Chapter 10: Noah
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—” Noah started apologizing for not realizing that he had just potentially eaten Chloe out in front of their friends.
“No, it’s okay, I didn’t think about it either,” Chloe reassured him before kissing him on the cheek to further reaffirm that she wasn’t mad. “Besides, I feel Kat and Morgan would make sure we had privacy once they figured out what we were doing.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Noah acknowledged, still a bit nervous. “They probably had to tie Madison to a chair, though,” he added with a chuckle.
“Yeah, probably,” she agreed with her own chuckle.
There was a brief awkward silence between the pair before Noah glanced at Chloe, then glanced at the condoms Morgan had tossed on the loveseat, then back towards Chloe again. He didn’t have to ask.
Chloe could feel her heart beat faster. Was she really going to do this with Noah? She wanted to, but should she? But this entire night was about her letting go and doing what she wanted to do and to forget worrying about what she “should” do. She bit her lip and silently nodded towards Noah.
“Do you think we should at least find a bedroom first?” Noah chuckled while fumbling around picking up the condoms.
Chloe let out a little giggle. “Yeah, probably.”
Noah held his arm out to help her up. When Chloe turned towards the house, she could see Morgan trying to herd everyone else away somewhere so that she and Noah wouldn’t have to awkwardly walk past them, and Chloe felt a sudden wave of appreciation for that effort.
They had gotten halfway up the stairs when Chloe suddenly heard Madison, in a very loud whisper, say “Second door to the right!”
Chloe just had to giggle, both because Madison knew what was about to happen and was probably gleeful, although sad she couldn’t watch; but also because Chloe was glad that Madison had anticipated a question she and Noah were likely to have once they got upstairs: which room should they pick?
Upon getting to the second floor, they quickly found the room in question. It appeared to be a guestroom with some sparse decorations in it but was clearly not in current use by anyone. Against the back wall lay the head of a queen bed. Chloe and Noah walked over and stood next to it. She was trembling and felt that he was as well.
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Noah asked, lightly running his hand through Chloe’s hair. “You know, I was thinking on the way up here, we’re going to be going to different colleges. Not even ones that are very close. We’re—we’re probably not going to be able to maintain anything once the summer is over. I just—I just want to make sure that this is still okay despite that.”
That was true. They would be several hours' drive away from each other—and that’s even assuming they had cars, which freshmen often didn’t. This would be, if not a one-time fling, certainly not a long-term thing. But the past hour or two she had spent with Noah were some of the most peaceful feeling and enjoyable hours of Chloe’s life.
“If I had to choose anyone for my first time to be with, it’d be with you,” Chloe finally admitted, getting a little teary-eyed as she looked up at Noah. He was, after all, a good foot taller than she was.
“I could say the same about you, ” Noah responded with a smile of his own.
“Um, so I guess—” she started, before pulling herself up on the bed, “I guess, I just lay down and—” Chloe swung around and laid down with her head on one of the pillows, opening her legs with bent knees so her knees were pointing out to either side, “like this?” she finally concluded.
Noah gave out a little chuckle. “Don’t ask me, this is my first time too. But I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
With that, he ripped open one of the packs of condoms, and read over the small printed instructions, just in case there was anything he needed to know that he wasn’t aware of. He then rolled the condom down over his fully erect penis and tried to inspect it to make sure everything looked right.
“Ready?” Noah asked Chloe once he was satisfied. Chloe just nodded.
Noah spit on his fingers and tried to wet the end of the condom a little bit before climbing on the bed over Chloe. She was blushing hard, but it was as much anticipation as anything else. To think that she was worried about what her parents might think about her bikini, and now here she was about to lose her virginity.
Noah took one last look up and down at Chloe’s naked form before finally slowly pushing himself into Chloe. Chloe gave a slight gasp as she felt him start to push into her and she felt a sudden rush. Noah stopped.
“You okay?” he asked worryingly.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Chloe reassured him, the anticipation dripping from her words.
Noah continued slowly pushing in. Chloe winced occasionally as a penis was stretching her vagina out for the very first time, but the few pings of pain soon gave way to a curious feeling of fullness within her that she found hard to fully comprehend. He pushed as far in as he felt comfortable, then started slowly pulling out.
This caused another series of sensations for Chloe as well, and she let out a slight moan. She started breathing sharply again. Oh my god, she was having sex. Her parents would be scandalized beyond belief if they found out. Chloe quickly shook the thought out of her head. It was long past worrying about what her parents thought or cared about. This was about what she wanted, and right now, she enjoyed the feeling of Noah slowly moving his cock in and out of her.
After the first few slow thrusts, Noah started to gain more confidence. He started to slowly increase his pace, looking down at Chloe to make sure he wasn’t doing anything to cause her any discomfort.
For her part, Chloe closed her eyes, laying her hands up next to her head. Her breathing increased as Noah continued to slowly increase his pace. The rhythmic feeling of being full, then empty, then full, then empty started to create its own sensation that started to build up, his cock stimulating different spots inside of her on each thrust.
He started to push into her with enough force that it was causing her breasts to start to wave up and down, causing her to start moaning even more. She was trying to comprehend everything that she was currently feeling. Amazement. Satisfaction. Fullness. Bliss. It was a blender of feelings and emotions that she didn’t have the concentration to even start trying to untangle at the moment.
Noah leaned over and started softly kissing Chloe, which she reciprocated, hungrily grabbing his head with her hands. She then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, not ever wanting to let him go. She wanted these feelings to last forever. She felt tingly and hot again. Not quite as strongly and in a bit different way from before, but it was building.
“Do you want to try another position?” he asked whispering in her ear.
“This is good,” Chloe breathed. “You’re doing great.” While the offer was tempting, what they were currently doing was working, and Chloe didn’t want to risk messing with it, at least not on their first try.
Noah nodded as he continued pumping in and out of Chloe, having found a rhythm that he felt comfortable with. Chloe started kissing him a bit more aggressively. She could also feel her vagina reflexively squeezing around his penis as he continued to thrust. Noah then started to slow down a bit.
“Everything okay?” Chloe asked between breaths.
“Yeah. I felt I was getting close so I thought I’d slow down for a while. I want to make it last as long as possible.”
For whatever reason, this amused Chloe. She wasn’t sure why, but it made her giggle. “You know what? You’re cute,” she remarked, smiling up at him.
“You only just realized?” Noah chuckled in response to the randomness of the comment.
“What? You are!” Chloe responded with her own laugh. “What would those assholes Eric and Mark say now if they knew what you were doing?” she continued to chuckle.
Eric and Mark were two of the boys who were well-known for picking on Noah through middle and early high school. Luckily, Noah being absorbed into Chloe’s friend group largely stopped that and also caused them to stumble around dumbfounded at how Noah had found himself friends with four of the most desirable girls in the school. They would certainly be gnashing their teeth flabbergasted over Noah having sex with one of them.
“If it weren’t for either of us not wanting this to get out, I’d almost want to brag about it to them, just to see their reactions. But I’m sure your parents would probably have about the same reaction as mine would to, well, this…” Noah remarked as he continued to slowly thrust his hips.
“I’m sure one day I’ll have to tell them. And I know what they’ll say. I just don’t care right now,” Chloe admitted, flashing another smile up to Noah. “Also, while I’m sure you’d love to get back at them, I’m not sure you’re the type to brag.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Noah chuckled. Aside from doing so being disrespectful to Chloe, it just wasn’t part of Noah’s personality to care about one-upping other boys from school.
“Ready to go some more?” Noah then asked, ready to increase gears again. Chloe nodded her head and smiled.
Noah slowly increased his pace again. Chloe could feel everything inside of her start to build again, and she closed her eyes. She wanted to focus all of her attention on the feeling of Noah being inside of her and the feelings spreading down her legs and up her torso.
Noah soon had increased his pace to be faster than what it was before, and Chloe couldn’t help but start softly moaning again. She grabbed her hair as the pleasurable feeling inched up her body even further.
Noah then started to moan himself. “Get ready,” he suddenly warned and then pushed in as hard as he could and let out a sustained moan, using his arm to prop himself up on the bed. Chloe could feel him pulsing inside of her, releasing his cum into the condom, creating yet another new sensation inside of her.
A feeling of appreciation and happiness washed over Chloe, and she gave him another prolonged kiss. They had just shared something intimate and sacred and she wanted to thank him for it.
Noah slowly pulled out, then rolled over to lay next to her, who leaned over and continued to kiss him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t make you cum again,” he regretfully remarked.
Chloe let out a slight giggle. “It’s okay. It was your turn anyway. Besides, we still have another condom. How was it?”
“It was … really good,” Noah tried to articulate what he had just experienced.
Chloe giggled again. “Yeah, same here.”
The pair lay there for the next few minutes, just goofily smiling at each other as they both took in what had just happened. Chloe couldn’t help but remember how she joked about them both being virgins earlier in the night and how, well, that wasn’t a problem anymore. She was surprised by how different she felt afterward. She felt like the Grinch in that old cartoon, except it was her confidence that grew three sizes that day.
Finally, Noah swung his legs off the bed. He carefully slipped the condom off of himself and held it up, looking at it with almost a strange sense of intrigue. Chloe soon joined him at the edge of the bed.
“So that’s what comes out huh?” Chloe asked curiously, tilting her head to look at it from a different angle.
“Yeah. Uh, I guess I should trash this,” he remarked as he stood up and walked over to a small trash can next to a dresser, before walking back. Chloe couldn’t help but notice that he had gotten soft again and giggled a bit.
“What?” Noah questioned with a slight laugh as he sat on the edge of the bed again.
“Just floppy again,” Chloe noted, grabbing his flaccid penis and flopping it back and forth.
“It won’t be for long if you keep doing that,” he chuckled with a wry smile.
“Good,” she replied with a grin, leaning over and kissing him again as she ran her fingers up and down his cock. She could already feel it starting to get hard again.
“I guess I should return the favor,” she then remarked.
“What do you mean?” Noah inquired with a confused look.
Chloe simply smirked at him, then got off the bed and on her knees in front of him, using her hands to indicate to him to spread his legs. She then took a hold of his cock and slowly lowered her mouth over it. She was about to see how different a real cock would feel from the chocolate one from earlier in the night.
She used her mouth and tongue to move it around slightly in her mouth, as it was still not fully hard. However, that situation changed pretty quickly. She held onto the base as she started bobbing up and down on his increasingly hardening shaft. It may not be quite as delicious as the chocolate cock from earlier, but it was a bit easier to handle, at least in the sense that it wasn’t melting everywhere. She glanced up at Noah, who was propping himself up with his arms, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the sensations.
She tried mimicking some of the sucking and tongue movements she had used before on the chocolate version, hoping that it felt good. She continued to glance up to tell if anything she was doing was causing Noah to have more or less reactions. By this point, he was now fully hard inside of her mouth. Occasionally Noah would let out a sharp breath, and Chloe noted that whatever she had just done seemed to feel good and to do it again.
Chloe internally chuckled to herself. The two cocks she had sucked were proceeding in completely opposite directions: the chocolate one started hard and got softer as she continued. Noah’s, however, started softer and got harder as she continued. If only Madison knew she was sucking on an actual cock right now.
“Do you want to try a new position? Before I cum in your mouth? I mean, you can keep going if you want to, I was just thinking it might be better …” Noah started to suggest.
“Oh, um, sure. Any ideas?” Chloe asked once she pulled her mouth off of him.
Noah blushed. “I’ve always had fantasies of one. I just want to make sure you are okay with it.”
Chloe stood up and then kissed him. “What is it?”
“Do you want to bend over the edge of the bed?”
Chloe then bent over the bed next to Noah, resting on her forearms, her butt sticking out next to him. She looked back at him. “Like this?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s good,” he nodded. Noah then quickly walked over to the bedside table where the other condom lay, ripped open the package, and put it on before walking back behind Chloe. “If you feel uncomfortable at all, let me know, okay?”
Chloe shook her head in acknowledgment. “Okay.”
Noah once again spit on his fingers and lubricated the end of the condom, although Chloe was wet enough at this point that he probably didn’t need to. He put his hands on her hips and then slowly pushed himself into her pussy from behind.
Chloe gasped. She was surprised at the different sensations she was feeling from this position. She figured that having sex would just feel like having sex, but while this did feel similar, it also felt quite a bit different. Noah was particularly rubbing against a spot inside her which immediately caused her to start feeling hot and tingly again.
“Oh gosh!” she almost involuntarily let out as she grasped the bedsheets around her.
“You good?” Noah asked as he continued his initial slow pace.
“Yes, very,” Chloe chuckled, looking back at him.
Noah started increasing his pace, however at a quicker rate than before. Chloe started moaning into the sheets and grasped them even tighter. What was this feeling? It was different than both her being eaten out and their first session having sex. Her heart was racing as she felt the heat and tingling quickly grow once again. The spot his cock was rubbing against almost felt like a constant tickle that kept building and wouldn’t go away.
Soon Noah was pounding her so hard the sound of his thighs slapping against her buttcheeks rung out through the bedroom. Chloe tried not to make such lurid and vulgar moaning sounds but it was too much to hold back the noises. The best she could do was try to muffle them among the bedsheets. She also felt even more full this time. She was pretty sure that, unlike their first session, Noah was able to get most, if not all, of his cock inside of her.
Chloe felt like she was losing control. She felt like an animal succumbing to her basest passions, and she loved the feeling of it. There were no other cares in the world, just the feeling of Noah fucking her. Jolts of ecstasy occasionally bolted through as the pressure kept rapidly building within her.
Then it hit her. All of her muscles clenched and Chloe let out a light scream and she tried stuffing the bedsheet into her mouth to keep it from being too loud. She felt chills and jolts pulse through her. She felt her vagina tighten around Noah’s cock, causing him to moan in response. This was an even stronger orgasm than the one she had previously, and she tried to ride through it, simultaneously hoping for it to end and for it to never end.
Finally, everything released and she gasped, her head ringing from what had just happened. She could feel the cool air in the room whiff past her sweat-covered skin. Noah started to moan, and soon he shoved himself into her once again, pulsing out his cum into the condom.
He put his hands down on the bed on either side of Chloe to catch his breath and recover. She lay on the bed trying to do the same, before letting out a giggle.
“Wow,” was the only thing she could get out at the moment.
“Did you orgasm again there?” he inquired, leaning over and kissing her on the back.
“Yeah. Did you feel it?” she giggled.
“It felt like a vacuum cleaner,” Noah chuckled.
Chloe laughed. “Do you have a lot of experience with that?”
“Well, no, not exactly.” He pulled out of her once again. This allowed Chloe to roll over so she was face up again.
“I think I need a shower,” she admitted. “Wanna join me?”
“We’re out of condoms,” Noah noted as he tossed the second one away with the first.
“We still have our hands,” Chloe grinned as she sat up.

Noah and Chloe then gave each other a look. She giggled as she slid off the bed and grabbed Noah’s hand, skipping into the bathroom attached to the bedroom.
This had turned into the best birthday - and the best birthday gift - of her life.
Chapter 11: A New Day
The next morning, Chloe slowly faded into consciousness, hearing birds singing outside and the sunlight shining into the room. She was lying on the bed, still naked, Noah lying behind her hugging her.
She lay there and thought about the previous night. She let out a slight giggle, remembering that she had accidentally made Noah cum in the shower just from aggressively rubbing his cock with her soap-covered hands. Something about the sensation had caused him to shoot in mere seconds. Noah was kind enough to return the favor for her, fingering her until she orgasmed again. The pair then properly cleaned up before finally collapsing onto the bed and falling asleep as they were now.
Chloe gently raised Noah’s arm so she could quietly slide out of bed. Once out, she looked at him sleeping away like a baby, and just smiled. Chloe then realized all of her clothes were downstairs. She briefly thought about grabbing one of the towels from the shower but decided she wasn’t all that bothered by being nude at the moment and quietly exited the bedroom and headed downstairs.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Madison remarked with a grin as Chloe made her way into the kitchen where Madison was sitting, “like clothes?” Madison was back in a pair of short black shorts and a white tank top herself, eating cereal at the kitchen table.
“All of my clothes are down here,” Chloe shrugged. She was now at the bottom of the stairs. She could either take a right to the bathroom where her change of clothes were, or left into the kitchen. Chloe considered for a moment and realized she liked what she was feeling at the moment, and took the left turn. She rummaged through a cabinet to grab a bowl to get herself cereal. “I actually don’t mind going like this. It feels freeing.”
Madison suddenly got a devious smile on her face. “My, have we unlocked a latent exhibitionist here?” she chuckled before eating another spoonful of cereal.
“What? No! It’s not like that. It’s just, I don’t know. I just don’t feel like I need to get dressed, you know?” Chloe tried to explain, pouring a bowl full of frosted flakes before grabbing milk out of the fridge and pouring it over the cereal.
“You may or may not be surprised to hear but I do know,” Madison replied, rather matter-of-factly.
“Really?” Chloe responded in surprise before sitting next to Madison to start chowing down on her breakfast.
“Yeah, I get it. Just feels nice and freeing, right? There’s just not many opportunities to just let it go free.” Madison grumbled.
“Yeah, I guess. So I guess I should probably take advantage of the chances while I can, right?” Chloe said between bites.
“Alright, that’s it then,” Madison declared, suddenly getting up. She then walked over to one of the chairs in the neighboring living room, slipped off her clothes, tossed them on the chair, and then returned to Chloe to continue eating her breakfast, also naked.
“You didn’t have to do that for my sake,” Chloe laughed.
“It wasn’t. You just encouraged me to do what I already wanted to do anyway. Thanks.” Madison said with a beaming smile.
“Me encouraging you? That’s gotta be a first,” Chloe remarked with a bigger laugh, with Madison joining in. “So, where is everybody else?” Chloe then inquired.
“Well, I assume lover boy is still in bed,” Madison started to answer, which Chloe acknowledged with a muffled acknowledgment with cereal in her mouth. “As for everyone else, well, let’s just say Kat and Morgan demanded that they get even with our agreement over Jason.”
Chloe was first confused by this, and Madison seemed to be able to see the confusion on her face and gave out a little laugh. Then a light clicked in Chloe’s brain, and she swallowed her current mouthful of cereal.
“Oh. OH!” she exclaimed, putting her hand over her mouth in surprise.
“Yeah, you weren’t the only one getting some last night. In fact, I think I’m the only one that got left out! Imagine that!” Madison admitted with another laugh. “Luckily I have other methods.”
Chloe could only imagine what some of those “other methods” included.
She then heard another pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. This time it was Noah, and he had opted to wrap himself in a towel.
“Good morning!” Madison said, raising her hand and waving.
“Eschewing clothes again this morning, huh?” Noah laughed, seemingly not surprised by the discovery that Madison was still naked.
“Can you believe it, SHE is the one who persuaded me to do it!” Madison noted, pointing at Chloe with both of her hands. If Noah hadn’t noticed that Chloe was also naked before, he certainly did now.
“I did NO SUCH THING!” Chloe protested with a laugh, looking back and forth between Madison and Noah.
“What do you mean? I was dressed when you came rumbling down the stairs naked saying how it felt so great! So I decided to join you!” Madison continued to laugh.
“I…I’m just gonna go get dressed if you don’t mind,” Noah sleepily remarked.
Chloe was about to respond when suddenly Madison preempted her with a “Suit yourself!”
Noah quietly picked up the clothes he had shed the previous evening and carried them into the bathroom. Chloe, feeling something may not be entirely right, slid out of her chair and followed him in, closing the door behind them.
“Is something wrong?” she asked anxiously.
“No, it’s just … I woke up and you weren’t there, so I was afraid you had run away or something,” Noah admitted as he pulled his pants back on.
Chloe gave a little giggle. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to bother you is all. You looked so peaceful sleeping there.”
Noah slid his shirt on and then turned to face Chloe. “I hope—I hope you don’t regret anything from last night.”
Chloe flashed him a reassuring smile. “No, not at all.” She then gave him a kiss and a hug. “I know that circumstances will keep me from being your girl. I just want you to know that whoever it ends up being is going to be very lucky. You are incredibly sweet and kind. And not too bad in bed either,” Chloe grinned.
Noah, ran his hand through her hair as she hugged him. “Same for you. Someone out there is going to be incredibly lucky.” He then separated from her hug and looked down at her.
“Chloe Black, if we don’t get to see each other again before the summer is over, please have a safe and wonderful summer, success with your classes, and may you find someone worthy of you to be with.” He then bent over and gave Chloe a soft kiss, which she reciprocated, a couple of tears running down her face.
“Unfortunately I have work, so I’m going to need to go home and get changed,” he added after breaking off the kiss. Chloe just nodded in acknowledgment, afraid she might start bawling if she tried to say anything. Noah then exited the bathroom. Chloe could hear him bid farewell to Madison, before exiting the house.
After wiping tears from her eyes for a couple of minutes, Chloe left the bathroom herself.
“You two could still work someday, you know. You don’t have to marry someone in college,” Madison remarked upon seeing her. She seemed more serious than Chloe had ever seen her.
“Yeah, maybe,” Chloe acknowledged, still tearing up a bit. Now that Noah had gone, she felt like a big pit in her stomach had opened. Not because she regretted anything she had done with him, but over the fact that even if they saw each other again over the summer, their time together was limited.
Madison got up out of her chair, walked over to Chloe, and extended her hand. “Here,” she offered.
A bit confused, Chloe reached out and took it. Madison then grabbed her by the wrist and started running through the house, giggling.
“What…?” Chloe started to ask, being taken for a ride. It soon became clear why. Madison threw open the sliding door to the patio and pulled her through it.
“C’mon. Last one in has to pay for coffee next time,” Madison remarked with a grin, pulling her towards the pool.
Seeing what Madison had in mind, Chloe relented, Madison’s challenge motivating her. “I’ll make sure to get the most expensive thing on the menu!” Chloe yelled as she started sprinting towards the pool.
“Shit!” Madison exclaimed, more in surprise that Chloe took off running ahead of her than the prospect of having to pay. She started sprinting after her.
Chloe jumped, just beating Madison into the pool.
“Thank god, the pool is heated,” Madison added after they had already jumped in. “You know what, you made my life a lot harder,” she added.
“Why’s that?” Chloe asked curiously as she started wading around the pool.
“It’s going to be a lot more difficult to come up with things that I have to convince you to do from now on.”
Chloe and Madison swam around for a little bit before deciding to get out again.
“Remember, your treat next time,” Chloe chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah,” Madison grumbled.
Chloe was wiping herself off with a towel as Jason clambered down the stairs, soon followed by Kat and Morgan. They were all dressed and Chloe guessed they must have grabbed their clothes before heading up last night. Jason did a double-take when seeing Chloe, still naked.
“Um, hello?” he laughed.
“Good morning,” Chloe innocently smiled in return, not even attempting to cover up.
“What have you done with the real Chloe,” James chuckled as he entered the living room.
“She’s dead. We killed her last night,” Madison smirked.
“Well, I could get used to this,” Jason also smirked, looking Chloe up and down. This caused Chloe to blush for the first time that morning.
“You could fuck Jason. There’s still time,” Madison joked.
“Madison!” Chloe exclaimed, now blushing hard again.
“There she is,” Jason smiled at Chloe’s response.
“Okay, so we still have some work to do,” Madison grinned, hugging Chloe with her arm.
“You’re just trying to find an excuse to get with him again,” Morgan laughed as she entered the living room behind Jason. “Also, why are you two both still naked?”
“Well—” Chloe started before Madison interrupted her.
“Well, Chloe here decided she’d rather eat breakfast naked, so I decided to join her. Then we went swimming some,” Madison explained.
“How was your night, Kat?” Chloe then asked the redhead as she groggily joined the group.
“Ah, it was, um, fun,” she chuckled in response.
“I’ll say,” Morgan added.
“Not to brag, but I think I came out on top here,” Jason chimed in with a laugh.
“You weren’t on top last night,” Morgan grinned.
“Oooooh,” Madison trilled.
“What …?” Chloe inquired, not getting what they were implying.
Madison laughed. “You still have a lot to learn,” she remarked as she leaned over and kissed Chloe on the cheek.
Chapter 12: Summer's End
Chloe went home from the party, feeling like a new person. She hated having to hide yet more of herself from her parents, but she felt that, for the time being, it was still for the best. She felt she should probably at least get a bit more independent from them before breaking the news that she was no longer the sweet innocent girl they believed her to be. Unfortunately, this also meant trying to keep up her sweet, sheltered girl routine around them for the rest of the summer.
As for Noah, he and Chloe did find time for two more rendezvous before summer ended. The pair treated them as if they were full-on dates, even though they both knew that their relationship very likely couldn’t last once they headed their separate ways for college. The weekend before they had to leave, the pair had a tearful goodbye, making passionate love as if it would be their last time because it very likely was between the two.
Chloe was even able to attend one more party at Madison’s house before the summer ended: a girls-only naked from start-to-finish pool party. The girls talked about clothes, boys, and everything else that had happened over the summer. The highlight of the night was doing a Zoom call with Jason, who was not expecting to pick up to see four naked women on the other side of the call. He concluded the call by jacking off to completion, to cheers from the girls. Chloe, particularly, was taking mental notes about how he handled himself, pondering if doing so might come in useful someday.
The week before going to college, Madison also took Chloe on a massive shopping trip to buy her “appropriate”—or, as Chloe joked, what her parents would call inappropriate—clothes for college. A lot of outfits that were tighter, smaller, and showed more skin than anything in her current wardrobe. They were hardly anything scandalous, but Chloe’s closet was almost exclusively full of baggy shirts and jeans, so she was happy to diversify. Madison promised to ship them all to Chloe once she was at college, as there was no way Chloe could smuggle them all past her parents.
But now, the summer fun was over. Chloe’s parents were packing everything she needed into their car. She wasn’t allowed to have a car on campus as a freshman, so her parents were going to have to drive her there. They would have come anyway to help her move in, but not having a car readily available was somewhat annoying to her.
“Oh, don’t worry, Hunny, we’re only four hour's drive away if you need anything,” her mother reassured her after Chloe fretted on the matter one last time.
“I know. I just don’t want to have to bother you if it’s something dumb is all,” Chloe sighed, before heading back into the house to finish packing things.
Chloe walked up the stairs to her room. It was a lot emptier than she was used to. She couldn’t bring everything to college, of course, but she decided to bring a surprising number of items, despite swearing that she would try to avoid that. In any case, her room was cleaner than it had been in years, and this was with her parents insisting she keep it tidied up.
She grabbed her backpack from high school. She figured it might still be useful in college, and even if not, she could pack the final belongings before leaving.
She opened a drawer in the middle of her dresser. This was, she hoped, the last inconspicuous location to keep what she considered to be “contraband” from her parents that she hadn’t emptied yet. She pulled out Madison’s “Eat a Bag of Dicks” book from her birthday, as well as her folded swimsuit.
Chloe looked at the swimsuit and gave a little laugh. She stressed so much over selecting it, wondering if it showed too much or was too conservative, and then ended up being out of it in 90 minutes and spending the rest of the night and the next morning naked. Madison and Chloe had even picked out a more revealing suit during their shopping trip. Chloe still didn’t go for the full Madison swimsuit experience, but it still showed more than the suit she had sweated so much over. Even with the new suit, she figured having a backup still wasn’t a bad idea.
She packed the swimsuit and the book in the backpack. She then looked at the final two items she wanted to pack, both of which were sitting on top of her dresser. The first was the whiteboard that Kat gave her. Chloe picked it up and smiled, her scribbled “Thank you!” still on the board, below the reminder to remember how awesome she was.
“I will, Kat,” she said to herself, a tear trying to form in her eye, before placing the item into her backpack.
The second item was Noah’s book. She picked it up and let out a sigh, giving the cover a small kiss. She cherished the few fleeting weeks she spent with Noah as more than just a friend and wondered if there might still be some way to rekindle that spark again someday. But for now, that adventure was over. She was leaving for college that afternoon and he had already departed a couple of days prior in order to attend a college in the opposite direction.
Chloe had tried to mentally prepare herself for this, but she was still downhearted about it. But both Madison and Noah had encouraged her to find someone new at college, so she hoped there would be someone there who would inspire her and make her feel like Noah had.
She let out another sigh as she put the book into her bag, followed by various other miscellaneous items that still needed to be packed that just hadn’t fit anywhere else. Finally satisfied, she zipped the backpack up, put it on her back, and started downstairs.
Halfway down the stairs, her phone buzzed with a notification. Chloe opened it up and saw it was a text message from Madison with an image attached. Thinking nothing of it, Chloe opened it and found that it was a picture of Madison taking a selfie, pulling her shirt up, and exposing her breasts, with the words “BOOBS!” typed under the picture.
“Madison!” Chloe whispered anxiously, as if she was there to hear it, and quickly exited out of the texting app. Chloe looked around to see if anyone might have seen or heard her, and luckily no one had. After calming down from the sudden panic that her parents might have seen the message, Chloe shook her head and gave a little laugh. She would have to see if she could return the message when she had the chance once she got settled in at college.
Chloe reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the door. She then turned around and looked around. She wasn’t sure why she felt like this was a goodbye. She’d be there again at least for Thanksgiving and Christmas, if not before, but it still felt like one. She was going somewhere new—somewhere her parents weren’t—for an extended period for the first time in her life. There was something anxious, but also something exciting, about the prospect.
“Dear, is something wrong?” Chloe heard her mother ask from outside.
“Ah, no. Just … taking things in,” Chloe admitted as she headed out the door, pulling it closed behind her.
She slipped into the backseat of the car, next to boxes that were to move in with her into her dorm room. She watched as the car pulled away from their house, off to a new adventure. Chloe felt that something that night had changed something in her. She thought she’d be a lot more anxious—afraid, even—of this day. But now she felt confident. She wanted to meet new friends and experience new things.
She was a long way from the girl trying to make herself look invisible while waiting for her best friend in the middle of a coffee shop.