shocks.

Just as I floated off, Greg grabbed my hips and spread my legs. His mouth suddenly between, my spread thighs and he sucked my whole pussy into his mouth, in one quick motion. FUCK!!

My hips tried to fly upwards, but his strength held me firm. The suction from his mouth intensified and then he started humming, causing my pussy and clit to vibrate in harmony. I lost it.

My nipples took off, like “Apollo 11,” and the rest of my body felt like the discarded debris left behind, falling, crashing, in a pile of molten ashes.

We lay, wrapped around each other, in our afterglow, for a long time.

“Remember when I told you my fantasy and how shocked you were initially?" Greg started.

“You didn’t dismiss it, but instead you took it on board, asked questions and researched it. I know you only did that to make me happy. Slowly though, through pillow-talk, you opened up more and started to enjoy the role-play. Then it became your fantasy as well.” He continued, while I listened.

“I’ve always been the one who sets the pace sexually and have cherished you being my ‘baby girl’ and will forever, but I’ve slowly watched as you’ve grown into this amazing sexual creature, who now demands pleasure.”

“Even last night, when you were lost in your “happy place,” your new instinct kicked in, and you took over. It became all about your pleasure.”

“You understand what I’m trying to say here?”

“I’m so sorry, but you were driving me insane and I couldn’t help myself.” I said, suddenly feeling bad.

“Exactly my point, I love this new you, you’re in your prime and I want you to embrace this side of you, and I want to go on this wild ride with you.” He said with a warm, reassuring, smile.

“I didn’t go home last night. I stayed and watched you, two, dance, I saw the passion in your kisses, I saw you touching him and I saw the expression on your face when he played with your nipples.” Greg continued.

I pushed up and looked at Greg. My mouth opened but words didn’t come.

“I’d never seen you like that before and I 'fucking' loved it. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. To watch the woman I love so sexually alive was so intense. I could actually feel your sexuality and I don’t know how Brad was able to control himself. He was definitely mesmerized by you.”

“The beautiful part, for me, was the way you owned your sexuality,” he beamed.

“So, I don’t want you to feel any guilt or be scared, I just want you to embrace and go with it. I’ll be with you all the way, and if this morning was any indication, then we are both in for a wild ride,” he said and then pulled me in for a hot kiss.

“I was going to tell you everything last night. But, your welcome home for me, was just perfect and just what I needed. Thank you.” I said, then gave him a loving peck on the lips.

“I am sorry for not letting you continue to torture me for hours, but maybe because of my night, I got to the point where I needed to be carnal. I’m so sorry, baby.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, you took your pleasure, and owned it. I never want to hear you say sorry for that ever again. Got it!”  He laughed.

“Do we have a deal?” he added.

“It’s a deal, now eat my pussy.” I quipped.

He went to go down, but I playfully pushed him away.

“Let’s shower first,” I giggled.

We lay on the bed, all clean and fresh. Greg kissed his way down to my already purring pussy. Working his magic on me, while I ran my fingers through his hair, I told him my side of last night. I didn’t hold back on any of my feelings, including the truths and turmoils.

He pulled “Brad” out of the draw and used him on me in combination with his tongue to bring me to a few, toe-curling orgasms.

Afterwards, as we lay together, with my head on his chest, I said “We are definitely going to need a bigger “Brad.”

“Why, when, you have the real live one to play with?” he responded.

We rolled around for a play wrestle, as we laughed and bantered.

Later that evening, as we sat in the hot tub, Greg said, “It’s going to be an interesting ‘boot camp’ this week.”

“Sadly no, Brad’s going away to a training course, for the whole week. But it may be a blessing too, because I know I would only end up at his place,” I replied.

“OK, where is your thinking going with this?”

“I don’t want our first time to be just a hot sweaty fuck. I want the whole package, the whole ‘box and dice’ so to speak.”

“It is my first hotwife experience, after all, and I want to be wined and dined before I give him my virginity.” I giggled.

“After that, all bets are off.” I went on, with a sassy, raised eyebrow.

Just then my phone pinged. Brad’s name came up. “Hope this is alright, but I can’t stop thinking about you and last night. Xxx.”

A huge smile came to my face, I looked at Greg and handed him my phone.

“Told you he is dazzled by you,” he said, after reading the message.

I texted Brad back. “Great minds, was just doing the same. Xxx,” and handed my phone the Greg.

“Press 'send' for me, babes,” I said, with a cheeky smile.

I got an instant reply and after reading, I sat on the edge of the hot tub.

“Eat your hotwife’s pussy, while I play with my lover,” I said cheekily.

For the next half hour, we texted back and forth, while Greg lapped away. Finally, I put the phone down, I pulled Greg’s face into my soaked puss and had my, much-needed, orgasm.

I pulled Greg up for a kiss, tasting myself on his lips.

“Guess who’s got a date next Saturday night?” I teasingly said.

“Ooo.. can’t wait to watch round two, it will be wild,” he replied.

“It’s the gym's Christmas party,” I said, letting it sink in.

“You’re going as his plus one?” he said with a playful pout.

“No, he asked that, but I told him I’m going to get my own ticket. You know how gossipy that place is.”

“Last night I got a bit carried away in the moment, I need to be more careful. I don’t want us to be part of any ‘rumour’ mill,” I added.

Later in bed, I was riding Greg slowly, he was pinching my nipples, as I rose up and down.

“It was so hot having you eating me, while I was teasing with Brad, I’m letting you know that I’ll be wanting a lot more of that in the future,” I said, in a suggestive tone.

“Just click your fingers and point, and I’ll be on my knees,” he said as he started thrusting up a little harder. “It’s the least I can do for my sexy hotwife.”

“How does it feel, knowing, that next Saturday night, your wife, might be enjoying her first lover?”

I was in hotwife mode, it had been an amazing day. Our honest and open chats left us both feeling totally connected. Plus, the sex had an added heat to it. We both knew reality was about to come knocking on our door.

“I can’t wait for it to happen,” he replied, as I felt his cock twitch inside me.

“The first cock, other than yours, to be inside me since I was twenty. I already know he will feel amazing.”

Greg just groaned and throbbed.

I slowed my riding and concentrated on my kegel muscles, Greg let go of my nipples and dropped his head back onto the pillow. He loved my pussy sucking his cock.

“Does it excite you knowing that he might touch places inside me that you never have? I know it does me., I giggled, teasingly laying it on.

Years of pillow-talking had got me to the point, that I knew which buttons to press, and when.

“Just the thought of his bare cock, pumping me full of his hot thick cum, drives me insane babes.”

“His 'HOT', 'THICK', 'YOUNG', 'CUM', filling my naughty 'MARRIED' pussy. OH YES!!”

That did it. I knew it would.

Greg’s eyes scrunched up and his hips rose. He gasped as he exploded.

When he finally relaxed, it leaned down and gave him a loving kiss. Then whispered in his ear. “I can’t wait to be your, for real, hotwife."

Written by jules42
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