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The Best Of Friends

"When best friends fall in love with the same girl..."

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Author's Notes

"This is a story in 6 parts of a relationship between three close friends, and how it changes over the years. I hope you'll give it a read, and hope even more that you'll enjoy it and feel it's time well-spent. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Drop me a comment somewhere along the way and let me know!"

Asinine. Noble, I’d first thought, but recently, with a bit more of life in the rearview, I’d concluded that asinine was more accurate. My two best friends in the world and I’d walked away, hadn’t spoken to them in over eight years, because I’d convinced myself, over their objections, that it was best for them. Playing the martyr had seemed to suit me back then, but I’d quickly grown weary of it.

Oh, I still sent them each a funny birthday email, a Christmas card, a warm message on their anniversary - easy for me to remember, since I’d been their Best Man – but I always kept it cool and impersonal. I wouldn’t take their calls, never contacted them personally. I’d ignored their attempts to reach out, which eventually dwindled and then stopped entirely… but who could blame them? I’d been the one who shut them out, after all.

In addition, it felt like the old relationship between me and Jake, once so very close, so important to me, had become strained. So I’d walked away from them, the mental gymnastics of “putting aside childish things” only slightly less painful than straining my shoulder patting myself on the back for my noble sacrifice.

It had felt like certain other walls, not just their marriage, had arisen between me and my best friend. But now older, perhaps wiser, lonely and questioning my decision, I realized that no resolution, no “closure” could be had without talking to them.

At about the same time that I was working through that glacially paced epiphany, I had a brief, strange email from Teri. It said, simply: Heath, please get in contact with us. We need to talk to you. It’s important, or I wouldn’t have intruded in your life. We love you…

I was touched by her words but procrastinated still, my own epiphany not yet fully realized; then I began to have terrible thoughts that perhaps one of them was gravely ill or some such thing. And so, a month or so later, while on business in Colorado where they now lived, from yet another bland and generic motel room, I called.

Teri answered, her familiar, sultry voice like a warm oil massage. “Hello…?”

“Teri, hi.”

A long pause; then, with a note of wonder, “Heath? Is that really you?”

She’d recognized my voice after all the years, even with only two words, which was flattering. “Yeah, Teri, it is. How are you doing?” Banal, but what do you say to people you’ve hurt badly and then avoided for nearly a decade?

It didn’t seem to matter, and I could hear the excitement in her voice. “Good, Heath, we’re good. Oh, it’s so great to hear your voice! Hold on a sec’, I’ll tell Jake to get on...” I heard her call out, “Jake, honey, Heath is on the phone, can you believe it? Grab the extension.”

I probably wasn’t intended to hear his reply, but after a long pause I did, faintly but discernably. “Heath, yeah? Tell him to fuck off.”

She came back on. “He can’t come to the phone right now…”

“Yeah, I heard.”

“Oh. I’m sorry, Heath. He’s still hurting over you leaving like that, shutting us out.”

“It’s okay, babe. My fault, really.” I hadn’t meant to call her ‘babe’, but old habits... I rushed on, hoping she hadn’t caught it. “If it helps, tell him I’m hurting too. I fucked up; it took me a long time to realize it.”

“He thinks it was his fault; he blames himself and still misses you, or he wouldn’t be so angry. I miss you too, but I know you had your reasons.”

“Stupid reasons maybe, in retrospect; selfish reasons.”

“You had good instincts, Heath. We needed to cool things off, to learn how to be a married couple.”

“That’s what I sort of figured. I needed time too, to sort through some baggage. Things were pretty outrageous; it wouldn’t have worked out.”

She was silent for a moment before quietly replying, “I guess there’s no way we’ll ever know.”

“No, I suppose not. I miss you guys.”

“I know; us too.”

I laughed. “Maybe you do; it doesn’t sound like Jake is dying to see me.”

“He is, Heath. He misses you every single day; you’re the brother he never had.”

That choked me up, because I knew it was true; he was the same to me. He was an only-child, and I had only a younger sister, so ultimately, we’d bonded like brothers – closer than brothers, in fact. We’d been inseparable until a woman – Teri – came between us, and even that astonishing girl hadn’t truly driven the wedge; that took her becoming his wife, coupled with my pride, jealousy and intransigence. Narrow-mindedness, maybe.

I tried to blow off the hurt. “Well, anyway, I was hoping maybe we could get together, clear the air, talk, like your email said… hey, about that; are you both okay?”

“Sure, we’re fine; no worries there. So you’re here, in Denver?”

Relieved that her odd email message apparently hadn’t presaged anything dire, I answered, “Colorado Springs, but I’ll be in Denver tomorrow. Can I take y’all out to dinner?”

“Nonsense! You come to dinner. I’ll make my special lasagna, your favorite.”

“It might be easier to meet somewhere, in case anyone needs to walk away. Less awkward.”

“Nobody is going to be walking away, I’ll see to that. Just come.” She paused, then, “We still love you, you big putz.”

I laughed. “Nobody’s called me that in a very long time. Haven’t missed it, really. You’re sure about dinner… and Jake?”

“I am; he loves you, mister.”

“Tell him I’m sorry.” I hesitated for a moment. “Tell him that I love and miss you. Both of you. I regret the way things have been.” Neither Jake nor I had ever told the other that we loved them; that message was conveyed only through Teri, and rarely even then.

“Oh, Heath…” she sounded sad. She gave me brief directions to their home, and I promised to arrive before six o’clock – and bring wine.

Hanging up, I was surprised to realize how excited I was about seeing them. Jake and I had been as close as any two boys can be growing up, although it hadn’t started out that way.



He’d moved into town the summer before third grade, the ‘new kid’, with a chip on his shoulder. We’d hated each other, instantly and passionately. Both athletic and competitive, even at that early age, and both unwilling to play second fiddle, the friction was unavoidable. I’d always been the alpha dog in my peer group, and he, another alpha, was the first to seriously challenge that; my resentment ran deep.

We fought, every sports or fun activity ending in flying fists, and the outcome varied, although it often ended in a bloody draw. We were the two most dominant athletically; pairing us on one team was a no-win situation for anyone on the other team. As a result, we were always the captains, requiring us to be the ones choosing up sides. This did nothing to build a friendship between us, yet somehow, in some miraculous way, one blossomed. Juvenile respect for a worthy opponent, perhaps.

By sixth grade we were inseparable, and by high school we were legendary; Heath and Jake, a force to be reckoned with, at least in our own small community. Taller, faster, and more graceful than him, I played wideout and backup safety on our football team. Several inches shorter but with a heavier, muscular build, much stronger than me, he started at middle linebacker and occasionally played fullback. I was an offensive team co-captain, and he’d been awarded the same honor on the defensive side. In the winter, I played basketball and he was on the wrestling team.

I think even then I’d known he was bisexual; the signs were there for anyone close enough to him to notice, although I’d never thought of him that way at the time, and it wasn’t something either of us would acknowledge. I knew he wasn’t gay; his fascination with the opposite sex, like my own, was real and profound, but there were other things, things I never put together until much later.

The way he always checked out other guys – including me – in the showers, his curiosity seemed more than casual; certain comments he would make, things that aroused him, and the incident that had happened the day we found his dad’s porn stash… But more on that later.

It was Teri, who didn’t enter our lives until the summer before our senior year, that brought things to a head and almost ended our friendship.






Jake and I had gone to the lake, ostensibly to swim and cool off but really to ogle girls in skimpy swimsuits and, with any luck, possibly hook up, or at least find one of our friends whose family had a boat, maybe do a little water skiing.

Walking from the parking lot down to the beach, I saw her first. “Holy shit! Who’s that?”

He looked at me, then followed my gaze. “Wow! I dunno, but I guarantee we’re gonna find out. C’mon!”

The object of our attention was gorgeous, but she was also that shiny new object that men – even teenaged ones – find fascinating. Never mind that she was standing with two of our town’s more desirable girls, one of whom was rumored (truthfully, as I’d discovered) to ‘put out’ quite readily; they each seemed to dim as the she stole their light, glowing ever more brightly.

She was tall and lithe, her figure sensational in her small yet modest white bikini, and she moved with an unconsciously sexual, feline grace far beyond her years. Her breasts were more than adequate, though not huge, her tummy flat and well-muscled, and her long, tanned legs led up, up, up, to a tight, perfectly rounded, heart-shaped ass which was having a profound effect on my nether regions as we drew closer.

The sun gleaming off her oiled, nut-brown skin, set off by her white bikini, gave her an exotic air, and her thick, brown-blond mass of wavy hair just begged to have my fingers entangled in it. I’d never found another girl as powerfully attractive, nor as instantly fascinating as this stunning newcomer. Somehow, erotic fantasies and thoughts of spending the rest of my life with her meshed as one, overwhelming me, and I was hooked. And destroyed.

Alas, Jake is the one the girls notice first. I’m several inches taller, move more gracefully, and have the long, lean muscles of a runner or endurance athlete, but he’d grown from cute kid to a handsome young man, with a brilliant, eager smile, bright blue eyes, and a mop of unruly, sun-bleached blond curls, and he undeniably had the more defined muscular, powerful build; he was also very at-ease and charming with women, a quality I could not claim.

He was the star around which members of the sexier sex orbit like planets trapped in his gravitational field. I was not completely hopeless, but around the girls I found most attractive I tended to become nervous and hesitant, sometimes even tongue-tied; I made a decent wingman, but that’s all.

I knew even then how things would likely go and having my heart take wing knowing it might be crushed so suddenly was disorienting.

I heard her introduce herself as Teri Denton, and heard Jake introduce both of us. I was staring at her when Jake introduced me, and as her eyes turned to me I felt my insides turn to jelly. Eyes so dark brown that the iris blended into the pupil regarded me with an air of calm confidence which was also far beyond her years, and all I could do was stare into them so intently that I saw the small golden rays that radiated out across the chestnut brown.

“Hello, Heath. Are you always so quiet?” Even then she’d had that sensual, warm oil voice, that tiny, enigmatic smile.

No, I wasn’t; my silence was her fault, but I said, “Uh, yeah, mostly. Jake talks enough for both of us.”

She laughed, and at that moment I was ready to fall on my knees and beg Jake to let me have her. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. I had the momentary thought that, having seen her first, I should have called ‘dibs’. As semi-adults, however, ‘dibs’ was presumably no longer valid; I’m not sure it would have applied to another human being in any event… but god, how I wanted her!






By the time the fall semester began she was his, and I was depressed. Jake and Teri seemed only to have time for each other, my best buddy’s lack of interest in me only deepening my depression; when I needed him most, he was otherwise involved and in large part, the cause of my angst. I felt like I’d lost them both in one fell swoop – or one swell foop, as I often malaprop it.

I tried to date other girls but none of them were Teri, and I tried to get closer to other male friends, but none of them were Jake; they all fell short in my eyes, and I began to spend a lot of time alone. It was an agonizing time in my life.

Ironically, it was Teri who began to heal the wounds, seeking me out and spending time with me during a free period we had together while Jake was in class. She was friendly, charming, beautiful and open, and we formed a warm friendship even as I fell more deeply in love with my best friend’s girl. Soon the three of us were hanging out together often, and despite knowing I was the third wheel, I was much happier.

We went everywhere together, and Teri took to walking between us, holding hands with each of us. I sometimes felt like I was intruding, but they seemed fine with it and continued to invite me – movies, dinners, what felt like dates - and while I knew I was the odd man out, I enjoyed being with them too much to say no very often. I hoped I wasn’t a burden, that they weren’t asking me merely to be polite.

One possibly ulterior motive surfaced, they started asking me to drive, whether in my parent’s Buick or in Jake’s restored ’69 Mustang. While I drove, they’d make out, either in the front bench seat alongside me in the spacious Buick, or in the cramped rear seat of his Mustang.

Sometimes, especially in the back seat, it would seem to go beyond mere kissing and fondling, and while through some masochistic flaw in my character I kept going with them, I seethed with jealousy and resentment – and arousal, invariably developing a rigid, throbbing erection to the sounds and scents of their necking and lovemaking.

It all changed one night, the rare fall Friday that we didn’t have a football game, when we’d driven from our town, Montrose, Colorado, up to Grand Junction to shop, eat, and see a movie and were heading back home, about an hour away. As expected, he tossed me his Mustang’s keys.

I shook my head. “Oh, great! Again, I’m the designated driver for the sexmobile.” I passed it off as a joke, figuring they just wanted to make out, although clueless Jake, oblivious to my feelings about Teri, had previously told me they were fucking. Still, inside I seethed, wanting it to be me with her in the back seat… holding her, kissing her, while he drove. Or simply disappeared…

I’d dealt with a lot of them touching and kissing and various other PDA’s and had no desire to be present for another of their heavy make-out sessions, but here I was – and more than a make-out session was on tap. We weren’t ten minutes down the road when the bumping and moaning began; a knee, or maybe a hip or elbow banging into the back of my seat as they tried to get situated in the small rear seat for something more than kissing.

When something else hit my seat back – hard, jarring me – I said, “Jeez, guys! Don’t make me come back there!”

They both giggled before Jake said, “The more the merrier!”, earning another round of giggles. If I’d thought he was serious, I’d have been off the road and back there in a heartbeat, regardless of the cramped quarters.

From there it wasn’t long until all I heard was moaning, gasps of passion, and muttered words between lovers. By adjusting the mirror and sneaking an occasional glance over my shoulder, ostensibly to check for non-existent surrounding vehicles, I made out Teri, glorious breasts exposed, on her knees in the center of the seat, her bare ass in the air and cutoff shorts around her knees, and Jake’s arm draped over her butt, his fingers no doubt at play in her wet pussy.

Jake was directly behind me, and with a subtle turn of my head, from the corner of my eye I could just glimpse Teri’s head bobbing up and down in his lap as she sucked his cock. It was infuriating, yet intensely arousing, and my cock was so hard that it ached. Before long I heard Teri moan around his cock as his fingers brought her to orgasm, and moments later, undoubtedly inspired by her sounds and the feel and scent of her wet sex, I heard Jake groan and felt his knees push rhythmically against the back of my seat with each spurt as he came, accompanied by a series of small, appreciative sounds from her as he pumped away into her eager mouth.

I was gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles were white, and my hands ached, while my rigid, throbbing cock strained against my pants. Intensely aroused, jealous as fuck, I drove angry for several miles, speeding, attacking the curves of the twisting road until the tires were squealing in protest.

So intent on the road that I didn’t realize Teri was climbing between the seats, trying to join me in the front, one sharp curve threw her against my shoulder, almost causing me to lose control.

She cried out in alarm. “God, Heath! What are you doing?”


She got settled in the passenger seat. “Slow down!”

“Fuck off.”

I could feel her magnificent eyes on me, staring as we rode in strained silence; then, “Are you okay?”

I couldn’t look at her. “No.”

“You’re angry.”

“Angry, yes… Jealous.”

“Oh, Heath.” She sounded upset. “Oh, I’m so sorry; that was thoughtless, wasn’t it?”

I glanced at her. God, so beautiful, her glorious face flushed, lips soft and swollen from sucking cock. I wanted to kiss them, even knowing where they’d just been and that she’d taken a mouthful. “Extremely.”

“It was cruel.”

“Right again. I assume asshole fell asleep?”

She laughed. “Yes – how did you know?”

“He always falls asleep after he comes.”

Another warm-honey laugh. “Yes, he does, but how did you know that?”

“Long story; we’ve been friends since way before puberty, remember.”

“I must get him to tell me that story someday.” She paused, then leaned close. “We didn’t mean to hurt you.” I could smell his semen on her breath; I still wanted to kiss her, and those long bare legs continued to tempt my eyes away from the road ahead.

Exasperated, I looked at her. “Teri…” I’d almost blurted out that I loved her, but I stopped myself just in time. “Never mind; I’ll live.”

We rode in silence for a few miles, before she said, “Did you get hard?”

I turned and looked at her, and in the dim light our eyes met for several seconds before I had to turn back to the road. “Yes, of course.”

“Heath…” She reached across and put her hand on my thigh, high up, and when I didn’t object she began to slowly explore, her fingers wandering to my inner thigh where she found the still-hard bulge of my erection lying against my right leg, extending down my thigh. Their sounds, her beauty, and the faint scent of pussy and semen in the car had kept me achingly hard, my cock throbbing with arousal.

“You’re still hard.”

“I know.”

Her fingers continued to explore the extent of my bulge, and eventually she wrapped her hand over me as my erection strained against her fingers. “Jesus, Heath… you’re huge!”

“I dunno… Kinda big, maybe, not huge.”

“You’re huge. Much bigger than Jake.”

“I know.”

“Again, I should ask, but never mind. Can I take it out?”

“Teri…” I turned and stared at her. “What about Jake?”

“He’s done, sound asleep. I want to see it… touch it… suck it.”

It was so tempting, but… “Teri, I can’t. He’s my best friend in the world.”

She pulled her hand away and leaned back in her seat, the moment broken. “You’re a good guy, Heath; I can see why he loves you.”

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He’d never said he loved me, but in that moment, I realized that I loved him too, like a brother, although I also had never expressed it aloud. I kept my eyes forward. “He told you that?”


“Huh. Go figure.” Now I began to feel like shit, my anger and jealousy over his happiness seeming small and selfish.

She laughed. “Guys are so dumb. Go to the lake.”


“Drive to the lake.”

“The park is closed, gate’s locked; it’s after-hours.”

“Park across the road, we’ll walk in.”

So that’s what I did, and we walked across to the beach, her hand in mine. We left Jake sleeping in the back seat and sat on a picnic table, our feet on the bench, listening to the last remaining frogs and crickets of fall. Even if a ranger showed, the worst he’d do is tell us to leave.

Teri sat against my right side, her bare left leg pressed to my jeans-clad right, and when I felt her shiver, despite the mild night, I put my arm around her. My cock was semi-erect when she found it again, and when she began to lightly stroke me through my pants, I didn’t stop her; soon I was rock-hard and throbbing. I watched as her slender fingers explored my straining bulge, the three-quarter moon enough to illuminate that and for me to see her hard nipples jutting against her t-shirt, the first I’d realized that hadn’t put her bra back on, and that she too was very aroused.

She stretched up and kissed me, lips soft, warm, and swollen with lust, his cum still on her breath, and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Had she asked again in that moment to suck my cock I think I would have faltered; my sense of honor is not that strong. Nobody’s is. I’ll never know, because that’s when Jake rejoined us.

I guiltily but reluctantly broke the kiss and removed my arm from around her, but she left her hand curled over the bulge of my cock. I saw Jake glance, but he didn’t comment, instead taking a seat against Teri’s other side before saying, “What are we doing here?”

She laughed. “Waiting for you to wake up.”

He yawned. “Mmm… I need my beauty sleep.”

I leaned forward to look at him. “You could have used a few more hours.”

He smiled. “Thanks. Were you guys making out?” He’d said it like it would have been the most natural thing in the world.

I choked, but Teri answered calmly, “No, not yet. Just sitting, talking. We kissed once. Mostly waiting for you.”

“Okay.” We sat silently for a few minutes, her fingers lightly stroking my cock and my mind awhirl, before he said, “C’mon, guys; let’s swim out to the raft.”

We’d always called it ‘the raft’, a sixteen by sixteen-foot wooden swim and diving platform anchored mid-lake, floating on fifty-five-gallon metal drums. It had a ladder up one side, a slide, and a low diving board, the water plenty deep in that spot. They’d pull it ashore for the winter soon, but in early October it was still there.

Teri said, “The water’s getting cold, you know.”

He shrugged. “Who cares?”

“And I don’t have a suit,” I added.

They both laughed. “Nobody has a suit, Heath.”

Jake stood and began to unbuckle his jeans, and when Teri smoothly stripped her t-shirt over her head, leaving her glorious breasts exposed, I realized they were serious.

Jake looked at me. “C,mon, bud. Drop trou and let that big boner out to breathe – unless you’re too shy!” He laughed.

I was talking directly to Teri’s breasts, my eyes captive, when I said, “Skinny-dip? We’re really going to do this?”

She raised her eyebrows appraisingly. “We are; are you going to join us?”

In the moonlight her rosy nipples were charcoal gray on the silvered mounds of her breasts, and the cool air caused them to stiffen further. I nodded. “I am if you are, sure. Why not?”

We left a trail of clothes across the beach, all of us naked by the time our toes touched water. It was, indeed, cold! Teri was glorious, her breasts and ass perfect, a narrow strip of dark curls adorning her pronounced mound. Jake’s cock stood at full attention, baying at the moon, and my own, much larger but equally erect, bobbed around as we ran down the beach; he’d known I was considerably better-endowed, but still hadn’t hesitated to get both of us naked in front of Teri, apparently not embarrassed by the disparity.

Every inch the water rose was a frigid shock, and when it found Jake’s balls, he let out a howl of protest. My extra height gave me a momentary reprieve, but soon I joined his howl, much to Teri’s amusement. I knew it would soon reduce our magnificent, proud cocks to mere nubs, but seeing her body, tense against the cold, hard nipples jutting, every muscle and sinew stretched taut, was worth it!

All of us strong swimmers, we covered the hundred yards to the raft quickly. Jake got to the ladder first and clambered up, and I stole the moment to wait below Teri as she climbed, enthralled by the view of her ass and her sex in the dim light. Even the chill water couldn’t entirely kill that surge.

Once we were all on the raft, we just looked at each other, not quite able to believe we’d really done it. Jake’s cock had shrunk to resemble an acorn in a nest of brownish curls, while my own was a stubby four or five inches of wrinkled pink putty. Teri was magnificent, an aquatic goddess, the water running from her hair reflecting the smooth contours of her body, nipples rigid and her flawless skin patterned with tiny goosebumps.

She grinned as she inspected the results. “It seems that cold water is very unkind to you guys.”

Jake looked down at his shrunken nub. “Not to worry, it’ll grow back by next summer.”

Teri said, “Bet I can speed the process…” and as if it was a totally normal thing she stepped forward and took my cock in her right hand while she cupped her left over Jake’s shriveled nubbin. Her hand was already warmer than my cock, and the fire of arousal she ignited soon had me warming further, my cock filling with hot blood as I swelled in her hand.

Already horny and frustrated, I responded to her gentle stroking quickly, reaching full, rigid erection in no more than a minute; Jake was slower, but then, he’d come a short time ago. When I glanced at him, he was staring at Teri’s hand stroking my cock. He looked at me. “You okay?”

“Yeah… you?”

“Sure, I’m good. Anyone ever tell you you’ve got a big fuckin’ dick?”

“Sometimes. Is this weird?”

Teri giggled when I said that, but he nodded. “Good though, huh?”

“I guess, yeah.”

“You guess? Hey babe, Heath only guesses this is good. You want to suck his cock, see if that’s better?”

She nodded. “I really do. I want to suck both.” Not hearing any objections, she dropped to her knees and engulfed the head of my cock, expertly using her lips and tongue to roll my foreskin back – that was another difference; Jake is circumcised. When she tongued my slit, my knees almost buckled.

She took over half my length in her mouth and down her throat, sucking me and getting me slick with saliva before switching to Jake. She soon had him rock-hard too, and took in his entire length, right down to the root.

She alternated between us for a while, pulling us closer together so that she could shift back and forth more easily. I was stunned with the ease with which both accepted the intimacy with me, but so wrapped up in the pure pleasure of it that I wasn’t about to ask questions.

I’d had my cock sucked before by a couple of different girls, but this seemed so much better, so much more pleasurable. Maybe Teri really was that good, or maybe it was just because it seemed like a dream coming true, the one girl I loved with my cock in her mouth, it was intense.

When she pulled our cocks together we had to step close, our sides touching, and when she rubbed our swollen cock heads on each other it sort of weirded me out, but I heard Jake gasp with pleasure. She held us together and began to swirl her tongue around and between the heads of our cocks, trying to fit both in her mouth at once, and he moaned, “Ohh, fuck, baby! God, you’re going to make me come… Yeah, like that, fuck yes! Ohhh, fuck…”

His side against mine, I felt him stiffen and spasm, and when he began to thrust, sliding his cock against my hard length and between Teri’s lips, it took only seconds before his cock jerked and began to spurt cum all over her face, my cock, her hand, and anything else within two feet of his dick. He came like a fire hose, all the more surprising since he’d just shot his wad in the car a short time before, but apparently this experience was very powerful for him, and he emptied his balls completely.

Watching him orgasm so wildly was almost my undoing but I managed to hold on, and after, as his erection faded, Teri got busy cleaning us up with her tongue and lips, even licking his cum off of my cock and balls, leaving no trace of his bounty other than the glistening white pearls had splashed down onto the wooden deck.

Jake was rubber-legged after his huge release and lay down on the deck, sliding beneath her so that he could lick her pussy while she continued to suck me. I couldn’t help but notice that he’d positioned himself so that he could look up past her mound to watch her sucking my cock and see her under boob and my balls swinging back and forth, but as it was one of only two positions he could have chosen I didn’t think too much of it.

Soon she was moaning in pleasure too, his tongue obviously working some magic on her, and her sounds combined with her oral skills were pushing me to the edge. As I felt the tension of my pending orgasm begin to coalesce, drawing me tight as a bowstring, she suddenly stopped and let me slip from her lips so that she could gasp out her own orgasm, leaving my wet cock bobbing stiff and thick in the cool night air, within milliseconds of launching my load.

Groaning in frustration, I stared down into her face as she came, her eyes open but not seeing me I don’t think, and to this day I can still remember how beautiful she looked, how sensual and gorgeous and sexy, and how her eyes went smoky with arousal and lust. It was stunning and life-changing, and maybe that was the moment that I first knew that I’d never be able to love another woman as I loved Teri.

It hurt, knowing that, and knowing that she was his and that even if I could somehow steal her away from Jake, only one of us could ever end up happy. I also realized that either way it was likely to end our friendship, but in the arousal of the moment I pushed those thoughts to the deepest recesses of my mind.

When her orgasm waned and she moved back slightly and sat on his chest, I found out why she’d stopped just as I was about to come. Looking down on his face, her juices all around his mouth so that his face looked like a glazed donut, she asked, “Jake, sweetie, I really need a hard cock in me. Would it be all right if Heath fucked me?”

If I’d been shocked by everything that had transpired so far – and I had – that request totally floored me! It wasn’t that I didn’t want to; I did, desperately, but oral sex seemed more like just goofing around, like friends having some good, clean, messy, naked, intimate fun. Me fucking Teri, on the other hand, Jake’s girl and the intimacy of that act, just seemed like it would take it to a different level. Apparently, he thought so too.

“Ohh, babe, really? You want his big dick in you? I don’t know, I mean…” His reluctance was obvious, but she cut him off.

“Please? I really want a cock, and, well, you’re sort of out of the game right now. Maybe when Heath is done you’ll be hard again, and then you can fuck me too!”

While he waffled, the thought crossed my mind that I should gracefully decline and save him the angst of having to decide. At that moment, however, my cock throbbing with arousal and the opportunity to slide it into Teri’s tight, wet pussy both imminent and irresistibly tempting, I ignored my better angels and waited for her to talk him into it, which I was sure she would.

But I know Jake as well as I know myself, and I could hear the doubt and pain in his voice when he said, “Teri, baby, a blow job is one thing, but I don’t know if going farther than that is a good idea. I mean, you know…”

Again, she interrupted him. “It’s just sex, Jake, and you know I wouldn’t be interested if it was anyone but Heath.”

That set me back too, hearing that, and while I tried to figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing, I made the mistake of looking at Jake. The pain in his eyes was as plain as it was in his voice, but when our eyes met there was also a look that I knew was a message, a plea, a faint hope that maybe I’d bail him out, almost like he was begging me to take the initiative and do what I already knew, deep inside, was the right thing.

We’d discovered this non-verbal ability to communicate years earlier, playing team sports, but for the first time ever I regretted it. Sadly, this was Jake, my best friend in the world, and as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t ignore his silent plea.

Reluctantly, my feet feeling as though they were anchored in concrete, I stepped away. “Maybe he’s right, Teri; maybe this is all just too much, too far. Maybe too fast. I don’t want to screw things up for you two – or even for all three of us.”

When Teri looked up at me, I could see the surprise and disappointment in her eyes. “But I really want you, Heath; I really want this.”

“I know, and I do too…” I scarcely needed to say it out loud, my throbbing, upright cock, a stiff silver column in the moonlight more than ample evidence of my desire, “… but maybe it’s not a good idea right now. Maybe it’s something we should talk about or work up to or something. Or maybe it’s just wrong all around.”

She swung her leg over Jake, dismounting him, and sat back on her heels, first looking down at him, his face slick with her sexual juices and his spent cock shriveled in his tawny curls, and then up at me, her eyes sliding up the length of my erect cock to my belly and chest, and then to my face. Much like Jake’s pain and uncertainty, her disappointment was as evident in her voice as it had been in her eyes.

“Well, if you’re sure. The moment has kind of passed anyhow, I guess.” Her eyes returned to my swollen, rigid cock. “At least come here and let me finish what I started.”

“No, it’s okay. The cold water will take care of it.” With that, I turned and dove into the water. The cold wasn’t as shocking as it had been the first time, although it was still bracing, and when I surfaced, I began to stroke powerfully toward shore. I heard them calling after me, but I ignored them and before I got to the beach they’d quit, convinced I wasn’t going to turn around.

I gathered my clothes from the assortment we’d left scattered on the beach and walked into the trees to a picnic table, where I sat bare-assed on the table, bare feet on the bench as I waited for my body to air dry so I could dress. I was right; the cold water had thoroughly quelled my erection, my shrunken, flaccid cock now only about the size of Jake’s erection, but it had done nothing for my raging libido. I could see my friends on the platform, lit by the moon above, but I figured they probably couldn’t see me in the shadows under the trees.

I could hear their voices too, a low murmur across the water, the words they were saying unclear due to distance and the various night sounds. Some of the sounds were harsher and sharper, as though they were arguing, but eventually it settled back down to low, almost imperceptible voices. Not long after that, even from over a hundred yards away, I could see that Teri was on her knees in front of Jake, sucking his cock.

I was almost dry by then, and could have dressed and gone to the car, but I didn’t. Instead I sat there under the trees, a long-distance voyeur, my cock stiffening and growing as I watched. About the time I reached full hardness they changed position, Teri going to her hands and knees as Jake knelt behind her, and when he entered her, I could clearly hear her moan with pleasure. As much as I wished that was my swollen and eager cock, not his, sliding into her tight, wet heat, still the sound of her moans and cries had me throbbing with arousal.

Completing the journey from honorable friend and all-round nice guy to perverted interloper and voyeur, I began to slowly jerk off as I watched them, their eager and unashamed sex too much for me to ignore. The slight breeze carried the sounds of their fucking to me, her cries, his grunts, the sound of his thighs and belly slapping against her ass as he took her, and I slowed my hand, close now, edging, delaying, thinking to maybe come when I heard them come.

My cock was like steel in my hand, and my balls felt like they each weighed ten pounds, ready to burst, yet when I heard Teri cry out with her climax, and clearly heard Jake tell her he was coming, I stopped. I simply squeezed my cock, hard, denying my release as I waited for the tension and electric shocks in my groin to abate; it would have taken nothing at that point to shoot my pent-up load all over the forest floor, a mere stroke or two of my hand, a squeeze of my balls, but for some reason I refused to do so.

As a result, when they finished up and swam ashore about ten minutes later, I was still sitting there naked, my hard, aching cock in my hand. I released it as they drew close and leaned back on the table, my hands behind me for support, my cock jutting up proudly from my groin.

They looked at me, and then at each other, and when Teri raised her eyebrows he nodded. With his approval, she bent over me and again took me into her warm, wet mouth. Jake watched for a moment, then stepped to my side and put his arm across my bare shoulders to be closer to the action, to watch his girl suck my cock. His skin was wet and cold against mine, which had fully dried, and when he leaned against me, I could feel his wet curls and cold, shriveled little cock pressing against my hip.

I put one arm around his waist, my hand resting on his far hip at the top of the swell of his muscular right buttock, and we both watched Teri suck my cock. When I felt the surge coming, knowing I’d reached the point of no return, I warned her in case she’d rather not take my load down her throat. To my surprise, instead of Teri pulling away, Jake reached down and cupped my balls, gently fondling and squeezing them, his fingers feeling the spasms at the root of my cock as I filled his girlfriend’s mouth with spurt after spurt of hot cum.

I groaned with the intensity of that orgasm, which seemed to go on and on until Teri had cum overflowing, running down her chin and dripping onto her breasts, and when I finally stopped pumping into her mouth, she raised up, swallowed, let out a hearty burp, and giggled.

“Wow, Heath! You really needed that, huh?”

I shuddered with the aftershocks as she began to lick traces of cum off my still hard but now very sensitive cock. “Apparently. Damn, that was amazing!”

I looked at her for a moment, my cum on her lips, chin, and breasts, her wet hair long and dark and plastered to her tawny skin, and I thought I’d never seen her look more beautiful. I tore my eyes away and looked at Jake, whose cock, amazingly hard again, was still pressed against my leg where I could feel its heat. “Thanks, to both of you. You didn’t have to do that… but I’m sure glad you did.”

Jake grinned. “Hey, what are friends for, right? That was fun.” He was still fondling my balls as she polished my knob, his fingers exploring that sensitive area just behind my dangly bits, and he was subtly rubbing his erection against me. I felt like maybe he expected me to return the favor – and perhaps I should have – but I wasn’t comfortable with the idea, and so pretended not to notice instead and he soon withdrew his hand, although he continued to press his cock against my hip.

Teri rose to her feet and slipped her hand behind Jake’s neck, pulling him forward for a kiss, an obvious challenge to see if he would actually do it with my cum still on her face and lips. To my immense surprise he did, when I’d expected him to pull away, disgusted. Instead, he appeared more than willing, kissing her eagerly and open-mouthed, his lips devouring the streaks of glistening white that I’d left on her face.

When she broke off the kiss with Jake she turned to me with the same challenge, although now her face was just wet, mostly with his saliva, the white ropes and beads of cum mostly gone, devoured by Jake. Having witnessed him take the plunge I could hardly decline the challenge, especially since it was my semen on her face. I kissed her, tentatively at first, but soon realized that what remained was just a wet slick which had no scent or taste, perhaps because it was my own.

It was the first time I’d ever kissed a girl after coming in her mouth, but as I enjoyed the sensuality of it, I knew it would not be the last.






Written by Stormdog
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