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The Lion- Chapters 2 and 3

"The Lion roared and roared until sated"

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Author's Notes

"The Lion in his glory and in his ecstasy."

Chapter 2

One day he got a call from his friend Craig the pro at the club. He said, “John, There’s a member-member tournament at the club this Friday. We’ve got a new member that’s supposed to be a good player, but they don’t know anyone here yet. Would you mind being their partner?”

John never played in these events in the past as he was too busy. But with Craig’s recommendation that he’d play with someone good, he said,  “Sure.”

On Friday, John headed to the club. He grabbed a few clubs and headed to the driving range. As usual, the member/member was full of mid to high handicap golfers. His chance of winning wasn’t good as he was a low handicap and low handicappers never won these kinds of events. But if he played with a good player, it would be fun, so what the hell.

After hitting balls for a while, he headed to the staging area to drop off his clubs and possibly meet his playing partner: “K. Sims” the card said. When he looked at the clubs, it was a bright pink golf bag with a garish sampling of headcovers. He was playing with a woman. The clubs were all of one brand called PXG, so John knew the woman had money as these were really expensive sets. But could she actually use them. 

As he was looking at the clubs, a female voice said, “Those are my clubs.” He turned and beheld a dream. The woman was around 5’10” tall, long black hair, fit, built, and well dressed… John was at a loss for words. She reached out her hand, shook his hand firmly and said, and said, “Hi, I’m Kat Sims.” 

This gave John enough time to say, “I’m John Lyons, I'm playing with you today.” Whereupon Kat smiled at this unintended entendre. He added, “Well that was poorly said.”

Kat smiled again, then reached over and pulled John into a hug and whispered, “Yes, that would be nice.” 

As John removed himself from her wonderful embrace, he turned to get into the cart, and Kat pinched him on the butt.

John had only met one woman in his life who could give as good as he could, his wife. When he and Kat sat together in the cart waiting to tee off, John looked at Kat and said, “Will you have dinner with me tonight?” He didn’t have any idea if she was married or in a relationship. Everything else was superfluous to wanting to know Kat.

Kat looked into his eyes and said, “Yes, that would be nice.”

They were playing in a best-ball format. John was on cloud nine and ripped a drive down the middle of the first fairway. His adrenaline was pumping. They drove to the women’s tees, John hopped out of the cart and waited and watched as Kat walked to the tee with her great-looking golf outfit, great clubs, long legs, black hair, and watched as she also ripped a drive down the middle of the fairway. I mean she fucking smoked it. With her advantage from the more forward tee, Kat smoked it past John. She returned to the cart, the other cart headed out and they were alone for a moment. 

John said simply, “I think I love you.”

Kat looked into his eyes and said, “Yes, that would be nice.”

The next four hours went by as a blur.

They told each other’s story, it took a while.

They played golf, though they hardly noticed that every time they looked up, they were putting in for birdie or chipping in or just having a great time as two golf buddies. John had never played with a woman golfer as good as Kat. She had played in college just as he had. She was ten years younger than him, but had many of the same interests: golf, wine, she had a kid (love of her life), bozo of a divorced husband which would keep for another time, loved good food and giving back.

Without even trying they won the member-member tournament by two strokes though they had the lowest combined handicaps in the tournament and beat teams that were in their early thirties.

They collected their bounty and agreed to meet at the club for drinks and dinner at 7 PM.

John was so excited that driving home he called his daughter Natalie, his confidante, and told her he had a date. She was happy, happy, happy for him. She asked who and he told her Kat Sims… when his daughter screamed. “Dad, You have a date with Katherine Sims? Really, Katherine Sims, really?” She started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” John asked.

“Katherine Sims, or as you know her, Kat Sims, is one of the most successful online retailers in the US. What she has done in the industry, what she had to battle through, and what she has accomplished is the stuff of legend.”

John asked, “What does she sell?”

She replied, “Dad, I’m going to let you find that out, but it is totally legit and even more so since she did the hard work.” She giggled some more.

John looked down and realized he’d have to hurry to be on time. They said goodbye, his daughter still giggling, with that ringing in his ears he cleaned up, dressed and headed back to the club.

They got to the club at about the same time. She was driving a really nice red Porsche convertible, with the top down, John in his Mercedes. He watched her slink beautifully out of her car. Just watching her get out of her car gave him a hard-on. He pulled in next to her. She saw him, waved, and waited for him to park. As he came around the car, she hugged him and kissed him deeply and said, “That may have been the most fun I’ve ever had playing golf. You can play with me anytime.” 

John kissed her back and made no attempt to hide his raging penis. 

Kat then said, “Honey, if I wasn’t so hungry and I need you to eat so you can keep up your strength tonight, I’d fuck you right here in the parking lot. Come on, handsome.”

She grabbed his hand and they headed to dinner.

As they stood at the host stand waiting to get seated, Melanie and her husband Ben walked into the waiting area. Ben made a chippy comment about John winning today, Melanie stood there transfixed by seeing John and seeing John with a beautiful date. Ben then looked over and saw that John was with Kat and he gave a visible cringe which John saw and then heard Kat say, “Well Ben, how are you hanging?” 

Ben was shaken when Kat added, “And this must be your beautiful wife. Hi, I’m Kat.” Kat then walked up and hugged Melanie and said to her, so Ben could hear, “God girl, you are way too good for this moron.” Whereupon the hostess arrived and whisked John and Kat to their quiet table in the corner.

Upon sitting down, Kat proclaimed, “Well that was fun!” Then she leaned over and whispered to John, “Do you know that woman loves you?” John could not believe what Kat just said, the shock must have been apparent. Kat sat back and looked at John. She then leaned forward and whispered again, “I’d do her too.” 

With that, John ordered a double bourbon from the passing waitress, turned to Kat, who simply said, “The same.” They waited for their drinks to arrive without talking. Drinks in hand, John made a toast and proceeded to tell his story. Kat knew his wife had died, but he had shared little detail. Now he did, all the way into the present including his love affair with Melanie and how much she meant to him. Kat listened intently, quietly, only asking a few clarifying questions. 

When the waitress returned, John ordered a Filet, rare plus, with creamed spinach. Kat never looked at the menu and simply said the same and asked the waitress for a recommendation on a good bottle of red. That done, Kat looked at John for a long time. Finally, she asked why he had told her. John said, “Intuition. And the fact that my daughter says you are incredible. But, she didn’t say much more.”

Kat then asked, “Did you look me up?”

John said, “No. I prefer to learn from you.” 

Kat began, “I married the captain of the university football team. The quarterback. I was his pick. I thought that made me special. I wasn’t to him at least. He was a womanizer and an ass. I left him after I caught him physically abusing our son, my son. I caught him and beat the shit out of him. I left town with my son. Got him to a doctor and we started healing.”

“The dickhead then came after me, saying I had abused the child and he could prove it as he had been beaten. Sick. His charges didn’t hold up.  Old girlfriends showed up and vouched for me as they had also been abused by him. Nonetheless, I was painted in a bad light and nobody would hire me. I swore off men. Women were my solace and safety. My son slowly healed but his early learning disabilities were made worse. He’s now prospering and doing well. He works for my company and is a design and product genius.” 

“As my love of women matured, I did miss some parts of a man. Not THE man, just parts of the man. So since I couldn’t get a job, I created my own. I had made a little bit of money, and so I invested it in making sex toys for women. I now owned the biggest most profitable sex toy company in the US.”

“I’ve made a lot of money. My son is happy and safe. Until today I didn’t think I needed a man. But when I saw the way Melanie looked at you, instead of being put off I became more interested, intrigued. Oh, by the way, I’ve had a run-in with Melanie’s husband, Ben. He was introduced to me as a possible acquisition partner as I’d like to sell my company, maybe play more golf. I checked them out and didn’t like what I found, but I took the meeting anyway.” 

“He blew in with nothing but hot air. He was better than me, at least he thought so. He was so arrogant, he actually hit on me at the meeting thinking he was a gift. I played up to him and once we were standing facing each other, I grabbed him by the balls and squeezed until he yelped like a scared puppy dog. As he turned to get away, I kicked him right in his ass and out of my office.”

John took all of this in and took a long sip of the red wine now on the table.

Kat waited.

John spoke, “My wife loved sex of all kinds. We did it every imaginable way, no restrictions, no hang-ups. She liked me to use toys along with my lips, my tongue, my fingers, and my penis. I would do anything to turn her on. My wife loved anal sex. I did as well. The one thing I’ve never tried was anal sex… where someone takes me in the ass. I’ve always wanted to know what that felt like.”

Just then the steaks arrived.

They cut into their succulent juicy steaks and saw they were done perfectly. They took a few bites and then John raised his glass to Kat and said, “Cheers.”

After the drink, Kat put her glass down, reached over and held John’s hand, looked him in the eyes, and said, “I think I’m just the woman you’ve been looking for. And, the next time Melanie needs a good fuck, I want to be there. Now, let’s finish and head to my house.”

Chapter 3

As they were leaving the club, John and Kat looked over and saw Melanie sitting by herself finishing up dinner with a half-eaten plate beside her. Kat pulled John over to talk to Melanie. Melanie was frankly shocked that John and Kat were heading to her table. Plus, she was embarrassed that she was by herself. 

Kat quickly dispelled her fears by asking Melanie, “Where’s the asshole?”

Melanie started giggling, a light began to shine in her eyes as she knew Kat was on her side. She replied, “Ben wasn’t feeling too well. It happened almost immediately after seeing you. So he left. I was hungry, so I stayed. Want to have a drink with me?”

With that Kat had Melanie move over in the booth she was sitting and John sat across from these two incredibly beautiful women not knowing exactly what was going to happen next. The waitress came, Kat ordered a double Maker’s on the rocks, which sounded like the perfect drink to John. Little was said until the drinks came. Melanie had a glass of white wine and they all did a toast.

Kat started, “Melanie I just met you, but you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. You know your husband is a louse?” Melanie nodded yes and glanced at John. He wasn’t giving her much feedback in his face as frankly, and anyway, he didn’t know what Kat was up to.

Suddenly, Melanie straightened up and looked at Kat and said, “What are you doing?” John realized that Kat’s hand was below the tabletop and her forearm seemed to be moving up and down. His dick twitched not for the first time during the night. 

Kat just smiled back and kept up what she had been doing. Melanie took another large drink of wine. She looked at John. She looked at Kat, then Melanie leaned back in the booth and just exhaled. Her face was getting flush. She was wiggling in her seat. Kat was very intent with her effort when she said, “You are John’s and now you are mine.” Melanie gave a little squeal so as to not be heard, but John had seen and heard her orgasm enough that he knew it was happening. 

Thankfully they were in a quiet secluded part of the restaurant so nobody heard or saw what was going on. Kat stopped her attack on Melanie’s pussy, licked her fingers, picked up her drink and took a long sip. Melanie was coming down from her orgasm and panting lightly, trying to control herself. John could feel his crotch moisten with precum, he’d almost lost it himself just sitting there watching the two women he loved fuck under the table. Fuck, he realized he just thought to himself, he loved Melanie and Kat.

Kat then turned to John, and smiled.

John leaned forward so only they could hear and asked, “Melanie, can you get away tonight?”

Melanie shook her head yes as words were evading her. Finally, she squeaked out, “How soon?”

Kat and John simultaneously said, “Now.”

Kat grabbed Melanie’s phone and typed in her name, cell number and address. She told Melanie, “Wait ten minutes before going to this address.” With that Kat grabbed Melanie’s face, turned toward her and gave her a full kiss on the lips like lovers do. 

She got up, took John’s hand and walked out. John was having trouble walking as his dick had not relented from its engorged position. Thankfully it was dark, there were very few patrons left at the club so he got out unnoticed. His mind was racing to a chorus of “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…”

When they got to Kat’s car door, he pushed her against it, his penis protruding creating a tent in his pants, he pulled her to him and kissed her hard. He felt her heat. He didn’t want to let go. He leaned back, looked her in the eyes and said the absolutely only thing a man when confronted by the scene that just occurred, “I love you. I fucking love you!” and then he buried his tongue into her throat. 

Kat looked up at him as they hugged after the kiss and said, “Love. Yes, that would be nice.”

John pushed back and said he’d follow her., but he then turned back and said, “Wait a minute. I want to see you get into your car.” Kat with her long legs and her short skirt knew exactly what John wanted. Kat gave him a show of getting into her low-slung sports car. John’s dick just throbbed and throbbed watching her coil and slink into the car so gracefully and showing as much skin as she could at the same time.

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He went to his car and shakily started the engine. Kat had pulled in front of him, had rolled the convertible top back down and as he flashed his lights telling her he was ready to go, she pulled away with her long hair cascading in the wind as the red Porsche wound its way through the parking lot and toward her house. “Fuck.” he said to himself, he was in over his head, he knew it and he embraced it with no fear.

Her house wasn’t far away. It was a low-modern house totally befitting its owner. It was beautiful, well designed, richly appointed and full of contemporary art. He saw this at his first glance but the fineness of the house was secondary to the fineness of the woman he followed into the house. Once in the door, she turned and kissed him. The kiss was deep, long, sweet and full of ardor. Neither wanted the kiss to stop. So they started again. And again. After five to ten long kisses, lights flashed across the front of the house as Melanie arrived. 

Kat disentangled and opened the door for Melanie. As Melanie came into the house, Kat engulfed her with a hug around her neck, and kissed her as deeply and fully as she had just kissed John. Melanie kissed her back. Melanie had never kissed a woman like this. It was really, really good. She melted, melded into Kat’s willing body. “Fuck,” she said to herself, she was in over his head, she knew it and she embraced it with no fear.

The women were totally enthralled with each other. They slowly disentwined and looked over at John. John had quietly disrobed, allowing the ladies to enjoy each other, but The Lion was anxious. HIs member was rigid and awake, leaping up and down as the incredible visuals unfolded in front of him. Melanie had already seen and felt his beautiful and lengthy cock, Kat had not. 

Upon first viewing The Lion, Kat moaned appreciatively, disengaged from Melanie and slid to her knees and swallowed his penis whole in one gagless slurp. Melanie began her own disrobing and quickly was wearing nothing but her native beauty. She dropped beside Kat and began to help her disrobe. Kat’s dress was pulled off her shoulders and pulled down. Kat was not wearing a bra or panties which surprised and pleased Melanie as she immediately went to work massaging, licking and kissing every part of her stunning body. Melanie didn’t know exactly how to please a woman, but she made up for it with energy and zeal. Kat moaned appreciatively.

Kat never slowed down her sucking of John’s magnificent penis and he roaaaaaarrrrred and pulled out and shot stream after stream of semen all over Kat and Melanie. As John’s load was unleashed, Melanie pushed her fingers inside of Kat’s pussy, so while she was kissing her, while she was taking cumshots to her face, sharing cum with Kat, she was drilling Kat’s pussy causing her first orgasm of the night. Kat was squirming under the onslaught of John’s spewing dick and Melanie’s hammering of her pussy. Kat was deliriously moaning and groaning and noticed that John’s penis had not lost any hardness even after his huge cum dump.

Kat had not made love or had sex with a man since he left her asshole husband fifteen years prior. John’s penis made her ache to have him between her legs, fast. She flopped on the marble floor spread her legs out and said to John, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” John complied, kneeling in front of her now dripping pussy. He leaned over and kissed Melanie first. Then he leaned into Kat, sliding his whole eight inches deep inside her. 

Kat could swallow him whole in her mouth, but her pussy was not fully prepared for all of him pounding her. John pulled her knees up pulling Kat’s butt off the ground at the same time. This gave Melanie plenty of room to start sucking Kat’s tits and rub her clitoris where she could feel its hardness. Kat reached up with her right hand and started rubbing Melanie’s right breast and with her left hand, she repaid the favor of Melanie's hand in her crotch, and drove three fingers inside of her. Melanie flinched and came, hard. 

Kat was tasting John’s cum from his dick being in her mouth, as she was getting pounded by his wonderful penis, as her tit was getting sucked by a beautiful woman she barely knew as she was finger fucking the same woman. She just lost all semblance of reality and started bucking and humping wildly, her jism spewing everywhere, 

Melanie gave another grunt and came hard, hard, hard, John joined the parade of ecstasy, as he rrrooooaaaared and came deep into Kat’s sweet vagina. They all fell apart panting and moaning, liquids of every type spewing and sliding everywhere. Minutes passed.

Still panting, Kat was the first to say, “Don’t worry, the cleaning people will come tomorrow.”

They all began to laugh and grope their way together on the cool marble floor, slipping and sliding as they did. They sat up, a triangle of nakedness and started sharing kisses. Sweet tender kisses to make up for the torrid bit of love-fucking that had preceded.

John was the first to try to stand. He was shaky at the best as he’d just shot two loads of semen in very short order. He croaked, “Water?” lifting Kat then Melanie up from the floor.

Kat led the way to her gorgeous kitchen, extracted three bottles of water, a bottle of wine, three glasses, and said, “Follow me.” She hit a button and a very low light started to shine in her backyard. They followed her and came upon a private area, secluded from any prying eyes, a grotto of rock and a small pool all softly lit. It was breathtaking. 

Kat walked into the water and was at waist high, when she turned around and beckoned them to follow. The water was warm, not hot tub warm, but early season just the right amount of warm. It was like taking a bath. It was wonderful. Soon they had consumed the water and were on to the wine.

They were coming off of a high that they didn’t want to ever end. Each was needy in their own way. Now they had found each other, without saying anything at all, they knew this was special and they’d do anything to protect it.

Melanie said what they were all thinking, “Can we all just get married, the three of us, all together?”

Nobody laughed. Nobody demurred.

John was the first to speak. “When I got married, I knew almost immediately I had found the love of my life. I had. Things have changed. Melanie, I’ve always adored you and you know my wife did as well. I may not be the best man for you, but I love you and I always want you in my life.” He leaned over and kissed Melanie.

Then he turned to Kat. “I dated a few women before I met my wife. None of them were serious. Now in the span of a month, I have two women I love, who are beyond anyone else I have ever met other than my wife. I love you, Kat.” He leaned over and kissed Kat.

Kat started talking. “Melanie, I know it’s going to be hard to leave your turd of a husband. But I may have a better idea. I think your husband is a sissy boy and a submissive. You are far too strong for him. You just don’t know that yet. John told me that at one time he wasn’t even his current turd self. Frankly, you also need an exit strategy if this doesn’t work. You need a job. Fuck that shit about how you can’t work, that you’ve got to be at home with your boys.”

“Yeah, John told me a lot. They are old enough, and they need to see a strong woman. They need to see a strong you. From now on you are going to be the bitch in your dickhead husband's life. You are going to make his life miserable until he breaks. On Monday you start working for my company. I’ve got a perfect sales and marketing role for you. We’ll figure out how much you need to make. You’ll make more than the dickhead I promise you. That’s freedom.”

Melanie started sputtering and saying she wasn’t good enough and Kat swam over to her and hugged her and said, “Hon you are beautiful. After tonight I know you’ve got balls. If you can’t sell millions of dollars of dildos, nobody can. If John vouches for you, which by the look of his twitching dick he will, that’s all I need for a reference.”

Melanie composed herself, “Wait, you are the KSims sex toy company owner?” Kat shook her head yes. “Oh my God, I have used your products for years as my dickhead husband could never satisfy me. I sure as shit can sell your products.” And she hugged Kat and they started giggling together thinking of all the fun they were going to have.

Then Kat snuggled up to John.

“Johnny (nobody had ever called him by that name), your best friend Craig’s wife Annie is one of my best friends. As you know she’s a psychologist. What you didn’t know is that my son is one of her patients and she helped him immensely. I am eternally grateful to her. Over a year ago, she also said she had the absolutely perfect man for me to meet. She knew I hadn’t wanted any man in fifteen, sixteen years. I only did women.”

“She told me what was happening and that it would take some time for you to get through mourning. I said I’d wait as I trusted her. Turns out your wife had told Annie to find you someone. That someone is me. I even met her before she died. She is, I just can’t say ‘was’, so beautiful. I got to spend some wonderful time with her. Annie told me she felt I would be good for you.”

“Then I knew the moment you said you wanted to play with me that I wanted you.”

John’s penis twitched and his heart melted.

He hugged Kat who was crying, then pulled Melanie in who was crying and of course he was crying. They sat there and had a good cry. All of them had been affected by John’s wife’s passing. 

FInally, the tears dried. Kat kissed Melanie and said simply, “I love you.” Then she said, “Johnny, I love you. God, I love you both.” They all started laughing and giggling as this was all way too much to take in at once.

Kat asked Melanie, “Sweetie, do you play golf?” Melanie replied, “Why yes. But my asshole husband doesn’t like to play with women.” (they all started laughing). Kat hugged Melanie again and said, “Oh babe, we are going to love playing with you won’t we Johnny?”

More laughter, hugs and kisses ensued.

Johnny then said, “So when are we going to consummate this relationship? I want to give my whole self to you and Melanie.”

Kat wasn’t quite sure what he meant, then it dawned on her. “Oh fuck yes,” she said. “Oh this is going to be fun.”

With that Kat walked out of the grotto, pushed on a hidden door, and produced three robes and put one on herself. Melanie wasn’t sure what was going on, but she strode out of the pool along with Johnny. Yes, Johnny agreed Melanie could call him that too. Robes on, though Johnny’s was a bit short, they followed Kat to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of red wine and glasses and headed down a long corridor. 

They went into what was obviously Kat’s bedroom. It was large and besides the bed had a seating area of comfortable chairs. Kat implored them to sit, open some wine and that she’d be right back and she disappeared into a closet. Johnny opened the wine and poured three glasses and toasted with Melanie while waiting for Kat to return. Their chairs were close enough that Melanie and Johnny could hold hands.

Kat called for Melanie to come into the closet. She did so leaving Johnny alone for a few minutes. HIs dick was throbbing in anticipation. He heard a lot of giggling and laughing from the closet. Finally a woman’s voice, he couldn’t tell if it was Kat or Melanie, yelled out, “Johnny are you ready?”

The door opened and out walked Kat then Melanie, both decked out in black lace and leather and wearing strapon dildos. The Lion started shivering, shaking, he began to leak precum he was so turned on. Two immensely beautiful women were incredibly attired in “I’m going to fuck you” dress. And he was the one going to be fucked.

Kat sat in his lap, pushing his aching member toward his stomach so she didn’t accidentally impale herself, her black dlldo pointing up. She kissed him gently. She had some lotion and she was pouring it and rubbing it along the entire dildo shaft. She said, “Johnny, you remember having anal sex with your wife. This is going to hurt initially, but we are going to go slow, just like you always did until you are adjusted. I’ll use plenty of lubrication. When you feel comfortable I’ll increase the speed and force. You can always say stop. Is that agreed?” The Lion could only grunt an awkward guttural, “Yes.”

She stood up, pulled The Lion up and had him lay over the end of the chair, his butt in the air. Kat liberally applied lubricant on his ass and then slowly eased her finger into his anal canal. This was the first jerk he experienced. HIs eyes were closed. He was trying to relax. She pulled out and then slipped another finger into his ass. He jerked again. 

He couldn’t tell if he liked it yet. Then he felt hands on his face and he opened his eyes and Melanie was there, she kissed him. He relaxed. Kat removed the two fingers, applied more lube, then slipped three in. This didn’t hurt as much and with Melanie’s kisses, he was relaxing. Kat pulled all three fingers out, and pushed the dildo into The Lion’s ass entrance. 

She pushed oh so slowly, He felt his asshole ring expand, Melanie stuck her tongue deep down his throat just as the dildo passed the ring of his ass, he inhaled sharply he squeezed his eyes shut. It did hurt. Melanie backed her tongue out of his mouth and was lightly kissing him when the pain turned into something else. It was a radiant combination of almost pain, almost pleasure. He kept his eyes closed and as he relaxed he realized that the dildo was all the way inside of him as he could feel the leather from Kat’s outfit against his butt cheeks. 

Kat could feel him relax and she drew the dildo part way backing it out of his ass. That didn’t hurt at all, so she moved forward slowly then. That didn’t hurt at all. Suddenly he felt his erect penis slowly pass liquid. It wasn’t semen, he didn’t ejaculate per se, but something was leaking out of the tip of his penis. 

Somehow Melanie sensed that something had changed and she moved under him and began to slowly, slowly suck his cock at the same time getting a bird's-eye view of the dildo in his ass. Kat quickened the pace. Melanie sucked lightly on the end of his penis as she could tell it was tender. The Lion lost track of how long Kat was stroking in and out of his ass, he didn’t care, he’d given himself over to bliss, to ecstasy.

This time he didn’t roar, but he pushed his penis into Melanie’s mouth at the same time Kat pushed hard into his ass, and he just shot cum stream after cum stream after cum stream into Melanie and felt his whole body turn into one big nerve end as his butt quaked along with every other part of his existence.

This was The Lions’ third cumshot in a little over an hour. He was spent. He just lay on the chair unable to move, to think, to process what had happened. His breathing returned to normal. He could hear and feel Kat and Melanie minister to him, making sure he was okay and comfortable. He didn’t pass out, but his senses were so overwhelmed that he was powerless to move, or to do anything but glory in the bliss. 

He was only half aware of what was happening around him. He saw or vaguely saw or remembered that Kat and Melanie were in bed together and they seemed to be happy in their own lovemaking as little squeals of delighted laughter periodically wafted through his brain. He slept. He did vaguely remember being guided to bed by two beautiful women, it was like it was in a dream. He slept.

Written by GhostedWriter97
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