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Our First Foray Into A Threesome - Chapter 2: Riding Richard And Sucking Seth

"We take the fun indoors, my turn with the boys' toys."

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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation from Part 1 so I hope you'll read that first. Again, it's fact-based but not 100% accurate as I can't remember every word that was spoken. the dialog is best I can recall around events that did occur so probably largely fictional. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I appreciate all readers and hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!"

Trying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!

As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of his robe and his wet shorts. Standing there naked, his extremely hard dick pointing at the ceiling, he looked at the two of us. I’d taken off my robe, and now Seth did too. He’d adjusted himself, or maybe his dick self-corrected, because he was now upright rather than tucked down, one long, straight bulge, and the head of his cock was slightly lifting the elastic waist of his boxers away from his tummy like it wanted to escape.

He looked me over. “You first.”

I shook my head. “I’m already more naked than you are. You go first.”

“You do it.”

“Nope, you next, Seth!”

I thought we had a standoff, but Richard laughed. “I think he meant you take his shorts off for him, hon.”

“Oh. Yeah. Well, sure, that I can do.” So I did. I pulled the elastic out so it wouldn’t hang up on him and then down past his cock, which stood up proud, thick and veiny, although sticking out at more of an angle, not as upright as Richard’s. Then again, his was longer and thicker, and no doubt heavier; gravity would tend to drag it down more, I think. Still, it looked every bit as hard! When I bent to roll his wet boxers down his legs, it was right there, in my face, so I did the natural thing and licked it, and he groaned.

Seth was uncircumcised. I hadn’t known that, and I licked right where the edge of his foreskin still barely covered the back rim of his crown. I was excited to see that he still had his little hoodie. Richard doesn’t and I’d only ever had one boyfriend before him that did and had always found it fun to play with, a soft and sensual feeling thing, especially on the tongue. It wasn’t a deal maker – or breaker – but it was a fun new fact and something different.

Once I’d held his shorts so he could step out of them, I’d sort of planned to go to my knees and pull the two guys together so that I could take turns sucking on both of them, but Seth took my hands and pulled me back to my feet. When he did, Richard joined us and the two of them made short work of getting me as naked as they were. Seth took the bottoms, using the opportunity to touch my ass (which he loves so much) and my thighs and smooth mound as he slipped them off me.

My husband got the top, removing it with practiced ease before bending and taking one of my hard nipples into his mouth. I had a cock in each hand as they attended to me, and I was dripping – and not because I’d just gotten out of the hot tub! Feeling the two of them, their hard cocks so different and yet so alike, was intensely arousing to me. As they continued to touch and tease me, Seth’s fingers now wet and slippery with my arousal as he explored my sex, I slid my hands down to cup and fondle their balls.

I wasn’t intentionally comparing the two men; it was more a case of it being easier to coordinate both hands performing the same actions on their same body parts at the same time rather than trying to pat my head and rub my tummy, like the old challenge. Still, I couldn’t help but notice how much larger Seth felt than my husband – everything, not just his cock! His balls were big and heavy and filled my hand, his thighs were thicker and his ass more muscular, his shoulders beefier, even his wrists and hands and fingers were thicker and larger.

It didn’t matter to me. I love Richard’s slim and athletic build, but he’s more Greyhound, built for speed and agility, while Seth is more Mastiff or something, just more thick and solid throughout. He just feels different. And it’s not entirely about cock size either. Richard is high-average in that regard, or slightly above according to statistics I’ve seen around, so for us it will never be one of those “tiny-dick husband” situations.

He’s far from tiny, and of all my “boyfriends” (my catch-all for prior sex partners - precisely six before Richard, so Seth would be only my eighth, lest you think I’m a slut; slutty, perhaps, but not a slut), Rich is second-biggest. Third now, of course, after Seth, but I’d had very enjoyable sex with each of them regardless. In every case, it was about the guy and his unselfishness, his creativity and passion… and his cock, tongue, lips, fingers, and so on. But never just his cock. It always mattered who it was attached to… or between whose legs it dangled, to turn a more creative phrase.

That doesn’t alter the fact that Seth’s junk is considerably larger than my husband’s, especially in thickness. While that had never before proven to matter much either when it comes to sex, I can’t deny that seeing it and holding it was intensely arousing. I loved the way his cock filled my hand, my fingers not reaching around him, the weight of it and the silk-like skin, and the way his big balls hung heavy and masculine in their soft sack, warm and supple and utterly masculine. I wanted to play and explore and take it in my mouth, and I was so wet!

My plan to kneel and suck the two of them was foiled when they decided to “undress” me first if removing that little bitty bikini qualifies, and once they had me as naked as they were, Seth stepped back and looked at me. I looked right back, enjoying his body and his visible arousal.

He whistled, then laughed. “Goddamn, Rayney! You are spec-tac-u-lar! I mean, I knew you were hot and sexy and had a nice ass, but I had no idea that you were such a sex goddess.”

I felt myself blush, but I laughed. “Thanks, Seth – and yes, flattery will get you everywhere. I always thought you preferred the more full-figured girls - big boobs, soft ass, all that stuff.”

He smiled again as he stroked the backs of his fingers over my taut tummy. “That’s all good stuff, but I recognize a lean, mean sex machine when I see one. Goddamn! You look like you could take on the team and not break a sweat.”

“Oh, I’d sweat plenty, but bring ‘em on! You don’t think my boobs are too small?” That’s probably my biggest insecurity, my small boobs; it’s about what guys might think of them (so yes, I guess I’m vain) and it’s something that’s apparent even when I’m fully dressed, but I like the way they look and feel and am active enough to appreciate not being encumbered by big, heavy breasts. Still…

Being very un-Seth-like, he was kind rather than sarcastic. Then again, he wanted something!

“Come on, Rayne! Your breasts are perfect and you know it. On you, it’s just what the doctor ordered, anything else would look wrong… and I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but your nipples seem to be enjoying themselves.”

Yes, they were standing out proud and hard, tingly, and as he said that, he reached out and rubbed the backs of his fingers over my left breast, his knuckles bumping across my very erect nipple. It was like electric shocks straight to my pussy, and seeing Richard watching him was an odd thrill too. “Mmm, Seth, god! Well, they like that for sure.”

That was all the encouragement it took. After that, they both started on me, one on each side, and it was heaven! Seth cupped my left breast in his hand and leaned forward to suck on my nipple, his other hand on my ass – of course! Richard had his palm cupped over my mound, his fingers teasing and stroking my hard, slippery little nub. He was licking my other nipple, flicking it with the tip of his tongue and his other hand was on my neck, his fingers lightly touching me just below my ear.

When Seth slid his hand down and between my legs from the rear, he slowly, gently entered me with one finger. I was very wet and ready by then so he slid in easily, and when he did I moaned and pushed back against him, squeezing his finger in my pussy. I had a hard cock in each hand, which was an amazing feeling, and between the guys, they were now officially touching eighty percent of my most erogenous spots and stimulating approximately ninety percent of the very best nerve endings in my body... then Seth added a second finger and thrust in. Fuck, they were about to give me another orgasm!

There was something very erotic and special about having two men so focused on me, and I loved it. The fact that I was in love with one of them and the other was a good and trusted (and sexy!) friend was a factor, certainly, so I was able to relax and revel in the sensations, and when I came it was so powerful that my knees almost buckled.

“God, you guys, fuck! I’m coming… Ohhhh god!” And then I did, my hips confused between thrusting back to Seth’s fingers inside me or grinding my clit forward on Richard’s. It didn’t matter; I came like gangbusters! In the middle of it, Seth pulled his fingers out and pressed one slippery fingertip to my tight little star.

“Oh god, Seth… No!” But he did, just a little, his fingertip entering me an inch or so, and as I clamped down on it and groaned at the sensations they were giving me, he pushed deeper. If I’d ever had an orgasm like that one before, I don’t remember it, and it went on and on. They were holding me up, I think, supporting most of my weight, and I just leaned into them and accepted what they were offering, and by the time it started to ease up and fade, my breath was coming in gasping sobs.

Richard bent forward and looked at me, concerned. “Rayne? Baby, you OK?”

I could only nod. I was very OK, maybe more OK than I’d ever been, and they just held me, their hands on my body in ways more intimate than I could have imagined. When I could finally speak, I said, “Seth has his finger in my ass.” It sounds crazy now, but I remember that it seemed important at the time… what can I say?

Rich stared at me, then at Seth, then he barked a laugh. “Really?” I nodded and he went on, “And how does that feel?”

“You just saw. Apparently it was a good idea.” We’d played with anal before, of course, so Richard knew I enjoyed it to some degree. Anal sex with him is pleasurable – in part because he’s not too hugely thick - and although I’d never come that way without stimulating myself at the same time, fingers back there during oral were always good (something Richard enjoys receiving too, by the way). Seth’s sudden assault on my rear entrance had been totally unexpected, however, yet perfectly timed.

“You’re sure you’re OK, though?”

“Yes, Richard, I’m fine... it was intense, amazing. Shocking. Except I think it’s time for me to take a break and have some fun with you guys now, like I planned. These cocks look like they need some attention.” They did, too. Both guys were rock hard and leaking like crazy.

They were both more than ready, and I gasped when Richard took his hand from my pussy and cried out a little when Seth slid slowly and teasingly out of my ass, then dropped to my knees in front of them. We’d never made it past the kitchen, so I was kneeling on the hard tile floor, but I didn’t care. Seth was to my right, my husband to my left, and both hard cocks were right at face level – perfect! I took Seth first, because I wanted to.

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I still had one of them in each hand, but I brought Seth to my lips and licked him. His precum was slippery and slightly salty but his skin at first tasted of the bromine we use in the hot tub, a clean, slightly bitter taste I knew well. When I took him into my mouth, that slight bitterness quickly passed and I was astonished at how big he felt, how different, the shape of him and soft foreskin gathered at the rear of his cockhead a whole new sensation.

Looking up into Richard’s face, I took Seth as deeply into my mouth as I could and felt my husband’s cock swell and strain in my hand as he stared down, rapt. Already very hard, he seemed to become harder still, and any concerns I had about him being hurt or jealous vanished. He was enjoying it, very much aroused, and when he licked his lips I thought maybe he was enjoying it vicariously a little too much!

After that, I focused on giving Seth the best blowjob I could, using all the techniques that Rich seemed to enjoy so much. I stroked him with my hand as I sucked him, then released his shaft and moved my hand to his balls, fondling and squeezing them. I moved down and licked and sucked his balls too, something I love doing. I was dripping by the time I let his second big testicle slip from my lips and moved back to his cock, but when he groaned and began to thrust into my mouth and I tasted a fresh issue of cum, I knew it was time to move on to Richard.

I squeezed his slender shaft and milked upward, drawing a big bead of glistening, slightly milky precum to the tip of his cock, where I made a show of sticking out my tongue to lick it away. When I felt both of them strain, their cocks stiffening as they watched, I laughed.

“You guys seem to really enjoy watching me suck cock!”

Rich smiled. “Well, duh! That just makes us like every guy on the face of the earth!”

Seth agreed. “He has a point. Plus, as beautiful as you are, you look even better with a cock in your mouth.”

I laughed again. “Oh, I see – especially when it’s yours, I’ll bet.”

“Well yeah, that goes without saying. You sure know how to suck a cock, Rayney.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“It was meant as a compliment. You know, I’m actually starting to become very fond of this fucking blizzard.”

I knew what he meant: that because otherwise, he wouldn’t be there, but by then I had my husband’s very hard cock in my mouth so I didn’t respond. I love the way he tastes and he was leaking madly, something I love to feel because it’s a sign of his level of arousal, but it’s also an ominous sign, as I well know. When he pulled away after I’d been sucking him for only half a minute or so, I knew I was right; he was dangerously close to coming too soon!

I gave him a break and worked on his balls, not wanting to embarrass him. I loved that he was that aroused, but knew he didn’t want to go off so early. Soon I moved back to Seth, sucking on him for a longer time until he too seemed to be getting too eager, then back to Richard, who again couldn’t take more than a few seconds before he pulled away.

I continued to go back and forth that way, so intensely aroused myself by then that I was ready to have either or both of them cum in my mouth or all over me or whatever. I wanted to taste it, see it, feel it, hear their sounds and watch or feel them tense up and come, and wondered if maybe I wouldn’t too if one or both of them did. For the first time in my life, I was with two men in this way and I loved it!

Richard wanted to move on, however, not willing to risk the indignity of an early misfire, so when he pulled me to my feet and then sat on a kitchen chair and brought me forward to straddle him, I knew what he wanted. He was claiming his husbandly right of first possession and wanted to be in me. I reached down and held him upright as I lowered myself onto his rigid cock, looking into his eyes while slowly taking him all the way into me.

Seth stared, entranced, as Richard’s cock disappeared into my eager puss, before shaking his head. “Goddamn! I don’t care how many pornos you see, there’s no comparison to seeing the real thing. Fuck, you guys are hot together!”

He stood aside, slowly stroking his big cock as he watched me ride up and down on my husband’s erection. I was watching Richard’s face, his frown of concentration and the beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead telling me that he was working hard to control himself, but that he was losing. When Seth rejoined us, stepping forward and thrusting his cock between us and into my face, I knew it was over for Richard.

I did what I’d done to him, squeezing Seth’s cock and milking a large dewdrop of creamy cum to the tip where it smeared across the folds of his foreskin, bunched and pulled forward by my milking. I leaned forward and made a big show of sucking on his wrinkled, hooded tip and licking up his cream as I stared into my husband’s eyes, inches from my own.

Rich grunted once, a low, throaty sound that I knew he was trying to conceal from Seth, but I felt him tense, thrust up and begin to come. I can’t usually feel him ejaculating – that is, I can’t feel his cum spurting out and flooding me, although sometimes I get the sense of a wet warmth - but I can certainly feel the powerful spasms of his cock leaping and pumping inside me. If I’m close, it will often tip me over the edge to feel that, and it did that day for sure!

It wasn’t a super-orgasm like the one the two of them had so graciously given me a short time earlier, but it was a damn good one! Then again, there’s no such thing as a bad one, and the sounds of this one, because I’m invariably rather noisy, masked the small moans and grunts that Richard was unable to fully stifle. I came, my pussy spasming on Richard as I ground myself into him, Seth’s cock in my mouth giving me a steady trickle of cum.

Richard was spent but still hard enough to stay in me to conceal that fact, and I was coming down from my own peak when I felt Seth tense up and heard him groan. He suddenly thrust forward into my mouth and spurted a huge burst of cum!

“Ohhh, fuck, cuummmiiing! Ohh, fuck, motherfucker, uuunhhh, that’s good!” His tardy announcement had come seconds after his first massive spurt of cum, so had I not intended to let him come in my mouth, his warning would have been ineffective. Since I was fine with it and wanted him in my mouth, it didn’t matter, but as he spurted again and again, the sheer volume of it became an issue!

His thickness and the extra length he’d crammed into my mouth as he came took up most of the space, and now I was either going to have to back away while he was still spurting so I could swallow, gag on cum flooding down my throat, let it gush out my nose, or let some trickle down my chin. I chose chin as the least disgusting option, but when I loosened my lips around his shaft, it didn’t trickle; it gushed!

It flooded down my chin and fell in loud wet splotches on my breasts and tummy, flowing down to where Richard and I remained joined, and it was still pumping out of him although with gradually decreasing force and volume. I backed off to swallow while I could, and as I took it down in two big gulps, he spurted one last little squirt directly onto Richard's tummy.

He said, “Oops, sorry, bud, friendly fire,” and I laughed. And burped, at which they both laughed.

I took him back in my mouth, sucking the remaining cum through his thick, fleshy straw, closing my eyes and shuddering with pleasure. When I did, I inadvertently squeezed and Richard slithered out of me in a gush of his own semen, his cock limp and exhausted.

I let Seth’s cock slide from my lips and flop down, loose and softening but still gorgeous, and to my shock and amazement, Richard pulled me forward and kissed me deeply, cum and all! I wasn’t at all sure he’d kiss me after just having another man’s cock in my mouth, not before a rinse or a good toothbrushing, but I’d have bet a million dollars against him doing what he did! He kissed me hard and passionately and thrust his tongue in my mouth and I swear I almost fucking came again!

He seemed to want to taste and feel what I had, and I loved him for it and enthusiastically kissed him back, eager to share. When we broke our kiss he licked some of Seth’s cum from my lips and chin before I stood up, cum running down my tummy and thighs.

I guess I’m weird, but I’ve always loved the feeling of cum running out of me, from the very first time, and still do. I looked at the two of them, in awe of what we’d just done, and they looked back at me and at each other. Seth summed it up when he said, “Fuuuccckk!” and all we could do was laugh and agree.

Richard offered to pour wine or fix other drinks and told Seth to go throw a couple of logs on the fire. We’d allowed it to burn low and closed the glass doors when we went outside to the tub, and now, as Seth poked at it and built it up, bent over the hearth, I enjoyed the rear-view of his powerful ass and big balls swinging between his legs. Between the two men, I had all the eye-candy a girl could want!

Once he’d accomplished that, we threw a few cushions from the chairs and some sofa pillows on the Indian-motif area rug in front of the hearth and were sprawled on them when Richard came in carrying the wine we’d agreed on – an icy cold, refreshing Chardonnay now.

The fire was starting to crackle merrily and put out some warmth by then, and it felt good and set a very warm, friendly mood. I felt mellow and exhausted and satisfied and protected there with my guys, a very comforting and tender feeling. I suppose I felt loved and desired as I did with Richard anyway, but now with Seth as a sexy addition!

We relaxed and chatted, catching our breath and, of course, allowing the guys some needed recovery time. Poor, weak males! I could see the evidence of their recovery when they started to get some energy back and toss around barbs and sexual innuendo, although cocks remained in repose, but when Seth crawled forward and started sucking on my nipples I figured he was getting there.

I watched him, as did Richard, and then I remarked, “I was amazed at how cool you both were about getting each other’s cum on you. Most guys are probably big sissies about that… I mean, you kissed me, hon, with Seth’s cum on my face!”

He blushed, but said, “It seemed like the right thing to do. It was all good.”

Seth said, “Not the first time, huh, bud?”

Rich colored further but didn’t reply, and I wondered if maybe they’d shared a girl before, back before we met. I made a mental note to explore that more deeply later. In the meantime, Seth was kissing his way down my body in a slick of his own cum, and my smoldering embers were starting to flare up like the fireplace.

When he lifted me bodily and stuffed a cushion under my ass and then moved between my legs, lowering his face to my dripping pussy, I said, “You know Richard came in me, right?”

He merely shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time I had a mouthful of his cum either, right?”

Confused, I stared at Richard, who looked stricken, suddenly pale, and then back at Seth. I could almost see a little light bulb go on over his head and the sudden dismay on his face and in his eyes. “Oh fuck, Rich, you haven’t told her! Goddamn, please say she knows! Fuck, I’m so sorry…”


Written by Wet_n_willing
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