I didn’t sleep well after Charlotte helped to jerk me off in the treehouse. I mean, we kissed! And I touched her tit. No, wait. I touched her breast! And it was glorious, my best day ever by a mile.
But she was leaving today to go to a dressage competition a few towns away. It was good for the horse to get there a day or two earlier so she could get acclimated to the arena. Otherwise, she could become skittish during the show and that would be noticeable by the judges.
My clock radio said 4:57 am, so I got up, got dressed, and went over to Charlotte’s barn. I just had to see her again, and I figured this was the only way. The lights were on inside already, and Hanes was getting ready to muck the first stall.
“I got this, Hanes. They could probably use some help getting all the tack ready.”
Hanes looked to be about fifty years old. How he came to have this as his profession, I’ll never know. He got room and board for free, so I suppose that was enough for him.
“Show me you know what yer doin’, kid.”
I pulled out my gloves from my back pocket and then talked nicely to Maxine for a few moments. She knew me already, but it’s good to be friendly and get acquainted with the horses. I led her out of the stall, tied her up, put on my gloves, and began working the pitchfork on the hay. My uncle used wood shavings and I liked that better, but I could work with hay.
After a couple of minutes of watching me, Hanes murmured, “I reckon you’ll do. I’ll go ‘n git the gear together.”
I finished that stall and put Maxine back inside, and I was about halfway through the second one when I heard Charlotte call out. “Hanes? Is Max ready yet? I’ve gotta get her … oh! Michael!”
She rushed towards me as I tossed the pitchfork aside and caught her for a big hug. She felt so good in my arms, like she was meant to be in them. I squeezed her extra hard, and she squeezed me back.
Good. It wasn’t just my imagination. Yesterday was real. And, Jesus, her hair smells good.
I relaxed my grip on her so we could face each other. She smiled at me for only a moment before she leaned in to kiss me. Magic. Neither of us knew much about kissing but we figured it out. My cock started growing, of course.
“Open your mouth a little,” she whispered. Wow! Even better. I dropped my gloves in the hay so I could feel her better. I figured since I touched her breast yesterday I could hold her ass today, so I slid my hands down her back and grabbed her bottom.
“Mmmm,” she moaned, and then her tongue licked the inside of my upper lips. Fuckin’ A! I’d heard of French kissing but I had no idea it was like this! I pushed my tongue forward a little … and found hers there … warm and wet, and playful, and so goddamned erotic that with barely thinking about it I bent down a little and hoisted her up. Her legs naturally wrapped around my waist and my rock-hard cock pressed right up against her pussy.
She broke the kiss. “It’s too bad we have these clothes on, or you would be fucking me right now.”
I made a couple of good hard thrusts right into her. “It’s okay to say fucking? That’s not too, ummm, crass?”
She giggled. “You think this is the right time to be a wise-ass?”
“I think … (kiss) …this is … (kiss) … the perfect time … (kiss) … to be a wise-ass.” I kissed her deeply again and our tongues swirled around together.
A door slammed at the far end of the barn and I let Charlotte down quickly. “We should get in Maxine’s stall,” I said. “There’s no reason for you to be here in Lightning’s stall.” We did just that and waited a few moments until we were rewarded with Hanes cursing about something and going back out and up to the house.
“You look amazing in your gear,” I said and gave her a little whistle. It was the standard riding get-up;–tall black boots that went almost to the knee, tight white pants, a white shirt under a dark coat, and black gloves. She wasn’t wearing her dark helmet but I figured it was up at the house or in the truck. “Turn around, slowly.”
She gave me a smirk as she did a slow twirl. “Do I look alright?”
The buttons were straining to keep her shirt closed, and the pants really accentuated her ass. The boots gave her somewhat of a military look which, for unknown reasons, gave me an extra thrill.
“You look entirely fuckable, Char.” Oh, fuck! Can I say that? Is that stepping over some line or something? Shit! What if she—
“Do you think so? I … I want you to think so.”
Phew, a close call … she seems to like it when I’m a little naughty and … daring, maybe?
“I hear girls get wet when they’re excited. Are you wet now?” I kept looking her in the eye even though my instinct was to turn away. Stay daring.
She grinned a little. “Yes, just like you’re hard, I’m wet.”
“I’m going to …” And I froze for a moment. No! Keep going forward! Don’t retreat! “I’m going to need proof.”
“I’m not taking my clothes off here! Not now!”
“Shhh, keep it down or you’ll wake the entire neighborhood!” That was kinda funny because the houses were a hundred yards apart or more. “My hands? Very clean, I’ve been wearing gloves and haven’t touched anything in here besides you. Now turn around, face the wall.”
Obediently, she did a half-turn away from me. I stepped in right behind her, reached my right hand around her waist, and slid it down … inside her riding pants. At the same time, I pressed my dick into the crack of her ass while my other hand reached around to hold a breast, on the outside of her shirt.
Charlotte gasped as my right hand slipped further and further down. I found her panty line and slipped my fingers under that, also. I felt a few hairs and then … I felt her. She was right, she was wet. My three fingers found soft, squishy, and very damp skin. I pushed down further and found more of the same except perhaps even wetter folds of skin. And, surprisingly to me, she was so hot down there!
I squeezed her breast gently, not knowing how much was too much, and whispered in her ear. “I’m touching your pussy, Char.”
She breathed in shallow gasps; even I could tell she was very excited by this. She placed her hand over the bulge in her pants that was my hand and pressed a little. My middle finger slipped inside her! This was hot! She was hot. She felt amazing.
Charlotte’s chest rose and fell a little faster than before, my hand still massaging her breast. She let go of where my hand was and grabbed my wrist. “Just come up slightly … like, right there, yessss, Michael. Feel that little stiff bump? Mmm hmm, rub it … just like that … just like that … talk to me, please.”
So I whispered in her ear, kinda like she did to me yesterday. “I loved watching you suck your ti— breasts yesterday. I want to suck them, though.”
“Do you?” she gasped. “They aren’t too big?”
She bucked a little back and forth as I rubbed her little bump. I ground my cock into her backside; we both still had our pants on but I knew she felt it. “Your breasts are so perfect, Char. I want you to put them on my dick!”
“Oh, my God, what else!”
“I … I want to kiss your pussy and then … and then fuck you!” God I can’t believe I said that!
“Why, Mike?” She seemed like she was really getting into this and maybe ready to come, but this question confused me. Why? Because you’re so fucking amazing and fuckable and you like me! Duh! But is this a trick question? Feels like … I’m missing something here. Shit! Two or three seconds have passed, say something!
“Because you’re so,” don’t fuck this up, “because you’re … you’re my girl.”
“Michael, hold me.” Her pussy quivered and then her whole body jerked several times. But I had a good hold on her from behind and she wasn’t in danger of falling. Her pussy seemed to have gotten even wetter, though.
“That was so good,” she gasped after a few moments. “So good, Michael.”
I was so ready to burst I couldn't stand it anymore. I completely let go of Charlotte and dug into my jeans to get to my dick. Before she even turned around I was several strokes into a furious jack-off. Within 30 seconds I was coming, shooting my cum against the stable boards as Charlotte watched and giggled. When I finally stopped squirting, Charlotte dropped to her knees and took my hand away from my dick … and put her mouth completely on my mushroom head. She even went down further, about halfway or so, and I felt her sucking for several seconds. Then she pulled away and made an exaggerated swallow.
She stood up and smiled at me. “I like your cum, I swallowed a lot of it. Next time, I want you to put all of it in my mouth.”
“Fuck, yes,” was all I managed to say as I buttoned up my jeans.
“I like being your girl, Mike.” And she kissed me hard … until we heard some noises outside; it sounded like people would be coming into the barn in a few seconds. We broke apart, and she turned to leave.
“Hey, beautiful,” I called out. She turned and smiled at me. “Bring me back a trophy, okay?”
“I will, “ she beamed.
- - - - -
Three days later, three very long and boring days later, the phone rang.
“Mike!” Mom called out from her bedroom. “It’s for you!”
“Okay!” I picked up the receiver in the kitchen. “Hello?”
“Hi, Mike! It’s Charlotte! I’m back and I was thinking—”
“Mom,” I snapped into the phone. “I’ve got it. You can hang up now.” I was pissed; she was trying to listen in on my call.
“Bye, Charlotte!” My mom hung up with an audible click.
“Sorry about that, Char. She’s just snoopy. So, you’re back?”
“It’s okay, my brothers are always pulling stunts like that on me. That’s why I don’t say anything important on the phone. And yes, I’m back!”
I caught her drift about not saying anything important, or sexy, on the phone. “How’d the show go? Did I get a trophy?”
“I got second place, which pissed me off because Susie Jenkins is a bitch. But it was good enough for me to qualify for State next month!”
“That’s great! Let me know when and I’ll see if I can go, okay?”
“I will. So, hey. It’s kinda late for me today, but do you want to go fishing with me tomorrow? We can ride over to Brown Creek, spend a few hours,” and she whispered, “alone.”
“Dibs on Sailor!” That was the fastest horse they owned.
“You rat! I’ll probably ride Jimmy, then. Whaddya say, eight o’clock? I’ll bring the picnic.”
Everybody knows the fish bite earlier than that, but I had a feeling we weren’t going for the fish. “Sounds great, um … I can’t wait!” We hung up.
A couple of minutes later my mom wandered out, trying to act all nonchalant but she was a miserable actress. “So, what did Charlotte want? You guys going to go play somewhere?”
“Play? That’s funny, Mom. Nah, she was just telling me she got second at her horse show, meet, thing.”
“Uh huh.”
I looked at her and shrugged as if to say, That’s all there is to it.
“You know, Mrs. de la Torre and I are supposed to golf tomorrow. It’s the season-ending tournament, but I have a bit of a headache.” She looked at me with a weird look, which I took as she was trying to insinuate something. But I didn’t fall for it.
“That’s a shame, you just going to let Mrs. Del walk away with the trophy?” I knew they were tied for first place and Mom had finished second three years running.
“Hmph! As if she has a chance at it? I’ve been coming on real strong these last few weeks. I think I’ve got her rattled.”
“Want me to get you some aspirin? You can’t let …” I looked around to see if anyone was listening, but of course nobody was around at all, and I continued in a stage whisper, “… you can’t let that old nag beat you!”
“Top shelf, kitchen cabinet, by the sink. Get me three. And a water.”
Mrs. de la Torre was not a nag by any stretch of the imagination, but Mom appreciated me being on her side, I knew it. As she was downing her pills she said, “You know, that Charlotte has turned into quite a young woman. You better not … do anything stupid with her.”
There it is! She’s got some actual suspicions. “Stupid? She’s the same old Charlotte she’s always been. Tomboy Charlotte, that’s what we call her.”
She looked at me and shook her head slightly.
- - -
Charlotte’s breasts had bounced the entire way to Brown Creek. I wished I had a movie camera, but I did at least bring my sketchbook.
“Here’s a good spot,” I said. “Right by the creek, nice and flat.”
She shook her head. “Huh-uh. I know a place just up ahead that’s a lot more private. Unless … you actually want to go fishing.”
Gulp! I gotta wise up!
“Lead on, Kit Carson.”
We got to a great spot in a grove of big oaks that was up against a good-sized hill. The contours of the hill were such that we were protected on three sides by the hill and protected from the sun by the oaks. It couldn’t be any better.
We were about to dismount when I had an idea. “Hold up there Char. We’re all alone here, right?”
“Yes … isn’t that the idea?”
“It sure is. I think that, now hear me out, you ride back down the slope about a hundred yards, down to that willow, see? Then you take that shirt off and ride back up here to me.”
She put her hand to her chest and gave me a mock look of anger. “Why on earth would I do that? What kind of a … a harlot do you think I am?”
“I think you’re the best kind of harlot; beautiful, sweet, sexy, and with a heart of gold. Plus, your boobs have been flying all over half the county this morning, and I want to see them in their natural environment.”
She just made that little tick-tick sound to her horse, and they ambled back down the way. I tied Sailor to a tree and spread out the blanket. I checked on Charlotte; she was stopped down by the willow, but her horse was blocking my view. I started getting the food out of my saddlebags when she hollered at me. I stood up and couldn’t believe my eyes.
Charlotte was riding Jimmy, and she was naked! Well, except for her cowgirl boots. Her breasts couldn’t decide which way to go; they bounced up and down, side to side, pretty much all at the same time. Sunlight blazed off her hair as she hit bright patches between the trees. She looked like a faerie, or wait! A nymph of the forest. That’s it. She was a steward of the forest and never expected to meet a human, so she was always naked. She whoa’d up right before me.
“Charlotte the harlot, at your service, good sir.”
I held her hand as she looked down at me from atop her saddle. “No, fair maiden. ’Tis Charlotte, the lovely forest nymph. For no human could be as fair and beautiful as thee.” I paused for a few moments. “Is it thee or thou? I can’t remember.” She laughed. We tried to do A Midsummer’s Night Dream last year for the school play; it didn’t go so well but we had fun trying to speak in Old-English accents. “Now are you coming down or what?”
“You get naked, sire, then I shall dismount.”
I stripped in record time, my engorged dick springing free, and I helped her down. I stood there as she led Jimmy away so she could tie him up next to Sailor. She turned on a heel and walked back to me, swaying her hips like a true harlot. My cock couldn’t get any harder, having seen her naked body move and sway and bend.
“Is that for me?” she asked, pointing at my hard dick.
“Yes, he seems to really like you!”
We sat down on the big flannel blanket and she started taking her boots off. “No, leave them on.” She looked at me funny but left them on.
Alright, big boy, let’s be the aggressor here.
I slid closer to Char and put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me. Our lips met as our bodies got closer. Her naked skin felt warm on me, and so unbelievably soft. I eased her down on the blanket and supported myself on my elbows as I lay across her, our chests touching and my cock pressing against her thigh. We kissed for several minutes this way, just enjoying each other and not being rushed.
“Why is my leg wet?” she asked.
“Oh. That’s just me. It does that, it starts oozing when it’s been hard for a while. Look.” I grabbed my dick and pulled it away from her leg, leaving what looked like a spider-web connecting her leg and my dick together.
“So … that’s not cum, right?”
“Yeah, no. It’s like … a lubricant, I guess. I’m pretty sure it can have sperms in it, though.”
“Can I check it out?”
“Help yourself, Char.”
She rose up as I lay on my back and stared up into the sky. Shit, I can’t see anything! I found my jeans within reach and rolled them up for a pillow.
“Are you done now?” she asked, giggling.
“I want to see what you’re going to do.” While sitting on the blanket, she was leaning over my cock and I really wanted to see her big breasts as they hung over my thigh.
She smirked at me and said in a low voice, “I’m going to do this.” She stuck her tongue out and licked the head of my cock. “Mmm, salty!”
“If you want, you can get some more, I’ll show you.” She nodded, so I put my finger at the base of my cock and brought it upward, pushing on my main vein there and forcing out a pretty good amount of lube. She squealed with delight and licked all of it up. She tentatively gripped my shaft and stroked it up and down a few times, her tongue on my mushroom head.
“Will this make you come?” she asked. “I don’t want you to come just yet.”
“That feels amazing, but no, I need you to grip it firmer and move faster to actually come.”
“Okay, good, I’m going to go exploring.”
What could she mean by exploring … ohhh! She nuzzled her nose at the base of my dick, then licked upwards the entire length. She did that a few times while my hand reached out and cupped her nearest breast. God, she felt amazing! So firm but also squishy! And her nipple was hard and really fun to play with. I gave a few test squeezes, each one getting a little harder, and she actually moaned instead of telling me to stop.

“Do you like me licking you?” she asked coyly.
“Fuck, yes, Char. You’re driving me crazy!”
She smiled at me, rubbing my dick all over one cheek and then the other. It left lube streaks on her face that she didn’t even wipe off. “I like it a lot, Mike. I’m going to kiss it, okay?”
I chuckled a little at her asking for permission to kiss my dick. “Yes, feel free! Everything you’re doing feels so good.”
She tilted her head down and planted her lips right on the fleshy head of my dick. Then she opened her mouth and took me inside.
Fuck! My mind went nearly blank with pleasure. Then she took more of it into her hot mouth. My hips moved all by themselves and I thrust into her mouth another couple of inches. She pulled off and gagged for a second. “Sorry! I wasn’t ready for that.”
“It’s fine!” I reassured her. “My fault, I shouldn’t have done that … I’ll hold still. You’re doing great. Give me your hand, okay?” I took her hand and helped her wrap it around my cock. “Now squeeze … little harder … harder … even more … that’s it … now up and down … mmhmm … now right here, under the mushroom, that’s the magic spot. Keep your thumb on that or your lips, or alternate. I’m very close to coming, Char. I’ll tell you ‘when’ so it doesn’t go in your mouth.”
She put her mouth on me again and stroked me good. Looking at her mouth suck me while she jerked me, and having one of her large breasts in my clutches, I thought I could die there just like this. I felt the build-up happening … as her mouth rode up and down … and she stroked me harder … and I thought about grabbing her head and fucking her face as hard as I could … (where did that come from?) … and her mouth felt so Goddamned good on me.
“Look out,” I squawked, barely able to speak. She had plenty of warning but she didn’t stop; she kept her mouth on my dick and stroked faster.
I grunted and my body jerked as I fired shot after shot of hot semen into her mouth. Fuck, she's amazing! She rose off of me and some of my cum dripped from her lips. She put her hand to her mouth to catch the drippings, then lowered her head for a moment and swallowed.
“Did I do okay?” she asked, smiling sweetly.
I was riding high from this amazing thing and my emotions were running wild, and I pulled her up to me. “Get up here!”
I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her hard despite what may or may not have been still on her lips. Her body crushed into me as I lay on that blanket—this was easily the best moment of my entire life.
We kissed for a long time before coming up for air.
“Well?” she asked. “Did I?”
“Did you what … oh, my God, yes, you did great! You were amazing! And you … you swallowed it all!”
She blushed at my enthusiasm. “Good, I wanted to be good for you.”
“Charlotte, you were, I promise. This was the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me! You’re, I’m … you okay with it?”
“Yeah, for sure. I could see the reaction you were having to it and it got me all wet. And … I liked the ending.” She looked down for a moment, then looked back at me. “I liked swallowing your … cum, Mike. I wanted to do that … for you. In my mom’s books, a lot of the girls don’t like it. But the really sexy girls do and they swallow it.”
“You are my sexy girl, Char, and I …” I was about to say I love you but I just couldn’t, so I changed tactics. “I want to suck your tits—” and her face glared at me hard! “Breasts! I’m sorry! It’s going to take me a bit to not say that.”
“You looked like you were going to say something else, Michael. Now, tell me what it was or you won’t get your mouth anywhere near these tits.” She rose up a little and I could see them swaying there, her nipples hard.
“Okay … you sure? Alright.” I let out a big sigh and went for it. “I was thinking of that Partridge Family song, their big hit.”
“I Think I Love You?” she guessed correctly.
“Aha! I knew you love me!” I said, laughing at my little trick to get her to say it.
“You dirty rat!” she roared. “You better say it back right now or so help me—” She was doing a great job at convincing me she was mad.
“I do love you, Charlotte. I love you! That’s what I was thinking about and that’s what I was going to say. I love you.”
She softened. “Well, okay. You better! Because I’m in love with you, and …” she moved forward a little and her breasts dragged up my chest to my throat, “… we’ve got a lot of exploring to do.”
She dangled her nipple close to my mouth and I leaned up and sucked on it.
There we go … oh, my God … I’m sucking a real tit! Only it’s Charlotte’s breast, and it’s big and beautiful and just so fucking soft …
I sucked her nipple deep into my mouth, my tongue working on it, and my jaw moved up and down all by itself. Her breast was squashed around my face and I thought how wonderful it was to be surrounded by her flesh. Sucking her breast was just so comforting, the culmination of all my teenage fantasies. I could do this all fucking day!
Charlotte lifted off of me, my mouth making a popping sound as her breast withdrew from my mouth. I started to get upset but she immediately lowered her other breast down to my mouth. Thank God! But she teased me with this one, dragging it back and forth across my lips and lifting it just out of reach. We both laughed at her little game until I used my hands and caught her firm nipple in my teeth. “Careful!” I said through my lightly clenched teeth. “I might bite you!”
“You wouldn't dare!” she teased, but she didn't pull away from me. I gave her a quick little bite and she shrieked while her body stiffened. Then she relaxed and whispered, “Do that again but … touch me this time.”
Both my hands were firmly holding her breast already, so I almost told her I already was. But, fortunately, it dawned on me she wanted me to touch her, meaning her pussy. I slipped my right hand down just a bit and felt her sparse pubic hair… and then her wet pussy. This was so much better than touching her inside her pants; I had full access now!
With my left hand on her breast and my mouth working her nipple over, the fingers of my right hand gently explored her wet folds, and she soon soaked them with her pussy fluids. I ran my two big fingers up and down her slit a couple of times and felt her quiver each time they got to the top. Yes, that was her ‘stiff little bump’, she called it that the other day. Keep that spot in mind!
I rubbed her little bump and bit down on her nipple again, just for a moment. I didn't think it was too hard, but what did I know? Her body jerked again, so I did it a few more times as I rubbed her little bump. Her moans grew louder and louder until she screamed, “Oh! Fuckkk!”
Her entire body spasmed like before only more so, and she got my hand so wet that she even dripped juices into my belly button. Charlotte nearly collapsed on me, but she held on and crawled backward to where we could kiss again. It was kind of a giggle-kiss, though, as she couldn't keep a straight face.
“You made me come really hard,” she whispered. “It was amazing!”
“I'm so glad, hon.”
“Oh, yeah, um, that's just what my dad calls my mom.”
“That's so sweet! I'm your honey, then?”
I laughed and shook my head. “Yeah, of course you are. And honey, I think you made a puddle on me.”
She followed my eyes as I looked down my chest. “Oh, gosh, I did! And your cock is pointing right at it, ha!”
“What is it?” I asked; I'd never heard of this before.
“I don't have a word for it, it just happens sometimes when I have a huge orgasm. Wanna taste it? It's good!”
“Well … um …” But before I could figure out if or even how I was going to taste some, she lowered herself and slurped up the fluid from my navel into her mouth, but she didn’t swallow. Then she came back up to me with an expectant look in her eyes. I opened my mouth slowly and she kissed me, opening her mouth and letting the juice drip into mine. I swallowed.
“It’s … okay. I’ve never tasted anything like it before.” I closed my mouth and rolled my tongue around inside and swallowed again. “I like it. If it’s from you, I want it. What is it?” I knew I had already asked what it was, but it just fascinated me so much.
“It’s girl cum, I guess. I get wet when I get excited, then even more wet when I come.”
“So … at the ranch, I told you about seeing the dirty magazines.” Charlotte nodded. “Well, I also saw some dirty movies …”
“Really? Tell me!”
“Okay. But first, you lie on your back for a while.”
She rolled off me and dutifully laid herself down, resting her head on my jeans pillow. I straddled her naked body, putting my knees right at her armpits. My hard cock lay on her chest as her breasts splayed to the sides a bit.
“Big Chet pulled out what he called ‘stag films’, and I saw some things that … blew my mind, I guess.”
“Really! I’ve heard of those. What were they like?”
“They’re like, short, and mostly in black and white but he did have one in color. Some just had naked people doing dumb things like playing volleyball. And then … there were others.”
Charlotte grinned at me. “Others, huh? Go on.”
“Press your breasts together, hon.” She quickly complied, and I began working up some saliva, which I dripped onto my cock and her breast flesh. My cock then slid between her breasts a little.
“Mmmm,” she purred. “That’s a little sexy.”
“Yeah, I learned this from one of the films. I thought it was hot.”
I worked up some more spit and dropped it in there between her breasts. “Yeah, so this is called, pardon the expression, ‘tit-fucking.’”I slowly slid my dick up and down as she wrapped her glorious tits around me. “This feels … amazing … I can’t even …”
“Go ahead, Mike, fuck my boobs.”
In moments, my breath became ragged as the buildup happened real quick. A hand around my cock was one thing, but having her wet tits surround him, oh, my fucking God!
“Jesus, are you going to come again?” Charlotte pressed her breasts together harder, bringing my ecstasy even quicker. “Go ahead, baby. Fuck my tits! Fuck ‘em, fuck ‘em hard!”
Jesus Christ, she said the forbidden word! “Gonna … gonna come … nowww … aaaugggghh!”
I shot my cum hard, despite having come just a few minutes earlier. But this time it was uncontrolled and went everywhere. Hot cum streaked across her chin and cheek, her forehead, even into her hair.
I gasped for breath as my orgasm flowed through me. I just … I just never thought anything could be this good.
“Mike.” Her voice shook me out of my reverie.
“Huh? I mean, yes?”
“You missed my mouth. I need some in my mouth.”
“Oh, sorry … yeah, got a little carried away there.” I used my finger to push the cum on her cheek into her waiting mouth.
“Mmmm, I’m loving how you taste. Have you tasted yourself? I do that all the time.”
“It’s, uh … a little gay, isn’t it?” I mean, I did catch a brief taste earlier, but it was mixed with her saliva and we were kissing so hard I didn’t notice much.
“I’m pretty sure you aren’t gay. Go ahead, lick some off my forehead and then give it to me.”
I shrugged and went for it, licking and slurping up a white line of my cum … and then I opened my lips to let it ooze into her mouth.
“Mmmm,” she moaned as she swallowed. “You just can’t imagine how sexy that is for me. What else did you learn from those dirty movies?”
I laid myself down on her and kissed her as I wriggled my body between her legs. “Well, there was this other move …” I started kissing down her throat while slowly inching my way down. “The lady on the screen seemed to like it.” I kissed each breast for a few moments before continuing my slow journey south. “I didn’t know girls had orgasms until you told me, but now I know that’s what this chick was having.”
Charlotte squirmed and mewled as she opened her legs wider. I think she knew what was coming but she didn’t interrupt me.
“This guy, he … kisses this chick … right where I never expected.” I ran my tongue in circles around her belly button, which made her giggle a little. Then I kissed below her belly button as I went further south.
Charlotte whispered, “Oh, Goddamn …”
“Should I stop, hon?” I teased. “Are you nervous?”
“Mike, please!” she whined.
I lowered myself to where I figured was my final position, my face hovering a few inches above her fragrant pussy.
“Please what? Please stop? I think you’re right. Because this is a pretty advanced move, I’m not sure you’re ready for this. Only whores want this.” Oh shit, that might have been too much! Why did I use the word whore?
She looked at me. “Do something quick or this whore is going to break your neck with my legs!” Charlotte quickly clamped her legs against the side of my head. I guess she’s not too mad about my use of colorful language. I spread them back apart with my hands and dove in … face first and mouth open.
My lips contacted her lips … and I was nearly overwhelmed by the smell and taste. I had tasted her a few minutes ago but it was nothing like this. She rolled her hips gently as my tongue slid along her plush lips, collecting juices as it went for me to swallow. The heat coming from her was amazing.
“Jesus … Mike … go a little lower, yes, there. Now … push in … fucking incredible, mmmmmm!”
She kept purring and mewling as I pushed my tongue as far as it would go. I thought it was hot there before, but now it felt like my tongue was inside a volcano! More and more hot juices flowed and I had to swallow many more times. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but I made it up as I went along. It seemed kinda like I was French kissing her pussy and I just went with that, exploring her hot folds with my tongue and making sure to go back to that deep place.
When it dawned on me that her stiff little bump was at the top of her pussy, I kissed my way up there.
“Fuck!” Charlotte cried out. She said a few more things, but her thighs clamped hard around my head and I couldn’t make out what she said. But she seemed to really like it, so I kissed and tongued her little bump really good. With the headlock she had me in, I couldn’t go anywhere else anyway.
Within about a minute or so, Charlotte opened her legs and spoke in a ragged, hoarse voice. “Mike,” she rasped, and then swallowed. “Put your finger inside me. Fuck me with your finger and lick me right where you are.”
“Mmm hmm,” I responded, not lifting my mouth from her pussy. I pushed in my pointer finger and it went inside so easily I figured, why not two? So I pulled it out and slipped in my middle finger alongside my first finger … and Char put me in a headlock again, which was a good thing! Her hips started bucking so hard that I would’ve been thrown as if from a bronco! But her thighs held me right there and I knew she was going to come very soon.
Char bucked high and went rigid for like, ten seconds, and then all hell broke loose. She dropped back to the ground screaming and rolling side-to-side, taking me along for the ride. Her hands grabbed my hair and pushed my face deeper into her pussy so much that I couldn’t breathe. But the astonishing thing was the amount of liquid that shot out of her and covered my hand and forearm.
I was about to try to pry her legs open when she suddenly released her hold and pulled my head up off of her.
“Stop,” she gasped. “Too … sensitive … fuckkk.”
I got it. My cock got that way too sometimes after shooting a good load. It hurt to the touch for a little while. But I didn’t know what I was supposed to do at this point, while Charlotte looked like a rag doll having an asthmatic fit.
“We could, you know, fuck her.”
Where the hell did that thought come from?
“Fuck her right in the cunt! She wants it, you know she does. She said so!”
That’s actually true, I think. Did she say so?
I found myself crawling up, positioning my cock between her legs and holding myself over her.
But what about … that other stuff … at the ranch?
Charlotte looked up at me, her face never having looked more beautiful. “Go ahead, Mike. Put it in me. Please?”
And … my cock went soft. Soft!? Are you fucking kidding me!? It was so hard 15 seconds ago … forget about that shit at the ranch! Come on, let’s go! Look how fucking sexy she is! Come on!
But my cock stayed shrunken up like a cornstalk left in the field too long. I slunk away from Charlotte and sat on the ground with my head resting between my knees and my arms wrapped around them.
“Mike?” Charlotte called as she came over to me. “Are … are you okay? Did I do something?”
I shook my head. I was so ashamed I couldn’t speak. She sat beside me on the edge of the blanket, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to will away the terrible thoughts in my head.
“Mike, it’s okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me.” I nodded my head slightly, but I didn’t say anything. Her presence comforted me, and the fact that she didn’t press me helped a lot, also. So we just sat there under the trees on a warm summer morning for a few minutes, while I tried to work up the courage to tell her what happened.
I finally lifted my head but I didn’t look at Charlotte. “So, um … this is hard to talk about.”
She reached over and gently pulled my chin, forcing me to face her. “Mike. I told you I love you and I meant it. It’s okay, whatever it is.”
I wiped my eyes and then exhaled hard. “Okay. Well, remember I said I came home early from the ranch because I got in a fight?”
“Yeah, but you seemed fine.”
“I was … overwhelmed by you. So much so that I was able to put it in the back of my mind for awhile. But Charlotte …”
I balked. I froze.
Charlotte kissed my shoulder and rested her head on me. I think she knew it would be easier for me to talk without looking at her.
“Charlotte, some things happened at the ranch that I haven’t told you about. It’s been on my mind a lot. Okay, actually, it’s been bugging me to death. And, well … what we were about to do is so … personal … and special … but I can’t do that with you until I come clean about the Ranch.”
“It’s okay, Mike. I promise. You can tell me anything.”
I turned my head to look into her eyes.
“Charlotte. I … almost killed a man.”
To be continued.