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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

"Kelly and I meet Rick and Cindy and have great sex and lots of fun on a 3-night vacation."

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It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.

We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing toward us. Our flight would get out but those scheduled for the next day were already being canceled. Kelly and I congratulated ourselves on our collective brilliance.

There’s not much else to do at an airport other than wait and people watch. I saw a very striking young woman. Her face was beautiful. Kelly and I were thirty-three years old. I guessed her to be perhaps up to ten years younger? She was tall, especially with her click-click-click heels coming down the large hall toward us. She had waist-length, platinum blond hair. It was almost white. It was sharply parted down the middle. She was wearing a silky blouse with horizontal black and white stripes, which was very low-cut and showed much of her chest. Her boobs were small, perhaps barely a B-cup. She clearly wasn’t wearing a bra from how her boobs jiggled. Her nipples were hidden by one of the black stripes but just the way it was all jiggling, they had to be poking through that shirt somewhere. She was wearing white slacks that looked as if they had been painted on her. Her feet were in white stilettos with about a three-inch heel.

I think at first glance many people assumed she was a perhaps a model that maybe they should recognize. In any case, she was very striking, very out of place for an impending blizzard, and both Kelly and I found ourselves staring at her. Kelly playfully slugged me in the arm and reminded me that we were on a romantic vacation for just us.

We arrived safely and spent hours naked and fucking in our cheap Miami hotel. The next day we boarded the ship exactly on time. As soon as we arrived we started overhearing stories about all the people that were going to miss the sailing. It turned out to be several hundred that missed the ship due to canceled flights.

Once we settled into our room and unpacked, we fucked again to christen the room. There is just something about getting away from the grind and stress of everyday life and being able to relax. And we planned to do a lot a naked relaxing with each other over the next few days.

We wandered around the ship for a while and then headed for our dinner seating. Kelly was dressed nice. But with her huge boobs, everything she wears draws men’s attention. At 34F they just are what they are. Kelly was wearing a new Victoria’s Secret bra that had the girls front and center with a mile of cleavage. Her dress was black and had a v-cut in front which was crisscrossed with straps that were perhaps an inch wide. Plenty of skin showing, but nothing obscene. The hem was a few inches above the knee, showing her sexy legs. She had a matching pair of black strappy sandals showing off her feet.

We were guided to our table and took our seats. Four other folks were already seated. A couple of minutes later the last couple arrived. My mouth nearly fell open. It was the “model” from O’Hare and her husband. He sat to Kelly’s right and she was seated on his other side. Introductions around again and we met Rick and Cindy. I’ll just get right to it: Rick spent the entire dinner flirting with Kelly. They were leaning into each other talking, laughing and giggling the whole time. Occasionally Kelly would turn to her left and give me a very quick update. I spent the beginning of the dinner chatting with the most boring couple in the world to my left, while trying to catch what the heck Kelly and Rick were talking about and staring, discretely, at Cindy. I caught her doing the same to me. By dessert, she and I were having our own conversation through very subtle body language. I could tell that just as Kelly and Rick clearly were hitting it off, Cindy and I were also connecting.

I had noticed that Rick seemed obsessed with Kelly’s boobs. In one of her five-second updates, Kelly told me that Rick “has no idea that I have eyes.” Cindy and I had traded some eye-rolls and had a giggle about his obvious boob fascination. Cindy comically puffed her chest out when she was sure no one else at the table would notice. I gave her a googly-eyes look to complete our inside joke.

Cindy was wearing a low-cut dress that showed lots of boob from the top and sides and by some sort of magic managed to not expose her nipples. We had also both taken note that what started out with Kelly and Rick touching each other’s arms and even hands at the beginning of the meal had progressed to both of them missing a hand under the white tablecloth. Later, Kelly confessed that he had rubbed his hand up and down her thigh and eventually made it to her new Victoria’s Secret matching panties which were soaking wet. She shooed his hand away for fear her would make her orgasm right there at the table. The tradeoff to keep his hand out of her crotch was that she was stroking his cock through his thin slacks. A couple of times he put his hand on hers and suddenly stopped her, she assumed so that he wouldn’t cum.

It was so obvious that Kelly was extremely turned on. The wine had helped loosen her up a bit but Rick’s flirting had worked and there was no doubt in my mind they would fuck. I was just hoping it wouldn’t be under the table during dessert! Dinner was finally finished. Rick was slow to stand and we had a good idea why. He announced that we simply had to go to the bar and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He got up and kept his napkin in front of him until we were exiting the dining room. Cindy and I followed behind him and Kelly. To my surprise, Cindy wrapped both hands around my upper arm and snuggled in as we walked. Oh my! She smelled delicious.

We found a booth in the bar and ordered drinks. Rick asked Kelly to dance and away they went. I asked Cindy and she declined. We were on the same wavelength. We hadn’t really spoken and needed to do some catching up. Time and drinks both passed very quickly. Occasionally we would catch a glimpse of Rick and Kelly dancing. They were pretty much dry-humping each other.

Kelly came to the booth and told me that Rick’s room has a balcony (we had the cheap seats of an inside room) and she had to go see the view. And away they went. Cindy leaned over and whispered, “You know he’s going to fuck her, right?”

“I’m not so sure about that?”

“Are you kidding me? I know Rick. He is fascinated by big tits. He lives to seduce women and he has a way of always getting what he wants. If you think she’s not okay with this we better head down there.”

“That’s not what I meant at all. I think she may be the one that’s going to attack him, not the other way around.” Cindy laughed. “I know Kelly. She loves to fuck. And when she meets someone that she clicks with they end up fucking.”

Cindy and I kept talking. Rick was a real estate broker in a small town in Iowa. Big fish, small pond. He hired Cindy when she was seventeen to answer phones. By the time she was eighteen, they were a two-person office and they fucked every morning as soon as they arrived at work. When she was twenty, Rick’s wife of seven years filed for divorce. Rick traveled every other month or so for business and was out of town for two or three nights at a time. It was almost always the same cities: Chicago, Atlanta, and Houston. His clients had offices there. Rick also has mistresses there. Cindy said Rick has to cum every day. Fucking, blowjobs, jerking off, she said it’s pretty amazing. She knew about the mistresses long before she married him. She didn’t even mind that he had them. It gave her a few days off.

She and Rick married when she was twenty-two and she was now twenty-five. She said Rick was forty-two. I hate to admit this but Rick was actually a good-looking man. I could see why he had such a beautiful wife. Something about him made me think that he looked like he belonged on a daytime soap opera.

Cindy was actually pretty happy he was going to fuck Kelly. They had screwed earlier, but she hoped this would give her the night off. He rarely made her cum. He pretty much did what he needs to get his rocks off and then he’s done. Cindy said sometimes she felt like "a receptacle.”

I laughed and told Cindy that wasn’t going to fly with Kelly. He was going to make her cum at least twice or she wouldn’t let him out of the room. We laughed again. Cindy scooted closer. “Does Kelly always cum when she’s with you?” I guess I had never thought about it that way?

My answer was, “Yes and usually two or three times. Honestly, I can’t imagine having sex and her not cumming? Hell, she’s orgasmed just from sucking on my cock before.”

“Are you going to make me cum?” Cindy asked.

“When the time is right,” I replied. Rick and Kelly had been gone for more than an hour when they finally returned. Although it was bar lighting I could quickly tell Kelly wasn’t wearing a bra. As she sat down next to me I slid my hand under her ass and gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the lips at the same time. No panties either. Rick sat on the other side next to Cindy. I asked Kelly if she was feeling better now that she saw the balcony.

“Oh yes, yes I am. That balcony was amazing.”

And then loud enough for us to all hear I asked; “And how is your pussy? Is it happy?”

Kelly’s response was guttural. “Oh God, yes. My pussy is very, very happy!” Our waitress arrived at that same moment and offered to take orders for another round. Cindy’s hand was in my lap rubbing my cock.

Cindy took my bait and turned to Rick as the waitress walked away, “And how is your cock? Did you get to cum?”

You could have knocked Rick over with a feather. Deer in the headlights. I couldn’t help but laugh. Cindy cracked up too. “Well? Did you?” she pressed.

Rick finally found his voice and quietly said, “Yes, I did. Twice actually.” I gave him a high-five. The ice had been fully broken.

Cindy was really stroking me hard under the table. She was on a mission. I would normally fight something like that with all of my superpowers. But I thought to myself Why? why would I try to stop an orgasm from this very sexy girl? I went with it. My face and my breathing gave me away. Kelly could tell I was going to cum. She leaned in and started nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck and whispering in my ear atrocious things about what Cindy was doing to me and how I was going to have to cum all over in my slacks. Between the two of them, they got me there. I was expecting a fun night with Kelly and had gone commando. But I had no idea this is how my night would go. My legs were straight out in front of me, feet on the floor. Cindy had my cock laid against my left leg as she stroked me.

Once I started to cum I pumped a huge load. It had been many hours since Kelly had drained my nuts in our room. I was wearing a loose pair of black slacks, sort of a silky feel (actually my balls had been enjoying the feeling all evening). I had a river of cum running down the top of my leg nearly to my knee and then running down to the back of my leg and dripping off the back of my knee. Oh fucking hell, that felt good! Some women, the moment you start to ejaculate they act like they want to run away. Cindy stroked me all the way through it until I had nothing left.

I had gone stiff as a board and closed my eyes while I came. When I opened my eyes Cindy’s face was close to mine and she was smiling as she looked into my eyes. I felt a final large drip of cum escape. Cindy was still rubbing up and down my thigh. She was rubbing my slacks into my cum and feeling the huge wet spots. “Wow do you ever cum a lot!” she said.

Kelly piped in “You should watch him cum. It’s like a fucking fire hose!” Rick just had to sit back and take it all in. What could he say? He had spent the last hour doing who knows what to my wife.

Cindy and I locked lips and started playing tongue hockey. I was reaching for her crotch but she was wearing a full-length dress. She started grabbing material at her hips and was pulling it up. She pulled it up to her waist and then pulled her panties to her knees. She had a little bit of pussy hair but not much. Her slit was soaking wet. I slipped two fingers in and was finger fucking her with the same intensity she had used on me. Kelly was rubbing and grabbing my ass through my slacks. It didn’t take but a couple of minutes before Cindy moaned an orgasm into my mouth as I kept her lip locked and quiet.

Well, now everyone had orgasms. We all danced for a short time and then said our goodnights and went to our cabins with our spouses. Once out of the bar, Rick slipped me Kelly’s bra and panties that he had been carrying in his pocket.

As soon as we got to our room we both stripped as fast as we could. Kelly dropped to her knees and was cleaning up my messy cock. I pulled her up to the bed. I laid on my back and she mounted my now-hard cock and started to tell me about her evening. Rick loves her boobs, worships her boobs. As soon as they got near his cabin he gave Kelly the key and he pulled her dress over her head and off before they even got to the door. He removed her bra as she fumbled trying to unlock the door. Once in the room, he spent at least a half-hour sucking on and playing with her nipples and mashing, shaking and bobbling her tits.

Kelly eventually asked Rick about the balcony. He opened the balcony door and it was amazing. The view, the sounds, the smell. Kelly said it was magical. She was standing there enjoying it and didn’t realize Rick had stepped back in the cabin for a moment and stripped naked. He walked up behind her and slid down her panties. She asked him to unstrap her sandals. He massaged her legs as he stood and then she felt his hard cock rubbing her ass crack. She braced herself on the railing, spread her legs and popped her ass out at him.

That has always been a tough position for Kelly and me. With my being six-feet-four and her at five-feet-two the difference is too great. Rick was maybe five-eight or nine. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit. Kelly said her juices were literally dripping from her twat. Their flirting at dinner had gone to X-rated pretty quickly. By the time entrees were served they were talking about sex positions they would try like to try with each other. Rick slipped his cock into her velvety vagina. She said he was about the same size as I am. Standard white-boy issue. Kelly’s favorite position with me is doggy-style. Her all-time favorite position is what they did; her leaning against something and being taken from behind. Kelly came almost immediately upon him entering her, she was that worked up. She was cumming almost non-stop as they fucked. The way the balconies were laid out no one could see them fucking (not that she cared, she always enjoys an audience) and she didn’t give a crap who could hear them so she was cumming loudly.

Rick was really working his cock in her. He’d speed up and push her to a climax and then slow for a few moments and then charge again and send her screaming some more. Kelly was thrilled that he had some stamina. He had a tight grip on her hips and was slapping his nuts against her clit which was also getting her off. Actually, having a nut sack slapping her clit is what she loves about that position. The only thing that makes it even better is if the nuts are shaved and kind of stick to her clit for a moment. Unfortunately, Rick’s balls were unshaven.

She could feel sweat dripping from him onto her back as they fucked away. He really starting fucking her furiously. Kelly could hardly catch her breath she was cumming so hard. He grabbed her hips so hard that it was painful and pushed his cock with all of his might until he slammed into her cervix. Kelly had to push back on the balcony railing so he didn’t send her swimming. Kelly screamed and sprayed a huge orgasm onto the floor of the balcony. At the same time, Rick blasted his load into her cunt.

Rick fought to keep himself upright. Kelly’s knees started to buckle and he helped hold her up. They stayed coupled as long as they could. Kelly’s heart rate and breathing finally returned to normal and she complimented him on a truly amazing fuck. He shared that he found her body incredibly sexy and he loved that she enjoyed, and kept up with, such a wild fuck. Kelly continued to enjoy being outside while Rick held her body. Eventually, his cock shrunk and slipped out. She felt his cum load follow and drip to the floor.

They stayed out on the balcony. Rick leaned on the balcony next to her and they made small talk. After a bit, Kelly dropped to her knees and sucked in his limp cock and licked him clean. After she cleaned his dick she stood next to him. They embraced and kissed passionately for some time. Kelly’s pussy was still wet and Rick’s cock had begun to grow. Kelly reached down and started to play with his cock. Their conversation returned to sex and Rick shared that he really wanted to tit fuck her.

Kelly went inside the cabin and laid on the bed on her back. Rick followed her. Kelly told him to run to the bathroom and grab some lotion. If it’s something he really wanted to do, she wanted to do it right. He squirted lotion in her cleavage. Kelly smashed her boobs around his cock and he started fucking her tits. Kelly was licking the tip of his cock on his upstrokes and doing everything she could to get him to the finish line. Kelly guessed he fucked her tits for close to twenty minutes or so but he finally hit full boil and proudly announced he was going to cum all over her tits. He grabbed his cock and she let go of her boobs. He pumped the hell out of his dick and he dropped a small load right into her cleavage. After he came he collapsed onto the bed and quickly fell asleep. Kelly left him there and got up to pee and then washed her twat and her chest. She realized it was time to get back to Cindy and me.

He had some dribbles at the end of his cock. Kelly licked them off and sucked his cock into her mouth. He woke and smiled at the sight of his cock in her mouth while she was looking up at him.

Kelly knew that I knew what was going on, but she didn’t have a clue about how things were going with Cindy (although she had a pretty good idea that I would have things covered and leave her with nothing to worry about). Kelly was thrilled when they returned that everything was cool with Cindy. She was surprised to hear that we hadn’t done anything sexual before she and Rick returned. I explained that Cindy and I were actually deep in conversation.

Once we were all caught up with our stories of the evening I rolled Kelly to her back, hiked her legs up and slammed my cock into her. I dropped a small load, pulled out and we fell asleep where we laid, both of us in one small bed.

The next morning the ship was docked at The Bahamas. When we had boarded we signed up for a snorkeling trip. We found the dock to report to and a group of probably twenty of us headed out on a deck boat to a beach a couple of miles away. They had a pail of rum-based drinks that they ladled out to everyone on the boat (who were all adults and looked to all be couples). A three-man reggae band kept us entertained. It was all pretty schlocky but a hell of a lot of fun. The leader of the band worked in “It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean” about every twenty sentences. He was doing all he could to flirt with the ladies and dial up the heat. Kelly informed me that the singer had a “huge package”.

We arrived at the beach. Kelly was wearing a triangle bikini top and a thong bottom under a pair of tiny cut-off jean shorts. She slipped off her shorts on the boat, we gathered our equipment and the guys gave us a hand, disembarking from the boat. Kelly felt a hand work its way from the back of her thigh up to her butt cheek as she stepped off. The black crew member gave me a big grin and a wink. I winked back.

After a couple of hours of snorkeling, swimming, and sunning, the boat’s whistle tooted, calling us back. Kelly had not just a hand on her butt, but a full-on ass-grab, squeeze, and fingers in her crack as she boarded. This time she stopped, turned around and gave the guy a big smile. We had a quick sandwich. The band started up and the bucket of drinks was ladled. They were significantly stronger for the return trip. For the return trip, the boat was also going much slower. There were about a half-dozen women in bikinis and they all looked pretty good. Soon the crew guys were pulling girls up to dance. Of course, it was the bikini girls first. The singer was also dancing with them at the front of the boat. The drink ladle was working non-stop.

They had a little conga line up and down the aisle. Kelly had a crew guy behind her with his hands low on her hips and grabbing her butt every chance he had. As they would make the turn at the back of the boat, he’d slap his hand on her crack and wiggle a finger at her vagina. Kelly wished she could strip naked. Shortly after the conga line, they set up a limbo pole. It was ladies only. It was pretty funny. We had been traveling for maybe an hour and everyone had probably a half-dozen drinks by then. The girls were loopy. The guys were trying to get the ladies heated up and it was working. Girls were humping their crotches on the singer’s thigh (he was seated on a stool) as they waited their turn to limbo (Kelly told me later they were humping his leg because his big cock was running along his thigh and they were riding it). Kelly enjoyed her turns to ride his leg.

For the first pass, they had the pole fairly high but the girls had their knees spread wide and were bent far enough back that it looked like tits could spill at any moment. The guys were loving the show. We were drunk, the girls looked sexy as hell, and they were all pretty turned on.

They dropped the pole pretty low on the second pass. Girls were falling backward. Legs were flying in the air. Legs spread far enough that the bikini girls were flashing everything from pussy hair to pussy lips. The crew was very handsy when pulling the girls up. One girl grabbed one of them right in the crotch and got a handful of cock. He let her play with it for a minute. He had a lump in his shorts after that and several girls got a feel, Kelly among them. Kelly was the last to go and they dropped the pole a little lower. She looked like she might actually make it. Her knees were so wide that her cunt had eaten her thong. It was only covering her clit and her vagina entrance. Her wet lips were on full display and guys were jockeying for position to get a look. One boob took a zig as her top zagged and it was loose and on full display. She had gone far enough that her tits were under the pole. They pressed the pole down onto her chest. Kelly was laughing, the whole boat was laughing. One of the pole holders said her bikini was in the way, that’s why she wouldn’t fit. He was telling her to get it out of the way. Kelly figured what the hell? She pulled the bikini top up and over her head giving the whole boat a good show. Cheers from everyone. The pole raised and Kelly triumphantly made it under the pole and “won” the contest.

A drunken dance party ensued as they got most of the men on their feet. Everybody was trying to dance with Kelly. A couple of other girls got into the spirit and took off their tops. B-cups, but very nice boobies to see! It was the women who kept feeling up Kelly’s tits as she danced her way up and down the aisle.

Kelly was dirty dancing with one of the crew guys at the back of the boat. She was facing him and his hands were all over her ass with his fingers buried in her crack. She pulled his hands to her boobs and then held them up as he sucked her nipples. Kelly was very turned on having this guy’s large black hands all over her body. Kelly turned around and he was holding her boobs. Several folks danced past, men and women, and sucked a nipple on the way by.

They were right next to me and I saw she was doing a reach-around, grabbing his dick. I had one of the topless girls backed into me, and I was playing with her boobs. Kelly turned back around facing the guy and pulled me in. I had to release my topless girl. The three of us formed a circle. She pulled one of his hands toward her and pushed it into the front of her thong, which pushed her thong down onto her thighs. He was looking all around trying to see if he would be busted. He worked a finger into her cunt and Kelly came in moments. I had to hold her up. He didn’t let up and got her off a second time. She pulled his hand out, pulled his hand to her mouth and sucked herself off of his finger.

We were close to the dock and the party wound down. Kelly had pulled her thong back into position but couldn’t find her top. Soon folks were being offered a hand to leave the boat. Kelly held us back to be the last folks off as we looked for her top. Finally, the singer waved it at her. He got a big topless hug and a handful of ass as payment (as she humped his dick again). Kelly gave her crewman a big hug, smashing her tits into him and whispered in his ear, asking “Is there any place we can go to fuck?” Kelly was drunk and this guy was in the business of getting ladies drunk and horny. He had fully succeeded and graciously declined that it wasn’t possible. Reluctantly, Kelly put her top on, having no clue how many people walking on the pier had seen her topless.

We got back on the ship just in time to dress and head to our dinner seating. I had to help Kelly shower and get dressed. She had a low-cut, fairly short sundress and we skipped the undergarments. She was too wobbly to wear heels so she went with sandals.

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We were the last to the table. Rick and Cindy switched places when they stood to greet us. Cindy sat next to me, Rick next to her, and Kelly on his other side. The other two couples just kind of gave odd looks and stayed to themselves. Cindy was wearing a natural-colored muslin dress. It was quite short with a halter top. There were leather straps around the tops of the straps covering her boobs gathering the material to a rather tight strip. It looked like you could move them up or down to adjust exposure and she had them pretty much at maximum.

Anytime Cindy would lean forward the dress fell away from her boobs. Several times I got a clear view. She had nice little puffy areolae topped with pink eraser-nipples. My hand made a few trips to her thigh and hers a few trips to my cock. Kelly had kind of shifted her chair toward Rick. I’m sure he had wet fingers. The servers were putting on some really, really, stupid skits with singing and dancing around the outside of the room. Our table partners seemed engrossed and I slipped two fingers into Cindy. A few minutes later she grabbed my upper arm, quietly gasped and came.

During dinner, we had decided to head to the comedy show afterward. We were the first four on the elevator and stood at the back. I slid my finger up and down Cindy’s ass crack and slowly entered her butthole with my middle finger. She stood motionless, turned her head and smiled at me. Kelly was facing the back of the elevator and Rick was finger-fucking her. The elevator emptied out. Cindy and I kind of covered the doorway as Kelly had an orgasm. Rick had to hold her up getting off the elevator.

We were escorted to a U-shaped booth on the top tier to the far side of the room. Still a great view but very out of the way. I found out later that Rick had asked for a secluded booth. Cindy was at one end and had the view to see our server coming toward us. I was next to her, Kelly next to me and Rick at the other end. Cindy pulled one knee up onto the booth, pulled her skirt up and gave me full access to her twat. After our drink order was taken, I started to play with her pussy. I felt Kelly moving and looked down to see her pulling her dress up to her waist.

The show was pretty good so we were all back and forth between laughing our asses off and playing touchy-feely. I had my hands in Cindy’s dress playing with her nipples. Kelly had slid one strap off her shoulder, exposing her right boob and Rick was sucking on it. A while later Rick asked Cindy if any servers were close. She said there weren’t. Next thing I saw Kelly had wiggled her way down next to the table and obviously had Rick’s cock in her mouth. She popped up a couple of minutes later, licked some cum from the edge of her lips and then lip-locked Rick. After that they just kind of sat back and relaxed.

Cindy looked at me and said, “Unzip.”

Kelly turned to me and said, “Enjoy!” I pulled out my cock and Cindy started stroking me. Soon Kelly joined in and started playing with my sack. Our server kind of startled us and I quickly leaned forward to the table. I have to imagine there isn’t much they haven’t seen on that ship. Soon the girls were back at it. Cindy actually snuck under the table and sucked me off. I let loose with another huge load. I could tell she struggled but caught most of it. She popped right back up so we wouldn’t get busted again and had a trail of cum running to her chin on both sides.

“Come here,” said Kelly. She and Cindy met in front of my face and Kelly licked my cum off her face and then they open-mouth kissed. Cindy hadn’t swallowed my load yet so they shared it back and forth, both swallowing a share. Rick had his hand up Kelly’s dress with fingers in her twat. He was banging her pretty fast. Kelly whispered to Cindy and me, “He’s going to make me cum!” Cindy kissed her mouth again and helped her keep the orgasm quiet. I was pinching her nipples as he fucked her.

We enjoyed more of the show. Cindy asked me to change places with her, which I did happily. Once Cindy and Kelly were next to each other, both had their hands on the other’s pussy. Cindy dove down and was sucking on Kelly’s nipples. Kelly then returned the favor. I didn’t bother to tell them our server was at the table taking drink orders. Cindy had her eyes closed and Kelly was eating her little boobs right up. Our server seemed to enjoy the show as she stood at the table for a moment longer than she needed to.

After a few minutes of working out some of their lustfulness, they sat on their asses very close to each other, legs out straight, dresses pulled to their waists, and each was rubbing the other’s clit. Our server arrived with our drinks. She stared at Cindy and Kelly and could only imagine why their eyes were glassed over and what was just out of her view. She finally bent forward to set down their drinks. The girls knew she could see them.

Cindy put one leg up on my lap. Kelly followed suit with Rick. They kept rubbing each other with one hand and using the other to spread their cunts for a better view. Kelly asked quietly, “Can you see okay?” The server nodded like she was in a trance. She would stand for a moment and then lean far forward and mindlessly wipe the table with a bar rag. The girls pushed themselves tight to the back of the booth giving her the best view they could. Rick and I held their dresses up to their waists. I knew Kelly was almost there. Cindy surprised me when she came first. Kelly came with her. Our server was leaned down onto the table with her face just a foot away from their pussies as they came. She got to watch Kelly squirt.

Our server stood up and was speechless. She found her voice and quietly said, “Thank you. That was incredible.” Then off she went. Kelly and Cindy made a trip to the restroom. When they came back they sat on the sides of the booth adjacent to the aisle. Our server came back later to let us know it was the Last Call. As a cocktail server, her uniform was a skirt with a semi-low-cut top, all in black. Kelly engaged her in a conversation and moved her hand onto her leg. She didn’t move away so Kelly moved her hand to the inside of her thigh. She spread her legs a little. Kelly took it as an invitation and moved her fingers to her crotch. Her panties were soaking wet. “Oh my God, I am so embarrassed!” she whispered to Kelly.

Kelly said, “Don’t be if we helped cause it," as she rubbed her fingers back and forth across the gusset of her wet panties.

“Are you kidding? It’s all your fault!” she said with an evil grin.

Kelly asked her, “When can I eat you?” The server replied she can’t engage like that with guests. Kelly said, “Bullshit. We want to eat you.”

“Who is ‘we’?” the server asked.

“Cindy and me, that’s who” Kelly replied.

The server dropped down on one knee to talk privately and very quietly to Kelly. She (Jelena) agreed to meet Kelly and me in our cabin in an hour. She made clear she wasn’t interested in men, just Kelly, but she was okay with me watching. The only other deal was that we needed to answer the door immediately when she knocked. There are security cameras everywhere.

Kelly covered and told the table that she couldn’t join us. She really wanted to but couldn’t risk her job. That was the story I heard.

We all left the showroom and we walked around the deck enjoying the night. We would stop and make out in any dark corner. We started with the other’s spouse and then swapped back to our own. Rick was really pretty loaded and Cindy decided it was time to get him to their cabin while he was still walking. Kelly and I sat down on a deck chair. She sat in front of me between my legs. We decided to play a little game and throw out some bait. I pulled the top of Kelly’s dress partially off one shoulder, exposing a nipple. Kelly pulled her dress up so it was just barely exposing her twat to one side. Then we acted like we were passed out.

Several folks passed by and noticed. One couple stopped and looked and the woman said, “Too bad his cock isn’t out, I’d like to see that.” Another couple passed and the guy stopped and knelt down to get a good look at Kelly’s twat. His wife called him a pervert and pulled him along. A group of three guys maybe in their thirties, drunk off their asses did a double, then triple take and then turned around about a hundred feet later and made another pass. They stopped to take a good look, giggling and punching each other as they were.

One guy got really ballsy. He dropped to his knees and reached out and lifted Kelly’s dress up to fully expose her cunt. Kelly stayed still while watching them through her barely open eye slits. They now had a good look at her tattoo and the fact that she was shaved. They couldn’t believe their good luck. Kelly was wet as hell. She shifted a leg, dropping one foot to the floor. From my view, I couldn’t tell what she was up to, but had a pretty good idea when I heard the guy that was on his knees whisper to his buddies “Shit! Her cunt is wide fucking open!” The other two knelt down to take a look while one kept looking to see if anyone else was walking our way.

The ballsy guy couldn’t take it anymore and touched the inside of her slit with a fingertip. Later Kelly told me she nearly came when he touched her. She in her sleep shifted the other leg and was now spread as wide open as she could be. He yanked his hand back as she moved. Once she settled he slowly slid a finger right up into her cunt. He slowly pulled back and then added a second finger and slid back in. He held them still for a few moments and then started to slowly move them in and out. He kept going. Kelly was quietly moaning, as though she was having a dream. They all figured in drunken logic that she must be comatose because one guy pulled her dress strap further and started sucking on her exposed nipple. The third guy pulled the other strap all the way off her shoulder and sucked on her other fully exposed tit.

Kelly could feel my fully-hard erection pressing into her back. I was actually using small thrusts against her. I didn't know how far this would go, but I was pretty sure I would cum if it went much further. Kelly couldn’t take it and used all she had to keep quiet as she squirted all over the guy’s hand. He whispered, “Holy fuck! I think she just came!” I saw him stand up and heard his zipper. I thought what the fuck, is he actually going to try to fuck her? My cock was twitching and pre-cum was running like a fountain. His buddies also wondered what the hell he was up to as he was jacking away at his cock. They both stood and tried to drag him away. He pushed them away and said, “Fuck off! I’m not done yet.”

He was beside the chair actually rubbing against my leg. He was too tall for me to see in my position with my head hanging down. I heard him groan. Kelly felt his very large load raining onto her hair, face, neck, and chest. He zipped up and away they went. Kelly pulled her dress straps back in place, rolled over on all fours facing me and we both blurted, “Can you fucking believe that?!” Kelly told me she squirted on his hand and he still kept going. “He had me so close to cumming again, I can’t believe it. I knew I couldn’t be quiet twice. That would have been crazy!”

Kelly got up and told me we needed to get back to our room. I was a little frustrated because I wanted to cum! Mouth, cunt, hand, I wasn’t fussy. Then Kelly let me in that our server was meeting her for sex in our room. Well, that got me in a full hustle to get to the room. I finally got a good look at Kelly in the elevator. Even with her dress on I could see cum everywhere. A drunk husband and wife joined us for part of the ride. He looked at Kelly and finally blurted, “Is that what it looks like?”

Kelly wiped a glob of cum off her face with her finger and licked it off. “Yes, I think it is what you think it is.” The door opened for our floor and away we went down the hall.

Once we were in the room Kelly stripped off her dress and started cleaning up. She was in the bathroom when Jelena knocked. I let her in and her eyes quickly searched for Kelly. Once she saw her she relaxed.

Kelly saw her through the mirror and said, “Hi! You’re over-dressed.” Jelena pulled her sweatshirt over her head and released a beautiful pair of C-cup boobs with nipples that looked ready to cut glass. She shimmied out of her jeans and then pulled down a pair of pink hip-hugger panties exposing a beautiful ass and a twat with neatly trimmed hair that had been closely cropped. Jelena was bigger than Kelly, but perfect proportions and beautiful. I guessed her to be around five-foot-six, maybe a hundred and thirty pounds? She had black hair that hung to her shoulders.

I can’t say a Serbian accent is the sexiest thing, but the fact she had an accent made it all more surreal. Kelly has had sex with a number of women, but all of it was around men and everyone involved would claim to be heterosexual. This was her first experience with a lesbian.

As soon as Kelly stepped out of the bathroom, Jelena grabbed her into a full body hug as her tongue chased Kelly’s down her throat. Both of their hands were all over each other. Things had just begun and I thought my cock would rip out of my slacks at any moment. Jelena moved Kelly to the bed and laid her on her back. She slowly kissed her way down Kelly’s body while her hands fondled Kelly’s boobs and nipples.

When she finally arrived at her crotch, she kissed all over her inner thighs as she hiked Kelly’s legs over her body landing them next to her head. Her tongue began at Kelly’s butthole and took its time working across every inch of flesh on her way to Kelly’s clit. Her first suck onto Kelly’s clit caused Kelly to shudder with an orgasm. Jelena was just starting. She tongued, sucked, licked and chewed on Kelly’s clit for so long I lost time and the whole time she had fingers working their magic inside of Kelly’s cunt. Kelly was hoarse from non-stop orgasms. The sheets were ripped from their positions. Kelly’s ass was bucking up and down as Jelena pressed on the backs of her thighs to keep her in position for her oral assault.

Kelly finally begged for a break. Jelena pulled her legs out straight and then climbed up her torso, sitting her own cunt on Kelly’s face. Jelena spread her lips wide open as Kelly attacked her slit. Jelena was humping her pelvis up and down Kelly’s face as Kelly was determined to eat her clit to an orgasm. It finally hit. Jelena reached down grabbing the back of Kelly’s face forcing her mouth onto her clit with her might as she humped her face. Jelena groaned loudly and said something in her native language as she succumbed to her orgasm. From the noises coming from Kelly, I assumed she squirted pretty good onto her face and into her mouth. Jelena slumped and laid next to Kelly. I could see Kelly’s face and neck were soaked with Jelena’s juices.

Jelena raised up and moved her face down by Kelly’s feet. She started to massage Kelly’s feet and calves. Kelly returned the favor on the other end. Jelena subtly worked Kelly’s leg so that they were now in a scissor position. Jelena took her time, but eventually, she had slid into position so they had cunt-to-cunt contact. Kelly instinctively started to hump against Jelena. Jelena joined in the rocking, grinding and slipping of their wet pussies against each other. Kelly’s face said she was on another planet. After ten minutes of clit-to-clit contact, they both orgasmed with too-loud groans and squirted onto each other’s cunt. They collapsed into their own heap.

Jelena climbed out of bed and stepped over to me, “You fuck her now, okay.” I was naked in a flash. Kelly started out as a happy drunk. She had now basically been fucked into la-la-land and just wanted to sleep. I didn’t really care. I needed to cum. I climbed on top like a missionary ready to convert her and plunged in. Kelly did not participate. Made no difference. I fucked away. Jelena came over and stood next to me. One hand spread her slit open while the other finger-fucked herself. That put me over the top and I pumped what felt like gallons of cum into my wife’s cunt. Jelena came right after I did.

Jelena was dressed in a flash. I saw her tuck her panties into her jeans pocket. I got out of bed and walked her to the door. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me for letting her fuck my wife. I assured her the pleasure was all ours.

Kelly was zonked out in a huge puddle of orgasmic fluids. I slept in the other bed. It was late in the morning before we woke. Kelly wanted to do some shopping and we ended up picking out a very nice and expensive necklace. We knew there was a topless sunning deck, and it was on Kelly’s to-do list. Kelly was wearing the same bikini top, thong, and tiny, slipped-on jean shorts from the snorkeling trip. I was fun walking around the boat with her dressed like that, seeing guys nearly tripping on their tongues as they stared at her boobs and ass.

There were perhaps three-dozen deck chairs, with just a handful unoccupied. All of the women were topless. Most were middle-aged girls being brave, or more likely fulfilling a husband’s request. There was just a handful that was in their twenties (or perhaps less, the minimum age was eighteen). Several chests that were worth studying from behind sunglasses and many that were not. Kelly and I quickly got settled, and she stood up to pull down her shorts and remove her top. Every man within twenty-feet was watching her every move. Kelly turned toward the chair and bent over, placing a beach towel on the chair, which was really just an excuse to bend over and show off her butt. Very quickly we realized that this was apparently a stop on the bus tour. Couple after couple came on the deck, acted surprised it was topless (gee, must have missed four pretty large signs) and then carried on like they were enjoying the ocean view, while of course actually staring at the tits on display.

It was about the same as clothed people walking along a nude beach. It’s irritating. Kelly could care less that her tits were being ogled but it was just so stupid how people were acting. What did surprise us a bit though, was the fact we had a male server coming around to take drink orders. We laughed to ourselves about the scheduling fights to get that gig!

We had been there for less than an hour when Cindy came walking through the door. I pulled a deck chair over so she could lay out next to me. She said Rick was napping. He had gotten up that morning and tried to work through his hangover, but it eventually got the best of him. She figured he’d be out for hours if left alone so she planned to wake him in time for dinner.

Cindy was wearing a linen shirt that wasn’t quite see-through but the shape of her boobs and nipples were clearly displayed. She quickly slipped off the shirt, exposing her perfect small boobs. It took all I had to not jump on them and suck away. Her bottoms were very low-rise and showed a perfect, slim little ass. I think Kelly may have fallen asleep? She was quiet and motionless. Cindy and I were talking away and flirting mercilessly. Cindy and I had yet to fuck and that needed to happen. After Cindy had been with us for close to an hour she suggested we all go to our cabin.

I woke Kelly and told her that Cindy and I were going to go fuck and that she should join us. She was up in a flash and ready to go. Now, walking with both of the girls, guys literally just stepped aside and watched the parade go by. Cindy had her shirt unbuttoned to her navel and from the side, it was easy to see her exposed little boobs jiggling as she walked.

The door to the cabin had not even closed before Cindy was naked and Kelly was only moments behind. I was the last one naked and was trying to find a spot to join in as those two were already licking and sucking their way all over each other. They stopped and both laughed at my predicament. Kelly shoved me on my back onto my bed and pushed my right knee up to my chest. Cindy had my cock in her mouth. Kelly dove down and hiked my ass further towards my head and went to town on my nuts and butthole. Cindy got up and shifted so she was sitting on my face and had a better angle at swallowing my cock. Every now and then I would feel both of their mouths leave me as those two kissed and made out.

Cindy’s cunt was delicious! A tight little peach with wispy yellow hair. I had her juices flowing and brought her to her first orgasm fairly quickly. That sweet cunt was so tasty I was ready to settle in for the rest of the day eating her out. Cindy and Kelly had other plans, though. They wanted to make me cum. I put up a small protest that Cindy and I hadn’t fucked. Cindy said, “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving this bed until we fuck.” And with that, she went on a cock attack. Kelly had been tongue fucking my ass and now had her middle finger buried in me rubbing my prostate while her mouth assaulted my nuts. I had to cum and loudly announced that it was going to happen. Cindy sat up on my face (which was awesome as my tongue was now in her butthole). Kelly fingered me with one hand, jacked me with the other, and sucked my nuts to orgasm. The first couple of shots nailed Cindy right in the chest. The rest laid strips of cum across my torso. Cindy squealed with delight. Kelly had promised Cindy that she would show off her fire hose to her.

When I cum that hard I’m exhausted afterward. I needed to crash. Kelly laid between me and the wall. The bed was so small, Cindy was snugged in tight under my arm with one leg under me and one over me. The last thought through my mind before I nodded off was Damn boy! It is fucking great to be me!

Kelly knows that when I need to crash, that is really all I need to do, just literally fall asleep. I don’t need to nap. She and Cindy gave me maybe five minutes and then started kissing my chest and rubbing their hands on me. They rubbed my cum in as though it was lotion. They were gathering drops from my cock and feeding them to each other. They both climbed up a bit and were open-mouth tongue kissing right in front of my face. Kelly backed off and was playing with my cock. Cindy pulled herself up and placed a nipple in my mouth. I could now get a hand on her ass and I worked it down until I was in her twat. My cock was coming around. Kelly slipped further down and sucked in my mostly-limp dick and worked it to full stiffness. That is something she has loved to do her whole life; take it from nothing to something without letting it out of her mouth.

Kelly tapped on Cindy’s ass, and Cindy threw one leg to my other side and now sitting on me, slid down toward my prick. Kelly had a solid grip on me and guided Cindy’s vagina hole right to the tip of my cock. Cindy lowed herself ever so slowly down onto me. My Lord was she tight! I’ve been in virgin teenage pussy that was not that tight. Thank heavens Cindy was soaking wet. We needed her lube. The other thought that popped into my head was, Hell, no wonder Rick doesn’t get her off, as tight as she is how could he hold out that long?

It took us a couple of minutes to get the lube and the rhythm working. Soon Cindy was bouncing up and down on my cock as I played with her boobs. Kelly was sitting Indian-style at the end of the bed watching the show. At one point, Cindy leaned forward and laid on my chest as I thrust into her. It was too tempting for Kelly and she used a finger to butt fuck Cindy. I loved feeling her finger rubbing back and forth against my cock. The DP got Cindy to cum. Cindy sat back up and was really slamming up and down on me. Kelly was on her knees right behind her, hugging her and rolling her nipples. Cindy came again and it was a strong one! She was loud and I felt a trickle of her juice run from her cunt. My cock was ready! Kelly slipped a hand down to my nut sack and was rolling my balls. My sack got really tight and Kelly told Cindy, “He’s going to fill you up, baby.” And I did. Damn, that tight little pussy pulled it all out of me. Cindy came again as I was pumping her full. Kelly fell back and put a hand on her clit and jacked herself to orgasm, squirting all over my lower legs and Cindy’s butt. Cindy fell onto my chest again. Soon my cock slipped out and I felt my load run across my sack on its way to making a wet spot.

Wow! That was an amazing afternoon. Having those two incredible women together was one of those moments written to permanent memory. We finally peeled ourselves apart. We offered Cindy the shower. She declined. She was still in the moment. She dressed and left with the promise we would all meet at dinner.

Rick was recovered but barely. He passed on the wine at dinner. We all had a great conversation. It felt like the tension had now been cut so we could act like friends. We spent the evening together (drinking much less) having a good time. There were some friendly and knowing squeezes worked in here and there, but we were all fucked out for the time being. We ended that night much earlier than the past couple of nights.

I climbed into bed with Kelly, and while she was on her tummy I mounted her butt and fucked her cowboy style. Kelly had enough to drink that she offered me the tube of lube. She's not a big fan of butt fucking but will let me do it if she's had enough to drink to get fully relaxed and dull the pain. I dropped a dollop on her butt hole and slid in. We had a beautiful, slow, and sensuous fuck. We talked about the fun we’d had and how much we enjoyed the vacation, meeting new friends, having wild adventures, lots of orgasms, and fucking new people. For us, it was pretty much a perfect vacation!

Kelly got me going on how much I enjoyed fucking Cindy and exploring her perfect body. I knew it was a sign to finish up before her butt would hurt. It worked. I splashed a load into her colon, crawled off, and went to sleep in my bed.

The next morning, we disembarked and flew home to deal with a mountain of snow. Wow! How quickly a vacation comes to an end!










Written by GoodToBeMe
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