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Lady Windermere's Fan, Part Two

"I watch my wife cheat some more"

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England, 2024.

My wife is a pure and unadulterated slut. This, however, does not bother me in the least. Since we met and married, we had the best of sex lives, screwing each other every chance we had. As Lord and Lady Windermere, we wanted for little. My landed estate and wealth ensured a stable and carefree life. Now our lives have changed. Down to me, alas, as I have become a voyeur. I love watching my gorgeous wife getting royally fucked by some stud or other just as much as our own sex life.


I smiled to myself as I watched my beautiful wife getting ready for our planned evening. She stood naked in front of the floor-length bedroom mirror adjusting her hair and applying the final touches to her makeup, making herself look the best she could for our invited guest. Elizabeth was what you might call statuesque. She was on the tall side at five-ten and had a beautifully proportioned slender figure. She had long flowing brown hair, shapely legs, nice tits, and a tight bottom to boot. Well-educated and groomed, the Lady Windermere had a classic posture with her back straight and 34C cup bosom thrust out. She had been easy to fall in love with, as had countless other suitors for her hand in marriage. But in the end, she chose me. I was her biggest fan and idolised her. As I sat and watched her, I felt an unfamiliar excitement rush through me, as I reminded myself that in a couple of hours, I would be watching my wife of two years making love to her illicit lover of six months.


It had been my suggestion to allow my wife to have sex with others. One reason was that I had become somewhat impotent, a sad effect of the Omicron strain of Covid-19 which had laid me low for nigh on a year. Secondly, I had no bloody choice, as Lizzy was a fiercely sexual creature who craved, no, demanded a fulfilling sex life. With or without me. I had been bedridden for a few months when I began to have doubts about her behaviour.

We had relocated to London from Cumbria when I was stricken for better medical treatment, and every weekend Lizzy would leave in the early evening and return late at night. When she came back I would ask her where she had been, and her answer would always be that she had been visiting friends. It had been the Duchess of Berwick who had informed me of Lizzy's infidelities. That being a regular affair with one James Erlynne. When I confronted Lizzy about this rumour, she readily admitted it. My inability to perform sexually was the sole reason she had strayed.

I had never before harboured fantasies about seeing Lizzy fucking another man, as when I had been fit enough, I had managed to satisfy her needs. At forty, I considered myself fairly fit and active, thanks to riding horses from a young age. Add to that my reasonably large appendage, and my wife, who was half my age wanted no other. By happening in on her making love to another, I had discovered hitherto unknown desires to see her getting screwed. I have now brought myself to orgasm for the first few times in months as I imagined another man between her legs, pleasuring her and making her cum.

In order to satisfy both our needs, I had our well-hung gardener have his way with Lizzy, as I peeped in on them as they fucked each other. I had taken enormous satisfaction from watching the sexually stimulating scenario unfold before my eyes and I had been rewarded by a rampant erection like no other I had experienced in over twelve months. When alone with Lizzy in our own bed, I was, however, as limp as a wet rag.

"He's on his way."

Lizzy picked up her phone to read a message that said James was due at our home in Cumbria. As she fidgeted, I was checking her out. Her curves never failed to get me going, and right away I longed for my cock to stiffen. She really was just so perfect, her body a work of art. But again my dick refused to play ball. She went to the bathroom, her firm ass swaying sensuously as she went and I brooded. it took another half hour but when she came back into the room, she looked fantastic, in a very chic white dress that had a short hem and plunging neckline which showed off a fair amount of cleavage.

"Are you sure about all of this?" she asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes. I want to watch the whole thing. I want to see him kiss you, suck your tits, eat you out, and then fuck your brains out. I'll enjoy it. You'll enjoy it. You do want to fuck him, don't you?"

She admitted that the idea of fucking him while I watched her in the same room was exciting for her.

"And then?"

"And then. he leaves. This must be the last time you see him in this manner. He's history, and we carry on."



"Evening, My Lord."

"James. Right on time. Do come in. Drink?"

"Scotch, thanks."

I ushered Erlynne into the library where I made sure he was comfortable. We ran through the usual formalities and made small talk for about ten or fifteen minutes when he told me that he ran a small publishing company that specialised in travel guides. All the while I sized him up, from his immaculate hair, white teeth, and bright eyes. Then, Lizzy finally appeared and stood on my right side where I sat. I held her hand as we both stared at our bemused guest.

"Lizzy had told me everything, Erlynne. How you seduced her at a vulnerable moment in our lives. She's given me every juicy detail, from where you shop for your underpants to the side of your trousers you dress. The left, I believe."

The undoubtedly handsome young man squirmed in his seat in discomfort as Lizzy stood in the space between our chairs.

"Her Ladyship is as much to blame as me. It didn't take much persuading to get her in my bed. For my part, I used Her Ladyship in a vain effort to gain entrance to polite society."

"Quite so, quite so. Troublesome times they were, as I'm sure you'll agree. Anyway, we have decided to allow you one more night of passion together and after that, you shall see no more of each other. Oh, and I shall be present in the room whilst you shag her."

Erlynne gathered his wits and bristled in his seat.

"And what, pray, do I get out of all this?"

"Why a good fuck with a good woman, naturally."

I spread my hands as he mentally undressed my wife.

"No. I say."

"No? You surprise me. Very well. Shall we agree on a sum of monies to be paid into the account of your publishers? And I shall write a letter of introduction for you to the London Golf Club recommending you for a Gold Corporate Membership."

He studied the bottom of his whiskey tumbler and then looked back up at Lizzy. No doubt reminiscing about the hot and heavy sessions they had shared in bed."

"Very well. I agree."

"Excellent. Shall we?"


We headed upstairs, glasses in hand. When we got to our bedroom, I sat in the chair opposite the four-poster bed with the mirror behind the headboard. I nursed my glass of wine as I watched things begin to develop. Lizzy stood before me with a wicked gleam in her eye. Erlynne was behind her and the swish of a zipper sounded in our ears. His hands emerged at her shoulders and he slipped the straps out and down. Lizzy's dress duly followed, crumpling in an untidy heap at her white four-inch heels. Left in her white lace bra and skimpy panties, Lizzy stepped out of her discarded dress and kicked it toward me with a giggle. I took a swig of Malbec and gulped it down. Was this all real, I wondered? Here was my beloved wife, dressed in her underwear only, with her lover standing behind her, in our bedroom.

"Do I have your permission to continue, My Lord?"

Stupid question, I thought.

"Yes, yes. By all means."

Erylnne scratched his well-manicured nails up and down Lizzy's thighs which sent delicious shivers of anticipation up her spine. She parted her long legs to facilitate his moves as he stroked the feather-soft skin of her inner thighs at the spot where her panties barely covered her modesty.

"Excellent choice of underwear, Lizzy." I had to agree. She had chosen well.

The lacy material hardly kept her tits in check, and just a small patch of lace covered the outline of her pussy and no more. Her nipples were extremely hard and seemed to point right at me. This fact was apparent when Erlynne unclasped the bra at her back, allowing the restraining cups to release those perfect breasts. He cupped them both as he nuzzled her elegant neck, and Lizzy responded by purring like a kitten. He teased and pulled on each nipple and Lizzy let out an audible moan of pleasure.

"Oh, my."

I crossed my legs as I felt a stirring in my pants. Erlynne's right hand moved from her breast, across her hip, and down the top of her panties, His fist bulged in front of her underwear as he began to trace a line up and down her slit.

"Uh, mmm!"

She bit back a scream as he stroked her, and her vibrant eyes were wide open. Lizzy moaned again as her pussy was finger fucked before my very eyes. Her hips undulated as he sped up his ministrations, and she bit her lower lip as she looked me directly in the eye.

"She's extremely wet, My Lord," he told me, smiling smugly as he did so.

I realised that my cock was virtually erect, and had made my posture quite uncomfortable. Lizzy now turned her back to me and slowly unbuttoned Erlynne's shirt. He shed his trousers at the same time and then stood by her side, stark bollock naked. Naturally, my eyes lowered to his exposed groin to check him out. His cock was now fully erect and it swayed proudly in front of him. I rubbed my chin as I figured that he was no bigger than me when hard and stiff. Some small solace of comfort there, I thought. As they kissed and held each other close, I slid my pants down to my ankles to let my straining boner out into the open.


Lizzy responded as my rival for her affections sucked one nipple into his mouth. Instinctively, she arched her back and tried to give him more. Her head met his left shoulder as his teeth grazed her hard button.


I sighed as I watched Erlynne slide the blade of his open hand between Lizzy's upper thighs. As he sawed back and forth, Lizzy scissored her legs and gripped his dick to wank it hard. They continued to kiss, whilst they masturbated each other. I might as well have not been in the room as they ignored my presence. I joined in the activities and started to jerk off in my seat.

"Kiss it."

I bristled in my seat as Lizzy went down onto her knees until her face was mere inches from his upstanding cock. She gripped it in one fist and pressed the circumcised head to her lips. She pursed them and gave the bell end a kiss. I continued to watch as she let the cock head enter her mouth. I sat there in stunned silence as my wife began to suck on another man's cock without any thought for myself. Her cheeks were bulging, and I could see the intense concentration in her eyes as she forced her mouth deeper onto his cock. Strings of spit dappled her chin and dripped down onto her bared breasts. Her left hand went between her legs so that she could rub her pussy. She was furiously rubbing her clit through her soaked panties and I could see her legs trembling.

"My Lord! She is a natural."

Lizzy's sucking continued as she teased her own pussy. Her tongue seemed to be independent of her as it wriggled and snaked out along his glistening shaft and glans. Erlynne tipped his head when she dove down and took his entire length to the back of her throat and kept it there. As she choked and gagged she hummed audibly, thereby sending terrific vibrations up the man's shaft. Then he put his head back down as he pushed my wife's head down and thrust upward, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth. I had to admit that I loved watching my spouse sucking cock! It was so erotic watching her with this man's dick between those same lips she used on me. Both by kissing and by fellatio.

"Come on."

He then reached down and easily picked her up. And I wondered what his routine consisted of next. He moved onto the bed with her and raised her long pins straight up. Her panties were lightly dragged off and tossed to one side. The way my wife lay on the bed, naked and vulnerable, excited me enormously. Erlynne eagerly fell upon her and started to suck on her hard swollen nipple. He did the same with the other and alternated between the two, which caused Lizzy to writhe in pleasure. As he shifted his body, he pulled my wife's legs apart, and I saw her pussy lips were already swollen and slightly parted as they get when she is aroused.

"Oh, James!"

I watched as he ran his hand up the inside of my wife's thigh and slid his hand onto her pussy. As he touched her there, we both were able to see shiny moisture on her labia. He slipped her a finger and teased her by jiggling it inside of her. Lizzy thrust her hips up as two of his fingers delved into her fragrant honey pot as far as they would go. She arched up as he worked in and out, slowly building her into a sexual frenzy. I leaned forward at that point to see him poke out his tongue to stab at her clitoris.

"Mmm, it feels so good."

Lizzy curled her toes and dug them into the sheet as Erlynne's practiced tongue probed and licked her most sensitive spot. The mirror behind the bed was just right as she watched his head between her outstretched legs. He had a tight hold of her ankles so that she was unable to do anything but let him lick her to ecstasy. Before that glorious payoff, Erlynne let her subside and he reared back.

Cheekily, he dragged her down on her hands and knees so that she was now facing me. The bastard positioned himself behind her, and I frantically jerked off as I watched my wife brace herself. From this angle, it was all about her reaction as I couldn't see his cock. Only by the widening of her eyes did I know that he had mounted her. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her back as he pressed forward.


Lizzy shrieked. A sure indication that Erlynne had penetrated her up to the hilt. She looked me in the eyes and mouthed the words, thank you to me. Erlynne began to move a little faster. Lizzy dipped her head and I saw him look at me with a certain amount of contempt as he banged to and fro. Fuck him. If he thought he might gain a penny from me he had another thing coming. He was merely a pawn in my game. The lewd sound of him slapping his thighs and groin against Lizzy's cute bottom was astonishing. Each of his lustful thrusts pushed in my direction a good three inches, and she gasped with every lunge up into her. I blinked hard several times to shake the sweat from my eyes. Then Lizzy looked over her shoulder at the man who was rogering her.

"Oh, I wish you'd fuck me harder."

"You do?"

"Yes! I want you to bang me full of cock and screw me to the mattress."

Lizzy rolled onto her back and Erlynne got up on his knees and between her legs. I got up also and moved around to the side of the bed so that I could look right down between her sumptuous thighs and see everything he was doing. He not only teased her, but me also as he slid the head of his dick up and down my wife's slit. He looked at me, standing next to the bed, and winked! Smug git!

"Pity you're unable to fuck your wife, My Lord. She is so hot!"

He guided his hardness inside of her and as she was so wet, he slipped in easily. With a push slowly forward I watched as his cock disappear up my wife's cunt. He filled her right up, By now, my wife was indeed as hot as I had ever seen her. As his cock slid in and out at a rapid pace, my wife let out a long guttural moan of pleasure and arched her back. Her legs clamped to the backs of his, and I could plainly see Erlynne's cock as it stretched my wife's cunt around his shiny shaft. It was such a turn-on. Seeing another man doing the old in and out with my wife.

"Harder, you bastard!"

Lizzy appeared to be in some sort of delirium as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him and moaning with every stroke of his cock. I watched as she scooped her legs over his lower back just the way she does when I fuck her. Another switch of position followed as Erlynne came to the foot of the bed and sat back. Lizzy faced me and swung her left leg over his. I knew what she had in mind, the reverse cowgirl position, one of her, and my favourites. My cock throbbed in my wet fist as she grabbed his hard cock and held it vertically below her pussy entrance.

"Okay, James."

With a wiggle of hips, she gradually lowered herself onto her lover's thick cock. His purple crown promptly vanished inside her folds with a suck in of her cunt. She put her hands on his thighs and inched herself down a bit further until half his length was swallowed up. Once she was impaled on his engorged root, she moved her hips sensuously up and down, stimulating her clit against him. Erlynne reached up to knead her quivering breasts as the momentum of her bucking motions became faster and wilder.

"Oh, that feels so good," she uttered. "I'd forgotten how much you filled me up."

Lizzy began to slide up and down the iron-hard dick, and from just a dozen inches away, I had an amazing view as Erlynne's eight inches appeared and disappeared inside my wife's pussy. Overwhelmed with a lust for cock, she was soon bouncing on him at a fair rate. I too was wanking furiously by this time, as I knew she was building to an orgasm. Lizzy made one hard push down to completely engulf Erlynne's cock and her body convulsed. She came hard and I saw her juices leak out around his rigid pole and trail down the crack between her buttocks.

"Goodness, that was marvelous."

She lifted off of his lap and wrapped her hand around his cock. Her mouth went to the angry-looking bulbous head and her tongue swirled around and around. Within fifteen seconds, he erupted with a loud grunt and emptied his balls over every inch of her face. Lizzy opened her mouth and took the last few spurts directly onto her tongue. I looked down at my own erection and clutched the throbbing organ in my fist as I exploded.

"Thoroughly enjoyable," I declared.

All three of us agreed that this had been an enjoyable experience. After a while, Erlynne glanced at his watch and made his excuse to leave us. Later, as we lay naked side by side, Lizzy stroking my unresponsive cock, she turned to me.

"So, how was that for you, watching your wife fucked and filled with cum by her ex-lover?"

"Totally amazing. And most gratifying." I replied.

"And you would enjoy something similar if the opportunity arose again?"


"Charles. I want to have a threesome with TWO men."

She went on to tell me that her desire to do this was so strong that she was going to do it with or without my consent. By this point, all I wanted was for her to be happy and if this is what she wanted then so be it.

"Okay. Let's do it."


Weeks had by since my wife and I had enjoyed our adventure during which Erlynne had fucked her right in front of me. That had been a truly memorable experience, and I was relieved and glad that it had been so successful. We had discussed at length whether there were any other fantasies that we would like to act out and had agreed that more partners might be the way to go. Before I had been able to figure out the details of such a venture, we were pleasantly surprised to receive an invitation to spend Easter with Lord and Lady Darlington at their house at Hampton Court. This was perfect for us and we drove down and were greeted warmly by Giles and his wife, Samantha.

"Darling's, so wonderful to see you again."

We had been surprised to receive an invitation to spend Easter with Lord and Lady Darlington at their house at Hampton Court. This was perfect for us and we drove down and were greeted warmly by Giles and his wife, Samantha.

"Darling's, so wonderful to see you again."

Lizzy and Sam embraced warmly. They had been friends since they had schooled together until graduation and were still quite close. Giles looked smart in a navy blue suit with an open-collared white shirt, while his wife cut a chic figure with a bright white pantsuit, matching handbag, and gold accessories. She was a lissom and graceful blonde of about twenty-four. Together with her natural grace and poise, her pink, wet lips, and captivating green eyes, the young filly had an air of sophistication.

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Giles worked as a partner in a law firm in London when he wasn't running his manor, and cut a confident air of sophistication without being obnoxious about it. Their house combined comfort with a surprising degree of elegance. We had lunch together and then we were shown our bedroom on the first floor, which had a series of prints on the walls, and softly lit lamps. There was a good-sized bathroom off the bedroom and a balcony. The evening was to see a small gathering of guests, mostly friends of Samantha, rather than Giles.

As we showed our faces, Lizzy and I joined the small knot of people out in the back garden. The evening was fairly warm with just a light breeze. Lizzy was her usual stunning self, with a remarkable off-the-shoulder cocktail dress that revealed the beautiful valley between her taut breasts. I tenderly placed my hand on her back as we stood chatting outside the reception tent, where we were joined by the Lord and Lady. Lady Samantha had on the same Valentino oversized white blazer, matching flared trousers, plus a pair of white Aquazzura heels. We guided our wives inside the marquee and treated ourselves to the fine champagne on offer. I steered Giles to one side to discuss some business, but I was still in earshot of the ladies. I saw Lizzy from a short distance draw on a cigarette and sigh.

"I'm bored, darling. Bored. bored, bored. And gagging for a shagging."

"Cheers to that," replied Sam as they both chinked glasses and laughed.

"Cumbria is so dull and just a bit too quiet for my liking. Especially since I spent so much time in London last year."

"Right, right. And how is Charles these days?"

They both shot me a look and I raised my champagne flute in their direction.

"Recovering, poor lamb. But he..." Lizzy put her hand beside her cheek. "He can't get it up anymore. Bloody Covid has messed him up dreadfully."

"What a rotten shame. I do understand. Giles and I haven't had sex in three months. He seems to have lost all interest in me. I hope he's not turning bloody gay!"

"So sorry to hear. Maybe just a quiet patch."

"Maybe. Anyway, there are ways to deal with it."

Sam leaned forward and I too tilted my head to listen.

"There are a couple of guests here that I invited for special reasons."

Sam winked and gave Lizzy a reassuring smile. The penny dropped for Lizzy and they broke out in sputters of giggles.

"Well, must mingle. Catch up later."

Sam went one way to wander around the garden, and I watched my wife ponder on things alone. She strolled to the end of the lawn and continued to a small grove of trees. Out of curiosity, I followed at a distance where I was not noticeable. A slight breeze moved the branches of the trees and the fragrance of the flowers growing filled my nostrils. There was a pond close by a grouping of trees with thick grass all around.

"Good lord!"

I stopped about fifty yards behind Lizzy, who crouched no more than fifty yards from a little threesome on the grass ahead. Lady Samantha was on all fours, still in her blazer although her trousers had been removed and discarded. A rather good-looking young man with slicked-back hair and a square jaw was kneeling behind the blonde. Trouserless, his big cock was sliding rhythmically in and out of her pussy. Another equally handsome buck stood in front of her in the buff with his hard boner engulfed by the woman's wet cave of a mouth.

"That's the way, My Lady. Suck me dry."

He held her head in both hands and fed her his dick, and from where I was crouched, I guessed that all of seven inches of man meat had vanished down her throat as she choked and coughed on it. I had gotten an instant erection and I cupped my groin at the incredibly sexy sight. Lizzy also seemed mightily turned on as she looked on fascinated by her friend cavorting with not one but two rampant studs. I could see that her hand was busily working between her parted legs, presumably frigging herself at the brazen trio. What a turn-up, I thought as I released my stiff pecker to wank off. Here was I peeping at my wife masturbating as she in turn peeped on her friend being royally fucked silly.

Doggy Man was now holding onto her tits as his groin slapped her ass cheeks. Suitably horny, she stuck her rear end high in the air as she rode the tide of hard thrusts from behind. Then they dutifully switched up, and Fellatio Man came around to stuff her gaping fuck hole, whilst Doggy offered her his slick tool which she hungrily gobbled up. Lizzy was on her left side now with her legs splayed out and her panties at her ankles. Her hand was firmly placed between her thighs as she became riveted to the scene. I strummed my stiffie until I thought I might very well leave blisters where I once had a foreskin. The man with his cock down Samantha's throat suddenly gripped his thighs as he pumped his load into her mouth. In the dim light, both Lizzy and I could see Sam's chin dribble with his cum. Then the man fucking her doggy style sent out several spurts of jizz over Sam's pale buttocks that she wiggled seductively as he splattered them. As I saw Lizzy recover her senses and smooth out her dress, I too made a hasty retreat back to the marquee. My wife appeared momentarily looking a little flushed, and barely three minutes later Lady Sam returned looking thoroughly pleased with herself despite her somewhat disheveled look. I waited a further three minutes and accosted the two well-hung men who also returned.


Lady Windermere's point of view.

Just like my dear Charles, I must admit to being a bit of a voyeur myself. Or is that a voyeuse? After watching the lovely Samantha getting it good from two virile young men I'm convinced that a bit of voyeurism does wonders for the average sexual urge. That same night, as I sat in our bedroom in Lord Darlington's home, I relived the erotic threesome I had peeped on over and over. To have two lovers' pleasure at the same time must be twice as thrilling. Do the math!

I was bored. Very bored. I had married Charles for his money but hadn't bargained on falling in love with him. At six feet plus, he was a distinguished fellow. Lean, fit, and pretty good in bed. He had never been the jealous type and seemed to feel pride and take great pleasure in the way other men look at me. He always told me that he was my biggest fan. I looked in the mirror and smiled as I saw my reflection. I was just twenty-three years old, married to a man over forty. Not that old, and yet I wasn't getting any sex. And I wanted sex. A lot of sex.

The thought of having an affair crossed my mind, but it wasn't until James Erlynne entered my life that I caved in. When Charles became heavily stricken with the Omicron strain of COVID-19, I spent weeks spending his money to pass the time. As he recovered slowly, it became apparent that dear Charles had developed a severely reduced sex drive. I became obsessed with getting laid. The home help, casual friends, and even strangers. I fucked them all. it was inevitable that dear Charles would catch me in the act. And he did so. Stupidly in our bed.

"Are you decent? We have company."


"My darling. For you. Remember your fantasy?"

My husband was flanked by the two men who had shared Lady Samantha.

"I do."

I think I may have blushed like a virgin teenager as I allowed myself to be seated between the two well-dressed men. Barely two hours before I had seen them in the flesh fucking Lady Samantha out by the pond.

"Hi, I'm Michael," said the first, flashing pearly white teeth.

"Joseph, delighted to meet you. We're for hire from the escort agency Gentlemen2hire. We do anything to please our clients. Anything."

"Good to hear," I said as I looked at his swept-back black hair. Just a bit too much gel, I thought.

Charles sat opposite the three-seat sofa and spread his hands.

"In your own time. We have the whole night."

"Is this for real?"

Charles nodded, and I turned to my left to kiss Michael and then to my right to kiss Joseph hello. As I did so, Michael stroked my bare left arm and I wriggled in my seat. Meanwhile, on my right, Joseph caressed my knee, slowly going in an upward direction beneath the hem of my dress. I parted my legs as both men reached my rather wet panties at the same time. Two warm hands fiddling about had my juices flowing in an instant. If I didn't have multiple orgasms this night I would be very surprised.

"So nice, boys."

Michael tugged my underwear down my thighs and off, as Joseph used his dexterous fingers to move in a circular motion around my trimmed muff. I pushed my legs out wide to let Charles get the benefit of seeing my exposed sex as my head went on the back of the sofa. When Joseph knelt between my legs to stroke the insides of my thighs, Michael lowered the front of my dress to release my breasts. Charles had unzipped himself as he became decidedly heated and his usual limp dick sprung to life at the sight of me being attended to by a couple of raving studs.

Joseph held my labia open and the delicious feel of a slithering tongue began to snake inside my cunt. Michael bumped my mouth with his unleashed erection and I arched up from the sofa to flick out at the swollen bell end in my face. His cock was rock hard and thick and nigh on eight inches long. I pursed my lips and kissed the smooth tapered head. I took hold of the throbbing shaft and brought it to my mouth and hoovered him in. Charles sat there in stunned silence as he watched his wife begin to suck on another man's much larger cock. Indeed, my cheeks were bulging as I forced my way deeper onto his cock.


I hummed on Michael as his companion sucked my wet labia and clit. He was deliberately noisy, adding to the sleaziness of the whole affair. I began to buck my hips against his face, and he held tight onto my thighs in a firm grip as he continued to lick me out. He had my clit standing proud and unhooded in my folds, while he kept up the pressure with his thumb. My mind was in a whirl when together, Michael and I pulled my dress up and off. And in a trice, Joseph pulled me to the edge of the sofa as he pressed forward. I gasped as he pushed the first few inches of his cock into my pussy. I shifted on my bottom as he started to move a little faster. I could feel he was getting deeper every time and soon enough I was leaking juices. He began to thrust in and out of me as I moaned around Michael's thick dick. I made a big show of it for Charles and I got his balls covered in my spit.

My husband was jerking his cock so fast that his hand was a blur. My pussy was pulled tight as Joseph buried his cock inside me, holding my legs in such a manner that my knees were up near my tits. I looked down between my legs and watched incredulously as he vanished up my quim. His balls slapped my pussy lips with every thrust and I could feel myself losing control of my body. My groans and moans were getting louder and louder. The hot guy moved my legs and rested them on his shoulders as he moved his weight forward onto his arms. I could feel his huge cock gain an extra inch or two inside my pussy and I climaxed with a scream.

"Oh, my word!"

Charles had his trousers down by his ankles as he exclaimed his excitement at watching me cream around another's cock. Joseph was relentless and he started to fuck me harder and faster. Michael was busy groping my tits as he awaited his turn to have me. Joseph pulled his cock out of my sopping muff and was instantly replaced by the other guy. His cock was so big that he stretched me out to the max. He didn't wait for me to get used to the size of his cock and just started fucking me with long hard strokes of his monster cock.

After a few minutes of sheer bliss with him fucking me harder and harder, I was made to roll over so that I was on my front horizontally along the sofa. Now on all fours, Michael put his arms around my waist and leaned over me so that his chest melded to my back. He piston fucked me until I was pushed flat onto my belly. His hips thrust up hard, one stroke every three seconds for full penetration. I stuffed my fist into my mouth for fear of screaming the house down.

"Want to try both at once?"

Michael drew back as Charles posed the question of double penetration. Something I had never before attempted. I told him that I would give it a try, I thought to myself that this must all be a dream as I saw Michael lube up his solid length. Must be the Viagra keeping the pair of them hard and stiff.

"Like this, My Lady."

He sat back in the seat as I turned my back to him. I spread my legs as he worked his middle digit up into my anus. Then he held his cock up and nudged my greasy asshole with the bloated glans. As he pushed up, so I sank down, and with my weight fully on the cock in my bum he was in. Joseph looked me in the eyes as he guided his cock to my pussy. As soon as he touched the entrance I think I had a mini orgasm. Michael put his hands on my legs and pulled them open even more as Joseph slowly pushed inside my pussy. The feeling of having both my holes plundered at the same time was indescribable.


Michael spoke as his partner got further and further into my pussy. They then moved in sync, and I felt the full force of both cocks going inside me at the same time. They moved slowly at first to let me get used to the feeling of my very first double penetration. Every thrust of both their cocks rubbing together inside me against my vaginal wall and asshole sent my body into utter ecstasy. Charles stood over us for a better view as I was stuffed full. I came twice within as many minutes. I was held tight, sandwiched as I was between my two virile lovers.

"Switch," said Joseph as he pussy pulled out my cunt and laid on his back.

His shining cock stood to attention just for me. Michael lifted me off his huge cock and I straddled his mate. I climbed on top of Joseph and slowly eased myself down onto his dick. I leaned forward as Michael moved in behind me and positioned his cock at my puckered star, now lubed up nicely. I looked up at my husband who was wide-eyed and perspiring freely.

As both cocks entered my body I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. The studs wasted no time in fucking my nether holes. Back and forth I was rocked, sliding up and down on two rigid poles. They continued to fuck me for at least another ten minutes and I lost count of the number of times I had orgasms. Michael was unbelievably balls deep inside my bum hole. The sordid squelching inside me was astonishing. Add to that the noise of their balls slapping between my legs and we were all putting on quite the show for Charles.

"Ready?" Joseph asked. And at this point, I guessed that they were nearing their end.

They both pulled out of me and stood on either side of me and sat on the sofa. One came closely after the other. Michael sent huge arcs of sperm directly across my heaving tits, as Joseph spat rapid-fire spurts that spattered my face and chin. Charles was allowed space as I positively dripped cum, and I gladly let him ejaculate into my mouth. I must have shaken for minutes as I kept a reassuring hand between my legs. Both my pussy and anus gaped and felt on the raw side as I stretched out on the sofa exhausted. I heard Charles speak to the guys who then left. As the door to the room closed I was already asleep.


Written by moasan
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