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Dani's Desires Part 3

"A redheaded goddess begins to learn a whole new side of herself while at a restaurant."

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Author's Notes

"In part 1, we got to view more of the mind of Aiden Gardel with a peek of the Beast that lives within him. In part 2 we got to delve in the mind of Danielle (Dani) Nolan as the first cracks of her awakening began. For this next part, we will be leading off with Dani and then transition to Aiden. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The transition between the two characters that will happen throughout this series is important so that we can not just see, but feel the emotions of the two characters in a better light. I hope you enjoy, and without further ado…"

While Dani drove home she could feel her face flush with heat as she thought back to her little surprise she had left Aiden on his phone. She couldn’t believe she did that! Taking such risque pictures of herself for a man she had only known for not even a single day!

She was so surprised at herself as she couldn’t even explain why she did it. All she really knew was that Aiden made her feel sexy again. And the way he just knew his way around her body to bring unbelievable amounts of orgasms, she didn’t even feel shy at the time of taking such pictures.

She also didn’t want to be just another name in his contact list. Another random girl that had shared a single night with. She wanted him to remember her and to yearn for her as she so very clearly seemed to yearn for him. Even now, she wanted to turn her car around and rush right back to him so they could resume where they left off.

However, she knew she had to get back home. Surprisingly, it was still fairly early in the morning and as she drove on she could begin to feel how tired she was after such little sleep. She knew it was wrong to cheat on her husband, but she didn’t want to make matters worse if she could help it, till she could figure out what it was that she wanted.

When she finally arrived home and parked her car in the driveway, she adjusted her pink sweater again and fluffed her fiery red hair over her shoulder to make sure his mark that he had given her was covered up. It felt strange to her however, the need to cover it up as she had this odd sensation. A side of her that wanted to proudly display the mark on her shoulder. She let out a sigh and shook the thought away.

She went to her mailbox and grabbed the post and made her way to her door and as quietly as she could, opened, and entered. The room was dark and quiet as she made her way inside and slipping her shoes off as she placed them next to the door. After plugged her dead cell phone on the charger in the kitchen she then moved over to the sofa and plopped down and let out a sigh.

Just as she was relaxing however, she was startled by the sudden sound of her husband’s slurred words behind her.

“And where have you been?” Joe asked, with a hand placed against the wall at the bottom of the stairs as he tried to brace himself.

Dani’s heart was pounding wildly from being scared so suddenly. “Oh my god, Joe! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What’s wrong with you?”

“You heard me! Where ‘ave you been?” He snarled back at her, ignoring her question and took a shaky step closer.

“I was out getting the mail, Joe,” She quickly said, the lie seeming to come easy, after all, it was only a half-lie. She really did get the mail which she held out to him.

“You never came up to bed,” He snarled again at her before continuing as his face scrunched up. “And it REEKS of sex down here!”

'Shit…' Dani had to think quickly and trying to suppress herself as she knew she was most likely blushing like mad right now.

“Not sure how it could, Joe. You haven’t touched me in years!” She shot back at him and folded her arms around herself as she spun around to sit back down on the sofa.

“Bah! Wut you know about sex anyways? Like you were ever good at it.” He scowled at her and waved her off as he stepped past her into the kitchen and picked up his keys and headed to the door. “I’m going over to Jerry’s for a drink.”

Her mouth fell open from his hurtful words and she buried her face into her hands and began to cry.

After some time she was able to calm herself and wiped away her final tears after she had made up her mind on what to do next. Retrieving her phone from the kitchen and noticing it was now at forty percent charged, she took it off the charger and made her way back to the sofa and brought her knees up against her. Well, as best as she could anyways since her breasts were rather large and got in the way at times like this.

Unlocking her phone she noticed she had a new message and when she saw who it was from, she found out that it could indeed hurt from smiling too big. Tapping out her reply while she was biting her bottom lip. She hit send on her message and then closed her eyes for a moment before switching over to her contacts and scrolled through till she found who she wanted and hit call.

“Hey Lisa! It’s Dani… Could you come over? I need my big sister.”

While waiting for her sister to arrive, Dani had spent the time showering and freshened up. She didn’t have much in modest clothes as she had focused so much energy on trying to attract her husband’s attention. But when she wasn’t, she would wear a loose long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts that fit almost like boy shorts rather than normal shorts.

She checked herself in the full-length mirror and taking a brush to her damp hair. She took a moment to inspect his bite mark and when she gave the lightest of touches to it, she winced slightly and pulled her hand away. He had really bitten down on her as it was deep and she had to wonder if it would leave a scar. It also had turned a different shade that would make it even harder to hide as even the skin around the mark had turned.

Just then she heard the ring of the doorbell and she quickly ran her brush through her hair a few more times and fashioned her fiery locks over her shoulder like she typically did and then headed downstairs to let her sister in.

The moment she opened the door, her sister spread her arms out wide and squealed out and bounced onto Dani to wrap her up in a tight hug and just as suddenly, she had pulled Dani away at arms length and she looked Dani intensely in the eyes before speaking.

“Are you okay? You sounded a little off,” Lisa asked.

Dani gave her a weak smile and led her sister over to the sofa.

Dani told her everything that happened. From how Joe had become an angry jerk who hadn’t touch her in years, and then how she found herself at the bar, then finally about being swept away to Aiden’s apartment. She told her everything. She always had since she felt her sister was the one person who never seemed to judge her and looked out to her.

“And the sex, Lisa! Oh. My GOD!” She told her sister again for probably the millionth time.

Lisa would be able to see the glow and the wide smiles Dani had whenever she was talking about Aiden, and then the sad shift of whenever she had to mention Joe. And it tore Lisa’s heart having learned that her sister had been so miserable with her husband and so she wrapped her arms around her and ran her fingers through Dani’s hair to comfort her. That was, till Lisa had noticed something and pulled away in shock.

“Oh my god, Dani! Did Joe beat you?” She asked in alarm and brushing Dani’s hair away from her shoulder.

Dani felt not only her face, but what must have been her entire body flush a deep crimson and then shook her head as she brought her hand up to gently cover her mark. “No! This is um...It’s um…”

Dani looked away from her sister and she hadn’t noticed that she was smiling. “He bit me, hard. When we um, when he was fucking me.” Her fingertips lightly brushed over the bruised flesh and turned back to face her sister and quickly looked down to her lap.

“Damn... It really was that good, huh?” Lisa asked and Dani only nodded.

“Lisa? Now that you know... Can I stay with you for a while? Till I can find a job and get myself situated? I’m leaving Joe,” Dani declared after lifting her gaze up to look at the shocked expression of her sister.




Aiden found himself reaching for his phone for what felt like the millionth time as he just couldn’t get enough seeing those pictures that Dani had left him on his phone. Letting the facial recognition unlock his phone. A few times he even have to jerk himself off as his cock would not calm down and strained hard till it would ache.

'Gods, I can’t wait to see her,' Aiden thought to himself.

He reread the message she had sent him a few hours ago which read:

Tonight? I could meet you at your apartment... Maybe go out to dinner before heading back to your place?

Just then, he could see that she was typing something to him by the three little dots at the bottom of his screen and he waited for what she was going to say.

Change of plans. I want you to pick me up. How does 6 sound?

She had attached an address with her message and then he replied to her message that he would be looking forward to it. He made some quick calls and set up a dinner reservation at one of his favorite restaurants.

When getting ready, he chose to wear a dark smoky gray suit with a dark red silk dress shirt with a matching tie that was a dark navy blue with a red pattern that was almost checkered along the length. He did his tie in his favorite style of a half-Windsor knot and then placed a matching pocket square into his front pocket.

It was getting close to that time and he didn’t feel anxious, but he sure felt eager. His fingers would flex around the steering wheel of his car while he drove to the address Dani had provided him. He was unsure as to why she would want him to pick her up at her home, but Aiden was never shy about taking what he wanted. As long as she felt comfortable with it, he would be as well.

When he finally pulled up to the address, he was unsure of what to do. Normally he would be the gentleman and knock on the door of his date. But this was different.

'Should I just text her? Yeah... I probably should, just in case,' Aiden thought and pulled his phone from his inside pocket and sent her a text which she quickly replied.

Come on in, I’ll be ready in a few more minutes.

Arching his brow at that, he shrugged his shoulder and turned his car off before stepping out and buttoned the top button of his suit jacket. Just as he was about to knock on the door however, it swung open and Aiden blinked in surprise.

In front of him stood almost an exact copy of Dani, his fiery little kitten. Only this woman was slightly taller and not as curvy and slimmer of body who may have been just a touch older. She had the same fiery red hair with that hint of orange but it was slightly dimmer and didn’t make her hair look as if it were a flickering flame no matter how the light hit it. Her eyes were different as well. They weren’t the brilliant azure blue but of emerald green.

This beauty, as she surely was one, did not however captivate him as Dani had. She was lovely to look at and probably had her pick of men, but she didn’t hold a single flick of the same flame that Dani seemed to possess.

“Uh…” Aiden managed to say.

The woman gave him a sly smirk before speaking. “You must be Aiden. I’m Lisa, Dani’s big sister. Come on in, she should be ready soon.”

Still rather shocked as he didn’t expect Dani’s sister to answer the door but he quickly regained his composure and inclined his head with a smile. “Thank you, Lisa. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

She looked back over her shoulder at him with a raised brow. “Huh. You really are that confident, aren’t you? To just walk into my home as if I have no idea what you have planned with my sister.”

He wasn’t phased by her question and just shrugged a shoulder. “Well, if Dani has told you my name, and you are her sister, she has probably also told you many more details about me. I could only assume she has told you that I plan to take her out tonight. I’m not a man who shies away from what he wants.”

Lisa had a wide shit-eating grin and she shook her head and not saying a word.

Aiden placed his left hand into his trouser pocket and kept his own silence while not letting it make him feel awkward by it. After a few moments, however, Lisa finally broke her silence.

“You'd better not hurt my sister,” She told him.

Aiden turned to look at her and gave her a smile and inclined his head once more to her. “I have no intention of mistreating Dani in any way that she doesn’t wish.”

Lisa was about to respond when they both had heard Dani call out from the top of the stairs and they both had turned to look at her as she descended the stairs.

“Wow…” Was all Aiden could say.

He was once again shocked by her. Captivated by this beautiful goddess that was surely sent from above. Her hair shone and draped over her shoulder again but it was curled around nicely in one large curl that span from her shoulder down past her plentiful bust.

He could see that fiery flicker in her hair and he noticed that she had styled her hair over her other shoulder which let you see very clearly the bite mark He had left on her. That alone made him slip out and offer a barely audible growl.

Her plush and kissable lips were painted a deep matte red and he had to hold himself back just from rushing over to plan his lips to hers. The sweater she wore this time was similar from the pink one she wore the day before, but this one? This one was a dark red that almost perfectly matched her lips. What truly made this sweater stand out, was that it hung past both of her shoulders and was defying gravity somehow as it rested so low that the tops of her large breasts. They must truly be double D’s or maybe even bigger and were clearly on display and he thought may just barely covering her nipples.

He couldn’t see any straps from a bra, or a strap for the sweater that could possibly achieve such a feat but he truly didn’t care. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and he made absolutely no attempt to hide his lustful gaze as his eyes roamed over every single luscious curve her body had to offer and ate up every inch of her.

She had also paired this sweater with a short black skirt that showed off her legs nicely, and topped it off with a set of matching red high heels. She was absolutely stunning and she just seemed to have this glow about her as Aiden drank her in and she would be able to feel his eyes on him, could see that shift in his eyes and hear that low and primal growl that made her knees weak.

When she finally reached the base of the stairs she stood there for a moment before twirling around so that Aiden could get a full 360-degree view of her. When she had stopped he had to force his eyes up to hers and she would be able to see that they wide in shock. He was completely silenced by her, words didn’t seem to come to him and all he could do was look on.

“Right... I’m going to go grab my phone real quick so I’ll be right back,” Lisa had said, but was clearly ignored which made her shake her head as she took one more look at the pair before heading upstairs.

The moment that she was out of sight, Aiden leaped at her. Turning her around so her back was to him and he pressed her up against the wall. His actions were so quick that she couldn’t respond as he had maneuvered her left hand above her head, and his right hand had wrapped over her shoulder and went down her sweater. He felt the bra that was under but still managed to slip under that as well and squeezed her breast in his palm. Her flesh pushing between his fingers and she out a moan as he handled her. She looked over her left shoulder at him with her bright azure blue eyes and he was grinding against her ass where she would be able to feel that his member was hard.

He growled out at her and buried his face into her hair where he deeply inhaled her intoxicating scent that sent shivers through him. His eyes fluttered at she filled his lungs with her perfume that smelled of jasmine. When he opened his eyes and saw his mark on her, He brought himself closer and ran his wet tongue over his mark before giving it a light suckle.

Her knees were weak and she let out another moan and her body shivered when his tongue ran over his mark. Her own eyes were wide and he was leaning in to kiss her when he suddenly heard the creak come from the stairs and shook his head to clear his thoughts.

He quickly regained himself and slipped his hands away from Dani’s body and helped turn her around to face him. She still hadn’t said a word yet but they both were gazing into each other’s eyes. He had placed his left hand to her hip, and his right up her cheek in such a way that his thumb was placed just under the center of her bottom lip.

“I-I’m sorry, you were just so breathtaking that I couldn’t help myself,” Aiden finally spoke.

Her chest was rising and falling as if she were out of breath and couldn’t speak and simply nodded. She was brought out of her daze however when they both heard the familiar click and shutter flicker of a camera.

They both turned only to see Lisa standing there with the biggest grin ever and her phone in her hand. She had clearly stolen a picture of the two of them together and Dani shouted out to her sister.

“Lisa! I can’t believe you!” She had said before turning to Aiden and taking her hand into his and snatching up a small black clutch purse with her free hand. “Come on Aiden, we’re going to be late.”

Aiden laughed at her response but he allowed to let her usher him out the door and not noticing her looking back to her sister motioning at her phone and mouthing, “Send me that picture!”

Aiden walked hand in hand with his fiery little kitten, their fingers intertwined and he led her to his custom matte black 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle Convertible with a hardtop and bench seats in the front. He wouldn’t let go of her hand till he had opened the door so she could carefully step into his car and she was seated.

Closing the door for her and walking behind his car, he looked through the rear window to see that she was reaching over to the other side and unlocking his door for him. The gesture made him smile and when he got into his car and shut the door, he felt her hands on his cheek as she pulled him over to her and gave him one of those earth scorching kisses.

As usual, their kiss lasted for some time with their tongues dancing together and was only interrupted by the sound of a cell phone’s ding which signaled one of them had received a text message. As suddenly as her lips were on him, they were just as suddenly torn away as she let out a squeal of delight and scurried to pull out her phone to look at something for a minute then she let the phone dip down over her chest with a bright smile across her red painted lips.

“What is it, my fiery little kitten?” He asked her.

He watched her struggle with herself, debating whether or not she should show him. Then, when making her decision, she turned her phone to him which displayed the two of them in an embrace, no doubt taken by her sister which made Aiden smile and shake his head.

Starting up his car and putting it into gear he began to drive off with his fiery little minx. He also had to curse himself though as he was so achingly hard right now that he tried to adjust himself without being noticed as he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Apparently, his action was very much noticed and Dani made him glad that he customized his car to have bench seats as she adjusted herself in her seat, turning to face him and brought herself closer where he felt her plump breasts pressing against his arm.

He also felt her hand graze over his silken shirt over his chest that began to glide down towards his belt. He let out a groan when he felt her lips capture his ear lobe to suckle at it and at the same time her hand smoothed over his hardness. The warmth of her breath against his neck exciting him when she purred out her words.

“I’ve been thinking of this…” She began and at the same time, squeezed around his shaft which made her happy when it caused him to moan again. “All. Day. Long.”

He took a quick glance over to her and he kissed her full on the lips before nibbling on her bottom lip.

“Gods, you make me want to just skip dinner altogether and take you home,” He said through gritted teeth.

“Why not do both?” She said and she saw the look of puzzlement on his face which was quickly replaced with understanding when he heard and felt the zipper of his trousers being pulled down.

Once the zipper was down she made quick work as she dug into her trousers and maneuvering around his boxer briefs. He tensed up when he felt her dainty hand grasp his shaft and let out a groan. She had pulled him free and she was stroking his shaft all the while her lips were at his neck teasing him. A kiss here, a flick of her tongue there, a nibble, and a suckle against various parts of his neck and ear.

“Babe…” Was all he was able to say when she had suddenly pulled away from his neck and lowered her head where she engulfed his member into the warm and wet embrace of her mouth.

“Oh shit!” He exclaimed as he felt Dani’s hand stroking at the base of his cock while her mouth worked the rest of his length. Her head bobbing up and down on him as best as she could in the position they were in but gods damn did it feel good. She even managed to do that thing with her tongue where, with every downward motion, her tongue would push out past her lips and rub him with her tongue. It caused him to grip the steering wheel tight as he held on for dear life.

She knew just how to work his cock with that mouth of hers and when his cock pulsed in her hand, she let out a moan, knowing full well what was to come and it made her work even harder for it. His orgasm was building so much that he knew he had to pull over and he had to try with all his might to hold off. This, however, seemed to only make her work even harder if that were at all possible. As if he were denying her a meal, and she was having none of that. He let out a laugh at her frenzied hunger and he was just in time as he finally was able to pull off to the side and just when he was able to put his car into park, he came.

He came hard, and he came plentiful. His body jerked up to meet her as his shaft pulsed and throbbed as she shot his thick stream of cum into her greedy little mouth and the sucking he felt as she tried to secure every drop of his seed made his head roll back and grabbing at the steering wheel with such force his knuckles were white. She only lifted herself up when he was completely spent and when they locked eyes with each other, she took that moment to carefully open her mouth where she showed off her bounty.

The sight of his cum contrasted with the deep red of her lips was so fucking erotic to him he wasn’t sure if he had ever witnessed a more erotic scene than what was before him now. She rolled her tongue through his cum before closing her lips and swallowing down his seed which she then slowly licked her lips to ensure she had every single drop. Her lips spread into a bright smile that was almost innocent, if he however didn’t know that those same lips had just been wrapped around his cock not more than thirty seconds ago.

“Delicious,” She said and then pressed herself back up against him with her hand roaming over his chest as if she didn’t just give him one of the most incredible blow jobs he had ever received.

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He blinked at her and regained himself. “Damn babe...That was fucking hot!”

That blush he so enjoyed seeing on her brightened up her cheeks a deep crimson and she looked down. “You think so? I’ve never done that before,” She responded.

“You could have fooled me! Fucking hell!” He exclaimed and then adjusting himself to stuff his cock back into his trousers.

When he was properly put away and collected himself he put the car into gear again and drove off. Dani though, seemed to not be able to resist having her hands on him and had to be constantly touching him. It also seemed that she couldn’t be satisfied with touching his shirt so she had brushed his tie to the side and undid a few of the buttons of his shirt so she could slip her hand under and feel his toned skin under her touch. She didn’t do anything sexual, but she finally seemed at least content with running her fingers and hand over his bare chest while nuzzling her face into the side of his neck.

“You smell so goo,.” She said to him and then took a deep breath of his scent.

“Well, I’m glad you think so. But I’d rather have your scent all over me.” He told her with his lip curling into a smirk.

“I’m sure I can help with that when we make it back to your place.” She replied in a confident tone which had surprised Aiden.

It was interesting to see her opening up to him so quickly. When he had first met her, she was just a shy little beauty of a goddess that would blush hard from his words. He knew she just wasn’t used to receiving compliments anymore and so he made sure that he not only complimented her with words, but with his actions as well and it clearly had an effect on her. And he liked it.

When at last he pulled into the parking lot and found a spot, he found Dani quickly swinging her leg around to straddle his lap after he put the car in park. Her arms over his shoulder and her brilliant azure blue eyes gazing into his own light brown. His hands moved on their own down to her waist and when his eyes shifted down to catch sight of His mark clearly on display for the world to see, He let out a low rumbling growl that escaped his throat. Just as he felt the need to lean in and lick at His mark, Dani’s hand to his cheek stopped him.

“I love the way your eyes shift like that... So bright and sweet, then suddenly dark and so... So primal. How do you do that?” She asked him while her thumb brushed under his eye.

Aiden blinked at her. Completely shocked and surprised that she could tell from his eyes alone when the Beast inside of him would stir. Sure he has let the Beast out to play from time to time, and now that he thought about it, he couldn’t recall a time when He ever laid claim on a woman in the same fashion as He had with Dani. This redheaded minx of a goddess continued to surprise him and he leaned back into his seat.

“I am a very dominant man by nature which makes me have urges. They’re rather carnal and primal urges that I have to struggle with constantly. Especially around sexy fiery kittens that seem to make my blood boil with lust. It’s like I have this Beast inside of me that is always trying to get out and when He gets even a little control? That’s when my eyes shift. Most people don’t even notice it.” He spoke his words slowly as he tried to convey a small glimmer of what it was like for him.

“Mmm, well... I like this romantic side of you.” She said then looked off to the side before continuing. “As well as that Beast side of you. I want to see more.”

Aiden arched his brow and his head tilted to the side as he looked curiously at her. “Is that so? I’m not sure you understand what that may mean. I’d make you experience things, make you do things, and do things to you without a care in the world who may be around.”

Aiden then lifted his hand up and lightly brushed over her bruised skin that laid his mark. “And if you hadn’t noticed, I would want to put you on display. So all others would know that you, my dear fiery little kitten... are mine.” His last words had a hint of his growl which had some heat behind them.

Dani shuddered from the light tease of her shoulder and hearing his words. She kept her eyes on him and her words were but a whisper as she spoke them. “I trust you.”

He gave her a long silent look as he studied her again, trying to see any hint of fear or unease. But there was none that he could see. “We’ll see about that then.”

Aiden then placed a kiss to her red painted lips then opened up his door and helped Dani out as she was still straddled on top of him. When they were both out of the car and he had locked it up he stepped just behind Dani and off to the side where he wraps his arm around her shoulder and like he had done at her sister’s place, slipped his hand down the front of her gravity defying sweater. Cupping her massive breast in a way where he could let his thumb tease over her nipple.

She let out a gasp and her entire face burned crimson as she frantically looked around. “Aiden! We-we’re in public!”

He didn’t remove his hand and as he spoke, he led her towards the doors of the restaurant without removing his hand from her. ”I did warn you. And you said you wanted more. So, tonight will be your first test and glimpse of that Beast you wished to see. Then I will put you on display and make you the center of everyone’s attention with their eyes on you while I show everyone who you belong too.”

Using his other hand he brought her head back so that they could see each other's eyes. “Do well, my fiery little kitten and I will reward you very well.”

She stayed silent, only nodding her head as she was still clearly flushed and embarrassed.

His eyes turned darker and His words came out in almost like a snarl. “But if you do poorly. You will be punished. Do you understand, My fiery kitten?”

He saw her eyes widen and He could see a brief hint of fear flash through her eyes and the sight of it made him grin. He decided to reward her for that glimpse of fear, knowing that she felt his dominance and gave her nipple a rather hard pinch between his fingers then just as quickly released it and let his thumb tease back and forth over it.

He wasn’t one to let what was his feel fear, however. What was his, should never fear him. They should feel safe, protected, and the only ones who should know fear were any who would dare hurt what was his.

'She will learn,' The Beast thought.

She nodded her head again and her single word was spoken ever so softly. “Yes.”

When they entered the restaurant they were greeted by a lovely young woman at a small podium who when took notice of Aiden’s hand very clearly down the front of Dani’s top, had stumbled her words and tried to play it off as if she hadn’t seen anything. He ate here often enough and didn’t have to give his name and was led to his table.

When they stepped out onto the main floor of the restaurant Dani had seen the many faces look their way and for half a step she froze. She only moved because Aiden was quite literally attached to her and he nudged her along. He did not once remove his hand from her, even when they had to slip into the booth that was off the corner. Aiden thanked the hostess with a smile and then turned his attention to Dani.

She was as bright as a tomato and he could feel the heat of her flesh under his touch. For the most part, he wasn’t fondling her, he just had his hand on her breast as if it were the most natural thing to be doing. But of course, he couldn’t not fondle her a little bit here and there. A gentle squeeze, or his thumb rubbing around or over her nipple to make sure it would stay hard throughout their time at the restaurant.

He watched as Dani’s eyes scanned the room, moving from table to table as she noticed so many people gawking at her. For most of the men, they had the biggest shit-eating grins which typically was ruined by their date when they would be caught staring at Dani. The women though? Gave Dani the ugliest of sneers and the faint mutterings of words as they called her names like, “Slut,” or, “Whore.”

Aiden leaned in close to her and lowered his voice. “Babe, look at me. Yes, look at me. That’s it, look only at me.” He coaxed at her, trying to ease her and to calm her nerves. “Keep looking only at me. Only my eyes matter. Do you understand?”

She again nodded to him and he watched her take a deep breath and closed her eyes as she slowly let the air out of her lungs and pass between those luscious lips of hers that no more than twenty minutes ago had been wrapped around his cock.

He nodded his approval when she opened her eyes to look at him and saw her calming down. “That’s it. Good girl,” He praised her.

When the waitress finally appeared before their table, Aiden had snuck his free hand down to her inner thigh just under the hem of her skirt. A menu was placed before them and although Aiden wasn’t paying that close attention to the waitress as he refused to remove his eyes from Dani since he knew she would need his reassurance, he did catch a few keywords like “Special” and “wine.” He could also hear the waitress's voice was slightly distressed, no doubt from being ignored and by the fact that Aiden had his hands all over Dani.

He tilted his head to the side ever so slightly but not taking his eyes from Dani and simply just thanked her and that they would just need a moment to decide. Just as the waitress was about to turn and leave, Aiden made sure to give Dani’s impressive breast a very noticeable squeeze and he grinned when it had caused Dani to let slip the softest of moans.

“I come here often and the food is delicious. Tonight, I want you to select what we will eat. And I would choose wisely my fiery little kitten because I believe that you owe me something. I fed you breakfast, bite by bite. It is time to return the favor,” Aiden said and then nodded his head to the menu.”

While Dani fumbled with the menu in her shaky fingers he could tell she was having a hard time staying focused on the task. It didn’t help that Aiden wasn’t making it easy for her as his fingers slowly began to glide further up her skirt. She had tried to close her thighs together but when he tapped at her thigh she reluctantly opened them back up and spread them wider to give him easier access to her.

When his fingers met the lacy thong that covered her lower lips, he couldn’t help but notice that they were wet. And by the warmth he felt, he knew it was recent. Her fingers clutched at the menu and she took a sharp breath and he saw her beautiful eyes start to scan the menu faster as if she were desperate to find something. She had tried to ask him if he would like this or that but after the third or fourth time of him ignoring her question, she would scan the menu even faster.

When he slipped her thong to the side and expose her lower lips so that he could tease her with his index finger, he heard her squeak out rather cutely and it made him smile. She was so wet and he could feel her juices cling to his finger when he gave her clit a very light tap with the pad of his finger. He hadn’t noticed the waitress return and just as she was about to speak, Aiden slipped his finger inside of Dani. This caused her to gasp when the waitress asked if they were ready or had any questions. It was also at this time that due to her being so close to the table, she could now clearly see where Aiden’s other hand was.

“Uh... Maybe I should come back.” Said the waitress as she was about to turn and probably try to bolt out of the dining area.

“Oh no, we are definitely ready. Aren’t we babe?” Aiden had asked before she could flee and he said it with such an innocent tone as if he didn’t have his finger pushed inside of Dani.

Dani feverishly nodded her head and while she spoke, her words were shaky as she was trying hard to control herself. “Yes! Yes... We’ll um... We’ll have…”

Aiden smirked to himself as she truly had been too distracted that he could see her frantically trying to find something on the menu.

“Yes! The grilled... Oh gods! The grilled halibut with peach and pepper salsa, please.” Her words were rushed as she stumbled when she had felt Aiden’s finger pass over a sensitive nerve inside of her. Her eyes then widened suddenly as she continued. “For both of us!”

The waitress, clearly understanding what was going on between the two of them and Aiden could see the slight discomfort but he had to give it to her, she remained as professional as she could.

“That... That’s a good choice. Would you also like to pair it with a glass of Sangiovese?” The waitress asked.

Dani was probably too distracted and had simply just agreed with the woman, but he didn’t care. When the waitress left to put in their order, Aiden spent the entire time teasing her with his fingers. Switching between having only a single finger to adding a second, and rarely he would slip in a third. Keeping her on the edge, not letting her cum and the look she gave him would probably have melted any man and given in. Hell, he almost gave in.

Her brilliant azure blue eyes looked to him as if she were almost in tears that silently begged him to make her cum. But he simply stopped moving his fingers while inside of her, letting her ease back away from the edge. At this point, he noticed her reach out towards his lap, stop midway and quickly pull back, but then changed her mind yet again and quickly snapped her hand out to his lap where she came in contact with his very hard member that strained against his trousers and she gripped him firmly over the fabric.

Her chest was rising and falling in heaves as if she were out of breath and then began to stroke him along his shaft. Biting down on her bottom lip as she suppressed yet another moan and her eyes fluttered. Aiden was beginning to wonder if this waitress had the superpower of arriving at just the right times because since Dani’s eyes had fluttered, she didn’t notice the waitress place the first dish down in front of Aiden.

He actually had to stop himself from laughing as the waitress had to step slightly more to his side of the table to set his dish down and she was given the sight of Dani stroking Aiden through his pants. But when Dani heard the plate clink against the table, her eyes snapped open and her hand vanished from his lap. He was surprised that her entire body hadn’t just burst into flames as she was so crimson from head to toe.

He noticed that the waitress hadn’t removed her hand from his plate yet and when he turned his head to look at her, he noticed that her mouth hung open and her eyes were staring directly at his bulge and he saw her mouth, “Oh wow.” Before catching herself and quickly pulling away and hurried over to Dani’s side.

On that side of the table, this poor waitress was now assaulted with the side of very clearly seeing Aiden’s fingers pushed between Dani’s very wet pussy lips. Dani had been lost in the moment so she had let herself relax where her legs spread wider, causing her skirt to ride further up. Aiden took this opportunity to notice that Dani had chosen lacy thong that was bright red.

Now, it was the waitress's turn to become bright red and when Dani took notice of that, she looked down at herself but because of the size of her bust, she couldn’t properly see down herself very well. Se let out a gasp as she finally realized how wide her legs had spread and was probably giving the waitress the best view in the house.

He had to hand it to Dani though. She didn’t clamp her legs closed like he had expected of her and chose to instead to tug at her skirt and only lessened the gap between her thighs while still giving Aiden enough space to tease her. Normally, he would have told her not to fix a thing. However, this was her first time like this, so he decided to go easy on her. Well, easy-ish. And he was very proud of her for embracing it without complaint or resistance.

“I’ll... I’ll be right back with your wine!” Said the waitress and scurried away only to return a few moments later with the wine.

With their food now before them, he eased up on the teasing but he kept both hands exactly where they were. He allowed Dani to feed him one bite at a time which would have been very sweet and romantic, if his fingers were buried inside of her hot little wet pussy. Without having to say anything, she also took it upon herself to pick up his wine glass and help him take sips as she offered the glass to his lips.

The wine probably helped ease Dani’s nerves as it was almost natural for her to be feeding him like she was. Not a single bit ever dropped from the fork, nor a single drop of wine spilled. He was truly impressed with her and as the meal was winding down and coming to an end, he figured he would reward her.

Two of his fingers were sliding in and out of her now, paying special attention to the little bundle of nerves inside her slick channel. His thumb had pushed her hood back and rubbed against her engorged clit. Just as her breath hitched he then began to tease her nipple. Rubbing and pinching it between his fingers and taking time to give them a light tug to stretch the sensitive nub. Her breathing was quickening and she was biting down on her bottom lip while grabbing the edge of the table.

She did let out some moans, but they were muffled as she tried to control herself. She wasn’t fighting him however and she easily gave in to the pleasures he was giving her and when she was at the edge of her cliff she whimpered as she expected him to probably stop. But he didn’t.

He pushed her over the edge and let her came so hard over his fingers that her thighs closed down around his hand making it almost impossible for him to continue. He was still able to rub at her clit though so he let her ride her orgasm while her head was thrown back and her body shook from his touch.

As she came down from the blissful sexual high of her release, the waitress with superpowers once again showed up and asked if they would like dessert.

“Oh, no that is okay. I have my dessert right here. Don’t I, my fiery little minx?” Aiden asked and pulled his fingers from between Dani’s thighs which were clearly coated in her juices and brought them up to her lips.

Dani, still influenced by her sexual high and in a daze was drawn to his fingers like a magnet and wrapped her plump red-painted lips around his fingers and suckled lewdly onto his fingers. Tasting herself on his fingers and responded with an, “Mmhmm,” and then moaned around his fingers. Her eyes were fluttering again and when he slid his fingers slowly from her, the greedy little slut’s tongue lashed out of her mouth to get a final taste of herself.

Her eyes slowly began to open when she had lost his fingers and the realization of what just happened, and the slow turn of her head as she looked over to the stunned waitress with her mouth hanging open, Dani’s eyes became as big as he had ever seen them.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” Dani said in a hushed pleading tone.

The waitress, coming to her senses finally, placed the bill onto the table. Before she could walk away, however, Aiden had stopped her.

“One moment, please. I’ll give you my card now.” He then turned to look towards Dani. “Babe?”

She was hiding her face in her hands but peeked over them when he called out to her.

“Could you please reach into my inner jacket pocket and retrieve my wallet so we can pay this lovely young lady? Any card will do.”

With shaky hands, she carefully pulled open Aiden’s suit jacket and reached in to pull out his wallet. She opened it up and he could see it in her eyes that she wanted to look through his wallet. Not as a means to see what may be of value or anything of the sorts. He could see the genuine curiosity of just wanting to know him more, just as she had done with his phone.

She pulled out a card and handed it to the waitress which she quickly let go, once it was in her hands.

“Thank you, my fiery kitten.” He told her and then captured her cheek and guided her lips to his own. Kissing her with that scorching passion that only she could deliver. They hadn’t even noticed the waitress return to give him back his card as they were still lost in their kiss.

She had to clear her throat to get their attention and when they pulled away from each other, Dani was breathless and was fanning herself. The waitress’s eyes shifted to Dani then back to him as she then handed Aiden a copy of the receipt along with his credit card.

“My name is Jessa,” She began to say then shifted her gaze between the two of them again. Her lip had curled into a smirk and when Aiden had taken hold of the other end of his credit card, she had stroked her thumb over his. Her eyes were burning with desire and she continued. “I wrote my number on your copy.” Then she let go of his card and gave him a wink before turning away from them and walked off.

Aiden’s right brow rose at that, then without even looking at it, dropped the receipt on the table. For the first time since arriving, Aiden had to pull his limbs away from Dani in order to exit the booth and stand. He then held his hand out for Dani to take so he would be able to help her up. He took a step and tried to tug Dani along but he was stopped so he looked back to her.

“She gave you her number? And you’re not going to take it?” She asked while looking back and forth from him and the receipt.

“Why would I when I already have the most perfect woman already?” He asked her, truly confused at her question.

Dani began to speak “But... I figured that, since, well... Since I was still married, you might still want to see…”

Aiden had cut her off by stepping back to her, slipping his left arm around her slim waist and tugged her to him so that their bodies were pressed together and he lifted his palm up to cup her cheek and shook his head. “You, are mine. Married or not. You’re mine.”

He could see her fighting back some tears but she only nodded her head and reached up to place a quick kiss to his lips. Knowing full well that anything longer would have them both ending up in another blazing kiss. She then placed her hand in his and finally let Aiden lead her out of the restaurant.

The looks she received as well as the comments as she walked by had her completely embarrassed, but oddly enough, she didn’t feel shame.

Aiden walked her back to the car and once again opened all doors for her and helped her into the car which he was once again able to see that Dani had leaned over and unlocked his door. Once he was in, she had placed her palms on each of his cheeks and pulled him to her for a passionate kiss. Once the kiss had ended, she used her tongue to lick over the center of his lips and flicked at the tip of his nose. He saw the fire in her eyes and he knew what she wanted.

“Take me home,” She said and then leaned in and captured his bottom lip with her teeth and bit down. Pulling at his lip till he snapped away from him and her voice became heated with desire. “And fuck your dirty little slut”

Aiden did not have to be told twice.



Copyright © 2020 by BigDaddyVirr

All rights reserved and may not be copied or distributed without my sole permission.

Written by BigDaddyVirr
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