Chapter 7: The Poker Game
Madison blew up flotation devices on the bottom of the round circular table she was holding and threw it into the middle of the hot tub. It was conveniently sized so that it nicely fit between everyone. She then set the deck of waterproof playing cards in the middle of the table.
“I think everyone knows what we’re playing,” Madison grinned.
“Yes!” Jason exclaimed, giving a fist pump. Morgan and Kat both let out giggles. Noah had a look of extreme nervousness. However, Chloe was oblivious.
“No? Rummy? Bridge?” Chloe asked. Everyone but Noah let out a bit of a chuckle.
“No, silly. Strip poker!” Madison gleefully smiled, as she picked up the deck of cards and started shuffling.
“What? No! I can’t!” Chloe protested. Wearing a bikini around her friends was already a big step for her. But actually getting naked in front of them? There was no way! Right?
“Why not? It’ll be fun!” Jason encouraged.
Morgan leaned over and spoke a bit more softly toward Chloe. “Look, you don’t have to, but why not let your hair down a little bit? It’s just the six of us here, after all. You don’t have anything to worry about. Everything is still under water and bubbles.”
Chloe was torn. One-half of her could hear her parents telling her, "Absolutely not. This is not the proper way a lady should behave. Be modest! What would your future husband think? We’re oh, so disappointed in you that you partook in this behavior!" Chloe’s inherent modesty also shied away from the idea.
The other half of her, however, got excited at the prospect of just letting it all loose for once. She was an adult now, and as Morgan pointed out, everything was still under the water. Nothing was all that easily visible, right? She would be naked, but still not seen. Also, she had oftentimes been jealous of Madison just deciding to let go. Chloe, afraid of what her parents thought and, indeed, afraid of what she would think of herself afterward, always feared following Madison too far whenever she had decided to get into trouble. But maybe this was the time to set all of that aside.
“I …” Chloe hesitated. She got expectant looks from everyone but Noah, hoping for an affirmative answer. Chloe was battling inside. She didn’t want to disappoint her parents. But she also felt like she wanted to do it. Why shouldn’t she do it? “I … guess it’s okay,” she finally answered.
“Yay!” Madison let out gleefully.
“Well, I guess if Chloe is fine with it, I can join in too,” Noah sheepishly added.
“I’m sure it will be fine,” Chloe replied, putting her arm around Noah as she said it, although she was saying it as much to herself as she was to him. They could each feel the other shaking a bit with nervousness.
“Excellent,” Madison added. “So, since we have six players, we can play five-card draw, but you can only replace up to three cards in your hand, so choose wisely. There is no folding. The worst hand has to take off an article of clothing. Guys get one free pass since they are only wearing one piece. Two losses and you are out of the game, and also naked.”
Madison looked around to make sure everyone understood the rules before continuing. “Royal flush is top hand, followed by a straight flush, four of a kind, full house, regular flush, regular straight, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, and then just straight up high-card. I guess if anyone has any questions, just ask.”
Chloe was nervous, both because of the game, and because she never played poker before. However, after a couple of clarifying questions about what, exactly, constituted full houses, straights, and flushes, she felt she had a good enough grasp on the game to continue.
Madison dealt out the first set of cards. Chloe looked at them and tried to order them in a way that made sense to her. The only thing of use she had in her hand was a pair of jacks. Not terrible, but not great either. It might at least be enough to not have the lowest hand. She didn’t need to win, she just needed not to lose. She decided to ditch everything but the jacks.
“Uh, three cards please,” Chloe requested, and Madison obliged by giving her three more cards. Chloe looked at them—no additional luck. She was left with the original pair of jacks she had started with.
“Alright, let’s see what everyone has. Me first—” Madison remarked, showing her hand. “Two pairs, nines and kings!” Madison revealed gleefully.
“Damn, just a pair of queens,” Morgan added, showing her hand next.
“Pair of jacks?” Chloe commented hesitantly, wanting to make sure she got it right, showing her hand.
“Uh oh, Chloe is in last place right now. Okay, Noah, you’re next.” Madison grinned.
“I got shit. High-card ace,” Noah mournfully noted as he showed his hand.
“Two pairs, sevens, and eights,” Kat said with a smile as she showed her hand.
“Well, no one is losing anything this time because it’s between the boys. What you got, Jason?” Madison asked with a smirk.
“Three aces, baby,” Jason said, putting down his hand to the groans of everyone else.
“Saving the best for last, huh?” Morgan laughed as she collected the cards and started to shuffle as the next dealer.
“Well Noah, you don’t have to take anything off this time, but you’re down one game. Next loss and you’re out.” Madison noted with a slight smile.
Chloe was dealt her next hand and wasn’t sure what to make of it. She had the possible makings of a flush, with three clubs. But she also had the possible makings of a straight, with a four, six, seven, and eight. But the fifth card was another six, giving her a pair already. In the end, she decided the chances of her getting two more clubs were low, and the chances of discarding the six to get, specifically, a five was also low, so she decided to play with the pair of sixes instead.
After getting her new cards, Chloe was glad she made that choice. None of her three new cards were a five and only one was a club. She just had to hope her pair of sixes was good enough to not have the worst hand.
“Okay, let’s start this,” Morgan declared, setting down her hand, displaying a two-pair fives and nines.
“Not bad, not bad…” Jason grinned.
“Just a pair of sixes,” Chloe remarked as she put her hand down.
“Guess it’s just not my day. High-card nine,” Noah grimaced with consternation, with “oohs” being expressed by some of the players.
“Pair of aces. At least I’m not losing,” Kat laughed.
“Pair of queens. No winning hand this time,” Jason shrugged as he showed his hand.
Noah looked nervously at Madison, hoping beyond hope she somehow had a worse hand than he did.
“High-card … ace,” Madison sighed as she threw down her hand. She indeed had a bad hand, just not as bad as Noah. “Well Noah, off with the swim trunks!”
Noah sighed and raised himself just enough to be able to slide his swim trunks from under him, before reaching and pulling them off the bottom of his legs. He then set them behind him on the pool deck, before sitting in the hot tub, his arms pressed in against himself nervously.
Chloe found this amusing until she realized that this meant Noah was sitting right next to her completely naked. “Tough luck, Noah,” she commented, blushing, and giving him a slight hug while also trying not to look down into the water at where his now exposed dick was. Not that she would have gotten a clear view of it anyway.
“Hey Chloe, it’s your turn to deal,” she was suddenly snapped back to attention by Morgan.
“Oh, yeah, uh, of course,” Chloe muttered, taking the cards and trying to shuffle them.
Chloe concentrated on dealing, trying to make sure she didn’t accidentally reveal anyone’s cards. She then took a look at hers. She didn’t have a lot to work with, but not nothing, holding a queen, king, and ace of different suits in her hand. She decided to ditch the two lower cards in her hand, hoping to maybe get a pair with the higher cards, or a straight if she were really lucky.
She then handed out the replacement cards everyone else wanted then took a look at her new hand: nothing. A high-card ace was all she had. She laid the hand out in front of her. “Not a great start here.”
“Well, you’re bailed out Chloe, because I only have a high-card king,” Kat groaned, throwing her hand down. Chloe felt a wave of relief. Somehow she had survived her worst hand yet.
This was followed by three-of-a-kind threes for Jason and high-card aces for both Madison and Morgan.
“Well, I guess this is coming off then,” Kat sighed as she untied her bikini top, pulled it off, and set it down behind her. “I suppose it’s a bit more free feeling,” she chuckled. Chloe couldn’t help but notice that the water and bubbles just barely seemed to cover her nipples. If Kat so much as lifted her arms, they would likely pop up above the water.
It happened to be Kat’s turn to deal, so she shuffled and dealt out the cards. Chloe decided to keep a pair of fives in her hand and ditch the rest. The new cards didn’t really help, but so far most of the losing hands have been high-card hands so she hoped her pair of fives were enough.
She immediately let out a sigh of relief as Kat only had a pair of threes, meaning she already knew she at least wasn’t the low hand. Jason followed with a pair of fours and Madison with a pair of twos. Morgan threw down a high-card jack and looked at Chloe hopefully.
“Sorry, I’ve got a pair of fives,” Chloe apologized as she put down her hand.
“Wow, pair of fives as the high hand. What a shitty round,” Madison lamented as Morgan took off her yellow and pink bikini top and tossed it aside. Now both players on either side of Chloe were at least topless.
Now it was Jason’s turn to deal. Chloe didn’t get a very good hand, with a high-card king. She had three low heart cards and was tempted to play for the flush, but decided to throw out her two lowest cards and keep a ten, jack, and king in hand, playing the “pair or straight” strategy once again. Unfortunately, she got nothing useful, leaving her with just the king.
“Well, let’s get this rolling with a high-card ace, ” Jason laughed, showing his hand. Madison then flashed down a pair of kings with a grin. Morgan followed with a pair of tens, ensuring that she would at least not lose this round.
“High-card king, ” Chloe remarked showing her hand. It was now a choice between Chloe losing her top, or Kat being booted from the game altogether.
“I’m sorry Chloe—pair of twos, ” Kat announced.
Chloe wasn’t sure what to feel. She had to take off her bikini top now and was feeling both nervous but also a bit excited. She took a deep breath and before she could hesitate anymore, she reached behind herself to undo her top, then yanked it off herself and nearly threw it across the entire patio in an attempt to make sure she didn’t somehow stop herself mid-strip. This ended up eliciting a laugh from everyone in the group.
“Woohoo! Let’s go, Chloe!” Madison clapped, happy that Chloe went through with taking her bikini top off. “Now it’s my turn to deal again.” Madison and Jason were the only ones not to lose a hand after the first round around the hot tub.
Chloe sat there trying to figure out what she was feeling. Her heart was pounding. She was sitting with five of her friends with nothing but maybe an inch of water and bubbles from exposing her breasts to them. The current of the water brushing by her nipples gave her a few goosebumps. She tried to calm her breathing as the next round started.
It seemed everyone’s hands sucked this round as everyone took the full complement of three replacement cards. Chloe let out a sigh as her replacement cards at least gave her a pair of eights.
“Pair of tens!” Madison exclaimed, throwing her hand down.
“Ha, pair of queens!” Morgan answered triumphantly, ensuring her continued participation.
“Damn, only a pair of eights,” Chloe muttered as she showed her hand.
“Uh-oh, will Chloe be knocked out already?” Madison pondered.
“Nope, 'cause I only have a high-card king,” Kat lamented as she showed her hand, now on the verge of elimination.
“Well, you get bailed out Kat, because I only have a high-card jack,” Jason laughed as he showed his hand. “So, that’s my freebie loss I guess.”
“Damn, Madison is rolling everyone so far,” Morgan noted as she shuffled the cards in preparation for her second turn as the dealer. Indeed, the person who was the most comfortable stripping in front of everyone was the one who hadn’t lost a hand yet.
Chloe flinched when she saw her hand. It was by far the worst hand yet. The closest thing she had was three parts of a possible straight. She decided to just ditch her three lowest cards and hope. She let out a hopeful sigh as her replacement cards had at least handed her a pair of eights.
“I have a feeling I’m not losing—three fours,” Morgan happily displayed her hand, to the groans of everyone else.
“Pair of eights here, again,” Chloe sighed as she showed her hand.
“So close, but, high-card king,” Kat once again lamented showing she had a ten through king, but no nine or ace to go with it.
“Pair of threes. Good enough,” Jason showed his hand.
“Sorry again Kat, but, high-card Ace,” Madison grinned.
Kat sighed. She slid off her bikini bottoms from under the water and placed them on top of the top behind her. Two people had now been eliminated and the margin of error started to get narrower for all of the remaining players.
It was now Chloe’s time to deal again, which she did more confidently this time than the first time around. This time she had a pair of threes, so she replaced everything else. She looked at her new cards—another three! She was almost certainly in the clear this time.
“Alright, got three-of-a-kind threes this time,” Chloe proudly announced, placing her cards down.
“Lucky …” Madison chuckled.
“What do you mean? You haven’t even lost yet,” Morgan fretted with a laugh.
“Anyway, pair of sevens here,” Jason announced.
Madison then flashed a huge grin. “Flush,” she simply stated. Indeed, she had a 5, 9, jack, queen, and king of spades.
“God damn it, Madison,” Jason chortled with a laugh and a disbelieving shake of his head.
“Damn, we all, well, most of us had good hands this time. Two-pair, tens and jacks,” Morgan said as she displayed her hand.
“Well, I guess guys are out then,” Jason shrugged, before yanking his trunks out from under him and tossing them across the patio.
Chloe was getting nervous now. There was only her, Madison, and Morgan left. At most three hands left, if Madison lost at some point. Possibly only two if both she and Morgan lost the next two hands.
“I guess it is my turn to deal again already,” Madison realized, with three players already eliminated.
Chloe sweated a bit looking at her hand, only having a pair of threes. That may have sufficed with five or six players, but that was getting dicey with only three players left. She took three new cards and then let out a little sigh. Two pairs. Hopefully, that was enough.
“Well, a pair of sixes,” Madison remarked showing her hand, making Chloe feel relieved. She would survive another round.
“Full house, baby,” Morgan grinned as she showed three fives and two twos.
“Sorry, Madison—two pairs threes and eights,” Chloe sheepishly declared as she showed her hand.
“Damn, I guess it couldn’t last forever,” Madison sighed. She then pulled the string on her top and launched it across the patio as well. She then stretched her back in such a way that her nipples raised above the water’s surface, causing Jason to let out a slight laugh and Chloe to blush.
“I guess loser is out this time,” Morgan noted, shuffling the deck again.
Chloe got nervous once again looking at her hand. High-card ace? That probably wasn’t going to do it. She took three new cards. Pair of queens. She just had to hope it was enough.
“Well, this better be enough. Pair of fives,” Morgan announced showing her hand.
Chloe let out another sigh. “Pair of queens, sorry.”
The pair then looked at Madison. It was between her and Morgan now.
“Sorry girly, pair of jacks,” Madison grinned as she showed her hand.
“Damn it! I held on for so long too!” Morgan sighed, before sliding her bottoms off and setting them aside.
“Well, it’s just me and you Chloe. Your deal,” Madison grinned.
Chloe’s hand, once again, was not great. five of spades, eight of spades, nine of clubs, ten of hearts, and king of hearts. But she had gotten lucky before, so maybe again. She decided to ditch the three lower cards. Madison also took three new cards.
Chloe looked at her new hand and tried not to show her reaction.
“Okay, let’s see what you got, Chloe!”
Chloe let out a smirk. “Three tens.”
“Damn it!” Madison exclaimed, showing her hand with a pair of jacks, but also a ten, queen, and ace. “So close to a royal straight! Well, you know what that means!”
Madison then slid off her bottoms and launched them in the same direction she had tossed her top.
“I’m starting to call shenanigans on Chloe. Are you sure you’ve never played before?” Morgan asked with a chuckle.
“I swear!” Chloe answered as she fidgeted with the deck, realizing that there wasn’t another hand coming. She also started to realize everyone else was naked under the water.
“Now the question is, is Chloe going to join us in our nakedness anyway?” Madison joked.
Chloe was initially relieved that she didn’t have to get completely naked, but now almost felt bad that she was the only one still wearing something. She knew Madison had done this to try to get her out of her shell, and while she supposed it partially worked—she was topless under the water—it wasn’t a full success. She thought Madison had figured Chloe wouldn’t actually win the game.
Chloe then made a snap decision and tried to execute it before another part of her brain could object. She quickly pulled off her bottoms almost as if they were on fire. She held them up in the air as if she was Freddy Mercury at a Queen concert, then tossed them aside.
“Okay, now what?” Chloe remarked, almost having to catch her breath from going against eighteen years of conditioning to finish getting naked.
“Yay! I’m proud of you Chloe!” Madison celebrated, bouncing in excitement.
“Well, maybe I have some surprises in me now and then,” Chloe sheepishly smiled. She was blushing once again, slowly coming to grips with the fact she was now naked, even if under the water.
Chapter 8: The Reveal
Madison suddenly stood up in the hot tub and sat on the edge, wringing water out of her hair. Chloe was taken by surprise at Madison's sudden open nakedness. She supposed being naked under the water was one thing, but just being naked out in the air was something else. She had seen Madison naked before when she had slept over at her house, but it was just the two of them, and it was just when they were changing clothes. Madison’s body glistened under the patio lights. Her D-cups were definitely the biggest amongst the group, and naturally, she was fully shaved.
Jason let out a whistle upon seeing her. “Whew.”
“It’s not like it’s something you haven’t already seen, ” Madison replied with a chuckle.
Chloe wasn’t sure why this information took her by surprise. While the group may have an agreement not to date Jason, she supposed that might not extend to having an occasional hook-up with him. That made Chloe immediately wonder who else in the group might have done so.
“Do you have some towels?” Kat asked as she too clambered out of the hot tub and stood up. This was the first time Chloe had seen her naked. She looked, if anything, even more perfect than Madison, she thought. She had breasts about the same size as her own—C-cups—and were firmer than Madison’s. She wasn’t fully shaved like Madison, but it was close, with only a landing strip. Chloe was almost getting discouraged about what people might think of her. Surely, she was not as good-looking as the two girls currently out of the hot tub.
“C’mon Chloe, let’s find ourselves some towels,” Morgan remarked. Chloe suddenly realized she was standing up over her, also fully revealing herself. This was also the first time she had seen Morgan naked as well. Chloe thought she was pretty cute. Morgan was the thinnest and smallest of the girls, with a slim figure and B-cup breasts. Chloe soon saw that her freckles were not only just on her face. There was also no doubt she was a true redhead, as she had a neatly trimmed red bush.
Without really thinking, Chloe grabbed Morgan’s hand and stepped out of the hot tub herself. She felt a rush of cooler air over her body as the water started dripping and evaporating away. She then suddenly heard a whistle from Jason again.
“I knew you were a hottie under all those baggy clothes, Chloe,” Jason grinned.
Chloe reflexively moved her arms to cover her breasts as she blushed beet red. She’d never been naked in front of a boy before. However, her blush turned into a full-on red-alarm fire on her face as she noticed that Jason was also out of the hot tub, his penis hard and erect. She wasn’t sure how big it was, but it was a bit bigger than she had perhaps imagined. She knew, in principle, what one looked like from health class, but that didn’t prepare her for seeing the real thing.
“I think Chloe’s just seen her first cock,” Madison giggled, which did nothing for Chloe’s flushed face.
“C’mon, let’s find some towels,” Morgan urged again quietly, tugging on Chloe, realizing that she was getting a bit overwhelmed by the situation.
The pair walked inside and soon found some towels in one of the bathrooms. Chloe noticed that Noah had already slinked off by the time she even thought to look for him. Not that she was curious or anything.
“So, how is your birthday party so far?” Morgan asked with a bit of a laugh as she wiped herself dry.
“It’s—it’s something I guess,” Chloe answered with a shaky voice. “I guess it’s weird that I’m not currently hiding in a closet somewhere after all of this.” She appreciated that Morgan had pulled her aside so she could collect herself after the excitement of everyone getting out of the hot tub.
“That’s good. It means you’re coming out of your shell a bit. I know Madison can be a bit heavy-handed, but It’s good to not be so clammed up all the time, you know?” Morgan mused. She sweetly smiled at Chloe, trying to reassure her. “I’m proud of you. Really. You took a big step.”
“So, do you guys, uh, do stuff like this often when I’m not around?” Chloe tentatively asked. She wondered if her friends secretly met up to have naked parties all the time but left her out knowing she probably wouldn’t be open to it.
“Hah, no. This is my first experience like this as well. And before you ask, no, I didn’t know Madison had all of this planned out, although once she started going through with it, it was fun to roll with it.”
“Oh, I see,” Chloe timidly replied. “So, Jason …” she then asked shyly.
“That’s the first time I’ve seen him too. Not bad, I gotta say,” Morgan chuckled, clearly impressed. “Although, the fact that it was NOT the first time for Madison makes me wonder if we need to amend our agreement about no dating Jason to include no fucking Jason as well,” she added with a laugh.
“NO CLOTHES FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!” they suddenly heard Madison yelling as she ran through the house. “BRING TOWELS TO SIT ON!”
Chloe gulped. She must have gotten a nervous look on her face as well, as Morgan noticed. “You know you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. I’ll talk to Madison if you want to put something back on,” Morgan assured her.
Chloe shook her head. “No, I’m gonna try to go with it.” Chloe didn’t want to disappoint Madison, but she also wanted to push herself to see how far she felt comfortable going.

“Okay, but if you change your mind, let me know,” Morgan smiled, before giving her a light kiss on the cheek. “It is your party, after all.”
Chloe let out a little laugh. She had calmed down quite a bit now that she had been standing there talking with Morgan. It wasn’t quite the same as being in front of everyone, but she felt like she was at least ready to take the next step. Besides, it felt kind of nice and liberating being naked. There was something about the occasional whiff of air that might blow past her exposed breasts.
The pair, now finished drying off, made their way back out to the living room. Chloe was a bit disappointed that Noah was still not around, but Jason and Kat were lounging around in chairs. Chloe couldn’t help but tell that Jason’s dick wasn’t quite as erect anymore, or as big either.
“What is Madison up to now?” Morgan asked the pair as she took one of the seats in the living room after setting a towel down. Chloe took her seat where she sat before on the couch. She tried to put it out of her mind that Jason could just see everything and resisted obstructing the view with her arms.
“Probably coming up with another game to play,” Kat laughed.
“I was fetching a stray,” Madison suddenly exclaimed. She arrived in the room shepherding a nervous-looking Noah. Noah took a glance at Chloe and then looked away.
Chloe noticed that his dick wasn’t erect at all, but it still appeared to be big. Chloe wondered just what it might look like when it did get erect. She was soon disappointed by the fact that Noah took one of the empty seats as far away from her as he could. Instead, Madison sat on the other end of the couch, setting down a tray with several cartons of ice cream, spoons, and bowls.
“Now that we’ve spent time out in the muggy summer evening, time to cool off with some ice cream!” Madison declared. “We have mint chocolate chip, orange sherbet, regular chocolate, and cookies and cream!”
Everyone took their turn declaring their preferences, which Madison then obligingly dished up and handed out. Chloe knew right away that she wanted the mint chocolate chip.
“So what else do you have planned for poor Chloe tonight?” Kat asked Madison with a laugh.
“Funnily enough, that’s all I had. Well, except for one thing,” Madison grinned as she looked over at Chloe, then laughed. Chloe then suddenly realized what Madison had remembered.
“No. No, no no no. No!” Chloe dissented.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Madison responded with a huge smile, grabbing the 6-inch chocolate dick she had given Chloe earlier in the evening. “It is mandatory,” she added with a laugh. “Don’t even think of it as a dick. Just, a long chocolate … popsicle. That’s not cold.”
Chloe let out a huge sigh as Madison unboxed the item and set it on a plate in front of her. She stared at the item and considered how long it looked compared to what she saw of Jason and Noah. She felt that it was perhaps comparable, but she didn’t exactly take the time to study Jason and Noah’s dicks in detail.
She closed her eyes and breathed. It’s not a real dick. It’s just chocolate. Just think of it as a yummy treat. She tried to put herself into a mental position where she might persuade herself to actually go through with it.
She opened her eyes and delicately picked the item up. From the weight, it felt like solid chocolate, so there would likely be no just breaking it into pieces immediately like a hollow easter bunny. She closed her eyes again. Just a piece of chocolate. Just chocolate. She slowly raised it and wrapped her lips around the tip, then slowly slid the chocolate cock into her mouth.
She could feel the veiny details with her tongue and tried to put that detail out of her mind. It was actually a delicious piece of chocolate, she thought. She slid the item slowly back out of her mouth, trying to avoid making slurping sounds, although not entirely with success. She then inserted it again, taking most of the item into her mouth, and rubbed her tongue up against it. She started blushing, realizing what this must look like to everyone else. There was a hushed silence of anticipation as everyone else silently watched.
She slid the item slowly back out of her mouth to the tip. The chocolate was starting to melt both in her mouth and in her hand as she held it. She had to swallow some before sliding back into her mouth. She could feel chocolate getting all over her lips. She was tempted to try to wipe it off but then figured it was pointless until the exercise was complete.
She slid the item back in, and she let out an involuntary moan. The chocolate started melting some more, and she felt a few drops drip down her chin and onto her clavicle and breasts. She continued rubbing her tongue against it in her mouth and could tell that the integrity of the item was starting to become compromised. It wasn’t long before it would start melting into separate pieces.
She pulled it almost back out again. This time she felt an entire stream of chocolate mixed with saliva splat onto one of her breasts. She now held her free hand underneath it to try to catch any additional stray melty parts as she reinserted it into her mouth once again. It started to fall apart, causing her to groan and moan while attempting to keep it together. Finally, she decided it was a lost cause and grabbed the plate and slid what remained of the melty cylinder of chocolate onto it.
“God damn,” Jason exclaimed after a moment.
“Someone get this girl a napkin!” Morgan added.
Chloe appreciated Morgan’s request as she could tell her lips, mouth, and hands were covered in melted chocolate, not to mention several streams of chocolate that had fallen down her front. She was at least glad that it didn’t seem like she had gotten any on the couch or floor. She just sat there, hands up in the air, waiting for assistance. She had to fight the urge to try to wipe some of it off with her arm, but she realized that would just make the situation worse.
Madison soon came back with several sheets of paper towels. Chloe initially wiped her hands off, and after another batch of paper towels was retrieved, she wiped off her mouth and front.
“How was it?” Madison asked eagerly.
“The chocolate was good,” Chloe answered matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, but what was it like?” Madison pressed.
“Uh, melty?” Chloe retorted. Madison’s face clearly showed this wasn’t the answer she was looking for.
“Fine, be that way,” Madison laughed, crossing her arms in disappointment.”
Chloe then looked over at Noah. She gave a slight frown as it looked like he was trying to avoid looking at her. Did he think she was that ugly? Was he too shy to look at her now that she was naked? Was doing this all a bit too much? Doubts about her not acting “properly” started creeping back into her head.
Chloe then couldn’t help but to see Jason’s dick was growing again. Did she really have that effect on guys? Surely it was just the action and not her. Her heart was beating quickly again. She actually did enjoy sucking on the chocolate cock. Aside from it being good chocolate, she started to feel something else. Excitement? Exhilaration?
Is this what Madison felt when she went out wearing something she knew guys would gawk at? She had a mix of trepidation and elation about having done something that would have caused her parents to faint straight up. But Chloe realized she was well past the point of no return when it came to worrying about what her parents thought, so she might as well see where the night ended up.
She let out a little chuckle. She wouldn’t have believed someone if they had told her just a few hours ago what she would have allowed herself to get up to already, and the night was still not over yet.
Chapter 9: First Time
The group decided to take a few minutes for a restroom break before meeting back up in the living room. Before Chloe could even get up, Noah bolted to another part of the house. Once again, she felt pangs of increasing anxiety. What if he thought she was a slut now? If there was anything that might cause her to pause for the rest of the night, it might be Noah’s reaction to her.
She got up and walked outside, sitting on some of the patio furniture that she hadn’t availed herself of yet. She closed her eyes and sighed. Noah was quite a bit like her. Maybe not quite as conservative of an upbringing, but still along the same lines. She had hoped that all of this wasn’t too much for him. She figured he was going through a lot of the same thoughts and conflicts as she was throughout the night. Maybe he had some angelic view of her that had now been shattered after her, what she realized probably looked rather vulgar, consumption of the chocolate cock.
“Hey,” a familiar voice then said.
Chloe nearly jumped as Noah’s voice brought her out of her stupor. She turned and looked up at him. “Oh, hi Noah. What’s up?” She suddenly felt relieved about his appearance and willingness to talk with her.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you?” he asked nervously.
Chloe was sitting on what amounted to the loveseat piece of the pool patio collection. “Oh, no, of course!” she assented cheerfully. Her heart gave a slight flutter as he took a seat next to her.
“I guess this is kinda weird for both of us,” Noah nervously chuckled, glancing at Chloe before glancing away again.
“Yeah, wasn’t exactly expecting to have a naked birthday,” she chuckled in response. “Somehow I guess I’m not surprised, though.”
“Madison can be a bit much at times, you know. It’s—it’s nice to be able to chat with just you right now.” Noah mused.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, she is like that. And yeah, this is nice. I was afraid you were mad at me or thought I was ugly or something, ” Chloe admitted, relieved that this apparently wasn’t the case.
“Oh, uh, I’m sorry if I made you think that. I just thought … I was trying not to stare is all,” Noah muttered as he fidgeted. “You—you definitely aren’t ugly. That’s kind of what I wanted to chat with you alone about. I just wanted to say …” Noah hesitated before finishing the thought.
“Yes?” Chloe prodded, giving him a bit of a smile.
“I—I think you’re extremely beautiful. The most beautiful of everyone here. I mean it. I just—I just didn’t want to freak you out or something by acting weird.”
“Oh, Noah, thank you!” Chloe gratefully smiled. She put her arm around him and hugged him, nudging herself over so their thighs were also touching. “Although, I might disagree that I’m the prettiest one here, but I’m glad you think so.” She started to blush again.
There were a few moments of awkward silence between them before Chloe spoke up again. “So, you ever see a naked girl before?” she curiously asked.
“No, not in person anyway. If you can’t tell, I’m really nervous right now sitting next to one.” Chloe could feel him shaking next to her. She felt relieved that she wasn’t the only one feeling this way.
Chloe giggled. “I won’t bite, I swear. This is my first time seeing, well, a guy too. Virgins unite, right?” Chloe laughed while holding up her fist as if to signal “unite.”
“I—I mean …” Noah’s voice started to really shake. “We could try out a few other firsts too, maybe?”
It took Chloe a second to register what he was saying. “Oh, uh, I mean, sure, maybe? What did you have in mind?” Chloe asked, flustered.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I could try giving you a bit of a massage. Like a back massage. You know, to kind of help release any tension,” Noah’s voice was still shaky, Chloe felt like it was taking him everything to even get this out.
“Oh, uh, sure, um …” Chloe got up and grabbed what looked to be an ottoman or footstool that was part of the set, and set it in front of Noah. She sat on it, allowing her to sit in front of him. She closed her eyes and took a breath.
“You sure it’s okay?” Noah once again asked.
“Yeah, go ahead, ” Chloe breathed nervously without opening her eyes. Her heart was racing. It was a pretty strange moment. She and Noah were interacting with each other naked, and they were both nervous wrecks about it. But also, Chloe found the situation rather pleasant and was hoping Noah did as well.
Chloe could then feel Noah’s fingers start to press into her shoulders, digging at her muscles. She could immediately feel that her shoulders were indeed tight, and rolled her shoulders a couple of times in response.
“Was that too hard?” Noah asked, with a bit of a worried tone.
“No, that was great, keep going,” Chloe assured. The massage was already starting to relax her. She didn’t really care that she was naked anymore. She could still feel her heartbeat, though. She always found Noah cute, but this seemed different. She was glad they were alone, having this moment together.
Noah started to work slowly down her back. She sat up straighter to make it easier for him. She wasn’t surprised that she had gotten really tense over the course of the night, with all of the excitement and Madison’s shenanigans.
“Did you learn how to do massage somewhere?” she curiously inquired as he continued to slowly work down her back.
“I’ve had a little practice. We got massages when I was on the basketball team and I always thought it was interesting, so I often watched and got some pointers and stuff. I hope I’m doing it right. I’ve never done a massage for a girl before.”
“I don’t think you’re doing it wrong, at least,” she chuckled. She let out a couple more deep breaths as he continued to press into her tight muscles, loosening them up. His fingers would occasionally lightly touch her sides, giving her a few goosebumps. She was feeling increasingly calm and relaxed and her flutters started to subside. She continued breathing deeper and more regularly.
Noah reached the bottom of her back, then did another quicker pass back up. Chloe decided she was going to have to go to Noah to get a back massage more regularly from now on. After a final dig into her shoulders, Noah withdrew his hands.
“I—I think I got it,” Noah announced tentatively.
“Aww,” she lamented, opening her eyes upon hearing him talk again.
“I hope it was good,” he remarked nervously.
“It was,” she reassured him. Then a thought popped into Chloe’s head. She would never have entertained it before, but now? Noah had already made her so much more relaxed with the back massage, and he was being really sweet. They were already sitting there in this condition. If she let anyone do it, it would be him, right now.
“You—you could massage the front too,” she sheepishly suggested.
“The—the front?” he repeated, seemingly trying to make sure he, in fact, heard the request correctly.
“Yeah,” Chloe could feel herself blushing for even suggesting it, but she wasn’t having the fearful “what am I doing?” feeling. If she felt fear about anything, it was almost fear that he might say no.
“Uh, okay, if you’re okay with it …” Noah affirmed nervously. He started by digging his fingers around her shoulder blade and slowly moving horizontally inward, and then back out again, also rubbing at the muscles under her arm.
Chloe started breathing deeply again. She could feel her breasts standing up tall as she sat straight. She had found she had almost completely lost the anxiety she had from being naked at this point and just enjoyed the loosening of even more muscles from Noah’s massage.
Noah started working a little lower, starting to dig into the very top of Chloe’s breasts. He then slowly moved around and pressed down her sides, trying to avoid brushing against her breasts while doing so. Chloe breathed in sharply then tried to relax again as Noah's fingers got close.
He then started to rub around and on her stomach, which Chloe also liked. He moved his hands up slightly, rubbing just below her breasts on her abdomen. Once again Chloe’s heart fluttered. She appreciated Noah respecting her and not wanting to touch anything sensitive, but right now Chloe was kind of hoping he would take the chance to do so.
“It’s—it’s okay,” she finally remarked when his hands were clearly trying to avoid touching her breasts again.
“Really? You don’t mind?” Noah asked somewhat skeptically.
“No, go ahead,” she breathed. She got goosebumps from the anticipation of what Noah would do next.
She felt a pair of hands gently cup then ever so gently squeeze around the sides of her breasts.
“They’re a bit softer than I expected,” he sheepishly chuckled.
“No, they’re not hard or anything,” Chloe chuckled with a nervous laugh of her own.
Noah gave her breasts another slightly bigger squeeze, before gently starting to massage them with his fingertips. Chloe felt a chill run through her and let out a large breath. She started to feel some tingling in her nipples.
“You okay?” he asked nervously.
“Yeah—yeah, it’s good.”
Noah continued massaging and tracing around Chloe’s breasts, occasionally squeezing them, before giving a gentle squeeze to the nipples themselves. Chloe felt another slight chill go through her. The tingling inside her started spreading, and she could start to feel it in her pubic area now as well. She wanted more of this, and she wanted to return the favor to Noah as well.
“Do—do you mind if I start rubbing you some as well?” Chloe timidly asked.
“Uh, go ahead …” Noah consented. He was growing more confident now that he had gotten into a bit of a groove and with Chloe enjoying what he was doing.
Chloe turned around on the ottoman and saw Noah’s dick. It was already semi-hard and was already longer than the chocolate dick she had seen earlier. She tentatively took a gentle hold of it just to get a feel for it in her hand.
“I’m not really sure what I expected,” Chloe laughed, before starting to slide her hand gently up his dick, giving him squeezes here and there, before getting to the head. She gave his head a little squeeze as well, causing him to jump a little bit.
“You okay?” This time it was Chloe’s turn to ask.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he reassured her with a smile.
The pair tried to not let their arms get in the way of their mutual manual stimulation of each other. Chloe was increasingly getting a tingling feeling inside. She had felt it before when she was alone in her room at times, but this seemed different. Chloe could feel Noah’s dick get even harder in her hand as she continued to slowly stroke it.
“I hope I’m doing this right,” Chloe openly pondered as she continued to slowly move her hand up and down his shaft.
“You’re doing great, don’t worry,” Noah once again reassured her. “I didn’t think a girl's boobs would feel quite like this. It’s kinda fun.”
She let out a giggle. “You’re doing great too.”
Chloe could feel herself blushing, but she was far more relaxed now that she had been at almost any part of the night, although she could still feel her heart beating from either excitement or anticipation or both. The pair continued to silently rub each other for several more minutes.
“Hey Chloe?” Noah then asked.
“There’s been something I’ve always wanted to try. I hope I do it right, and if I do, I would be honored to be able to do it for you.”
Chloe was a bit confused but also intrigued. “Okay, what is it?” she inquired.
“Here,” Noah said as he held his arm out to help Chloe up, and then helped move her into a position he had envisioned: she was reclining back against the back armrest, and her left leg was hanging off the loveseat while the right one was laying on the cushions.
Noah then slowly leaned in and kissed Chloe’s left nipple, causing her to gasp. Noah then slowly rubbed a pair of fingers against her labia and around her clit, causing her to gasp again. She felt a slight jolt of energy shoot through her as he got dangerously close to her most sensitive parts. She felt a slight headrush, having someone do this to her for the first time.
“Just relax,” Noah advised with a smile, responding to Chloe’s surprise.
“Yeah,” Chloe acknowledged. She was at a loss for words right now in how to respond but relaxed back onto the loveseat to allow Noah to continue.
Chloe had to catch her breath a bit as Noah’s thumb brushed over her clitoral hood for the first time as he continued circling his fingers around her private areas. He also continued gently kissing and then sucking on and around her nipples. The tingling inside of her continued to expand and intensify. She grasped onto the arm and back of the loveseat just to give her hands something to do. She had, of course, played with herself some in her room, but it was a completely different experience having someone else do it to her.
Noah then started kissing between her breasts, then slowly moved down her body, kissing her stomach. This caused Chloe to let out a bit of a giggle as it felt a bit ticklish for him to do so. He continued running his fingers up and down her labia and around her clit, occasionally brushing against it. She could feel herself start to get hot, adding to the already warm and humid summer evening.
Chloe’s heart felt like it skipped a beat as his kisses continued to run down her body, over and around her pubic hair, and then finally just above her clit. She then felt another jolt shoot through her as she felt Noah’s tongue ever so gently press against her clit. She let out a sharp gasp in response.
Chloe’s breathing continued to get sharper, and she couldn’t help but start letting out a few moans as Noah continued to gently work on her. The feeling inside of her had now gone beyond anything else she had felt before, and she was having to fight the urge to squirm too much as her body was attempting to reflexively respond to the things she was feeling.
Now that Noah was using his mouth and tongue to stimulate her clit and labia, he moved his hands to continue teasing Chloe’s breasts, running his fingers lightly over them, continuing to give Chloe goosebumps. He ran his fingers down her sides, then up her stomach again, teasing and then squeezing her nipples.
Chloe was finding it harder to concentrate on anything. She laid her head back on the loveseat cushion behind her and was just taking in all of this stimulation. She felt like every muscle in her body might be tingling in excitement at this point, and the feelings and anticipation were starting to drive her mad. She felt like she was grasping the arm and back of the loveseat for dear life.
The tingling increased. The heat increased. Her muscles kept feeling like they were tightening up. Her body yearned for a release of this built-up tension. Would it ever happen? More heat. More tingling. More tightening. More tension. She could barely stand it.
Then it hit her. She let out a huge moan and involuntarily lifted her hips into the air as everything tightened at once. She would have covered her mouth to stop the lurid sounds emanating from it except her hands were too busy grasping onto the loveseat. A wave of indescribable pleasure and release then crashed throughout her body. She wondered if this was what it felt like to die and go to heaven.
Finally, the feeling subsided and she relaxed back into the seat and tried to catch her breath, sweating and trying to figure out exactly what had just happened.
“Well, that’s never happened before,” Chloe chuckled between breaths.
“You’ve … never had an orgasm before?” Noah asked, with a bit of surprise.
“Was that what that was? Uh, no, I guess not then,” she chuckled again. “Uh, that felt really good by the way,” she added with a playful giggle.
“Uh, yeah, It looked like it,” Noah grinned. “Wow, I knew no one would have eaten you out before, but I’m kinda honored to be your first orgasm as well. I mean—wow.”
Chloe found Noah’s dumbfounded face cute. Really cute. Before she almost realized it, she found herself leaning forward and giving him a kiss. She found it hard to comprehend what she was feeling. Joy? Excitement? Love? It was a jumble of what felt like a dozen different emotions rolled into one.
“That’s a thank you,” Chloe said with a smile once she broke the kiss off.
The two of them sheepishly looked at each other for a few moments before another voice suddenly interrupted them.
“Psst, you guys might want these,” Morgan whispered as she tossed a pair of condom packages on the sofa. “Don’t worry, we’ve made sure to put the ‘do not disturb’ signs up,” she added with a bit of a giggle. With that, she turned around and walked back into the house.
Chloe and Noah looked at each other and blushed hard. Neither had even really stopped to consider that they were doing this right there on the patio where anyone in the living room would likely be able to see.
Chloe knew Madison would want to observe her first sexual encounter, but she also felt that Kat and Morgan would likely try to keep her from gawking and give them privacy once they realized what she and Noah were up to. However, at least for Chloe’s part, she was feeling too good to think about it too hard.