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A Wild Weekend, The Finale

"The wild weekend comes to an end with a promise of more fun to come."

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The following morning I woke curled up against Doreen, who tightly cuddled up to Sue. Both of my arms were wrapped around Doreen with one across her chest and the other around her belly. My morning wood was tightly lodged between her cheeks and was already leaking semen. Slowly, I started pumping it between them and realized that my leakage had her entire butt-crack slick.

As I continued my imperceptible movement, Doreen started to move her ass in concert with my actions. Seemingly impatient with my laggard locomotion, she pushed back until my hard-on was at her flower's entrance and pushed back more. Only the head slid in, but it was enough for her at the moment, and she sighed deeply while continuing her animation.

I had been stagnant while she coerced my tip into her warm and welcoming opening but now started to rock in time with her. As her sighs elevated, I noticed her left arm moving in Sue’s crotch. As soft groans began to escalate from Sue too, I added to the harmony while pushing deeper into Doreen. Both of my hands moved to Doreen’s rigid nipples to add to her gratification. The action was still moving at a snail’s pace to prolong the satisfaction.

Doreen was working on one of Sue’s nipples with her free hand as she nibbled on her neck. I followed her example as I partook of her neck and earlobes. Doreen trembled softly before I felt a warm flood of her secretions engulf my pistoning penis. It was the calmest climax that she’d ever had with me, and I was proud that I brought her there so easily.

I honestly couldn’t take too much credit since I now believed that her entire body was an erogenous zone. This girl, more than any other I’d ever met, was designed for life-altering intimacy.

As our coitus continued, I moved one of my hands from Doreen’s breast and slipped it between Sue’s cheeks in search of access to an opening. Lubrication wasn’t a problem with her either, as her juices flowed from Doreen’s expert manipulations. I initially moved to her slippery box and inserted two fingers, while Doreen continued to wrangle her sensitive clit. I kept the same pace probing her with my fingers as I continued to do with my member in Doreen.

I hoped that both of them would climax simultaneously from my efforts. With Doreen seemingly ahead of Sue in the run to orgasm, I added a third finger to Sue’s flutteringly steamy beaver. The pace was still slack, but we were all feeling the ecstasy building to a euphoric conclusion. I was close enough that another one of Doreen’s cock-clenching orgasms would put me over the edge. I pushed my thumb into Sue’s anus while tonguing Doreen’s ear, and we were all pushed into heaven.

Our climaxes were so close together that it was hard to know who came first and I didn’t care as I released my semen into Doreen’s boiling snatch. I felt both of the girls lose their orgasmic fluids as we, all three shook and blared. In the aftermath, we held onto each other desperately while still entwined in our orifices. As my prick softened, I felt an overwhelming need to taste Doreen and my, combined excretions.

I slowly withdrew from her and kept sliding down until my face was at her cum-coated hole. I lazily lapped her outer lips before working inside for more. When Sue saw what I’d done, she too moved and placed her crotch in Doreen’s face while diving between my legs. We now had a three-way lick-fest going on that sounded like three dogs drinking from their water bowls.

I was still digging deep within Doreen’s flavorful pussy as Sue bathed my cock and scrotum with her ever-moving tongue. Her diligence had me beginning to harden while I consumed every last drop of Doreen’s ambrosia. My insistent harvesting once again brought Doreen to another shuddering summit as Sue started to rim my pucker. Now I have had that done to me before, but it is a splendid feeling that never gets old.

I know how good it feels to me, so I make sure that I give that back to whomever my partner is at the time. Sue’s tongue persisted in its quest to enter my crinkle, so I tried to relax it enough for her to penetrate. I continued to indulge in Doreen’s freshly released syrup as I felt Sue spreading my cheeks wide in an effort to dive deeper. I was usually somewhat modest when it came to requesting pleasure from others, but with these two, I felt unusually reckless.

With my lips attached to Doreen’s as I lapped furiously at her inner walls, I pulled my legs up to my chest to give Sue unfettered access to my crease. Sue took my move as an invitation to plunder my ass as she saw fit. Her tongue began plunging in and out of me like a small cock that could twirl. My concentration was being affected by her pillaging as I was having a hard time keeping my tongue working on Doreen. When I started to cuss into Doreen’s pussy, she knew something was up and turned to see what Sue was doing to me.

Doreen pushed me onto my back and straddled my face while she pulled my legs wide and back. The action lifted my ass off of the bed and gave Sue even deeper access. As Sue’s tongue continued to plunge into me, Doreen smeared her pussy all over my face. Doreen never touched my penis as I felt myself closing in a leg-shaking crest. Sue removed her tongue and slipped first two, then three fingers into my ass as my semen was running down my cock and coating my scrotum.

I could feel both of their tongues licking up my fluids as Sue said, “Don’t touch the head, I think I can make him cum from just the anal penetration." When I heard Sue say that out loud, it was like she permitted me to release the sperm from my body, and release it I did. I pumped madly at the air as stream after stream shot from my convulsing groin. As the tremors eased, I realized that Sue’s fingers were still deep inside me as she began to fuck me with them.

Sue was doing to me what I had done to both of them as she continued to penetrate me towards another orgasm. My cock never even got a chance to soften as Sue pushed it back into her throat while the shagging continued. Doreen spread her cheeks and commanded, “Tongue-fuck my ass!”

I obediently stuffed my tongue into her spread crevice as I felt the slow beginnings of another nut buster due to Sue’s efforts. She could tell, as could I, that her three-finger assault was becoming a little loose, so she added a fourth. At this point, I was so close that I was forcing my ass onto her hand like a needy slut. The shaking began, and my tongue slipped from Doreen as I felt the little bit of semen that I had left shoot into Sue’s greedy mouth.

I was the one who passed out this time and awoke to my two favorite girls wrapped in a side-by-side sixty-nine leisurely tasting each other’s openings. When they saw that I was awake, they stopped, and Sue offered, “How about we all take a shower and then make some brunch?”

“Brunch?” I questioned, “Why would it… Hey, what time is it?

Doreen answered, "It's ten past noon."

“How long did I sleep?” I questioned.

This time Sue replied, “You were only out for about twenty minutes, but it seems we all slept pretty late this morning.”

“Oh, okay,” I stated before rolling off the bed and grabbing their hands and leading them to the shower. As we all started to lather each other up, I was making sure that their cute butts had plenty of soap on them. While I admired their superb rears, I said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do this week when I can’t play with these two perfect asses.”

They both turned, and we fell into a three-way kiss as my hands made their way to their pussies. Doreen broke away and said, “Maybe we could come and visit you on Wednesday to relieve some of the pressure that our absence is likely to create. We both have that day free and could drive down Tuesday night and have our way with you until the wee hours. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a fantastic idea and I’m sure that I could arrange to go in a little late so that we’d have more fun time” I eagerly replied.

We continued to clean each other as we hammered out the plans then exited the shower and dried off. Still naked, we headed for the kitchen to make breakfast and started to flirt. We finished making some pancakes and bacon then headed to the deck to eat. As we ate, I asked, “So, what was each of your favorite things that we did this weekend?”

Sue jumped in with, “My favorite has to have been when all of you ate off of me. I loved all the attention at once!”

Doreen added her choice, “I think my favorite was waking up between you two this morning.”

They both looked at me for my response, so I added, “This whole weekend is my favorite thing. The fact that you two went through all you did to get me here still floors me. I will remember this weekend for the rest of my life, no matter where it heads or what becomes of us.” They both leaned in to kiss me after I finished.

Doreen pulled away for a moment to add, "My new favorite is that you ended that with 'us.' I knew before that you were worth all the effort, but that just confirms what I felt." She then moved back in to rejoin the kiss.

We finished eating breakfast and returned to the kitchen to clean up when I suggested, "Why don't we clean the house up now and throw the laundry in so we don't have to worry about it later?" The girls agreed, and I finished the dishes while they went and stripped the bed. With everything straightened out and the laundry in the washer, we went back outside to lie in the sun.

As we absorbed the warm rays I asked, “So I’ve been all around the house and still haven’t seen my clothes, where did you put them? Also, why did you hide them in the first place?”

They both started cracking up, and it led me to join them in their fit of laughter. Once the hysterics were complete, Sue offered, "Your clothes are in the trunk of Doreen's car, and we put them there to keep you from leaving."

It was my turn to laugh now as I half-yelled, "Really?" then continued in my own fit. The girls just looked at me, so I stopped laughing and said, "Do you two not know how hot you are? No guy in their right mind would walk away from these hot bodies. All that aside, I enjoy your company and find you both charming, funny, and most importantly, to me, direct. I don't have time for games or bullshit, and I haven't seen any of that from either of you. The most interesting thing of all is your ability to share with no jealousy.”

They both rolled onto me and kissed my face all over like two chickens pecking at the ground. When they slowed down, I sat up and said, "I'm going to go and put the laundry in the dryer so that we don't have to worry about that later. Does anyone want to help me?”

Both of them looked at me like I was crazy, but Doreen hopped up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the house. The washer was still in the final spin cycle when we got to the laundry room, so Doreen turned to me and wisecracked, "Now what will we do to pass the time?"

I grabbed her around the waist and placed her on top of the washer right at the corner. Then I pulled away just a little bit so that she was leaning forward and it hit her. In her current position, the vibrations from the machine went right to her sensitive clit. She grabbed my shoulders to keep from falling off as the shaking quickly pushed her into orbit. She spread her legs and leaned down further so that her body was almost horizontal as she bit her lower lip and started moaning.

Doreen’s moans quickly escalated as she yelled, “Oh God, Oh God… you lovely, sexy man! Get on your knees and kiss me as I cum all over this shimmying metal box!”

I did as instructed as she kissed me with a vengeance through her first washer-induced climax. Doreen held on tight as another peak was rapidly approaching. Just as her second climax started the spin cycle ended so, I slowly raised us and reached behind her to spin the dial back to the beginning of the cycle. As I slowly knelt again, Doreen, out of breath, whispered, "I think I love you, you selfless man."

We kissed hardily as the washer got back to full speed and she headed for her third time over the top. After that one, she started to slide around because her juices covered the top and sides. I grabbed her legs to hold her in place as a fourth one approached. She was having a hard time holding her head up to kiss me as this one grabbed her. Doreen shook hard as it hit her and then collapsed on me, so I stood up and carried her back outside for Sue to watch over.

As I lay her down next to Sue, she asked, "What did you do to her now?"

"It wasn't me; it was the washing machine. Can you believe that she's never ridden a washer during the spin cycle?" I countered.

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“What do you mean by riding the washing machine?” was Sue’s reply.

I grabbed Sue's hand, pulled her up, and drug her to the laundry room. The washer had finished, but I lifted her onto the corner then reached around her to reset the spin cycle. The machine started up, and Sue instantly realized what I was talking about as she pulled me in for some aggressive kissing. Sue was already having a hard time staying in place and asked, “Is this thing so slick because of Doreen?”

“Yes,” I answered while placing my hands on her upper thighs to keep her from sliding around.

Sue pulled me in close and wrapped her arms around me as she soared toward a vibration-induced orgasm. In between kisses, she squealed, “Fuck, fuck, fuck… Oh, yeahhhh!” then squirted all over my belly and the machine. After she caught her breath, she asked, "How many times did Doreen cum?"

I smiled while asking, “Are you trying to beat her record?”

Sue kissed me hard again, then stated, "I will, now how many times?" as her voice started to flutter from another growing explosion between her legs.

“She came four times, can you handle that many?” I answered back.

In the throws of her second frenzy, Sue howled, “Son of a bitch… I’ve never!” before slamming her lips onto mine. She then wrapped her arm around my neck and squeezed our faces together even tighter while she once again coated me in her warm spray. As she started to relax, Sue muttered, "I don't know if I can do four. Now I know why you had to carry her out to me."

As Sue’s third combustion began he arms began to weaken, and she begged, "Please hold onto me. I don't think I'll be able to control myself through the next one."

I held her tight as we kissed softly, but the closer she got, the more flaccid her body became. She collapsed on me completely as her last peak hit her, so I lifted her and took her outside to Doreen. After lying Sue down, Doreen asked, "Another casualty of the washer war?"

We both laughed a little before I replied, “Yes, and she thought that she could break your record of four. So while you two recuperate, I'm going back inside to put the laundry in the dryer so that it will be done sometime today."

I found a rag and some spray cleaner to wipe down the outside of the washer but first had a few licks out of curiosity. It didn't taste as good as I knew their combined juices did, but it still was pretty good. After wiping everything down, I transferred the clothes to the dryer and got it going. I headed for the kitchen to get us all some water then went out to see what the girls were doing.

I found them out in the yard on some towels sunbathing. They were face down, and I couldn't help but admire those two perfect little asses as I approached. My worship of their perfect forms was causing my member to grow as I set their waters down for them.

Doreen noticed my growth and suggested, "Why don't you lay on top of me and fill my little pussy with your wood." As always, I followed her instruction as she spread her legs before I slid into her warmth. I held myself in her fully for a minute to enjoy the feeling of being wrapped inside her heat.

As I began to move, I kept myself pressed down on her as I kissed all over her neck and ears. Doreen turned her head sideways so that we could kiss and my snail-like pace continued. It was already late in the afternoon, and I had a feeling that this may be my last time with her before I left, so I was taking my time. As we kissed and moaned, Sue stirred and moved in on the action by joining our kiss while caressing my ass.

I breathed into Doreen's ear, "Let's get up on all fours so that Sue can slide underneath of you and join in on the fun."

Doreen moaned, "Yesssss."

I pushed all the way into Doreen before raising and pulling her with me so that Sue could join our play. Sue slid underneath of us on her back until her face was in Doreen's crotch and began to lick. Doreen's face fell naturally into Sue glistening box, and we all started up again. As the fun started, we all lowered a little until Doreen was resting on top of Sue, and they busily pleasured each other. For my part, I was maintaining my laggard pace to keep from cumming too soon.

I pulled my head up and got a better view of our ongoing play and wondered if it was possible for something this delicious to continue for any length of time. Would this be it, would it last a few more weeks or months or even years?

Doreen must have sensed my inattention and turned her cum coated face to mine and whispered, "I hope we're always together but right now just enjoy it with me." I kissed her wet face and focused back on the incredible sex I was having with two sexy women. Doreen went back to licking Sue as I nibbled on her neck and noticed the couple out of the corner of my eye, naked and playing with each other.

I immersed myself back into the feelings and sounds of these two beautiful women sharing themselves with me while suddenly feeling turned on by being watched. My pace started to pick up a little when Doreen turned back and urged, "Don't cum yet, I want to ride you. Lie on your back, please."

I did as Doreen asked while she and Sue disengaged to reassemble on top of me. Doreen immediately impaled herself on my stiff rod while Sue placed her yummy little flower right on my face. How is it that their tastes can vary so dramatically, I thought to myself as my tongue was busy irrigating her sweet slit. Doreen still hadn’t moved but rather continually squeezed my pulsing cock with her pelvic muscles. I was trying desperately to ignore how close I was to orgasm, and so far, it was working.

Obviously, I couldn’t see anything, and my hearing was somewhat restricted, but I imagined the girls were kissing. I also hoped that they were groping each other’s breasts to give themselves maximum pleasure as I began to suck on Sue’s clit. When she started to tremble, I opened my mouth while continuing to lick her stiff nub, in anticipation of the flood. It was a light squirt, but the taste was sweet, salty, and delicious.

Doreen’s clutching of my hard-on had diminished somewhat when I started to feel movement along the side of my penis. It felt like there was something rubbing up against me from the inside of her vagina. It took me a minute to realize that she must be fingering her ass. As the rubbing continued, I felt a warmth encompassing my tool as she came.

I suddenly felt her slide completely off me before pressing down on me again. I lifted Sue off of my face just long enough to say, “Go easy there, baby, or you’ll hurt us both.”

Doreen answered back, “I will. Now get back to pleasuring Sue.”

With Doreen concentrating on herself, I thought it would be an excellent time to play with Sue’s nipples as I dove back into her tasty snatch. I lightly pinched and twisted both of them as my tongue wiggled it's way back inside her love canal.

I could feel the head of my dick finally pop inside Doreen’s very tight back door as she screeched, “Ooch, ouch, fuck, that’s big.” But to her credit, she kept it inside and even started to move it up and down very slightly.

Sue must have been excited by Doreen’s ass fucking because as I was rolling her nipples, she grabbed both of my hands and squeezed. The result was my pinching her nipples harder than I would normally have which caused a guttural, “Fuuuuuckkkkk!” to emanate from deep within her. Seconds later, the other result was her coating my face as she pressed down hard on my mouth.

The girls seemed to be feeding off each other’s actions as Doreen pushed me a couple of inches deeper into her rectum all at once. Both of us came as a result of that move as I shot what I thought would be my last load of the day, while her juices leaked all over my belly.

Both of the girls removed themselves from me and lay on either side as we all snuggled up for a short nap. When we finally started to stir, I noticed that it was getting dark so I suggested, “Maybe we should get the bed made and get out of here before the owner comes home.”

Doreen reacted, “She won’t be home for another hour or two, so we have time to clean up and leave before she gets here. Even if she did show before we were done, she’s pretty hot and I wouldn’t mind a foursome, would you?”

“Maybe another time, right now I’m more than happy spending my time with the two of you, so let’s get the cleanup done,” I replied.

I stood and pulled them both to their feet, and we headed inside to make the bed. Once inside I grabbed the sheets from the dryer and headed to the bedroom where my two girls were enjoying each other on the bare mattress. After a few moments of watching them, I placed the sheets on the dresser and dove into the fray.

Sue was on top of Doreen, sucking hard on her nipples while they ground their crotches together. I spread both of their legs wide while sticking my face into their slippery crotches. Lapping away at their combined juices I managed to get their clits close enough together to suck on both of them at the same time. Keeping both of them in my mouth at the same time was tricky, but it paid off in spades as my face was coated with their succulent nectar as they came.

Sue lifted herself off of Doreen, and I slid in between them for some snuggling and smooching. Hands wandered, and lips mingled for another half-hour before we reluctantly separated. We quickly made the bed and headed for the garage to say our goodbyes and head for home. Doreen opened her trunk and handed me my clothes while the two of them dressed. I just stood there and watched after tossing my clothes into my back seat.

The girls weren’t paying much attention until they were done, then they noticed that I was still nude. They both moved in and began running their hands all over me while kissing me vigorously when Sue spoke up, “We’ve never been dressed with a naked guy at our disposal before. What shall we do with him, Doreen?”

Doreen answered, “I think we should bend him over the hood just like he did to you.” With that said, they maneuvered me towards the hood of my car and pushed me face down. Doreen said, “Sue, go lie in front of him since you don’t have any panties on with that short skirt of yours. I’ll plunder his ass as he did yours when he first got here.

As Sue hopped up on the hood, Doreen dampened two fingers in her slick box before pushing them into my pucker. As Doreen started pumping them in and out, she pulled my cock out from under me to stroke me to hardness. At this point, Sue was pushing her sweet vagina into my face for a thorough tasting. I was feeling yet another orgasm coming on as Doreen added a third finger while continuing to rub me towards bliss.

I sucked Sue’s little nub hard as Doreen’s penetration of my ass pushed me over the edge. I got one last spray from Sue’s tasty pussy for the night, and it was delicious. I lay across the hood while cleaning up the last of her juices as Doreen withdrew her fingers from me then joined me between Sue’s legs. While Doreen and I were dining on Sue, the garage door sprang to life, and I quickly stood and moved to my driver’s side door to jump in the car.

As the door rose, I slipped into my driver’s seat as the girls separated and walked out to talk to greet the homeowner. She was back far enough in the driveway that I was able to pull out so that she could pull into her garage. After I got out of the way I parked and shut off the engine as the owner pulled in and the girls came over to say goodbye.

Sue came over to my door and leaned in to kiss me as Doreen jumped into the passenger seat to do the same. We kissed and kissed as Doreen tried in vain to coax my overused cock back to life without much success. Sue said, “We’ll see you on Tuesday night at your place around eight?”

“Eight sounds great,” I replied as she walked towards Doreen’s car.

Doreen was now in my lap and holding me tight as she nibbled my neck and whispered, “I don’t want you to leave. I just got ahold of you and am afraid you’ll go back to Anne now that the weekend is over.”

I whispered back, “Are you kidding me? I have fallen for you, my petite paramour and your beloved Sue. So I fully expect to see you both on Tuesday at my house at eight pm wearing nothing but a smile.”

Doreen hugged me tight and then kissed me very passionately before yelling out the window, “Yes! We got him, Sue!”

I laughed out loud before shouting, “Yes, you do!”

We kissed again before Doreen opened my door and climbed out while speaking, “Okay, we’ll see you Tuesday night. Hey, why are you still naked anyway?”

Putting on my seatbelt I offered, “After this weekend I may never get dressed again,” as I pulled away while waving to my girls. The drive home was uneventful other than the feeling that I had just left the twilight zone.

Written by stockingluvr
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