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Physical Education: Part 2

"Carson’s adventures with his hot teacher, Ms Taylor, are just beginning."

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“Ms. Taylor?” Carson stammered, his voice hardly above a whisper.

“Carson!? Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Ms. Taylor gasped.

She quickly got her towel and wrapped it around herself. Carson could not help but stare before Ms. Taylor covered her nakedness up.

“Hey! Quit staring!” Ms. Taylor yelled, causing Carson to refocus.

“Oh, I uh… yeah I’m sorry,” Carson squeaked. “What are you doing in the men’s locker room, Ms. Taylor?”

“The water pipe at my house burst so my water is turned off. I decided to come here but the girls' room never gets hot water so I figured it was early enough that I would just come in here and no boys would be here this early on a weekend. Clearly, I was mistaken. Why are you here so early?”

“Um, well, I just wanted to get a run in before practice and… well yeah here I am.” Carson put his hands in his pockets and looked down from Ms. Taylor’s gorgeous yet intense gaze. He immediately realized he was yet again pitching a tent caused by Ms. Taylor.

“Ah, our good friend the third leg has returned,” Ms. Taylor joked. “Listen Carson please don’t tell anyone about this, I could lose my job or worse. I’ll do anything but please you can’t say anything.”

“I won’t, Ms. Taylor, besides, it would be dreadful without the hottest teacher at school,” Carson said before he could catch himself.

“Easy there, Carson, a teacher and student flirting is a dangerous game. Would you mind giving me your shirt? I dropped mine in my scramble to cover up and now it’s soaked.”

“Um, sure. I have an extra in my locker but it’s a little small and probably wouldn’t really fit over… well, you know…” Carson trailed off.

“Hey horn boy, I understand you’re a bit riled up but can we get this show on the road before any more unexpected guests arrive?”

“Right right, sorry,” Carson exclaimed before pulling his shirt over his head and handing it to Ms. Taylor. “Here you go,” he said, handing her his shirt.

Ms. Taylor quickly grabbed the shirt and pushed the towel down completely exposing her boobs again but covering her lower half still. “Thank you, Carson,” she said as her breasts vanished from sight just as quickly as they came to view. “But turn around now, I need to finish changing.”

“Yes, Ms. Taylor,” he said turning his back to her. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” he asked, referencing her flashing him as she put his shirt on.

“Interpret it as you may, Carson. But you did lend me your shirt, so call it even however you see it. Nice abs, by the way, you have an excellent upper body.”

Carson could hardly keep himself under control, the last ten minutes and all of yesterday had him ready to explode in his pants. Carson decided to be confident as he was told to be by Ms. Taylor herself. It had worked last night so hopefully, his luck hadn’t changed.

“You’re not so bad-looking yourself, Ms. Taylor, especially up top. However, I haven’t been able to see down bel-”

Before he could finish he heard the door to the gym shut. Ms. Taylor had sneakily changed and left while he was turned around. He quickly turned around and was about to chase after but soon realized he was shirtless.

“Good lord,” he thought to himself. “This must all be a dream.” He headed for his locker to grab a shirt and get on with his Saturday.

Carson went for his run and then tried his best to focus through practice. By 2 pm, he was back home, lying in bed, ready to take a nap when his phone began to ring. “What’s up, Jamie?” Carson mumbled as he answered the phone.

“Bro, where did you go last night? I just woke up and drove home from Sofia’s. That party was crazy. You missed out big time, dude.”

“Jamie, I think you’re forgetting I was there for a while before I had to leave. And yeah, it was crazy, but I had my own crazy while you were losing in pong.”

“No way! Did you get some action?”

“Action? Is that what you classify it as? Regardless, I may or may not have gotten some ‘action’,” Carson replied with a laugh.

“I told you your time would come! Tell me all the details, like now,” Jamie demanded.

“I’ll meet later for dinner and tell you in person, how about that?”

“Alright fine, but you better tell me every last detail.”

“Easy, pal, you know I tell you everything. I’ll text you later.” Carson hung up the phone and leaned back onto his bed reflecting on the past twenty-four hours.

Carson may have been drooled over by the girls, but nobody knew he was quite inexperienced. Last night, he had gotten his first blowjob, and it hadn’t really sunk in until right now with how fast things had happened. Then, this morning he saw the hottest woman in the world naked and still couldn’t stop thinking about it. In fact, his balls were in excruciating pain and he knew he had to take care of that quickly. He lay back on his bed and was about to pull his lotion out from his nightstand when his mother knocked on the door.

“Ughhh,” he thought to himself. “My nuts are gonna explode.”

After discussing practice with his mom, Carson decided there was no use in trying to relieve himself with everyone in the house walking around. He did his homework and studying for the weekend and left to meet Jamie for dinner.


Carson was in the middle of telling Jamie about his night and had just finished the story. Jamie took it about as maturely as Carson thought he would.

“Dude, keep it down you idiot, we’re in the middle of McDonald’s,” Carson exclaimed, looking around to see if anyone was staring.

“Carson, you had a smoking hot chick almost naked, with her telling you she wanted to have sex and yet you’re still somehow a virgin.”

“Do you not realize it wasn’t by choice that I didn’t have sex with her, I was about to-”

Jamie cut him off, “Stop. Just stop right there. We need to do something about this.”

“Hold it right there, doctor sex genius. I’m not just gonna sleep with anyone, I want it to feel real and not forced. I will not be sleeping with just some random person,” Carson explained to Jamie.

“I didn’t say that. If you’ll so kindly let me finish I can explain my idea. The girls' lacrosse team has a game tonight. Rumor has it that after the game, they are holding a party and each of the senior girls will be pairing off with a guy to… well, we’ll say have some fun. Now, being the great friend I am, I can get us easy access and you and I both know there are some stunners on that team. In fact, almost all of them would love to have you as their guy for the night, it’s just up to you to pick one. You’ve known most of these girls your whole life so you wouldn’t be giving your virginity up for sex with a nobody. How does this sound? Carson? Are you listening?”

“What? Oh, yeah sure sounds good,” Carson replied.

“I know you definitely weren’t not listening but we are taking the yes and running with it. Let’s go, bud,” Jamie laughed.

The truth was Carson had stopped listening after he'd heard women’s lacrosse team. He instantly flashed back to that morning and seeing Ms. Taylor naked in front of him. He couldn’t get that image out of his head. Once he realized what he had distractedly gotten into, it was too late; they were already on their way.

“What is going on, ladies! The party has arrived!” Jamie wasn’t even in the door and everyone knew they had arrived.

“CARSON!!” screamed all the girls once they saw him come in. “We didn’t know you’d be coming! This is amazing!”

“Jeez, dude, thanks for taking all the attention,” Jamie said jokingly.

“Well, yeah, I guess I’m glad I came too… I hope?” Carson said awkwardly.

“Oh, come on, liven up a bit, Carson, you’re gonna be the center of attention tonight,” replied Haley, one of the juniors on the team.

Carson wasn’t sure he was going to like this attention or not but he was here so he had to make the most of it.

“Let’s not waste any time! Carson, you pick the game: spin the bottle or 7 minutes in heaven?” shouted Haley above the music.

“I’m not picking, someone else can, I don’t even know what the second one is,” Carson said back.

“Then time to teach you the new game, 7 minutes in heaven it is!” Haley said energetically.

Abby, one of the seniors on the team, explained the rules.

“The rules are simple but we are going to throw in a twist. You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on must go into a room with you for 7 minutes. The bare minimum is a kiss, otherwise, you can go as far as you want. Anyone questions?”

Everyone shook their heads and the game began. Jamie, of course, went first willingly. He spun and matched with Elise, a tall, brunette with a nice white smile. Carson knew Jamie had always had a thing for Elise so he smiled and was glad he was going to get his shot.

The group chatted and guessed what was happening in the room until the timer beeped and they pounded on the bedroom door for them to come out.

Jamie’s hair was messed up and Elise looked like she had just rolled out of bed.

“Your turn to tell me everything later,” Carson told Jamie with a laugh as he walked by.

“Carson!” one of the girls screamed, “It’s your turn!”

Carson was hesitant but didn’t want to seem like a wuss so he went up and spun the bottle.

Carson’s luck had been amazing lately and continued on his first spin. He landed on Grace, a girl with long blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She had a gorgeous body with perfect round boobs and a fit ass from playing many sports.

Carson smiled as everyone “oohed” and whispered their complaints that the bottle didn’t land on them.

Grace returned the smile and walked into the room with Carson right behind. The only light was a small lamp in the corner but Carson could still see every curve of Grace.

“Well… we have to kiss at the minimum so should we just do that right away?” Grace asked Carson.

“That works for me,” Carson agreed.

He walked over to Grace and leaned in. His lips slowly pushed against hers. She had a soft kiss that made his knees weak. They pulled apart for a second but as soon as they did their eyes locked and there was almost a signal that they both wanted more.

Carson leaned back in and kissed Grace again with an added intensity. He wrapped his arms around her back and then picked her up and laid her down on the queen bed occupying the room. Their kissing grew more and more passionate. Carson traced his fingers up Grace’s sides and under her shirt. He was hesitant and didn’t want to go too far but Grace placed her hand on top of his right hand and moved it onto her boob.

Grace was wearing what felt like a lace bra that merely supported her luscious tits and nothing more. He slowly kneaded her breasts as she softly moaned. He kissed down her neck and stopped at the collar of her shirt. Grace started pushing her hips upward and made contact with Carson’s cock. He felt her shudder at the first touch and then push up more to feel more of his rock-solid dick. Carson met her halfway and began dry humping her. Their lips relooked and their movement began to speed up.

Carson leaned back and said to Grace, “Should we just lose the clothes and see where things go from there?”

“I like that idea a lot,” she replied.

Carson stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. He then leaned down to help Grace pull off her shirt as well.

“TIMES UP, LOVEBIRDS!” came a yell from the other side of the door.

“Damnit,” Carson said aloud.

“We are going to need to finish this sometime,” Grace said with a smile.

“Most definitely. I was only getting started,” Carson said as he reclothed.

“I’d like to see how things would’ve ended in the near future,” replied Grace.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you do. But for now, I need to get this erection under control.”

“There’s a few other rooms down the hall if you need, just say you’re going to the bathroom,” Grace suggested.

“Would you care to join me?” asked Carson.

“Any other circumstances, I would certainly join you, but we can’t have the whole group gossiping and interrogating us,” Grace replied diplomatically.

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“Fair enough, well I look forward to part two of this, Grace,” Carson said while opening the door.

“As do I,” she replied exiting the room.

The questions flew at them the minute they left the room. Carson couldn’t even process what was being said and he didn’t care, he needed to escape before anyone noticed he was rock-solid. He followed behind Grace to hide his hard-on and slipped away claiming to need the restroom. He borderline ran down the hallway until he got to the end of the hallway. He flung the door open and quickly turned, closing it behind him. Turning around, he walked over to a large bed and sat down. He laid back trying to calm himself down. It took him a minute to regain his focus which was when he noticed the noise coming from behind the door on the opposite side of the room he came in on. He walked over and slowly turned the knob to look in.

Carson practically fainted in shock.

The room was steamy, the bath had been going. However, Carson could clearly see across the room and sitting on the tub was none other than Ms. Taylor.

“CARSON WHAT THE FUCK!?” the blonde beauty screamed at him. “Pardon my language but what are you doing in my bathroom!?”

“I- well-” Carson could hardly speak in his current state of shock. “I was invited to a party here and we were playing a game and… well I got excited you could say and came into the room to calm down. I saw the light on and got curious and decided to see what was going on… and here we are. What are you doing here?”

“You mean in my house?” Ms. Taylor stated matter of factly.

“This is your house?” Carson asked in confusion.

“Yes, it is. The girls on my team needed a place to party, so I allowed them to use my house as long as they followed three rules: no making a mess, no cops getting coming to the front door, and no one in my room. Apparently, the last rule wasn’t mentioned.”

“Why not just lock the door?” Carson asked.

“Because should they need me for anything, I want them to be able to come in and get me. I guess I assumed incorrectly that anyone that needed me while I was in the bathroom would knock before entering,” she said sarcastically.

Now that Carson’s initial shock had worn off he was able to get a full grasp of his setting. Ms. Taylor was sitting on the edge of the tub with her legs sitting in the water. She was wearing a white robe covering most of her body but still revealing a lot of skin. Her hair was tied up high in a ponytail and her makeup was washed off. Carson was stunned at how gorgeous she was even without makeup and thought she may even be prettier without it.

“Hey, Carson, take a picture, it’ll last longer!”

Carson snapped back to reality and realized he’d been staring.

“If you insist,” Carson joked. He was shocked he was able to make such a statement with how tense he was.

“You wish, pal, I think you’ve seen enough of me the past couple of days,” Ms. Taylor answered.

“I could never get enough,” Carson replied. He had a tendency to embarrass himself in front of the woman of his dreams but he was starting to get more relaxed with speaking his mind.

“Hmmm, I’ll keep that in mind. But in the meantime, I see I haven’t helped control your excitement that you came into my room to try and get to go away,” Ms. Taylor said, motioning to Carson’s erect cock that was straining against his pants. “Since you’ve seen so much of me, I think it’s only fair that I see your dick.”

Carson was stunned, Ms. Taylor just asked him flat out to show her his penis.

“Ms. Taylor, I-”

She cut him off before he could finish.

“Carson, look, you’re eighteen, how I know that is irrelevant, but that makes you of legal age. The only way anyone would ever know about this is if you told someone, and I think I could easily convince you not to do that. I know you find me attractive, it’s quite obvious since you’ve got a boner anytime you’re around me, so why not just let me see your rock-solid cock.”

Carson was getting hornier by the second the way she was talking to him. He knew he couldn’t resist saying yes to the hottest woman in the world and dropped his shorts without warning.

“Well, that was abrupt,” Ms. Taylor said with a laugh. “That is one of the nicest penises that I’ve ever seen.”

She swung her legs over the tub and started walking slowly towards Carson, her eyes looking straight into his. Carson was losing his breath but couldn’t look away from her.

“Would you like to hear my proposal now?” she asked Carson in a soft voice that made his knees weak.

“Umm… yeah… sure… please,” Carson stammered.

“Truth is, I find you really hot, and really sexy. You’re exactly my type although a little young, but I can work with that. I don’t just sleep with any guy. I prefer to care about them and have some sort of feelings for them. I honestly find myself thinking about you quite often, even before the last few days, but more so now.” Ms. Taylor was now barely a foot from him. “Obviously, you find me attractive, as we already know, but you seem to clearly be inexperienced with girls, specifically sexually. Fear not, however, because I can help with that. I’ll be your partner and guide you through, tell you what I like and what I enjoy. You can figure out what you enjoy and gain some experience with an actual female, but all girls are different so what I like some others might not.”

“What would you want in return then?” Carson asked, hardly forming a sentence.

“Well, so far I’m not entirely sure, I have to think about that. But for right now, all I want is this.”

Carson was about to ask what, but she answered before he could ask. Ms. Taylor stepped forward and wrapped her hand around Carson’s rock-solid dick.

“Oh my gosh,” Carson gasped.

All too soon, Ms. Taylor released her grasp on Carson’s dick. Carson unconsciously began pouting when she let go.

“What’s the matter, Carson? Wanted me to do more? Nope, not until you earn it.”

“I’ll do anything, Ms. Taylor, just say the word,” Carson pleaded.

“Anything, you say? Well, then in that case I have an idea. Take all your clothes off and get in the tub.”

Carson was naked and fully submerged in the hot water in less than a minute. He looked at Ms. Taylor standing at the edge of the tub with a “what now” look.

“Eager, I like it. Now you’re going to tell me everything you want to do to my body,” Ms. Taylor demanded.

“Ms. Taylor, I am really bad with all this, I may have some looks and stuff going for me but otherwise, I’m a dud.” Carson was nervous and wasn’t sure he could fulfill her request.

“Shut up, Carson, I told you I’d help, not do everything for you. You have to want it. Any girl your age would be just as new so you’d have to figure it out on your own with them, you’ll do the same with me. Now please tell me everything you’d do to me right now, I’m so horny.”

With that, Ms. Taylor dropped the robe off her body. It fell onto the ground and Carson almost came right then. Carson had seen her top half naked but not the bottom half. He stared at her from top to bottom. First, he took another long look at her perfect round and perky tits. But then his gaze glided down her midsection and to her pussy. She really was everything Carson dreamed of. Her pussy was shaved clean and it was almost as she could read his mind as she turned around and bent down to pick up the robe. Her ass bounced as she walked over to hang it up and Carson was all but drooling. He could see the wetness on the outside of her pussy.

“Start talking or I’m getting dressed,” Ms. Taylor snapped but Carson could sense her desire to hear what he had to say.

Up until now, Ms. Taylor had been making all the demands and Carson decided to stand some of his own ground. While there were many things he could’ve told her he wanted to do he decided it was his turn to shock her.

“Shut your mouth and quit telling me what to do. Sit on the edge of the tub like you were when I came in or I’ll be the one dressing and then leaving.”

Ms. Taylor grinned, she liked this side of Carson.

“From now on every time you do something, I’ll state that action and tell you if I like it or not. So in this case: Demanding - like, although I’m not always submissive,” Ms. Taylor told him as she returned to her original position.

“Good, now spread your legs open,” Carson said with authority.

“Well, look at you go, but I still want to hear what you want to do to-”

Ms. Taylor let out a sharp gasp before she could finish the sentence. Carson was leaning in and flicked his tongue up her drenched snatch and clit.

“How about I just do the things instead, starting with this,” Carson said as he looked up at Ms. Taylor grinning.

“Eating me out - like. Now get going I can’t wait any longer,” Ms. Taylor said, her breath shaky.

Carson was secretly freaking out on the inside, he’d never done this before but he knew Ms. Taylor was turned on and was determined to make her cum.

Carson put his face back down and went to work. He dragged his tongue up the inside of her left leg and up to her slit. He used the tip of his tongue to trace around the outside of Ms. Taylor’s pussy. After he made a full lap around the outside, he slipped his tongue between her lips. He felt her squirming and trying to push herself into him. Carson moved from the bottom of her slit to the top with his tongue. Once at the top he brought his mouth all the way down and sucked on her clit gently.

Ms. Taylor moaned in delight and grabbed a handful of Carson’s hair and pushed Carson’s face into her. He could hardly breathe but he didn’t care. Carson sucked and licked Ms. Taylor's clit and then slipped a finger into her pussy which only increased her noise making. Carson slowly curled his finger up and knew he found her g-spot when she shuddered and practically screamed.

Carson began to ease up and went to work like a pro. He licked, sucked and finger-fucked Ms. Taylor like he had been doing this all his life. Carson’s face was covered in Ms. Taylor’s juices and he was loving every second of it. Within minutes, Ms. Taylor’s legs collapsed in on Carson’s head and her whole body began to spasm. Carson knew she was cumming but he didn’t expect her to squirt all over his face. Wave after wave plastered his face before Ms. Taylor’s legs released their vice grip on his head.

“Holy fuck, that was the most amazing experience ever,” Ms. Taylor exclaimed when she regained her breath.

“Squirting - love,” Carson said, mocking Ms. Taylor’s with a grin.

“Shut up and get out of the tub right now,” Ms. Taylor said with an evil grin.

Carson got out of the tub, his dick hard as steel and his body dripping from head to toe, a mix of cum and bathwater.

Ms. Taylor stood and handed Carson a towel to dry himself off. He quickly dried as Ms. Taylor hobbled over to him.

“I can’t even stand,” Ms. Taylor told Carson. “Good thing I have my knees, though,” she said, dropping down in front of him.

“Ms. Taylor, I don’t know what you have planned but I’ve had blue balls for the past two days and I am not gonna last a second if you plan to do anything with my dick,” Carson warned her.

“I don’t care, I need to taste your cum and have your dick in my mouth even if just for a second,” she said as she slipped her mouth around his cock.

Carson groaned as Ms. Taylor took his whole shaft in her mouth. Her nose pressed into his body as his dick slid down her throat.

“Holy shit,” Carson whispered aloud.

Ms. Taylor brought her head back and then went to work. She sucked him hard while playing with his balls. She brought her mouth back to only suck the tip and gave him a handjob on the rest of his shaft. Not even two minutes later, Carson was about to go over the edge.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” he said, his knees getting weak.

Much to his surprise, Ms. Taylor didn’t pull back. She pushed his whole dick into her mouth as he shot his first rope down her throat. However, she couldn’t take Carson’s giant load that had built up for two days and she pulled back gagging. Carson’s final ropes hit her in the face and began dripping down and onto her tits.

Carson looked down at Ms. Taylor and couldn’t believe what had happened to him the last few hours.

“Your cum - love,” Ms. Taylor said while she rubbed his cum into her tits.

“Holy fuck that was amazing,” Carson said to her.

“It really-”


Carson and Ms. Taylor jolted in shock, hearing the voice coming from the door to the bathroom.

Carson turned around and standing at the door was Grace, the girl he had been making out with earlier that night.

Written by youngstud3
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