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In Veronica’s Classroom

"Lesson in Love"

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Author's Notes

"I am introduced to a new fetish."

Next morning I awoke, Chrissie had risen earlier, and I was alone in the dorm.

My white dress had been taken and replaced by a school uniform, folded neatly on the chair by the bed, along with a toothbrush; they thought of everything.

I began dressing. There was a note pinned to the skirt, telling me to wear the knickers I had worn yesterday, to drink a large glass of water, wait ten minutes, and then come to the classroom marked on the floorplan.

I was going to go naked as the knickers were quite messy, but I retrieved them from the floor and put them on. They were still damp from last night, and felt cold and clammy against my skin, making me shiver. The heat between my legs slowly began to warm them.

I went to the bathrooms we had been in the evening before; seeing the showers, I remembered the shafting I’d been given up against the wall, my tummy tingled with the memory.

I cleaned my teeth, then drank some water.

Then, after having a short look around the dorm, counting the vibrators on the bedside cabinets (14, of various sizes) I went, with plan in hand, in search of the classroom.

Finding it, I knocked on the door, and was bidden to enter.

Inside was Veronica, as well as Carla and Peter, whom I recognised from the party; I guessed they were teachers.

“Have you done as asked?” questioned Veronica.

"Yes, Miss,” I replied.

“Stand there.” She pointed in front of the desk.

I did so, and waited.

“Now,” began Veronica. “We would like you to become a pupil here at Wilminmoor. George is happy to meet your expenses, so do not fear on that score.”

But, I thought to myself, I was a comprehensive schoolgirl from Redruth, a poor part of Cornwall that had not recovered from the tin-mines closing in the ‘eighties; I didn’t belong in a fee-paying school for ‘young ladies’.

I was also starting to feel the need to pee.

“Miss, may I be excused?” I asked.

“Why for? Andrea,” Veronica replied.

“I need to use the bathroom, Miss.”

“I’m afraid I can’t excuse you,” she countered.

“But, Miss…”

“No Andrea, stand there until told otherwise.”

I stood still, but felt the desire to pee turning into a need to pee, soon after that, an urgent need to pee. I started to squirm my hips and press my thighs together, neither gave much relief.

Peter looked to Carla. “Take her wrists, Miss James,” he said.

She complied, holding them behind me with one hand.

She took hold of the hem of my skirt with the other hand, raising it high, so my panties, and an inch or two of my tummy, were fully visible above the waistband.

“Please,” I pleaded, “I need to go, really badly!”

My squirming was having no effect, with my hands restrained, I could not even press my Venus mound to ease the burning pain.

By now, Peter was kneeling in front of me, his face nearly touching the front of my white knickers.

“Ohh,” I groaned, I was close to having to let go. “Oh, I – I must!”

I relented, and felt the relief as the flow spurted from my urethra, instantly wetting my knickers. Pee ran down each side of the gusset and down my legs, wetting my knee-length school socks, and making a small puddle on the woodblock floor between my feet.

I felt myself turning bright red.

The wetness rose by osmosis up both the front and back of my panties; Peter licked the material at the front, making a ‘yummy’ sound as he did so.

“Lay her on the desk,” he said to Carla.

She tugged sideways and pushed me back to sit on the desk.

“Lay her back,” Peter commanded.

Pulled forcefully by Carla, I was pushed flat onto my back.

Peter began to strip; as he undressed, Veronica pulled my skirt back up above my waist. Carla released my hands and moved around the desk to pull off my knickers, giving them to Peter, now naked, who pressed the gusset to his mouth, sucking the wetness of my pee, and my pussy juice, that had soaked them yesterday evening.

As Chrissie had fucked me with the vibrator while I wore them, they were very pungent with my fluids.

“Oh delicious, delicious girl,” he exclaimed, taking my taste into his mouth.

I could see he was very hard.

I was expecting to be fucked, and was getting eager to have that happen. The embarrassment of wetting myself had quickly dissipated, due to the actions of the others; abashment was replaced by getting very randy, what with having my knickers unceremoniously pulled off, and seeing Peter sucking them, and his cock getting bigger and thicker; His being so turned on turned me on.

Before he took his reward inside me, he bent to my legs, glistening where my pee had run down them, and pushed them apart; Veronica and Carla took one each, pulling them up, raising my bottom off the desk by several inches.

Peter put some textbooks under my bottom, and then they let me down to rest onto them, so my hips were higher than my torso; I gripped the sides of the desk and awaited my fate.

The women continued to hold my legs up, spread wide apart.

Securely held in this position, Peter began to lick my legs, starting with the right, working from my ankle to my sex, then, parting my flowering labia wide with his fingers, he licked and sucked the lips, from back to front, paying extra attention to my urethra hole, before working down the left thigh, kissing my knee, over my sock to my ankle, and then to my toes, encased in the wet fabric.

After this, he took my knickers, and, by stretching one leg hole, he pulled them over my head, so that the right leg hole was under my chin, around my throat. He then pulled the waistband over the top of my head, so the knickers were sideways on my face, and the front over my nose; my left eye covered by the panties, I could only see properly now through my right eye.

The soaked gusset pressed tight to my mouth, and all I could smell was the scent of my pussy and pee, I felt a frisson of heightened sexual desire in my tummy.

“Lick, Andrea, suck them, taste yourself,” said Peter, gently pressing the fabric into my mouth. 

I complied, sucking at the material, tasting myself, my skin tingled.

With the front of the panties over my nose, the wet material hampered my breathing. I took in the scent with deep inhalations, which added to my arousal, my cunt oozed its juice.

By now, I was very wet.

“That’s right, Andrea,” he said. “But you were a naughty girl. You understand, you must be reprimanded for wetting yourself!”

I nodded, “Mm, Sir,” I managed to mumble through the fabric. I’d had no choice but to wet myself!

Carla, Miss James to me now, moved around the desk, taking my wrists again, she held them above my head, securing my arms so I could not move them.

Veronica and Peter lifted my bottom, and took the books from under me, and pushed my skirt up, so it was inside out.

Veronica parted my thighs further, and Peter moved between them, he fingered me for a short time, pulling the juice from my soaking cunnie and smearing it around my vulva and inner thighs, which were still damp from my peeing myself and from his licking of me.

Once satisfied that I was ready, he introduced his cock’s head to my slippery entrance. He pushed, and my body gratefully yielded to his pressure. The wide head of his tool eased into my soaked opening, and he slid, inch by inch, inside me.

My cunt gripped him eagerly at first, then my muscles relaxed, and my pussy stretched as he filled me.

“Mmm, Andrea, you feel lovely and tight,” he exhaled. “And so wet,” he added, as he pressed his dart deeper inside my body.

Fully inside me now, he stroked my Venus mound, pushing against the soft and pliable flesh with his palm, with his little finger pressed into my belly button, which was visible below my skirt’s waistband.

He kept himself planted deep inside me, as he stroked, and carefully explored my lower frame and legs, my inner thighs, waist, knees, and ankles, to my feet and toes, then back up, to slide a hand under my bottom, and squeeze it.

“Mmm, beautiful,” he uttered, his eyes darting all over me, I could see with my uncovered eye, his drinking in the sight of my young female form; fully available for him to quench his desires.

Bending forward he kissed my mouth over the knickers, and he let out a gasp of pleasure.

Looking back to Veronica, he exclaimed, “Oh, Veronica. She’s delightful!”

His cock still planted, throbbing and twitching, but otherwise unmoving inside me; he loosened my school tie and pushed it to one side, he then tenderly unbuttoned my blouse, pulling it from the waistband of my skirt, and spread it open to show my bra, which he pushed up above my small tits, showing my nipples, hard as diamonds, pointing up.

I was trying to prevent myself from riding him, knowing submission and yielding were required, but my body was doing its best to do what came naturally to it, and my cunnie gave involuntary jerks, desperate to feel the friction of his tool fucking me.

He could feel my urge, and smiled, “Patience child, I’m nearly ready, Andrea,” he said,” But I want everything to be correct before I get down to fucking you.” 

The word fucking sounded so, well, there is no other word for it, fucking sexy, I nearly came, and I bit my bottom lip to try to stop myself from thrusting my hips against him, like the little slut I was.

He carefully folded my skirt back on itself a few times, so my tummy was still uncovered, but with my tits still showing above it.

This was a routine to heighten his pleasure; the act of fucking me might not be the most important part for him, my yielding availability, submission, vulnerability, and my youth, were the peccadillo. I had to let the drama happen, to embrace it.

This was torture, though, the heightened arousal made me breathe ever more deeply, and the scents of my sex and pee filled my nostrils, making me even hornier, my cunt was soaking and was sucking his tool involuntarily.

Then, after what seemed an eternity, he went to work.

Veronica aided by standing behind him, and pushed my feet up and apart, placing my feet against the front of his shoulders, so I could brace against them.  

My knees were pushed up against my chest.

He took firm hold of my hips - and started to fuck me.

Did he fuck me! He pile-drove his weapon into me at such speed, like a rabbit bucking, after the tenderness of just seconds before it was shocking, and my eyes, at least my right one, showed it by widening, and my mouth gaped open.

The force of his thrusting made me gasp, and, as my face was closeted by wet cotton panties, my breathing was hampered; my cunnie tightened around him as I came.

A huge wave of relief from suppressed desire washed over me, and I squirmed hard against his rough invasion.

“Oh yes, my girl, my good girl!” he exclaimed as he watched me, “You tighten so nicely when you cum, Andrea!”

My head swam from the force of my orgasm, and with each new climax, my cervix dipped rapidly against the head of his thrusting weapon.

He absolutely fucked the cunt off me, bang, bang, bang, he rooted violently into me, his hips and balls whacked into my soft flesh around my bottom and backs of my thighs, thrusting the air out of my lungs, the pressure was such that it made me yelp with each thrust, guttural ufh-ing noises.

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Tightening his grip on my hips, I could feel he was close to cuming.

My grunts and laboured breathing were obviously turning him on enormously. It wasn’t painful, but it was restricting my air intake.

“Gasp, little girl, gasp, you look so sexy, with your school knickers around your head, and your knees pressed up tight to your tiny titties,” saying the words seemed to increase his desire.

His cock thickened, I could feel it forcing my tunnel wider, but he didn’t slow the pace.

“Ohh yess,” he gasped, and came into me.

A beautiful gush of creamy cum was deposited into my willing pussy, now making squelching, slurping noises. He continued to give more pushes into me, so cum was forced out of my entrance, seeping around our union, and drenching my labia, running down over my fourchette, and a rivulet slid down to wet my other hole.

I was still writhing from the climaxes I’d been experiencing all through his fucking of me.

Veronica, looking at me, said, “I think I need to intervene, Mr Davy, this girl needs some manual manipulation before we can continue.”

With her right hand, she pressed her fore and second finger to my clit and started to frig me rapidly, the friction against my vulva, the harsh pulling up and down, against Peter’s tight invasion of me felt fabulous, and her dexterous working of my clit brought me off almost instantly, I jerked uncontrollably against the still massively stiff cock buried inside me.

I gasped as the clitoral climax ripped through me. She was an expert at masturbating; deciding I should be pushed higher, she continued her rubbing, and my climax was pushed up a level, all I could do was let out whimpering groans.

Mr Davy kept his crotch pressed tight to me, holding my hips firmly, to keep his softening cock inside me, as I writhed against him.

Veronica eventually stopped her stroking of me, and I could recover a little; however, her action of rubbing me off had also manipulated the base of the cock I was impaled on, and I began to feel it ever so slightly hardening again; he was going to fuck me some more.

His erection growing meant he could loosen his grip on my hips, which had been tight to ensure he stayed inside me between screws.

He renewed his exploration of me again, with both hands, he began touching and stroking my lower half.

My feet were still braced against his shoulders, knees still pushed up to my chest.

He slid his hands down, over the outside of my legs, then, starting from ankles, moved inside, and back upwards, carefully tracing his fingers around the top of my socks, then onto my naked skin at the back of my knees, and then to my thighs, exploring me carefully, over every inch it seemed, up to our union. Gently parting my legs further, tracing his fingers and palms around my naked flesh, trembling from coital exertion.

He gazed at my prone form.

With his right hand, he took my left leg by my calf, and pulled it further to my left, with his other hand he began tenderly stroking again, from ankle to crotch. He placed my left, and then right foot against his hip and pushed my knees down and apart, so my legs were spread wide.

He began tracing his fingers around my labia, stretched around his tool, and up my groin, to the top of my thighs, then, using his left hand, his right now resting on the top of my hip, he pressed a little harder, sliding it around my mound to rest his palm on my front, and ease his thumb between the folds of my camel toe, brushing over my clit, then stroking down, between my labia, and pressing against my urethral opening.

Moving his right hand up, under the waistband of my skirt, he stroked my tummy, up to the base of my ribs.

Miss James, who had been holding my arms up all this time, now released her grip and lifted my shoulders, so I was sitting up, I gripped Sir around the waist with my legs. She took my knickers off my face; I could breathe freely again!

“Skirt?” she asked.

"Yes, please, Miss James,” said Sir.

She pushed me further forward to find my skirt fastening, undoing the hook and unzipping it. She pulled it up, over my head, assisting me in removing my arms from my blouse sleeves, and discarding it on a chair. Then she unclasped and removed my bra. I was now naked, apart from my white knee-length socks, and school tie.

Sir kissed me as she stripped me, his tongue slipping into my mouth, and his hands holding my hips, keeping our bodies connected.

I was laid back onto the desk, Miss James pulled my arms back, and held me by the wrists again. My school tie lay between my small breasts, the point just above my belly button; pointing the way to the union of man and girl.

Now, unfettered by my clothing, Sir continued his exploration of me, he ran his hands all over my torso, feeling, stroking, squeezing. He licked his lips as he did so, his breathing heavy, his eyes drinking in my body, as his hands wandered over my smooth skin, around my sides, my legs wrapped around his waist.

He moved his hands back to hold my hips.

“Good girl, Andrea,” he whispered.

His cock was now fully hard inside me, and I thought he must desperately want to screw me but was holding off as long as he could.

That was about to happen.

Almost imperceptibly, he started to withdraw. He was fully inside me, as he’d grown large and expanded into my space; his withdrawal became quicker, and I watched his face as he pulled out of me, almost to falling out, with only his thick head still inside me. His eyes were fixed on my entrance, watching his shaft piercing me, and my labia stretched around his girth.

He pushed in, gently, feeling my cunt’s gripping, and then yielding, as his invading tool pressed into me.

This was a nice feeling. “Mmm,” I whispered, “oh – lovely, ow – Mr Davy – uh, Sir,” I breathed in time with his pressing in, then out, then into me again.

He withdrew slowly, almost coming out, and repeated the process; the speed was perfect for me, I couldn’t help but groan and sigh as he continued to ride me so wonderfully.

“Is that nice, Andrea?” he asked, taking his eyes of my cunnie, and looking at my face for the first time.

“Wond-er-ful,” I murmured, my breathing heavy, tummy and chest rising, and falling, my mouth open slightly. I wanted to rub myself, but my arms were still held fast.

“Good,” he replied, “I am making love to you, Andrea, this is what you were made for; isn’t that right, Miss Moore?”

“Oh yes,” said Veronica, “And for cunnilingus too,” she added.

With that, Miss James released my wrists, and climbed onto the desk, pulling her dress away to reveal no underwear. She had a triangle of dark blonde muff that continued between her legs. She straddled me, and sat on my face, rubbing her open, soaking pussy against my nose and mouth.

I gripped her wide hips as she writhed her sex against me. Watching me being fucked had aroused her to a very randy state.

Her smell and taste were exquisite, her inner labia were flowering, slick with her juice, which wet the end of my nose as she rubbed herself tightly against my face. I licked her greedily. She squirmed to my tongue’s lapping, moving herself so my tongue worked on her clit; I sucked the button, which stood proud of its hood, taking into my mouth, and sucking it gently, my tongue brushing the sensitive nub.

She was voluptuous, and her soft flesh enveloped me as she screwed herself hard on my willing mouth.

The heat from her was tremendous, her juice oozed all over my face, as her protruding inner labia lips slipped around, smearing her nectar over me, as she raised herself; wiping, then grinding, pressing herself over my mouth and pushing my nose into her opening; I breathed in the scent of her sex as I inhaled.

I felt her kneading my tits, pinching my erect nipples, then moved her hands down, feeling Sir’s invasion of me, stroking around my entrance, slipping her middle finger between my lips and inside me, squeezing my labia lips against his weapon with her other fingers, and then sliding out, to my inner thighs, gripping each leg near the top, and pulling my legs apart.

The thin bands of hair on each side of her vulva rasped against my cheeks as she ground herself against me, adding to my arousal.

I could only feel what was happening to me, the cock burrowing into me, the hands pushing, stroking, squeezing my body; I was completely submissive.

My body doing what came automatically to it, my cunt gripped the cock that was invading it, as I concentrated solely on pleasuring Miss James, keeping her clit in my mouth, as she squirmed and rubbed her cunnie over my face.

As we’d been in this position for several minutes, I was being stifled by soft, wet, pussy, my breath was spent and I really needed to take in air. I tried pushing her hips up, hoping she’d recognise my need, and raise herself to give me a breath; she didn’t.

I felt panic rising and slid my hands under her bottom, so I could push more forcefully.

I didn’t know then, but this restriction of my breathing was having an effect on my cunt; it was gripping the cock inside it ever tighter. I was highly aroused before this, and it was now giving Mr Davy a super tight tunnel to ream.

I heard him say something I couldn’t make out, but Miss James raised herself off me, and I could inhale a lungful of air.

She quickly sat back onto me, and I was forced to eat her some more. Sir screwed me all the time, his erection was lasting ages.

Miss was close to orgasm, her pussy was sodden, and it slipped around my face as she ground herself against me; finally, she slipped fingers down to her clit, and frigged herself hard, pressing her cunt tighter to my face, pushing on my Venus mound forcefully with the heal of her other hand as her fingers stretched and played around my vulva and clit, pushing fingers into my opening again, and rubbing me with the same force and speed as she rubbed herself.

Her frigging of both of us became more frenzied as she neared climax, and I could hear her moaning, I moaned too, as she edged herself, and me, keeping us both on the boil for a few seconds, before pushing us both over, into the abyss.

She groaned, creaming herself onto my mouth, her fingers pressing her clit up against her body, pressing herself down, hard, against my face, my nose buried between her labia, jerking herself against my face, slippery, covered with her juice.

Her fingers pressed my clit hard against the pelvic bone inside, mirroring what she was doing to herself, I came in a huge stream of orgasms, I felt sir’s cock ramming me. He was close to cumming, and he was so thick, and so deep inside me; my cervix dipped with each cum to meet his solid knob, kissing it, before withdrawing, up, back into my uterus, only to repeat the motion, and meet the upwards thrust of his weapon.

He spunked. I felt the gush as he filled me a second time with his love; his hands gripped my hips tightly, pulling me fully onto him as he took his final pleasure from me.

The calm after the storm of sex. Miss James carefully dismounted me; she stood rather unsteadily beside the desk, bending to my lips. She kissed me, tasting her flavour on my mouth.

“Good girl, Andrea,” she whispered.

Written by andream
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