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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation of the second book about the life of NikaS, a Lush member. The story is true, but the names and some of the details have been fictionalized."

 Every once in a while, Fate deals you an ace instead of a deuce. I was fortunate to receive such a present – gift-wrapped – before Victor tasked me with gathering information on Aleksandr “Sandr” Smirnov, and luring him to a jurisdiction where we could detain him.

And it happened, as it so often seems to in my life, because of sex.


I’ve mentioned before that I kept up my relationship with Kristol, becoming one of her most valuable escorts under the working name of Sirena. Sirena was available only to the most exclusive, and highest-paying clients. As such, she tended to be involved in exotic – kinkier – play than most escorts.

That, of course, bothered me not at all. Having been trained in DeCoven’s Dungeon, I was well-versed in just about every kind of kink known in Europe. Snuff scenes, where one of the participants ends up dead, is one of the few places I draw the line for obvious reasons.

So, when Kristol contacted me, and said she had an important client – actually a couple – that she thought would be particularly suited to Sirena, I made sure I visited her offices promptly.

“They’re a Serbian couple,” she told me, sitting across from me at her desk, “Eva and Ratko Nikolić, and, like many established, married couples, they tend to repeat scenes involving similar kinks. They have two favorites, which they tend to keep coming back to. First, they want the escort to be a common whore whom they pick up in a public place, and use and abuse for their pleasure. In the second scene, they want the escort to be a Domina, using and abusing Ratko while Eva watches and participates.

“She’s a cold one, is Eva, with a taste for pain. She knows she is not allowed to leave scars or draw blood, but she enjoys hurting others, whether the escort or her husband. I’m told that she often approaches the edge of what is allowed, and a couple of times escorts have told me they were afraid she would run right over it – and them. But she controls herself – with difficulty – else I wouldn’t even suggest you take them on. Yet, you should stay alert and be careful with her. I think if she let herself go, she could be dangerous.”

Kristol named a price. It was high – even for Kristol. Even for Sirena. And it gave me pause for that reason. But I knew she wouldn’t have approached me unless she thought I could handle them.

I mused for a moment, then said, “Other than for the money, why do you keep supplying them? And what happened to the last escort that worked with them?”

Kristol sat back and sighed. “She was frightened by Eva on her last engagement, and said she won’t go back to them. But as to why – this couple is very much involved in the sex scene in Eastern Europe. Their endorsement carries a lot of weight, and can open a lot of doors for me – and for you.”

She looked at me directly, then, “Will you take them on? If you say no, I don’t know who else I can turn to, to be honest.”

I thought about it. I, of course, had all kinds of training most escorts don’t have – but if you’re trussed up like a goose, it won’t do you much good. Yet, I trusted Kristol and knew that her judgment could be counted on. Besides, her contacts had opened a lot of doors for me in the past. Perhaps this was a time for me to keep one open for her.

I nodded, “Da. I’ll take them on.” I grinned wickedly. “And Ratko won’t know what hurt him!”


Which is how I found myself almost re-enacting one of my nightmares. At the behest of the client couple, I was sitting alone in a shabby bar, wearing shabby clothes, and trying to look desperate and hungry.

They were late, of course, in an attempt to make the escort – me, in this case – nervous. But one thing I had learned, first with Mistress, then in DeCoven, then on the hunt for Mistress’ killers, and finally through the training for The Organization, was patience. But, of course, I acted nervous and antsy because I suspected they would be watching before they approached me.

When they finally walked in, they ignored me and sat at a banquette table on the other side of the bar, but one that had me in their sightlines. They ordered drinks, and ignored me at first, while I pretended to bite my fingernails – a habit Mistress had vigorously broken me of early in our relationship.

Finally, Eva stood up and sauntered over, radiating contempt as she stopped close to my chair, invading my space and forcing me to strain my neck to look up. “How much?” she asked – as I had been told she would.

I craned my neck up at her. My real price had already been settled and paid in advance, but this was part of the scene.

“Short time or long time?” I asked in a rush.

She snorted. “Let’s say – long time.”

I sat back, trying to look like I was faking calm in order to negotiate. “Just you, just him, or both of you?” I replied, nodding towards her husband.

She shook her head and turned as if to leave.

I grabbed her sleeve, “Okay, both of you.”

She half turned back, “How much?” she repeated impatiently.

I licked my lips, “Um… €250?” I ended the sentence by letting my voice squeak upwards.

She snorted, and removed my hand from her sleeve, turning to leave again.

“€175,” I said, too loudly.

She turned back and looked down her nose at me, letting her eyes travel up and down my shabby clothes and not-quite-clean face. “Hunh. €75 is what you’re worth. But I’ll tell you what. If we’re happy with your… performance, I’ll add another €50. Take it or leave it.”

I licked my lips again, hesitating, “Okay, but the €75 in advance – the other €50 when we’re done.”

She stared at me, her lips curled in a sneer. “Yes – but only if you deserve it.” She reached into her purse, pulled out some bills, and tossed them on the table in front of me. I scooped them up quickly, trying to count them while keeping my eyes on her, then stuffed them into the change purse around my neck.

“Come,” she commanded, then turned on her heel and walked back to the banquette. “We’re leaving,” she announced to her husband, “We have our plaything.”

Without looking to see if either of us followed, she turned and walked imperiously out of the bar, tossing a note toward the bartender. He snatched it up, looked at it, then ducked his head in thanks.

When her husband and I joined her on the sidewalk out front, she had her hand up, and a black limousine moved smoothly up and stopped in front of her, then the chauffeur jumped out, ran around, and opened the door for her, standing rigidly at attention.

His eyes followed me as I got into the back.

She was raising the barrier between the back and the driver when I got seated next to her. It was tinted, like the rest of the windows. I reached for the seatbelt, but she stopped me. “Strip.”

I gawked at her, then licked my lips again, but slowly pulled off my sad rags, putting them on the seat, including the change purse, which I tried to tuck underneath me. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and lifted to slip my skirt off, then slowly slid my cheap, cotton panties down, clasping my knees closed over my naked mound. I made a show of being embarrassed by my nakedness because I was sure that was what she wanted. When I had everything off, she slowly pushed my rags onto the floor, then wiped her hands as if getting rid of dirt. “Sit on your palms,” was all she said.

Acting reluctant, I slowly worked my palms under my ass, then looked back at her. She was looking into her purse and pulled out a thick, black collar with rings on four sides. Leaning forward, she quickly fastened the collar tightly around my neck, then locked it in place with a small lock. Next, she withdrew a black wristband with a clasp on one side. Pulling my near hand up from under me, she fastened the wristband tightly to my left wrist, then clipped it to the left side of my collar.

She tossed another band to her husband, who had said nothing so far, and had, in fact, hardly been noticeable. Now I looked at him. He grinned with yellow-stained teeth, then pulled my other hand up, fastened it into the wristband, then snapped it to the collar. Both hands were now completely immobilized, and I was sitting, naked and helpless, between them.

He reached over me, grabbed the seatbelt, and drew it across my lap, clicking it shut.

She rapped on the glass, and the limo immediately pulled smoothly away.

“To gag, or not to gag. What do you think, Ratko?” she asked.

“Oh yes. At least until we get her home. Let’s not attract too much attention in public. Once we’re there, though – well, the screams will be very…amusing.”

I turned and opened my eyes wide at him as if I was scared, then opened my mouth to say something – 

And felt her shove a ball gag into it.  Quickly, she pushed my head forward, slipped the ends around my head, avoiding my hands with practiced ease, and fastened it behind my head.

I squeaked as if shocked and surprised, which caused her to smile.

Next, they each put one hand on the knee closest to them, and pulled my legs apart, my feet straddling the transmission hump on the floor. I feigned reluctance but didn’t fight.

“Now then – it’s time for you to start earning your money,” and she leaned forward, put her mouth to my nipple – and bit it. Hard. I arched my back as if in protest, but the seatbelt restrained me in place.

It made me wonder if she had any vampire blood…

She sat back up and smirked at me, then reached into her bag again and pulled out coated alligator clamps for my nipples and clit. She fastened one to my far nipple, then turned the screw to tighten it until I inhaled with pain, then did the same with the other nipple. She left the third clamp to dangle from a chain that connected all three through a metal loop.

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She nodded to her husband, who roughly shoved two fingers into my pussy. “She’s already wet, Eva! We’ve got ourselves a real slut.” He grinned at me and started finger-fucking my cunt, rubbing my G-spot at the same time.

I closed my eyes as if feeling overwhelmed, moaning, but really I wanted to listen to them without being distracted by their appearance. She had already started to breathe faster, and he was almost panting. Of course, I had lubricated my kitty and ass well before arriving at the bar, anticipating that my holes would all be used that night.

Even so, I found that I was starting to respond to their rough treatment.

Have I mentioned that I like sex? I do – and this wasn’t all that different from many of the things I’d experienced at DeCoven, both during my training, and when serving Mistress and her guests. I allowed my natural ruttiness to run free and felt my pearl start to throb.

Then my eyes sprang open when Eva applied the remaining clamp to my pearl – and turned the knob until I was truly squirming. It hurt!

Which, of course, was the point. I turned to face Eva and saw a malicious glint in her eyes, her mouth in a thin smile. She wanted me to be in pain, so I accentuated what I felt, and started squirming harder in the seat while Ratko continued his rough treatment of my pussy.

Ratko pulled his fingers out of my pussy, then slid his index finger further down between my bum cheeks until he found my asshole, then pushed his finger roughly into my ass and worked it in and out – then followed with another, and finally a third as he worked the opening wider.

Once he had all three up my ass, he pushed his thumb into my pussy again.

By now, drool was running down my chin and dripping onto my tits, and I was breathing hard, both through my nose and the hole in the ball gag.

Then Eva reached up and pinched my nose closed.

Now I could only breathe through the hole in the ball gag. It wasn’t enough, and shortly I started to get short of breath and should have started to panic, so started thrashing around in the seat.

They had me pinned quite effectively. They both had a hand and a leg over my two legs, my hands were secured to my collar, and I was strapped to the seat. And my nipples and clit were burning from the alligator clips.

Eva smiled into my eyes. It was not a nice smile.

Just as I started to see black and red circles in my eyes, she let go of my nose. I quickly inhaled as deeply as I could, and as quickly as I could.

I could see it was going to be a long night – and I was okay with that.

But they didn’t know that.

Once again, someone thought they had me when the reality was that I had them…


The night was, indeed, long and hard. I had both of them at once, penetrating me in all three holes at different times, hurting and pinching, and pulling, and twisting me, while I was always bound and helpless. Eva used paddles, whips, and dildos of various sizes – yet I always felt as if she were holding back, that she truly wanted to injure me – but didn’t. Quite.

Together they wanted to feel they controlled me – so I let them.

They wanted me to scream, so I screamed.

They wanted me to thrash around, helplessly, so I thrashed.

They wanted me to panic, so I panicked.

And when all three of us were finally fucked out and exhausted, they unbound me and we slept.

They put me between them in their California king-sized bed, with Eva stroking my body, and Ratko snoring noisily.

But the next morning was the turning point in the relationship.


I woke first, slipped out of the bed by sliding down to the foot, then off. I gingerly made my way to what must have been Eva’s bathroom and toilet, examined the bruises that were forming, washed up, then slipped back into bed, sliding under the covers. In the process, I woke Ratko. Eva was already awake and regarded me with predatory eyes.

“Ratko,” she said, looking at me rather than him, “Go powder your nose like a good little boy. I want to talk to our…friend.”

Ratko grunted, rolling out of bed and padding off to his bathroom, slamming the door.

She regarded me coldly. I looked back at her – then smiled. “Did you have fun last night?” I asked coolly.

Her eyes widened, then, after a moment when it was as if she was trying to make up her mind how to respond, she burst out laughing. Patting my thigh through the blanket and sheets, she said, “Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. And you? Did you enjoy yourself?”

I shrugged, a small smile on my lips. “I’ve had better. And worse. Kristol told me you wanted the best. I’m the best.”

Once again, it was as if she was making up her mind, then burst out laughing again. “Oh my! Aren’t you the saucy one!” She turned to me, a smile still on her face, but her eyes calculating. “And what makes you so sure you’re the best?”

“Training and more training – and of a kind you can only imagine. Plus lots of experience.”

She drew back from me to look at me more intently. Finally, she said, “You’re too young, too pretty to have had lots of experience.”

The smile left my face as I said, “How would you know where I’ve been or what I’ve done? I know that Kristol told you I was the best because she told me so. I charge the highest because I am the best. Kristol wouldn’t abuse her clients by offering anything less.”

Eva slowly sat up. “Really.” She pursed her mouth. “Prove it.”

I let a smile grow on my face, then slid under the covers, and proceeded to bring her to the edge, not once, but several times, each time easing off just before she could crest and cum.

Finally, she gave up and said, “Enough – make me cum. Now!”

I looked up at her from under the covers, and smiled. “First tell me I’m the best you’ve ever had.”

She glared at me, not wanting to admit it, then, when I licked the inside of her thigh, she laughed and said, “All right! You are the best! Now – do me!”

So I did, giving her an amazing ride that lasted for many, many minutes, until she gasped, “Enough, enough! I give up! Please stop!”

I stopped, then moved up to cuddle on her shoulder, wiping my face with my arm and hands. She lay panting, like a fish out of water, then turned to me, and nodded. “You win. You are the best I’ve ever had. How did you get to be so good so young?”

“That, Madam Eva, will remain my secret. I’ve led an … interesting … life.”

We chatted on for a while, just small talk, until she couldn’t resist. “And are you this good playing a Domina? I like to watch Ratko being abused as well as abusing pretty little girls like you.”

I looked up into her eyes and smiled again. “I already told you. Sirena is the best.”

She regarded me for a while, then leaned in and rubbed her nose against mine. “I can’t wait to watch you with Ratko. Tonight?”

I thought for a moment, then shook my head. “No, I need a couple of days to rest up and recover from what you both did to me last night. Besides, I have other things and other clients to tend to. I’ll get back to you.”

Eva smiled back at me. “I’ll talk to Kristol. Price isn’t an issue for me. And I’m very impatient.”


That was the start. I came back three nights later, dressed as Sirena, the Domina, mask and all – after I had, indeed, recovered somewhat. I made Ratko jump through hoops that even Eva had never imagined, leaving him wrung out, panting, and begging for mercy – which Eva very much appreciated as she could rarely bring him that low.

I made him kiss both of our feet and beg more loudly, then told him to go sleep, naked and marked, in the vacant guest room down the hall. Then I turned to Eva, started shedding my Domina gear, and said, “And now, my dear Eva, I think it’s time for us to go to bed. Don’t you?”

Her smile, already big, broadened further, and she started stripping off her gear. “I can’t wait, my dear Sirena. I can’t wait…”


I had calculated that most people kowtowed to the icy, domineering Eva, and that if I stood up to her instead, showing her that it had all been part of my professional performance, she would respect that. It was a gamble. I could easily have offended her and made her mad instead. But learning to read a client had been an important part of my training, first with Mistress, and then in the Dungeon at DeCoven, so I bet big. And won.

As a result, Eva regarded me more as a friend, playmate, and an equal rather than the subservient whore I would have been otherwise. We even went out on shopping expeditions together, with Ratko happily picking up the tab, especially when we went shopping for sex toys.

But it was pure luck that Eva happened to be Russian, and maintained business ties through her family business. These appeared, on the surface, to be legitimate. Yet, as many successful Russian businesses did, hers had more than casual ties to the Russian criminal underworld.

I had no knowledge of her business connections at the time, and wouldn’t have cared if I had – until Victor sicced me on Sandr Smirnov.

So purely by coincidence, Eva turned out to be the motherlode for me. When I casually – and very deliberately – let slip one lunch that I was a partner in a financial operation that was expanding into Russia, she practically demanded to introduce me to her associates. By that time, I was a trusted playmate and friend, and it never crossed her mind that I could be anything else.

She opened doors for me that it would have taken me years to even find, let alone be accepted into. After all, Eva’s business counterparts saw me as a highly attractive sex partner, escort, and plaything, as well as a girl who was young and pretty. None of them even considered that I might be something more.

It made me smile. For once, Fate had dealt me an ace.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
Contributing Authors
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