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Emily Plays The Game

"To win the game, you have to be willing to accept the special prize"

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Emily tried desperately to calm her nerves. It was Saturday and she had less than an hour left to prepare herself. She had won and now she waited to collect her special prize. Her need to have stability through wealth, along with her hyper-competitive nature, made it impossible for her to refuse to play the game. Tonight would determine if she had truly won or lost.

Friday, a little over a week ago, her husband Brian had come to her with a proposal. He had been offered the position of production manager for a company. They not only provided amazing benefits, but his salary would also be nearly double what he was currently making. Emily was super excited, but she could tell by the look on her husband's face that there was a catch. The smile left her face and she looked at her husband. “Okay, I see a but coming. You might as well get it out of the way. So, what is it?”

Brian had a strange look on his face. “Well, uhm, the company makes movies, and, uhm, they’re of an adult nature.”

Emily’s face expressed her shock. “You mean they make dirty movies?”

Emily was not a prude, but she was a private person. She had several lovers of various skill levels before she met her husband, Brian. She liked sex, a lot, and Brian had proved to be the best lover of her life. They’d even watched dirty movies together, sometimes spending the entire day watching and fucking. Watching dirty movies was one thing, but her husband working for the people that make them was something else entirely. She wasn’t so much concerned about the business, as long as it was legal. She was more concerned about what people would think when they found out.

Brian rushed to reassure her before she could say something she couldn’t take back. “Look, I know this is a big shock for you, but I want you to consider the benefits. I think that you need to meet the people I’ll be working with before you decide.”

Emily put her hands on her hips. “How do you propose to do that?”

Brian smiled in excitement, “The company’s summer party is tomorrow, and we’ve been invited. You will be able to meet people ranging from the actors to the owners. It is something I want to do as well. I need to know if I will be able to work with them. Let’s go to the party. If you decide to leave early that will be fine too, but please give it at least an hour. We’ll talk on Sunday morning and decide from there whether I take the job or not. What do you think?”

Her face turned red. “I think I’ll be hanging around a bunch of beautiful porn stars. I’m going to look plain as hell!”

Brian laughed. “If you wear that bikini you wore in the Bahamas, I guarantee you won’t look plain.”

Emily just turned redder. “That bikini is way too revealing, and I only wore it for you. I’d look like a total slut wearing it. Not to mention looking really plain next to those porn star hotties.”

Brian shook his head. “You still aren’t getting it. The party will be a contest between the actors to see who can dress the sluttiest. We are talking about porn stars here. They won’t be the only ones there, but you can bet they will be the most notable. The rest of us will be just normal people being a little bit risqué because it’s the perfect opportunity to do so. Worst case, it will be fun and we can come home and fuck like bunnies.

“I tell you what. Why don’t you go put on that bikini and model it for me? Let’s get you comfortable wearing it, then see what you think.”

Emily stood in thought. On the one hand, she wasn’t too happy about wearing such a revealing bikini. On the other hand, in the worst case, they would leave the party and never see any of them again. It wasn’t like they would be posting pictures of her around the neighborhood. Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to learn more, she turned towards the bedroom, tossing her words over her shoulders, “I suppose you have a point. I’ll be back in a few.”

A few turned into an hour and Brian began to wonder if his wife had backed out and gone to bed early. He stood up with the idea of checking on her when she walked into the room. Brian was speechless. Emily spun in place. “You like? Sorry it took so long. I had to do some trimming and whatnot.”

Brian had managed to get his speech back. “You look amazing and well worth the wait.”

He was absolutely correct. Her long brown hair hung to her waist and her big green eyes were looking at him with a combination of curiosity and arousal. The bikini top was two rounded triangles that barely covered the areola of her pert c-cup breasts. The bumps of her erect nipples were clearly visible through the thin cloth. He wasn’t a bit surprised that she had to do some trimming. The bottom was a thong that barely covered her labia. His eyes ran down her flat stomach and his cock came to attention as he gazed at her prominent mound. Her long muscular legs rose to meet a now fully exposed and, amazingly tight, ass. She looked eminently fuckable.

He took her hand and led her to the couch. She laid down with him and he searched for an adult film for them to watch. He found a video shot by his potential employer that they both thought they would like. Ten minutes later Emily’s bikini was on the floor and her husband’s face was buried in her crotch.

Nearly an hour later the couple took a break to recover their collective breaths. Emily snuggled against her husband. “I worry about you around all those hot women. How do I know you won’t be seduced into cheating on me?”

Brian’s response was immediate and sincere, “I will never cheat on you because I love you. I also don’t shit in my own nest. I will have to work with them, and I can’t let my personal life enter into my work life.”

He held her tight, and she relaxed into him. She did trust him, although she didn’t trust the women. After all, they were porn stars. They must love to fuck, and her husband was a great-looking man as well as a wonderful lover. She would have to trust that he was strong enough to fight them off. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t keep both eyes open.

Emily chuckled. “If I only wear that bikini in ten-minute increments it’s going to take more time than we have for me to get used to it.”

Brian gave his wife’s tit a squeeze. “Maybe so, but I sincerely hope that I have convinced you how hot you look in it.”

Emily patted her husband’s leg. “Ok, I’ll go and I’ll wear the bikini on one condition. I have a light summer dress that I usually wear over my bikinis. I will wear it to and from the party. If I don’t feel comfortable, I won’t be taking it off.

Brian knew that this was the best he was going to get. He was actually surprised that she was willing to go as far as she said. He didn’t screw up by talking more. He kissed his wife, picked up the remote, and pressed play. The bikini spent the rest of the night on the floor by the couch.

Saturday night Brian and Emily arrived at the address they were given. Both were nervous wrecks as they drove through the gates and up a long driveway. They pulled to a stop in front of a massive mansion. Livered valets opened the car doors and the couple exited their car. They looked at each other, their eyes wide, before walking up to the main entrance. The door was opened for them, and they entered the lavish home.

They were ushered into a nearby room that contained row after row of lockers. The valet pointed at an open locker, “Please put anything you don’t want to get wet in the locker. Miss, I can see that you are wearing your swimwear under your dress. You will need to put your dress in the locker as well. Required dress is swimwear only.”

Emily hesitated for a moment, but her curiosity got the better of her. She had to see this amazing mansion. She never dreamed that she would be at a party this high class and decided that she wasn’t going to miss it. She slipped her dress over her head and hung it in the locker. She then watched as her husband dropped his shorts to reveal a blue speedo. “When did you get that? I can count the veins on your cock for goodness sake!”

Brian shrugged his shoulders. “I bought it yesterday. This is what they told me to wear.”

Emily frowned. “Well, you better not get hard. You’ll pop right out of that thing!”

There was a receiving line waiting for them when they walked in. It was an odd one because everyone was dressed either in revealing bikinis or skintight speedos. The first to greet them was one of the two owners. He shook Brian’s hand heartily. “Brian! I am so glad you came. This vision of beauty must be your wife.”

He extended his hand to Emily. “I’m Jack Brooks, co-owner of our production company. I sincerely hope that your husband accepts our offer. We need someone with his expertise and would love to have you both join our family.”

Emily smiled up at the handsome man as he shook her hand. She took a quick look at his package without thinking and she liked what she saw. She couldn’t help but think If all the men look like him this won’t be bad at all!

Next in line was Jack’s wife Amy. Emily decided she liked her as soon as she met her. Amy was a very pretty woman, but she didn’t act like it. She immediately put Emily at ease. “Emily it is so nice to meet you. I really want to talk with you later. I’ll make sure to answer any questions that you may have.”

The receiving line continued as Emily and Brian met the other co-owner Steve Avery and his wife Milly. Steve made goosebumps go up Emily’s arm when he took her hand. The bulge in his speedo nearly made her gasp. God, he’s hot. She tried to shake the thought away as she shook Milly’s hand. Milly exuded sex and Emily watched Brian closely as he was introduced to her. He was all business and didn’t even twitch when the woman kissed his cheek.

The lead director was next. Stan Johnson was an intense-looking man with a bit of a belly. Emily and Brian quickly learned that he had a rabid sense of humor and was actually very funny.

Then came the line of porn stars. Lisa Lips was a leggy blonde with 38 DD fake tits and huge pouty lips. She looked like a bimbo but talked like a professor. The two bits of floss she was wearing didn’t really cover anything. Emily was too shocked to say much. She found out later that Lisa had a PhD in physics. She noted that Brian acted like the woman was wearing a burlap sack.

Morgan DePrave was next in line. The intense black-haired woman wore a studded leather thong, and nothing else. Her D-cup tits looked natural and her nipples were pierced. Golden hoops hung from her nipples and Emily had the horny thought that they just begged to be pulled. She looked at Brian intensely when he shook her hand. When she shook Emily’s hand, she pulled Emily to her and whispered in her ear, “You’re a hot one and I would love to play with you.”

Emily flushed over most of her body. Something about the woman struck a chord in her. She decided that she needed to be very careful around Morgan.

Next in line was Rod Long. Emily nearly forgot where she was while looking at the tall black man’s muscle definition. When her eyes glanced down at his speedo, she nearly exclaimed out loud. Holy shit he’s hung.

Dick Thrust was next in line and Emily’s knees got weak. The blonde hunk looked down at her and his blue eyes caught hers. She was frozen like a deer in the headlights until Brian pulled her hand, getting her moving to the next actor.

Tracy Tush was a petite smiling red head with an amazing body. She was also in the ‘might as well be naked’ category. Her thong split her bald vulva, leaving her pussy lips exposed. Her perfect c-cup tits were bare. Emily liked her immediately even though Brian did a bit of a double take when he saw her.

Emily realized that she had better watch herself just as much as she watched her husband. The temptations here were extreme.

Once through the receiving line, the couple began to wander through the mansion and out onto the massive pool deck. Emily figured that there must be two hundred people at the party, yet it didn’t look crowded at all. She was amazed that there were that many people working for the production company.

She kept close to Brian for the first hour as they wandered around. Brian met with his potential direct reports and the shop talk had Emily bored in no time. Eventually, Jack and his wife Amy found Brian and Emily. Jack took Brian aside for a private talk while his wife approached Emily. “Emily, why don’t you and I find someplace quiet to talk?”

Emily readily agreed and Amy led her into the mansion. They walked down the hall and into a sitting room that made Emily’s mouth drop open in awe. She got a hold of herself as Amy directed her to a plush leather couch. Amy had her sign the same non-disclosure agreement that Brian had, then picked up the phone and ordered wine before she sat down next to Emily. “I’m sure you have lots of questions and concerns. I hope that I can reassure you that this is a business like any other. We just so happen to have some very attractive people working for us and sex is our product. We have very strict fraternization rules, and they are enforced. The actors are well aware of that, as are the staff. Breaking the rules is grounds for instant dismissal.

“There are three exceptions. The first is If two of our employees are serious about dating. They must come to Human Resources and request an exception. If either or both are married, their spouse must accompany them and give their approval. HR reserves the right to deny the application and has done so more often than not.”

Emily’s forehead wrinkled as she thought about what she had just heard. “You mean that sometimes married couples want to date one of the actors? Isn’t that a recipe for disaster?”

Amy smiled. “Yes, it can be. Which is why the request is often denied. Occasionally it works out well for all involved.

“The second exception is if an employee is taking part in the filming as an actor. That doesn’t happen often, but it does on occasion.

“There is a third exception and that is when the game is played.”

“The game? What is the game?”

Amy took Emily’s hand. “The game is played twice a year. Once at the summer party and once at the winter party. The summer game can only be played by female employees or the female significant others of employees. The winter game can only be played by male employees or the male significant others of employees. Actors, regardless of gender, cannot play.

“There are rounds of challenges contestants must complete to gather points. The player with the most points at the end wins. With the exception of the special award, prizes vary from year to year. This year the winner will receive a selection of the finest intimate wear available, a two thousand dollar gift certificate to Aman’s clothing boutique, a one and one half caret diamond ring commemorating the win, a boudoir photo shoot scripted by the winner, full membership in our chain of swingers clubs, and fifty thousand dollars. Finally, the winner will receive a special award that they must collect the Saturday following the game. They must collect the special award, or they will not receive the other awards.”

Emily’s competitive nature came to the forefront. Some of the prizes she wasn’t so sure about, but the diamond ring and especially the fifty thousand dollars had her excited to not only play but to win. She wanted one more piece of information. “What is the special award?”

Amy laughed. “It’s a secret, but I will tell you this. In the ten years we have held the games no one has ever complained about receiving it.”

Emily was so stoked to play that she never thought to ask why fraternization was allowed during the game, or even an issue. She sat with Amy for the next half hour, drinking wine, and getting more comfortable. She was definitely leaning toward letting Brian take the job.

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Amy suggested that they join the other partygoers as it was getting close to time for the game. Emily meandered about the pool area until she found her husband. Brian was talking to a group of people and they seemed interested in what he was saying. Emily gave him their private signal that she needed to talk with him, and he diplomatically broke off his conversation. Soon he was by her side.

He could tell that Emily was excited about something. She grinned up at him. “They have this awesome game with some amazing prizes, and I want to play. No, I don’t want to play, I want to win!”

He didn’t want to rain on his wife’s parade, but he had talked to Jack and Steve. They had told him quite a bit about the game and he wanted to give his wife an out. “Yeh, I have heard some conversations about the game. You do realize that you will be asked to do some things that may make you very uncomfortable?”

She frowned at him. “What do you mean dear?”

His face was serious, “First of all, don’t frown at me and please don’t be sarcastic.”

Email realized that she had been so focused on her competitive nature that she had lost all patience with her husband. “I’m sorry. I really am. It’s just that I want to win the game.”

He pulled her into a hug, then released her. “Ok, just realize that this is a bunch of people that use sex as a product. Their idea of a game will involve things that are way outside your normal life. You could be asked to do things that you wouldn’t normally do. Sexual things.”

She had her game face on. “I can handle it. Do you know what the prizes are? They’re fucking awesome!”

Brian realized two things. The first was that his hyper-competitive wife wasn’t going to give up on this. The other was that she had no idea what she was in for. The more he thought about it, the more titillated he became. It would be fun to watch her, and she could always quit at any time. He decided to settle back and enjoy the show. Worst case she would get extremely horny and he would enjoy watching. “OK honey, go for it. I will leave it to you to decide if, or when, to drop out. You have my permission to do whatever it takes.”

A few minutes later Amy stepped out onto the pool deck with a microphone in her hand. “Hello everybody! Let me hear it if you’re having a good time!”

Whoops and hollers answered.

“It’s time for the game. I need all of the lady contestants to come up here and stand in the roped-off area to my left. No fooling around, the contest starts in five minutes. If you’re not in the roped-off area when I say time, you’ve lost your chance.”

Emily hugged her husband and walked to the roped-off area. She couldn’t help but notice that some of the men were holding the women with them back. That seemed odd. A lot of other women remained unmoving. She thought it very strange that not every woman was interested in playing, for whatever dumb reason. She was one of the first to move into the designated area.

At five minutes exactly Amy walked back onto the deck and announced, “Time.” One woman who had some trouble escaping her significant other’s grasping hands hadn’t made it into the roped-off area. She walked back to her significant other, slapped his face, and walked into the mansion. Emily was stunned by the display, but quickly returned her focus to Amy.

Amy turned her attention to the roped-off area, “Tonight there are three rounds to the game. The highest-scoring ten from the first round will move on to the second round. The best two from the second round will move on to the final round. Does everybody understand? Show me your hands if you understand.”

The eighteen women within the ropes all raised their hands. Amy turned to the crowd. “Our contestants will be equipped with a button glued to each tit. The right button is to be pressed by the men only. The left button is to be pressed by women only. It takes a bit of technique to press the buttons so that we can limit the false presses. Please know that we will be watching, and cheaters will be asked to leave the party.

“Significant others are out of bounds and need to come up on the pool deck behind me in the marked-off area. If a player is caught interacting with a significant other during the game, they will be disqualified and asked to leave the party.

“Members of the audience please remember that there is a little trick to making sure the button is pressed effectively. You have to grasp the breast with one hand while twisting the button with the other and pressing it with your finger. Most of you know what I mean but allow me to demonstrate.”

Tracy Tush walked out and stood next to Amy. She was wearing what looked like pasties on her amazing tits. A bright blue one on her right tit and a hot pink one on her left tit.

Amy stood next to her and reached over with her right hand, cupping Amy’s left tit.

“First, get a firm grasp on the tit near the pastie.”

Amy wrapped her hand around Tracy’s tit.

“Next take your other hand and use your second finger and your thumb to give the pasty a slight twist. That will unlock the button.”

Amy reached over and gave the pasty a twist.

“Lastly, use your index finger to press the button.”

Amy pressed her finger against Tracy’s pasty. The results will be transmitted to the control board behind me.

“A word to those of you contemplating cheating by delaying our players. Don’t. You will be caught, and you will be asked to leave. If the player completes the task, you must press the button. Yada, yada, yada, you know the consequences.”

Amy took a long look around. “Okay, let’s begin. For the first task, each of you fine ladies will get a set of buttons. So, off with your tops, if you’re wearing any, then form a line at the table behind me. Emily’s eyes had gotten huge as she watched the demonstration. Still, she was determined to win and wasn’t about to give up that easily.

Amy gave the women a few moments to get in line. “Now, listen closely players. For the first round, you must enter the crowd and get as many tongue kisses as possible. For each tongue kiss you will have your button pressed. You will get double points for kissing women. Just make sure you get your button pressed. Tongue kiss means mouth to mouth with tongues dancing. Your partner will determine if you’re enthusiastic enough to get your button pushed. When I yell time, you will return to the roped-off area until we announce the round winners.

“Ladies, when you get your pasties come stand behind me.” Amy calmly waited until the last woman stood behind her. Three other women had dropped out when asked to take their tops off. Amy nodded her head. “On your mark. Get set. Go!”

Emily made sure that she got her pasties early. Since then, she’d been scanning the crowd and picking targets. She wanted single men most of all so that she didn’t have to worry about a jealous wife or girlfriend slowing her down. When Amy said “Go” she was off the deck like a shot and almost knocked over her first target. He wrapped his arms around her to keep them both from falling and their mouths met. Emily didn’t waste a lot of time kissing. She thrust her tongue into his mouth while pulling his arms to get his hands back in front where she needed them. She pulled his hands onto her right tit, then returned her focus to the kiss. A kiss that was having an effect on her.

In her competitive mode, she hadn’t considered that she might get just a bit aroused while competing. Her target had pressed her button and she realized that she was still kissing him. With a start, she pulled away and ran to her next target. She got way better at the process as she went along. She also got more aroused as she went and was beginning to think that she and Brian would have to find a secluded spot when she was done. She didn’t think she could wait until they got home before molesting her husband.

Rod Long, Dick Thrust, and Morgan DePrave were all quite taken with Emily. They moved to intercept her as she moved through the crowd. They wanted to make sure that they each had a shot at her near the end of the round.

Emily moved through the crowd collecting kisses and button presses until, suddenly, she was in Rod’s huge arms. He pulled her tight against his body and kissed the living shit out of her. Their tongues worked and he pressed her button. He grinned when Emily failed to notice. He continued to hold her against his huge cock and kiss her until he had to let her go. It wouldn’t do to get kicked out of the party.

Emily dizzily moved away from Rod and right into Dick’s arms. Dick pulled her tight against his raging erection, bent her head back, and kissed her passionately. Emily immediately thought Oh, my fucking god! and forgot that she was married. He too held her for as long as possible before letting her go. He had to hold one of her arms because her knees weren't working the way. they were supposed to.

Morgan grabbed her other arm, then pulled Emily into her own arms and laid a lip lock on her that curled her toes. Emily was at first shocked, then went with it as the Dom molested her mouth and felt her up. Morgan had no sooner let Emily go when “Time” rang out through the lawn and the round was over.

When the final tally came in Emily was safely in second place and on her way to the next round. The ten women lined up behind Amy. “OK, we now have our players for round two. Players, please go to the table behind you. You will take off your bottoms and replace them with the pair provided. You should be able to find your size easily.

“We’re adding a bit of a twist to what happened in the first round. In this round players are required to tongue kiss and provide heavy petting. Petting outside clothing is only worth half a point and is awarded by pressing the button once. If the player gets into your britches and touches you in a fun way you can press their button twice, awarding the full point.

“One more little detail. Our players are now wearing thongs with clit vibrators built in. Each time a player’s button is pushed, they get a ten-second reward, if you catch my drift. Each full point is worth twenty seconds. It is easily possible to keep the damn thing going constantly. Players are not allowed to remove or disable the vibrators until the round ends.”

Amy looked behind her, then turned back to the crowd. “It looks like everyone is ready. On your mark. Get set... Go!”

Again, Emily was off like a shot. She revisited most of her original targets because she thought they liked the first go-round and she sure knew that she had. There were a few really slobbery ones she skipped, but she had already identified their replacements. She learned really quickly the fastest way to get her hands into a speedo. A few pumps of a rigid cock got her two button presses. It also got her wet as hell. By the time she was halfway through she was staggering due to the vibrations. She was on the verge of a massive orgasm when Rod swept her up again. She kissed him like a madwoman while her hands pulled his cock free of his speedo. She pumped his cock and would have kept pumping had he not punched her button twice.

Dick pulled her close and gave her another mind-bending kiss. She pulled his cock out as well and her hands read it like it was covered in brail. By this point, she was so turned on she would’ve jumped on his amazing cock right here and right now if he hadn’t squeezed her button. She still probably would have, but Morgan grabbed her. Emily didn’t hesitate to stick her finger in Morgan’s pussy. Morgan didn’t hesitate to stick hers in Emily either. As soon as she pressed Emily’s button twice, Morgan plunged her hand into Emily’s panties, slid two fingers into her pussy, and pumped them furiously. Amy called out “Time” as Emily orgasmed all over Morgan’s hand.

She would have collapsed to the ground if Morgan hadn’t held her up. The crowd around them applauded. Emily finally got her feet and legs to work and reluctantly let go of Morgan. She couldn’t help but notice some of the players laying on the ground thrashing through orgasms. She walked to the pool deck and awaited her fate. She took first this time and was in the final round. She jumped up and down with excitement. Then she looked for Brian. They caught each other’s eye and waived, both grinning from ear to ear.

Amy put the microphone to her mouth, “We’re down to the final round. One of these two women will be our winner. So, let’s talk about the final round. It’s fairly simple. We have twelve of our male actors attending tonight. In this bucket are their names. Each player will draw a name.”

Amy waited while Emily and her opponent drew names. Emily looked at hers and felt a rush through her body. It was Dick Thrust! She didn’t hear the other woman’s selection and didn’t really care.

Amy looked at the names. “OK Dick Thrust and Pok’em Man come on up here.”

The two porn studs ran up onto the deck and stood next to their player. Amy turned back to the crowd, “The final round is simple. Players will blow their selected porn star. The first player to show a mouth full of cum wins. Actors, go ahead and drop your drawers. Players assume the position, but no touching until I say go.

“Well, that didn’t take long. I think somebody is anxious to get started. On your mark. Get set... Go!”

Emily knew that going hard and fast right out of the gate was a fool’s game. He’d just lose sensitivity. She made love to Dick’s cock, and he loved it. “Oh god Emily! I’ve wanted this since I saw you in that receiving line. You’re so fucking hot. Oh! I want to fuck you so bad right now. Your mouth is amazing.”

Dick was used to holding out and cumming on command after twenty minutes of filming. All that went right out the window. Kissing Emily and feeling her up earlier had gotten him so hard that he was more than ready. He couldn’t believe how fucking hot she was, and her mouth was doing things he’d rarely felt in his storied career. He managed to blurt out, “Oh God Emily!”

That was all the warning she got. She was so into the blowjob she almost forgot not to swallow. As soon as the last spurt hit her tongue, she pulled her head away, turned toward Amy, and opened her mouth. Amy turned to the crowd. “Emily is our summer party game-winner.”

The crowd cheered and clapped. Emily didn’t care. She was swallowing and running to Brian, where she jumped into his arms. He held her tightly, foregoing a kiss for the time being. Emily was ecstatic. “I won! I won! I can’t believe I won!”

Brian snickered. “I can definitely believe it. I saw it. You got on your knees in front of two hundred peopled and blew a porn star until he came in your mouth. Yep, I can definitely believe it.”

Emily pulled back and looked at her husband in shock. Her face fell. “Oh my god! I did, didn’t I? What the fuck is wrong with me! You must hate me!”

Brian smiled at his wife. “I told you in the beginning that you might have to do some sexual things and I let you enter the contest anyway. You looked like you had a great time and now you’ve won. All that’s left is claiming your special prize next Saturday.

Amy walked over and pulled Brian and Emily aside. “Amy will be picked up at your house next Saturday at 5:00 pm for her special prize. We will bring her home no later than noon on Sunday.

Emily looked confused. “It takes that long to give someone a prize?”

Amy grinned at her. “That’s the rules, Baby. You can always quit and let the other woman have it. Although she didn’t even make her guy cum. You don’t seem like a quitter to me. Are you?”

Emily’s face got rigid. “Not on your life. I’ll be ready.”

Amy smiled. “I thought you would say that. Enjoy the rest of the party and I will see you Saturday.”

After Amy had announced the winner people had begun fading away. Brian decided that enough people had left that it wouldn’t look bad if he and Emily left. He was anxious to get home. His wife had him as horny as he had ever been, and he was going to fuck her just as soon as he could. Emily seemed of like mind. She only spent a minute looking around for Dick before letting Brian lead her away.

The fuck fest that happened when they got home was epic. Brian called Jack on Sunday afternoon and accepted the job.

Written by Woodart
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