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Bareback Summer Ch. 3

"They get down to business!"

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Author's Notes

"Special thanks to Pat Harvey for his editing expertise."

To her credit, Charlotte didn’t lose her composure when I told her my darkest secret. She kept her arm around me and leaned on me, both of us naked in this small clearing. One of our horses whinnied but seemed okay. The temperature rose along with the sun on this lovely morning. Well, it had been lovely … right up until my dick stopped working.

“So, Michael … my love. Do you remember, in English last year Mrs. Davidson gave us all those vocabulary words? The last one was hyperbole, do you remember that one?”

“Uh, no, not really.”

“It means something like … exaggeration. Like, you’re making more out of something than is really there. Is that the case here?”


“Okay, then. Will you please tell me the whole thing?”

I sighed. I might as well get it over with. 

“Okay, I told you about Big Chet showing my cousin Billy and me some dirty movies.” Char nodded. “Well … just a few days ago, the night before I came home, he showed us some filthy movies. And I mean really dirty ones.”

“Okay. So, tell me about them.”

“Alright. Well, as they say, ‘Back at the ranch’ …”

- - - - -

“You boys ready for some real movies this time?” Big Chet bellowed to me and Billy as we hung out in the bunkhouse.

“Sure,” said Billy. “What about the rest of the guys?”

“They’ve seen these. Plus, I got a couple special ones just for you boys.”

It was pretty weird having this guy show us dirty shit and me and Billy getting hard-ons, but there wasn’t much else to do, so we stayed and drank beer as Chet brought out the projector and another shoebox with films in it. Again, these were silent movies of three or four minutes in length, some color but most black and white. The quality of the productions was pretty shitty, but the content seemed to make up for it.

In the first one, this naked woman walks up to a dressed man sitting on a chair. He motions for her to get on him and she lies across his lap, her legs and hands on the floor as kind of teepees over his lap.

Okay, weird, what kind of sex position is that? Oh … holy shit … he’s spanking her! A lot!

“How about that, boys? You never seen nothing like this, I’m fuckin’ sure. Ha! Look at this bitch, she loves it!” Chet started smacking his hand on the table, nearly in time with the movie.

Suddenly, the shot changed so we could see her face. I expected her to be crying but she looked … like she loved it. Was Chet right?

“All bitches love this, boys. A few good cracks on the ass and she’ll be yours!”

He showed us a few more little films of girls being spanked, sometimes by other girls, even! I was so turned on I began to ache a little bit. In each movie, though, the girls seemed to enjoy the spanking. One of the color films even showed the girl’s cheeks turning red. My need was growing from a big want into a burning desire.

Then he showed us one film that bothered me a lot. This guy had just black pants on and a mask. And he had some kind of a short whip with a lot of little whips on it. A naked woman was chained by her hands to the roof and her feet were chained to the floor. The guy whipped her … everywhere. You could see her cry out each time he struck her. He whipped her ass, pussy, legs, even her breasts. I wished for two things: for this to be in color so I could see the whip marks better and for it to have sound because I wanted to hear her screams, her agony.

What the fuck is wrong with me? This is … not right. I shouldn’t enjoy this at all! I should be repulsed! Oh wait, he’s letting her go.

She slumped to the wooden floor and rubbed her pussy furiously, rubbing it so hard like she had the biggest itch in the world and she had to scratch it for all she was worth. Her face went all crazy with pleasure for a moment before the guy shot his jizz in her mouth. Then the movie ended.

Usually after a movie Billy and I would make some crude jokes about what we had just seen and Chet would say something stupid about how we were just virgins and didn’t understand anything yet … but it was very quiet after he rewound that little film.  Both Billy and I had obvious hard-ons but I was very conflicted, maybe he was too. Chet, however, seemed in his element.

“I see that one got your attention!” His smile looked kinda crazy. His hard-on was evident in his jeans, too. “You boys is quiet as two little church mouses. Course, we ain’t in church, are we now.”

I got a little spooked. “So, uh, yeah. Thanks, Chet.” I started to get up. “I, I think Billy and I have seen enough for tonight—”

“Sit down, boy!” I had heard Chet get pretty angry before, at us and the other guys. But he never sounded like this before. Then Chet seemed to soften but gave us this leering smile. “I’ve got another one you’re really gonna like.”

Chet returned to loading his next film and I mouthed to Billy, “We gotta go,” and I jerked my thumb toward the door. But Billy froze or something, he couldn’t make a decision, and the next film started.

There was a naked man, probably about forty-ish, standing with his dick erect. He walked over to a much younger man who was sitting in a chair with his clothes still on. The older man reached for the younger man’s head and pulled it towards his dick. 

I jumped out of my chair. Everything became crystal clear to me; Chet was getting us all hot and bothered and then he planned to have sex with us. 

“Come on, Billy! Let’s go!”

“Fuck, yeah!” he responded, his voice shaky. We both ran for the door and I made it unscathed, but Chet grabbed Billy and held him close.

“Come on now, boys,” Chet said with a smile. “This is what we cowboys do sometimes. It’s really fun and you’ll love it.”

I took another step out the door. “Let him go,” I said in my toughest voice, which wasn’t too tough at all.

“You best get back here now, boy. There’s nowhere to go. The Corrigans went away for the night and the fellas won't be back for several hours. The house is locked up tight, might as well hang out and have fun with us.”

Shit! He was right. And we were ten miles from the nearest house. 

“Uh, shit. Yeah… I’ll just hang around outside.”

Billy gave me a look of sheer terror as I closed the door. I took off running for the barn where all the tools were. I grabbed the first thing I found, a big shovel that we used for scooping up horse shit. It wasn’t like a steel shovel used for digging holes in the ground, but it was some kind of metal. I ran back quietly and peeked in the window. A naked Chet stood with his back to the door as he talked to a terrified Billy while some country music blared from the transistor radio. 


I slowly opened the door and crept inside, my shovel at the ready. Billy either didn’t see me or was too scared to notice, but he didn’t give me away. I didn’t shout or stop to think about anything, I just swung it at Chet's head.


Chet grunted hard and grabbed onto a nearby post. I’d stunned him, no doubt, but that wasn’t enough for me. He turned to face me and stumbled a bit.

“Now … now hold on just a second—”

It was like an instant replay on the television, all slow-motion. I saw blood dripping onto his shoulder from his scalp, and he started to raise a hand to me as he saw the shovel coming. But he was too stunned and my shovel was too fast. The shovel caught him right on the jaw with every ounce of strength I could muster.

Chet dropped like a sack of potatoes. Blood gushed from his mouth and nose. Billy sat there stunned and began crying. 

“Come on, buddy. Let’s go up to the house.”

- - - - -

“Holy shit, Mike.”


“So then what happened?”

“We broke a window to get in his house, called the police, then called the place where his folks went. Chet left in an ambulance still unconscious and handcuffed to the … whatchamacallit.”


“Yeah. He’d lost a lot of blood because I didn’t try to stop the bleeding or anything. I was just holding on to Billy, because he was a mess. I heard the ambulance guy say ‘coma’, so I don’t know. Two shovel hits to the head, ya know?

“And then I had to explain everything to the cops … and then to his dad.” I slammed my eyes shut as tears formed and a few fell out. 

“Hell, Mike, you didn’t do anything wrong! You’re a hero! You saved Billy! That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Oh, honey.”

Charlotte grabbed me and kissed me hard, pushing me back down on the blanket. I didn’t know what to do. I kinda kissed her but not like I should have. And I didn’t get hard in spite of her luscious naked body on top of mine.

“Mike, what’s wrong?” she asked after noticing I wasn’t responding. 

I sighed heavily. “Don’t you see? I’m just like Chet? I liked all the movies he showed us. Well, not the last one, but those others? Yeah. I keep thinking about them.”

“The … ones with the whipping and stuff?”

“Yeah. Those.” 

“You’re not like him. You would never hurt any girl unless she asked you to. I know it in my heart. You aren’t him.”

“Yeah, but … don’t you see? Those … wild sex movies made him so crazy he was going to, to—”

“Shhh.” She put her hand on my mouth. “You proved you’re not like him by stopping him. There’s nothing wrong with you. I love you.”

“Really? I mean, really?”

“Yes, I do.” She leaned down and kissed me again for a few moments. “I know who you are.”

“I was … afraid to tell you. I was so turned on by you, and I was so happy that we were finally boyfriend and girlfriend … but … I couldn’t keep going until you knew, and I didn’t think you would understand all … this. I was afraid you’d never talk to me again because I’m a nasty, perverted sex fiend.”

Char leaned down on me again and wriggled her naked breasts against my chest. “You’re my perverted sex fiend, okay, Mikey Bear?”

I kinda giggled. “Mikey Bear? Why am I Mikey Bear?”

“You know that big stuffed bear in my room?” I nodded. “I’ve had him forever and his name was just Bear. But I renamed him Mikey the day I met you. He sleeps with me and … well … lately I masturbate with him as I whisper your name. Every night.”

I smiled at her, my first smile in the last hour. “I may not be the only sex fiend in this relationship, huh?” We kissed again, a slow, sensual kiss. My body finally noticed that there was a naked girl on it, too. 

“Not by a long shot. And what’s this? Something hard is bonking my leg. Aw, crap.” She lifted her head and looked back towards the river. “Car comin’.”


“Shit is right. Because you, Mikey Bear, were about to get royally fucked.” 

“I’d settle for just getting regular fucked.”

“You don’t get it. I’m on the verge of my period. We could fuck without a condom and without getting pregnant. It’s called riding bareback. Now we have to wait a week or so.”

Well, that was disappointing, for sure. But she did put my hard dick in her mouth for a few moments as a parting shot. We scrambled back into our clothes and finished our picnic, then rode home, holding hands most of the way.

- - - - -

She went to her house and I went to mine. Our moms were coming back soon from the golf tournament and we didn’t want to raise any suspicions. Charlotte did come by around 2:00, though, our moms having returned. She strode in via the back door because that’s how it was done. Her cut-off jean shorts made her legs look amazing. She wore a too-big Led Zeppelin T-shirt, obviously one of her brother’s and obviously an attempt to not look sexy in front of my mom. But I knew what was under that shirt and it was very fucking sexy to me. Plus, I was just becoming aware of real music and Led Zep was fucking radical.

“Hi, Mrs. Nelson! How are you?”

“I am wonderful, my dear!” My mom’s smile was lighting up the kitchen. “Simply wonderful!” 

“Well, you made my mom cry.”


“No, not really. But she is pretty bummed out. Congratulations on winning the trophy.” 

Mom beamed even brighter. I, of course, had gotten the whole scoop during the previous hour. Mom birdied the last hole while Char’s mom bogeyed it right in front of most of the women’s club. I was very proud of Mom; she had been taking a lot of lessons and working very hard.

“Well, I hope your mom isn’t taking it too hard,” Mom said to Char, her face still beaming.

“Ahh, she’ll be grumpy for a week or so. She’s already talking about getting new clubs, though. She will be gunning for you, Mrs. Nelson, so watch out!”

“Well, tell her I expect nothing less. I’ll let you two talk for a bit. Nice to see you, dear.”

“You too, Mrs. N.”

Mom walked back to her bedroom and turned on the radio. Charlotte sat down at the kitchen table. We were 90 degrees to each other at the corner of the table while some atrocity called The Captain and Tennille sang about love keeping us together or some shit. 

“Kinda catchy, huh?” Char asked with a devious little smile.

“I’d rather stick my dick in a blender than listen to that.”

Charlotte leaned back to look down the hall, then whispered to me “I’d rather you stick your dick in me.” 


“Whaddya mean, where? My—” she looked down the hall again. “My pussy, you numbskull. Where else?”

“Well,” I began in a conspiratorial whisper. “I didn’t mention this earlier, but several of those movies involved … anal sex.”

Her face went beet red. We heard Mom coming back to the kitchen and there was an awkward silence as she entered. “Everything alright, you two?”

“Yeah, Mom. Charlotte was just telling me she wants to be more adventurous, try new things and stuff.”

Charlotte’s glare tried to kill me but it had no real effect. I stuck my tongue out at her. “Go on, tell her,” I goaded.

My mom looked expectantly at Charlotte. “Well … I was thinking …maybe I would take up golf.” I smirked as Mom went on a long diatribe about how good it is that women get involved with sports, etc. The whole time I smiled at Charlotte while she glared at me. Mom had her back to us, still talking while she emptied the dishwasher. I grabbed my crotch, which earned me a dirty look. I tried to reach over and touch her breast but got my arm swatted away. 

“You two listening to me?” Mom asked as she turned around. Both of us probably looked like we swallowed canaries or something. “Charlotte, I need Mike to clean the garage this afternoon.”

Charlotte stood up to go. “No problem, Mrs. Nelson. I’ve got chores, too. I just came over to invite this lunkhead to Kimmi Thatcher’s house on Friday. She’s having a big birthday party. What do you think, Mike?”

“I’ll check my schedule.” I was trying to be funny, but it doesn’t always work.

Charlotte stormed out of the house. She tried to slam the screen door but the spring wouldn’t let it. Mom came and sat down where Char had been sitting. 

“So what’s going on with you two?”

“Oh, we’re just goofing around.”

“No, you’re not. You can fool Dad, but you aren’t fooling me.” She looked hard at me with a pretty withering stare. 

Shit! What does she know? I kept quiet.

“Fine,” she said, sighing heavily. She went to the bottom drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a red box. She tossed it on the kitchen table and I froze when I saw the writing on it. 


“I’m not asking anything. In fact, I don’t want to know. But I've had my suspicions since you came back and Charlotte just confirmed them. Use these, Mike. Every single time.” She flipped the box to me at the table. I read the cover: Contains 12 condoms.

“Practice with one so you know how it works. You’ll figure it out. Now … go clean the garage or something.”

I scrambled to get out of my chair, but she wasn’t finished. “And hey, you need more, just ask. I will get them for you.”

Stunned, I slipped out the door and headed for the garage, grateful to have an excuse to not be in that kitchen talking sex with my mom.

- - - - -

“You’re a horrible person,” Charlotte said quietly on the phone. I deduced she wasn’t happy with my behavior in the kitchen.

“I know. Where’s your folks? Mine went to dinner to celebrate Mom’s victory.”

“Mine are outside on the porch, and my brothers are in town somewhere. You’re still a horrible person for … whatever you were doing in front of your mom.”

“Charlotte. You know how I feel about you. But when it comes to trying to hide it … I don’t know what to do or … how to be around you.”

“Well,” she said indignantly. I think I ruined her mood by not fighting. “You better figure something out or everyone will find out.”

“My mom already knows. I swear to God I didn’t say a thing, but she bought me a box of condoms. She had them before she saw us in the kitchen today. Right after you left we had a talk.”

“Oh, shit! Was that … as awkward as it sounds? Wait! Now your mom is gonna think I'm a whore or something!”

“You're not a whore. You are a sex fiend, though.”

“Stop it,” she answered quietly.

“You're my sex fiend, and I am yours. Charlotte … I …”

“What is it?”

“I just wanted … to thank you for today, for listening.”

“Of course, Mike … Mikey Bear.”

“I love you. I don’t know if I said that earlier today. But I do. And I love being your Mikey Bear. Where is he, by the way? What’s he doing?”

I heard some rustling noises on her end. “He, somehow, just crawled between my legs. He’s resting his hard plastic nose on my clit.”

Say what?

“That’s my boy,” she continued, “good Mikey Bear. Lick Momma Bear’s pussy.”

“Where’s your panties?”

“Um, in the hamper. They were wet from today. Mmm … good bear.”

“Fuck, I wish I was there! You liked me licking you today, didn’t you?”

Mmm, yesss, I’m thinking about you right now. Your face was covered in my … stuff.”

“I drank your stuff, hon. And I want more of it, goddammit. I'm getting my cock out.” I slipped my night shorts off quickly, getting entirely naked. “Ahh, much better. He’s already oozing.” I stroked him and then used the lube on his head, mmm.

“Did you like fucking my breasts today, Mikey Bear?”

“Yeah, totally. It was … unreal, how good it felt. But you know what? You called them tits. What’s that all about? You can say that but I can’t?”

“Hey, watch your mouth. For your information, occasionally, just sometimes, naughty words can sometimes increase the eroticism … in the moment.”

“Eroticism? Look at you with all the big words. You’re a lot smarter than I am.”

“Don’t you forget it,” she said, giggling.

“Well. It worked, by the way. My … eroticalness was greatly increased. I mean got me hornier, which I didn’t think was possible.”

“Are you stroking that beautiful cock, Mike?”

I laid back on the couch. “Yeah,” I whispered. “It feels so good, thinking about you, talking to you, and jerkin’ my gherkin.”

She laughed at that. “Jerkin’ the gherkin, I’m gonna have to remember that one. Now listen up, mister.” She then spoke in a near whisper. “Kimmi has an attic, I’ve been in it. There’s all kinds of camping gear up there. I’m thinking we sneak away from her party and … we’ll, you know.”

“Fuck? Is that what you were going to say, my Char? You want me to fuck you? Put my dick inside you?”

“Yes,” she croaked. 

“But if we fuck, I’m going to come inside your hot … wet … steamy pussy … my dick is going to throb inside you.”

“Oh, shit, yes,” she managed through her heavy breathing. “Don’t … fuck … don’t stop talking.”

“First I’m going to suck your breasts so much they might grow another size. And if you’re a good girl, I might, I just might …” I went to a whisper, “… I might lick your asshole.”

“Jesus fuck!” she whimpered. “I love you … my … sexual deviant, my … fucking pervert!”

“Say it, hon. Say you want your asshole licked.”

“You fucking … yes! I want you to lick my butt.”

“No. Say it right.”

“Fine. Asshole. I want you to lick my asshole. I’m going to hell, I know I am. Fuuuckkk, I’m about to come, Mike.” I could hear the anxiety in her voice.

“Charlotte, my love,” I whispered again. “I need to be inside you, to be with you, to … join with you. Make such sweet love to you. But, now that you know me and my darker side, I also want to ravage you, to fuck you so good and hard that you’ll be fucking sore …

Charlotte gasped for breath. “Almost, Christ.”

“Fuck you so much that a half an hour later you’ll be begging me to do it again. You’ll need me to take you again, make you mine again … and again. Begging me for my cock to fuck your pussy.”

“Yes!” she pleaded. “Fuck me … unh … like that, Mike!”

“Where, Charlotte?”

“Fu— fuck my pussy with your cock!” 

“No, Charlotte. Use the bad word. Say it.”

I heard her labored breathing and I figured she was about to blow. When she spoke, I nearly felt her need, her desire, as she spoke gruffly while trying to stay quiet while her folks were close by. “Goddamit … fuck me with everything you’ve got! Fuck my fucking cunt! Oh, my fucking God … yes … yes … yes …” She moaned, struggling not to scream as she came, and she kept coming for quite a long while.

My cock was ready, lube was just oozing out of him and I had stopped stroking him a couple of minutes earlier so he wouldn’t shoot because I wanted Charlotte to hear me. 

“Mikey Bear,” she quietly moaned. “What about you, huh? Did you come, too?”

“I’m ready, are you listening?” 

“Yes, oh, my God, I’m still kinda coming. Come with me, Mikey.”

I grabbed my cock hard and stroked it a few times. “Okay, listen, this is me stroking my cock.” I put the phone down by my cock and it made these wet, squishy noises as I stroked it feverishly. 

“Hear that?” I asked with a shaky voice as the pressure inside me built up.

“Yes! You’re stroking it hard! Make yourself come. Come for me. Tell me what you’re thinking about.”

“’Kay,” I grunted. “Licking your pussy … uh, fucking your mouth … you swallowing my sperm, like, you drank it! Holy fuckkk … aaaughhh!” My orgasm exploded from deep within, and I sent numerous loads of hot semen into the air. “Oh, shit!” I whined.

“What happened?”

“I got some on my cheek. Fuck!”

“Where did your cum go, Mike?”

“Well, it was a big one. Most of it missed me and hit the wall behind me. But the first squirt went everywhere.”

“Like, how many squirts were there?”

“I dunno, seven or eight? I wasn’t counting, but fuck it felt great! I gotta wipe this shit off the wall, hold on a minute.”

I ran to the bathroom, semi-hard cock in hand as I didn’t want it to drip on the floor, and grabbed a couple of tissues. I quickly wiped down my bedroom wall and picked up the phone again. “You still there?”

“Yes. I was just thinking about how much I love you. I came again when you were talking dirty to me. I want to be with you so bad … so bad … it’s all I think about.”

“Me too,” I said honestly. “Today was so good, so awesome, until I fucked it up. I want to do that again, be naked with you and … make real love.”

“You didn’t fuck it up. You made me … like, want you even more. I don’t know, I can’t explain it totally. You’re not just, like, a kid. You’re pretty much an adult sometimes. It makes me want you inside me, making love to me … fucking me with that lovely cock …”

“Well, thanks. I just needed you to know those things. Okay, change of subject. You’re, um, I mean, you’re a virgin, right? And … won’t there be blood and stuff? Do we need a towel or something?”

Char laughed a little. “You don’t have to worry about that, big boy. Yes, I’m a virgin, but any girl who’s ridden horses for as long as I have has had her hymen broken by the riding. Bouncing hard on a horse will do it. So, there won’t be any blood, I promise. I like that you’re thinking about contingencies, though.”

“Her what broken?”

“Hymen. It’s the flap of skin that breaks. It’s what guys call popping her cherry.”

I didn’t totally get it, but, whatever. “Okay, I just didn’t want to hurt you. I … don’t ever want to hurt you.”

“You’re so sweet, my Mikey Bear. You can fuck me all the time and you won’t hurt me.”

“Ahh,” I sighed. “I love it when you say ‘fuck me.’”

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” We both laughed and then she whispered, “I want you to fuck me so much. Fuck my breasts, fuck my mouth, fuck my pussy. Mike, fuck my pussy that I’m rubbing right now.”

“You want to go again? My little sex fiend? Huh? Baby? Suck your breasts for me, baby, let me hear it while I stroke this beautiful hard cock for you.”

“Beautiful cock? Who called it that?”

“You did. Now, get going on that sucking.”

She made some great sucking sounds for me, and we talked dirty, and we both got off a couple more times before I saw some headlights coming down the road, heralding my parents’ return.

- - - - - 

It had been a torturous four days for me. My hormones were doing double-time or something inside me and it seemed like no amount of jerking off would satisfy them. Mom seemed to be keeping me busy with shitty chores on purpose and Charlotte had her hands full with her horses and shit … and we couldn’t risk talking naughty on the phone because there always seemed to be somebody home. One day Charlotte and her mom drove by on some errand and Char waved enthusiastically at me. I immediately got hard. I tried to keep working, but you can’t cut a hedge with a hard-on and I had to go inside to the bathroom to jerk off again. But it wasn’t just the sexual tension I was feeling; I missed Charlotte terribly. My heart ached as I watched their car disappear in the distance. 

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When Friday afternoon finally came around, I was a wreck. I hadn’t jerked off all day because I wanted to save myself for Char in case her period was gone. I got dressed in my best new outfit: dark blue corduroy pants with flared legs and this white long-sleeve shirt that had some kind of paisley things on the top half of it. My hair was being a dumbass, though. I hadn’t cut it all summer and now as it went past my ears the ends started to turn up like a fucking girl’s! Fortunately, Mom let me use her curling iron to straighten it out. Of course, Dad had to walk by and see his son using a curling iron.

“I’m just straightening it out, Dad,” I said sheepishly. “It’s curling up.”

“You wouldn’t have that problem if you cut your hair.” That was the classic dad mantra of the times: Cut your hair, son.

Mom stuck up for me, though. “Oh, Walter. Leave him alone, he looks so handsome! All duded-up for his date with Charlotte.” She fixed my collar and brushed my shirt with her hands.

“A date? With Charlotte? Son, maybe we need to have a talk first.”

My heart nearly dropped to the floor but Mom rescued me. “You can talk to him tomorrow, we need to get going.” 

- - - - -

“Thanks for the ride, Mom.” She was dropping us off at Kimmi’s house for the party. 

“You two have a good time! I’ll be here at ten to bring you home.” Charlotte and I shut the doors but Mom called me to her window. “Mike,” she said quietly as Charlotte headed towards the front door. “You got your protection?”

“Protection from … ah, jeez, Mom!” God, she could embarrass me! It was so infuriating. But at least she cared. “Yeah, Mom. I’m good to go.” I patted the top of the car twice, like, go, get out of here. I did pack three of the rubbers in my pocket and I had practiced with one earlier in the day. All you had to do was look at it and figure out which side could roll down. I just hoped we had enough light so I could tell.

I followed Charlotte up to the porch, my eyes glued to her ass, which was encased in some kind of pants she called Gauchos. All I knew was they made her ass look really hot. She also had on this white blousy top that tied around her neck and again at her waist, leaving her back completely bare and exposed. The front wasn't tight but you could tell a lot was going on under there. Plus, if you were a little to her side and behind her, you could catch some pretty good side-boobage from the gap created by the loose top. 

She stopped as we reached the top step and turned towards me. “You hardly said two words to me in the car.”

“I … didn’t know what to say with my mom sitting there.” I reached for her, my hands rested on her hips. “I’m sorry. I’ve … missed you … um … a lot.”

She smiled and shook her head as she leaned in for a hug. “You goofy boy. You better have missed me.” Ohhh … she was in my arms again. She squeezed me to her, pressing her warm body against mine. Everything is fine now, just fine.

I let out a massive sigh as I held her. “You feel so good,” I whispered. 

“So do you, Mikey Bear. I’ve got a little surprise for you later. But for now, let’s go in and get this over with.”

There was a minor uproar as we held hands while we entered Kimmi’s house, showing the world that we were an item. I got some high-fives and some flirty looks from a couple of girls. One of them, Sandy, had snubbed me all last year. But, now that I had Charlotte on my arm, she suddenly seemed interested. Go figure, huh? I breezed past her to get to the keg. 

Kimmi, bless her heart, had actually hired a DJ and he was spinning some pretty good shit: Black Water by the Doobie Brothers, The Immigrant Song by the mighty Zeppelin boys, and he even squeezed in some Dwight Twilley and some Eagles, too. The guy was rockin’ hard and lots of people were dancing in the front room, including me and Charlotte. But then he slowed things down with I’m Not In Love by 10cc, a very slow and sexy song.

I pulled Charlotte in close, whispering, “I love this song, but I am in love.” 

She giggled. “Me too. Except he's a sex fiend.”

“Talk about sex fiends, my girl keeps putting her breasts on me when she knows what that will get her.”

“You say that like it's a bad thing. Shall I back up?” 

She took a small step back but I reacted fast and pulled her in tight. “Get back here, Char. I've been dying to hold you for, like, three months.” I snuggled up good on her, my cock making his presence known to her.

She ground herself against me as she laughed. “It's only been four days, Mikey.”

“That's like three months in teenage years.”

She leaned in and kissed me tenderly, and the room and the music receded from me. I brought my hand up and caressed her flawless cheek as we continued to kiss. God, she's so beautiful. And she’s mine … and we’re going to make love soon.

“Jesus Christ, you two,” Kimmi playfully scolded us as she slow-danced with Brian McGovern. “You're making everyone else feel bad! Brian, why aren't you kissing me like that?”

I chuckled and looked into Charlotte’s eyes. “Maybe it's time we, uh—”

“Get to the fucking?” Her reply was only loud enough for me to hear. 

“Yeah,” I whispered. “Let's get to that.”

- - - - -

We had staggered our escape to reduce suspicion, so when I reached the top of the stairs in the dark attic I wasn’t sure which way to go. But I then saw a dim light in the far corner. Tiptoeing past heaps of boxes and furniture with my shoes in hand, I found Charlotte unzipping a sleeping bag and placing it atop another unzipped bag. I saw two more rolled-up sleeping bags behind her. “I got these,” I said excitedly.

We quickly arranged them so we had four sleeping bags flattened out on top of each other to give us some cushioning from the hardwood floor. We looked at each other from opposite corners of our makeshift bed … and hen leapt at each other at the same time. Colliding in the middle, we kissed hard for a few moments before we frantically tried to remove each other’s clothing. 

“Maybe,” I whispered breathlessly, “we should do our own.” She nodded assent and we stripped down much quicker. 

The only light we had was like a kid’s night light putting out maybe four watts. But it was enough to see Charlotte’s body as her clothes came off. Shadows danced on her skin, suddenly hiding some parts while revealing others. Her breasts swayed and jiggled … and I never felt more wondrous, more awestruck in my life. This girl, this babe, wants to have sex with me. And I am going to fuck her so good in just a few minutes.

“Mike.” Her whisper broke my reverie. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head quickly to clear the cobwebs. “Yeah! Yeah, I was just … staring at you. I can’t believe you love me and that we are going to do … this.”

“Mike,” she continued as she sidled up to me on the pile of sleeping bags. “Don’t be such a goof. I do love you and I’ve been waiting for this for like … forever. Do you see these nipples, how hard they are? And look here.” She turned toward the light and spread her legs. I caught a glint of light off her pussy lips. “I’m so wet, can you tell? It’s from dancing with you. Mike, I just want you inside me, like now.” She reached over and lightly stroked my rigid dick. “Fuck me, babe. Please just fuck me?”

“One sec, let me grab a rubber.” I moved towards my pants, but she stopped me. 

“No, it’s okay. That’s the surprise. We don’t need that. I have a few days before I ovulate, so we are in the clear.”

I just gave her a blank look. I didn’t know what the hell ovulate meant.

She rolled her eyes, since I didn’t respond. “We won’t need the rubber, there’s no egg so I can’t get pregnant.”

“Ohh, ovulate, I get it now,” I said, grinning like an idiot. I crawled on top of her as she laid herself back on our love bed. “You want my bare cock, baby? Is that what you want?” I reached what I thought was a good position, resting on my elbows while my lower body rested on her pelvis, my hard cock lying right on top of her sparse bush.

She whimpered and nodded her head vigorously.

I landed a light kiss on her lips for a brief moment. “But there’s supposed to be teasing, and playing, and foreplay, and—” 

I stopped talking when Char grabbed her breasts and pushed them together so they touched my chest. “There’s your foreplay, you feel my breasts on you? I want you, now.”

Her nipples dug into my chest as I reached down and gripped my cock. Rising up a bit, I pushed him down and felt skin and hair so I went a little lower, little lower …


My tip found her hot wetness. Jesus fucking Christ, that felt good on my cock. But I felt resistance and I figured I was still on the outside. Okay, go lower, go lower. The tip of my cock suddenly felt surrounded, like it fell into a small pit. I think this is it!

“There you are,” Charlotte whispered. 

I smiled as I lowered myself a little bit. I could feel … movement … my cock was going inside her! But it was so tight, so unbelievably tight; the way her pussy gripped me made me think it would be impossible to go any further. But only the head was into her at this point. 

“Ooo, yes,” moaned Charlotte. 

“You’re so tight, hon. Am I hurting you?” 

“It’s … it’s fine. Just, like, pull back a tiny bit and go forward again … yes … Yes! Like that … just like that … oh, fuck, you feel so good, Mike.”

Each time I did that, I could push in a little further. My dick sank farther into her steaming pussy. Her heat felt so good on my shaft. I got to where my hand bumped into her pussy, so I let go. It seemed like my cock could take it from there. 

Char’s hands had been gripping my arms, but she suddenly grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me down hard, forcing my dick all the way inside her.

Oh, fuck!” she nearly screamed. “Oh, fu—”

I clamped my hand down over her mouth to stop her from making so much noise. 

“Are you okay?” I asked. She nodded. “Do you want me to take it out?” She vigorously shook her head. “Will you stop screaming?” She nodded again, so I removed my hand. 

“Sorry,” she whispered. “It’s just, it feels so incredibly good.”

“Yes, it does. But stop screaming, okay?”

“I’ll try not to. Mike … we’re fucking!”

“Uh, just so you know, I am making love!”

She shook her head and snickered. “Quit fucking around and start fucking me.”

Technically, she was right. If the cock doesn’t go back and forth, that ain’t fucking.

“Okay, here we go.” I lifted up a little bit, feeling my shaft slide out, and I lowered myself back down. “Now we’re fucking.”

Charlotte began moaning when I did that again and I kissed her hard to keep her quiet. Her legs wrapped around mine, locking us together, our lips connected in a passionate kiss, and most of all my fucking cock was deep inside her volcano of a pussy. 

After a couple of strokes, I kind of found my rhythm and stopped kissing Charlotte because my brain couldn’t concentrate on that, it was too busy being swamped by waves of pleasure. I thought her mouth felt good on my cock the other day, but this felt even better. Her pussy was putting a full-court press on my cock, but with her juices, he slid in and out with ease. Unfortunately … this all proved to feel too good.

“Charlotte,” I whispered as my cock began throbbing. “It’s … I’m going to …”

“Let it go. Come inside me, baby. Come in my pussy, Mike.”

The pressure built quickly as I thrust into Charlotte again and again. Hold on … don’t come yet … hold on … oh, well … fuckkk.

The dam burst, and I flooded Char’s hot pussy with a lot of cum. Each pulse shook me as I poured more and more of my love inside her. 

“Breathe, Mike.”

I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath. I took in a big breath as the last of the shockwaves subsided. 

“Jesus Christ, that felt amazing, Charlotte!” My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath and slow my breathing. 

“You felt great, Mike. I could literally feel you coming inside me! It seemed like a lot.” 

My cock throbbed a couple more times as she squeezed it with her pussy.

“Yes!” she mewled. “I can feel that, I love that!”

“So, like, I know you didn't come yet—”

“That's okay, Mikey, I will next time.”

“Well, I was just gonna say that if you just give me a few minutes, ‘next time’ can be very soon.”

She smiled at me in the dim light. “I'd like that, very much.”

“In the meantime, can I lie down for a minute?”

“Sure!” she whispered as I rolled off of her. “Can I climb on top of you?”

“Of course. I just need a minute.”

Char crawled on top of me, and almost immediately I felt some warm liquid on my thigh.

“Are you dripping, hon?”

Hmm.” She rose up and lifted her leg. “I am definitely leaking … I’ve got an idea.” She adjusted herself so her pussy was hovering just over my cock and the remaining juices spilled all over me.

“That’s fucking hot, Char.” 

She gave me a sideways smirk and proceeded to work her way down to where her head was now over my cock. Despite the dim light, I could see her as she slurped up my cum from my belly … and from my dick.

“I really like your cum,” she whispered. “It’s so weird and gooey, and salty.” 

She continued to lick and kiss me down there and gave my dick a few sucks now and then. Inevitably, the little sparks and twitches I was feeling turned into serious jolts as I began to harden up. 

“There he is again!” Char squealed with delight. “Can I ride him, you think? I read about it and want to try it.”

“Absolutely. Do you, um, know what to do?” 

“Well, let's see. Maybe if I hold him up … and scoot forward some … ohhh, that feels nice, right on my slit.”

She worked the tip of my dick between her wet pussy lips for maybe a minute or so, and the sensation drove me crazy. I needed to fuck her again and she was just … playing with my cock like it was a toy.

“Char,” I gasped, barely able to contain my lust. “Please! Get down on it or, Christ, I don’t know what I’m gonna do!”

She giggled and then held him still … and lowered herself. “Oh, God, it’s like … you’re splitting me open! Mmmm.” She sat down on me.

Yes! I’m inside her again … oh my fucking God! 

She leaned forward and rested her hands on my shoulders while my hands went to her warm hips. I could feel her muscles flexing as she rocked back and forth. The angle or something was different this way, I felt a different kind of pressure than before.

“Jesus, Mike. You can’t believe how good this feels! I’m fucking you now!”

And she was fucking me good. She went from rolling her hips back and forth to lifting her body up a few inches and slamming back down onto me. Her tits jiggled and bounced like crazy, I had to grab them and squeeze them because they were almost in my face. That only made her groan more. I hated to do it, but I let go of one breast and clamped my hand over mouth again in an attempt to quiet her down. But when I pinched her nipple with my other hand, she practically screamed.

“Charlotte!” I hissed. “We don’t want anyone else up here, right? Keep it down.”

She nodded but I kept my hand there. She moved her hands from my shoulders to the floor and leaned over so her free breast now dangled right in my face. I quickly found her nipple and sucked it into my mouth. Holy shit! I’m sucking her tit and fucking her at the same fucking time! I didn’t know that was possible! 

She started breathing very hard as she slammed her body down onto me and my dick in a seemingly very deliberate motion. Her moaning increased and I began feeling little tremors around my dick … and she stopped breathing for several seconds before her pussy gripped me hard. Her legs shook and then her whole body shook while her pussy pulsed rhythmically on me … Yesss … my little Charlotte is having an orgasm … or maybe two. 

She collapsed like a rag doll on top of me and I took my hand from her mouth so she could breathe easier. She was dead weight on me, but her pussy still twitched a little here and there as I held her tightly. Her deep breaths then turned into little shudders and I heard her sniffle. Her head was buried in my neck, so I couldn’t see her, but I had to ask. “Char? Are you crying? What’s wrong?”

She rose up a little and the light caught one of her tears as it fell onto my cheek. Then she kissed me firmly, jamming her tongue deep into my mouth, and she wriggled a bit with my still-hard dick inside her. I stroked her hair as our mouths melded together in a very wet kiss. Eventually, she lifted off of me so I could look at her face. I wiped the tears from one cheek.

“Baby, you okay?”

She nodded her head several times and kind of laughed before answering, “I’m just … a little overwhelmed. Maybe more than a little,” she joked.

“I love you, Charlotte, do you know that?”

“Yes, and I love you so much, Mikey Bear. I had … no idea it could be like this. You’re incredible! I’m so glad you got hard again, and you’re still hard! But, like, I’m exhausted. I need to lie down for a minute.”

“Sure. Uh, hang on, I want to try something.” I wrapped my arms and legs around her and managed to roll us both over while keeping my cock inside her. “There! How’s that?” I began gently thrusting in and out of her again.

“Oh, fuck!” she whispered. “What … what are you doing to me?” 

I picked up the pace, fucking her harder and harder. I shoved my hands under her bottom and roughly grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling on them so I could fuck her even harder. Our bodies slapped together, making a lot of surprising noises, but I didn’t think they could be heard by anyone downstairs. Then, when Char started wailing, I had to clamp my hand over her mouth again. I could feel her coming again but I couldn’t stop, I just fucked her right through it. Her wet pussy was so tight, but my cock seemed impervious to her; it just stayed hard and I kept fucking. But it was difficult to keep her quiet and fuck her as hard as I wanted to, so I stopped for a moment. 

“Baby, turn over. Let’s try this.” She rolled over and I pulled her to her knees. Fortunately, the angle was such that the light lit up her asshole and pussy for me in a lascivious display. I stopped and stared for a few moments.

“What are you doing, Bear?” Char whispered as she turned her head back.

“Just looking at you, your ass is so beautiful.” I pawed at her bottom. “This is mine, isn’t it?”

“I’m all yours, Michael. Are you going to fuck me some more?”

“You want that? More dick?” I crawled up behind her in the mounting position. My rigid member slid along her slit and asshole. 

“Yes, fuck me, Mike. Fuck me, fuck me!”

I looked around at our clothes and reached over to grab my shirt. I rolled it up tightly and put it up by her face. “Scream into that, okay?” She adjusted it to fit her face … and she moaned deeply as I slipped my cock inside her again. 

Okay, I like this position!

As my thighs slammed into hers and into her ass cheeks again and again, it seemed like my dick went even deeper than before. I slid my hands around her legs, which gave me more control over her, and her moaning seemed almost continuous. The angle and the friction began working their magic on me, and I felt my cock begin to tingle. 


Charlotte gritted her teeth but kept her mouth open as she rapidly breathed hard through them. “Fuck me harder, Mike!”

I pounded into her as hard and as fast as I could. “I’m fucking you, baby!” I gasped, trying not to holler but I fucking felt like it. I only had a few more moments before I was going to blow, so I reached further around her and rubbed her clit. That made her clench immediately on my cock, and that was all she wrote.

With one final wicked thrust, I drove as hard as I could into her. She slipped forward and fell flat on the sleeping bags with me right on top of her. “I'm coming, baby … coming inside your pussy.” My cock throbbed and pulsed as it shot jet after hot jet of semen inside Charlotte’s little pussy. 

“Me … unh … too,” she managed to squeak out as she rhythmically gripped my dick.

Slowly, eventually, and perhaps unfortunately, we came back to earth. We tried kissing but it wasn't really working in this back-to-front position. I raised myself up and out of her and she quickly rolled over. I got back between her legs and settled in. My dick just effortlessly slipped right inside of her and I rested on my elbows.

“You're still hard?” she asked.

“Yeah, I think I'm kind of fired up.”

She giggled. “Is this like that frenzy you had when you first saw a Playboy?”

“Yeah, only this is way, way better.” I moved a lock of her hair out of her beautiful face. Then I gently traced my finger down the side of her face and along her jawline. I pushed my dick forward just a little and she pushed back. I lightly pulled her chin down so her mouth opened and I began to kiss her.

I touched her cheek as we kissed and made some real love. Our sweaty bodies moved perfectly together, connected as we were both physically and emotionally. I mean we were in sync.

And then … it happened. An orgasm shook my dick, seemingly out of nowhere. My whole body shuddered as my cock-head became so sensitive it almost hurt and I held completely still. 

“You coming again, Mikey?”

“Yeah,” I moaned. “Just hold still for a sec.” But she didn't, she relaxed her body, and that little movement triggered another orgasm. My dick jerked and spasmed, and I don't even know if he was still squirting or not at this point. Then  I moved and it happened again. It was like my dick grew longer and fatter or something; every nerve ending felt raw, like it was on fire, and any little movement sent me into another frenzied orgasm. 

I couldn't think, I couldn't kiss, I couldn't even count how many times this happened. I know at some point Charlotte came again and her clenching cunt drove me to new heights of ecstasy. Finally, I think the pleasure centers began to fail and the pain kicked in. My dick was just too overstimulated.

I pushed myself off of Charlotte and rolled to one side. She began to come with me but I managed to eke out a few words. 

“Don't … please … don't touch my dick.”

She giggled, called me a “poor baby”, and snuggled against me while leaving my poor guy alone.

We lay there quietly, each wishing we had brought some water. I kinda didn't know what to say. I mean, my brain seemed to be working again, but I just couldn't find the right words. ‘That was amazing’ just didn't seem … enough to describe this incredible event. 

Char broke the silence after a couple of minutes. “Mike, I’ve been lying here trying to find the right words—“she stopped talking when I laughed.

“Sorry, hon, I was just thinking the same thing!”

“All I can think of is … sublime.”

“Right,” I agreed. “Me too. Definitely sublime.”

She rose up on her elbow and looked at me. “You don’t have the slightest idea what that means, do you.”

“Not the faintest clue,” I admitted.

“Am I going to have to tutor you this year? Sublime means, like, well something is so amazing that it is beyond measurement. Like, something so good and pure that it’s beyond greatness, even beyond understanding.”

“Okay, then, yes, definitely sublime.” I pulled her to me and we kissed, her warm body melting into mine. Her hair flowed around my face and we shared our breath during our slow and gentle, almost languorous kiss. We held each other close for many minutes. 

- - - - -

Mom knew something had happened. I could tell she knew. When we left Kimmi’s house and walked down the steps to the street, I saw it in Mom’s eyes.

She knows we fucked.

Maybe it was our glowing faces, although it was dark and the streetlight probably didn’t light us up that much. Maybe it was the way Charlotte and I held each other. It wasn’t like how two young people newly dating hold each other. No, we held each other with … maybe confidence is the word? We each were 100% confident that we were deeply in love with each other.

Or it could have been that Charlotte’s hair was messy and her makeup was largely destroyed. 

Whatever, it was an awkward ride home, sure enough. Fortunately, my dick seemed to have died completely; he was unresponsive to Charlotte’s breast touching my side in the car. Mom had a flurry of questions about the party, but we could only manage to give one- or two-word answers with the occasional lengthy speech of maybe six words. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Nelson,” Charlotte said as she waved goodbye.

“I’ll walk home from here, Mom. Thanks, good night!” The look she gave me meant ‘Yeah, it’s not good night yet, young man.’

I walked Charlotte up to her porch where we could hear the TV on inside. 

“Char,” I began as I faced her with my hands on her hips. “I don’t know how to tell you how much I love you, but … it’s like that sublime thing. It’s impossible to measure.”

“Mike, we both … changed … tonight. It’s like, we’re basically adults now. And my love for you is … well it’s just … everything. I can’t describe it either.” We each moved in for a full-body hug. 

“I’m glad you love me,” I whispered.

“I’m glad you made love to me,” she said with a little wicked smirk. “And … fucked me … and gave me your cum.”

“Why, you little harlot!”

“Shhh!” she hissed at me, looking into the window to see if anyone was there. “Be quiet, you numbskull!”

I wrinkled up my face at her … and slid my hands around to cup her bottom. I gave it a good shake.

“I miss you already,” I whispered. 

“Me too. When will you fuck me again?”

“I don’t know, we need to figure that out. But I will take you six ways to Sunday when we do! In the meantime, I’ll be jerking off to you in the morning.”

“You mean, while I’m over here grooming my horse you’re going to be whacking off?”

“Yep. I’ll tell you about it, too. If you’re good.” 

“Oh, I’ll be good, Mister Mike. You can bet on that.”

Just as I slipped a hand up to cup her breast, the porch light blinked off and on twice.

I sighed. “Ask not for whom the light blinks, it blinks for thee.” I felt pretty proud of myself for that one.

“Almost,” she winked. “But ten points for the effort.”

We shared a lingering kiss for a few moments, and then she playfully pushed me away before one of her parents came to open the door. 

“Good night, love,” she called as I left. 

“Farewell, oh fairest of the fair!” I didn’t know what the fuck I was saying. Believe it or not, the blood had begun to drain from my big head and started filling up the little head.

- - - - - 

“So?” Mom just stood there in the kitchen when I walked in. She’d been waiting to hit me with that ‘so’ for about twenty minutes.

“Yes.” I nodded, figuring that would confirm her suspicions. I opened the cabinet for some Oreos. 

“That’s all you’re going to say?”

I shrugged and opened the package with a lot of crinkly noises. I stuffed two of them in my mouth; I could barely close my lips as I chewed.

“God, Michael. If you’re going to do grown-up things and have grown-up responsibilities, don’t you think you should act like one? At least occasionally?”

After a good long time of hard crunching, I got to where I could talk. “Ahem. So yeah, speaking of responsibilities … you know that twelve-pack of Trojans you got me? That’s probably only going to last us a few days. Do they have, like, a forty-eight-pack or something?”

Mom reached for an Oreo and threw it at my head as I scurried to my room.

- The End -

Written by Mojavejoe420
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