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Make Them Happy - Chapter 4 - Welcome Home

"The girls have a surprise homecoming for Fred"

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Samantha got up the next morning and put on the coffee.  The aroma stirred Annie from her sleep.  Samantha poured their coffee and started to chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Annie said through a yawn. “We’re not dressed for breakfast.”

“Well, we’re dressed to go back to bed and pick up where we left off.”

The phone rang and Annie answered.  It was Fred.

“Good morning, Annie, how are my girls?  I sure have missed both of you.”

“We have missed you a lot, believe me.  Samantha and I had dinner last night at Ellie’s.  It was just not the same without you.  Samantha and I have seen a lot of each other lately.”

Samantha looked at Annie.  They were trying not to burst into laughter.

“How is the project going?  I feel like we should be expecting a ransom note with directions.”

“I know, Sweetheart.  I miss you both so much.  Life is so dull without you too.  You make me laugh and enjoy life.  I am hoping to be home the day after tomorrow for about a week.  We should be able to have some time together.  Martin is a good man.  He told me this morning that when I finish this section, I should take time off.  He suggested a week.  He is great to work with.

“When will you be home, so I can tell Samantha the good news?  She will be so happy.”

“I will call tomorrow.  If I don’t call, I’ll text you.  But I’m planning on being home Tuesday until at least the weekend.  I’ll buy dinner at Ellie’s on Friday for a celebration.”

“Great.  Talk to you soon.”

“Annie”, said Samantha, “we are not going to Ellie’s on Friday night.”

“You are so right.  That’s one reason I love you.  We think a lot alike.” It was late on Tuesday when Fred called Annie.  He told her he had just put his suitcase down and was whipped.  He was going to call Samantha, then shower and go to bed.  He called Samantha, and the conversation was almost identical.

Annie had just walked into Samantha’s when Samantha’s phone rang.  It was almost eleven in the morning.  It was Fred.  He had just gotten out of bed.  He told Samantha to call Annie and he would pick them up for lunch at Ellie’s.  Samantha looked at Annie, nodding her head in agreement.  They agreed on twelve-thirty.  The girls began to primp.  They wanted to look great for Fred.

They sat at their table.  Chuck came over.  His “prescription” was two beers and a cup of coffee.  Fred said he appreciated the gesture, but a beer would do nicely. 

Chuck brought the beers to the table and asked where everyone had been.  He told Fred he hadn’t seen the girls for a week.  Fred told Chuck about the project.  By then their lunch was ready.  As always, they stayed for a few rounds, then headed home. As they walked out of the bar, Annie looked at Fred.  He looked tired.

“Hey, Fred, how about we go by my place?  It’s close and you can lie down for as long as you want.  Samantha has some errands to run, and I’ll just go with her and aggravate her all day.  We will probably be gone for about two hours.  If you’re still sleeping, we’ll just stay in the living room.”

“That sounds like a great idea.  I am sorry, girls.  It’s been a rough couple of weeks.  Some extra sleep would be a welcome relief.  Thank you both for being so understanding.  While I was gone, I thought about both of you a lot.  I realized how much you two are so important in my life. 

They dropped Fred off and headed into the downtown section.  Samantha was going to her beauty supply store and then picking up a few groceries.  They stopped at the park to enjoy a soda and give Fred more quiet time.

When they returned to Annie’s, Fred was awake.  He helped them in with their bundles and they sat at the table for a beer and made some plans for the week.  The one solid plan was Friday night’s dinner.  Since this was going to be a special occasion, they decided on The Haven Restaurant.  This was a place where they could dress up a bit instead of being casual.  What Samantha and Annie didn’t tell Fred was their plans for the rest of the evening, hopefully, the rest of the weekend.  The girls had their “party “supplies at Annie’s.

They arrived at The Haven and the ladies looked beautiful.  And Fred, quite handsome in his sport jacket.  They were lucky to get a table by the window, The Haven’s entrance resembled a garden including al fresco dining options.

Everything was as perfect as they had hoped.  The food, the wine, and the service all were excellent.  After dinner, they sat on the patio and enjoyed a bottle of wine.  They were catching up on things since Fred was away. 

“It’s getting a bit late.  Shall we go to my place and have another round?  We stopped at the liquor store for some refreshments and snacks today.”

 Fred said, “Annie, that is a wonderful idea.  It’s so good to be home with you ladies.  I didn’t realize how much I have missed you both.”

By the time they got to Annie’s, it had begun to rain lightly.  They dashed for the door, and once inside they settled in the living room with their drinks.  Samantha found some soft romantic music.  The mood was set.  Samantha was the first to put the plan into action.

“I think I need to use the lady’s room.  I have had quite a bit of liquid this evening.  Need to make room.  What about you Annie?”

“You can go first.  I am not letting him try to escape again.  We have to keep him captive. Fred, another cold one?”

“Yes, I think I can handle another.  It is great to relax and enjoy an evening knowing you don’t have to get up at six tomorrow morning.”

Annie got up to get Fred a beer, when Samantha called from the bathroom, “Annie, where is the extra “tp”? 

“Hang on, I’m on my way, Fred I’ll bring your beer as soon as I save Samantha,” Annie said giggling.

When Annie got to the bathroom, Samantha was dressed very scantily and sensually.  Annie looked at Samantha and kissed her.  Quietly the two giggled and hugged.  Now, it was Annie’s time for her transformation.

Annie called to Fred from the hall, “Your cold beer is on the way.”  Only it was Samantha serving the beer. 

When she entered the living room with his beer, Fred looked at her and froze.  He had seen Samantha dress seductively before, but tonight she was gorgeous.  She was smiling seductively as she bent over to hand Fred his beer.  As she bent over, her cleavage exposed quite a view of her full breasts. 

Fred was trying to compose himself.  He was enjoying the sexual sight right in front of him.  Just when he thought he was coping with the sight, Annie walked into the living room.  She was dressed as stimulating as Samantha.  Together they were a perfect picture of seduction.  Fred’s heart was beating faster.

The ladies sat Fred between them.  They began by kissing him from both sides.  Samantha was the first to slide her tongue into Fred’s mouth.  They unbuttoned Fred’s shirt and removed it.  While Samantha was kissing and sucking his tongue, Annie was relieving him of his trousers. 

That being accomplished, Annie resumed kissing and sucking on Fred’s tongue, while Samantha removed his briefs.  When she did Fred’s growing shaft leaped into her waiting hand.  Annie began kissing Fred more seductively and Samantha massaged his balls and stiffened cock. 

All Fred could do was quietly moan as Annie used her fingernails to lightly roam over his chest.  They had found their way to keep Fred captive.  They discarded their outfits onto the floor.

Samantha pulled Fred’s torso to the end of the couch and took the full length of Fred’s cock in her mouth.  Fred turned to Annie and began sucking her breast and nibbling on her hard nipple.  They had Fred randy and ready.  The ladies helped Fred from the couch and led him into the bedroom.  They laid Fred on the bed and started the main part of their plan.  This is how they were going to show Fred, they wanted everything.

Annie lowered herself slowly onto Fred’s swollen cock and Samantha lowered herself onto Fred’s waiting mouth.  Almost simultaneously, the ladies reached their goal on Fred.  The ladies faced each other and as soon as Samantha’s wet lips were within reach of Fred’s tongue, he began licking and sucking them.  He was able to reach around her and grab her breasts and fondle them.  When he heard the ladies kissing, Fred couldn’t believe it.  The sounds increased his excitement. 

He felt Samantha reach for Annie’s breast, then he felt Annie’s hands on his.  Thinking they want to fondle each other was adding to his need to explode.  It was reaching the point that he didn’t care where he emptied his aching balls.  Now he heard Samantha’s moaning indicating she was reaching her climax.  Then he felt her warm climax enter his mouth.  He was licking and sucking to ensure he didn’t miss a drop.  Annie had sat on his cock.  She started rocking back and forth on his cock, rubbing her swollen clit on his pelvis.  Just as Annie began her climax, Fred erupted.  Annie moaned with each shot of white-hot lava from Fred’s cock as her climax washed down his cock.  Fred was shoving his cock into Annie as they combined their climaxes.

The lovers lay on the bed exhausted from their orgy.  Fred pulled himself onto one elbow and looked at the ladies with an astonished expression.  His breathing was still heavy, but he didn’t care. 

“OK, how long have you two been holding out on me?  How long have you two been lovers?  This is amazing.  You have made this evening one a guy would die for.  Two beautiful women driving every cell of a guy’s body insane.”

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The ladies started laughing and hugging Fred.

“We were at Ellie’s four days after you had to go out of town.  We realized how much you are part of our lives.  That’s when we decided we needed some release, and you weren’t here.  We have just begun to experiment with each other to please you.  This is only our second time being intimate.  With you here made it more exciting.”

“Girls, please don’t experiment anymore.  I almost had a heart attack now.  I’m still trying to recover.  God, you two are outstanding.  Now how do I get to give you the same satisfaction?”

Samantha said, “Fred, there are no checks and balances between us.  We did this for the three of us.  When we met, you made sure we were satisfied, and we wanted the same for you.  When Annie and I were talking, we could see no reason the three of us couldn’t enjoy each other at the same time.”

Annie added, “Call it an orgy if you chose.  To Samantha and me, it is sharing our love.   You are one-third of our love.  Without you, we are not complete.  We love you very much.  Together, our lives are fuller.”

“Ladies, you have expressed my feelings perfectly.  I must admit, I did fantasize about the three of us loving each other at the same time.  This is a guy’s dream.  But I have other news I need to tell you about.”

The smiles left the girls faces.  It was as if all the joy of the evening had been dashed against a brick wall.  The girls looked at each other.  There was a tear trying to escape from Samantha’s eye.  They turned on the bed and looked at Fred expecting the worst.

“Girls, you know I have told you how good it is to work with Mr. Martin.  He is a man of vision and money.  He appreciates my being very precise.  It is rare, I must redo any information.  He has offered me a full-time position with his company.  But the best part is I can stay here as a home base.”

The ladies were jubilant.  There were hugs and kisses given to each of them. 

Samantha went to the kitchen and brought the beers.  They clinked them together and had a celebration drink.  Fred’s news was wonderful.  He would be going out of town, but the ladies knew he would be coming home to them.

“Ladies, if you would please lay on your back.  Samantha, you will be first this time.”Samantha did as Fred asked, and as soon as she did, Fred placed his face into her warm “V”.  He started slowly, and then picked up the pace.  While he was enjoying her wanting opening, he fondled her breast and rubbed her nipples.  Samantha would moan from his oral affections and respond by pushing her opening against his mouth.  She put her hand over his hands as if to help massage her breast to enhance her waiting climax.

Samantha was nearing her climax and was moving around on Fred’s mouth.  Fred released her breasts and wrapped his arms around her legs.  He refused to release her legs no matter how she thrashed about.  In a quick movement, he locked her legs against his shoulders and began to concentrate on licking her clit.

Samantha was moaning and pulling his head between her legs.  He continued to suck and lick on her clit no matter how she tried to “escape”.  Samantha inhaled sharply and held her breath.  When she exhaled, it was with all the for she could muster.  Fred felt her climax flow across his face.  He continued until she begged him to let her go. 

Samantha was just lying there breathless.  Fred was enjoying watching her breasts rise trying to regain her composure.  She looked at him, and her look told Fred he was successful in pleasing her.  Fred looked at Annie.

Annie rolled on her side and gave Samantha a hard kiss then laid on her back.  She looked up at Fred and smiled.  Fred moved toward Annie, and she spread her legs welcoming Fred’s intentions.  Fred positioned himself between Annie’s open legs.  When he had his lips on hers, she reached down and held his head.  Fred reached up and put a firm grip on her breasts.  He started milking them and licking the folds of her wet opening. 

She was holding his head when he sucked in her clit and began to flick it with his tongue.  Annie was moaning and pushing her wanting womanhood to his mouth.  Fred was beginning to taste the warmth from her, and as he did with Samantha, he grabbed Annie’s legs and locked his arms around them, and held them fast against his shoulders.

Annie’s moans became longer and louder.  Fred refused to loosen his grip on her legs, while his oral attack on Annie’s clit started.  Annie’s breathing was hard and rapid.  Her teeth were clenched as were her hands around Fred’s head.  Annie inhaled a long breath and let it out accompanied by a low moan.  Fred sucked her clit tight in his mouth and flicked it with quick firm licks.  Annie could not stop her climax from flooding his face. 

She was riding his face and moaning.  She collapsed.  Her legs went limp, and her arms fell to the bed.  Her breathing was labored, and she was smiling.  A smile of a woman sexually exhausted.  Fred moved from between her legs and smiled at her.  She curled into a ball and let out a long low moan.   Samantha moved close to Annie as if to comfort her.   Annie looked up at her, and they kissed.

“Girls, you have a wonderful way of making a guy happy he is male.  You are delicious and so exciting.  Thank you for everything you have done for me.”

Samantha and Annie looked at each other.  It was as though one knew what the other was thinking.  Fred watched them interact and was getting aroused just by their looks.  He had no idea what they had in store for him.

“Ladies, can I get you a cold beer?  I think the ones on the dresser have gone warm.”  Fred brought in a fresh round of beer.

They were laying on the bed enjoying the cold beer and having light conversations.  Annie looked at Samantha.  They smiled and removed the beer from Fred’s hand.  Fred looked confused until he had Samantha’s breast in his mouth and Annie was giving his scrotum a sensual massage.  When they were certain Fred’s cock was fully erect, they rolled over and put their butt in the air.  Fred looked at the invitations and was ready to accept their offerings.

Fred got behind Annie first.  She was at the edge of the bed in a perfect position for him standing on the floor.  Samantha aligned her butt next to Annie’s.  They wanted Fred to have his way with them.

Fred knelt behind Annie and began licking her sweet opening.  Fred didn’t waste any time, he stood up and slid his hard cock into Annie’s waiting pussy.  He slowly slid in and out of her most private part, enjoying the tight grip she had on him.  Annie moaned in approval.  He slid back into her wet love sleeve.  He wet his finger and gently inserted it back into her tight opening.  More moaning from Annie.  Fred alternated the pumping of his cock and the sliding in and out of Annie’s butt with slow even strokes.  Fred was enjoying having her climax soaking his cock. Now it was Samantha’s turn.

Like he did with Annie, Fred knelt behind Samantha licking her waiting wetness.  He was licking her from back to front.  With each pass, Samantha moaned her appreciation.  Now it was time for Samantha to have his cock.  When he started to insert his swollen member into Samantha, she pushed back and shoved him fully into her.  She would rock with his stroking.  Fred wet his finger, and gently slid it into Samantha’s tighter hole.  Alternating his in and out strokes of cock and finger, within minutes Samantha was almost growling in satisfaction.  When she had her climax, it soaked Fred’s intruding member. 

Fred had not climaxed during this session.  Samantha turned to him, “Take your pick. Alternate and unload in either one of us.  Give me a few pumps then give Annie a few.  Keep pushing it into us until your white-hot lava whitewashes our insides.”

And that’s what he did.  He was enjoying the pleasures of their private love sleeves.  As he pumped them, he slid a finger into their butt which excited him even more.  He was loving the pleasures they were giving him.  While he was pumping Samantha, Fred began to moan.  His climax was not far off.  He started pumping in and out of her harder.

Fred reached for Samantha’s hair.  He grabbed a handful and was pumping faster.  Samantha’s breathing was rapid as was Fred’s.  When Fred had reached his limit, he exploded what was left in his aching balls.  When Samantha felt the heat from his balls, she mewed and moan a “yes” as Fred felt her climax on his hard cock.

Fred crawled onto the bed next to his sex partners and lay on his back.  He was exhausted, and sure he had nothing left in his balls.  The girls cuddled up next to him, and he kissed them.  He lightly squeezed a breast on them, then pulled them close to him.  He was loving the feel of their hot flesh against his torso. 

Annie was the first to “freshen up”.  When she was walking to the bathroom, Fred’s eyes followed her.  But he noticed Samantha’s eyes were following too.  They smiled at each other in approval. 

It wasn’t long before Annie emerged looking beautiful.  Her goth-like makeup is back in place.  The only evidence of her orgasms was her flushed cheeks.  

Samantha was next.  Her return was as beautiful and telling as Annie’s.  The enticing naked bodies in front of Fred made his heart race.  And he loved them. 

When Fred has his turn to readjust from their sexploitations, the two most noticeable factors on his return were, his hair was combed, and his cock wasn’t hard.  Samantha had gone to the fridge to get another round of beer.  She returned just to see Fred’s entrance.  The girls kissed him, then his limp intruder.  Time to relax and have a cold frosty beer.

Written by DepartedSoul
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