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Author's Notes

"This is a slightly fictionalized account of the experiences of Lush member Nika S. Names have been changed, and some of the events simplified for descriptive purposes, but the events are true. This is the nineteenth chapter of Nika's development as a slut and sex slave. The photo is of Nika."

Before we got home from our vacation, something happened that made us laugh.

Mistress and I were lying in bed in Paris during the return visit on our way home. We were both glowing, sated, and feeling good about life and each other after particularly satisfying sex, and I was lying with my head on her shoulder.

Suddenly, something occurred to me, and I started giggling. Mistress wanted to know what I was laughing about. I tried to tell her it was nothing, but she kept after me, finally ordering me to tell her.

“You’d better be careful!” I giggled, “or you’ll get me pregnant!”

Then she started giggling too, and we kept each other going until we were rolling around helplessly laughing.

We had fun together, always.


When Ivan and I woke up in bed, that first morning at the Hilton Den Hague, we chatted. I was playing my role as the not-quite-innocent intern, Katja, whom Ivan was fucking as he thought he was blackmailing me into spying on Hans. In actual fact, of course, I was closer to being a whore and Hans’ spy on Ivan – but he didn’t know that.

After we’d been chatting for a bit, Ivan looked at me, hungrily. I knew that look, so when he pushed my head from his shoulder, and towards his crotch, I knew exactly what he wanted.

But playing Katja the Innocent, when I got to his crotch, I just looked up at him. He smirked at me, and lifted his stiff cock with one hand, and pushed my head towards it with the other.

At first, I turned my head away and kept my mouth closed. He grabbed my neck and forced my head back towards his cock, then mashed it against my closed lips. “Suck it, cunt. Suck my dick with your hot, wet mouth, or Hans is going to get a real eyeful of what you’re really like!”

I looked at him, pretending to be fearful, then slowly opened my mouth. He shoved his cock past my lips, and proceeded, with very little finesse, to fuck my face until, grunting, he started to cum in my mouth, then pulled out and plastered my face with it.

I acted shocked, and he laughed, then used the tip to smear it around.

Then he fell back, panting, his cock held loosely in his hand. I reached up and wiped the cum from my face, looked at it, then looked at him – and started licking it off my hand.

His face broke into a big grin. “You see? A real man knows how to bring out the whore in a woman. You’re more of a fucktoy than you realize, Katja. I told Kristol!”

He pulled me up to him, and hugged me. “I know this may not make much sense to you, but there’s a whore inside you, just waiting to get out. And I’m just the man to set her free!”

He kissed me on the forehead, then pushed me away, and rolled off the bed and onto his feet, his softening dick flopping around in front of him. “I need to get showered and dressed. Call down to room service, and order us some breakfast. I want a full English breakfast, none of that Continental crap, okay?” And he strode off, looking smug.

I smiled at his back, rolled over, and picked up the phone.


We were finishing breakfast together, me in a robe, and he in a shirt, suit pants, and tie, with his suit jacket over the back of his chair. He smelled of cologne, vaguely musky and masculine.

We chatted about the day’s plans. He told me he was in town for business, and would be in meetings all day. He wanted me to join him for lunch and supper, as he would be entertaining important guests, including some of his backers. Although he didn’t say so, it was clear to me that I was to be there as eye-candy.

That was fine with me. I might be able to learn something of value to Hans.

He pulled out his wallet, and gave me €600. “Go buy something slinky and suitable for a high-level business dinner, and wear it for supper tonight, hein?” he said in German. I looked at the money as if impressed, then nodded.

“My guests don’t speak much English or German, mostly Russian, really, so I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to keep you in the conversation much. Are you okay with that?”

I laughed. “Will I miss being part of a boring conversation about business? No, not a lot. I’ll find …something… interesting to think about.” And I licked my lips.

He had finished his breakfast, and stood up, grabbing his coat and settling it around his shoulders. He smiled at me. “Stand up.”

I stood. He walked around the table, pulled the belt loose from my robe, and split the robe open, revealing my naked body. He reached up and gently kneaded my right tit, then ran his hand down between my legs, and rubbed my pussy with the edge of his hand. “I’ll make it up to you tonight. You’ll enjoy it.”

I nestled in closer. “That’s what I meant when I said I’d be thinking about something…interesting.” And I pushed my pussy harder into his hand, then kissed him, opening my mouth.

He started to kiss me back, then broke. I noticed the bump in his pants. “I have to go. But I was right about you. I must tell Kristol I was right!”

He looked smug again, then turned and walked out of the hotel room, slamming the door behind him.

I pulled my robe back together, sat down, and poured myself another cup of coffee.


For lunch, I wore my intern’s uniform: white blouse, black pencil skirt, pearl choker, gold stud earrings with the other ear piercings to match, and not too much make-up. But I didn’t quite wear the uniform like an intern should. I had one too many buttons undone, revealing a bit of red lacy bra, and my skirt was about two inches too short – by design.

Ivan’s lunch companions were surprised to see a young woman join them for lunch, but when Ivan introduced me, in Russian, as his niece, they smiled, and made pleasant nice-to-meet-you remarks in school-boy German. I flirted with them, batting my eyes, and pretending to blush at the attention, while trying to remember their names.

When we were all seated, Ivan repeated his apology to me about speaking in Russian, and then plunged ahead.

I did everything I could to show non-comprehension: studying the menu, looking out of the window, toying with my food when it came, and generally looking like I was trying not to be bored.

But inside, I was listening hard, and trying to remember as much as I could. One of the things I had been schooled in, at the DeCoven Dungeon, was memory tricks – how to remember things – because Mistress believed it could be useful. And now it was.

Using a series of mnemonics and other memory techniques, I tried to remember as many of the names of people and companies as I could, and to summarize the substance of their conversation in my mind.  

By the time a long lunch was done, my head was spinning, and I was eager to get back to my room and transcribe as much of this as I could.

When the meeting finally broke up. Ivan’s three guests stood up, made polite noises to me, gave knowing looks at Ivan, then departed. We two sat back down.

“I’m sorry, my dear, that took longer than I thought it would. Those were representatives of some of my backers, and they wanted assurances that the talks were progressing satisfactorily. I had to give them details to keep them happy.

“Now, do you know where to go shopping for your clothes in Den Hague? I asked the concierge to prepare a list of fine women’s clothing stores for you, so be sure to stop by on your way back to the suite, hein?

“I have to go off to my next meeting. I’ll be back around 17:00, and maybe we can sneak in a little…fun…before we have to go out to dinner, okay?” And he pinched my tit, then laughed when I squeaked.

“Have fun shopping. And remember: slinky and suitable. Ask the shop ladies. They’ll know what you mean.”

And he was off.

I walked back to the hotel, collecting the list, and a knowing smile, from the concierge.

Once I was back in the room, I got comfortable, then decided I would call Ilsa, Hans’ executive assistant, with my information while it was fresh in my mind.

She immediately understood the importance, put me on hold, and got both Hans, and a secretary on the line to transcribe our conversation.

I spoke for almost twenty-five minutes with minimal interruptions, then Hans started asking questions. Most of them I couldn’t answer, but I did the best I could.

When he finally ran down, there was silence on the line, then he asked me, “And what’s your assessment Nika? What do you think of Ivan’s business partners?”

Perhaps I should have been surprised that he, the CEO of an important German industrial multinational, would ask me for my opinion as I was far below him in business and social rank. But he knew me and knew what I was capable of. He had told Mistress, shortly after we’d met, that he had badly underestimated me, and would never do so again. I was gratified.

“Aside from everything I’ve already told you,” I said, “I think there are two main conclusions. First, Ivan and his backers really want this deal, but are quibbling over what they’re willing to pay. Ivan wants to pay more, but they’re reluctant to do so. They want the technology this deal will bring them, and your connections, but they are also typically Russian: cheap, and want to bargain you down to nothing.

“But second, I think they are probably clean. I can’t be certain I understood everything they said, but I got no hint of mafia or Kremlin money in anything they said. In fact, I think these are business people who are trying to move money out of Russia, away from the Kremlin’s control or influence.

“I can’t be sure of that, but that’s the way it seems to me.”

The silence on the line stretched for a while, then Hans exhaled, and said, “I think you’re right. That accords with other information I’ve been able to dig up. And the names you’ve given me will help us dig deeper. Good work, Nika – I mean ‘Katja’!” And he laughed.

Then his tone changed. “Are you okay with this, Nika? He isn’t doing anything…disgusting… is he?”

I was touched, but wasn’t going to show it. “Nope,” I said. “He hasn’t done anything that you didn’t do.” I knew I was being bratty, and heard him inhale sharply. “But you do it much better,” I added with a smile in my voice.

There was a pause, then he laughed. “You little bitch! Okay, keep up the good work. I’ll let Miriam know you’re okay. She’d kill me if anything happened to you. I don’t know what you’ve done to her, but I’ve never seen her like this before, so take care…for my sake!” And he hung up.


After I had finished with Hans and Ilsa, I went out shopping for the “slinky but suitable” dress to wear that evening with Ivan. I browsed the first two stores the concierge had recommended and didn’t see anything I liked, but the third store had a number of nice things. Since I was going to keep this dress, I wanted it not just to please Ivan, but also me – and Mistress.

I finally found a black dress that was bias-cut from my knee to my shoe-tops, but with a slit that ran all the way from the hem on the opposite side up to my waist. If I moved just right, it would give a quick glimpse of my panties, and since they were red and lacy, they would show quite clearly.

The dress shimmered with sequins, and looked quite glamourous. After I got some nude stockings with garters to go with, I still had about €100 left. So, I went to a sex shop to buy Ivan a toy.

Next, I went to the hair salon in the hotel, had my hair done, and put up, with a pearl pin to hold it so. Then I went up to the suite, and took a shower, being careful of my hair, and applied careful, slightly-too-heavy make-up.

I knew Ivan wanted to play bedroom games when he got home that afternoon, but I wanted to edge him without having to say “no” outright. I figured if I was all dolled up and ready, he would have to back off. I felt sure he would “make it up” to me later, but I’d deal with that then.

My strategic objective was the keep him panting for more, and this was part of that strategem.

I was dressed and ready by 17:00, and when I heard the door, I struck a pose, standing in the doorway to the bedroom, one hand held up high on the door frame, the other hand on my hip in an exaggerated glamour pose I might have seen in a fashion magazine. I gave Ivan a sultry look as he walked into the suite.

I knew I had succeeded when he saw me and stopped dead. “Well, fuck…me! You look amazing, Katja! Those clothing store ladies certainly did you justice!”

He dropped his briefcase, stripped off his jacket, loosened his tie, and hurried over to grab me around the waist. I put my arms around his neck and very carefully leaned forward and gave him a token peck. He started to muscle up, but I pushed him off and said, “Please, Ivan. I don’t want to muss my hair!”

He reluctantly backed off, looking like a disappointed kid…then smiled, and pushed down on my shoulders. I reluctantly sank to my knees, unzipped his fly, and proceeded to blow him.


Later, when we were all ready to go out the door, I put my hand on his shoulder, and whispered, “I got you a toy to play with,” and handed him a small plastic tab.

He looked at it. “What’s this?”

I leaned back and smiled coquettishly at him. “It’s the remote control to the vibrator egg I have in my cunt. You can control…me… all through supper. And, maybe afterwards, you can fuck me up the ass.” I smiled up at him. “If you want to, that is…”

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He gave me a big smile, patted my ass, and said, “Well, if you insist…”

He seemed…distracted…through most of supper, and I had fun riding the egg. He was also a little less guarded in his conversation than perhaps he should have been.



This set the pattern for my stay in Den Hague, as well as for my later stays with Ivan. Meetings, usually in Russian, when I was there as eye-candy, while Ivan gave me money for shopping, or tourism, or museums for other times – which I used to great advantage so that Ivan never got any change. Then reports to Hans, and, in off-hours, sex with Ivan.

Ivan was actually a pretty good lover, when he wasn’t trying to prove how masculine he was. I would usually have to put up with him shoving his cock down my throat, or up my ass, or into my kitty while he tied my hands with one of his silk ties, or spanked me, or some such, but after an initial spurt of macho man, he would calm down and could be quite civilized in his love-making.

But while he was a talented amateur, I’m a trained professional, and I managed to keep edging him, always leaving him wanting more, even though we always fucked like dogs when we were alone after his meetings. And because he had stamina, I was able to keep him seeking after the next fuck, or the next orgasm, of the next feel, like a donkey chasing after a carrot held out in front of him on a string.

He also had a bit of an exhibitionist streak, which I enjoyed – although I tried to look uncomfortable, in keeping with the persona I was trying to inhabit.

One night, when we were in a nightclub, he insisted I give him a hand job under the table, using a napkin to catch the cum. After he recovered from that, he dragged me to the men’s toilet, pushed me into a stall, jammed the door closed, then turned me away from him, pushed me up against the far wall, lifted my skirt, and fucked me hard from behind. And he loved having me blow him in a limo, even if we were going to important business meetings!

Despite all this, I actually became kind of fond of him. Aside from his macho power trips, he could be rather charming. And Kristol was right. He was quite generous when he got what he wanted.

At the end of that first weekend I spent alone with him, he gave me an envelope as he put me in a cab to the train station, then kissed me, and told me how much he had enjoyed himself, and how much he looked forward to seeing me again. He was almost a little formal about it, which I thought was cute.

When I opened the envelope, there was €5,000 inside.

I, of course, told both Mistress and Hans, but they weren’t interested, and told me I should keep it. So I used a chunk of his money to pay for more computer courses, which had really caught my interest, much to Mistress’ amusement. The rest went into the investment program Mistress insisted I start.


As well as Nika being debriefed by Hans, “Katja” was debriefed by Kristol when I stayed with Ivan. She wanted to know if I was still prepared to play with Ivan as he was clearly infatuated with me. And she wanted to know that Ivan was satisfied, probably before calling him to ask him the same thing, which is just good business practice.

After my first solo stay with Ivan, she asked if he had given me any presents. I told her about the money for the dress, plus the €5,000 he had given me. She was impressed – or at least said she was – saying that was quite good for a weekend, that he must really like me.

Each time we chatted, she always nudged me to consider working for her – or “with” her, as she put it. If Ivan was an important client, and he liked me so much, then it was clear that she thought I might do well with some of her other important clients.

I was amused to some extent, because it was clear that she was trying to groom this innocent intern to become an escort. But I was also flattered – and intrigued. I certainly intended to keep in touch with her, one way or another.

Besides, she was attractive, and I liked her.


Meanwhile, Mistress and I went back to our previous activities. I went back to exotic dancing two to three nights a week, plus taking lap dances and sexing clients afterwards at Club Exotisch. The money I made I put towards my computer courses and investments.

Meanwhile, Mistress and Hans between them paid for other lessons, such as my continuing studies in Tae-Kwon-Do, plus some private lessons to brush up on my Russian language skills. I had originally learned Russian from Gregor, when I lived with him after he rescued me from living on the streets. Yet, I found I was rusty, and lacked a lot of the business vocabulary and jargon that Ivan’s friends used. Hans was happy to pay for such lessons. He was finding my reports very useful in his discussions with Ivan.

My approach to exotic dancing had changed since I first started at Club Exotisch, because I had changed. Before I was a complete novice, and scared, and, perversely, that seemed to make me more popular with the patrons.

Now I was more self-confident, and also a better dancer, and much more aware of what turns men on. In a little over two years, I had gone from being completely ignorant of the sex trade, to being perhaps one of the most highly trained sex professionals in Europe.

As a result, I was now dancing with the specific intention of getting the “members” of the audience as hard as possible, and knew just how to do it.

I drew upon my training in dance, the shows I did at DeCoven, and my knowledge of what turns men – and women! – on to create a show that just plain sizzled. I loved showing myself to them, teasing them through the first part, stripping slowly and enticingly through the second, and seducing them through the third part of the dance.

I also had more elaborate costumes, and delighted in finding or making new pieces whose whole purpose was to make them want to tear them off me.

One costume and dance I had was a remembrance of where I’d come from: I played a ragged street urchin in torn clothes that were almost coming off of me. I looked smudged, desperate, and hungry, and as men pushed Euro notes into my costume, I – reluctantly – removed pieces of my clothing, until I was finally naked. I acted embarrassed, and tried covering myself with my hands, but as men offered me more notes, I slowly revealed myself. I continued to act embarrassed and reluctant, but showed them my tits, my ass, and finally my pussy, as if they had bought the right to see them, and I had no choice. The perverts always liked that.

Finally, when someone offered me a big note, or was one of my better regulars, I would kiss them, and whisper that they should come up onstage. They usually weren’t all that agile, but I would help them up – in more ways than one!

We’d go behind a partial set I had built that came just above our waists and looked like a row of trash cans. I would let the guy feel my tits (gently) in sight of the audience, then we would pretend he was sexing me. I looked unwilling but resigned, and he always looked eager.

When I whispered in his ear, I also told them to play along, and that I’d give them a free lap dance afterwards. The volunteers usually went along with it, especially as they were getting a free feel along the way.

But if a patron got carried away, I was prepared. If they actually tried to sex me, I’d usually put a wrist lock or arm bar on them, then pretend they were hurting me, and both of us would moan, only their moans would be real. Nobody got really fresh once they figured out what I would, and wouldn’t allow.

It was a sensation, and I almost always wound up cumming on stage when we did it. The audience loved it, I loved it, and the volunteer almost always took it as a great compliment when I came – which I always did, even if I had to fake it.

I had fun. I did, and still do, think that consensual sex is one of the greatest things in the world, and enjoy it in all of its many forms.

Plus, I got paid to cum!


Meanwhile, Mistress resumed her duties at DeCoven as Grand Mistress. And when she went there, I always went with her, naked except for my black leather collar with the wolf’s head insignia, led on a leash. In a sense, I was her status symbol – and most members recognized me as such, and treated her – and me – with respect.

Sometimes she went for business meetings, in which case I would kneel by her side, naked, in Nadu, waiting patiently – and listening and learning about the workings of the organization. She would often discuss business matters with me afterwards, in private, with her teaching me more about how a business actually runs than most MBA programs could ever do.

Sometimes we did shows for the members, me on my own, me with other slaves or submissives, and, very occasionally, Mistress and me. These were always high points for me, especially when I got to work with Mistress. Sometimes we even reprised “Eve and the Serpent,” which brought back strong, and mostly fond, memories of how Mistress had seduced me into being her willing, even eager, slave.

Mostly, when we attended a social function at DeCoven, Mistress was treated with great deference, and I was regarded with quite some interest. She didn’t abuse or edge me in public as much as she had before my training in the Dungeon, although she did at times when she had another purpose in mind. She was always playing chess in her mind – thinking several moves ahead, and plotting and planning how to arrange things for the Club, for her, or even for my advantage.

But occasionally we would encounter someone who either did not know who she was, or did not approve of a woman being the head of DeCoven. Perversely, one such incident revealed her chess-like mind.

She knew she had detractors, and also that she did not want to dignify them by arguing with them, certainly not in public. So, she had a number of ways of dealing with them, and one of them was me.

Late in the evening of one such social occasion, we were starting to make our way towards the exit, with me being led on my leash, when she was accosted by one of the members who thought he was going to put this…woman…in her place. He was a big man, both tall and heavy-set, whose voice brayed, who walked with an arrogant swagger, and who expected deference from everyone else, especially women. He was also drunk.

I have no idea if he would have attempted to provoke Mistress if had he been sober, but it’s likely. He just wasn’t very smart.

He confronted her as we were preparing to leave the Great Hall, blocking our path, and invading her personal space. I knew he was in trouble when her face went icy. That was always a danger sign.

“Lemme tell you something, cunt, you may be a great lookin’ piece of ass, but there’s no way you can run this Club the way it should be run. No one here respects you the way they would a man!”

Then he made a fatal mistake: he put his hand on her breast and squeezed.

She barely moved. All she did was raise the hand she was using to lead me, then let go of my leash.

I had been primed when he moved to confront her, but would not have moved a muscle…until she gave me the sign to do so by dropping my leash.

I leapt at him, hitting him low, bowling him over, landing on his stomach to knock the wind out of him, then kneeling on his chest, grabbing my leash, and wrapping it around his neck. Then I started to choke the living shit out of him. I was going to kill him for offending my Mistress.

She waited passively for a while as other members gathered, watching, and making shocked noises. He clawed ineffectually at the leash around his neck, but when his face started turning red, and his eyes started to bug out, she said, in a conversational tone, “That’s enough, Muis.”

I climbed off him, unwrapped my leash from around his neck, walked back to Mistress, and handed it to her. I resumed my position behind her, head down, hands folded, eyes on the floor, the perfect, obedient slave.

Mistress looked down at the man with contempt. “You can’t even defend yourself against a naked girl half your size. I doubt you’re any better at business.

“The next time you assault me, I will let her beat you senseless.”

Then she led me away.

Everyone treated her with respect after that – and those who disagreed with her gave us a wide berth.


That night, when we were in bed together, Mistress was very gentle with me, making love rather than just sexing me. Yet, somehow, she seemed preoccupied.

Afterwards, we were lying together, sated and happy. I had my head on her shoulder, lying on my side, and facing towards her, when she said, “Veronika?”

I knew she was serious because she used my full name. “Mistress?”

She turned to me, and said, “Call me Miriam tonight, dearest. Okay?”

I swallowed. This was serious. “Yes, Mis…yes, Miriam.”

“I haven’t thanked you for stepping in to save me today.”

“Mist…Miriam, you could have handled him easily. As it was, people will treat you with more respect than if you had handled it yourself. It was the right thing to do.”

“Yes, I know that, but what I’m saying is: you never hesitated.”

She turned and looked at me again, “You put yourself in harm’s way for me. Thank you.”

I lifted her hand to my mouth, and kissed it. “Mis…Miriam, I would give my life for you. You know that.”

She looked at me for a long time, as if debating something internally, then said, “Would you have our baby?”




Written by JamesLlewellyn
Contributing Authors
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