When Nathan flung open the door to his girlfriend’s bedroom and confidently paced toward her bed, his senses were too numbed by his unshakable Friday routine to notice anything. To him, things were plain as day and laid out pretty clearly: In the late afternoon, he would down the last remains of his morning coffee that already came out of the cheap machine stale and watery like what’s dubbed Americano in proper Italian shops (and badly frowned upon), shut down his computer, recite his favored weekend farewell to his colleagues, stand in line to clock out at precisely 5.03 pm and catch the rush hour train to see his girlfriend for his well-earned fuck.
It was a mediocre fuck.
For both of them.
He didn’t realize—or didn’t care.
It was a fuck.
Still counts.
His arrival at her place and the quality of the fuck were, much to her dismay—or delight, depending on the situation—as predictable as a sensually moaned ‘ah, men’ in church. His failure to knock on her door, in turn, was too deeply embedded in his standard Friday night procedure. At least, she was able to set an automatic reminder of his arrival in her calendar.
It never failed.
The prompt served as a cue to start playing with herself in anticipation of his well-earned fuck. Her orally communicated change requests to said protocol, asking for ‘minimal preparation’ (interaction leading to a heightened state of readiness to mate; see also: foreplay) had not yet come to fruition, courtesy of his stubbornness—or because she hadn’t filed a neat change request form according to his strict guidelines, possibly.
Well, it was a fuck.
At the risk of redundancy: still counts.
Phallus-centric society had very successfully tricked her into actually believing that a poor fuck was like cold pizza: it’s still pizza, duh!
…or yet that it was her good girl’s duty to spread her legs whenever the male wished.
In her defense, it was a failsafe way to keep him quiet and happy.
The aforementioned alarm on her phone came with a whole world of potentially raunchy or forbidden possibilities too. Particularly, this time, something was afoot—quite literally. At foot height, under the bed, well-shielded from Nathan’s eyes.
In his defense, he only had eyes for the missus who was on the bed.
Unusually for a Friday, she was lying under the blanket that was covering her up to her nose. This out-of-specification observation would normally entail an oral deviation report (read: an interrogation). He preferred having her patiently awaiting him, sitting on her bed, dressed in whichever clothes had lain on top of each individual pile of neatly folded items in her drawer that morning (or hung as a crumpled mess over the infamous ‘chair’), both hands demurely resting on her thighs, her immodesty marinating in the result of her dexterous self-pleasing so he wouldn’t have to bother with that nasty foreplay stuff.
Eww, oral—yuck! Well, depending on who’s giving whom, naturally.
This was a societal belief too deeply ingrained in his mind: only homos ate pussy—regardless of the obvious paradox. Real men go in, unload and pull out.
He tapped his foot dangerously close to a spot where curious inquisitive eyes were squinted as their owner was nearly bursting with laughter over the absurd accuracy of Nadine’s accounts of Nathan’s weekend initiation habits. As a matter of fact, Nathan was not aware of the extra set of ears and eyes eavesdropping and prying.
Unsure of what to expect, Nathan frowned and slowly peeled the blanket off his abashed significant other, revealing a set of laced bra and panties that performed miracles on her small bust and whose color rivaled her glaring red cheeks—except for the damp patch on her enticing cameltoe.
Irritated, Nathan tried to mentally process the sheer number of protocol breaches, the Sunday lingerie being just the cherry on top. Nadine, on the other hand, countered his raised eyebrow with a big-eyed pout when she sat up cross-legged for maximum effusion of her womanly scent. For added effect, she supported her weight on her hands and pressed her arms together to turn her chest into an inviting ravine of fleshy goods.
“Babe…” Nathan inquired, voice trailing off into a phone dial tone.
“Yes?” Her eyelashes fluttered.
“What’s the, uh…” His brain clearly failed to compute.
“…meaning of this?” she purred to conclude his unfinished question. “Exactly what it looks like, hun.”
She never called him hun.
“Whoa, what’s with the names?”
“Which names, sweetie?” with an unchanged, seductive expression in her face.
She never called him sweetie either.
“Babygirl, you okay?” he pressed on.
He never called her babygirl—an unforeseen breaking of his preferred procedure she recognized as a first success in seducing him into walking the path of outrageous sexual anarchy. Or, God forbid, a sordid, twisted kind of sex where the female gets her needs fulfilled. (Cue collective shock and gasp.)
“Just thought I’d surprise you today, stud.”
She never called him stud, though the verbal gratification did not pass by his ego entirely unnoticed.
“If I didn’t know better, darling,” he began, voice loaded with childish amusement over the newfound game to come up with unusual pet names for each other, “I’d be tempted to suspect you’re hiding something.”
Indeed, he never called her darling but she called him that occasionally—when she knew something was on his mind. Like the time she had made him confess his fondness for her flatmate’s boobs.
Little did he know… A clichéd phrase, granted, and yet…
Still with an unmoved face, she continued bewitching him with that alluring timbre in her voice. “All that’s hidden lies underneath my garments, as usual, hunk,” with a nearly obnoxious emphasis on ‘usual’ that went by Nathan barely noticed, given he was still basking in his polished self-esteem over the ‘stud’ remark—and now 'hunk' too! Oh, he might outperform himself and last those extra ten seconds beyond his rarely-met two-point-five-minute mark! She’s gonna love this! (Cue collective cheering—or eye-rolling; pick your side.)
Nonetheless, she never—by now you get the drill.
Increasingly perplexed by her unexpected creativity in terms of endearment, Nathan wasn’t exactly sure how to react. His rising frustration mainly originated in how his mind failed to process the situation, for he had no protocol for unforeseen occurrences—and possibly lacked the vocabulary to express his emotional state, as it surpassed the boundaries of hunger, thirst and mild horniness.
He was a real man, after all. Real men don’t get emotional—or confused. There was also the possibility that his very habit-oriented mind was overwhelmed by a haze of hormones mixed with curiosity, surprise and stupefaction and, as a result, stuck like Windows 98 on startup. (Cue 90s Eurodance remix of said operating system’s startup chime.)
“Babe, are you hiding something?” he repeated his query.
“What’s wrong with changing our… sexy ritual?” she offered her reply, hesitant and with a prominent question mark over the adjective. Attentively, she observed the changes in his facial expression, carefully evaluating his rather predictable reactions.
“What’s wrong with the one we have? You come, I come, everyone happy.” He let those words float in the air with an expressionless face as if they described the quintessence of purely recreational fornication, a faint but distinct air of pride in the fact that he was even able to coax an orgasm from her every once in a while—like a good hole-centric (and clit-ignoring) jackhammer should.
“It’s because,” she pushed herself to begin her well-rehearsed speech that, much to her chagrin, she only managed to continue in her thoughts, you really just don’t get it, do you? Sex is not about putting sticks into holes until a forced orgasm comes out—or any number of them, for that matter. It’s not narrow error tolerance, performance and reproducibility. It’s the exact opposite of that. The whole idea is to explore ways to find mutual—
“Yes?” came Nathan’s prying question that cut off her mental discourse on sexual fulfillment.
Awkwardly, Nadine replied, “I… you know… would like to, like, uh…”
Uncomfortable silence.
You could cut that silence if you happened to have a knife handy. May have helped our protagonists.
Unvoiced cussing about her lack of a spine filled her mind and stalled her thinking process.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, guys!” came a voice from below the bed, slicing through the palpable discomfort and along with it, someone crawling forth. “You can’t be fucking serious!”
“Nola!” Nathan and Nadine exclaimed, where Nadine’s half of the choir came a fraction of a second too late and with too thick a fake surprise to be believable. Nathan didn’t seem to take note, however.
Nadine jumped up. She stood akimbo next to her roomie. “What a-are, uh, you, um, doing under my, my, my... bed, er, Nola?” she attempted with an overly abashed, crooked smile that would have fooled no one—except maybe...
Nola stood up, dusted herself off, mumbled a few curses under her breath and then just stood there, looking at her roommate with a look that screamed ‘really now?’ while removing the dust balls from her body that was identically dressed as her friend’s. “Girl, you oughtta clean under the bed more often,” she reproached, carrying an offended undertone over her roommate’s piss-poor attempt at mock surprise as if too cowardly to admit they got caught red-handed. “When will you learn how to use a vacuum cleaner?” Nola chided. “For real, girl. It’s gross down there.”
“Hi Nola,” Nathan waved his hand. “Fancy seeing you.”
Both Nola and Nadine scanned his face for the impending outburst; Nadine in poorly hidden horror, Nola more in annoyance. Surprisingly, it didn’t come. His overexerted mind was still desperately trying to keep up with the ever-rising pile of deviations and to file them into neat little boxes.
“So how’s that little bum-bum of yours doing, being stretched like that?” Nola nonchalantly addressed Nadine to prevent another awkward silence, giving her a spirited nudge with her hips. Hearing this, Nathan’s face looked like a dumb question mark. Startled and cheeks burning through shades of red, Nadine hesitated long enough for Nola to add, “By the plug.” She paused again. “You know, the one I inserted there?”
“Wait!” Nathan interjected Nola. He began his subsequent string of questions again and again, tripping over his own words at every attempt. He stammered at each try until his brain finally mustered the required wits to piece the individual parts together. “What plug? In whose ‘bum-bum’?” he managed—including the quotation marks. (Cue applause.) “And who inserted it where? And how do you know all of that?”
Both girls looked at him with eyes wide as saucers, giving him the headshake of disbelief, unsure of whether expecting him to find the obvious answers by himself was too much.
“Sooo…” he eloquently elaborated his thinking process. Accompanied by a wide-gaped unrecognizable vowel, he pointed his index at Nola. “You?” She slowly nodded in response, never breaking eye contact.
Nathan very carefully phrased his question. “Put the plug into…”
They slowly closed the gap between each other and hugged for emphasis.
“…her ass?”
Both nodding slowly in unison.
Nola broke the hug to move her hand in a repeating circular gesture in an attempt to catalyze Nathan’s drastically decelerated thinking process.
More verve in Nola’s circling wrist.
Nadine looked at him in horror over his sheer inanity. Had he really just out-bimboed her?
“…you do that?”
Cue crickets.
Really loud ones.
“You dense motherfucker!” Nola exclaimed, pinching the root of her nose with her fingers. She tried her best to stay calm but failed rather spectacularly at it. “Not that I intend to cause a fight between the two of you but…” She briefly re-evaluated before she couldn’t hold back her outburst any longer. “You do realize you caught Nadine cheating on you, yes?” Artistic pause, index fingers pointing to herself. “With me!”
Nathan looked at Nola, then at Nadine who was meekly nodding. His gaze was, switching between the two, mouth slowly falling open, showing it was too much information for his brain to possibly put in one of those labeled drawers he was so fond of.
“But you’re a girl,” came his reply, voice testifying to his lack of comprehension. While Nadine’s face gradually lost its color with shame, it was Nola’s turn to have her pale cheeks turn the color of her ridiculous excuse for garments. “That’s not cheating. It doesn’t count.” Just as Nola was nearing the tipping point of a hissy fit, Nathan, nonchalantly pronounced the words she had silently dared him to: “Also, it’s kinda hot,” thus confirming her assessment of him as an overly stereotypical cis-male.
“That does it, bozo,” she snarled, having reached the limit of her patience and grabbed his collar.
Surprised by the vivacity of her yank, and even somewhat shocked, he obediently followed to where she had directed him and landed on the bed, on his back. Her attention fell on the rising bulge in his trousers.
“Oh, please tell me he’s not sprouting a stiffy,” she expressed her revulsion while retorting to, once more, kneading the root of her nose. “Ugh, that’s just pathetic.” Her throwaway phrase of disgust hit home as shown by the twitch in Nathan’s wardrobe malfunction.
Nadine, too, looked at him but rather with an intrigued expression.
“Nola, babe,” she addressed her roomie, one hand resting on the latter’s shoulder, “how about we do give him a show. Thanks to that plug stuffing my tush-tush, I’m pretty horny after all and,” she paused for effect, a huge smirk creeping upon her face, “he might just learn a thing or two—possibly even where to find the clitoris.” Pause for emphasis. “Maybe.”
The excitement in her voice was unmistakable.
“Baaabe!” whined Nathan, clearly embarrassed by his beloved girl so casually exposing his shortcomings. He sat up, wanting to get back to his feet but the glance Nola threw him ordered him to rather stay put.
“Shut up, boy!” she barked, boobs jiggling enough so he couldn’t remove his eyes from them although embarrassed. His predictable behavior earned him another eye roll.
Nadine cupped her roommate’s face with her hand and made her turn her head. Her contagiously ravishing smile turned Nola’s frown into a dirty smirk. “Don’t you think,” she started, giggling as though she was obviously hiding some ulterior intentions, “that we should treat our dear Nathan here to a little something? To make up for the cheating?”
This earned her a grin from her flatmate as well as an excited, near-drooling stare from her boyfriend who was anticipating getting his wildest fantasies fulfilled—at least those stereotypical ones he dared express and didn’t fear being rejected for.
He observed how his girlfriend and not-so-secret crush closed the gap between each other and caressed each other’s faces with long, slender fingers before their lips met and their digits sensually intertwined with their hair. Their passion and hunger was palpable.
Nathan was so mesmerized by the overt display of affection that he, mouth still refusing to close, forgot even about his male pride straining the zipper of his pants. Like in a trance, he wiped the drool off the corner of his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt, eyes locked on the target like a predator observing his prey.
When Nola and Nadine interrupted their canoodling, Nola nearly fell into a laughing fit from seeing the expression on Nathan’s face. “Take a load of this guy, babe,” she said laughing. “Like a little puppy so eager to get his surprise reward.”
Nadine cackled ominously from seeing Nathan so entranced by the show that he was not really capturing her tone. “Oh, won’t he just love it?”
At hearing those words, Nathan finally got up from the bed and slowly nodded, not yet fully understanding what he was all-too-willingly consenting to.
Nola’s ardent look was fixed on his eyes as Nadine unhooked her bra. To Nathan, it was obvious that she wanted him as much as he wanted her and that he was determined to show her—as it seemed, against Nadine’s elaborations—solid proof of his virility. He suspected negligibly little that the ladies’ plans didn’t exactly meet his expectations.
As the straps came off, Nola still held her bra in position, supporting her generous bust enticingly. Ever so slowly, she lowered the cups of the bra, gradually exposing her boobs to Nathan’s lewd ogling. He didn’t even realize how his general field of detection turned into tunnel vision pin-pointing on her erect nipples.
Not even as Nadine fell on her knees in front of the subject of Nathan’s poorly concealed impure desires.
Neither as she pulled down her roommate’s panties.
Nor when Nola’s throbbing erection slapped Nadine across the face.
Or when his girlfriend allowed his not-so-hidden crush’s dick to part her lips and tickle her tonsils.
It’s only the suggestive glucking noises that threw him out of his reverie, for he knew that sound too well and they simply didn’t fit the solidly pre-defined picture of the scene he had formed in his mind.
The record-rip noise was so loud in his head he was positive everyone had heard it.
“Holy shit, you got a dick!” exclaimed Nathan, almost jumping backward and tripping over Nadine’s office chair, a system32 error message written all over his shocked face.
Nadine stood up and giggled at him with a drool-stained mouth.
“Yes,” replied Nola, voice dripping with devilish amusement, “and?” Despite the question being rhetorical, she stepped towards the flabbergasted male, awaiting his answer, her expression and vocal nuance leaving no doubt about how she enjoyed the moment. “Does it bother you that my name once was Nolan?”
She delivered that line with a ballsy sass that underscored her confident aura. She knew full well her vulgar display of blatantly self-aware deadnaming further intimidated Nathan. It was a statement of her natural dominance and comfort in her identity. She could hear him gulp over the ease with which she stripped herself of any vulnerability.
As he slowly backed away, Nathan’s gaze was switching between her mouth he had dubbed ‘made for sucking’, the curl of her hair she was enticingly playing with and her cock that was coated with his girlfriend’s phlegm—thanks to a blowjob like she had never given him, courtesy of his inability to last long enough. He was not sure whether to be jealous, disgusted, surprised or whichever emotion his standard protocol dictated, for it had not foreseen any event outside the established cis-two-color scheme. And yet, the one feeling that gradually precipitated from his oversaturated hormone soup was curiosity—and years of meticulously hidden consumption of certain porn genres.
Eventually standing with his back against the corner of Nadine’s room with nowhere to escape to anymore, Nathan’s eyes were open wide by his insecurities and his heart pounding adrenaline in his veins, firing his unexpected excitement further.
As Nola cupped his face and caressed his cheek like he was her prey to devour at her leisure, he returned her intense look. She came closer until their foreheads bumped into each other. “Are you comfortable, Nathan?” she asked softly, eyes still locked on his.
No reaction.
She reiterated, “You are not in danger and no one is going to hurt you.”
He swallowed hard against his racing heart furiously beating up his throat.
She kissed his cheek, his jawline, his neck before she barely more than mouthed, “I want to fuck you, Nathan.”
Her blunt statement made him gasp from the possibilities that ran through his mind. Carefully, he contemplated them, realizing his stiffness would not wilt. Instead. The warmth he felt surging in his loins turned into burning need. Still, his mind attempted to find excuses to make him feel sick but found none. The only sensation that hit him was the overwhelming realization that the foundation of his tidily protocoled habits was about to be shattered.
“Is that okay with you?” were the words that shook him from his thoughts.
He nodded with tears swelling in the corners of his eyes.
“You are aware that you may say no and get out of this at any moment, yes?”
More nodding, breath slowing and getting steadier, more controlled.
“Do you want to feel my cock in your ass, boy?” with ‘boy’ softly purred.

“Yes,” he tried but only the ‘s’ was audible.
“I didn’t hear you.”
Nadine was observing the scene with eager anticipation, wanting to hear her boyfriend say the word.
“Yes!” he finally fulfilled her wish.
Smirking, she turned around and opened her night table drawer from which she produced a silicone bulb. She threw it to him. “Catch!” He did, and when he realized what purpose that soft hollow sphere with the nozzle at the top and the overpressure valve at the bottom had, he blushed over both ears. How deep had the girls elaborated their plan, he wondered.
“Bathroom… I’ll… I’ll be right b-b-back,” he stammered, barely able to look at the gorgeous beauties that were about to tear him to pieces like the little sissy boy he secretly nurtured deep inside.
Once out of the bathroom, he came back to Nadine’s bedroom only to find her alone, waiting on her bed, naked, legs spread, her hand diddling with her clit.
The uncanny resemblance to their habitual Friday night ritual put him at ease. Had she finally come to her senses and was about to reveal it had all been an elaborate prank?
But when he saw the leer on her face, he backpedaled and abandoned this glimmer of hope. She had to be amused by something else—like the transsexual cohabitant sneaking up on him from behind with her fingers lubed up, ready to invade him where the sun never shines.
By the time he realized what was happening, he was already moaning into Nola’s mouth and instinctively reaching for her cock. He tried to stroke it only to find it coated with the slippery liquid as well, making it slowly dawn on him where to this rigid pole was to disappear. A renewed surge of excitement rushed through him.
“Oh my,” she exclaimed in her best George Takei impression, breaking their hungry exchange of saliva. “I think our little puppy boy here has a lot more secret desires than he’s admitting,” she stated in a delightfully sultry tone that made Nadine giggle in delight. “I think he’s playing with his ass a lot more than he wants us to know, right, little boy-whore?”
His affirmation came as a moan when Nola inserted a third finger to stretch his anus.
Pleased with her discovery, she added, “…and he’s not even ashamed of it.”
Her observation was evidenced by the string of pre-cum that stretched from his cock nearly to the floor.
Nadine jumped to him to catch it with her hand and coat his erection with it.
“Lookie there, boy really wants to get sissy-fucked by his girlfriend’s tranny roommate,” she purred, voice dripping with predatory delight.
Nola chimed in, “I bet your virgin boy-cunt is tight as a clenched fist and needy as a teenage Backstreet Boys groupie.”
Nathan moaned and nodded and Nadine chuckled over the comparison as well as his reaction to it.
As Nola pulled out her fingers, his voice turned into a verbal protest from the withdrawal. Then, as Nadine took his hand and gently pulled him towards the bed, Nola swatted his ass and pushed him forward to bend over so his hands were supporting his upper body on the mattress.
“Don’t worry, boy, you’re gonna get your little tushy stuffed just fine.” Standing behind Nathan, she threw Nadine a glance. “I did promise your sweetheart a show after all.”
As she sat on her bed again, Nadine’s and Nathan’s gazes met. His face was riddled with anticipation but also with wonder about how she had gotten so deep into his mind to read the fantasies he was trying to keep locked even from himself. She, on the other hand, looked at him with ravenous desire, eager not only to see him get his wildest dreams fulfilled but also to watch him learn an overdue lesson in expanding his sexual horizon.
Their eyes were still glued to each other the moment Nathan felt Nola push her bulbous helmet against his backdoor. In his face, Nadine saw the pleasure flash up, showing he was, indeed, no stranger to anal stimulation—and very fond of it at that. With much gusto, she observed how he melted in her roommate’s embrace like the good little puppy she knew was lying underneath his fake male act. Nola’s cock inched its way up his rectum until her hips connected with his buttocks.
As if begging for forgiveness for his closeted skeletons, he forced himself to hold his gaze into his girlfriend’s eyes—not because he had those fantasies but rather because he was afraid of bringing them up. She understood and, instead of being jealous that it wasn’t her, his love, who had coaxed those desires out of him, she watched the two with great fascination.
She observed how Nathan’s eyes became watery with unmet need when Nola pulled out and spanked his buttocks for good measure.
As Nadine spread her legs and stretched out her arms to welcome her boyfriend, Nola gave him a gentle push. “Don’t wait up, stud. Go stick it into your pretty love,” she encouraged him, waiting for him to insecurely crawl forward before she resumed her elaborations, “so you can be sandwiched between the two of us.”
Nathan backpedaled and stopped in his hesitant pace. Nola closed the gap between them and pulled him close to her body. “Would you like that?” she breathed in his ear. He gave her a frantic nod that surprised even him.
A broad smile appeared on her face. “Atta boy!”
Yet, the fear that he might just spill his seed so early into their tryst made him anxious.
He crawled onto the bed and followed the path that led between Nadine’s legs that years of repetition had engraved into his mind. However, this time, his hunger was fueled by a far more exciting out-of-specification prospect that lit his lust like the beacons of Gondor.
He plunged into Nadine’s depths, encouraged by her limbs wrapping around him and pulling him as deep as his length allowed. Her unmistakable lust for him made him dissolve in her melting-hot pussy. Knowing she partially also held him in position for Nola to stuff his tight boy-cunt only added to his ardor.
As he felt Nola push into him again, he commented on her renewed invasion of his entrance with a string of gasped and hissed profanities. Soon Nola was embedded deep enough in his bowels to neglect all initial gentleness and start driving her erection into him. Nathan tried to keep up with her pace. This, in turn, made Nadine’s body quake with the force of the double thrust.
“Stretch my little fuck hole, Mommy,” whined Nathan while Nola relentlessly pummeled his ass, amplifying his every forward thrust into Nadine’s depths. “Make me your little anal cum-whore.”
A giggly moan came from Nadine’s mouth when she heard her boyfriend unleash his desires he’d held back until that point.
Nola pushed forward to sink her length balls-deep into Nathan’s chute, forcing his sphincter open and with it, his moaning mouth. She kept the pressure up, allowing him to push back against her hips while she bent over to place one hand on his neck.
Her tongue left a trail of saliva on the side of his neck from his shoulder to his ear before she whispered, “You are a dirty little slut, aren’t you, sissy boy?”
His reply came as an approving gargling noise as her hand tightened his airways further.
“You know you’re gonna make me cum if you keep being such a cock-craving puppy, boy!” Nola growled into his ear, eliciting a cry that left no doubt that he was about to empty his load into Nadine’s moist confinements.
The sudden swat on his buttocks and the searing pain that followed yielded a satisfactory girly shriek from Nathan’s mouth.
“Oh no, sissy,” Nadine chided her boyfriend now degraded to little more than a fucktoy, tone laden with self-content, “not just yet.”
Nola pulled out and motioned him to do the same and lie on his back. “I think your girlfriend here wants to try something new tonight. She’s curious, you know,” she paused, an evil smirk creeping over her lips. “Now that you showed her how much pleasure you had getting your ass pummeled silly, she wants to try that too.”
Nadine turned around on all fours and beamed at both of them. As it seemed, the girls had planned every moment of their intrigue meticulously.
Nola enjoyed watching how Nathan’s facial features reflected his conflicted state of emotions between humiliation and anticipation, offense and eagerness. His eyes were filled with questions: would he get his dream of fucking his girlfriend in the ass fulfilled or would he have to watch Nola desecrate Nadine’s previously adamantly defended place right in front of his eyes?
“I’m scared you’ll be too big to be my first,” Nadine replied to his most urgent question, looking at him with puppy eyes while tugging on her bottom lip. While brushing his ego, this also nourished a heaviness in his lacrimal sacs that threatened to spill over the sheer profoundness of his beloved’s impending betrayal.
“As I’m not as thick as you, I’ll have to loosen her up a bit just as I did with you before she can take you.” His heart skipped a beat from hearing those promising words that Nola delivered with a pause for effect. “If you last long enough to try, that is, little boy.”
The glistening in Nadine’s eyes was playful and yet challenging. “I have fantasies and needs too, you know?” She uttered that line as an informative statement more than a request for permission.
Nathan looked first at Nola, then at Nadine with a questioning look. Those ominous-sounding last words were just floating in the air. In some way, it showed how easily he let them play with his emotions and how well he responded to every twist, punch and blow.
Giggling, Nadine motioned her boyfriend to turn around and lie on his back. She straddled him, aligned his cock with her pussy and sat on the iron pole in one slick motion that only ended when their hips met. In this position, he easily bottomed out, making her shiver with the sensations the mere depth of his penetration caused. Her nails dug into his pectorals as a drawn-out ‘yes’ surged from her gullet.
As Nola pressed two fingers against the base of the glass toy in her roommate’s bottom, the latter threw her a glance over her shoulder. She purred with delight, “I’m ready, babe. Go wash that beautiful cock of yours and then take that plug out of me. Stuff me with a real cock. Shove it in my ass and fuck me like you fucked him.”
The seemingly little resistance that Nadine’s ass offered to Nola’s cock should have made Nathan suspicious about how much anal experience his girlfriend had had before this. Yet, he was too busy distracting himself with thoughts of Cannibal Corpse album covers to prevent his impending orgasm. The feeling of another cock brushing his through the thin wall of flesh between Nadine’s cunt and ass brought him dangerously close to his premature shot. Her vigorous bouncing on his cock like her life depended on it only added more danger to it.
The fact that the whole situation seemed to turn him on, threw him into a spiraling loop of terrifying thoughts. His mind meandered around what it could mean to his masculinity that he liked getting fucked in the ass or yet let someone else fuck his girlfriend—worse even, that it seemed to turn him on so much. At the same time, the possibility that Nola’s balls and his could brush while double-teaming Nadine scared him—not because it made him gay; rather because this, too, brought him closer to his finish. His greatest fear was failing to last enough to get his dip into his beloved’s rear.
The mostly self-inflicted mental pressure made tears pop out of his eyes. They rolled from the corners of his eyes to his ears without him noticing for he was too absorbed by his thoughts.
“Awww,” Nadine purred in cheery delight. “He’s so determined to deserve a go at my ass that he’s crying. Isn’t that just adorable?”
“It’s cute,” Nola added, clearly satisfied with her act of superiority, “but he will have to deserve that first.”
Their arrogance triggered Nathan. Spurred on by his rising resolve, he grabbed Nadine’s hips to thrust into her forcefully and demonstrate his manly strength and wish for dominance. Pleased with his determination, Nadine let it happen. She encouraged him with her lusty moans demanding more while Nola relentlessly pummeled her backdoor.
Smiling, Nadine grabbed one of Nathan’s hands, lifted it to her mouth and sucked on the thumb to make it wet and slippery with her saliva. “This is where I need that,” she said and guided his hand between her legs where she placed his thumb on her clit. “Make me… cum, hunk, if you… really… want my ass so much,” she ordered in between moans.
She let out a pleasantly surprised squeal when she felt his free hand close around her throat and clench it, constricting her breath. Soon, she began shaking and forcing labored breaths through her squeezed windpipe. The veins in her neck swelled as her shaking gradually turned into spasms. Nola helped her lift herself from Nathan’s dick just as her body and mind were about to succumb to the cataclysm. Nathan felt himself slip out of the quaking hole the moment he was about to bust his nut. He was rewarded by his girlfriend’s ruttish gurgling as well as a deluge of her fluids squirting onto his twitching shaft in sync with Nola’s thrusts.
Once Nadine’s orgasm abated, her roommate pulled out and allowed her to rest.
Nadine collapsed on her boyfriend’s body from her mind-shattering orgasm. Through half-unconscious eyes, she looked at his incredulous face. She tousled his hair tiredly. Meanwhile, her swollen pussy lips engulfed his aching erection as if trying to suck it back into the hole from where her juices were still trickling out.
“Your turn to lube up, stud,” Nadine whispered contently, wiggling her hips against his cock for emphasis.
Nathan cracked open the bottle Nola handed him and made sure to apply a copious layer on his entire cock; and a second one for good measure. Finally, he was able to put the knowledge he had secretly acquired online to good use. The fact that Nadine’s forbidden entrance had already been invaded by someone suddenly mattered little face to the overeager excitement he tried to contain.
When he saw how Nadine was lying on her chest, butt raised high to present her luscious buns and the bulls-eye of his boyish dreams, he had to remind himself not to stroke his slippery dick too often. He got startled by Nola suddenly hugging him from behind, pressing her boobs against his back. Her hands roamed his chest as he felt her breath against his neck and her cock snake between his ass cheeks.
“Do it,” she softly whispered, making sure the breeze from her lips would tease him. “You’ve earned it, boy.” She nibbled on his earlobe. “Fuck your girl in the ass.”
He felt how her hand slipped between his legs, rose up his balls and grabbed his shaft to aim it at the pink star winking at him. Slowly, he followed Nola’s gentle push. First, he felt a tight ring that gave way without needing much convincing. The resistance was constant but thanks to Nola’s preparation, it willingly swallowed his swollen mushroom.
In Nadine’s voice, Nathan heard her pleasure and determination to accept his girth. He joined in the cacophony of moans, spurred on by Nola’s encouragement. For several minutes, they seemingly didn’t move save for Nola’s hands caressing Nathan’s pectorals and pinching the few stray hairs he had while he kept plunging into Nadine millimeter by millimeter.
Suddenly, once the rim of his cockhead had passed Nadine’s sphincter, he slipped in to the hilt. The movement was so sudden that her entrance seemingly collapsed on his erection along with a wailing of pure lust over their deep connection. For him, however, it was enough to send him over the edge on the spot. While instincts took over his body and he thrust in and out of her in unison with the contractions in his lower belly, he whined a ‘no’ with every one of them. Nola giggled out of amazement from the force of the orgasm that she saw firing through his body and heard his voice’s throaty groan.
He slipped out and rolled off onto the bed next to his freshly creamed girlfriend. She barely allowed him to catch his breath before she unceremoniously sat on his face, facing the direction of his feet so he would be able to lick her slit while his nose dug into her backdoor.
“No time to sleep just now, bozo. First, you’ll be a good boy and eat my pussy and the spunk that trickles out of my ass. Make me cum again,” she commanded before bending over to lie on him.
“…while your girl spreads her legs so I can use her tight little ass to drain my balls too,” Nola completed the roommate’s orders before adding, after a pause for emphasis, “’cause I’m the only one who didn’t cum yet.”
Too busy to protest, Nathan submissively started licking the fleshy folds that were pressed against his mouth. They kept rocking back and forth, ensuring his tongue would service the rosebud where his cum oozed from.
“Look who’s a good little puppy boy,” Nadine sang, her voice melting in lust. “Fuck, I want to feel you in there again, babe,” she added, addressing Nola.
They kissed hungrily, humming in ecstasy.
“You want me to fuck your ass while he’s eating you?”
Nadine nodded, biting her lips at the idea while Nathan dutifully slurped the rivulet of spunk that flowed out of her pucker.
“You want me to pull out and cum on his face?”
“Yeeesss!” came Nadine’s approval.
“Will you squirt on his pretty little face when I glaze it?”
“Please make me,” Nadine replied, squirming, and riding her boyfriend’s nose like a mini-butterfly vibrator, having obviously decided without need of his opinion.
Nola moved behind Nadine and positioned herself behind her friend, cock ready to explode. She pushed into her roommate’s ass that was still well-dilated from Nathan’s previous intrusion while he was fighting for air. Like the good slut he was, he lapped up the abundantly flowing juices that endlessly rained out of her pussy.
Nola’s balls were no more than an inch away from his eyes and yet, the prospect of accidentally getting teabagged suddenly didn’t seem so threatening anymore. Now that he had acquired the taste of his own cum—from his girlfriend’s ass, no less—he found himself even looking forward to getting facialized by the two girls. It was a promised reward for being their good boy-whore.
Indeed, the close-up of Nadine’s ass getting pounded by a transgirl’s cock and the hunger with which Nadine rode his face kept his sexual spirits alive despite his most recent orgasm only being minutes past.
“Fuck me, babe,” Nadine panted. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too,” was all Nola managed in her efforts to delay her own climax long enough to send her roomie over the edge.
Just as Nola pulled out, her cock started oozing her cum in a long, steady trickle that she lustfully plastered Nathan’s awaiting face with. All the while, Nadine’s build-up crescendoed into incomprehensive gargling accompanied by a satisfied release of her fluids that washed off Nola’s cum as quickly as she dripped it there. Meanwhile, Nathan was cautious to keep his eyes closed and exhale through his nose while trying to avoid choking on the combined orgasms that washed over him.
Exhausted, all three spread on the bed as well as they around the wet puddle where Nathan had lain.
Much to Nathan’s delight, the girls allowed him to lie in the middle with both of them cuddled up to either of his sides. They ran their fingers over his belly and played with his chest hair. Despite the verbal abuse they had imposed on him, he found himself rather satisfied with the outcome of the evening—or was it because he had enjoyed that kind of debasement? The deprecative names? The stern hierarchy? Being violently pushed off his natural position as the strong alpha male?
While he was lost in his musings, sporting a huge grin over the general situation, Nadine giggled, “Babe, do you think he passed?”
“Oh, he did,” replied Nola. “With flying colors.”
Looking at Nadine with a puzzled expression, Nathan managed a confused ‘huh?’
“You are hereby officially baptized our personal little boytoy,” Nola announced capturing his attention and clearly struggling to pronounce the verb in question instead of bursting in laughter
In the meantime, Nadine had produced a neatly folded decorative cloth which she handed to him. He shimmied up so he could sit on the top of the bed with his back against the wall before he accepted the beautifully ornate tissue. Slowly, he opened the wrapped package, wanting to swallow hard with every corner he so cautiously peeled off. The dryness in his mouth prevented that.
Only as he lifted the last corner of the cloth, its contents were revealed to him: a thick black short-leashed leather collar with a cat bell attached to it. The engraving on the latter read ‘Whore Bell’ in a peppy and yet somewhat classy typeset. He ran his fingers over the letters embroidered on the leather with light grey thread: Owned by N. & N.
Before he could protest or even process what this meant, Nadine took the collar to strap it around his neck while Nola held the leash ready to pull it and instill some obedience into their new pet.
Scanning both their faces, all he found were two suggestive smiles that spoke volumes about how the relationship between the three would evolve from there on (and how little it would have to do with standard protocol).
Surprisingly to him, it dawned how profoundly fond he was of the prospect of being a fucktoy. It came with an unexpected hall pass to sleep with his girlfriend’s roommate he had lusted after for so long—if he behaved. Dick or no dick didn’t matter much anymore. The added spice of being their collared sub only amplified his excitement and seemed to catalyze a long-coveted yet stubbornly protocol-suppressed venture into uncharted territory.
His newly sprouting erection was unmistakable proof of his eagerness to implement this change in his standard operating procedures as quickly as possible.