A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve as she came down the stairs. Tim knew that radiant look from the first year they were married. There was love all over.
John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag.
"Is this what you meant?"
Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"
Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John tonight. Caesar had said the most awkward sting of wife sharing is when your wife first desires to spend alone time with another man.
Tim nodded his confused acceptance. Shouldn't he be the one controlling her sex with other men? He realized now this wasn't true. Once wife sharing begins, Eve becomes an independent partner.
"How long?"
John Bull heard Tim's acquiescence. Eve did, too.
"Three days, Tim. She'll come home after three days. Meanwhile, you'll spend the next three days with Lilith, Caesar's wife."
Eve blushed, touched John's arm, and said quietly. "I want this, Tim. I want him the same way I wanted you ten years ago."
Tim felt a second sting. Eve compared her feelings for John with the ones she once had for him. Taking no comfort in the comparison, Tim wondered if he would still have a place in her life when she returned.
Eve fiercely gripped John's shoulders and raked them with her French-tipped blood-red nails as he came inside her pussy again. Her appetite for his release would never be sated.
Not yet, anyway.
Not ever, corrected Eve's pussy.
Grunting as he came, John's testes delivered his seed into Eve for the umpteenth time over the past three days. Sweat dripped from his brow onto silk sheets: a wonderful woman, a good woman for any man.
Although it needed help, John knew Tim and Eve's marriage was fixable. Between couplings with Eve, they talked about the four types of marriage that might apply to her and Tim: independent, co-dependent, family, and public. They also talked about the degrees of fidelity, loyalty, and sexual frequency each marital archetype invoked.
Eve had sought a family marriage to start and had settled for co-dependent. Now her co-dependent ten-year marriage had become rote. In the first eight years with Tim, she'd invested her time building her marriage nest: food, shelter, finances, and relationships. She was ready to have Tim's baby and begin a family.
To her dismay, Eve had watched as Tim became more focused on his professional life than on their married life. Tim valued his work and his relationships with other people more than starting a family. It was then Eve's sexual interest in Tim began to diminish. She didn't want to raise a child alone in her marriage. An active father was required. If that wasn't Tim, she had a bottomless hole in her heart that orgasms with Tim could never fill.
Eve's vision was clear: two adults, one life, raising children, a nuclear family. Why should she emotionally and sexually invest in Tim if he didn't value their married life the same way she did?
She'd hoped it was a phase. She'd hoped Tim would change.
He didn't.
When Tim married Eve, he wanted a wife to share his achievements and his adventures. He lived his life as Tim-plus-Eve.
The night Eve melted into Brad's arms at the charity ball wasn't sexual. It was emotional. Once again, she was "Tim's wife" at a company event. Every woman who watched Eve press her body into Brad knew Tim was missing from Eve's marriage. Eve did, too, and that embarrassed her.
As self-penance, Eve tried to reconnect with Tim. The make-up sex after the holiday ball was the best they'd had in years.
Tim figured it was Brad who fired up Eve's libido. In Tim's caveman brain, he imagined Eve needed another man to kindle her passion. It was then his pursuit of wife sharing became a torment for her, a nightmare that led to Eve's encounter with John Bull at the Foshay Hotel.
John shook off his unintended psychoanalysis of Eve's marriage to embrace Eve lovingly. They were good together. It would be easy to keep Eve as his partner and not send her home to Tim.
John snuggled into Eve's arms for comfort. He quit thinking about Eve's and Tim's needs to focus on Eve's nipple. Christ, she's beautiful. He licked an aureole and took satisfaction in knowing he was Eve's first extramarital love affair. Sex with Caesar didn't count.
John smiled again at the thought of how he and Eve connected. Thank God for the Foshay.
He kissed Eve's nipple before tugging it erect with his teeth.
Eve responded with a soft moan and pressed her breast into his mouth. She would forever be available to John. She believed this. Whenever and forever. Even if her marriage with Tim became successful.

Eve also knew that tomorrow she would return to Tim. In ways she didn't understand, she missed him. Ten years of marriage doesn't end with ten orgasms, she mused.
Eve moaned and pressed more of her breast into John's face.
Mmm, maybe the best place to gain a new perspective is to walk in an extramarital garden.
Eve smiled. Was it ten? Indeed it was more. She'd lost count. She only knew they were good ones in John's arms.
"Oh, sweetie, John is filling your wife's pussy with his semen right now. His sperm is swimming in her womb as we speak."
To his surprise, Tim's cock swelled and hardened further.
"Oh, my! You're rock hard now, sweetie! It makes you want to cum doesn't it, baby? Just thinking about Eve with John's cock inside her hot pussy, mmm, makes you want to release, right, baby?"
Tim gripped the exercise bar above his head with both hands. His torso cramped in pleasant agony again. Lilly had him on his toes, holding onto the bar, elongating his body, stretching each thigh muscle, each hamstring, each tendon and hip flexor. Lilly knew precisely how to increase his sexual tension and provide him with an optimal, body-shuddering, all-inclusive climax.
Dr. Lilith Cheyenne, Family Counselor, was on her knees, stroking Tim's cock in her right hand as her left one gently rolled his testes in the palm of her hand. She felt him tense and then swell. In less than a heartbeat, Tim's cock pulsed and spurted his manseed into the receptacle end of the prophylactic.
Milking him, Lilly complimented him on his release.
"That's good, honey, give it all to me, let it all come out. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? Let me see if you have more. Don't hold anything back. I want it all."
With a groan and a shudder, Tim's final climax was a dry spurt.
Sweet Jesus!
"Hold this position, baby. You need to shrink a little. We don't want to spill any. This was special for you, wasn't it, honey? You were thinking about Eve letting John come in her pussy. It was good for you, wasn't it?"
A drop of sweat dripped from Tim's nose. "Yesss," he hissed.
Tim's best orgasms occurred when he fantasized about his friends and co-workers pumping Eve full of cum. Sex-with-stranger fantasies did nothing for him. Tim had his best orgasms and his most complete release, as he imagined Eve fucking his friends.
No more webcam-couple masturbation for Tim; Lilly had changed him. Tim's climax was now all about Eve. In just three days, Lilly had conditioned Tim to fulfill Eve's needs in a husband and to have incredible orgasms with Eve on his mind.
Tim wasn't as sexually imaginative nor as exciting as other men Lilith had trained. Still, when Tim felt he was competing for Eve, Tim was at his best. Tim was all-in.
Lilly learned through John that Tim was second best in every aspect of his life. It was in Tim's DNA to compete and to fall slightly short. Second place was Tim's place. To be happy and satisfied with Eve, Tim needed to feel he was in competition for her attention. Then he needed to come up ever-so-slightly short of that mark. Only then would Tim fully engage with Eve as a husband dedicated to his wife's happiness. Only when striving to keep Eve for himself was Tim at his best.
Dr. Lilith Cheyenne snapped the prophylactic off Tim's member, tied the end, dropped it into the freezer bag labeled TimL XY, and placed it in the freezer with other samples. She would catalog it later and re-package it for long-term storage.
Tim let go of the bar and became flat-footed again. Weak from his climax, Tim stood waiting for Lilly's cleaning ceremony. With a soft cloth, warm water infused with sandalwood, and soothing compliments, Lilly cleared the remains of his passion and left Tim refreshed.
Under Lilly's tutelage, Tim had evolved. No longer filled with ego, deception, or pretense, Tim had become the husband Eve needed him to be. Lilly had seen to that.
As the third day was coming to an end, Tim regretted his wasted years pursuing a selfish life. He wanted Eve to know he was a better man now. Maybe not yet perfect, but better.
He didn't know what their reunion would be like. His three-day sex adventure with Lilly plus Eve's three days with John were life-changing, marriage-changing experiences. Tim knew he might lose her to John, but, dammit, Eve was his wife, and he was determined to keep it that way.
Whatever it takes.
A thought formed at the front of Tim's caveman brain.
And wherever it takes us.