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What Have I Done

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Famous Story
Even though it had been quite some time ago, I can still remember that morning when I slowly opened my eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me. Her long dark hair formed the perfect frame for her soft pale skin. Sometime during the night, a few stray strands had fallen down over her pretty face and were now partially covering her lovely eyes. Very carefully I reached over and gently brushed the curls aside, taking care not to wake her. I noticed that she slept with her mouth partially open, which meant that her pearly white teeth were framed by her full luscious lips, lips that I had loved kissing just a few hours earlier. Even though she was sound asleep, the corners of her lips seemed to curl up in a slight smile, as if she was remembering some happy memory. Was I a part of that memory? Her soft juicy nipples that sat atop her large breasts like a cowboy riding a horse on a lazy Sunday afternoon were slowly raising and falling in perfect rhythm with her breathing. As I lay there watching them, I realized just how lucky I was to have her. Unable to take my eyes off her as she lay there so relaxed, brought back memories of the first time we were together.

I still remember our relationship back then before she left the house. We never had a brother-sister like relationship. Thinking back, I realized that we never used to talk much. She is my step sister so you can understand why we had such weird relationship. She was busy in her world and me in mine. She is eight years older than me so we didn't interact much. I hate to admit it, but I was kind of happy when she left the house to live her independent life.

I was sixteen and Mom and Dad were planning our vacation. They were planning on me going with them but I had recently met with an accident. My arm was fractured but it was not serious. I was recovering at a fast rate and it was almost healed. For some reason I didn’t want to go with them that year and being the typical teenager, I felt that I was old enough to stay home by myself, but mother was not convinced. Realizing that I needed a better excuse not to accompany them, I tried to convince her go without me by telling her that it would be a great time for them to spend some time alone. I was old enough to take care of myself but she wouldn't listen. Finally she suggested the one condition that if I would agree to, she would allow me not to go with them.

"You have to stay with your sister. Only then will I think about going for a vacation," Mom said. Even though I disliked the idea of staying at my step sister's house, I had no other option. Little did I know then how her suggestion would change my life.

The big day finally arrived. I got in the car while Dad adjusted the bags to fit in the trunk. They decided to drop me at her house before leaving for the airport. Mom was the last one out of the house and we left as soon as she got in the car. After a few minutes of driving we finally arrived at her house. I still couldn't believe myself for being in this situation of having to stay with my sister as Mom and I walked up the sidewalk towards her home. Standing on her doorstep, I was looking around at the well kept yard when I heard the sound of a door being opened. Turning back towards the open door, the sight that assailed my unbelieving eyes was much prettier then any lawn or flowers could ever be. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

"Oh boy!" I silently gasped as I looked at the women standing in front of me. At that moment I knew that Mom had made the best decision possible for me. I thanked my lucky stars that she had insisted that I agree to her terms. There she was, Jessica, my step sister. When she had left the house a few years earlier, she was a girl, but now she was a woman. Even though she was my step sister, I couldn’t help but notice that she had curves like an hour glass. She invited us in but Mom and Dad were already late so they decided to leave.

"Don’t trouble your Sis…ok?," Mom said, looking back over her shoulder as she headed back out to the car.

"Okay Mom!," I said, feeling embarrassed because I felt that I was mature enough now that she shouldn’t have to remind me of that. I waved goodbye to her and Dad as they left for the airport. Picking up my luggage I entered the house as Jessica stepped aside. Closing the door behind me, she guided me into her spacious living room.

“Why don’t you set your luggage down there?,” She said indicating the corner of a large comfortable looking couch. “Then have a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable. While you are here, I want you to feel that my home is your home,” She said, smiling at me.

As she sat down in a big easy chair in front of me, I couldn’t help but once again notice her curvaceous body. I was no saint so I had the typical teenage guy’s knowledge of the sizes of a woman’s assets.. She was now 24 years old, and obviously her parts have fully grown into a very sexy body. Looking at the way the top was hugging her boobs, I decided that she must have D-size boobs (which is my favorite size). Her ass complimented the rest of her body and was so perfectly shaped I secretly wanted to know how big her cheeks were.

"I am just admiring her. There's nothing wrong in that," I thought to myself. Even though it was wrong on my part to think of her in such a sexual way, I knew she would have liked my compliments, if she had known what I was thinking about her.

“So how is high school?," She asked. I heard her question but I was so engrossed in my thoughts about her that it took a long time to regain my senses and answer.

“Everything is great,” I replied, mentally shaking myself. I realized that I needed to stop thinking about her that way and pay attention to what she was saying, or she might suspect that something was wrong. I sure didn’t want that to happen.

We continued sitting there and chatting for a while as we brought each other up to date on our lives. She seemed very interested in what I was doing and asked if I was involved in any sports or activities. I soon realized that she had the ability to put a person at ease, and before I knew it I was telling her about everything that had happened since she left home.

Time seemed to fly by and it wasn’t long until she said. “I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry. I bet that you are too.”

“Yes I am. A little bit anyway,” I replied hesitantly, still not totally sure of myself.

“Oh come on. A big guy like you has to be starving by now,” She replied, laughing as she got up from her chair. “Dinner has been cooking and should be about ready by now, so if you will come with me to the dinning room we can have our dinner."

Holding out her hand for me, she waited as I rose from the couch and took hold of her outstretched hand. As she led me into her dinning room, the first thing I noticed was her large solid oak dinning table. In a glass cabinet along one wall I could see a set of fine china, so it was obvious to me that she had done okay since leaving home. Somehow this thought was a comfort to me.

“You sure do have a lovely home,” I said, as I stood in the archway looking around the room.

“Thank you Ash,” She said with a smile giving my hand a little squeeze.

"I hope you don't mind if I call you Ash instead of Ashton".

"Ash is cool. Even my friends call me Ash," I assured her with a smile

"Cool! If you will have a seat, I’ll get our meal.” She said, letting go of my hand.

“Is there anything I can do to help?,” I asked.

“Thanks for the help but everything is ready. Just have a seat anywhere,” She said indicating the high backed chairs along the table. “I’ll only be a moment.” As she hurried out into the kitchen, she hesitated a moment and glancing back over her shoulder, she said with a chuckle. “Actually you can help me clear off the table when we are finished eating.”

In only a few moments she had everything on the table. She kept up a lively conversation as she moved from the kitchen to the dinning room, and I have to admit that I never took my eyes off her. She had a way of moving that while very graceful, was also very sexy, and I couldn’t help but notice how her hips seemed to sway slightly as she walked. As she was serving the food on my plate I was getting very uncomfortable. Thankfully I was sitting down at the table so she couldn’t see what was happening, but I was getting a raging boner. My underwear was becoming tight and I was really getting uncomfortable sitting in front of her.

“Okay, dig in. Don’t be bashful,” She said giving me a little smile. She seemed to be completely unaware of what was happening or the effect she was having on me. I was thankful for that, because I think that I would have died if she had known about my thoughts, or how I was afraid that my pants were about to burst open from the pressure being applied against them. Neither of us seemed in a hurry to finish our meal. I think that both of us were enjoying sitting there talking as we continued to get to know each other better then we ever had in the past. I guess I was hungrier then I thought I was, but finally I had to push away from the table. She kept wanting to know if I wanted anything else, until I finally managed convince her that I’d burst if I ate any more. This seemed to please her.

After having our lunch Jessica said. “Do you want to help me clean off the table, I’d sure appreciate it.”

“After all I ate, I’m not sure I can,” I said grinning at her.

“Thank you, for that nice compliment.” Her whole face seemed to light up when I told her that. I suddenly realized that I wasn’t the only one that had been a little uneasy about our arrangement while Mom and Dad were away on vacation. She didn’t know me any better then I knew her, so it occurred to me that probably she wouldn’t know how I’d react or how she should treat me. As I helped her carry things back into the kitchen, I promised myself that I’d do whatever I could to make her realize that I was just her brother and didn’t expect any special treatment while I was there with her. If only I knew then what was in my future, I might not have been so quick to promise myself that.It didn’t take the both of us long to get everything put away.

“Thanks for help dear . Now, I suppose you would like to know where you will be sleeping,” She said. Maybe it was because I now had a full stomach or maybe I was just feeling very relaxed in her company, I don’t know, but I couldn’t resist remarking.

“Well, I was sort of hoping that you weren’t going to have me sleeping out there on your front step.” I tried hard to keep a solemn face when I said that, but I couldn’t resist a grin.

“The front step, huh. No, I think I can do a lot better then that,” She remarked, giving me a strange look. “If you will pick up your suitcase, and come with me, I’ll take you to the bedroom.

"I hope you like the room." She said a bit hesitantly. “It probably isn’t what you are used to, but hopefully it will be more comfortable then the front step.” She added with a chuckle.

"Like it? I love it." I smiled as I placed my suitcase on the bed.

"That’s good...I am going downstairs to clean up a couple of things in my kitchen. That closet is empty,” She said pointing to the closet door. “You should have plenty of room to hang everything up. If you need anything, just call me."

"Sure thing," I said, opening my luggage. It didn’t take long to put all my clothes away, and then I headed back downstairs to see what she was doing. My timing couldn’t have been more perfect, for as I entered the living room, she came in from the kitchen.

“Everything okay?,” She asked as she sat down on the same chair she had used before.

“Yup, sure is. It doesn’t take me long to unpack. I travel light,” I joked.

“That’s the best way,” She replied with a little giggle, “Anytime I’ve travelled, it seems I always take a lot more then I need. Maybe I need to take some lessons from you. If you don’t mind, there is a good movie on TV that I’ve wanted to watch for a long time. You are welcome to join me if you want," She said.

Sitting there on her sofa, I found it very hard to concentrate on what the movie was about. I managed okay for a little while, then I found my mind wondering to other thoughts; thoughts I shouldn’t have been having. She seemed to be very interested in what was happening on the TV screen, so this gave me the perfect opportunity to cast glances at her when I felt that she wouldn’t notice. Her chair was positioned at a slight angle to me and facing the television, so this gave me the opportunity to view her voluptuous body from the side. And what a view it was. Her slim waistline and tight tummy only highlighted her full bust line that much more. It didn’t help matters that the skimpy top she was wearing barely covered her feminine mounds and was clinging to her as if it had been painted on. Looking at her and thinking the thoughts I was, was causing me to have that same problem I had before we ate, only now I didn’t have that table to hide under. Squirming around on the couch, I managed to ease the tension in my shorts somewhat, but to anyone but a casual observer it would have been very obvious what my problem was.

My moving around caught her attention. “Is everything okay? Are you comfortable?,” She asked looking my way.

I managed to quickly drop my hands down to my lap to hide the result of my having been looking at her sexy body for the past half hour or so.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I lied. `Was I comfortable?’ No, I wasn’t the least bit comfortable, having to sit here calmly with her only a few feet away. What a silly question for her to have asked me, especially since she was the cause of all my discomfort. But then she didn’t know that, and I sure was not about to tell her either. My answer satisfied her and her attention immediately went back to watching the movie.

“Whew!” I silently breathed a sigh of relief. That was to close for comfort, I must be more careful. Somehow I managed to make it through the rest of the movie with no further near disasters. It was a relief when the movie ended.

“I was up early this morning so I’m getting a bit sleepy. I think I’ll head off to bed, but you are welcome to sit here and watch something else if you want,” She remarked. I guess that she really was getting sleepy because she couldn’t help but give a big yawn as she said that. To further emphasize how tired she was getting, she raised both arms above her head and stretched. I thought I had had troubles sitting there during the show, but seeing her stretch that way and the way it pushed out her large breasts, almost caused me to loose total control of myself. It took a super human effort to contain myself; otherwise I would have exploded while sitting there on her couch. What a major disaster that would have been.

“Thanks, but I’m getting a bit tired too, so I think that I’ll go to bed also. This has been quite a day.”

“Okay, whatever you want,” She said as she pushed the button on her remote control to shut off the TV. “I’ll see you in the morning then. Goodnight.” She said, giving me a friendly smile, as she got up from her chair and headed towards the stairs.

“Goodnight . Thanks for letting me stay here with you while Mom and Dad are on their vacation.”

"Pleasure is all mine.Besides, I’ve enjoyed your company this evening. I think we will have a great time together while you are here.” With that, she turned and went upstairs to her bedroom.

I had hesitated on her couch while she was...

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Written by SueBrasil
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