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Amanda's Marine - Part One

"A wife in an open marriage makes a new FWB, but allows him to push her too far..."

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This story is unique among my works. My “Dawn and XXX” series are all true tales, as accurately retold as my memory allows. My other stories have so far been pure fiction – I may draw from an experience here or there, but the characters and scenarios are all creations of my imagination.

Instead, this spiel is based on very true experiences, but that story has grown into something more. I at first intended to make this a “Dawn and XXX” installment, but instead chose to embellish the events and fictionalize some of the situations to hopefully make this narrative hotter.

Before you read, please be aware that this story includes a wife having sex with men other than her husband - with his blessing and participation. There are some bad choices made, including risks with regard to protection. If you don’t enjoy this type of yarn, I invite you to go ahead and close this one out; I have no doubt that there are many thousands of other stories out there that would appeal to you more.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.


“I will definitely have to finish those server patch installations after five PM so as to not interfere with the office staff, so I won’t be home until probably six thirty or so,” Mark Green explained to his wife, Amanda.

“That’s no problem,” came the somewhat sleepy voice on the other end of the phone call.  It was nearly three thirty PM, which meant that Amanda hadn’t been up for long.  “That’s how you said it would probably work out.”

Amanda and Mark worked opposite shifts; he was an IT Manager, with a normal Monday to Friday day shift.  Amanda was an ICU nurse who worked three, twelve-hour night shifts per week, seven PM till seven AM.  The fact that the hospital required her to work so many holidays and weekends per year could be annoying, but even with accounting for a lost day due to having to sleep and catch up in each cycle, she still got an effective extra off day every week.  In addition, she could basically pick up overtime shifts at will, which made paying for vacations or special occasions a cinch, and she got broad leeway from management to schedule when she wanted to work. 

“Did you hear back from the new guy?  What was his name again?” Mark asked.

“Greg,” Amanda replied.  “I did – he texted me this morning.  Since you won’t be home before I leave anyway, I figured that today was as good a day as any for an initial face-to-face if that’s okay with you,” she explained.  “He suggested that I meet him at the McDonalds off of exit eight on my way to work this evening.  That way, it’s nice and public, we can chat and see if there’s any chemistry.”

“That sounds like a smart plan,” Mark observed.  “I take it this means that you are for sure done with the young guy?”

“James,” Amanda replied.  “And yes, I’m done.  It was fun while it lasted, but he’s been pretty clingy for the past couple of weeks, him telling me that he thinks he may have real feelings is the end of it.  You know that.”

“I know,” Mark agreed.  “And you are right.  There’s no sense in anyone getting hurt.  It just kills me how guys blow up a good thing like that!”

Amanda laughed, then her tone turned mock serious.  “Are you telling me that you are blaming them for falling for me?”

Mark sputtered.  “Er… uh… no, of course not!  You’re fantastic, you know that.  I’m just saying that they get no-strings-attached sex, you think that they’d be happy with that.  But no, they want more and end up with nothing.”

She laughed again.  “I knew what you meant, it’s just fun to make you squirm a little.  Look, the bus will be here soon, so let me see the kids.  I love you, I’ll talk to you later.  If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll call before I walk in to work and let you know my first impressions.”


To the outside world, the Greens looked like a very typical little family.  Mark was thirty, Amanda was twenty-eight.  They had two children - a daughter aged eight and a son aged six.  The kids were involved in baseball and dance, the parents juggled the various activities and made the schedule work.  The Greens did family outings and vacations together, the couple went on “just the two of them” dates and weekends, and all the world saw a postcard example of the nuclear American household.

Most of their conservative friends and family would have been shocked to learn that they were not, in fact, a completely typical family; Amanda had sex with other men with Mark’s full knowledge and permission and had been doing so for better than two years.

You see, Amanda and Mark had gotten married very young, and Amanda had quite truthfully not been ready for the commitment.  She had grown up in an ultra-conservative, extremely repressive household where even to this day, Amanda’s mother would whisper the word “sex” in conversations with her adult daughters.  Amanda had grown up thinking that sex was bad and dirty, only permitted grudgingly for making babies, and felt shame for any sexual urges or desires.  She and Mark had explored so much, she had really struggled with changing her attitudes… but her views on sex remained unhealthy, to say the least.

In some sort of self-destructive rebellion, Amanda had cheated on Mark a few years ago.  The affair lasted for a couple of months, until in the middle of a petty argument, she broke down sobbing and admitted the whole thing.  It hadn’t even been a guy that she was attracted to, but he paid her attention, she craved validation, and she ended up doing things she bitterly regretted.

The affair had been very difficult on their marriage, but Mark dearly loved his wife and was determined to make things work.  They spent a lot of time in discussions, in opening up to one another, in exploring the root causes of the infidelity - and they seemed to have made real progress. 

So when Amanda cheated on him again, Mark was devastated.

In fact, it happened several more times.  She never had another true affair, but Amanda would hook up or fool around with another guy – sometimes even at events where Mark was present.  She would immediately break into tears and confess no later than the day after (often even the same day), she would feel genuinely horrible about what she had done.  But no matter how genuinely contrite she was, no matter how much she cried, no matter how bad she felt - it always seemed to be only a matter of time before she cheated again.

It felt like the only possible future for the Greens was one where the pair was divorced.  Mark simply could not continue when his wife seemed pathologically predisposed to cheat.  He loved his children dearly and was willing to do anything to prevent them from growing up in a broken home… but how could he live with a woman that he could not trust? 

Then one day, he had a desperate idea.

Mark told Amanda that he was willing to freely open up their marriage for her, as long as she would agree to a few rules about how it would work.  He would allow her to have sex with other men as she saw fit, but that to do so, she would have to remove all lying, all sneaking, all deception from the equation.  If she was going to fuck other guys, she had to let Mark know who she was with, about how long she planned to be gone – and if the plans changed, she had to let him know about it. 

She would be required to always make it a point to come home after and have hot sex with him after she met the other guy – and it could not be duty sex, no acting tired or disinterested; she had to be enthused and into it.  She was not to do any sex acts with other guys that she would not do with Mark or that she had yet to try with him.  She was to always be open and tell Mark everything that she had done, there would never be any secrets about the guys or the sex.

She was to make an effort to include him when possible – this meant that from time to time, they would do threesomes together with other guys.

And finally, Mark reserved the right to veto any sex act, any particular meet, or any particular partner.

Amanda tearfully agreed to the conditions, grateful that her husband loved her enough to try to find a way to make their marriage work despite her compulsions.  The next weekend that they went out, she ended up giving the bar’s bouncer – an off-duty police officer – a blowjob in his truck behind the bar while Mark stayed inside and played darts.  They then went and picked up a guy the next night and had a threesome.

To tell the truth, Mark absolutely despised the idea to begin with.  It was humiliating beyond belief to sit there and throw darts with strangers while his wife sucked some other guy’s dick.  Watching her beautiful face contort in pleasure while she took a different stranger’s cock inside of her made him literally sick to his stomach.  Thinking of her fucking other men was emasculating, nauseating, infuriating.

But if he didn’t allow it, the marriage would be over.  He could not live any longer with the betrayal and the lies and the not knowing.  If he didn’t open his marriage like this, he would have to leave it altogether, and Mark really didn’t want to settle with seeing his kids every other weekend for the next ten to twelve years.

So Mark swallowed his pride – and more than a little of his self-respect.  Even so, after that first weekend, he didn’t know if he could keep doing it; the mental images, the knowledge of what his wife was doing were absolutely driving him crazy.  In desperation, he started surfing the internet, finding forums where men shared their wives with others, and he began reading their stories.  He was surprised to realize that some men got off on the idea of their wives having sex with others more than anything else. 

And so, in an act of self-preservation, Mark made a choice to focus on the sex itself.  To view his wife as something like his own personal porn star.  To take solace in the fact that no matter what she did, she always came back to him, that her heart belonged to him alone.  And to focus on the fact that whenever she was with other men, he was rewarded with truly outstanding sex.

Sure enough, Mark slowly began to not only accept, but to even seek his wife having sex with other men to the point that it became his absolute strongest kink.  There was a clear difference in Amanda’s mentality and libido when she was playing with other men, and Mark was the definite beneficiary of it.  Somehow, the two of them managed to move forward, and over the two-plus years that their marriage had been open, they had grown incredibly close.

Along the way, Amanda had developed her own rules.  Most of the men that she had sex with were guys that she and Mark picked up in a bar for a threesome or were those she met and screened online.  If a guy was selfish, pushy, or didn’t treat her with respect – she would never meet him a second time.  Over time, she had enough marginal to poor experiences that she had moved to a system of screening guys in a public place first; if they could carry on a conversation and she walked away from the meet with a positive feeling, only then would she agree to sex.

Furthermore, Amanda made it abundantly clear to the guys that she was married and that this was only casual sex for fun.  She would mention her husband often, and make it clear that she was emotionally unavailable – she had once let a “friend with benefits” situation get out of hand, and the mutual feelings she had developed with a married man had led to a messy, emotional end to that arrangement.  So from that point on, as soon as there was any hint of the guy catching feelings – or if she found herself growing attached at all – she would end that situation. 

This had been the case just a few days ago with James, a recent college grad who Amanda had played with for about six weeks.  The two of them would hang out, watch a movie, and have sex.  It had been easy, superficial fun, but James confessing that he was developing feelings had prompted her to immediately cut it off.  Mark had seen her do that before, and he was extremely confident that she would never accept a call or text from James again.  That’s just how it had to work.


Mark finished his updates by five forty-five, which would put him home a bit earlier than he had planned – probably by six fifteen.  Not that he would have been able to see Amanda before she left, regardless; as an ICU nurse, she had to be in the unit a half hour before her shift to take report from the nurse she was relieving.  In addition, Amanda was the sort of person who believed that if you were on time to something, you were late – even though the hospital was only a half hour from home, she would be frazzled if she left less than forty-five minutes ahead of time (and she usually tried to allow even more time than that).  Mark typically got home from work around five thirty, which gave him time to kiss his wife goodbye and maybe chat with her for a few minutes before she left for her shift; he had never known her to be late for anything in her life.

Knowing Amanda, she had probably met this Greg guy at Mcdonald's at five fifteen, maybe five thirty at the latest.  She’d have a milkshake, they would chat, and she would head to work.  If things went well, she might have her new guy lined up.  Mark decided that he didn’t want to interrupt her, so he climbed into his car, fired up the air conditioning, and headed home.  Once six o’clock rolled around, he sent a quick text. 

“Got to leave a little earlier than planned, didn’t want to interrupt you,” he typed.  “Already partway home.  Hope it’s going well.”

After maybe thirty seconds, his phone buzzed with a reply.  “Chatting, will call when I leave.”

“Okay,” he answered.  “Love you.” 

Years of experience told him that Amanda had to be getting close to wrapping things up; she wouldn’t be able to stay at McDonald’s much past six and make it on time to get report.  That means that everything must be going well; Amanda had surely been there for a half hour – if not more – by now.  If the guy had turned out to be an asshole, she would have left already, so this was a good sign.

Frankly, Mark preferred for his wife to have a regular guy or two to see.  While there was always the risk of emotional attachment, it was good to have some known factors in the equation.  It let Mark get a good feel for how long things would take, what sort of mindset Amanda would be in when she got home, and it helped him to not worry as much about some total stranger being a complete creep. 


Amanda reminded the kids about the leftovers in the fridge and kissed them goodbye.  “Kelcie,” she told the teen girl from next door, “Mark should be here no later than six-thirty, so you won’t have to stay long.” 

The girl looked up from her textbook and waved in reply.  “That’s fine, Mrs. G – we know the drill.”

It was definitely nice to have a responsible kid available on short notice for days like today when the Greens’ schedules didn’t quite match up.  Kelcie being next door made it so convenient, and the girl was generally good-natured and easy to work with.  Being fourteen, she wasn’t driving yet, but that didn’t matter since she could just walk over.

Amanda checked her phone – ten minutes after five PM – as she climbed into the Pathfinder.   That would put her to McDonalds a little before five thirty, which gave her plenty of time to have a quick chat with this Greg guy.

She had seen his picture, of course – the man had close-cropped brown hair so dark it was nearly black, a neatly trimmed beard to match, a square jaw, and a tall, burly build.  She knew that he was an ex-Marine who now worked in a warehouse; it was obvious that he maintained his muscles.  While Amanda had never been into really muscled guys, Greg certainly wasn’t bad to look at.

As she drove, Amanda frowned a little.  She would have preferred to make a first impression wearing something more flattering than scrubs; the set she was wearing featured foxes on a lavender background.  While these were whimsical and fun, it was tough to look actually sexy in scrubs with the way that they fit – or, rather, the way that they didn’t. 

As she usually did before a first meeting, Amanda had butterflies in her stomach.  She knew for a fact that a lot of men found her to be attractive, but despite that, she always worried about being good enough for whoever she was meeting.  You would have thought that after having sex with a bunch of different guys, she wouldn’t have had issues with confidence; no man had ever given her anything but glowing praise.  Somehow, though, she always worried that she just wouldn’t measure up.

At five feet, seven inches tall, Amanda was an attractive woman.  She had dirty blonde hair that hung in ringlets past her shoulders, sparkling blue eyes that would captivate anyone who looked too long into them and an athletic build with outstanding curves. 

She had insisted on getting a boob job after their son turned four, as breastfeeding had caused her breasts to sag significantly.  Amanda had also taken the opportunity to increase to a DD cup at that time – Mark had tried to convince her that she was beautiful and didn’t need surgery, but it had been such a big deal to her that he had relented.  It had drastically increased her self-confidence, so her husband did view it as a worthwhile decision now.  To this day, Amanda would admit to having a lift done, but she would deny the rest of the surgery; such was one of the few vanities she indulged in.

She was halfway to her exit when the phone vibrated.  Amanda hated texting and driving, but she gave the phone a quick glance, anyway.  It was Greg.

“Got off work late.  I’m home but haven’t been able to shower yet.  Would you mind coming here?  I live ten minutes off of the exit.”

Amanda frowned; this hadn’t been the deal.  She was more than a little uncomfortable going to a strange man’s house when she had never met him before.  Also, this would build in an extra twenty minutes into her commute today; while she had left early enough to make it work, she wouldn’t be able to chat for long.

She typed back a response, trying to not get overly annoyed.  “What happened to meeting in public?”

“You don’t have to come inside.  We can just chat in the driveway,” came the reply.  “I wouldn’t be good company being sweaty and dirty.”

Damn it.  Amanda had gotten a lot pickier with the guys she would meet; Greg seemed like a really good prospect.  He wasn’t the kind that seemed to just have tons to say, but he had this confidence about him that had appealed to her.  It didn’t hurt that he had fresh STD tests, too.  She figured that if she declined this schedule change, she would probably have to go back to the drawing board – experience had shown that if you missed a chance to meet, for whatever reason, most guys wouldn’t try again. 

She sighed and typed an answer.  “Okay, send me your address.  I won’t have very long to talk, as I’ll have to go on to work.”

As the “Exit – one mile” sign came up on the interstate, her phone buzzed again.

“Great!  I can take a quick shower and be ready for you.  The address is 21315 Oak Crest Lane.  There’s a black Toyota in the garage, you can park behind it.  See you soon.”

Amanda blew out her breath in frustration.  She hated last-minute changes and uncertainty in life. 


The Pathfinder pulled into Greg’s driveway at five thirty-six PM.  The house looked to be small but well-kept; the yard was immaculate and clean.  The garage was open as Greg had said it would be; Amanda followed his request and parked behind his black car.  The house sat on a decent little plot of property, a good half acre or so of flat land with a row of trees serving as something of a natural fence between this house and the one beside it.  It was a nice residential neighborhood with plenty of houses, but none packed too tightly together.

Amanda stepped down from the SUV and pulled out her phone, but before she could text or call Greg, the door opened and he walked outside with a wave.  “Hello there,” he offered as he approached. 

He offered a bit of an odd piece of body language; Amanda wasn’t sure if he was giving her a hand to shake or open arms to step into; she decided that if sex were on the table, a handshake felt a bit impersonal.  With the decision made, the blonde stepped in and gave the large man a quick squeeze before stepping back to the perceived safety of the front of her Pathfinder.

“Hello, yourself,” she replied.

If Amanda were to pick a word for this new acquaintance, it would be “imposing”.  His expression was very intense, very focused; when he smiled, it didn’t quite seem to touch his eyes.  He was definitely a good bit bigger than her – Greg stood six feet, three inches tall, with broad shoulders and muscles that were visible through his tee shirt.  A hint of a spicy aftershave was apparent when Amanda had hugged him.

“Thanks for coming by,” he stated.  “I didn’t want to be all sweaty for you.”  While Greg had a deep voice, he was soft-spoken – yet there was something in his tone that suggested that he had no doubt that she would have denied his request.  He stepped back from her hug to give her plenty of space – she recognized the move as an effort to make her comfortable, and she appreciated the consideration.  Even as he stood easily, however, the hairs on the back of Amanda’s neck stood up slightly – the way that he looked at her, the way his eyes occasionally swept their surroundings… he reminded her almost of a wild animal.  Of a predator sizing up its next meal.

“You are very sexy, Amanda,” he told her in an unassuming tone.  “I was worried that your pictures might not tell the real story, but they don’t do you justice.  You are much hotter in person.”

Amanda felt herself blushing.  She gestured at her outfit.  “In scrubs?” she asked, her tone doubtful.  “That feels like flattery.  Nobody looks good in scrubs!”

A tiny hint of a smile touched the corner of Greg’s mouth.  “You look good in them.  I can’t see everything, but I can see that you are hiding a hot body under there.  I look forward to getting to see it for myself.”

Amanda’s eyes widened a bit at how forward this guy was.  Yet despite any sort of better judgment or common sense, the blonde felt her panties starting to dampen.  Other guys might talk to her like this and come across as creeps; Greg just seemed powerful, like he was making matter-of-fact observations on humdrum topics instead of telling her within two minutes of saying hello how he wanted to see her naked!

“Er… we will see about that,” she offered weakly.  Feeling off balance, Amanda changed the subject, trying to shift away to more general topics like their jobs and families and interests.

While Greg was far from talkative, he answered all of her questions right away, and gave her plenty of space to make her own commentary.  She learned that he was single, had never been married, and was thirty-two years old.  He had done eight years in the Marines and chosen to not re-enlist after his second tour.  Greg had a sister that lived a couple of hours away, but no other family.  Amanda shared her own family picture with him – her husband, her kids, the way that her marriage worked.

The two of them talked more about interests and hobbies as she leaned against the front of her SUV, and Amanda soon found herself speaking easily with this man like he was an old friend.  He seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, as if it mattered to him.  It also didn’t hurt that the man absolutely exuded sexuality – more than once, Amanda had to focus on what he was saying (or even what she was saying), as she kept getting distracted by thoughts of those strong hands against her body…

Amanda felt her phone vibrate.

“Got to leave a little earlier than planned, didn’t want to interrupt you,” came a message from Mark.  “Already partway home.  Hope it’s going well.” 

Holy shit.  It’s six o'clock already!  Hurriedly, Amanda typed out a reply.   “Chatting, will call when I leave.”

“Okay,” came the answer.  “Love you.”  She shoved the phone back into her pocket.

“Hubby checking in, I take it?” Greg asked, that ghost of an amused smile on his lips. 

“Yes,” Amanda answered, feeling a tad flustered for some reason.  “He got to leave work sooner than he had planned.  He was just touching base, figuring I would already be gone by now.”  She frowned. 

“Speaking of which, I really do need to be leaving,” she continued.  “I have to get on to work.  But it was really nice meeting you.  I appreciate you keeping this first introduction public.”

Greg gave her one of his intense smiles.  “I’m glad that you came by.”  He took a small step towards her and opened his arms for another hug.  Amanda didn’t even hesitate this time – she stepped right into his burly embrace, and let him pull her in.  She was acutely aware that her breasts were flattened up against his firm chest – and was even more acutely aware that the condition of her panties had worsened quite a bit over the past twenty minutes or so.

As Greg squeezed the curvy blonde, he spoke quietly in her ear.  “I’m very glad, myself.  You are such an attractive woman.”

Amanda felt her heart racing as she reluctantly started to step back from this actual stranger.  What was she thinking?  She had literally just met the guy!

“There’s one thing that I need from you before you go,” Greg rumbled softly into her ear.

“What’s that?” Amanda asked as she took a leisurely half-step back from his embrace. 

That hint of a smile was on his lips, but Greg’s eyes were steely, like he would brook no argument.  He looked deep into Amanda’s own eyes, and she felt herself shiver in response, despite the warmth of the day.

“I need for you to suck my cock,” the big man stated calmly. 

Amanda’s eyes went wide in surprise, and she looked up at his face expecting to see a grin, some sort of indication that this was a joke.  But Greg’s expression was deadly serious.  She found herself glancing down at his crotch, and could see the outline of his hard cock there through his shorts. 

What the fuck.  Surely this stranger didn’t expect her to just up and give him a blowjob right there?  They were in the open, anyone could see them from the street!  She didn’t know the guy!  They had agreed that this was just a quick meeting to say hello and see if there was any chemistry.  And besides, she needed to leave to get to work!

Rather than respond at all, Amanda found herself reeling.  She found herself looking at Greg’s face again, but there was a touch of a smirk on his expression now.  He had seen her look down at his cock.  He knew that she was considering it.

Of course, she wasn’t considering it!  The idea was insane!  She wasn’t going to suck off some stranger right here in public!  The very suggestion was offensive, it was absurd! 

So why hadn’t she slapped him?  Why hadn’t she laughed it off?  Why hadn’t she turned away and gotten into her car? 

Why did she glance down at his cock again?

“Go on,” he urged her softly.  “You know that you want to.”

“But… I… I have to…” she protested weakly.

“Bullshit,” he cut her off.  “Nobody is holding you here.  If you didn’t want to do it, you’d have left already.”  He smirked.  “You wouldn’t keep looking at my dick.” 

He looked at her with such hunger on his face.  Such authority in his stance.  “You want it,” he declared.  “So do it.”

Amanda’s heart raced; she felt lightheaded.  It was almost as if she wasn’t in control of her own body, as if she were somehow watching herself from a distance as she sank down to her knees in front of the big man.  He stood there in the driveway, a smirk on his face, looking down as the blonde mother tentatively reached up and began to fish his cock out of his shorts.

As his firm phallus appeared, she grasped it in her hand and marveled at it.  It was thick, yes – but it felt so dense, so substantial in her hand.  While Greg’s cock was bigger than her husband’s, it wasn’t by much – but somehow, it just seemed so impressive, so alive.

It was as if some force pulled her in; Amanda’s focus never wavered as she leaned forward.  The hard concrete driveway was already uncomfortable under her knees, but it didn’t seem to matter.  Yes, the Pathfinder partially blocked her from the view of the road, but anyone driving along in a car would surely be able to see her kneeling before this stranger if they actually looked… yet that, too, did not seem to matter.  In truth, nothing in the world but the heavy cock in her hand mattered at that moment.

And then, her lips were open, it was sliding into her mouth.  She felt her pussy throb with desire; she had only thought that she was wet before.  But now, with this stranger’s cock in her mouth, she moaned in need, and felt that need burn through her body.

“That’s it,” Greg sighed.  “That’s a good girl.”  He lowered his hands, rested them on her head, began to twirl her hair around his fingers.  “Suck that cock, baby.  Suck it good.”

A shiver raced through Amada’s body when he called her a good girl.  She normally despised it when a man held her head while she gave oral, but right now, she craved his touch, his approval.  She began giving Greg her absolute best efforts, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, moving her lips up and down his shaft energetically while keeping substantial suction applied.  When he groaned in pleasure, it was as if the pleasure was transferred directly to her own body; all she could think of was making the muscular man feel good with her mouth.

This went on for several minutes, then Greg stopped her and pulled his cock from her mouth.  Unconsciously, Amanda whined in protest.  He looked down at her, smiling.

Holding his cock by the base, he smeared it over her face.  As he stroked it, he rubbed it across her cheeks, her nose, around her mouth.  Amanda had never been treated this way - she would have never even considered allowing a man to treat her this way; yet her body was on fire, her cunt was drooling, her mouth was cracked open and her eyes closed in ecstasy.  If Greg wanted to rub his cock on her face, she wanted him to do it. 

A car rolled down the street.  A part of Amanda’s mind wondered if they were looking, if they could see anything.  When Greg inserted the head of his thick cock back into her mouth, she found that she just didn’t care.

On and on it went.  Amanda would suck the big man’s cock for a few minutes, then he would pull it out and rub it all over her face.  Then back inside her mouth it would go.  Truth be told, Amanda had always loved to give oral, but right now, her entire universe was the seven inches of dense meat in her face.  Nothing else mattered.  His little comments of encouragement and praise acted like electrical shocks coursing through the blonde’s body.

Eventually, Greg started to breathe unevenly.  “I’m about to come,” he announced.  “I’m going to come on your face, baby,” he stated, his tone considering no argument.  “It’s my favorite thing.  Are you ready?” 

Amanda whined in response, nodded.  She stuck her tongue out, licking his shaft and head, rubbing her face against his cock head as he stroked it the last little bit of the way. 

And then, the thick cock began to erupt, his thick semen spurting along her cheek, over her eye, on her nose, her chin.  His ejaculation was forceful, with at least four powerful bursts of fluid, followed by several smaller dribbles that he squeezed from the end of his penis and splattered against her face.  A few drops entered her mouth and rested on her tongue; she reflexively swallowed the salty bitterness of his seed, then opened her mouth again to present the best target she could give.

Amanda had a love/hate relationship with semen.  It always turned her on when a man came with her; she craved the feeling of power; she loved knowing that she had caused such ultimate pleasure for her lover.  She was greedy to take a man’s cum in her mouth or inside of her vagina – if she had the choice, she would always accept it inside of herself, one way or another.  She did pride herself on being a giving lover, so if a man wanted to cum on her tits, on her ass, on her face?  She was a good sport and let them do it, but she had never really enjoyed sticky semen on her skin.

Which is why she was shocked when she felt the burning electricity centered on her clit begin to explode out through her body as the thick, warm fluid splattered on her face.  She heard the big man grunt, curse, and call her a good girl and she just melted.   As his ejaculation came to an end, Amanda collapsed down from her aching knees to her ass, feeling her body tremble with the aftershocks of her own orgasm.


Mark had sent Kelcie home with his thanks, touched base with the kids, and heated himself a plate of leftover pasta.  He was a little annoyed that Amanda hadn’t called him like she said that she would, but he figured that he would hear from her once she got her first rounds done on her shift.  Maybe her mother had called her on the drive in to work – she was very close to both her mother and sister, and sometimes, she got caught up in various family dramas.  Or perhaps her bestie had called to vent about how much she hated her husband, as if her bitching about it would accomplish anything.

He was rather surprised when the phone rang at six forty and the caller ID showed Amanda’s contact.

“Hello?” he answered, concern in his voice.  “Are you okay, baby?  Why are you calling right now?”

Amanda sounded distraught, stressed.  “I’m running so late, babe.  I’m driving right now.”

The concern turned to real worry.  “Did something happen?  Was there an accident?”

Amanda’s tone was ashamed.  “No accident. Baby… uh…” she sighed.  “I’m late because I just left Greg’s house.”

Mark was confused.  “His house?  What do you mean?  I thought you were meeting him at McDonalds?  What is going on?”

“Baby, I’m sorry,” Amanda began.  “Greg texted me when I was driving over.  He got off work late, said he needed a shower, that he lived a few minutes off of the exit.  He asked me to come to his house.  He said we could stay outside, just chat in the driveway… so, I agreed.”

Mark took a deep breath.  “Okay.  You could have mentioned that before when you texted that y’all were chatting.”

“I know!” Amanda replied.  “When you texted me, I was about to leave; I figured I was about to call and I’d just tell you then.”

Mark’s voice went neutral and he chose his words carefully.  “So why are you running so late?  You should have been at the hospital almost fifteen minutes ago.  I don’t think I remember you ever being late for work in your entire life, Amanda.  I don’t understand.”

“I don’t understand either, baby.  I called work, I told them I had a flat.  They said it was okay; I’ve never called in before, so they believed me,” she told him.

“But you didn’t have a flat, did you?” Mark asked in a guarded voice.  “Amanda, what happened?”

In an upset tone, she confessed.  “I was leaving, I gave him a hug.  Then he… he told me to suck his cock.  I… I don’t know what happened.  I don’t know why I did it.”

“Wait,” Mark demanded.  “You were supposed to just meet and see if you had chemistry.  Instead, you went in his house and sucked his cock?”

“Not exactly,” Amanda explained.  “I… I did it right there in the driveway.  Out in the open.  I don’t know why.  He told me to do it, and I just… did.  And fuck, he came on my face.  After he rubbed off most of my makeup with his cock.  And there’s cum in my hair!  I’m pretty sure that he squeezed the last out of it in my hair on purpose!”

Mark found himself both annoyed and amused, especially since Amanda was always very particular to try to look her best in public.  “So my goody two shoes wife is late to work because she had to lie about sucking a stranger off where anyone could have seen it, and now, she is missing makeup and has a stranger’s cum in her hair?”  He was pretty sure that Amanda could pick up on his emotions from his tone.

“Yes,” she admitted, sounding more than a little humiliated.  “Mark, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean for it to happen…. I just couldn’t seem to tell him no!”

He sighed.  “I’m not mad about you doing it.  You know that you have a free pass to do pretty much whatever.  The only issue I have is that you didn’t tell me that your plans had changed.”

“But I didn’t plan to suck him off!” she protested.

“Maybe so,” Mark allowed, “but you did change plans and went to his house.  I should have known that before you went.  That’s the deal, you know that.  What if he had been a creep?  Or rather - more than just a creep who demanded a blowjob?”

Amanda’s voice was subdued as she agreed.  “You’re right, baby.  I’m sorry.  I should have told you.  And I’m sorry for suck…”

He cut her off.  “No, don’t be sorry for that.  If you wanted to do it, I’m okay with it.  Did you enjoy it?”

Her voice was small.  “I had an orgasm when he came on my face,” she confessed.

“Holy shit,” Mark replied.  “Well, that’s hot.  And you fucking did it right there in the driveway?  Wow.  I guess the only thing that really bothers me is that I can’t play with you now.  I’m glad that you had fun, and I’m going to laugh at you for the cum in your hair.  But next time – you can’t tell me shit after the fact.  I have to know what’s going on, okay?”

“Okay, baby,” she agreed.  “You are right.”

“I guess that there is chemistry, huh?” Mark asked somewhat unnecessarily.

Amanda laughed.  “Apparently so.  Full disclosure – he just texted and has invited me to his house on Saturday night.”

Mark shook his head.  “Okay, then.  I guess you may have found your new guy.”

Actually, Greg hadn’t simply invited her – he had told her that she was going to come over at eight PM and to wear a sexy matching bra and panty set, as if he fully expected her to do as he said.  But Amanda supposed that it amounted to the same thing.

Now, she had to do her best to clean up on the drive into work.

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Written by cloakndagger772
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