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When Wishes Come True - Part 1

"BF asks reluctant GF to fuck his friend as he watches."

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The still night air, soaked in the warm breath of a summer's twilight, caressed the shining jewel of Shorehaven as the city sparkled with its ever-present life, whether from the hum of the people, the twinkling of the neon lights or gentle streetlamps, or the sparkle of the clear, blue waters to the west.

Tonight was no different, though most within the City of Taboo Dreams were now sound asleep, well, all of those who did not haunt the night of the great city. Within the houses and streets of the beautiful residential area of Gainborough, most houses and apartments lay dark and silent, their inhabitants sleeping, ready for the next day's work, or as in most cases within the City, play.

One of those apartments, though dark as the others, was not so silent. Within the spacious two-bedroom apartment, soft moans of pleasure drifted through the still silence from the only room used as a bedroom, as Alicia Brookes lay with her long, smooth legs wrapped tightly around her boyfriend's own legs, her nails running softly down Nick Greeves' back as he held himself above her in their bed, slowly pushing his hard, seven-inch dick into his girlfriend's tight, hot pussy.

Both of them breathed heavily, their lips touching in a quick, loving kiss as the pair continued to slowly have sex, taking their time to enjoy the feel of each other, occasionally urging each other on to higher pleasure with words designed to stoke the love and lust within the other.

"Tell, umm, tell me a fantasy, baby. Um, one you like, uh, you like me being the queen, and, and you a knight," Alicia breathed softly, as she felt Nick slowly fill her burning pussy with his hard dick. Oh, that felt so good.

Nick smiled as he looked down into her eyes, his face obviously red even in the faint light from the streetlamps outside.

"How about, uh, we talk about one of your fantasies, fuck," Alicia's handsome, and oh so hot, boyfriend replied, still gently working his hard dick in and out of her, slowly building her to an intense orgasm.

"Me? Um, I don't have any, baby. Um, only you fucking me, oh," Alicia replied softly, her body tingling softly, her large tits heaving as she ran her hands up and down Nick's back.

Nick smiled again above her, but this time his smile had a touch of playfulness about it, as did the glint in his eyes.

"Um, I bet you'd like a threesome, Liss," he teased, thrusting his dick into her a little harder with the last words.

Alicia smiled playfully in return, purring as the feel of his sudden thrust sent shivers through her body, and another soft moan from her soft lips, oh, he knew just how to please her!

"Um, I think that's your fantasy, baby," Alicia replied, breathing heavier as her nails once again dragged down her boyfriend's back, "You, um, would love, oh, to see me with another woman."

Nick's eyes seemed to hold a familiar expression at her words, though what Alicia couldn't make out as he continued to slide his hard dick into her again, all the way to his balls.

"You'd like that? With another woman?" he asked, before he leaned down to gently kiss her for a moment. His tone held that same expression, something Alicia knew but couldn't quite tell.

Running her hands up his back, she pulled him down to her, squashing her large tits against his naked chest.

"Um, I've never really liked women, um, but I know you like that fantasy of me, oh, with one," she breathed heavily, sighing with delight as Nick gently began kissing the side of her neck, as he continued sliding his hard dick into her.

"What about with another man?" Nick asked between kisses that sent shivers down the 21-year-old girlfriend's spine.

"Um, the only man I want is you, baby," Alicia moaned in reply, the kisses sending flutters through her stomach to her pussy, spurring on her growing orgasm.

"What if I didn't mind?" he asked, moving his mouth to the other side of her neck, his voice heated as his lips touched her soft flesh.

Alicia ran her hands through his hair, that beautiful dark brown hair that occasionally flopped down in front of Nick's eyes when he got excited or moved around too much. Laughing lightly, she ran her hands down onto his naked back again and down to his ass, pulling him towards her.

"Like you wouldn't, uh, mind another man, um, touching me," she replied breathily in dismissal, moaning as Nick suddenly thrust into her harder a couple of times.

Suddenly he pushed himself back up again and began to pump his hard, seven-inch dick into her with a little more force, sending shivers of pleasure through Alicia's hot body. For a moment Alicia closed her eyes, relishing in the feel of her boyfriend's dick pumping in and out of her horny pussy, bringing her closer to her orgasm, until she suddenly realised after a few minutes that he hadn't said anything since she had.

Abruptly the earlier expression in his eyes and voice suddenly made sense. He hadn't sounded interested in the idea of her being with another woman, at least not this time. Instead he…

Opening her eyes wide, Alicia stared into her loving boyfriend's face as he continued to pump his dick into her a little faster above her.

"That's your fantasy!?" she asked, sounding breathy but still incredulous. For a moment she stared into his face, however Nick did nothing but smile a small smile, "Uh, you fantasise about a threesome with me and another man?"

Nick did not say anything, however the sudden hard thrust of his dick into her was answer enough. For another moment, Alicia stared at the man she had been going out with for the last year and a half. He had never hinted at any fantasy like this before now, and she had never expected it. She was his girlfriend, just as he was her boyfriend; she didn't want any other guy, yet he...was he serious?

Still holding on to his ass, her legs still laying on his as he continued pumping his entire dick into her harder and faster, Alicia moaned from the heightened force of the sex before she spoke, still sounding unbelieving, though her breathing grew heavier and her orgasm continued to grow.

"Nick, oh, mmm, Nick, you, you're telling me that you want, um, me to suck another man's dick while you, oh, you fuck me, uh?" she asked, and with each word her boyfriend put a little more effort into pumping his dick into her. The fires stoked higher within her hot body as he began fucking her.

"Don't, uh, you think it'd be hot?" he grunted from exertion, his face a mix of pleasure and focus on the effort he was giving.

Alicia stared at him as he slammed his dick into her, her large tits jiggling and rolling around her chest as she clung harder to his ass, trying to pull him deeper into her. Oh, this felt so good!

"Fuck, Nick, oh yeah, mmm, oh, would you want him to fuck me too?" she meant it as an honest, disbelieving question, however it seemed to spur Nick on even more, and Alicia couldn't help but groan loudly as he began fucking her as hard as he could. Gripping onto him, she decided to see if he was really serious - how could he be - and so she spoke with words that stuttered due to how hard he continued to fuck her, "You think it's hot for another guy to get his dick in me?"

"Fuck!" Nick growled, and rammed his entire seven-inch dick into her hard, bringing a forceful grunt from her as he drove most of the air from her lungs, not to mention sent a shock of fire through her pussy. She was close now.

At the same time Alicia felt the tingling of her approaching orgasm and the need to feel her loving boyfriend fucking her, her mind reeled at the thought that he was actually serious, he actually found it a turn on to think of another guy having sex with her in a threesome.

Suddenly she forgot any thought in her mind, as Nick began to fuck her as hard as he could, pushing her ever closer to her own orgasm. Clawing at his back, Alicia panted heatedly, moaning from the pleasure, until suddenly she felt the familiar feelings within her body.

"Oh, Nick. Nick. Yes. Oh, I'm cumming, baby! Oh, yes. Oh!" she moaned loudly, gripping onto his back, as she groaned from the depths of her being, as the world suddenly exploded, and ecstasy wracked through her hot body.

At the same time Nick's thrusts began to become more erratic, until suddenly, with a loud groan, he jerked a couple of times and Alicia felt him bury his entire seven inches inside her before his dick exploded, shooting several loads of his hot cum into her waiting pussy, intensifying her own orgasm.

Finally, the two of them slumped limply, both panting heavily as they lay in each other's arms catching their breath. After a few moments, Nick rolled off her and onto his back, his now softening dick slipping from her body, as he lay there breathing heavily.

"That was so fucking good!" he exclaimed breathily, raising his arm to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Alicia couldn't agree more, that had been amazing! However, she lay there a moment as her senses slowly returned to her, catching her breath, when suddenly the thoughts of what she had discovered came back to her.

Rolling onto her side, Alicia propped her head up with her hand and rested the other on Nick's chest. Still breathing hard, her naked tits heaved as she watched him a moment.

"That really turned you on, didn't it?" she asked, as she traced her hand up and down his chest, her eyes never leaving his face, however.

Nick glanced out of the corner of his eye at her before he answered.

"You're not mad, are you?" he asked, obviously a little wary.

Shaking her head slightly, Alicia gave him a small smile.

"I'm not mad, I just don't get it," she said honestly, "I don't find the idea of you with another woman a turn on, but you find it hot to think of a threesome with another guy? I mean, not just a blowjob either, but full, proper sex?"

Saying it out loud seemed just as confusing as the thought, however Nick didn't seem phased by it at all, not like she was.

"Well, it's not like I'm suggesting you'd be going off with someone else, I'd be there," he said in an attempt to explain. Turning his face to look at her, he gave her the smile that had won her over the first time she had seen him.

"I just don't understand why you think me being with another guy is hot. I love you; I don't want anyone else," she replied, watching him confusedly.

"I know, babe, and you know I love you. I guess I just can't explain it, I just think it would be hot," he said as he gently traced a finger down her cheek, before adding with a light laugh, "And if you think that is weird, I'd hate to think what you thought of other fantasies I had."

Raising her eyebrows, Alicia eyed him both curiously and with more than a little surprise. What could possibly be more shocking than him wanting a threesome with her and another guy!?

"What do you mean?" she asked, resting her hand on his chest now.

"Oh, no, you've been freaked out enough by that one, I'm not having you go off on one about fantasies I have of you," he replied, a smile on his face, though wariness shone in his eyes.

"Oh, come on, after what you've told me nothing could be that bad, unless you fantasise about me having sex with my dad or something?" she said with a hint of question.

"What? Oh, no, no, nothing like that," Nick replied adamantly, and Alicia felt herself relax slightly in relief.

"Well, if it's not that, what else then?" she asked, and as she noticed Nick slipping into his stubbornness, she added in a sterner tone, "Come on, tell me."

Eying her a moment, plainly considering his options, her boyfriend finally gave in and sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell you," he said finally, "I also think it would be hot." He gave her a look as if he were about to try to make an excuse not to say anything, but one raised eyebrow of hers soon made him carry on, "Well, I just think it would be really hot, more than the threesome, to, you know watch you have sex with another guy."

Blinking, Alicia stared at her boyfriend of a year and a half in stunned silence. Watch her? Alone? With another guy? He meant he thought it would be hot for him to watch...the rest of the thought came out in words.

"You think it would be hot to watch your girlfriend have sex with some other guy!?" she asked in a mix of shock and more than a touch of anger. She was his girlfriend; did he not care for her at all to think…!

"I knew you'd react like that," Nick replied calmly. Calmly!

"What? You tell me you would like to see another guy shove his dick into me and fuck me while you watch, and you think I wouldn't mind!?" she said irritably, staring at his calm expression made her more so, and so she rolled over with a huff and pulled the blankets up, muttering to herself angrily.

Sighing behind her, Alicia heard Nick mutter to himself, like he had a right to after what he had just said as he too rolled over to go to sleep.

For a long time, silence stretched in the darkness of the night, before Alicia's anger subsided enough for her to give in to the call of sleep. Her dreams were surprisingly pleasant as she slept, a most welcome relaxation filled with thoughts of hot sex like she had just had with her handsome, loving boyfriend, despite the argument, and despite her earlier anger.

The next day, Alicia hardly spoke to Nick, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before he headed out to meet up with a few of his friends for a football match. Nick, of course, knew what he was meant to have done wrong, though he did not apologise. Instead he sighed and walked out on his way to his friends, and Alicia folded her arms beneath her breasts muttering to herself.

Throughout the day Alicia kept herself busy, unlike Nick she couldn't go out to meet her friends as she had to wait for an important phone call which, of course, didn't happen on time. The thoughts of her boyfriend's fantasies continued to irritate the attractive girlfriend, and so after she finally received her call, she decided to phone one of her friends to ask their advice, and that was how she found herself talking to Sophie about Nick's strange fantasies a few minutes later.

"He likes the idea of what?" Sophie asked in her usual pleasant manner, though this time she seemed slightly amused.

"He told me while we were having sex last night," Alicia replied as she frowned and wound the phone cord around her finger. "He basically admitted that he wanted to watch another guy have sex with me. I mean, what guy would want to watch someone else fuck their girlfriend?"

Sophie laughed lightly, that sweet sound that matched her natural beauty, before she replied.

"Oh, come on, Liss, you're ok with him having a fantasy about you and another woman, but not about another guy with you?" her blonde friend asked, sounding highly amused this time. Alicia felt her irritation at Nick lighten a touch as her friend seemed to take the whole thing so casually.

"That's different," she replied, a touch of a smile on her own lips a moment, "The threesome thing I can understand, I suppose, but he actually thinks it would be hotter to watch me have sex with another guy without him. I mean, be honest, Soph, what would you think if Josh told you that?"

"I doubt he would, but if he did, what's wrong with a little fantasy?" Sophie answered, her voice now a calm self-assurance.

"But don't you think it's odd, your boyfriend wanting to watch you screw some other guy?" she asked confusedly.

"Honestly, Liss, nope," Sophie replied nonchalantly, "Come on, you're no prude, you know that fantasies are by their nature out there, that's why they're fantasies. Besides, I bet when you were talking about it the sex was hotter than normal?"

Unwinding her finger, Alicia took a large sip of her tropical juice before she answered, reluctantly.

"Well, yeah, it was, but..." she admitted grudgingly, however Sophie interrupted.

"But nothing," her friend said, her smile obvious even down the phone, "Alicia, fantasies are meant to make the sex different, and from the sounds of it you enjoyed what it did to Nick just as much as he did. That doesn't mean you love each other less. You should loosen up a little, you might enjoy it."

Sighing, Alicia nodded, though her friend obviously could not see it. She had half-expected this response, Sophie was a more confident and sexually outgoing person, not that she was not sexually outgoing, she and Nick had done their fair share of having sex in public places and such, but with Sophie there was just an air about her, as if nothing shocked her. She was open-minded about things most people would find odd, to say the least.

"So, you think I should encourage him?" she asked, taking another large sip of her tropical juice.

"Totally, and when you do, you watch how hot the sex is," Sophie answered in her bright way, "Just give it a try, fantasies don't hurt."

And that was exactly what Alicia decided to do that night, albeit half-heartedly.

When Nick came through the door, she began talking to him like nothing had been wrong between the two of them. Sophie had said that it wasn't his fault what he liked, and it wasn't exactly harmful anyway. Despite her friend being right, Alicia at first still felt irritation, however she soon focused on how good the sex had been last night, not that it wasn't always good, and soon she found her horniness dulling the other sensation out.

By the time the two of them headed to bed, she was purring like a car that was ready to unleash all of its horsepower in one fell swoop, and so when they both lay down, Alicia didn't wait long before she began kissing her hot boyfriend's neck.

It didn't take long before the two of them were naked, and Nick had his beautiful dick buried inside her hungry pussy. As he held himself above her, hornily pumping his hard dick into her, Alicia knew it was now or never. It was just a fantasy, and she wanted to please him, and she knew he would please her if she did, and so as Nick continued to work his hard dick in and out of her pussy, sending shrills of electricity through her body, Alicia took one of his hands and looked into his eyes as she began to suck on his finger as if she were giving another dick a blowjob.

"Mmm," she moaned, as she sucked his finger into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks before she pulled it out and looked deep into Nick's eyes, breathing heavier, "Do you like that, baby?"

Nick nodded slightly, though Alicia could tell he didn't understand her full meaning, and so she decided to just follow Sophie's advice.

Licking up and down his finger as he continued to slide his beautiful dick in and out of her, Alicia circled her tongue around his finger, her eyes still locked on his, before she spoke again, this time breathily.

"Mmm, is this what you want to see your girlfriend do, baby, suck a hard cock while you fuck her?" she made herself sound as sultry, yet innocent, as she could. It was not a wasted effort.

The immediate effect on her loving boyfriend was firstly a moment of shock at her words and actions, and then as he realised she was playing his game a deep, horny smile spread across his handsome face and he nodded, ramming his hard dick into her with renewed force and vigour.

The sudden increase in effort drove the air from Alicia's lungs, and she groaned loudly as Nick began to literally pound his dick into her as hard as he could. For a moment, all she could do was moan and grip onto him as he began to screw her as hard as he could. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling his hammering dick into her deeper and pushing the hot, blazing sensations in her pussy higher.

After a moment, Alicia opened her eyes, lust burning hotly within them, as she grabbed hold of her boyfriend's hand again and began sucking on his finger in earnest, moaning loudly around it as he continued to ram his dick into her harder and faster.

Nick was definitely getting off on her actions and, oh fuck, she was really getting off on how it had affected him. As he fucked her, she continued sucking his finger and looking into his eyes, moaning as if she were really sucking another cock while he screwed her, which drove him on, and the harder he fucked her, the more effort Alicia put into her little role-play.

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With the ever-increasing lust and heat it didn't take long until both of them erupted in loud, powerful orgasms that seemed to blow both of their minds, leaving both of them a panting, satisfied, limp heap as they lay their catching their breath afterwards.

As Alicia lay there, she couldn't believe how amazing the sex had been, and just how turned on her little role-play had got her boyfriend. Damn, he had never fucked her so good, and he was always amazing in bed. Panting and smiling, Alicia revelled in how good she felt.

"Fuck me, that was hot!" Nick exclaimed, as he rolled off her heaving chest onto his back, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Mm, I know," Alicia purred contentedly, her body still buzzing with the tingling sensation of orgasmic pleasure.

"What made you decide to do that?" he asked as he rolled over, his face practically glowing as he smiled broadly.

Rolling onto her side, Alicia smiled right back at him.

"I thought you'd like it," she answered, tracing her finger down his jaw gently, "I take it you did?"

"What do you think!?" he replied with amusement, and Alicia laughed lightly, "The question is, did you?"

Continuing to run her hand down his face, Alicia thought about that question for a moment. She no longer felt angry at him, and it had spurred him on to fantastic sex, and she would be lying if she said she hadn't felt a little turned on during it all, but something still held her back inside. Telling Nick that, Alicia watched him smile and touch her nose, amusement plain in his eyes.

"You'll get over that next time," he said, and Alicia smiled amusedly at him in return.

"What makes you think there'll be a next time?" she asked playfully.

"Because..." he began to answer, before he leaned towards her and began kissing her slowly at first, then quickly becoming more heated and more passionate, until he once again rolled on top of her, and Alicia felt his once again hard dick pressing against her suddenly tingling pussy.

"Mmm," Alicia hummed with a pleased smile as she ran her hands through his hair, "Seems like you're 'up' for round two, do you think the other guy is?"

A teasing, horny smile, suddenly painted her boyfriend's handsome face, before he began tracing two fingers around her lips, before he pushed them into her mouth forcefully. Keeping her eyes on his, she sucked hard, moaning once again around his fingers as she danced her tongue across them. Nick's face grew hornier by the second and as he kept his fingers in her mouth, he thrust forward hard, burying his entire seven inches inside her.

"Ohmph!" Alicia moaned loudly around his fingers, before the feel of her boyfriend's dick inside her for the second time that night spurred her on to suck harder on his fingers.

Once again, their bedroom was filled with the sounds of sex, and Alicia's moans and slurps as she sucked on her boyfriend's fingers as if they were another hard cock being shoved into her mouth while he fucked her.

This time neither of them lasted very long as Alicia gave everything she could into trying to make the entire role-play as believable as possible, moaning and telling Nick how good the dick felt in her mouth while he screwed her.

After only a few hot and horny minutes of screwing like they never had before, both of them exploded in world-rending orgasms, that had Alicia clawing hard down Nick's back and screaming in ecstasy before they both soon fell asleep content and extremely satisfied.

The next night Alicia did not hesitate to play the role again, only this time using her vibrator as the second dick, holding onto it as if she were pumping her hand up and down, sucking it deep into her mouth as Nick pounded her from behind for the second time that night.

And so the next few nights passed, with Alicia and Nick enjoying the role-play—she, surprisingly, as much as him after some time Then a few days after that first night, Nick asked her if she felt like pretending as if he was watching her, and though she didn't really like the idea at first, she finally decided to do it just to see how hot it got Nick.

What happened surprised her. As his first orgasm ended after fucking her to a powerful one of her own, Nick did not even stop to catch his breath, instead, with his dick still hard, he proceeded to fuck her through her own orgasm until they both exploded in a second powerful climax half-an-hour later, sweating and panting heavily.

After that, Alicia alternated between the 'threesome' role-play and the 'voyeur' role-play, driving Nick wild, which in turn drove her even wilder, as she slowly got more and more into the role. After a few nights she was begging Nick to 'fuck her' as if he were watching and even looked over to the chair in the corner of the smallish bedroom as if he were sitting there, asking the pretend Nick if he liked watching her have sex with another guy.

Surprisingly she came harder, as did Nick, than she ever had before, and so soon the steamy role-play sessions became part of their regular sex life and Alicia found herself no longer feeling odd or irritated about either of her boyfriend's fantasies, but instead she found that she tried hard to find ways to make it seem more real to him, make it a little different, and each time she was rewarded with the best sex of her life.

One time Nick even asked her to pretend he was someone else, use a name and so on, and to think of who it could be. That night proved to be the most intense sex of all, and so from then on, they continued to think of scenarios of how it had all happened and who the guy was.

All in all, Alicia's sex life shot from being great to being absolutely amazing, and she of course had to admit to Sophie just how right her friend had been.

"I knew you'd love it!" Alicia's blonde friend said proudly on the phone when she told her, "You should keep an eye open for random guys you meet, that'll make it seem more real. Or you could bring up someone you or Nick know from work or something. The more realistic the hotter it will be, I promise."

"Sounds like you have some hidden secrets," Alicia teased, before she giggled down the phone.

"Trust me, Liss, if there's one thing I know, it's that the more realistic the fantasy, the hotter the sex," Sophie replied, sounding very sure of herself. Alicia was about to ask more about it when she heard Nick coming in the front door.

"Oh, that's Nick back, Soph, I best get going," she said, as she looked over her shoulder and gave her handsome, loving boyfriend a small wave before blowing him a kiss.

"Oh yeah, you better," her friend teased insinuatingly, causing Alicia to laugh lightly before she said goodbye.

Implementing what her friend had suggested, Alicia found Nick to be surprisingly open to the idea, after an initial look of surprise at the suggestion, not to mention seeming taken aback for a moment.

However, Alicia didn't even need to try to convince him about it, not that she knew how, it was just a suggestion after all, as Nick took the idea on quite quickly, and so soon the two of them were coming up with scenarios of role-play of Nick watching her with his boss, and even with this cocky, arrogant guy from Alicia's office.

She liked neither of them, but the added reality seemed to intensify Nick's animal lust, and soon the two of them were fucking like rabbits all around the apartment as they both enjoyed the hot sex and role-play.

The next step came almost naturally, with Nick talking dirty during the sexual role-play, urging his hot girlfriend on and, quicker than Alicia had thought, she was joining in, telling Nick how good it felt having him watch her while the 'other guy' in the fantasy was on top of her.

All in all, their sex life exploded over the following couple of weeks, and often it was Alicia rather than Nick who instigated the sexual role-play, often suggesting new additions like the scenarios with people from their work.

She had surprised herself with how much she had changed over the last few weeks when she looked back. She remembered being appalled by the idea of such a fantasy not so long ago, and now here she was, the whole thing turning her on so much that the sex had become unbelievable.

It was each little step that led, oh so innocently, to the next, that led Nick and Alicia to a fateful night a few weeks after that first mention of the fantasy what seemed like a year ago.

Nick was once again between his hot girlfriend's slender legs, slamming home his hard seven-inch dick after the two of them had abstained from sex for two whole days, looking down at his very horny and very lust-filled girlfriend as she clawed at him and moaned in passionate lust.

She was deep into the fantasy they had started when he had first thrown her hornily onto the double bed of theirs, moaning and occasionally glancing over at the chair not far from the bed that she pretended he was sitting in.

Nick had thought and rethought what he was about to say, and each time it made his dick rock hard, and now he had Alicia in the perfect place, at the perfect time, hopefully she would take what he had to ask better while she was incredibly horny.

Ramming his hard dick into her, Nick panted hard.

"Fuck, Liss, I'd love to watch you getting fucked by another guy!" the heavy-breathing boyfriend said tightly, his hips moving swiftly as he continued to thrust his hard dick into his horny girlfriend's body.

"Mm, oh, baby, I bet you'd love to, fuck, see him fucking me like this, uh, with his big dick sliding in and out of my pussy. YES!" Alicia moaned, her eyes as animalistic as her throaty voice.

"Fuck, yeah," Nick growled, "I bet you'd love to have him screw the hell out of you too, ah?"

Alicia moaned so loud it almost drowned out the sound of the bed gently squeaking as Nick continued to ram his dick into her pussy, sending bolts of pure pleasure lancing through her burning body.

"Yeah. Ohm, yeah. To watch you while another guy fucks me! Oh. Filling me with his big, FUCKING, oh, dick. Ugh, oh, I’m cumming!" the thoughts and words pushed the stunning girlfriend over the edge, and her body tensed before convulsing powerfully in a raging orgasm that tore through her as an ear-piercing scream sounded from her mouth, as she arched her back, clawing deeply into Nick's flesh with her nails.

The whole thing pushed Nick over the edge too, and before long he grunted heavily before he too came hard, deep inside Alicia's still shaking body. Finally, however, both of them came down from their heights, but this time Nick held himself above his beautiful girlfriend, staring intently into her eyes as she smiled, tired but satisfied, up at him.

For a moment he didn't say anything, then as he did, his heart almost beat out of his chest.

"So, how about it then?" he asked, and Alicia stared up at him confusedly for a moment.

"How about what?" she whispered, still smiling, her chest heaving as she caught her breath.

Nick's look was significant enough; however, it still took Alicia a couple of minutes before it suddenly dawned on her what her loving boyfriend was asking her, then she blinked.

"You mean...?" she asked, not finishing the rest of the sentence.

It was strange. As she lay there, naked and breathing heavily, knowing her boyfriend was actually asking if she would sleep with another guy while he watched, she didn't feel angry or appalled at all. She didn't feel turned on by the idea either, but she just felt considerate. Strange.

Looking up into Nick's sparkling eyes, Alicia watched as he looked at her, obviously trying to see if she was mad, before he nodded in answer to her unasked question.

"You really want me to have sex with another guy, to have another man push his dick into me, while you watch?" she asked, as if they were talking about what to have for dinner tomorrow.

Nick nodded slightly.

"It would be so hot," he answered, stroking her hair gently from her face.

"But I don't want another guy; I love you," she said softly, smiling gently.

"I know, babe, and I love you too," Nick replied just as lovingly, "But it would just be sex, and if we're all ok with it, well, it's not really hurting anyone is it?"

Alicia looked deep into Nick's eyes, searching them as she thought. He really liked the idea of this, and he was right, if they all agreed, then surely it wasn't going to hurt any of them. The whole fantasy exploring had made the whole idea quite a turn on. She could understand why it would be after all they had done, but could she actually bring herself to have sex with another guy?

Even if they all agreed? Sure, some guys were attractive. She wasn't oblivious to that, but she loved Nick with all of her heart, somehow sleeping with another guy, even with him agreeing seemed unfaithful. But then, as she thought of the reality a little more, it was slightly appealing.

Shaking her head lightly a moment, Alicia smiled up at her caring boyfriend.

"I don't know, babe," she answered honestly. "I think we would have to think about it seriously. I mean once it's done, we can't go back, you know?"

Nick nodded, smiling slightly as he kissed her nose.

"Of course, babe, I don't want you to do something you don't want to, but for me, I would like to, so if you're worrying about me or what I would think, there's no need," he replied, and Alicia nodded before she reached up to wrap her arms around him, pulling him close to hug him tightly.

For the next few days, the thought filled her mind, and she talked it over with Sophie, who of course urged her on to try new things, it was strange how far her friend pushed her to go and how positive she was about the whole thing.

The more Alicia thought about it, however, the closer she got to making a decision, especially as she considered what Nick had said at the end. Her main concern was in hurting him, she figured, and while she wasn't exactly hot for screwing another guy, she knew that watching Nick while they did have sex as he watched them would be very hot indeed.

So, after deciding that Nick wouldn't get hurt, as he assured her time and again, and that she was not averse to the idea, Alicia decided to agree, which, when she told Nick that night, made him over the moon.

"But not just with anybody, we have to be sure about the guy, ok?" she said, her stomach tingling softly as she realised that she had just actually agreed to have sex with another guy! And in front of her boyfriend too!

Nick grinned and nodded.

"Of course," he agreed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug that lifted her from the floor and spun her around, "This is going to be so hot."

The sex that night was even more intense than ever and became even more so as the two of them tried to decide who to ask and when.

At first, they came up with ideas and suggestions, however neither could agree with the other. They then moved on to considering people when they went on nights out, or were at work, however they could not figure that out either. In fact, none of their planning seemed to work.

That was when the night arrived when Nick had gone out to hang out with a couple of his friends, who also happened to work with him, at the football stadium. Nick had told Alicia that he wouldn't be back later and that he would bring back a film for them to watch together so that they could have a quiet night in alone.

That was why Alicia had thrown on some comfortable clothes, though she had decided to wear something a little more upmarket from her slacks and baggy t-shirts. Instead, she had chosen to wear her white lace underwear, her blue jeans that were snugly tight around her sexy thighs and tight ass, and a tight white t-shirt that dipped with its neck to show a moderate, but tantalising hint, of her impressive 36D cleavage.

The clothes showed off her flat, toned stomach, her smooth, long legs, and large tits beautifully. The sexy 21-year-old girlfriend had straightened her long, light brown hair, which was streaked with highlights, and framed her beautiful, grey-eyed face perfectly.

Placing her hands on her slim waist as she looked through the large refrigerator, Alicia smiled to herself as she pulled out one of the bottles of wine that she and Nick had bought a few days ago and proceeded to pull the cork out.

As the hot girlfriend reached to take down a couple of glasses from the shelves above the counter, she heard the front door to the apartment being opened, followed swiftly by laughter and the sound of numerous voices. So much for their quiet night in, she thought, as she walked around the counter to look down the hallway to the front door.

Nick was wearing one of his favourite football tops, the Dolphins if Alicia remembered rightly, and was laughing as he held the door open for three of his other friends, similarly dressed as they walked through into the apartment, talking loudly.

A momentary flash of surprise went through Alicia's mind as she noticed that her boyfriend wasn't alone, however she quickly recovered and smiled as Nick looked over towards her with a wide grin.

"Hey, babe," Nick greeted her, sounding very happy. Alicia figured his team had won today, when they lost, he was always so depressed.

"Hey," Alicia replied with a warm smile, before her eyes flicked to his friends momentarily.

Glancing over his shoulder at his three friends briefly, Nick's smile took on an all too familiar expression, the one that knew he had interrupted something she had been planning and was trying to win her over with it. As usual, that smile of his worked.

"Oh, yeah, Liss, this is Aran, Greg, and Eric; the guys from work I go to the game with," he added as he indicated each in turn. Alicia smiled and nodded to each politely before she looked back to Nick.

"I opened a bottle of wine if any of you want some, or we have beer?" she asked, and smiled to herself when none of the four opted for the wine.

Alicia headed around the kitchen counter again as Nick and his three friends made their way into the lounge. After she had pulled the bottles from the refrigerator and opened each, she placed them on the kitchen counter and called to Nick, the usefulness of a combined kitchen and lounge in an apartment was a positive point Alicia always pointed out to her beloved boyfriend, before she began to pour herself some wine as she watched the guys sit down and turn on the television, straight to the replay of yesterday's baseball game.

Placing the now open wine back in the refrigerator, Alicia made her way over to join the four guys, sitting on the arm of the chair Nick had sat in, placing her arm around him as he wrapped one arm around her slim waist.

"So, are you going to introduce us to your beautiful lady then, Nick?" one of the guys asked, Eric if she remembered right.

Laughing lightly as he took a swig of his beer, Nick nodded with a smile.

"Guys, this is Alicia, the graceful hostess who doesn't mind you barging into her home like this, or making her boyfriend watch baseball, ah, Liss?" Nick said, looking cheekily up at her by the end.

"Why should I mind if you guys want to watch a group of men run around all night?" she joked teasingly back, and all four of them laughed.

"She got you there, man," one of the guys said, this one was Aran, that made the not so tall one Greg.

"Touché," Nick replied, raising his beer to salute her with a pleased smile.

Alicia returned his smile with her own before she raised her slim glass to her lips, her eyes falling on the television a moment before she turned to ask the already baseball-focused guys about what they did at work. That question enlightened Alicia very much in what Nick did all day, which from the stories the four of them began to reel off, was not a lot.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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