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Author's Notes

"This is the continuing true story about Lush member NikaS, who is engaged in searching for her Mistress’ killers. Names and some locations have been changed and some actions have been slightly fictionalized. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The photo is Nika at that time."

I was riding Hans’ cock in cowgirl, smiling at him. Reaching up, I put my hands behind my head in a gesture of submission, but I wasn’t doing it for the reason Hans expected…


The hall door closed behind Hans’ friend, Victor Reinhard, who was now my controller, whatever that meant. This was not in the traditional way that a slave is controlled by her master or mistress. Instead, Victor was going to run me as his agent in the field. I had very mixed feelings about that, but dismissed them for the moment and turned towards Hans.

“How dare you betray me like that! I could easily have wound up in prison because of what you did – and still might! I trusted you, Hans, to meet with me, not to betray me!”

Hans held up his hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy. I did not betray you. First of all, you let me think you were dead for months, and that I was hunting for Miriam’s killer on my own. That was when I decided I would ask Victor for help. I’ve known him longer than I’ve known you, and he was in a position where he could help.

“At first, he was looking into it as a favor to me, but as he started to dig, he decided that the people behind her death might well be of interest to his, uh, group on their own. Once he made that decision, it was out of my hands as to whether he was involved or not. So, calm down, okay?”

I shook my head, “No! Okay, so you involved him to help you. Fine. But when I contacted you it was on the understanding that it was a secret between us. So when I turned up here and found this…stranger…I was more than pissed, I was fucking furious! Especially when you flattened me with that fucking secret word! Does he know how to disable me that way?”

Hans just shook his head. “No. And I’m not going to tell him. That was between you and Miriam. But look – I’ve already told you, there was no way I could not tell Victor about you after involving him. And you were all set to use your razor on him, weren’t you?”

It was time to start calming things down. “Well, yes, but…”

“I couldn’t allow that. And that was the only way I could be sure I could stop you in time. I had to use it, Nika. Surely you can see that!”

I looked at the floor, as if thinking, then dropped my hands to my sides. “I…I guess. It just…”

Looking up at him, “…it’s just not fair!” I almost stamped my foot but decided that would be overplaying it. “I’ve been so alone, and I needed someone I could trust and…I’m sorry.”

Hans smiled, walked over, and wrapped his arms around me. “I know. And you’ve done an astonishing job. I knew you were good – but you continue to amaze me.” He kissed me on the top of the head as I continued to look at my feet.

“Do you really think so?”

Hans’ smile broadened. “Absolutely. I told Victor that you were easy to underestimate. When I showed him photos of you – no don’t worry: clothed photos, not nude – he snorted and just said, ‘Her? Really?’ But you convinced him, like you convince everybody.”

I looked up into his eyes with my best little girl look, “Really?”

Hans just nodded.

I collapsed into his embrace, turning my head to one side, “Oh, I’ve missed you so! I’ve been so lonely, Hans. It’s been so hard – so hard being on my own. Thank you, Hans. Thank you!”

He continued to smile smugly down at me, then started stroking my hair.

He may not have realized the message he was sending, but I certainly did.

I paused, smiling up at him, then knelt down, mouth inches away from his zipper.

“This one would like to worship your cock, Master,” he heard me say as I bowed my head.

I heard a deep exhale, then a chuckle. He placed his hand on my head, and said, “That would be…nice. Proceed.”

Slowly reaching up, I pulled his zipper down, fished out his cock from his boxers, and licked the pre-cum off the tip. Even with his uncertainty, he was still turned on by my presence. Smiling to myself, I slowly inhaled his cock, working it back and forth into my mouth, then to the back of my throat, then deep-throating him until my nose came to rest against his torso with his balls against my chin.

Resting there, I waited until I felt it throb, which meant that I was getting to him. I worked up and down his length, always taking him deep, then waiting until I felt another throb before moving out again.

When I felt his balls start to stir, I knew he was getting close, so it was time to change tactics.

I let his cock slip from my mouth, nuzzling it as it left, then kissing it reverently. Reaching up, I unfastened his belt, undid his trousers, and undid the clasp. Slowly lowering them to the floor, I let them pool on the ground, then knelt forward and untied his oxfords, slipping them off his feet, one by one, followed by his socks. I kissed each foot as it came free of clothing.

He stepped out of his trousers, and I slowly slid his boxers down so he could step out of them.

I stood, then gently undid his tie, tossing it on the end of the bed, then undid the buttons on his shirt, slowly, lovingly, kissing his chest each time more of it was revealed. I smoothed his jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, to be followed by his shirt, leaving him nude, his cock completely erect, dressing slightly to his left, and bobbing with his heartbeat.

I quickly shucked out of my clothes while noting that the barber’s straight razor I had strapped inside my thigh was gone. Then, taking his hand, I guided him to the bedroom, flicked back the covers, and pushed him down, crawling up after him, smiling and looking hungry.

Hovering over his cock, I paused, then looked up. He gave me an imperious smile, then placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed down. Clasping my lips around his cock, I slid it down my throat, paused, then went up and down twice more before, once again, letting it slip from my lips.

I straddled his waist, positioned my pussy over his cock, then guided it into me, and lowered myself on his length, letting my head drop back as I felt its length slide deep inside me. It did feel good, I’ll give him that.

Facing him with a smile, I started to rise and fall, working him in and out and flexing my Kegel muscles to massage his manhood as I moved.

After a few moments, when he closed his eyes, a big smile on his face, I reached up and placed my hands behind my head. That is one of the classic positions of subservience for a submissive or slave, but I had other things on my mind.

Carefully locating the safety razor blade under my hair, stuck to my neck with a drop of superglue, I – painfully! – worked it free, losing some skin along the way. Then I clasped it firmly between thumb and forefinger.

Leaning forward, I put one hand on the bed next to his head as if entranced by fucking him, then positioned the other so that the razor was near his jugular.

I pinked his skin slightly with one tip of the razor, then frowned at him as his eyes opened and hissed, “Don’t move, Hans. I’m holding a razor to your neck and if you even twitch the wrong way, I will end you!”

To his credit, he didn’t thrash or try to move away. Instead, he paid me the high compliment of believing me immediately and kept completely still.

“What are you doing, Nika?”

My smile broadened. “I’m hunting for Miriam’s killers, and I won’t let anything – or anyone – stop me. Understand?”

He nodded with the smallest possible motion. “And I’m helping you.”

I slowly shook my head. “Maybe so. But you’ve also betrayed me to the authorities, and complicated any moves I might choose to make. Now I need to know if I can trust you not to interfere any further with my hunt.”

He exhaled noisily through his nose, then said, “This is not the way a proper slave behaves, Nika.”

I nodded, “No, it’s not. But then, I swore to be Miriam’s slave ’til death do us part. Death has parted us, Hans, which means I have fulfilled my promise to my Mistress. That means, my dear former brother-in-law, that I am no longer anybody’s slave. Get it?”

I poked his neck with my pinky nail, letting him think that it was the razor.

He exhaled again, then nodded.

Leaning forward until our noses were inches away. “So, here’s how it’s going to be. Either you give me your word, right now, that you will not interfere with my hunt in any way from now on, or I will have to take what actions I deem necessary to make sure you can’t. Understand?”

He stared at me for what seemed like ages. It was clear he was thinking about what I had said and its implications, then finally nodded again.

“Swear it, Hans. A nod isn’t good enough.”

“I swear I will not interfere with your hunt in any way from now on.”

“And that includes somehow getting Victor to do your dirty work for you, doesn’t it?”

He nodded.

I shook my head. “No, you have to swear it, Hans. I know you.”

He took a deep breath, then said, “I swear I won’t get Victor to interfere with your hunt, either.”

I smiled and sat up, pushing my pussy down on his cock. “Good. Then we can get on with fucking.”

Laying the razor aside on the bedside table, I started to ride Hans again, leaning forward, and playing with my tits.

Hans shook his head. “You know, Nika, grandfather Eric warned me about you.”

I opened my eyes, and took my hands off of my tits, then leaned forward. “Oh?”

“He said that anyone who underestimated you was a fool, and did so at their own risk. That you showed people what you wanted them to see, but that you always thought ahead.” He shook his head. “I guess that makes me a fool. I didn’t see this coming.

“We found the second razor taped to your thigh – or rather, Victor did. And he found the wood-handled corkscrew in your purse. But I never imagined you had another weapon hidden somewhere else.”

Staring down at him. “And?”

He shifted slightly, moving his hips, then shrugged. “And I’m with you. I want to find Miriam’s killers – and you impressed the hell out of me when you told Victor what you have done, and how. You truly have a killer instinct.”

He looked off to the side briefly, then up into my eyes. “I’m sorry, girl. I…I should not have brought Victor into this without discussing it with you. But I thought you were dead and believed he could help me search.”

He paused, then, “Will you forgive me?”

I was silent for a long while, then said, “I’ll consider it. But not yet.” Then I went back to riding his cock.

Hans just stared at me, then chuckled. “You really are one-of-a-kind, Nika.” He reached up, put his hands around my waist, and started pushing back, accentuating my motion and pushing deeper inside of me.

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It didn’t take long before I started to crest. “I’m cumming!” not caring whether he gave me permission or not.

Hans smiled, “Cum ahead, girl – I’m right behind you. Or in front of you, in this case!”

Hans always was a fun fuck, and sexy as hell. And when I left, we were friendly – well, more than friendly. We are family, and, what’s more, united in wanting to make sure baby Eric has a good life, so I made sure we left on good terms.

Too bad I couldn’t trust him.


We had fun that afternoon, but when we were finished fucking, I didn’t want to hang around and chat. My emotions were more roiled than I let on about Hans siccing Victor on me. On the one hand, there was relief as it meant I was no longer hunting alone and probably would have more resources available to me. On the other, as Victor said, I was now on a leash and my moves would be watched. Plus it hurt, badly, that Hans had revealed my existence to a government agent without my consent.

Well, I would let them think they could keep me under control. I could always vanish again if I didn’t think Victor was being sincere or helpful in hunting down Mistress’ killers, although it would be more difficult now. Meanwhile, I was willing to see how it played out.

But that didn’t mean that I forgave Hans for turning me in. I didn’t. He is my brother-in-law, the father of my child, and a gorgeous hunk of masculine flesh. I’ll give him that. But I did not trust him the way I had trusted his sister. And that brought home to me all the more just how much I missed Miriam.

So, I left and went home – or rather, took the train back to Frankfurt.

I was pleased and gratified that Ingrid met me at the train station when she knew perfectly well that I could make my way home. Or rather to her place.

When she met me outside the train platform, my Spidey-senses were tingling, but in a good way. And that wasn’t all that was tingling for either one of us. She hugged me hard, then nipped my ear. “I’ve missed you!” she whispered.

“Me? Or my kitty?” I whispered back.


We walked to her car, arm in arm, while she carried my suitcase. She asked how my trip was, and I said it was fine, and I thought that was that.

But once we were in the car, and she was driving back to her place, she glanced at me, and said, “So, what really happened? Shatzie, it’s clear to me that someone hurt you. Tell me.”

I tried to put a brave face on it, but Ingrid knew that something was wrong. I turned my face towards the window, away from her, and started crying.

It had been a painful, lonesome battle to get this far, and it had clearly taken more of a toll on me than I had realized. Then to be betrayed by someone I was sure would be loyal…well, it was crushing.

When we got back to her place, Ingrid pulled me into the living room, pushed me down on the chesterfield, then sat next to me, continuing to cuddle me until I stopped weeping.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” she asked.

At first, I shook my head, then realized I would have to tell her at least part of it. I found myself blurting out my story – or at least a version of it. I didn’t want to get her involved or put her at risk, so I spliced some fabrication onto the real story.

I told her that after my Mistress had been killed, I had an affair with a married man called Dieter, and gotten pregnant. He was delighted as he wanted a child, preferably a son, as he and his wife couldn’t have children. He convinced me he would leave his wife, and that we could get married, but somehow the time was never right.

Then, when our son was born, he said he couldn’t leave her, and eventually persuaded me to give the baby up to him and his wife.

I finally did because I thought it would be best for the baby.

And now, Dieter would only let me see my baby if I paid child support!

This story wasn’t true, but it was plausible and had nuggets of truth in it. It also supplied a reason why I was so upset without telling Ingrid the real story. And it put her squarely on my side. She was steaming when I finished and demanding to know where she could find this Dieter so she could confront him.

I finally persuaded her that it would do more harm than good and that I would find a way to see my son, eventually, that I never gave up.

Then I asked if she was going to fire me.

She practically shoved me away from her, at arms-length. “Fire you? Why on Earth would I fire you?” Now she was mad at me – which was what I was maneuvering for.

I looked away, “For lying about my background. For having an affair with a married man. For liking…men…sometimes?” I looked up appealingly at her.

I could see the emotions chasing each other across her face as thoughts flitted through her mind. Finally, she relaxed, and I knew I was good.

A smile played at the edges of her mouth. “I’ve been known to let the odd man get my motor running,” she said, “so how could I get upset with you for that? Besides, you’re damn good at your job, and I don’t know how I would replace you.

“No, Anke, I won’t fire you. But…I am going to make you make it up to me!”

The smirk on her face told me all I needed to know. I looked at her with my best, little-girl-lost look, then nodded and slid down to my knees.

At this stage in our relationship, I had been training her, although she didn’t know it. I had casually mentioned, for instance, that I had heard that an egg vibrator was supposed to be really sexy, so she bought one, and now used it on me when we were out clubbing.

I had also given her a present: a crop, saying that it had been a favorite of my former Mistress. She had been delighted, but I had to – gently – teach her how to put it to good use by making the right sounds when she was using it properly, and making little or no sound when she wasn’t.

She learned quickly. And now, I put her training to good use.

Opening her toweling robe, I slowly kissed my way up her legs, starting with her feet, which I knew were sensitive and that she liked, then stopping just before I reached her kitty.

I knew it was having the effect I wanted when she stirred and tried to guide me closer. Instead, I pulled back, then got up and quickly retrieved the crop. Kneeling, head bowed, I presented it to her, holding it across my two open palms in token of submission.

She hesitated, then picked it up. “Over my knees,” she commanded.

I scrambled up, stripped off quickly, and lay over her knees, spreading my legs as wide as I could without falling off.

She waited, letting the suspense build, then brought the flap sharply on my left cheek with a loud SMACK. I jerked – more than necessary, even though it did smart a little.

She raised it again quickly, then brought it done more lightly on my exposed pussy lips, smack. This time I quivered – she had reached me, and I was truly starting to feel the wetness gathering between my pussy lips, and the tingling inside my tummy.

She continued to rain slaps on my ass and pussy, until I started to writhe with pleasure. The crop has always been one of my favorite toys, which she had learned.

She pushed me slowly off her knees, guiding me onto mine. “Now – show your appreciation,” and she spread her legs wide, an arrogant look on her face – counterbalanced with a smile.

Bowing my head, and worked my way forward on my knees. She allowed me to push her legs apart with my head, and I could smell her arousal. Leaning forward, I ran my tongue along the ridge of her pussy lips, causing her to quiver.

Placing her hand on my head, she instructed, “Play with yourself while you pleasure me, but do not cum without my permission, ja?”

I nodded, while continuing to lick up and down her pussy lips, spreading them slightly more each time and gathering her nectar at the same time, using it to further lubricate the outside of her labia. Reaching my hands down, I spread my own lips, inserted two fingers into my wetness, and began to finger-fuck myself while holding my lips wide apart to give better access, and whisking my pearl in time with my inward-thrusting fingers.

I started breathing heavily, paused my eating, backed off slightly, and said, “Vader, I’m going to cum…”

She chuckled, “No, you’re not. Hands behind your back, please.”

Reluctantly, I obeyed. She raised her legs and rested the back of her thighs on my shoulders, then crossed her knees and lower legs behind my head and back, trapping my head between her thighs. She pulled me closer with her legs, wedging me up against her pussy. “Proceed,” she commanded.

There was less freedom of movement, it was harder to breathe, and her fragrance – slightly spicy and rich – invaded my nose. I began to lick, nodding my head to reach all of her pussy and clit now that I was forced in so close. I started using my nose to massage her clit while pushing my tongue as far as I could in and out of her tunnel.

It was clearly working, for after a few minutes, she started to both moan and squirm, arching her back, and pushing herself even further forward, mashing my face against her. Finally, she cried out, and I felt and tasted a gush as she came over my face.

She clamped me hard against her, holding me still while she trembled in her orgasm…then finally relaxed so I could breathe again.

When her breathing slowed, she said, “Now, Schatzi, you may cum.”

I did, and enjoyed it.

We kept our distance in the office, dressed conventionally, and acted correctly. If anyone suspected, they either didn’t say anything or were firmly snubbed. There were no problems as we were both top-notch performers, which was all the company officially cared about.

Outside of work, when we went clubbing together, Ingrid dressed butch and I dressed femme. Over time, we started dressing more in leather and showing our different roles more clearly – her as Vader or father, and me as her Schatzi, her little treasure.

All told, Ingrid was training up nicely…


It wasn’t long after that that I got word from Victor that he wanted to meet for lunch, without Hans.

When Hans…um, introduced us, I had given Victor the names I had gotten in Brussels for the individuals I called Mr. Action and Mr. Money. Consequently, I wasn’t surprised when he slid a packet over to me which contained a photo, profile, and background information on Mr. Money. I studied and memorized it, then, at Victor’s request, gave it back to him. He handed me an encrypted burner phone – untraceable – and said I was to use it only to call him in order to protect its secrecy.

He also said that my code name was now officially “The Knife,” which made me smile.

But even though Victor’s organization had located Mr. Money, he was at a destination where he was hard to reach. They were trying to come up with a way of getting to him.

Meanwhile, I was able to locate Mr. Action before Victor did, and stalked him until I was able to see him face-to-face.

Unfortunately, it turned out that we had met before…

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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