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Lily's First Time

"What should be a special day goes badly awry..."

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The house was practically shaking, so loud was the music at Lily’s eighteenth birthday party. Her parents had told her that the volume had to come down at eleven, and if the police were called, she would be in big trouble, so she was watching the time carefully. Luckily, it wasn’t just her birthday that evening; it was also the night of a festival in the town, so a lot of locals were out, anyway.

Lily took a drink of wine and went to the bathroom to fix her hair, which was long (too long, her parents said), brown and wavy. She had brown eyes and a few freckles around her nose that she’d hoped would have faded by now. Oh well. She rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash, anxious that her breath be sweet for what she hoped would soon be happening.

Eric was downstairs, in the milieu of friends and classmates from her year at school. She’d had a crush on him since forever, but since they would soon be leaving town for college, she knew time was against her. And what better night to reel him in than her own birthday? She looked at herself in the mirror. Still a virgin. Only two boys kissed and not one proper boyfriend. Not much to show for eighteen years of life, was it? Lily stood at the mirror, psyching herself up for the attempt.

They’d been kissing at parties for as long as anybody could remember. There hadn’t been anyone else for as long as she could remember. Lily had intended to give her virginity to Eric for ages, but they had always just about stayed on the friend side of the fence. With a potential parting for college looming, the day was approaching when it had to be all or nothing, and tonight Lily was going to make the case for all.

Lily left the bathroom and ran straight into Ana and Max, holding hands.

“Can we…use one of the rooms?” Max asked sheepishly.

“My room is the one with the blue door. Stay out of there. Use the red one, it’s my sister’s.”

Shaking her head, she headed downstairs. The crowd had thinned out a little.

“Where have people gone?” she asked her friend, Laura.

“To the beach,” Laura said, “Joaquim’s had too much to drink and gone home. And Ana and Max are getting it on upstairs!”

“Have you seen Eric?” she asked, praying he hadn’t gone out.

“Now why would you want to know that?” Laura teased.

Lily blushed and looked down.

“He’s in the kitchen with the twins. Go reel him in.”

Lily made her way through the mess to the kitchen. The cleanup was going to be hell tomorrow, she could see, but the party hadn’t got properly out of hand at least. There was Eric, tall, like her, and smartly dressed in blue shirt and black trousers. He had a blonde crew cut. He was talking to Alba and Andrea, twin sisters from the class. He wasn’t into them, surely?

Lily sidled up to the trio and said, “Hi!”.

“Great party, Lily!”

“Yeah, thanks for hosting!” Eric said.

“Welcome! It’s been a good night.”

“It has, but all good things must come to an end. Our parents want us home at midnight and there’s only one more bus. We were about to find you and say our goodbyes,” Alba said.

Lily rejoiced inwardly…she’d have Eric to herself! The twins said their farewells, leaving Eric and Lily in the kitchen.

“You look nice!” Eric said.

“Thanks. You too!”

“Some of the guys have gone to the beach. We could join them?”

“No, I promised my parents I’d be here to keep an eye on things. Drink?”

“Sure, why not?”

Lily brushed Eric’s arm as she stepped past him to fix them both a wine, then she stood a little closer to Eric. She clinked their glasses, then looked into his eyes, flicking her hair with a smile. The gesture was not lost on him, for he brushed her arm gently. Lily kicked the kitchen door closed with her right leg.

“You really do look great,” she said softly.

“So do you,” and he put his glass down. Eric put his arms around her and pulled her close. Lily felt his grip, firm but gentle. She was pulled towards him, then she leaned up and kissed him. They locked lips first, and she felt his breath through his nose, felt his fingers brush aside the hair from her neck, felt him caress the skin on her neck. She pushed her tongue gently forward between her lips and up to his mouth, then she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She explored his teeth and licked as deep as she could go, feeling her pussy respond as the kiss turned her on. Eric put her hand on her hip, then moved it to her bottom.

The door burst open, and Laura entered, tottering a little. Seeing them, she froze in the doorway, then hurried out, giggling.

“Let’s continue this in private,” Lily said.

“Yeah? Where?”

“Upstairs. It’s my house, remember! I do have a bedroom!”

“Right! Sounds great!”

They took hands and made their way to the stairs. There weren’t many people left now, just a few guys shooting the breeze. Lilly and Eric hurried upstairs and into her bedroom, which Lily locked behind her.

Not another word was spoken, but they fell to kissing standing right there in the room. Their hands roamed across their bodies, and Lily felt Eric harden through his trousers. How far would she go with him? She wanted to have sex, but she didn’t want to lose her virginity in a hurry, needing to get back to the party. She whispered into his ear,

“We’ll go halfway today. And all the way next time, ok?”

Eric nodded eagerly then resumed kissing her. Oh, she wanted him so bad! It was time to escalate. 

Lily guided him to sit down on the bed, and she sat next to him. She reached down and pulled her T-shirt off. Reaching back, she unhooked her bra, then she took Eric’s hand, which was practically shaking, and guided it to her bare breast. She suddenly was struck by the thought that they were mirroring a scene in Forrest Gump, a movie her dad loved. Eric caressed her breast with his hand, just like Forrest did to Jenny in the movie.

Eric leaned close to kiss her again, then he reached with one hand to her jeans. Lily knew that if she got naked, she wouldn’t be able to stop. She guided his hand away from her jeans. But she didn’t object when Eric lowered his suit pants, and Lily saw his penis was bulging out of his boxer shorts.

They sat on the bed again. Making out, she rubbed his bare thighs while he returned to fondling her breasts. Eric pinched her nipple and a fissure of pleasure shivered through her chest.

Suddenly, from the next room, they heard Ana squeal as if in the throes of orgasm. They both giggled, then Eric held her close and whispered,

“Oh, I want to do it so bad.”

Lilly kissed him and said (though Eric’s attention was divided between her words and listening to Ana’s shrill cries),

“I know. We will. Just not in a rush. Now, let’s get those boxers off.”

Eric stood and yanked them down, then he half sat on the bed. Lily saw that Eric was better endowed than she’d expected. It was long and thick and cut. It looked sexy has hell, and she couldn’t wait to get it between her legs. She slipped off the bed, knelt between his legs and took his penis in her hands and jerked it a few times. She had to open wide to get it into her mouth, and she thrilled when Eric gave a “Wow!” as she began to suck him.  

First, she applied suction to the round end of his cock. She felt his eyes on her as she went to work, and she wished she could know how it felt for him. Then, Lily used her tongue on his shaft, licking it up and down. Eric’s cock glistened with saliva. Lily raised her head up, then plunged it down around his cock. She pursed her lips around it and gave it a long, slow suck.

“Ohhh…” Eric moaned.

Lily smiled. She went back down and gave a hard suck, and then the boy gave a cry. Eric’s cum shot out of his cock and she felt it running off her tongue. Her first blowjob had lasted around two minutes.

“Oh, Jesus! Sorry, Lily. I’m sorry!” Eric was gasping.

“It’s fine,” she said. Actually, it was more than fine. She could hardly believe she’d had such a powerful effect on him. She felt…hot!

 “That was my first blowjob,” Eric said sheepishly.

“It’s fine, Eric.”

“It was amazing, though! You were…really good!”

“Thank you!”

“Was it your…”


“I’ll help you cum, ok? I promise. I owe you one.”

Lily giggled, wondering how Eric planned to bring that about. Next door had gone quiet.

“I should get back downstairs,” Lily said.

“No, don’t. I want to touch you!”

“You can. Just not now, ok? You can nap or get dressed and come downstairs when you’re ready.”

But Eric did not appear downstairs again that evening. Lily thought she heard five trips to the bathroom from upstairs, which was odd, because there were only three people there. When she went up to her room, Eric was fast asleep on the bed. He looked kind of pale. She curled up next to him and dropped off herself.


“How was the party, love?” Her dad asked.

In her mind’s eye, Eric’s erect cock, moist and trembling, was once again an inch from her face.

“Pretty good, thanks, dad.”

“Any plans this weekend?”

“Since you ask, I have a date.”

“Oh? And who is the lucky young man?”

“Eric. You’ve met him, he’s in my class. Tall, blonde. Handsome.”

“Well, don’t stay out too late. Have fun!”

But they needed an alternative venue, as he would be home that night, as would Eric’s parents.

“We could get a hotel?” Eric suggested.

“Nah, too expensive for a couple of hours.”

“Then all we can do is wait until one of our homes is empty,” Eric said glumly.

But the answer to their prayers came unexpectedly.

“Thanks for letting us do it at your place,” Ana messaged Lily a day later. “I have a spare room. If I can return the favour, just let me know, we’ll fix something up!”

It was too good to be true! Ana, they knew, lived alone in a place bequeathed to her by her grandmother. They arranged a date. Ana promised to make herself scarce.

“Please only use the spare room, not my room. I’d appreciate it if you strip the bed afterwards. Leave the keys through the letterbox, I have a set. Enjoy!”


Lily and Eric met at the metro station that would take them to Ana’s house. Eric had two bunches of flowers in his hand.

“One of those had better be for me!” laughed Lily.

“One for you, one for Ana.”

“That’s sweet of you!”

They went condom shopping together.

“XXL, I think!” giggled Eric. Lily laughed then leaned up and whispered into his ear,

“It WAS bigger than I’d expected but double XL is pushing it a bit!”

Eric grinned at the compliment. That exchange, and browsing the condoms, got her thinking about his cock again. It apparently had the same effect on him, for she noticed a slight bulge in his trousers. Oh, this was going to be awesome! She actually felt herself grow a little wet between the legs.

Lily stood in line with the condoms in one hand and Eric’s hand in the other. She felt so grown up! She was nervous, though. Not scared but nervous. She was quite glad she’d had the hour at her place. He’d seen her breasts and she’d seen his cock. They were halfway there already.

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But what would it feel like to be penetrated for the first time? She was tingling with anticipation.

“Don’t forget, I owe you an orgasm. We’re not leaving until you’ve had one.”

“Oh yeah? That’s a promise, is it?”

“I am a man of my word!”

Lily smiled. When he saw that, Eric said,

“Hey, I mean it! You are going to cum tonight!”

Just then, his stomach rumbled and cramped slightly. Lily was not looking at him that second, so she didn’t see the wince on his face. Eric suddenly needed the bathroom quite badly.

Making use of a public toilet in the station, to his horror, he found he had diarrhea. Of all the days! But he felt better when he had relieved himself. Please God, just be a one off, he thought, like the time at her house had been. He had felt fine on awakening the morning after the party.

He said nothing to Lily of his discomfort, hoping it would pass and not wishing to kill the mood.

When they got to the place Lily felt her heart rate increase suddenly. No turning back now. They set out the flowers in water and Eric fixed them some drinks. Sitting on high stools, they made out. Eric ran his fingers through her long brown hair. His breath was sweet and his scent warm and masculine. They had a long kissing session. Eric put his hand on her thigh and Lily put hers on his arm, rubbing it gently. Then, to his acute embarrassment, his tummy rumbled again. They giggled at this together.

“When you’re ready,” she whispered. Eric nodded. They both got up and she led him by the hand to the bedroom. Once they were inside, she kicked the door closed, reached down, and flung her t-shirt off. Then, she undid her jeans and dropped them.

“Hey, you’re not messing around!” giggled Eric.

“No. Tonight I say goodbye to my virginity!” she said proudly, then added,

“And Eric, I’m really glad it’s with you.”

“Aw, thanks Lily. I’m glad my first time is with you too. Come here and let me take a closer look!”

Lily stepped forward. Sitting on the bed, Eric put one hand on each of her hips, then leaned forward and kissed her right on her belly button. She giggled. Then he did it again, then he circled it with kisses. Lily thought this strange…she’d expected him to make a beeline for her breasts. Instead, he kissed her stomach tenderly, lovingly.

“Kiss me!” she cried, kneeling to his level. He did. When they broke the kiss, Lily felt his eyes on her body, and watched him rub his cock through his jeans.

“Right, get that shirt off, young man! It’s ungentlemanly to be dressed when a lady is in her underwear!”

 Eric pulled his T-shirt off, then shed his trousers and his clothes landed on top of hers, as if the garments were imitating the position their owners would soon be adopting.

“My, I seem to have dropped something!” Lily said playfully, then she turned away from him, stepped so her back was just a yard from where Eric was sat then, slowly, she bent over.

With her ass just a yard from Eric, Lily slowly pulled her panties down.

“Wow!” said Eric, half to himself as he saw her ass stretch tighter and tighter, saw her pussy appear beneath her crack. He was transfixed by her naked buttocks and reached out to touch them.

“You have an amazing body, Lily,” he murmured.

“Thank you,” she said, starting to feel silly bent over like that. Oh well, Eric wasn’t complaining. He was caressing her cheeks with the palm of his hand.

Lily stood a moment later, then she unhooked her bra and tossed it casually aside. She stood facing him, hand on hips. Eric looked at her dumbfounded. She was as naked as the day she was born and yet she looked so…confident. So fearless in baring her body. He decided that he wanted to show self-confidence too, although he was getting very nervous about the task of satisfying her.

“Well, here goes!” he said, stretching the elastic of his boxers over his now hard cock. He pulled them down.

“How shall we start?”

“Get on the bed,” Eric said, “I owe you some attention.”

“Actually, now you mention it, I do have a vague memory of us doing something together a week ago. I just can’t quite place it…”

“I remember!”

“Oh? And what is it that’s slipped my mind, young man?”

“You…sort of…sucked my cock!”

“No, surely I’d remember something like that!” said Lily and, with a laugh, she jumped onto the bed. She lay on her back and fluffed the pillow beneath her head.

“Come. Kiss me.”

Eric didn’t need asking again. As he tickled her tonsils and there was a tango between their tongues, Lily guided his fingers to her crotch and had him work his way in.

“My clit needs touching,” she whispered. “I’ll help you find it.”

She guided Eric’s fingers to the spot where it felt best.

“There. Get stroking.”

He did. Eric rotated his fingers in a circular motion. Lily kissed him as he twisted his fingers inside her. She closed her eyes and reached blindly for his cock but was only able to reach the very end of it.

“That’s good. That’s really good!” she murmured. It was like…a radiator warming up inside her. It felt lovely. So, she was less than delighted when Eric abruptly withdrew his fingers.

“Hey, I was enjoying that!”

“I’ll be back there in good time, don’t worry!”

Eric was as good as his word. He kissed her mouth and plastered her neck with smooches. Moving down, he nibbled and sucked gently on both her nipples. He kissed her belly button six, eight, ten times. He gently parted then kissed her inner thighs. And then, to her amazement, she felt him begin to kiss and lick the lips of her pussy!


“I want to. Is it ok?”   

Lily closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

“Yes. You just took me by surprise. Proceed!” and she sat up a very little to watch him between her legs.

He licked her gently, lovingly. He licked her up and down, and when he hit a sweet spot, she made sure to give a, “Oo!” Lily looked down at him. It was quite the oddest angle from which she’d ever seen a man! Eric’s head was like that of some giant, handsome monster appearing over the horizon.

“Oh, it feels really good. There! Just there!” Eric obeyed Lily’s every command and soon she was panting.

“Shall I carry on? Or do you want me inside you?” he asked.

“Inside me. Get inside me,” Lily gasped.

Eric reached for the box of condoms on the bedside table, then he unwrapped one and put it on. It had taken a whole three-pack of practicing, but he’d learned how to apply contraception.

Lily was impatient, irritated by the delay. Her arousal, now that her body was not being touched, was slipping away. Luckily, Eric was soon on the scene.



He eased his throbbing cock up to her vagina. Lily reached down and helped him press it between her pussy lips.

“Push,” she said. He did. Lily felt herself breached for the first time and took a sharp intake of breath.

She looked up, and into Eric’s eyes, then she smiled. He looked back with those big blue eyes that she liked so much, and he smiled back. Just when she was thinking what a nice first time this was, a shadow passed across Eric’s face, and he seemed to wince. She frowned.

“You ok?” she asked, “You can come if you want, it’s ok.”

Eric shook his head, and the moment appeared to have passed because he now thrust more confidently inside her. Ah, that felt good, she thought, reaching down to caress her clitoris with her fingers. Eric’s left hand caressed her bare thigh and then her breasts. He gently pinched her nipples then leaned down to kiss her mouth again.

Lily felt Eric’s penis moving inside her. It was a sensation quite unlike any other she had experienced before. Pleasurable, but a wholly new kind of pleasure, as if she were tasting some exotic dish whose flavors’ had never reached her lips before. It was like a little warm sauna was bubbling away inside her. 

Lily suggested changing position. He pulled out. Lily watched as Eric pinched the top of his penis between his thumb and forefinger for a couple of seconds.

“Helps hold back the tide. I read it!”

She giggled at this, then said, “Oh yeah? And who say’s I want the tide held back?” then she grabbed his penis and gave it three hard jerks.

“Lily!” cried Eric, and they both laughed.

Lily climbed onto his cock, and she was much wetter now. She enjoyed the sensation in her pussy of sliding down his dick, and when she began to rub it against herself, it felt amazing. Lily rode Eric, guiding his hands to her bare thighs and feeling him look up at her, dazzled and in awe of the first naked female form he had seen…

“Oh, Christ! Yes!” Eric suddenly moaned, and she saw at once that he was trying his best to resist, trying to keep going but he would not last longer…

Lily felt a tremor inside her and she prayed the condom would not break, and then she felt the hard cylinder shrinking rapidly as if it were a balloon pierced by a needle.

“Sorry,” Eric murmured.

“Don’t worry. There’ll be other times.”

When they had cleaned up, Eric quickly fell asleep. Lily closed her eyes and thought about the experience. Was it the best sexual experience of her whole life? Probably not. It had better not be, in fact! But it had been really nice, intimate and with a decent guy that she liked. Bone shaking orgasms, all night fucks and outlandish positions could wait for another day. She was fully satisfied with the night she had lost her virginity.

At least, she fell asleep feeling satisfied with the night up to that point.


It was still dark, and Lily was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, Eric’s body bumped heavily into her, and she was dragged out of sleep. Still half conscious, she heard a great rumble from inside him. At first, she was annoyed, but then she realized that he was doubled up in pain, clutching his knees to his chest. He groaned loudly, and the sound and his movement had now awoken Lily completely.

“What?” she mumbled.

Eric rolled groggily up, stumbled to the bathroom, and was violently sick into the bowl. When Lily heard him throwing up, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom door. He was kneeling on the floor, his head leaning over the toilet.

“Hey, are you ok? What’s wrong?”

“My…ah…stomach…” and he vomited explosively again, “It’s agony.” There was another loud rumble from inside him.

“Right, we’re going to hospital,” she said firmly.

Eric hesitated, then his stomach cramped again. He turned and nodded to Lily, and she saw that there was fear in his eyes.

Lily began picking up their clothes and laying them out on the bed, then dressed herself.

“My head’s swimming,” Eric said groggily as he pulled his trousers on, “What’s wrong with me, Lily?”.

“I don’t know.  But the doctors will, ok? Just stay calm. We’ll get you help.”

Lily had to tie his shoes, for he found the pain did not allow him to bend low enough. Lily called a cab. Eric grabbed a bucket from the cleaning closet to throw up in on the way.

“We haven’t been drinking,” Lily told the cab driver. “He was fine two hours ago. Please, hurry.”

The streets were not busy, and the cab driver drove as fast as he could. As the car hurried through the darkened city, Lily looked over at Eric’s face, which was bathed in intermittent shadows. He looked haggard and drawn and pale and it was if the life had been squeezed out of the seemingly healthy young man whose flesh she had enjoyed just hours ago.

Eric did not wait for Lily but stumbled out of the cab and towards the hospital door, staggering as if he were a zombie sprung from the grave and, as the sliding doors to the emergency room opened, he pitched forward headfirst onto the floor.

As Lily turned from paying the driver, she saw, through the glass door, hospital personnel approaching Eric from all sides, kneeling beside him, and picking up his lifeless wrist.

To be continued.

Written by MC1982
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