It was December of 1991 and time for my company’s annual Christmas Party. Previous parties had been held at a hotel but the recession had beat our company up pretty bad, so the boss decided to have it in our office. In years past we’d have a DJ playing music, and an open bar, and then when the ‘official’ party ended, folks would go to the hotel lounge and keep it going until bar time downstairs and even later in the hotel rooms upstairs.
The party was held in our large conference room. Excellent finger food was catered in and a DIY bar was set up in an adjacent spare office. Holiday music played over the intercom. They did a nice job and all, but the atmosphere just wasn’t the same. Folks were bored.
As he did every year, the boss would be there for dinner, have a couple of drinks, make the rounds, kiss the good-looking women on the cheeks as he went in for a hug, wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and then be the first to leave. Which then allowed us kids to play and, indeed, a couple of our parties were epic.
Our parties had evolved into fairly sexy affairs. The female employees dressed to the nines. Which made sense as the boss tended to hire them younger and cuter. And lower paid, but that’s another subject. The female spouses, many of whom were also younger and cuter, had taken their lead from the employees. Over a few short years, dresses got shorter and tighter, necklines got lower, heels got taller, and slacks and sweaters disappeared. You get the picture.
My boss was a flirt. Everyone knew that. Some handled it better than others. I believe no one is more qualified to handle a flirt than another flirt. My boss was clearly intrigued by Kelly and she loved to play him good for those few short hours once a year.
Kelly made a trip to the hairdresser to get a fresh bright blonde dye job before the party. Her hair was in big loopy waves and BIG! In prior years she’d had her tits displayed like a boobie buffet. That year she went the other direction and wore a backless, very short, little black dress with a square neckline. Because Kelly has such a short torso, the dip of the open back dropped to just a couple of inches above her butt crack. I absolutely loved the dress as I have always believed that Kelly has an incredibly sexy back.
There was no possible place to hide a bra, and the size of Kelly’s jugs (32F) meant none of those little stick-on pretend-bras were even an option. Not that Kelly minded in the least. The dress itself had some beads and sequins sewn on and was not a lightweight garment by any means. I was surprised when I picked it up and found out that it weighed a few pounds.
Kelly had wanted to wear black stockings and a lacy black garter belt she bought from Frederick’s. But when she tried it all on, the garter belt was fully exposed by the open back, which was an amazing sight itself, but called for a change of plans. Instead, she ordered a pair of black stay-up stockings and skipped the garter belt and thong altogether. She completed her look with a pair of black sky-high strappy stilettos that made her long legs look absolutely delicious.
My boss ensured he got a full body, soft titty smashing, hug from Kelly upon our arrival. He held her hand in the air as she stepped back and did a slow spin for him showing off her dress. He pulled her back in for another hug and whispered to her, “My God, that is a beautiful backside.” Kelly knew him well enough to know that wasn’t really a comment about her dress. Where the bottom of the back cutout ended really emphasized her little bubble butt.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to tell you what I wore. Here goes…
First, the back story: John, one of my co-workers, was a short, stocky man who loved to dress up as Santa. At first, he did it for his own kids, then later, for his nieces and nephews, and then he started making visits to the local hospital. He had the whole authentic garb and looked very convincing.
Anyway, he told our boss he wanted to come as Santa and pass out the annual gifts. He also convinced the boss that he needed an elf assistant. One of our cute young secretaries would have been an obvious choice. But, no, John was into theatrics and figured that my six-foot-four ass dressed as an elf would be hilarious next to his five-foot-not-much-more Santa. The boss agreed.
John ordered me the get-up. A green tunic, red tights, stupid hat, fake ears, and pointy shoes. At the assigned time, John and I met in his office. Kelly came along to help us (John was divorced). As I said, John looked authentic as shit. Kelly had tears in her eyes from laughing at the sight of me.
The first crisis was that my boxers looked stupid under the red tights. Kelly yanked down the tights, pointed at my boxers, and said “Lose ‘em.” So, I wore a pair of tights, semi-see-through, with no underwear. The tunic probably would have been fine on someone a foot shorter than me. As it was, it only came down just a couple of short inches below my junk. Kelly, showing me no mercy at all said, “I wear tiny mini-skirts all the time. Just deal.”
I will say this: John was right. We were the hit of the party and I’m told folks still talked about it for years later. Everyone laughed their asses off when they saw me. Although, weirdly enough, a number of the ladies took a liking to the elf. Kelly said it was because, for a man, I had very sexy long legs. I wasn’t convinced.
Once the gifts were passed out, our Santa show was over. It marked the official end of the party. The boss left. John, who apparently got pretty sweated up in his garb, also made clear that he was leaving. Within half an hour probably four dozen of the five-dozen people had decided the party was over and left.
I had known for some time that Julie from accounting seemed to have at least a passing interest in me. I was debating whether to get out of my costume or just leave it on. My only reason for leaving it on was that some of the chicks really seemed weirdly, sexually, into the elf. Julie and I were in the bar/office. I needed a drink after the silliness of the Santa show.
As I reached over to grab the tequila bottle, Julie ran her hand across my butt cheek. I kind of froze in my tracks for a moment. A soft voice said, “You’re not wearing underwear.” I stood up, and with my back still to her, explained that I’d discovered that the tights wouldn’t work with my boxers. Her hand remained on my butt, gently squeezing me. My drink prepared, I turned around. She dropped her hand.
A second later and she reached under the front of my tunic. “Well, then that must mean these guys are running free…” And with that, she got a handful of my balls. Again, I kind of froze as her warm hand gently massaged my nuts. She pushed her hand down between my thighs and I had to spread my feet a bit to keep my balance. My cock was quickly growing. I did not want it to. It wasn’t listening to me.
Julie dropped her hand just as a face entered the office to make a drink. Julie walked out and I stayed pretty close behind her, as by then I was sporting a full stiffy. I was going to try to escape to the men’s room. Instead, Julie grabbed my hand and walked me over to the accounting area to her cubicle. She pushed me to sit down in her chair and then she straddled my lap, facing me. She reached down and pulled my tunic up and out of the way. Then she tugged the bottom of her little black dress up.
Julie ground her, I assumed, panty-covered twat back and forth along my tights-enclosed hard-on. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and softly moaned, “who knew you had such a nice cock?” She sat up, looked me in the eye, and then plunged in for a deep kiss. As we kissed (Lord, she had a soft tongue!) she was rhythmically jerking her hips on me. I was stunned a couple of minutes later when she broke our kiss, gasped, panted, lunged back in, and moaned through an orgasm into my mouth.
Julie quickly stood up after she came. My tunic was pulled halfway up my chest. My hard-on was trying to cut through the tights. There was a large wet streak where she’d been riding my cock. Julie reached down and ran the palm of her hand up and down the underside of my cock. “Sorry that I got you wet. You’ve got me running like a river.” It wasn’t all hers. My cocking was non-stop leaking pre-cum.
I reached out and placed my hand on the gusset of her panties. She wasn’t lying! Her lacy panties were soaked completely through. My finger started to move them out of the way when Julie jumped back. “We should go!”
I was slow in following her. The tunic was so lightweight it could blow around if I breathed wrong. The tights were designed to stretch with whatever was in them. My six-inch cock was rock solid and pointing straight ahead as if it were divining for pussy. I had to walk past the large conference room to get to the restroom.
As I walked in that direction, I was surprised that it looked like everyone else was gone. Kelly bumped into me coming out of the copier room. “Where did you go?” she asked as she hugged me. Feeling my cock stabbing her tummy, she stepped back, reached down, and firmly gripped my hard-on. “Oh, fuck yesss,” she purred.
“Julie seemed fascinated with the tights.”
“Did you fuck her?”
“No, but she managed to get off.” Kelly purred again.
Duane came out of the copy room from behind Kelly carrying copies. “These are soo good!”
Kelly took my hand and we followed Duane to the small conference room. I tried to pull away and explain to Kelly that I needed to hit the restroom to get rid of my hard-on. “Don’t worry about it,” was all she said.
The table that had food spread out upon it the last time I saw it, had been cleared, pulled away from the wall, and had copy pages, apparently upside down, spread across it. Duane, me, and Roger (a spouse) were the only men in the room, along with ten or so women. Kelly was the only female spouse. Most of the rest of the women worked in accounting, except for the secretary married to Roger.
Everyone was picking up the sheets of paper, looking at them, smiling and snickering, laying them back down, and then moving on to another. Weird? Kelly picked up one and showed it to me. No shit. NO SHIT!
People had been sitting on the copier and photocopying their bottoms. The first couple of them that Kelly showed me were girls in their panties. I thought it was pretty damn cool. My hard-on did as well. Then I heard a girl squeal. She quickly passed that copy around and everyone giggled, studied, and had it pulled from their hand. Finally, I got to grab it. Folks gave up keeping the copies face down.
I, obviously, could pick my wife’s pussy out of a line-up. Her twat was splayed open, her outer lips squished onto the glass, her clit very visible, and just a fading glimpse of her butt hole. Duane bought in some more sheets and by the time that set made the rounds, then yet another set. Women were making a steady stream in and out of the room.
That last round of copies was all exposed twats. It was hard to keep track of who was coming and going from the room as both Duane and Roger were running the racket and it seemed like all of the girls were in on it. As I looked at the table it was covered with a cornucopia of black and white copies of cunts.
Kelly pulled me along as Roger left the room. They had a chair set up in front of the copier. Roger helped Kelly step onto the chair, turn and sit her butt on the copier. As she leaned from cheek to cheek, Roger pulled her dress out of the way. Kelly’s legs were spread wide open and Roger had a great view of her shaved twat as well as her tattoo on her pubic mound. He was hitting the copy button as Kelly leaned forward and back putting her different parts into focus on the glass.
Kelly grabbed Roger’s hand and pulled it to her cunt. He quickly slipped a couple of fingers into her and it was obvious that it wasn’t his first visit of the night up there. Kelly pushed the copy button. They moved around a bit. The last copy had a great view of both her butthole and Roger’s fingers in her twat. Then they decided they needed a copy of her tattoo. Both Roger and I helped Kelly lie flat across the machine and it took a pic of her blooming red rose right above her slit.
Roger scurried away with the fresh copies. Kelly insisted that I sit on the glass. I assured her that I would break it. She insisted. I, like Kelly, was shaved smooth and bare. She loved the copy of my butthole and a ball sack that looked huge. The tights were quite warm, so, you know: ‘hanging low.’ She nearly skipped out of the room with those warm papers in hand.
Someone was bright enough to have grabbed some Windex and a roll of paper towels. I cleaned the glass as Duane and Tabitha came in. Tabitha was one of my lust objects. Tits nearly as big as Kelly’s, always tanned, probably five-seven with great legs, in her early twenties. I watched as Duane unzipped the back of her dress. Tabitha slithered out of the top of the dress and then laid her tits on the glass. Wow! They hung with a ski-slope shape on top and jutted out like military-grade weapons with large and hard nipples.

Tabitha was staring at my crotch as I watched her getting her boobs copied. She stood up, her girls still out, and said “get your cock on here.” Duane gave me an arm. I kind of threw one leg up and we tried to get my dick in the center. It took a few tries but we got a couple that clearly showed my hard dick in full Xerox detail.
As I went to pull my tights up, Tabitha grabbed my cock and gave me a teasing four or five stoke hand job. I told her she should sit on the machine as I wanted to make a couple of copies. Obviously, we were all pretty loaded by then. Up she went. Duane and I got her dress out of the way and I got to see that she had a light brown bush shaved down to almost nothing. Bonus!
We got her legs spread as wide as they could go. Which took almost no effort whatsoever on our part. Her slit was a tight and tiny one. She held it open and leaned forward as we got some great copies of her tiny clit and pussy hole. A couple more copies of her leaned back showing her tight butt hole. With her vagina aimed at me, I slipped in a finger then two. As I jerked her off, Duane was hitting the copy button. Tabitha came with a tiny squirt right onto the glass plate. That was the last copy of her and he ran to the small conference room with them.
Julie was there. It seemed that the crowd had dispersed to various places. Roger, Camilla (his wife), and Kelly, I found out later, had gone to the ladies' room. Duane and Tabitha had slipped away to his office. Duane later confessed to me that he and Tabitha had been having an affair for months. That night he fucked her lying on her back across his desk and then came in her mouth.
One of the other gals from accounting was looking for Duane, heard Tabitha cumming, and cracked open his office door. She watched him unload in Tabitha’s mouth. Then she opened the door, dropped her dress in the hallway (Tabitha was naked and Duane’s pants were on the floor), then knelt in front of Duane and sucked in his shrinking cock.
It didn’t take long for Duane to recover and his cock grew in her mouth. She took Tabitha’s place on the desk and Duane fucked her into a whimpering orgasm. Tabitha stood next to them and rubbed the gal’s boobs and torso. Duane built up a sweat humping, but he was eventually able to pop a second load. She wanted his cock to stay right where it was as he came inside of her.
Days later Duane told me that Tabitha was none too happy, but went along to keep their affair secret (both were married). So, she stood there, smiling, and watched her boyfriend nail her co-worker.
I asked Julie if we should check out her desk. She got giddy. I had seen the pile of panties lying on the floor next to the copier, so I was pretty sure we wouldn’t have those to worry about again. I again sat on her chair and she again climbed on and rode me, this time a bit more liquored up and horny as hell. But that time my cock had slid inside her tight, fuzzy, wet hole. She bounced on me for ten minutes before she got off. A few minutes later I warned her that I was close.
She hopped off and took me in her mouth (turned out that the girls were really freaked about leaving cum stains around the office). She nearly choked as I let loose my usual massive load, but she got it down with only a few tears, gags, and sputters.
Eventually, everyone ended up back in the conference room. I discovered that Duane had a pretty big dick, about seven and a half fat inches (I saw the copies). It was crazy seeing all of those copies and the detail of almost everyone’s cunt, all of the gal’s boobs, and even all three of the guy’s cocks (mine included).
At some point or another, each of the gals had given my cock at least a few tugs. They just squealed when they tugged up my tunic and saw my hard-on straining inside the tights. They loved reaching in and feeling how hot and stiff I was.
It was after one a.m. when the liquor was gone and everyone was pooped. We had a ceremony at the shredder where the last of us destroyed the evidence. Roger had the pile of panties and jokingly(?) took a sniff of each as he passed them back to their owners.
I grabbed my clothes (leaving the tunic and tights on) and Kelly and I plopped into my car for the drive home. She crawled over the console, ripped open my tights, and sucked my cock for the trip home. She loved to tease me and knew how to make me even harder. She described to me how Julie’s pussy tasted on my dick.
It had started to snow those huge fat fluffy Christmas flakes. There were nearly a couple of inches of fluffy snow on the ground when we got home. Kelly yanked my hand to follow her and I fucked her standing up outside on our front steps, she was one step up so she was tall enough. It was pretty damn cold, so we only fucked until I made her cum.
Kelly ran inside while I gathered our stuff, closed the garage, etc. I found her naked, on her tummy, in bed under the covers. She wiggled her butt at me as I flipped back the covers. That was our signal if she’d been drinking. I grabbed the KY and squeezed a splat onto her back door. I smeared it around a little bit with my cock head and then pushed all the way in and gave her butt a nice slow fucking.
As I humped her butt, Kelly told me about her three-way with Roger and Camilla. Roger had slipped his hands in through the open back of her dress and was playing with her nipples as she awaited her turn on the copy machine. After she climbed down, still wearing her dress, Roger embraced her and kissed and was finger-banging her when Camilla entered the room. Everything was completely cool with everyone.
Kelly found out that Camilla had the other shaved pussy whose copies had been passed around. They got some copies of Camilla’s cunt with Kelly’s fingers inside of her. After they dropped the new copies in the conference room, Camilla invited Kelly to join her and Roger. They slipped away to the women’s room.
Camilla helped Kelly get her arms out of her dress. Then Roger played with her boobs. They alternated on her nipples, with Camilla sucking and Roger tugging and rolling. Roger’s hands disappeared for a moment as he dropped his slacks to the floor. Camilla removed Kelly’s dress and then her own. Kelly squealed when she saw that Camilla was wearing the exact same garter and stockings that Kelly had originally planned to wear that night.
As it was, Kelly was in stockings and heels and Camilla was in garter, stockings, see-through bra, and heels as Camilla and Roger gently guided Kelly to the vanity, where she leaned forward. Roger plunged his hot cock into Kelly’s wet hole, Camilla pulled Kelly’s face to her own and stuffed her tongue down Kelly’s throat.
Roger was fucking Kelly with powerful strokes. Camilla broke their kiss and held Kelly’s head on her shoulder as Kelly fingered Camilla’s hairless pussy. After Roger fucked Kelly to a loud “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck!” orgasm, Camilla dropped to her knees and licked Kelly’s clit as Roger fucked Kelly back up the mountain. It only took a few short minutes before Kelly was coming again. Camilla smashed her face into her cunt, gently biting her clit, and Kelly squirted a massive blast all over her. Camilla loved it and described it out loud to Roger.
That did it. Roger announced that he was cumming. Camilla said, “In my mouth!” Roger pulled his cock out, Camilla swallowed it and Kelly watched it, hanging her head upside down, as Roger fucked his load into his wife’s face between Kelly’s legs.
Camilla took her time sucking Roger totally dry and cleaned up his cock. Kelly had watched the entire show. After Camilla finished, she tongued Kelly’s clit again. “Oh no. Now it’s your turn,” Kelly said. Camilla was so short that it was hard for Kelly to get into a good position.
Camilla laid on the floor and Kelly mounted her in a sixty-nine. Kelly attacked her pussy with a vengeance. Roger wasn’t going to be left out, so he got down and tongue fucked Kelly’s butthole. Kelly squealed when he dove in. Camilla was so short she was licking Kelly’s belly button.
Kelly slid a finger into Camilla’s tight hole. Between her finger ramming her hole, her mouth devouring her clit, Kelly got Camilla off with a leg-vibrating orgasm on the floor. Camilla hugged Kelly tightly as she came. Eventually, she caught her breath. Kelly was enjoying Roger’s tongue but felt it was only fair to get Camilla off of the floor.
They were all standing, Roger tucking his cock away, and the girls pulling on their dresses. Kelly said Roger looked her in the eyes with the wildest, most lustful look, she’d seen from a man in a long, long time.
Kelly was so animated in describing to me how good it felt to have Roger tongue-fucking her butthole, it was clear why she wanted a cock up there. Anyone’s cock would have done the trick. She could tell I was getting off to her descriptions of Camilla’s brown-skinned pussy and dark, puffy nipples. It didn’t last much longer before I pumped Kelly’s ass with my second load of the night. Not a huge volume, but it felt just as good squirting out!
The next day we both kind of wanted to revisit Kelly’s sex scene with Roger and Camilla. I wanted to hear more detail and Kelly was wet from thinking about them. We had a fun conversation about them in our living room as Kelly sat, impaled on my cock. Kelly was completely convinced, that liquor or not, they were people who liked to, not just party, but party naked, with plenty of fucking involved.
Kelly said she knew, without question because of how Roger had looked at her after their fuck, that he would take any opportunity to fuck her again. And being blunt and truthful, Kelly very much wanted to fuck Roger again.
Kelly’s descriptions of Camilla had my cock blazing thinking about her tight little brown body. Since Camilla and I worked together, I couldn’t have brought anything up. If Kelly had it wrong I could have risked my job (which honestly wouldn’t have been the end of the world as I planned on giving my notice at the end of January). Kelly found their phone number in the book and called them up, as she sat on my cock!
The phone rang for a long time and Kelly was about to hang up when a breathless Camilla answered the phone. They had some polite chit-chat, but pretty quickly they got to it. Kelly said that we had had a great time last night and was wondering if they would be interested in getting together Saturday evening, and then with a giggle added “and maybe spend the night.”
That broke the ice. Camilla said she saw the copies of my cock and really wanted to “try me out.” Kelly laughed out loud as she told Camilla that she was sitting on my cock.
Camilla called out to Roger. “It’s Kelly. They want to get together and fuck next weekend. Kelly has his cock in her right now… Oh, baby! Mmmm… I’m there with you Kelly. We had stopped fucking so I could answer the phone, but Roger is back inside of me now.”
The girls spoke filthy sex talk for the benefit of Roger and me for the next few minutes. Camilla listened as Kelly came. Camilla heard me cum. Camilla and Roger screamed out as they came. We were all quite breathless.
As usual, I didn’t see Camilla much at the office, just when I arrived in the morning and usually when I left at the end of the day. I did notice though that she untypically wore a low-cut blouse every day that week. I left work later Thursday evening. I was surprised Camilla was still at her desk. She motioned me around into her cubicle. She pulled her dress up and spread her legs, showing me her slick little bare cunt. She dipped her fingers in and continued to rub her juice all over her mound.
“This is all yours this weekend. Kelly can have Roger. You are going to be fucking me, baby.” And with that, she pulled down her dress and blew me a kiss. My cock was so hard for my drive home.
Kelly was lying in the middle of bed fucking herself with her vibrator when I arrived home. I had a wet spot of pre-cum in my skivvies. We decided to call Camilla. Roger answered the phone. “Any chance you’d like to come over Friday evening and make it an entire weekend?”
“It would have been rude to invite ourselves, but we were really hoping you might say that!” Roger chuckled when he heard Kelly let loose with a screaming orgasm. “Oh, this will be fun! We’ll bring take-out and see you tomorrow evening!”
Stay tuned for part two!