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Your Focus Is Now Just On Me

"As we leave the bar there is no one else for you to tease but me."

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Author's Notes

"This is chapter two of this adventure.  I would recommend reading chapter one, “You’re Such A Tease” to get some context and backstory if you haven’t already.  This can be read as standalone, but I think it would more beneficial to have read the previous chapter.  Enjoy."

As we walk out of the bar, a cool fall breeze blows and you nuzzle your head close into the pocket of my right shoulder.  You bring your left arm around my waist and hook your middle finger into the belt loop over my back left pocket.  You then take your index finger and slowly snake it under the waistband of my pants.  I glance down at you and ask, “And what do you think that you’re doing?”

You give me your impish grin and say, “What do you mean?  You have your way of grasping onto me and I have my way of holding onto you.”  While you say this, your right hand has come up and caressed my right forearm and wrist until you lay your hand over mine on your hip and lace your fingers over mine.

I lean down and give you a peck of a kiss on your nose and say, “You just don’t know when to stop do you?”

“We all like to have fun in our own distinct ways.”

We walk off of the sidewalk and across the parking lot and I notice that the cool fall breeze across your bare arms and chest has caused it to break out in goosebumps.  As we reach the passenger side of the car, I release my grasp on your hip to grab the handle and open the door for you.  “Well, whoever said that chivalry is dead obviously hasn’t been pampered by you.”

I lightly place the tips of my fingers on each of your shoulders. Grazing down your arms as I feel the goosebumps intensify I say, “One should always treat a lady with the utmost respect.  Even when she has acted as a tart.” and give you a more sensuous kiss on your lips, but I refuse to open my mouth when I feel your tongue along my lips.

I break the kiss and you’re left standing there for a moment with your eyes closed and mouth just barely open, lost in a cloud of anticipation and lust.  I bring my right hand up to your chin and drag my thumb along your bottom lip to wipe away the slight smear of your lipstick.

You open your eyes at this contact and give me a smile that lights up my affection for you even more.  I place my left hand on the small of your back, grab your right hand, and tell you, “Why don’t you get in so we can get you home?”

You nod in agreement, but you decide to sit down in the seat with your derriere first.  In doing so, you sit down and lean forward giving me the bird's eye view of your ample cleavage and how taut your nipples are through your sundress.

Once seated, you purposefully swing your left leg high to bring it over the rocker panel causing the front hem of your sundress to ride up and exposing me to a direct view to your knickers.  With a cheeky smile, you say, “Oops!  A lady isn’t supposed to expose herself like that.” and use both of your hands to push the hem of your dress down and cover yourself.

“No, a lady is not.” I gently place my right hand on the outside of your right knee to coax your leg into the footwell of the car while tracing my thumb along your kneecap and dragging my middle finger along the crease on the back of your knee.  I feel you shudder at this contact and see the goosebumps that had started to go away return to your skin.  “Young lady I think that you’ve had too much to drink and you need to behave yourself.”

“Hey now.  I’ll have you know that you didn’t have to pay for my drinks. So why are you complaining?  And who are you calling me a ‘young lady’?  I’m almost thirty-eight and you’re only a handful of years older than me.  I should call you my ‘old man’ then.” but you’re looking at me with that trademark sarcastic face.

I shake my head side to side and ignore your comments as I shut the door with my right hand and walk around the back of the car thinking to myself, ‘Well she is in a mood tonight and it looks like we’re in for an eventful evening.’

I open the driver’s door with my left hand and get into the car.  As I sit down and put the key in the ignition, I do a quick check of my side mirror, rearview mirror, and your side mirror to make sure everything is still in place and where it should be as I put on my seatbelt.

I see something different out of the corner of my right eye and when I turn my head to confirm it, I see that the strap on your left shoulder that was holding up your sundress is now loosely draped off of it.

You’ve exposed almost all of the flesh just above the areola of your left breast and a significant amount of inner breast on your right.  As I look up at your face you have your eyes closed and head tilted slightly back as you shift back and forth in your seat humming something to yourself.  I roll my eyes and say, “Put your seatbelt on young lady.”

You open your eyes and stick your tongue out at me like a petulant child would and say, “Always the worrywart.” as you pull your seatbelt on with your left hand.  I then proceed to turn the key and start the car.

The twin-turbo Japanese engine roars to life.  A smile appears on your face as you giddily ask, “Oo, can I pick the radio station?”

“Yes, dear.  As long as it is not hip-hop or rap.  I’m not in the mood to listen to that tonight.”

You feign a pout and say, “Okay. I guess I had better keep the driver happy so that I get home safe and sound.”  I see you fiddling with the satellite radio stations until you settle on the 90s pop station. You practically yell, “Yay!  I haven’t listened to this music in a while.”

“Well,” I pause and think, “I guess nineties music while cruising in a 90s icon is quite poetic.”  I press the clutch and drop the car into first, and the all-wheel drive system propels us on our way.  The car roars to life as I navigate the long sweeping turns of the back roads.

With such a capable grand touring car, why go the quickest and fastest route on a highway when windy back roads are where the car belongs.  ‘I may regret this decision of taking the long way home.’ I think as I downshift and let the all-wheel steering help guide us around a long right.

I see you in my peripheral vision as we’re making the right-hand turn and you are bopping along to the songs of our teenage years.  The first song finishes and the next comes on, I know that things are about to get interesting from the first two notes of bump bump.  You about scream at the top of your lungs and start giddily stomping your feet up and down and shimmying your torso and shoulders in the seat as you reach over with your left hand to turn up the volume as Britney apologizes for doing it again.

I have a difficult time keeping my full attention on the road as you sing along with every lyric.  You are wagging the index finger of your right hand at me while serenading me with all the sexuality of the music video but also the sensuality of a modern-day Marilyn Monroe.  I am mesmerized by you and realize that I’ve started to drift across the center line.  I maneuver the car back into our lane and do my best to focus on getting us home safely.

As the song nears its conclusion, you are leaning in your seat towards me and I catch the navy blue of the perfectly manicured nails on your left hand tracing from your collarbone, along the top of your left breast, down to your cleavage under the top of your dress and back up again.

All the while, your right hand is on your left thigh and you are fidgeting with the hem of your dress, raking it side to side underneath your nails.  For my benefit, and both of our safety, I’m glad that the song has ended.

You are beaming with enthusiasm as I use the controls on the steering wheel to turn down the radio as the next song comes on.  You lean across the center console and give me a peck on the cheek, “You know you like that song too.  Don’t deny it.”

I turn my head a bit more towards you, because we’re on a straightaway, and say in mock anger, “Now listen here young lady.  Don’t you go putting words into my mouth.  I have never once said that I don’t like that song.”  You take this opportunity to kiss me on the lips and try to coax me into a more passionate embrace.

I reach my right hand off of the shifter and grab your chin between my thumb and index finger gently pushing you backward just an inch as I look directly into your eyes.  “You need to behave yourself.  You’re distracting me from the important task at hand.”

“And what is that?”

“I’ve got some extremely precious cargo that needs to be safely delivered home.” and I lean back in and give you another gentle kiss on the lips.

As I break the kiss, I decide to lighten the mood when I see a bit of sadness and rejection creep into your eyes and tap my right index finger on the end of your nose, “Boop!”

The light returns to your eyes and you giggle and playfully slap my chest with your right hand and say, “You’re so silly.  Just another one of your delightful attributes.”  You lean back across the console into your seat and for a while go back into your own little world of swaying and grooving to the songs on the radio.

I’m finally allowed to fully focus on the road and the car, or so I thought.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see the fingers of your right hand start to trace lazy circles on the tops of each of your thighs, slowly inching up the hem of your dress.  I’m trying to keep my focus on the road as much as possible but am using all of my willpower to keep tabs on you by only using my peripheral vision.

As we come upon a right, I’m able to look more towards your side of the car and in the moonlight, I catch the distinct color of red.  You are only wearing one thing that has any red on it.  I now see both of your hands on your lap as now the fingers of your left hand are sliding the hem of your dress under their nails.

The middle finger of your right hand is pressed into the center of your knickers, where I can only guess your clit is situated as your index and ring fingers are fidgeting just under the red lacy edge where they meet each of your inner thighs.  Your pinkie finger is gently dragging its nail a little further down the inside of your right thigh.  I force myself to focus on the road as we come upon a section of road that is more winding and technical.

I feel the nails of your left hand on my right forearm on the console and you say, “Do the thing, please.  I love this section of road and there shouldn’t be anyone else out on it at this time of day.”

With trepidation in my voice, I say, “I don’t know.  The lack of daylight could make it sketchy and dangerous.”

“Please.  You know how much I like it, and I know how much you enjoy doing it too.”

Against the better judgment that I’ve had all night, you know me too well and I relent and reply by powershifting out of fifth and down into third while mashing on the throttle.

I can sense you smile as you sit all the way back into the seat and take your hand off of my wrist as the engine roars past 5500 rpm at the full twenty pounds of boost.

I take the first sweeping left and shift into fourth, pushing the car up to its redline of 6800rpm before I apply pressure to the brakes and downshift to second in preparation of the upcoming tight right.

I come to the apex of the turn and give the car full throttle and as the turbos reach full boost I hear you catch your breath next to me.  I shift into third and then quickly into fourth as we are now rolling on full boost before applying the brakes and downshifting back into third for the next left.

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Powering through the left, I shift the car into fourth at the redline and I hear you gasp, and maybe even moan a bit, as I manage the throttle back to full as the car sets us both well back into our seats.

As the car reaches 6000rpm, I shift into fifth but ease off the throttle to coast as we have returned to a fairly straight stretch of road.  I glance over in your direction and you are almost euphoric.

“Tell me.  What did it say?”

“What did what say?” I tease you knowing full well what you’re asking.

“The speedometer you goofball.  What did it peak at?”

“I wasn’t watching it too closely, but I know it was still climbing at one point when it passed 140 miles an hour.”  I see you fidgeting with the fingers of your right hand on the seat belt as it had settled itself all the way down to your chest in between your cleavage by pulling it away and running your fingers up and down it, enjoying the feeling of the back of your knuckles against the exposed skin of your breasts and upper chest.

I honestly think that this may actually be a subconscious action on your part versus all of your calculated teases up to this point.  For quite some time the radio had just become background noise to the car and our minimal conversation, but when I hear the unmistakable opening bars of a high hat and guitar riff by the Divinyls, I know that your last song performance will be considered extremely tame in comparison to this one.

If you screamed at the last song, your reaction to this one was more of a guttural or animalistic yawp.  Again, you reach out with your left hand to turn up the radio and you begin to sultrily belt along to the lyrics.

Subtly has completely gone out the window with you now.  I thank God that we are now less than a mile from home and the road is smooth, open, and straight.

You begin by shifting as much as you can in your seat to face me.  You place your hands on your knees and move them up to where the hem of your dress has returned to a semi-decent position.  You slowly grab it and pull it all the way up to your waist so that I see the red lace adorning each of your thighs and also along the top of your knickers.

You continue your upward trajectory over your sundress along your stomach pausing with your left hand and using your middle finger to circle your belly button as you graze the back of the fingers of your right hand along the underside of your right breast.

You move your right hand to grab the seatbelt and pull it away from your body to only release it so that it snaps back to your chest landing directly over your right nipple.  You gasp and close your eyes from this sensation as I make the right-hand turn into our driveway bringing the car to a stop.

You are completely oblivious to the fact that we have pulled into our driveway and have stopped.  I am not going to mention it either, because I am thoroughly enjoying your show.  Your left hand has left your stomach and belly button and is cupping the underside of your left breast.

You grab the seatbelt with your right by your collarbone and drag it down under your right breast, feeling it gently drag along the fabric of your sundress over your right nipple.  Your nipples are now fully erect and easily poking out a good three-quarters of an inch away from your areolas.

Your left hand rotates up on your left breast and your fingers snake over your nipple to the top hem of your dress, that has somehow continued to cover your areola and nipple.  You snag it with your middle finger and pull the dress down under your left breast fully, exposing it.

All while this is happening, the fingers on your right hand have started circling and teasing your right nipple and areola over the fabric that still keeps it covered.  You’re left hand is now dragging the back of your perfectly manicured nails around the ample flesh of the underside and side of your left breast.

Your eyes are clenched shut and your breathing has become erratic and shallow as you are no longer singing. You have begun to mumble the words to the song and focus more on your task at hand versus the song and now drag your nails across the bumps of the areola that surround your exposed nipple.

Your right hand leaves the teasing of your right nipple and begins to trail down your stomach to your knickers.  You part your legs, as much as the confinement in the seat allows, and begin to tease yourself over your knickers but purposefully avoid direct contact over your clit.

You open your left hand and lay it over your breast and begin to knead and feel the heft of it.  You slowly pull the palm of your hand away from your breast while also dragging your nails over your breast, getting them to converge on your nipple and gently applying pressure by encompassing it with your fingers as you pull them all the way to the end of all three-quarters of an inch. You continue this until it is stretched outwardly and your fingertips finally release it and it pops back into place.  You leave your fingers cupped together just over your nipple as you whimper and moan.

Your breathing has become even more erratic and shallow as you are still tracing the nails from your right hand over your knickers.  I recognize all of the signposts of your quickly approaching climax.

You have no knowledge that the song has been over for a few minutes now and I take this opportunity when you open the fingers on your left hand to lean over slightly and reach out with my left hand between your hand and your breast to capture your left nipple in between my index finger and thumb and apply a decent amount of pressure to it.

Your eyes shoot open wide and search for mine until they meet. I know I've gotten your attention and now feel like I am peering into your soul.

Your jaw goes slack as your mouth drops wide open.  Your hands are frozen in place and you inhale a huge gasp of air in shock.  I reach over with my right hand and place my middle finger along the inside of your wrist and the back of my index on the back of your wrist and pinch them together to pull your hand away from your knickers.

As you begin to finally exhale the gasp that fully filled your lungs, your shallow breathing returns and I say, “Okay, that is enough young lady.  You have been teasing everyone else and ME, all night long and the time has come for you to settle that bill.”

You close your mouth and your eyebrows drop to their normal position and begin to say something but I cut you off, “I am going to release your wrist and nipple and you are going to place your hands flat on the top of your head.  Because that might be the only place they can be trusted to behave themselves.  Is that understood?”

“Yes.” Your eyes finally break contact with mine and look down at my fingers pinching your left nipple.  I release your nipple and wrist and you slowly move your hands above your head and bring them to rest on top of it.

“Good girl.”  I see a gleam come into your eyes when I say this, and your cheeks raise like you’re smiling and your shoulders slightly raise and move back improving your posture.  “I am going to get out of the car and I want you to stay just like that, understand?”

You slightly nod your head up and down and say, “Yes.” in a breathy soft tone.

I lean back across the console and into my seat. I remove my seatbelt with my left hand as I turn the car off with my right and take the keys out of the ignition.  I grab the door latch with my left hand, swing my legs out from the low-slung car, and stand up.  I shut the door with my left and walk around the back of the car until I opened your door with my right.

I look inside to see that you have not moved an iota, except for the rising and falling of your chest due to your shallow breaths.  “Good girl.  Now rotate your derriere in that seat until you are facing forward."  You pull your knees together and swivel so that you're now facing forward.  “Good girl.”

I lean into the car and reach across your waist with my right hand to release your seatbelt.  Once it clicks free, I turn my face and gaze at your stunning beauty.  Our noses are almost touching, but you are holding your position and I lean in just enough to kiss your lips.

You inhale at my kiss as if you are trying to steal the air right out of my lungs.  I break the kiss and pull away to stand up and graze the very tip of your left nipple with the back of the nail of my right thumb.  Your breath catches again in a quick gasp.

I turn my left palm up just below your chin and say, “Give me your right hand.”  You take it off of the top of your head and place it gently into mine.  I close my fingers around in, take a step back, and ask in my best posh accent, “M’lady, would you like to exit the conveyance and join me inside?”

You do your best to stifle your giggle, but fail horribly and rebuttle with an accent of your own. “But of course good sir.”  You swivel your derriere in the seat and swing your right and then left leg out of the car and onto the ground, and use my hand to stabilize yourself as stand up and drop your left arm by your side.

The hem of your dress is now hanging loosely in front of you and you look quite presentable—that is, except for the fact that the top of your sundress is still positioned under your left breast and the strap is hanging loose by your left elbow.

You bring your eyes up to mine and ask, “May the lady show the gentleman a notion of gratitude for bringing me home safely?”

“The lady may?”

You lean into me and give me what could be considered the most chaste peck on the lips of all time.  As you pull away, we both break into uncontrollable laughter.

As we calm ourselves into some big ole toothy grins your hand is still in mine and I give it a gentle squeeze and say, “How about we get you inside to settle that bill?”

You drop back into your posh accent and say, “But good sir, I already paid for my travel fare with the kiss.”

I clear my throat and reply with my straightest face, “You haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of paying off the debt that you have incurred tonight.” Upon hearing this your face is wrought with the look of anticipation, fear, lust, but most of all—trust.  “What do ya say?  Let’s get you inside?”

“I think I’ll like that.” You start sauntering and swaying your voluptuous hips and derriere in the direction of our front door in front of me while still holding my hand.

I relish the view I have as we walk the twenty steps to the front door.  We reach the door and I place the key in it to unlock it.  As the deadbolt clicks, you rotate to your right and raise up and kiss me on the lips more passionately than any other kiss of the evening.

I return the kiss by capturing your bottom lip in my teeth, gently biting it, and pulling it away from your mouth.  You catch your breath again and inhale as I release your lip and your quick shallow breathing has returned.

I turn the knob and open the door with my right hand, “In you go young lady.”

You pout your lips to the side, turn around, and mock stomp your feet on your way inside and say, “I am not a young lady.”

As we walk through the door still holding hands, I reach back and grab the door with my right swing it shut, and turn towards you when the latch makes a resounding click



Any and all feedback is appreciated and helpful, even if it is not all positive.  Feedback will only help me grow and improve as I try to find an outlet for some of the stuff in of my head.  Thank you for reading this story. 

Written by lugnut1369
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