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2. Three To Libertango

"The wife, the husband, and the mistress. A scandal or a win-win-win?"

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Author's Notes

"This is a second movement to the Nor'easter Opus and as advertised, this comes with the accompanying musical piece. Here is a link. Please visit my profile for the clickable link to this video."

To X

It was bitterly cold outside, but the snowfall stopped.  Streets were plowed, life was getting back to normal. 

Maxine was taking her time soaking in the bathtub. There were two reasons for that.  First, she hated cold.  Born and raised in Cuba, she knew neither cold, nor snow.  She was a musical prodigy and her cello teacher believed she would surpass du Pre and even Rostropovich.  When it was finally the time to get her advanced musical education, Maxine’s father pulled all the strings he could to get her admitted to Moscow Conservatory. Although at that time the Soviet Union was long gone and the relationship with Russia went sour, her father still had connections that got her in on a scholarship.  

Her first winter in Moscow was brutal and she learned the hard way how to navigate deep subfreezing temperatures as she had no skills on how to properly dress, nor how to manage her body in the cold.  Eighteen years old and alone in a cold foreign country, she felt very lonely until one day she met Katya.  Tall and blond with wide Russian cheekbones, always on the move, always a little too much but always there to help, to arrange and take care of everything, Katya pulled Maxine into her orbit and into her bed.  Maxine has never been with a girl before and found this experience highly liberating.  After a while though, Maxine informed Katya that she was also interested in men and suggested that perhaps the two of them might find a man they could share while continuing to enjoy each other. 

“Interesting thought,” said Katya, “and we can certainly do that, but let me tell you a secret.  What do you think I do for a living?” 

Maxine was wondering that herself and at some point, she assumed that Katya had well-off parents handing her money whenever she needed some.  As Katya explained, that was not the case and she was fending for herself by running a successful escort business.

“Now look at yourself!”  She pulled Maxine out of bed and dragged her to the mirror.  “Look at yourself as if you were a man, a Russian man.”  Maxine, beautiful as she was and with her eyes, large, direct and intense like burning chestnuts, her caramel color skin, full lips, braided dreadlocks flowing like a waterfall down her body of a gymnast, her unusually elongated nipples making her perky breasts look sharply pointing into the sky above the horizon, all that made her the most exotic woman one could find in Moscow and possibly in all of Russia.

“These men,” continued Katya, “they would pay any money to have you, and with me there, I will make sure you do not have to see any of the abusive, or for that matter racist, motherfuckers we sometimes have to deal with.” 

Maxine was surprised how excited that suggestion made her, yet she hesitated.  Katya understood. 

“You are a good girl,” she said, “and good girls do the same things bad girls do, only they do it better.  It is OK if you do not want it and it is OK if you try and do not like it, but I think you would like it and that you could be really great at this, as you are at everything you do.”

Katya was right. She did great.  It was then.  And now?  Now she was married to Jonathan, she was a famous cellist, one of the best.  She led a busy life full of engagements, performances with great orchestras and prominent conductors.  Yet, what nobody knew was that she had kept her other life, a life of a shedonistic courtesan.  She took every precaution to keep it secret.  Her customers had no idea about her true identity.  She would never meet them in public, no dinner dates, no joint travels or fly-me-to-you deals.  All arrangements were made online for incall services.  She screened her customers meticulously and was meeting them in her hotel room with little lights permitted, making sure not to be recognized.  She had repeat clients, but she loved the thrill of meeting new men. She charged top rates because she drew special pleasure from making men pay to have her.  And she was always making sure they were getting their money’s worth. 

The man she met last night was a new client.  They fucked all night as she coaxed him into revealing his illicit desires and fantasies so that they would play them out one after another to his full exhaustion.  And that was the second reason why she was taking her time in the bathtub, she had to physically and mentally separate herself from that endeavor.

“What do you want for lunch?” asked Jonathan when she emerged from the bathroom.  “There is a good seafood restaurant across the street.” 

Half an hour later while they were waiting for their order, Maxine asked Jonathan about last night. 

“It was a zoo here, one could barely get a drink at the bar.  Good thing Lisa had a table at the bar,” he said.

“Lisa and Carl were here yesterday?  I thought they were coming today only.”

Jonathan explained.

“Soo… you and Lisa, did you guys have a good time together?” 

It was a joke; she meant just to tease him a little, but by the look on his face, Maxine realized that things happened to be more serious.

“Did you fuck Lisa yesterday?” she was about to ask him but stopped herself abruptly.  She knew that he could not lie, not to her anyway. And then she would be obliged to react and to put herself in a position of a hypocritical bitch considering that she herself spent the night fucking a random stranger. 

Maxine felt jealous as she would often get during Jonathan’s performance concerts with all those women packing the front rows and looking at him with the adoration of rats following the pied piper with their pouting lips, teary eyes and dripping cunts.  She knew very well what he could do to them with his violin. 

She also felt betrayed by Lisa, who she really liked and probably a little more, and in a different way than permitted by the norms, if she were ever the one to follow those.  Lashing at Lisa would only create a problem, while staying cool could create an opening for an opportunity.  And that opportunity was not to be missed.

All these thoughts and considerations passed through Maxine’s mind with a speed of light and while Jonathan was mumbling something about Lisa taking a shower in his hotel room and him having drinks with some Australians, Maxine had already concocted a plan.

They spent the lunch time discussing their family affairs as any married couple would. 

“As I recall, there is a La Perla store nearby,” Maxine said.  “I am going to check it out.  Would you like to join me?” she asked invitingly. 

“Darn, I’d love to,” Jonathan replied in earnest; he knew how much Maxine enjoyed her lingerie, she was wearing it with the full talent of a true artist. “Unfortunately, I can’t. I have a meeting with Andris.  He wants to discuss our summer program for Tanglewood.”

“I cannot compete with the music director of the Boston Symphony.  Your loss though,” and then as in passing, “I think we should invite Lisa to join us for dinner.  As you said, Carl is coming only tomorrow, she might be lonely. Well, maybe not dinner, you and I need time to talk but say drinks after dinner and maybe a small rehearsal for the three of us. What do you think?”

“Good thinking, definitely, definitely…”

“All right, I will call her.  Love you.”

* * *

The three of them were sitting at the bar.  Maxine had been leading the conversation keeping Lisa at the center of her attention.  Jonathan felt relieved as Maxine had shown no interest in the events of last night.  The doors opened.  “Oh no,” said Lisa, “Déjà vu all over again.”  The Australians in business suits and ties walked in.  They smiled at Lisa and waved at Jonathan, approached the table and were introduced to Maxine.  They seemed nice and were very polite, but Maxine sensed that their presence made Lisa uncomfortable. 

“We should leave soon to work a bit on our rehearsal,” Maxine said apologetically in a few minutes.  The Australians moved to another table, the musicians left.

Déjà vu all over again, thought Lisa entering Jonathan’s and now Maxine’s hotel room but did not say anything this time.

For the rehearsal they played a difficult fragment from the second movement in Shostakovich’s 8th Quartet. That came along beautifully, they felt happy and relaxed.

“I have an idea for the encore piece,” said Lisa, “what if we try Piazzolla’s Libertango?”

“Without a piano?” asked Jonathan.

“I am going to invite Sonya Ku, looks like the two of us are not enough for you,” replied Maxine taking a seat next to Jonathan.  “I know everything,” she suddenly whispered in his ear, “and I am not talking about Sonya Ku.”

Not knowing how to respond to that, Jonathan poured drinks to everybody – champagne to the ladies and cognac to himself.

“Did you guys go lingerie shopping today?”  Lisa noticed that the bed was prominently taken by several La Perla shopping bags.

“I did all the shopping, Jonathan was AWOL.  Wanna see what I got?”

Giggling like teenagers, the women got busy unwrapping paper and opening boxes. 

“Oh shoot, looks like they gave me the wrong size bra. This is too big for me.”  Maxine was holding a blue silk bra with black frastaglio embroidery. “This may be your size, do you want to try it?  Hey, let’s tease Jonathan,” as if she suddenly got the idea, “You can put on this blue ensemble and I will be in white.” And before Lisa would even try to protest, Maxine grabbed all the lingerie and moved into the bathroom.  Lisa, semi-hypnotized by that burst of energy, followed her.

In the bathroom, seeing each other naked for the first time, the women realized that they would be presenting themselves to Jonathan and giving him an opportunity to compare and appraise them as female objects. The thought of that felt titillating, especially because that would be an ex-post assessment – he had been carnal with both of them, they knew it but so far in secret from each other. 

“Let me help you with this,” said Maxine undoing Lisa’s bra.  Staying close to Lisa, she could smell her hair. “Your skin is like silk.”  She touched Lisa’s shoulder with the back of her hand, “and your tits are gorgeous,” she continued while gently running her fingers around the contour of Lisa’s breast.  Lisa was taken by surprise being touched in that way, but in the spirit of the moment it seemed natural and rather pleasant.

“So, what is the story between you and those Australians?”

“Actually, Maxine, I do not think I should be answering this.”

“You are right, this is none of my business,” said Maxine coming close to Lisa and looking straight into her eyes.  “However, you fucking my husband is my business,” she continued while moving even closer, steadily holding that burning eye contact and suddenly sliding her hand into Lisa’s panties. “You have borrowed my husband and you are in my debt.” Confused, ashamed, overwhelmed, excited, hypnotized and very wet, Lisa stood still, letting Maxine’s middle finger probe her pussy.  “And this is just an advance,” she said, penetrating her with the second finger and kissed Lisa on the mouth. 

To her own surprise, Lisa returned the kiss.  Maxine withdrew her hand and licked her fingers.

“I will make you pay handsomely for that and I am going to enjoy every moment of it.” 

“What do you want me to do?”


Jonathan was playing with his Spotify stations when Lisa and Maxine came back into the room.  White bra, panties and stockings accentuated the caramel complexion of Maxine’s skin.  Flying within the rainforest of her dreadlocks, a blue enamel butterfly was matching the blue bra and panties of Lisa’s ensemble.  In astonishment and awe, Jonathan clicked the play button and Piazzolla’s “Oblivion” filled the air.

Lisa, a tango fanatic, got a hint, took a sip of cognac from Jonathan’s glass, turned toward Maxine and produced an impeccable cabeceo inviting her to dance. After two circles around Jonathan, the girls pulled him out of his chair and into the dance.

“Oblivion” was followed by “Libertango.” Jonathan felt overwhelmed; never before had he been in a situation like this with two women and certainly not with his wife and his mistress. He tried to gather his senses.

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“I want to see you kiss her,” whispered Maxine and stepped aside a little; Lisa instinctively moved forward. Smiling to each other with their eyes, yesterday’s lovers kissed. 

“I can feel how you like her,” said Maxine with her hand on Jonathan’s crotch. Sensing the responsive buildout, she unzipped her husband’s pants and advanced her hand into the opening while he and Lisa immersed in their prolonged kiss.

“Mmm, is she that good?” asked Maxine feeling his cock.  She moved closer to Lisa, took her hand and placed it on her husband’s cock, broke their kiss and kissed Lisa herself.

“Yeah, she is good.”

With that, Maxine moved behind Jonathan and from that position began unbuttoning and removing his shirt. Following her cue, Lisa unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants and boxers.   Jonathan stood fully naked between Lisa, in front of him, and his wife who was now embracing him from behind.

As if continuing their dance, all three embraced again and began trading kisses, with their hands rushing over each other, asses, breasts, pussies and yes, the phallus, approached with caution, strung like a bow and treated gently like an endangered animal. They moved toward the bed. Lisa was flat on her back, two pairs of hands strived to examine every inch of her, her nipples were squeezed, her mouth was busy French kissing Jonathan, Maxine pushed Lisa’s panties to the side and took the first taste of her exposed pussy.  Jonathan joined Maxine kneeling on the floor.  They were taking turns at Lisa’s pussy and then, breaking that rhythm, were kissing each other and then back to Lisa again.

Jonathan’s hand moved under Maxine’s ass, climbed up her inner thigh and in the same rhythm he began fingering her pussy. A trembling wave traveled through Maxine’s body, up her neck and her mouth, caused a syncopating spark between her tongue and Lisa’s clit and sent Lisa into a rocking orgasm.

Once she gathered herself, Lisa moved toward Maxine to return the favor.  Maxine gently kissed her. 

“We’ll do all of this, you and me, but now let’s deal with Jonathan, let’s give him his money’s worth, figuratively speaking.” 

His back pushing at the headset, Jonathan was serviced by Lisa and Maxine taking turns on his cock. Suddenly Maxine’s eyes narrowed. 

“Jonathan, why don’t you lay on your back and get yourself comfortable,” she said.

“Look at him, Maxine, he is so cute and neat.”

“I know, when we started dating, I first suspected he was gay.”

“Was he?”

“I still don’t know. Were you ever a gay, Jonathan?”

“If I were a gay, I would have been a lesbian.”

“How so?”

“What other kind of gay person would like women as much as I do?”

“Perhaps we can put your lesbian skills to a good use,” responded Maxine while helping Lisa to lower her ass over Jonathan’s face.  His tongue, caught by Lisa’s pussy like a caged bird, went into motion. Maxine slowly impaled herself on Jonathan’s cock, taking him all the way into her darkness. 

With Lisa’s ass being all he could see, Jonathan’s other feelings heightened, he was high on the smell and taste of Lisa’s pussy, he heard the sound of the women kissing and moaning, he felt every inch of Maxine’s pussy enveloping his cock.  With his hands, he guided Lisa’s hips, caressed her inner thighs and moved upward only to find other hands already occupying Lisa’s and Maxine’s breasts.  Maxine moved Lisa’s hands way up and joined above their heads with fingers intertwined. Jonathan’s hands were roaming, caressing, squeezing, feeling, comparing their breasts, rubbing and pinching their nipples.

Women’s moans were getting louder and engaging as they were riding Jonathan on both ends, Jonathan’s cock was about to burst and no mental passage was going to help.  He buried his tongue into Lisa as deep as he could, his hands were now holding Maxine’s ass pulling it, pushing his cock further and further. Both women loudly began to cum on his cock and into his mouth and with a muffled roar he unloaded his cum into his wife’s pussy. After the first wave subsided, Maxine stood up, took Lisa’s head with both hands and shoved it into her pussy to share her husband’s cum.

* * *

With Jonathan in the bathroom, Maxine and Lisa were lying on the bed gently exploring each other.

“Do you want me to tell you about the Australians?”

“Yes,” said Maxine, “I want to know everything that happened between the three of you.  Something happened, didn’t it?”

“Yes, indeed…” but as Lisa was about to say more, she heard Jonathan coming back into the room.

“I will tell you, but I do not want Jonathan to hear it,” she whispered.

“In this case, tell it to my pussy, but tell me everything,” Maxine whispered back.

And with that Lisa began her descent along Maxine’s luscious body and through the memories of last night that were disturbing and arousing, memories of things she wanted both to purge from her mind as they were making her feel ashamed and to keep for just a little bit longer as they were stirring emotions that were so new and so exciting.

She played with Maxine’s small but firm and perky breasts, she kissed and sucked her unusually elongated nipples.

She paid no attention to Jonathan, who sat in his armchair and watched intently his wife being pleased by his yesterday’s mistress.

“Please, Lisa, everything,” whispered Maxine.

In the elevator they smell of whiskey and beer and cologne or aftershave and of something else, something masculine and wild.  This is my floor and I should get out but they are offering me to go with them for drinks at their suite at the penthouse floor.  I should refuse, I am afraid of what is going to happen if I go, I am afraid of myself for wanting to go with them. I see the doors closing on my floor and we are moving up, and I see them smiling at me and one of them – god I cannot even recall their names – one of them is taking my hand gently, and it makes me feel good and safe.  The door opens again and maybe I should just stay and go down back to my floor and to my room, but instead I am being led out of the elevator and the other man, the one that is not holding my hand opens the door of their suite and I know that once I go through that door, I won’t be able to go back.

Lisa placed her cheek on Maxine’s bush; it was black and fuzzy and this made Lisa feel warm and welcome. Maxine opened her legs for her and Lisa smelled her scent and felt her moisture in the air beneath her thighs.

“I will tell you everything,” whispered Lisa into her pussy; she spread it open with her thumbs and entered with her tongue to continue her story.

“Yes, please,” gasped Maxine.

The man comes close to me and takes my hand again. And at the same moment the other man is approaching from behind. I feel him touching my hair. The man in front takes my face in his other hand and kisses me, his tongue opens my lips and enters my mouth and the man behind me kisses my neck and I feel his hands gently touching my breasts and begin unbuttoning my blouse.  Together they take my blouse off and the man behind me unhooks my bra and the man in front places both of his hands on my breasts and I feel so excited that I embrace his neck and begin kissing him. The man behind me unzips my skirt, lets it fall on the floor and I feel both his hands sliding into my panties, one in the front finding my pussy and the other in the back caressing and exploring my ass. He squats and removes my panties and holds my ass with his hands and kisses it. And the man in front takes his hand down to probe my pussy and he makes an approving sound feeling how wet I am.

And with that they make me kneel on the floor and they rush to remove their pants and their underwear and stand in front of me, presenting me their erect cocks and I recognize that smell I have sensed in the elevator, but now it is strong and sharp and it makes my head spin. I place my head in between their cocks, and I make them rub them on my face. I took one cock into my mouth and taste it – it is very firm and very erect and then I let it go and I take the other one, which is bigger, and it feels different from the first one and I begin licking it and sucking it and I hold the other cock in my hand and I feel the strength of energy throbbing inside it. And I must be fair so I take the big one into my hand and welcome the strong one into my mouth.

Overtaken by her memories, Lisa’s tongue invaded Maxine’s pussy, and in a language they had just invented and only they could comprehend, Lisa continued her confession, of which Maxine’s pussy must have understood every word and every meaning between every line. 

“Please, Lisa, do not miss anything!”

The men lead me to bed and the first man spreads my legs and invades me with his big cock. Lying next to me, the other one holds my hand and gently caresses me.  And then it is his turn, and it is his cock inside me, and they keep taking turns on me, and I love it, and I have lost count of how many turns they had taken, and on the next switch I am losing it all and my orgasm is like I have never had before.

They let me rest and they are nice and tender and patient.  And then they put me across the bed on my hands and knees, and again they are savage and tender, one pounding my pussy from behind and another nursing my mouth with his cock, one is fucking my face and another – soothing my pussy after that savage pounding. I have never been treated like that before. And then…  no, I do not know how to tell this on my own…

Lisa stretched her hand backward toward Jonathan.  With electricity in the air and the scene unfolding in front of him, Jonathan was already hard and he eagerly responded to Lisa’s call for help.  He had no idea what was going on between these two, but it did not matter.  Jonathan climbed on the bed behind Lisa, who welcomed him by taking his cock into her hand and helping him to enter her from behind. Lisa moaned when Jonathan entered her, but the moan was muffled. Jonathan noticed that Maxine’s feet were on Lisa’s back and she was holding Lisa’s head beneath her thighs with her swarthy hands. Maxine’s eyes were open, but she was looking through Jonathan, fully taken by Lisa’s narrative. Feeling Jonathan inside her gave Lisa strength she was seeking to follow up with her story.

And then with one of the men being laid on his back along the bed and while I am still on my hands and knees, he stretches his hand and calls upon me to join him.  I kneel astride him and let him fill me. He is inside me but he does not move and I find his mouth and we immerse in a slow kiss and that relaxes me and I collapse on top of him.  I know, this is not it, not yet, something else is bound to happen but I do not want to think about it, I just do not want to think.  And then it happens with one man already inside me, I feel a slight pressure and it grows, it insists, it is bold and firm and I yield to it.

Now their possession of me is complete and I am overtaken by the presence of two cocks filling me at once with only a thin tissue separating them. And then somehow, they, not all three of us, find their rhythm and move like one.  My pleasure is overwhelming, and I cannot stop kissing the man underneath me, and he holds my breasts with both of his hands, and the man on top of me kisses my back between my shoulder blades, and only then I notice how loudly I moan …

And yes, the rhythm, that simple Habanera beat, it was the same now with her being a bridge in those two universes, a bridge both in space and in time.  She felt how the three of them moved in the same rhythm, she absorbed it all and her newly found strength and confidence completed them all.

“Oh, please do not stop, I am going to cum… now,” and with that Maxine thrust her pelvis up and pushed Lisa’s head into her pussy.  Lisa’s face was all wet, she was drunk on Maxine’s pleasure and on her own memories, but she held the rhythm. Jonathan, he was not privy to that secret pussy talk between them but when it came to music, he could pull it out of everywhere and everything and he got it. With that, their tango was full, complete and totally liberating.

And only now I notice we all moan and that takes me, not all three of us, over the edge with pulsating movements inside me, my men, my lovers, begin to fill me at once and my moans merge into a single and very long one and oh god, I am so loud…

* * *

The three of them lay in bed resting with Lisa in the middle.

“In Russa, they call it natyanut’ v dva smychka – literally, to pull on two bows,” Maxine said.  Jonathan was not quite sure what his wife was talking about, but Lisa understood.




Written by armagnac
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Nor'easter: an Opus in three Movements
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