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Physical Education: Part One

"A young student gets extra attention after class from his teacher…"

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Author's Notes

"Hope you all enjoy, let me know if you’d like a part two…"
Flowers freshly blooming, the smell of fresh-cut grass, and the noise of the first birds chirping made for a beautiful early spring day. Carson had the windows down and country music blaring as he cruised home from school in his run-down pickup that he worked tirelessly on to keep working. 

Carson was a senior in high school. His blonde hair fell down just above his eyebrows and his blue eyes pierced through anyone he looked at. He stood at around 5’11 and was on the slimmer side but still had a toned body. He was the star lacrosse player and just naturally athletic. He was no typical jock though. He maintained high grades and was rather quiet. The girls around the school constantly discussed his “glow up” since freshman year and drooled over him, but he was much too oblivious to notice. 

Carson slowed down and pulled into the driveway of his home before hopping out. He ran his hand through his blonde hair to fix the mess the wind created. Unlocking the front door and taking his shoes off, he headed up to his room after saying hello to his mother. He dropped his bag and flopped onto his bed. He pulled out his phone to a message from his best friend, Jamie.

“Party @ 8, Sofia’s house. Be there.” 

Carson quickly fired a text back and said, “Alright, you need a ride?” 

Before he read the answer, he hopped out of his bed and switched out of his pants and into shorts. It may have been warm out now but spring mornings were still brutally cold. He skipped a few stairs and kissed his mother's head on his way out of the house. 

“Where are you going hun?” his mom shouted after him. 

“I’m gonna go lift quick and then I’m going to a party tonight with Jamie.”

“Ok well, dinner is at 6:30 so please be home by then.”

“Of course, mom, I wouldn’t miss it.”

Carson laced up his shoes and checked his phone before heading back to school.

“2:31, dang Fridays fly by,” he thought to himself. 

He made it back to school in about five minutes and was heading in and past the girl's lacrosse team who all chimed their greetings to him. As he made his way to the door, Ms. Taylor, the head lacrosse coach and high school gym teacher, was coming out of the door. Ms. Taylor was young, maybe thirty at the most, and had long blonde hair and a figure any man would give his life for. When Carson got to the door, Ms. Taylor smiled. Carson, like any young boy looking at a woman as gorgeous as Ms. Taylor, could hardly speak. It didn’t help that he stumbled trying to grab the door for Ms. Taylor.

“Easy there, Carson, we can’t afford for you to get hurt this early in the season,” Ms. Taylor said and laughed. Her laugh sounded like angels from heaven. 

“Oh hey, Ms. Taylor. Yeah oops, should probably be more careful, shouldn’t I?” Carson said back. His face now a cherry as he finally grabbed the door. 

“You probably should,” she replied. “I thought coach gave you guys the day off, so why are you heading back into the school?” she asked. 

“Oh, I’m just gonna go lift quick, pass the time ya know?”

“Ohhh of course, must be hard work keeping up that athletic body for all the girls to gaze at right?” she joked. 

“I don-”

“Relax, Carson, I was kidding. Coaching high school girls means I hear all the gossip,” she said. 

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense,” he said quickly. 

“I better be getting to practice, or should I say the gossip circle. Bye Carson, keep up the good work,” she replied. 

And with that, she turned, flipped her blonde hair, and walked away. Carson couldn’t help but fix his eyes on Ms. Taylor’s ass as it bounced while she walked away. Before he could look away Ms. Taylor glanced over her shoulder and grinned at him, catching him staring. He quickly snapped his eyes away and glanced around to see if anyone was watching. She faced forward again and kept on her way towards the field. 

Throughout his entire lift, Carson couldn’t stop thinking about Ms. Taylor and how he humiliated himself. He had her as his gym teacher but never spoke to her much, he mostly just stared at her and tried not to let his mouth hang. His first real conversation with her was weird, to say the least, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the way she grinned at him as he stared right at her ass.

He had to make a brisk walk to the bathroom and stand in the stall to allow his semi-hard cock to go back to normal before going to work out. When he got to the weight room, he was so distracted that he missed the clear signs of the softball girls hitting on him and asking him if he was going to the party tonight. After less than half an hour he realized he was not going to accomplish anything and headed out of the weight room. He opened his gym locker and saw his swim trunk hanging up, they had a pool session for lacrosse cardio every Monday morning. He figured maybe jumping into the pool quick would help him snap out of it. 

After changing, he walked out of the locker room and jumped into the pool which was attached right to the locker room. There was no lifeguard and the pool was empty so Carson was clearly breaking all of the school's strict pool rules, but Carson was much too out of it to notice. He swam around a bit and was coming out of the water as a figure walked into the pool from the girl's locker room. Rubbing his stinging eyes from the chlorine his vision cleared and his eyes focused on the figure. Standing there, arms crossed, was Ms. Taylor.

“Swimming alone without a lifeguard, Carson? You know that’s reason to be written up, right?” Ms. Taylor said with a frown. 

“Umm yes, Ms. Taylor. I was just... well... I thought I’d jump in to cool off quick. Please don’t write me up,” he pleaded. 

“Relax there, chief, I’m kidding. To be honest, I’ve done the same quite a few times,” she replied, the frown turning to a smile. 

“Thank you, Ms. Taylor” Carson shyly said.

“Ease up, Carson. You oughta gain more confidence in yourself. Mind if I join you?” she asked. 

“Ok, I guess I’ll try doing that. Umm sure, but won’t we get in trouble?” he questioned. 

“It’s a Friday at 5 o’clock, there’s not a soul around, plus we have to be accompanied by another person to swim anyways right?” 

“True. Well okay but I have to be home for dinner by 6:30 so I don’t have a ton of time,” he said. 

“Then I better hurry up,” Ms. Taylor said matter of factly. With that, she turned and disappeared back into the girl's locker room. 

Carson knew better than to stare this time so he turned around and looked at the swimming banners that noted all of the record holders. The water from his swim trunks dripped slowly making a quiet *pit pat* on the pool deck. “What is going on,” he thought to himself. “The hottest teacher in the world just asked me if she could swim a few laps with me. Am I dreaming?” As his thought finished he heard a splash behind him. When he turned around his eyes practically popped out of his head.

Since school was a professional place, Ms. Taylor was required to wear appropriate clothing that covered everything. Being a gym teacher meant she was normally in sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt, sometimes the occasion leggings. On those days, the news ran through the boys like wildfire and every guy had to make sure he got a look in by the end of the day. Regardless, Carson never got a full look at her actual figure underneath the baggy clothes However, apparently, Ms. Taylor forgot about still being with a student at this moment because what Carson was seeing made him almost pass out. 

From what Carson could tell from the water, her complete picture was this: she stood around 5’7, maybe around 120 to 130 pounds at the most. Up top, she had that luscious long blonde hair that hung to mid-back, although she had it in a ponytail most of the time. Her face was long and she had deep blue eyes with a hint of green. Her smile made a man weak in the knees. Her neck was normal-sized and led to a stunning upper half. Her tits were a perfect size, around a C. Heading down from her tits she had a slim figure. Once you hit the waist her contour changed again. Her ass was perfect, the kind a man sees and instantly wants to fill his hand with. She clearly spent a lot of time working on her ass, but also her thighs. She had long, beautiful legs that featured sizable thighs. Carson couldn’t remove his eyes from the goddess he was looking at. 

“Carson? Hello, earth to Carson? Anyone there?”

Carson snapped out of his trance and noticed Ms. Taylor calling to him. “Oh yes... I just... I ...” he couldn’t put words together, still dumbfounded by what he was seeing. 

“Why don’t you and that third leg of yours join me?” she laughed. 

Carson looked down and noticed just how excited he had gotten. Earlier he contained himself enough, but this time he didn’t. His seven-inch cock was fully erect and pointed his swim trunks out. Without hesitation, he jumped in to try and hide his humiliating state. 

When he surfaced Ms. Taylor was still laughing. 

“Don’t get yourself in a tizzy,” she said. “I work at a high school with teenage boys for a living, I’ve seen my fair share of embarrassing erections.”

Carson was too embarrassed to even respond. He just looked down at the water. Through the water, he could see Ms. Taylor was in a hot pink bikini. The top held back her gorgeous tits. The bikini bottom was thin but was obviously not too thin since she clearly used the pool quite often here. 

“On the bright side, that’s one of the bigger embarrassing erections I’ve seen,” she said brightly. 

“Ummm, thanks?” Carson couldn’t tell if she was joking or not but it was not helping him settle down. 

“Chill out, I’m just busting your balls,” she laughed. He couldn’t tell if her joke was on purpose or not. “Let’s change the subject why don’t we. How’s the season going,” she asked him. 

“Pretty good, we’re undefeated and the playoffs start next week,” he told her.

“That’s great. I’ve heard how you’re in the front running for player of the year,” Ms. Taylor said as she fixed her hair. 

“Um ya I guess I am, I haven’t really been paying attention I guess.” 

“Too busy paying attention to all the girls around school instead, haven’t you,” she said, jokingly punching him in the arm. 

“No, not really, I mean I’ve got AP classes and lacrosse to focus on, not much time for that.” 

“Well, tonight’s party would be a good time to branch out probably.” 

“How do you even-”

“Remember, girls gossip a lot, I hear everything. You can’t tell me you’re busy considering you’re in the pool right now.” 

Carson noticed how close they were now. He could practically taste her perfume that hadn’t yet washed away from her. He decided to move away since his member was still solid and he didn’t want to poke her, that could lead to all kinds of trouble. 

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“Well, I mean it could but I’m not even sure, I don’t want to get in any trouble before playoffs,” he said dryly. 

“Oh, quit being such a worrywart, you only get to be a senior once. Go enjoy it,” she stated.

“Hmmm alright fine, I suppose I will. What’re you doing anyways, probably going out with some hot macho man from tinder or something right?”

The words came out before he even knew what he had said. Carson saw Ms. Taylor’s face turn to a scowl. 

“Is that what you think I do all the time? That’s rather disappointing of you to say, Carson.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Taylor, I just, well you’re so beautiful that I figured you just went out with any man you wanted. I didn’t mean it that way.”

Once again he spoke too fast. He hadn’t meant to compliment her like that, but he called her beautiful before he could even think. At least it was the truth. 

Ms. Taylor’s face turned red now and she said to Carson, “Well you don’t need to flatter me now. But no, I keep to myself, I hate greedy men who only want me for my body. I wish I could find an innocent guy who I could just talk to and be friendly with and see where things went from there.”

Carson began to feel guilty since he had only strictly thought of Ms. Taylor in sexual ways. But the more he talked with her the more he began to grow fond of how kind she was. Too bad he was her student and there was no way she’d ever go out with him. 

They quickly changed the subject back to sports and school and exchanged words for about ten more minutes. Before he knew it it was 6:10.

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry to rush out but I have to be home for dinner by 6:30. Thank you for... uhhh... chatting and everything Ms. Taylor. Sorry about my comment earlier once again and for umm ya know getting excited earlier too,” he said as he hopped out of the pool. 

As he turned to head back into the locker room Ms. Taylor shouted to him, “Have a nice night, Carson. And don’t be sorry... for anything.”

Carson was too distracted to pick up on her comment until he was speeding home. A million thoughts were racing through his head as he pulled in the driveway and scrambled in the door.  

“Don’t be sorry? Jumping in the pool with me? One of the bigger embarrassing erections? What is going on,” Carson thought to himself. He quickly shook the thought though remembering she was his teacher and she surely didn’t think of him in any other way than a student. 

Carson sat down and ate quick with his family. His mother questioned that his lift was extremely long but he told her he and some of the boys decided to take a swim afterwards and that seemed to appease her. 

After he ate he headed upstairs and jumped in the shower before changing into some athletic shorts and one of his long-sleeve tees. He checked his phone to see that Jamie had texted saying he didn’t need a ride and would instead pick Carson up. 

Carson met Jamie as soon as he pulled in and jumped in the passenger seat. They exchanged their normal “sup” and headed on their way. 

The entire ride Carson was extremely distracted. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Ms. Taylor told him to be more confident and not worry so much. As he thought he started to realize the way girls would flirt with him and playfully touch him, much like the way Ms. Taylor punched his arm. “Chill dude, she’s your teacher,” he told himself.

Once they arrived, they entered the front door and hugged Sofia and thanked her for having them. Carson walked around and chatted with some of his friends from school and a couple of girls from school that he knew, all of which were already hammered. 

As nine o’clock neared everybody was getting into it. People were starting to get quite wasted and beers were getting knocked down like crazy. Carson didn’t drink, his mother always warned him of drinking and he was too much of a goody-goody to disobey her. 

Carson was exiting the bathroom when a girl walked through the front door. She stood around 5’8ish, just a few inches shorter than him, and had long dark hair. She wore a tight crop top that showed off her incredible b cup boobs. When she turned to close the door he saw she was wearing ripped jeans and had a nice tight butt. He knew immediately that this girl did not go to his school. The memory of Ms. Taylor telling him to be confident flew into his head and in a split second, he was in front of the girl introducing himself. 

“Hi! My name is Carson,” he said. “What’s your name? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at school,” he asked her.

“Hello there, Carson,” she smiled, “I’m Courtney, I’m in town for the weekend and Sofia is my friend. She invited me over and I decided to come. I’m sure glad I did.”

Carson flashed a grin, said it was nice to meet her, and asked her if she wanted to go somewhere more quiet to talk and she agreed. They walked upstairs and down a hallway and found an open bedroom. They sat down on the bed and talked for a while and learned a lot about each other. Carson figured out she was a soccer player and was going to West Virginia next year to play. Courtney, like Carson, was also single and not really looking for any relationship. 

The more they talked the closer together they got. The sexual tension between the two was clearly increasing and Carson with his newfound confidence, at least for the moment, decided to lean in and kiss her. He wasn’t sure how she’d react but he was horny and she seemed to like him. She willingly accepted and things caught on like wildfire from there. 

At first, the two just began kissing and making out. Courtney had soft lips and was an extremely good kisser. Carson wrapped his arms around her back and began pulling her closer to him. Courtney moved her hands up his back and pulled his shirt over his head. Carson quickly returned the favor and pulled the tight crop top off of Courtney. This revealed her nicely sized boobs being held back by a white lace bra.

They continued to make out and explore each other’s bodies. Eventually, Courtney brought her hand to Carson’s inner thigh and dragged it up, her fingers tracing over his rock solid cock. When she got all the way up, she took her hand and pulled his shorts down. Carson knew he couldn’t let her get too far ahead and decided to flip over and pull her on top of him. This freed her back and allowed him to remove the clasp on her bra. He pulled the straps over her shoulders and revealed her tits. She had dark areolas much like her tanned skin. He cupped one tit in his hand and moved his mouth to the other. 

He began to suck on her left tit and gently squeezed her right. He flicked her nipple with his tongue and then switched sides. Courtney’s breath started to increase and at some point, she began to unbutton her jeans and skillfully remove them while allowing Carson to continue to devour her boobs. 

Carson began to feel her grinding up and down the length of his shaft, both of them having their thin underwear on and nothing more. He could feel the wetness of her matching white lace thong coming through onto his dick. Courtney pulled away and began to move down Carson’s body. Kissing his toned chest and six-pack on the way down. She looped her fingers around the top of his spandex boxers and pulled them down. 

His dick sprang out and Courtney smiled at his seven-inch dick that wasn’t too thick but definitely no pencil. She put her mouth over the top of his tip and opened her mouth to welcome his cock. Carson’s breath caught the second she started. She clearly had done this before and boy was she good. She ran her tongue up and down and swirled it around when she had his dick in her mouth. She would pull up and suck on his balls every so often. She was clearly enjoying this and decided to quicken the pace.

Carson moved his hand to the back of her head and began to push her head down a little more every time she went down. Courtney began to gag and pulled up gasping for air. She looked at him and smiled.

“I’m gonna cum any second now,” he exclaimed to her. 

Courtney moved up to his ear and whispered to him, “That’ll have to wait, I want your whole dick inside my tight pussy.” 

Carson was about to rip her thong off and do exactly as she wished but they were both caught shocked and exposed when the door flew open. 

Sofia, clearly drunk out of her mind stumbled into the room. Carson flipped off of the bed and tried to hide as Courtney grabbed a blanket and tried to cover herself. 

“Courtney!!! I can’t even believe that you are here,” Sofia shouted. 

In her current state, Carson didn’t think she noticed what had been going on and he discretely grabbed his clothes off the ground next to him. 

Courtney did an excellent job of keeping the drunken Sofia distracted. She made up an elaborate story of how she was feeling drowsy and was trying to get some rest. Sofia was much too out of things to give it a second thought. Sofia said she’d go grab the Advil from the bathroom and be right back. 

As she left, Courtney scurried to get redressed. Carson finished redressing and told her he should probably get out of there before she came back. She told him he should. 

“It was nice to meet you, Courtney,” Carson said on his way out of the door. 

“You as well Carson, nice dick, by the way, I’ve never had one as perfect as that one except in my wet dreams,” she called back. 

Carson smiled and walked out of the door. He decided to head out and found Jamie. Jamie was everything but sober. Carson told him he was heading out and would just walk the few miles home. Jamie was too busy with beer pong to even process what he was saying. 

Carson walked the few miles home and was in bed by 12:30. He realized he hadn’t gotten Courtney’s number and since she lived out of state he probably wouldn’t see her again. He was bummed but now knew where his confidence could bring him.

He set his alarm for 7 am the next morning. He was planning on getting a run-in and watching some film of their next opponent before their 11 am practice the next morning. 

*Beep beep beep* 

Carson awoke and shut off his alarm. He made a quick breakfast and showered quickly. While drying he realized the massive pain in his balls. It took him a moment to realize that he had practically been rock solid the entire afternoon and night yesterday but never satisfied the need to ejaculate. 

Unfortunately for Carson, he was already behind and was way too tired to jack off. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door, leaving his parents a note as to where he was. 

Carson pulled into the school and headed into the locker room to change into his clothes to run when he heard a strange noise. He walked down the rows of lockers and found that the noise was coming from the water pipes, someone was using the showers. He figured it was just some guy showering after a morning lift and went back to get changed. He was heading out the back doors to the track and was passing the showers so he figured he say hello to whoever it was on the way out. 

As Carson was walking he passed the showers, whoever it was had finished and he could hear the shower curtain get pulled back. He looked over to say hi and there stepping out of the shower, completely naked, was Ms. Taylor. 

To be continued...

Written by youngstud3
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