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"Vas meets his perfect exhibitionist match"

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With one foot precariously balanced on a rafter and the other hanging free in mid-air, Vasili held onto the structural beam above him. Bending over, his one eye pressed up against the narrow slit between two ceiling panels, peeping at the unbeknownst woman undressing in the room below. He tried to keep his accelerated breath soundless yet every heartbeat felt like a taiko drum being banged. Vasili reached down into his trousers and tightly clenched his engorged penis.

An unexpected gasp escaped him when the woman pulled her shoulders back and the black and white floral print blouse, slid off her shoulders. Her voluptuous breasts were cupped in a white wire-cup bra and heaved bulgingly against the lace-edged fabric. He aggressively tugged at his throbbing cock while watching her bend over to remove her matching knickers. A milky white bum reflected beautifully in the mirror and hinted at a dark bush between her thighs. His hand squeezed his stiff rod tightly, urgently stroking harder to draw out his budding orgasm.

The woman unclipped her bra, slid it off, and dropped it on the floor, turning around to view herself in the mirror. She turned her shoulders from side to side and then placed both hands under her breasts, lifting them while she inspected her raunchy reflection. She then slipped on the brightly coloured bikini, which she meticulously perused in the mirror again.

Vasili’s cock ached and he urgently stroked faster and faster while watching the woman remove the bikini. Naked once again, she turned her back to the mirror and peered over her shoulder at her butt, which she swung from side to side before reaching back and tugging at it. Lifting it and then letting it drop again. When she bent over, Vasili’s cock started shooting spurts of semen around the ceiling cavity as he glared at the glorious view of her bushy pussy. The fervent stroking elicited a loud groan during his climactic crescendo.

The woman looked up at the ceiling, instinctively covering her breasts and tilting her head to listen more carefully. Mid-climax, Vasili could not stop but knew his cover might be blown. As the last spurt of cum was pumped from his climaxing cock, his body slumped, causing his foot to slip off the rafter and slam through the suspended ceiling tiles. He tried to grab onto a structural beam with his free hand, but the cum-covered hand lost its grip immediately and he plummeted onto the floor. Roof debris scattered around the small cubicle while the woman screamed in fear.

Once he hit the ground, Vasili jumped to his feet, sheepishly covering his privates as he glanced at the screaming woman and dashed out the door. But as he ran out, he was stiff-armed across his chest by a burly security guard who had heard the commotion coming from the changing room. The large man dropped his knee on his chest and shouted at him to keep still. He knew he was fucked.

Vasili’s arrest for indecent exposure and attempted manslaughter was the cherry on top of a sleuth of voyeuristic escapades that had become more daring and dangerous over the past couple of years. The judge took his lawyer’s pleas to heart and sentenced him to rehabilitation counselling, plus a hundred hours of community service at the same mental health centre where he had to clean toilets, sweep floors, and assist the building manager with required handyman jobs.

Besides the shame he felt, Vasili’s group meetings introduced him to people who struggled with similar issues. He even gained an understanding of why he had these urges to peek at strangers and where it stemmed from. During a one-on-one session, the psychologist prodded far back into his childhood and he was able to recount a memory of his parents having sex while he hid in the cupboard. The doctor explained that this memory could have manifested in his voyeuristic behaviour and gave him some tools to cope whenever these urges came to the surface.

Months passed without incident. One could say it was due to a combination of his own will and the therapy he had been receiving. But one day, while mopping the passage outside the women’s toilets, he was taken aback by the sudden urge which came over him when he saw a pretty brunette enter the toilets. She looked in his direction before opening the door and smiled at him. Vasili stood frozen for a minute, his mind running riot with thoughts of her.

She wore a short, yellow summer dress which sat just above her knees and flat-soled sandals with exposed feet. There was a stirring in his crotch and he reached down to adjust his coiling cock. Touching it sent electric pulses through his body and he snapped his hand away quickly. He was still standing in the passage when she exited the toilet.

She looked at him again, but this time a little perplexed about the man still standing there. She turned and walked away without making any further eye contact. After taking a couple of steps, her handbag slipped off her shoulder and fell on the floor. She bent over to pick it up which caused the short dress to hike up her backside. Vasili nearly choked as he stared at her exposed butt and the white cotton brief covering her pussy. It seemed like it happened in slow motion and when she finally came back up, he could swear she glanced back at him with a smirk.

Highly aroused, Vasili placed the “Cleaner inside” sign on the door and entered the ladies' toilets, scanning the room to check that no one was still in there. He heard the middle cubicle cistern filling, walked into it, and locked the door behind him. Dropping onto his knees, he placed his face close to the toilet seat and inhaled deeply, searching for some remnants of the brunette’s odour. All he could smell was the unmistakable disinfectant aroma coming from the cistern water. He licked his finger and rubbed it along the sides of the seat and smelled at it again, reaching inside his trousers to clasp at the unravelling tension building up there.

Eyes closed, sniffing at his fingers, he squeezed and drew vigorously at his cock, imagining the brunette pulling down her underwear and pissing in front of him. On his knees, he was about to cum when he heard two women entering the toilets, abruptly jolting him back to reality. He quickly stood up and sat on the seat, trying to be as quiet as possible. The one woman called out to find out if anyone was in there, but he dared not say anything, instead lifting his feet off the ground and placing it on the seat too.

He listened to the women chatter as they both entered the cubicles on either side of his. The sounds of clothes being unzipped, pulled off and the ensuing gushes of urine hitting the toilet water drove him slightly crazy, and at one point, and he stood up on the toilet in an attempt to catch a glimpse of either one. He figured he would just lean over the dividing wall but stopped himself before doing so. He sat back down and waited for them to leave. He quickly exited the room, grabbed his sign from the door, and made his way back to the maintenance room.

When he arrived at his group meeting that evening, he felt agitated about being there. The incident from earlier that day had muddied his mind and he struggled with his thoughts. He sat staring at his feet for most of the time until the facilitator called his name, asking him if he wanted to say anything. He looked up, greeted everyone, and started relaying his account of what happened earlier that day. While he was sharing, his gaze caught a familiar sight. A yellow dress.

He started stuttering as he had lost his train of thought. He stopped, apologised and sat back down, and stared at his feet. He could feel her watching him, but could not muster the courage to look at her again. He sensed how his ears warmed suddenly, realising that he must be blood-red from blushing.

When the meeting finished, people normally milled around the canteen, drinking coffee or tea and chatting, but Vasili grabbed his jacket and made a bee-line for the door. Thinking he made it out safely, he was startled by the hand on his shoulder when he stepped out on the pavement.

“So, did you manage to get a whiff of me?”

He swung around to face the brunette in the yellow dress.

“Uhmm, fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t know who you were, or that you would be here and I’m sorry about what happened today,” he tried to apologise immediately, but she placed her finger on his lips to shut him up.

“I’m as fucked up as you are,” she replied, “that’s why I am here too. Do you want to grab a drink or something? These meetings are good for me but I prefer to sit down and chat to someone like you.”

Vasili was a little dumbstruck but was able to blurt out a “yes, sure” and they made their way across the street to a pub. Once inside, they both ordered draught beer at the bar and found a small table in the corner.

“Well, cheers!” she offered her glass up to his. They clinked and took a long sip of the cold beer. “I’m Danika, by the way.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Danika,” he replied, “I’m Vasili.”

They chatted casually about where they were from, what they were doing, etc. Danika told him about the small town in Latvia where she grew up and left when she was sixteen, making her way to Kiev to escape her impoverished childhood. Vasili was from Belarus and similarly, came to Kiev about ten years ago to find work and carve a career as a welder.

“So, I heard you talk about your voyeur affliction,” Danika suddenly remarked, “I have to tell you, your story turned me on tremendously,” she added surprisingly, which once again startled Vasili.

“Had I known, I would have loved to pee for you,” she continued, “and as you might have guessed, I’m an exhibitionist, which has landed me in lots of trouble already. I was arrested a couple of weeks ago for fingering myself on a bus! Oh God, it sounds terrible when I say it like that!” she laughed nervously.

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Vasili realised that she intentionally flashed him in the passage, which brought a smile to his face. He went on to tell her about his arrest and how lucky he was because the woman in the cubicle did not press charges against him.

“I could have killed her,” he added, looking down in shame.

“But you didn’t!” Danika assured him, “And besides, we would never have met if this wasn’t our destiny.”

Vasili looked up at her and appeared relieved by her words. He had always harboured the shame of his “affliction” which he never shared with anyone else outside of therapy. Now this beautiful woman not only empathised with him, she opened up to him about herself and he became overcome with emotion.

“What’s wrong? Did I say something to upset you?” she inquired urgently.

“I have never shared this with anyone outside of counselling. Even though I know many people do and feel the same as I do, I have always struggled with the shame of who I am,” he muttered softly.

She waved at the barman for another round and turned back to him.

“Vasili, let me tell you, everyone is fucked up. Even that nun walking across the road there,” she pointed at the window, “I’ll place all I have as a wager that she has her own struggles too.”

“Yes, I get that,” he replied as he stared at the nun, “but I don’t think she climbs into ceilings to masturbate while peeping at unsuspected strangers,” he added, dropping his shoulders and looking at his feet.

“Oh, you won’t believe the shit I’ve seen. One time, I sat across from a nun on a train. We were alone in the cabin and I got an urge to, uhm, well like flash her. I peeled my dress up slowly to see if she would respond. Nothing. She just kept looking down at the book she was reading, which just annoyed me. So I spread my legs, pulled my knickers to the side, and sat there looking at her while flashing my cunt. She didn’t flinch, not even a glance at me. So I asked her what she was reading, but she ignored me. Then I took out my vibrator and started masturbating in front of her. Loudly! She didn’t look up but I sensed she was uncomfortable because she started squirming around on her seat. I was so turned on that I plunged my fingers inside my cunt, which brought on a massive climax. And I squirted so much it sprayed onto her!” Danika laughed raucously before continuing.

“There I was, flopped back in my seat, spent from my orgasm, when I felt her hands on my knees. When I opened my eyes, she was on her knees in front of me, pulling my legs apart. And then, she started licking and slurping at my juices, like a possessed animal!” She laughed loudly again, reminiscing the encounter.

Vasili was enthralled by the story.

“What happened then?” he prodded.

“You’re not going to believe this. She sucked my clit while fingering my ass, which made me cum all over again. It was so hot, Vasili! But my point was, what was going on inside her head? By what sexual affliction should we call her? Or is she just a person who was turned on and expressed her sexuality? Even though it was against every belief system she probably had. Is she a deviant? Is she a pariah?”

They sat in silence for a minute, digesting the conversation. Vivid imagery rushed through their minds about the nun encounter story. Both sensed the tingle of excitement building.

“So you squirt?” Vasili broke the silence.

“Sometimes. Not always. But when it happens, it’s normally quite an intense orgasm. But not always, either. A guy made me squirt once but it was uncomfortable and felt forced, which I did not enjoy as much.

“What about you? Do you just have a wank while you’re watching someone? Do you only wank to women or do you watch men too? What about animals? Do you peep at the dogs when they’re fucking?” she giggled at her own words, eliciting laughter from Vasili too.

“No, no! No animals! Jesus, you make me sound like a sick fuck. No, I prefer watching women but I have also looked at men. There was this married couple that lived in a block across from my flat and used to parade around in the nude quite often. One day, I happened to catch a glimpse of the husband masturbating. Watching him, how his eyes closed, how his body moved while he jerked off, it was intoxicating. I think we both came at the same time!” he laughed.

Vasili realised he was telling her things that were locked deep inside himself.

“Danika, I can’t believe I am telling you these things. It feels weird, yet so liberating. Thank you.” She could see he was sincere and placed her hand on his.

“I’m so happy that we got to meet and talk like this. I feel the same,” she replied softly.

“I’ll be honest, though, all this talk has made me wet,” she added, making a funny face and biting her finger.

“How about this,” she suddenly suggested, “I want you to go to ladies' toilets in five minutes and take the cubicle next to the locked one.” And she stood up and left the table, walking towards the door with the restroom sign above it.

Vasili stared at the door, even after she disappeared through it. He sensed his mouth was open, and laughed to himself for gawking. Looking at his watch, he waited five minutes and walked to the restroom door. Inside were two doors, with the respective gender signs above them. He looked back into the bar before closing the door behind him and entered the ladies.

There were three cubicles, two of which were open and the far right one locked. He tip-toed to the middle one, entered it, and quietly shut the door. He sat down and listened for any sounds coming from the adjacent cubicle, but heard nothing. Suddenly, a loud gushing sound echoed in the tiled room. He felt his cock twitch and quietly stood up. Climbing onto the toilet, he ducked down so his head didn’t reach above the dividing panel.

After the peeing stopped, there were wet slapping sounds and he could even make out a soft groan, which fuelled his desire to look over the wall. Slowly, he stretched up and peered over the divider.

Danika was naked. Her dress was on the floor and her underwear around one ankle. She was leaning back against the cistern while loudly slapping her piss-dripping pussy. Vasili reached down and quietly unbuckled his trousers to free his aching cock. He held his breath while he squeezed and tugged at it.

Danika’s slaps were followed by prying her pussy open and dipping her fingers into herself, bringing them up to her mouth before plunging them back again. She formed a coned finger fist, which she drove inside her stretched-open pink pussy. Her free hand grabbed at her tits, which she frenziedly squeezed, pulling at her hard nipples until her breast was stretched out along with it. Vasili’s eyes were fixated on her while he aggressively stroked his cock.

Danika’s eyes were closed as she arched further back, pushing out her magnificent bust. Still finger-fisting her cunt, her other hand started rubbing violently across her swollen clit. Her moans became more intense and louder until her body started to quiver and convulsing spasms nearly threw her off the toilet. As her head bowed back, her mouth dropped open and she let out a climactic scream which echoed loudly.

Vasili’s spurting cum splattered against the divider panel while he groaned silently. He lost his balance and had to step down, but still pumped out the last globs of semen from his cock. Once he could compose himself, he tore off some paper and wiped himself and the wall clean. He listened for Danika and could hear how she shuffled around in the next-door cubicle.

But then he heard the door swing open and the giggling voices of two women who came in. They took turns to use the cubicle next to him, which he came to enjoy, listening to their conversation while they urinated. Keeping dead still, he waited patiently until they left, unlocked his door, and quickly exited, returning to their table to wait for Danika.

Once seated, he gulped down the rest of his beer and stretched back in his chair. He became aware of how his face had broken into a smile. How good he felt. He realised that for the first time, he felt no shame. And what he did feel could only be described as exhilarated joy. When Danika walked over to the table, he stood up to meet her.

“Danika, you have given me something I’ve never had, and for that, I want to give you my eternal gratitude,” he leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.

“Really? It was my absolute pleasure! Really! I hoped you would also enjoy it as much as I did, but maybe it was even better for you,” she smiled and sat down, also finishing the last bit of her drink.

“Damn, that made me thirsty,” she laughed and waved two fingers at the barman for another round.

“So, what do you mean I gave you something that you’ve never had?” she prodded, leaning forward to him.

“Watching you was fucking fabulous, but on reflection, I so enjoyed this because I did not feel guilty or ashamed afterward. That’s the first time. Ever!” he could feel himself blushing as he shared his thoughts with her.

“Oh wow! That is a biggie, yes. Wow!” Danika was genuinely taken aback by Vasili’s epiphany, taking a couple of seconds for it to sink in. She placed her hand on his.

“Vas, it makes me happy to hear that. Really. We are almost always on the wrong side of what society tells us is acceptable. You have made me feel warm and fuzzy too,” she laughed and spontaneously kissed him.

Written by WetWalter
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