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Dani's Delights

"A red headed goddess's desire, and a man's hunger for her."

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Author's Notes

"In part 1 of the series we focused on Aiden's view. Now let us see what runs in the mind of an ignored wife who is left alone with a hungry Beast."

Danielle Nolan laid there in the bed of a man she had just met, Aiden Gardel. She was married to a man named Joe yet here she was, in the arms of a man she met only hours ago. She was covered in sweat and felt the silk sheets sticking to her naked body as she was sprawled over this man who was not her husband. She could even feel his cum dripping from her very well used pussy and down her thighs.

The thought of another man’s cum dripping from her actually excited her, even though she knew it shouldn’t. She cheated on her husband, yet right here! Right now! She couldn’t feel how it could be wrong. Aiden had treated her like a woman who was desired, she felt desired by him. She hadn’t felt desired by her husband in a very long time.

She was slightly overweight when they had met but he had still dated her and eventually married her so she knew it wasn’t her body. He just never seemed interested in her. None the less, she still tried to draw her husbands attention. She started working out, getting in shape and toning her body just right so that she was slim of waist and still kept all of her luscious curves that she had hoped would draw his eyes back to her.

When that didn’t work she went out and started buying and wearing sexier clothes, revealing and daring little things. She first started out by buying sexy lingerie that she wore to bed and still nothing. She then made sure to always wear matching bra and panties, and not just packaged generic brands either. She wanted to make sure she would look sexy for her husband. And receiving nothing. Then came the clothes. Lots of skirts that would reveal her legs and thighs, high heel shoes to accentuate her legs and round booty that she was rather fond of.

Anyone could have nice tits if they paid enough for them, but not everyone could have a booty like hers. It also didn’t help that she really enjoyed it when she was spanked while having sex. She remembered a few of her sexual partners always enjoying spanking her ass, telling her how it excited them to see it jiggle.

But no matter what, nothing worked with her husband. She had thought maybe he was cheating on her but that couldn’t be it as he pretty much stuck to his routine of waking up, going to work, and getting home to drink his work problems away which seemed to only get worse. There were so many times she cried herself to sleep on the couch and her husband never took notice that she wasn’t in bed with him.

But then something changed in her life. She was out shopping like she normally would when she caught a rather attractive man gawking at her from across the strawberry display. But she didn’t see lust in his eyes like she regularly saw in men who only saw her as a hot piece of ass. There was something different in his eyes and he looked rather shocked to see her.

At first it made her feel awkward as she was not use to the look he gave her and she normally just ignored the men who openly checked her out. But Aiden was different. She didn’t know how, but she saw it in his eyes. She didn’t know what it was so she instead decided to make a quick exit.

But something made her look back at him as she walked away and that was when she saw it. His eyes had changed and he was checking out her booty as if it were on a menu and he looked like he was starving. Most men however, only knew how to place an order. But Aiden? Aiden looked like he not only saw the menu, but there was this animalistic gleam in his eyes that said he wanted to hunt for his food, to claim it and prepare it himself from start to finish.

She could recall the heat to her cheeks from his gaze and deep down, she hoped he would hunt her. She thought herself crazy for thinking such thoughts since she was a married woman but she couldn’t help it when he looked at her in such a way and she felt her panties become wet from the thought. God it had been too long and she was just going crazy.

And then she arrived home, her husband drunk as usual and upset that she wasn’t home to make him dinner by the time he got home. She had made him something quickly, only to be told how bland it was and how lousy her cooking had gotten. He hadn’t even finished his dinner and simply left it on the table as he walked over to the fridge for another beer.

She was almost in tears at how cruel he was being lately and she didn’t know how much more she could take so after she had cleaned up the table she decided to leave and have her own drink. She hadn’t gone to a bar in ages and wasn’t sure where any were so as she sat in her car fighting back her tears she did a quick search on her phone and plugged the first bar into her GPS app.

While she sat at the bar, there was the occasional guy that tried to hit on her but she just wasn’t interested. She may be in a lousy marriage, but she would remain faithful. She wasn’t really paying attention, and barely touched her drink as her finger swirled along the edge of the glass but then the door opened and her eyes seemed to be drawn to the door and to her shock?

There he was…

The man from the market. She blushed to herself and quickly looked away from him and when he suddenly appeared next to her she was shocked beyond belief. She hadn’t even heard his question to her at first but she was soon transfixed by this man who sat down next to her.

She couldn’t keep her eyes off him, and he seemed that he couldn’t take his eyes off her too. Even when the bartender asked for his order, he never looked away from her and just ordered the same drink as she had.

He had spoke sweet nothings into her ear for hours and had her as giddy as a little school girl in no time. It was easy to talk to him, it was odd how easy it was but he made her feel things that she hadn’t felt in years. Then finally, he spoke those words that tore through her. He wanted to take her home with him and although she was conflicted, in that very moment she felt her panties become wet and she could feel the pink lacy material clinging to her sex. That right there made up her mind to go with him.

And before he whisked her away by her hand in his, she had noticed that he not once touched his drink and realized that his sole focus was on her and her alone. He made her feel like she was the only woman in the world at that moment and it only made her choice even easier.

And now, here she was, in his bed, under his sheets, laying atop him, naked and she was sure she was glowing after such amazing sex. She had lost count on how many times he made her cum and she was now basking in that glow.

Aiden left out a chuckle as his fingers began to trace up and down her back again and then he spoke. “My fiery little minx, if you glow any brighter than you are now even a blind man would see it.”

She laughed at his comment and lightly slapped at his chest and then curled her body closer to his, if It were even at all possible. “I can’t help it. I feel so alive and wonderful. I can’t even remember ever feeling like this before.”

Aiden kissed the top of her head and she responded by kissing his chest. Although she had stated she felt alive, she also let out a yawn and felt her eyes begin to grow heavy. The remained like this for some time, both fighting the sleep that was trying to take them, not wanting the moment to end, but they both knew it would. At least, for a short while. He had say that he had designs for her, whatever that may mean. But right now? She didn’t care what they may be, she only knew that she eagerly looked forward to it.

“When do you have to leave?” He asked the question that both of them didn’t want an answer too.

“Not now, lets rest and I’ll wake up early and sneak back in the house before he wakes up.” She responded after another pause and then settled in next to him and fell asleep.

When Dani awoke, she hadn’t known how much time had passed, but she pouted to herself when she felt how empty the bed was. She had stretched out in search of that warm and inviting body that she enjoyed and when she felt nothing she opened her eyes and sighed.

She sat up with the silk sheets covering her and a note on the pillow. She picked it up and looked it over, inspecting the handwriting which was neat and had this cute little swirl to each letter as he wrote it.

“Clearly not a doctor with this kind of handwriting.” She giggled to herself.

The note read that he was downstairs making breakfast and if she happened to wake before he returned that she could meet him downstairs. She couldn’t help but to smile as she read between the lines of his note. He clearly was trying to make her breakfast in bed since his note stated ‘before’ he returned.

She slipped out of bed, pulling the bed sheet with her as all her clothes were downstairs which made her blush at remember the little strip tease she had done for him. But she noticed his dress shirt just outside the door so she dropped the sheet and picked it up and put it on. She apparently had popped some of the buttons free when she had ripped open his shirt but there were enough to keep her at least modest. She lifted the collar of his shirt up to her nose and inhaled his scent which a shiver to run through her and her smile widened.

He truly smelled like a man. Not one of those guys who sprayed some sort of body spray all over themselves. No, Aiden’s cologne had this woodsy smell to it that wasn’t too strong and the moment you got a whiff of it, it could make any girls panties wet. Gods what has he done to her? Here she was bright early in the morning and just the smell of him was making her wet and she wasn’t even wearing her panties yet.

She made her way downstairs, taking her time to look around the lavish apartment that was too dark last night for her to get a good look at. She didn’t even remember them turning on any lights last night. But now? The sun was just rising and she gasped out as she saw how the sun made the lake sparkle.

Hearing her gasp, Aiden had turned around and he couldn’t help but grin to himself as he saw Dani standing there wearing his dress shirt from last night. He was only in a pair of red boxer briefs as he stood in the kitchen preparing their breakfast but when he saw her, everything else seemed to not matter and so he leaned back against the counter and folded his arms in front of his chest.

“Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept okay? Are you hungry?” Aiden asked.

She was startled as she heard him from behind her and she quickly spun around in a jump. She blushed brightly and subconsciously brought her hand up as if to try and hide her smile with the sleeve of his shirt.

“Yes, I’m starving. I didn’t eat much last night.” She said while making her way over to him.

He remained perfectly still with his arms folded over his chest which only moved when she was just a step away from him and when they were lowered down so his hands took her firmly by her hips, she placed her hands upon his chest and glided her hands up till they found the back of his neck. She stepped into him, pressing her body against his and standing at the tip of her toes as he leaned down and they kissed.

Gods he knew how to kiss! His kisses felt as if she would melt into his arms and it only made her greedy for him and his touch. She moaned into the kiss and his left arm wrapped around her waist while his right had traveled under the dress shirt where she felt his large hand firmly grasp her ass cheek. His hands were so large on her that she was sure his fingers sunk into her flesh as he took hold of her and pressed closer to her.

After what felt like forever, she finally pulled away from his lips and had to catch her breath.

“Oh wow...You are such a good kisser. I could get addicted to that.” She said with flushed bright red cheeks.

He flashed her a smirk. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you, my fiery little minx. Now, we probably don’t have much time left, so let me feed you.” When he finished speaking he gave her ass a slap that gave a light but pleasurable sting which caused her to bite her bottom lip as she suppress a moan which she had hoped he didn’t notice.

He had, but he didn’t give any notice of it and only filed it away for later for the devices he had planned for her.

He picked her up with ease and sat her down on the counter top with a giggle. “So, what’s for breakfast?” she asked, wondering if she ever had anyone make her breakfast, especially after some amazing sex.

“I wasn’t sure what you would prefer so I tried to keep it basic yet healthy as I noticed you seem to be rather fit.” He had said and turned back around to look at her and she would feel his wandering eyes lusting over her as he looked her up and down then returned back to his task.

She let him work while her legs would kick out in front of her and her eyes would look around the kitchen. She noticed his cell phone sitting on the counter near by and she reached out for it. She saw it was the type of phone that had facial recognition to unlock it so with a grin she called out to him.

“Is this your phone?” She asked while holding the phone out, trying to capture his face.

He turned to look at her again and noticed her holding his phone out which instantly unlocked his phone from it’s facial recognition and he only laughed and shook his head but when he didn’t seem to protest her snooping on his phone she shrugged her shoulder and went to work and clicked on contacts.

“Wow…” She exclaimed with her eyes going wide and her thumb scrolling through the very long contact list.

“Hmm?” He asked while looking back over to her and peeking over to see her scrolling through his contacts. “Ah. Yes. I won’t make any excuses to you, but I have had a rather interesting life.”

He came closer to her, lowering his phone and lifting her chin up so that their eyes could meet. Her breath caught in her throat as he just had the most dreamy brown eyes she had ever seen and by instinct she had started to lean in as if drawn to his lips but was stopped when he started speaking again.

“I can tell you with all honesty, that any woman you see in there, has nothing on you. I have never felt such a connection to someone before as I feel with you. And I have never let anyone look through my phone till you. I won’t hide anything from you.” He said and then ended by planting a kiss to her lips which she greedily accepted.

She couldn’t really hold it against him though, after all she was married to another man. So what if he has a bunch of numbers from women. Most of them had the most generic names to the porn star type names. So, she decided to hit the add button and typed in her number and after she had put in her name, she thought for a moment and then grinned to herself and deleted her name and entered something else and closed the app.

She watched as he lifted a single brow to her as he saw her grin from ear to ear and when she offered his phone back to him he took it and looked at it curiously.

“I added my number to your contacts.” She stated.

“Oh?” Was all he said but she saw him quickly open up his contacts list and scrolled to the D section and then frowned when he didn’t notice her name. Tapping on the N section on the side bar he didn’t see her there either.

She let out a laugh and she leaned in closer to whisper into his ear. “It’s under F. I didn’t want to be just another ordinary name in your phone.”

He was confused for a moment but he tapped on the F section and scrolled though the list. When he noticed that she had put herself in his phone as “Fiery Little Minx” he laughed and shook his head and then kissed her briefly on the lips and handed his phone back to her, still unlocked.

He seemed to truly not care or mind giving her access which she thought was sweet but she didn’t want to snoop but she did have a few ideas…

Just as Aiden had finished making their breakfast and sat the plates of the most fluffy eggs, bacon, and a side bowl filled with various cubed or cut up fruits into bite sizes. She had set his phone down and looked up at him with that devious little smirk she had shown him from last night. She was about to hop down from the counter but he stopped her and shook his head.

“Nope, my fiery little minx, you stay right there.” He had instructed her and she gave him a mock pout.

“Where’s the forks?” She asked.

“Right here. And there’s only one.” He responded and saw the confusion on her face.

She was about to ask him why he only had one fork but was interrupted as he scooped up some of the fluffy eggs and lifted the fork up to her lips. She brought her hand up to her chest in awe at the act of him wanting to feed her and with a smile she opened her mouth and accepted them. Closing her lips around the fork he slowly pulled the tongs away from her and as she chewed, he scooped up his own and took his first bite.

Dani was amazed at how delicious the eggs were. She could tell he added something extra to them. She tasted the cheese, but she just couldn’t place what she tasted. She looked to him but he wasn’t giving up his secret as she saw that grin on his face.

Gods, those lips...I just want to kiss them…” Dani thought.

Her train of thought was broken when he had lifted a single strawberry to her lips which he let the tip of it tease her bottom lip as he caught her while she was distracted. When she noticed the strawberry, it made her smile and she opened her mouth for him once again and she tried her hardest to make sure it was the most seductive bite she would ever take. When he fed her the rest of the strawberry with a second bite he was pulling his hand away while she chewed but she stopped him by taking hold of his wrist.

Their eyes met and she was held captive by them again as she raised his hand up and bringing his fingers to her lips where she wrapped her mouth around his fingers and swirled her tongue around each digit to clean his fingers while never taking her eyes away from him.

Gods, he even makes eating breakfast sexy as fuck! I’m getting so wet! I should have put my panties back on first.” Dani thought to herself.

The continued to eat like this till every bite was done and she knew that when she finished the last bite that she would need to go home. She didn’t want to go home, not yet. Not back to what awaited her. Not back to feeling like she wasn’t desired or hell, even wanted. She shook her head and she embraced herself, hating that she was feeling this way.

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But the feeling quickly vanished as she felt Aiden’s arms wrapped around her and embrac her to him. Her legs wrapped around his waist on instinct and when he pulled away just enough to look at her, her tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Hush now, minx. No need for those.” He whispered to her while brushing away her tears.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as she looked at him, her eyes glistening from her tears and she bit at her bottom lip, unsure if she should say what she wanted and her uncertainty made her arms and legs tighten around him.

“What is on your mind, my beautiful little minx? Tell me. You don’t need to hide anything from me.” He tried to sooth her as he placed a kiss at the corner of her eyes to kiss her tears away.

She bit down on her lip harder but she took a deep breath which she caught a glimpse of his scent and it helped relax her.

“I-I don’t want to go back yet. I don’t want to go back and feel not loved or worthy again.” She admitted to him and before she continued she brought her hands down to cup his cheeks in her palms. “Will...Will you make love to me? Before I go?”

She cursed herself for saying such a thing to a guy that she just met, she feared he would reject her, just like her husband had and she didn’t know if she could handle being rejected by him. Not by Aiden. This gorgeous man that she met not even twenty-four hours ago. She felt on the verge of tears again at the thought of being rejected but then she felt his lips upon hers.

Those lips that seemed to scorch her very soul and ignite it anew each time that their lips met. She didn’t understand it, didn’t even want to understand it as the sensation was just so overwhelming that she just wanted to ride this wave of ecstasy that he seemed to bring out of her.

His kiss wasn’t demanding, or rushed. It was slow and sensual and completely distracted her when he lifted her off from the counter and only noticed that their setting had changed when she was being laid down onto his bed once more. She could feel his member against her as she began to grind her soaking wet pussy against his boxer briefs and she heard that sexy little growl he made every so often when she would tease him in some way.

When their lips broke free from each other she was out of breath as she always seemed to be after one of his kisses and when she looked into his dreamy eyes she could swear she could see them switch, back and forth. One moment looking at her like she were the only woman in the world, to the next where he wanted nothing more than to ravage her body and claim her in some primal need. It made her pussy so wet to see it, but she didn’t need to be fucked, she needed to feel loved.

As if he could sense or read her mind, she could see his eyes shift once more, back to that of a lover and her arms reached out to him and pulled him closer so that she could feel him. Her body yearned to be touched, no, her body didn’t just want to be touched by just anyone. She yearned to be touched by him.

He set her body aflame with every touch he made and when she felt his lips kiss down her body, she arched her back to push herself to him, eager to have his lips anywhere, everywhere! But he took his time, he moved slowly and with purpose. A light caress here along her arm, a touch of her large breast and nipple which she relealized he at some point had opened his dress shirt up and exposed every one of her curves to him.

He didn’t shy away from her body, she could feel his need for her, not just her body, but on some sort of spiritual level they were connected and she felt that if there was ever a way to turn her body into a dripping wet mess of a puddle, it would be this man. Aiden Gardel who woud do it.

She knew that he was taking his time with her, but deep down she also knew that he was holding back as well. Knowing that she really should be halfway home by now, but neither of them wanted to think about that as they both seemed to crave one another.

Her fingers intertwined into his hair as he made his way even lower and the feel of his tongue swirling around her navel made her body tremble. She didn’t know how he could do it but she was already so close to cumming that she felt each one of his touches were simply to nudge her ever so slightly to the edge but then back away long enough to retain herself.

Finally, he was between her thighs and she heard him laugh when her legs had instinctively clamped down against his head. She felt the warmth of his breath tease her wetness and when he teased her by flicking just the tiniest bit of the tip of his tongue against her clit it had sent a jolt through her entire body and she bucked her hips at him.

“Please!” She whimpered out to him, her body was trembling as if she were freezing but in reality her entire body was on fire but she desperately needed his touch.

And when finally he stopped teasing her and gave her needy little pussy what it needed and she felt his tongue lap over her lips her back arched and her head was thrown back as she let out a loud moan. Aiden had to hold her down tightly as she writhed under him as he went to work.

She could feel his fingers teasing against her clit, pushing her hood back and rubbing over the sensitive nub. Alternating his ministration from rubbing over it to pinching it between his fingers, then rubbing it between his fingers, all while he lapped at her soaking wet pussy. He had only ever done this once to her but he surely had been paying attention as he only got better at giving her pleasure.

She felt two of his fingers penetrate her sopping wetness and his lips were brought up to suck against her clit and she once again arched her back and cried out in heavenly bliss as she felt waves of orgasms rushing through her. She was on such a roller coaster of pleasure that every time she even attempted to look down to this devious man who had somehow learned her body so well in just one night that she would be hit with another wave of intense pleasure so that her head would roll back again.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck! Yes!” She yelled out as she came hard onto him and yet he never stopped. Most of the lovers she had been with would usually always stop after she came, but Aiden seemed eager to drink her nectar as if he were a man dying of thirst and she was some bottomless well.

Her entire body was shaking now when he slowed his movements and she tugged at his hair to try and tear him away from between her thighs before he made her pass out from such an intense orgasm. She was reluctant, but also relieved when he took the hint and crawled on top of her. She was completely out of breath and when his handsome face came into view she could see how wet she had made him as her cum was covering his lower portion of his face. She licked her lips and she brought him down to lick at his chin and over his lips before kissing him and tasting herself on his tongue.

She never knew how erotic it could be to taste herself on someone before, but she could definitely get used to it if it were Aiden. She moaned into his kiss and she reached down to push his boxer briefs down to expose the biggest cock Dani had ever seen in person and began to stroke his shaft which brought his moan out to meet her own.

Her pussy felt sore after cumming so much but she so desperately needed him inside of her. She needed to feel that connection of closeness she shared with him and she tore her lips away from his long enough to whisper a single word.


He nodded his understanding and when he brought his tip to her entrance she actually bucked her hips away from due to how sensitive she felt. When Aiden caressed her cheek it seemed to relax her enough to allow him to try once more and she had to wonder how much self control Aiden must have as she never knew of a lover that would take such gentle care and time to ease inside of her. Normally her lovers would have just shoved inside of her without a care in the world, but not Aiden.

Gods, how can he be so irresistible? Where has this man been all my life?” Dani thought to herself as she tried to help ease Aiden inside of her.

He took such great care of her as he slowly slid inside of her, pausing here and there when her face would crinkle up and then caress her all over her body till she was ready for more. She had no idea how long it took but when every single inch of him was inside of her she let out a contented sigh at being so full, so stretched around this seemingly perfect man.

He was the perfect gentleman to her every need and she felt delighted. Her own hands were at his cheeks, caressing him as she just gazed into his eyes, getting lost in them and not even seeing a hint of that primal need of his. Only seeing this loving and caring side of him and she felt like she could stay like this all day long.

When she finally felt ready enough, she nodded her head to him and he slowly began to slide in and out of her. At first they were short strokes, and she knew he was gauging how much she could take. When she didn’t voice any objections the strokes of his long and thick shaft would last longer. He was just so big for her though as she hadn’t been with someone in such a long time, let alone with someone this big.

While he slowly sawed his cock in and out of her, their eyes never left each other. She felt as if he were truly making love to her and it brought tears to her once more and her hands stilled on his cheeks. Just as the first tear had left to roll down her cheek, he was there to kiss it away. Again and again he kissed each tear away and she couldn’t help but laugh and smile, all while tears rolled down her cheek.

“You make me feel so wanted, and desired. For things that I’ve longed for but have been denied. I don’t ever want this to end.” Her words were softly spoken while he kissed the last of her tears away and gave her a bright and shining smile.

“It doesn’t have to end.” He told her while never stopping his movements as he made love to her like no other ever had before.

They spent so long together, bringing each other closer to the edge and keeping one another there, not wanting it to end but it was driving Dani crazy and she needed her release and she was sure that Aiden was aching as well. He hid it well, but they gazed at each other for so long while they made love that she was beginning to see the ever so slightest signs that he needed his release.

She pulled him down for another kiss and before their lips met she whispered against them. “Cum in me. I need to feel you filling me, Aiden.”

While they kissed, she felt him increase his pace just enough so that the friction they both shared could bring them over that edge which they had been teetering on for so long. When she finally felt his cock pulse inside of her and felt him exploding inside of her, her back arched up and her orgasm followed along right behind him. She cried out to him and although it wasn’t that raw and intense sexual hunger orgasm, it was an orgasm of it’s own. Her limbs wrapped around him as she held him in place, not wanting him to leave her yet.

His body would tremble against hers and when he finished emptying his seed inside of her he was beginning to lose his strength. They both felt content. She did feel him begin to stir ever so slightly, feeling his muscles tighten and feeling his cock twitch and pulse inside of her which caused her to let out a soft moan. Something had changed in him, and then something else happened.

She suddenly heard him take a deep inhale which made His whole body shiver and felt His wet tongue lap at the deep bite mark that he had given her last night. Then, she heard that growl, the rumble within his throat and the words that seemed to make her body quake under it’s weight as she heard him say one single word into her ear that made her shiver from head to toe.

“Mine.” He growled out to her.

She couldn’t help but to moan from the word which bled into her response. “Mmm...Yessss.” And then she stroked her fingers at the back of His head and then suddenly she felt his muscles relax and he became limp on top of her.

She wanted to laugh though as there was one particular muscle however that seemed to not want to relax but she held her laughter in and simply continued to stroke her fingers through his hair.

Twenty minutes later and Aiden began to stir which made Dani moan out softly as the man was still hard and buried inside of her and when she felt Aiden restored she playfully slapped his back and laughed.

“You are just insatiable!”

He chuckled softly to himself and he leaned in to nip at the corner of her lips and very slowly began to pull out. He had to let out a laugh when she felt Dani react by instinctively tightening her legs around him as if not wanting him to leave, but she then quickly peeled her legs away from him. “I did try to warn you, if you recall.”

When he finally was free of her, he leaned back and lifted himself up, kneeling between her legs and he took that moment to drink in every ounce of her. She felt self conscientious about her body under his gaze and when she moved her hands to cover herself up as she felt the heat burning against her cheeks and her entire face, he had stopped her and guided her hands off to either side of her so that she lay splayed out before him.

It was so erotic to be on display in such a sexual way that she felt excitement run through her.

“Never cover up your body. You are beautiful and you should be proud of the way you look. I want you to be proud enough to show off your body to me.” Aiden said to her, his eyes roaming over her naked curves.

All she could do was nod and let him gaze upon her till he had his fill, and when he seemed satisfied he finally slipped off the bed and helped her up as well. She was a bit wobbly at first but he braced her against him and she couldn’t help but to sneak a peck to his chest. He was just too damned yummy after all!

“It’s so late, but do you think I could use your shower?” She asked as she looked up to him.

She was concerned for a moment when she saw his lips curl into a wicked smirk and then her eyes widened from his words.

“No. I want you to go home, with my scent all over you and the scent of sex and with my cum dripping out of you. Would you do that for me, my fiery little minx?” He asked while he reached out to caress her cheek.

She didn’t know what to say but she once again felt her entire face burning with heat at the thought of going home as she was. She surely must reek of sex.

Mind blowing amazing sex…” She thought to herself. But sex none the less! But...She had to admit the idea it did turn her on and all she could do was nod to him.

With that, they went in search of her clothes however he insisted on helping her slide her panties back up and the feeling of his hands on her body set her trembling once more. He had even dipped his index finger inside of her, collecting a mix of their cum. He had brought it up to her lips and without having to be told, she wrapped her lips around his digit and cleaned their cum from him and she let out a moan the moment she tasted their mixed cum. Her eyes lit up with desire once more and he had pulled his finger free from her only to give her plump rear a sharp smack.

“Soon, my fiery little minx. Soon. I promise.” He told her and then they finished gathering her things up.

She had to adjust her sweater and her hair to make sure that his bite mark wasn’t visible and she thought that he would just open his door and let her walk back to her car in some “walk of shame” fashion, but he didn’t. He didn’t seem to want to let her go, as much as she didn’t want to leave. They had walked hand in hand, smiling at each other, stopping to kiss here and there and when she was finally able to unlock the door of her car, he had opened the door for her and held her hand to help her in.

As she drove off, she couldn’t resist looking back in her rear view mirror and she was still surprised to see that he stood exactly where he had and was watching her drive off.

Gods, I can’t wait to see that man again…”


When Dani’s car was out of sight he finally let go of the breath he had been holding. It took all his strength to not stop her from leaving so they could stay together where he would shower her with never ending bliss. He felt his fist clench at the thought of someone mistreating her the way that her husband was. The damned idiot has no clue just what he has.

But then his fist unclenched as the beast within him gave him the mental picture of the mark he had left on her, and the sound of her words echoing in his mind as she agreed when he had claimed her. That thought did bring a smirk to his lips and with that he turned back and made his way back to his apartment.

Once back inside he went to the kitchen and picked up his phone and noticed he had a couple text messages. Curious, he unlocked his phone and what he first saw was Dani’s contact page open. She had apparently added a picture to her contact icon, and not just any picture. There she was, still dressed in his dress shirt with her left breast exposed and the most devious little smirk on her lips as she had taken a selfie.

He felt his cock begin to grow from it and he let out a curse as he so very much wanted to fuck that little minx again. But since he couldn’t, he opened his messages only to find that the sender, was himself?

“Curious…” He said to himself.

Opening the chat screen his jaw damn near hit the floor at his fiery little minx had taken many more selfies and all of various states of her being dressed or undressed. One of his shirt completely open, baring her body to the camera. Another with her legs spread wide and a close up of her pussy that he could clearly see that she was soaking wet when she took the picture. Another close up with two of her fingers pushed inside of herself. The next was of her licking those fingers and sucking on them as he could see her cheeks hollow out. She even provided him with a close up of just her impressive tits. The final one made him smile even more as it was one where she had turned around so that he was in the background as he made breakfast and the smile he saw pulling across those lips made him yearn to kiss those lips and have them all over his body.

He saved each picture onto his phone and then went back to his contact screen so he could shoot off a message to his fiery little minx which read:

“Gods those pictures are so fucking hot. I need you again. When can I get my hands on my fiery little kitten?”


Copyright © 2020 by BigDaddyVirr

All rights reserved and may not be copied or distributed without my sole permission.


Written by BigDaddyVirr
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