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Author's Notes

"This is a slightly fictionalized account of the experiences of Lush member Nika S. Names have been changed, and some of the events simplified for descriptive purposes, but the events are true. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is the thirteenth chapter of Nika's development as a slut and sex slave."

After the show was over, Kristol and I went to the ladies’ room to freshen up. After washing my hands, I stood at the sink to re-apply my lipstick when Kristol came up behind me and placed her hands on my hips. I froze like a scared bunny (on purpose).

She slid her hands up to cup my breasts, leaned forward, and whispered in my ear, “You like this, don’t you, little Katja?” I stuttered something, being nervous. She tweaked my nipples hard, then repeated the question, this time in a huskier voice, “I said, you like this, don’t you?” She stared at me in the mirror, holding my eye.

“Y…yes,” I stuttered.

“And we’re going to have fun together, the three of us, tonight. Aren’t we?” And she tweaked my nipples again, more gently this time.

I didn’t answer, but just nodded, giving the impression that I was overwhelmed.

She hugged me, then took my hand, and led me back to a waiting Ivan. She let go of my hand and whispered something into his ear. He smiled at her, then at me. “Let’s find our way back to the hotel, ja?”

They escorted me to the limo, one on each side, as if to make sure I didn’t escape, then seated me between them in the car.

As soon as the chauffeur closed us in, Ivan raised the barrier between the front and back seats, then turned to me, put his right hand around my shoulders, and his left hand on my knee. “You were very brave, even bold back there, sucking my cock in public. Why did you stop?”

I looked down, “I…uh, got scared. Someone coughed, and I was sure we were about to be discovered, and I worried what Hans would think if I were caught. I can’t afford to lose my internship, and my parents would be ashamed of me.”

I sighed. “I’m sorry. This is all so…confusing for me. My head wants one thing, but my heart wants another.”

I turned to Kristol. “I don’t know anything about this kind of thing. I’ve messed around with some boys, yes, and let some of them…do…some things. But I’m finding this overwhelming. Kristol, what do I do?”

She looked at me seriously for a moment, then leaned forward, took my face in her hands and kissed me, chastely at first, then moaning, and pushing her tongue in my oh-so willing mouth. “Katja, it only means that you are finally coming of age, you are finally becoming a woman. It is normal, it is natural. Let it happen. Become who you were always meant to be.”

And she leaned in and kissed me deeply again, this time putting her hand behind my head, and her other on my knee. As we kissed, she gradually pulled my knees farther apart. I moaned more deeply, only partly acting because she was good.

Meanwhile, Ivan reached behind my neck and pulled the bow tying the dress behind my neck. The front fell forwards, threatening to unveil my naked tits. I pulled away from Kristol, gasped, and clasped the front of my dress to me. Kristol took one hand, Ivan the other, and they gently pulled my hands to the sides. I allowed them to do so, and the front of my dress fell away, leaving me bare above the waist.

Kristol put her hands on my breasts and started massaging them. I squirmed as if I found this discomforting – and exciting, both. One of those was even true. I moaned into her mouth as she kissed me again.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes and moaned, and allowing them to keep my hands away from my body, leaving me notionally helpless to prevent them from doing what they wanted with me.

Ivan pushed his hand up under my dress, found my thong, and pushed it to one side. He had thick fingers, but was surprisingly gentle as he pushed one finger into my soaking wet pussy, probing and massaging lightly. I’m sure he smiled to himself – just as I did. We each thought the seduction was going extremely well.

But only one of us was right.


Why did I come on to Kristol and Ivan like a closet slut, and then suck Ivan's cock in the theatre? Wasn't it out of character for a sweet, innocent intern?

It was a calculated risk, and I did it because I thought it was a toss-up as to whether they were going to take me to my hotel, or theirs.

They were risking quite a lot if I turned out to be as innocent as I seemed. If they had made a move on me, and I had reported them to Hans, it could well have destroyed their deal. It might have made him angry and caused him to wonder about their ethics. I had to convince them that it was safe to seduce me, that I could be useful to them, and that I was, fortunately, intrigued by this exotic couple who were, apparently, far more worldly than I was. I had to let them think that although I might be an innocent, I was still tempted, and had some sexual adventures that neither my parents nor Hans knew about.

As it was, of course, they had nothing to worry about on that score – but they didn't know that! If I had stayed nice and innocent, they might well have been wary of me, and not tried to seduce me – and I wanted them to seduce me. I was walking a tightrope, it's true, but people miss something really important: Ivan and Kristol weren't looking at it from my point of view but from theirs!

You see, people tend to see what they expect to see.

They saw what looked like a young, inexperienced intern, and they bought that image. They weren't asking themselves whether I was a highly trained whore. They were asking themselves whether I was too innocent! It would never have occurred to them that this petite, young girl would be playing them – why would they? So, instead, they were trying to decide if she was tempted enough to be safe for them to play her.

No, they saw what they wanted to see: a young, inexperienced girl who was tempted by the taste of sophisticated sex – and they played the game as if that was all I was.

And so did I…


When we got into the limousine, there was no question as to where they were going to escort me. I suspect if I had tried to head towards my hotel, they would have dragged me off to Ivan’s anyway.

Fortunately, Ivan’s was just where I wanted to go.

I quickly tied up my top to hide my breasts before we exited the car. Fortunately, there was a very discrete doorman at the VIP entrance, who had the grace to look the other way as I walked by with Kristol holding my hand.

After the elevator, Ivan let us into his suite, which I later found out he owned. He said to Kristol, “Why don’t you get us all some drinks? I need to freshen up.” Then he said something to her in Russian, which he didn’t realize I understood: “Keep the dance going with her, okay?”

Kristol smiled and nodded.

She clearly knew her way around the suite, poured three glasses of wine and handed one to me, taking one for herself, and leaving one for Ivan.

Taking my hand again, she led me out onto the balcony – then put down her drink and pulled the ties of my dress again. This time, I allowed my top to fall to my waist and unveiling my tits to the night sky from thirty storeys up. “It’s a beautiful view,” she said, in a clear double entendre as she was looking at my breasts.

She reached forward and took my shoulders in her hands, pulled me to her, and kissed me sweetly. Shakily, I put down my glass of wine.

“What did Ivan say?” I pulled back and asked.

“Oh, don’t worry, little Katja, he just told me to be a good hostess. Do you think I’m being a good hostess?” And she smiled down at me.

I let the question hang there, then threw myself forward and answered her with a clumsy, but passionate, kiss.

She walked me back into the living room, then pushed my dress down from my waist, catching my thong along the way, depositing them on the floor. I stepped out of them.

“Now, you do me, dear,” she said and placed my hands on the shoulders of her gown.

With trembling hands, only partially faked, I slipped the gown off her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. She turned her back on me. “Go on,” she prompted.

So, I undid her bra, and let it fall, then pushed her matching, frilly panties down, and let them fall to the floor. She turned back to me.

“You’re such a sweet girl…I wonder if you taste as sweet as you look? How about we find out, hmmm?”

We turned back away from the windows to see Ivan sitting on the sofa, naked, watching us, face serious, as Russians are. I wasn’t surprised…but acted shocked.

“Never mind him, sweet girl. Come over here with me…” and led me to a love seat.

She started kissing and edging me, and she was good. Very good, one of the best I’ve ever encountered, so that, before very long, I really was moaning in pleasure. I looked over at Ivan, and he was stroking his cock and watching us intently, a half-smile on his face.

I thought it was time, so I pulled out of Kristol’s grasp, moved quickly over to where he was sitting, kneeled at his feet, and took his cock in my mouth as if I were unable to control myself, like some helpless, wanton slut. I started bobbing up and down on him as if I couldn’t wait and could feel that he was responding, continuing on from where I had left him at the theatre.

Shortly after that, Kristol moved behind me, pulled me up on my knees, not interfering with my throating of Ivan, but started licking and rimming me. I moaned around Ivan’s cock. I suddenly felt it tense, then, grunting, he shot his seed into my mouth, which I swallowed, choking a bit to fake being a novice. I sighed, and then eventually let his cock slip from my mouth, dropping my head to the floor.

Kristol repositioned me, flipping me over on my back, then moved in to finish me.

I can fake an orgasm that will fool a man, but a female pro like Kristol? Never. So, I gave myself over to her, and just let go…and very shortly came for real. Kristol was a pro, no question, so it was a fabulous cum, and I enjoyed it.

When I had settled down, Ivan came over, grabbed my hand, and roughly pulled me up and into the bedroom, Kristol following. He pushed me onto the bed, moved me into doggie, positioned himself behind me, then shoved himself in to the hilt in one strong push. I moaned as he started working himself hard in and out of me.

Kristol positioned herself by my head, with her legs spread, then pulled my face down into her pussy. I was still buzzed from the orgasm she gave me and started licking her like a cat in heat.

Then Ivan pulled his cock out of me, licked his thumb and roughly stuck it up my ass. I jerked my head up from Kristol and squealed, but she pulls me back down, forcing my face into her cunt again. I start licking harder.

Ivan finally surprised me. He put one fat finger in my cunt, then rubbed the finger in my pussy against the thumb in my ass, masssaging the wall between them – and my head exploded. I started bucking wildly for real. Even in all my experiences as someone who liked sex and was a sex worker, I had never experienced anything like it.

Then he stopped, pulled his finger and thumb out of me, smacked my ass hard, twice, then grabbed my hair and yanked my head up, away from Kristol’s pussy. He stuck two fingers into my cunt, and started pumping in and out, then pulled my hair further so I was sitting on my knees, with his fingers still inside me, working me, pinned and helpless, then threw me onto my back on the bed.

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Kristol slithered up to my side, then positioned her head over mine and started kissing me with deep, probing kisses. Ivan released his hand from inside me. Kristol broke from our kiss, walked her knees down the bed, moving in between my legs, and raised my knees up to her shoulders, lifting my ass, and pinning my shoulders to the bed.

Next, she started slapping my ass, first one side, then the other. After about ten slaps, she released me, then turned me so I was on my knees again, with my ass up in the air and my shoulders down.

By this time, I was limp, and just let them do what they want, not trying to act, just letting them manipulate me, which they proceed to do, over and over again, using me as a fucktoy with no regard for what I might want.

Ivan had been behind me, fingering me again, then abruptly stopped, and I felt his hot cum on my back.

I went passive during all this, letting them do what they wanted, but Kristol is a pro, and Ivan certainly knew the hot buttons on a woman’s body. Finally, I genuinely lost control, and came wildly again and again, screaming and bucking. After a while, I felt like a rag doll, being moved from one position to another, fucked, felt, abused, slapped, then fucked again.

It went on and on, with me in the middle, and the two of them, taking turns working me, fucking me in every sense of the word.

When I finally collapsed, it was somewhere around 04:00. They stopped, and I just lay there, exhausted, panting, used…fucked! I was no longer acting. They truly had abused me until I collapsed.

It was just as well I had been trained at the Dungeon of DeCoven. Otherwise, I might well have cracked and told them everything.

When they finally did stop, Kristol wiped her forehead, caught her breath, and laughed. She told me to go shower, but then, seeing the state I was in, pulled me up, and dragged me there. She had to almost hold me up to wash me, I was so spent.

When she led me back into the other room, I felt somewhat revived, but Ivan was gone. She helped me dress, and we got ready to leave. She said she was taking me back to my hotel.

I was aware that I was supposed to be an ingénue, so asked if I could say goodbye to Ivan. She laughed, and said, no, Ivan would be asleep by now, and that I was just a fuck, not his girlfriend.

I hung my head as if ashamed, and we walked downstairs and got a cab.

When the cab stopped at my hotel, I turned to her.

“Kristol, please! I’m a good girl, I don’t know what got into me. I’m not like this. I don’t know what happened. Please, please don’t tell anyone about this. Please! It would ruin me, and my parents would be so ashamed. I couldn’t face that.” And I hung my head.

She looked at me, then tilted her head. “Well…I can see how it would be…embarrassing…to someone in your position if Hans were to hear about this. Or even get a photo or two. and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

I looked up at her, mouth open as if shocked. “Photo?”

She nodded, face serious. “Ivan likes to have photos of his…playmates. And sometimes he does more than put them in an album, you know?”

I stared at her as if I were stunned. “What…how do…but…”

She smiled at me. “Oh, shush. It’s nothing serious. But remember that I told you Ivan can be very loyal to his friends? The same way, you wouldn’t want to be his enemy…would you?”

“N…no. Why would I want that?”

She shook her head, “You’re so sweet. Look, if you hear Hans say anything about the negotiations, we would be very grateful to hear what he has to say. And Ivan would make sure you knew how pleased he was. You understand?”

She reached into her purse, and gave me her card. Her smile faded. "And when you hear what Hans is thinking about Ivan and the deal…you will call me, right?"

I stared at her for a while, then gulped, and nodded, looking away.

She laughed. “Besides, maybe you should be like you were tonight. What do they pay you where you’re working now?”

I told her what my cover identity would have been paid. She snorted, “They pay you shit, and they still fuck you.” She opened her purse and gave me two, €500 notes. “Which is better?

“I haven't seen Ivan in this much of a frenzy in a long time," she said. "Katja, you may not know it, but you are a sex kitten, and you drive men wild.” She looked at me fondly, then smiled, “Women, too."

She paused for a moment as if thinking. “If you ever need work, call me. I can help you make more money than you ever thought possible.” She flicked the card I held with her finger.

I bit my lip and looked down, and said, “Kristol, last night was…I just don’t know what to say.” I looked up into her eyes. “Thank you for this,” holding up the two €500 notes, “but…I don’t know…,” I looked at the two €500 notes again, and swallowed. “This is a lot of money for just one night. I…I might take you up on your offer…someday… don’t forget me?”

“Not possible. You are unique, little Katja. No one could forget you.

“Now go, before Hans finds out what a…naughty…girl you’ve been!” She leaned forward, put her hand behind my head and kissed me deeply, and quite sincerely, then licked my lips when we broke. "Mmmm…"

I kissed her back just as sincerely. Who knew? Maybe someday I might take her up on her offer.

I got out of the car and made my way up to my room.


By now, it was almost six a.m., and I knew Hans would be awake. So, even though I was exhausted and sore, and had marks, scrapes, and small bruises all over my body, I stripped off my clothes and put them on the bed, then knocked on the adjoining door.

“Komm!“ said Hans’ voice.

I walked in, eyes down, and knelt in Nadu by his feet. He was dressed in a robe, eating breakfast.

He looked me over, noting the marks on my body. “So, it would seem you were able to get…close to friend Ivan, ja?”

“Yes, Master. Very close. And to Kristol as well.” I smiled and put the €1,000 on the table. “He’s a prick, but she’s yummy.”

Hans looked at the notes, pushed them back, and laughed. “Yes, I would guess so. Turns out she runs a very successful escort agency here in Berlin.

“So, what happened after I left?” he asked.

And for the next hour, he quizzed me on everything that had transpired last evening and night, plus my thoughts and opinions on what it meant, especially my thoughts on Ivan.

Finally, he sat back, thinking about what I’d told him, then refocused on me. Without saying a word, he opened his robe, showing his erection.

Although I made no sign, I was pleased that I could make him hard.

I crawled forward to him and took his cock in my hand. “May this trainee be allowed to speak freely, Master?”

He looked down at me, then nodded. “She may.”

I looked up at Hans, and said, “Master, what I did last night was work, and I was glad to do it if it is helpful. But what we did the night before was…pleasure.” I licked his cock, then reverently took him in my mouth. I did truly like him, and he was also about the sexiest man I have ever met. Sucking him was no hardship.

He smoothed my hair, “Miriam is right about you, little Mouse. You truly are one-of-a-kind.” Then he pushed my head down, and I got to work.

As he was approaching his climax, he petted my head again, and said, “You may cum, Nika. You’ve earned it.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice. My hands found my pussy, and, even as I continued to suck him, I penetrated my cunt, slipping my fingers through my already soaking folds. I used the cunt honey to wet my clit, and quickly brought myself close to an orgasm, but held off until, with a subdued grunt, Hans once again graced my mouth with his cum.

When he was done, I allowed myself to cum, and it was stunning, even after everything I’d been through that night. I saw stars and lost myself. When I came back, I found myself panting around Hans’ cock, head leaning on his left thigh.

After a few minutes, he stroked my head, leaned down and kissed my hair, then pushed me off him.

He sat up, straightened his robe, took a sip of coffee, then picked up his cellphone and called my Mistress. He let me listen as he briefed her on everything that had transpired.

He ended with “Yes, the meetings were a success. Now I know who wants to play, what they want, and how to give it to them. That’s especially true of the Russians. And Katja has given us a way to keep tabs on Ivan. Even better, he thinks he’s going to use her to get information from us, so we can feed him whatever we want.”

He looked over at me, then said words that sent a shiver down my spine.

“She was invaluable. This one’s a keeper, sister. Don’t you dare let her go! Ja…ja…yes, I love you too. ‘Bye.” And he disconnected.

“You heard?” he asked.

“This trainee is very grateful for your kind words, Master.”

“This trainee was much bloody better than I expected her to be, in every way. Congratulations, Nika. As far as I’m concerned, you passed your final exam.”

I bit my lip and felt tears in my eyes. I was that much closer to finally being Mistress’ slave, where and what I wanted to be.

He leaned back, looked at me speculatively, then said, “I wonder if you have any idea how important you are to her.”

I looked up at him, startled, then remembered my place and looked down again. “Master?”

“You probably have no idea how much it cost Miriam, in time, favours, and money to have you trained as extensively as you were. She could have bought a decent car for the money she’s invested in you! Do you understand what that means?”

My mind was churning with what he’d said. “Master, this one is not sure.”

“Very few slaves are trained for even two months, yet you were trained for three. Most slaves have strengths and weaknesses, which is normal, yet Miriam insisted that you be pushed to be the best at everything they taught you. She didn’t want you to be good, she wanted – she wants – you to be the best, ever. And she invested heavily to make sure you got every chance to become just that.

“Had you failed to live up to her expectations, it would have been a major embarrassment for her, would have damaged her reputation and standing within the community. As it is, you are her crowning achievement.

“She took an enormous gamble on you. I, and several of her friends, advised her not to do this, but she kept insisting that you were unique, you would not let her down.

“And she was right, about all of it. Just in what you learned and did for us this weekend alone will more than repay everything she invested in you – and more.

“She went her own way, as she always does, bet heavily on you – and won.” He paused to let it sink in and deliberately failed to notice the tears streaming down my face.

“Now get cleaned up, get some sleep, then pack, and get ready to go to the airport.” He pushed the banknotes back to me, then turned back to his breakfast.

I got up, picked up the notes, bowed low, backed three paces away, turned and walked gracefully out of the room, closed the door…then collapsed onto my knees, weeping tears of joy.

My Mistress believed in me!


© Copyright, JamesLLewellyn and NikaS at
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May not be reproduced in any medium without the express, written consent of the authors.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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