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My Dirty Secrets Chapter 1.1

"Jessi tells her side of the story about watching, learning, and desire."

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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation of My Dirty Secrets Chapter 1. This time, the story is told by Jessi instead of Nick. <p> [ADVERT] </p> The things Nick didn't know made her version a lot of fun to write. Enjoy!"

Being the little sister is a unique place in the family. I benefited from my big sister doing the things that scared my parents.

I also have the luxury of them freaking out on her, and now they leave me alone for the most part. She always had an early curfew, and one of our parents constantly checked in on her until she married at nineteen. I became a fly on the wall at that point as my parents’ focus again singularly targeted my big sister.

Her husband was anything but what our mom and dad expected. Nick was a tall man who was three years older than Melissa. He was funny and nothing like any guy she would’ve met at church. He had tattoos, big earrings, and other piercings. I guess I felt comfortable around him right away. He always talked to me and made it a point to seek me out in a conversation.

Most people tended to gloss over me for our youngest sister, or they somehow knew Melissa from church or school. I felt left out most of the time. Nick filled that hole in the family for me. We laughed at the same foolish things and liked the same dumb jokes. Even Melissa would roll her eyes as we laughed at some random commercial that amused us.

One of those times was when I first noticed Nick in a way that made me feel different inside. We were on the couch, and often, we would stay up late together and watch TV long after everyone else in the house was in bed.

A commercial came on, and the actor said the tagline, “Got a little Captain in ya?”

We both made eye contact and then immediately fell over laughing. My hand touched Nick’s arm, and from then on, I was hooked. I couldn’t explain my feelings then, but I now know exactly what it was. Nick turned me on. I didn’t want to admit it and certainly would never own up if asked. He had big arms and a big chest. His laugh was booming and deep and just made me feel happy inside. I struggled with how to handle my feelings for a while.

How do you come to grips with having a crush on your sister’s husband?

Nick may have been my brother-in-law, but he was also my first hard crush. Hanging out with him was my priority. Not just because I thought he was cute but because he saw me as more than a seventeen-year-old who happened to be his wife’s sister. Melissa and Nick were married in the summer, and I turned eighteen that fall. Then, Nick started inviting me to hang out with him when he’d go outside to smoke.

Melissa didn’t like that he smoked. She wouldn’t protest or complain. She had a huffy way of making it known when he’d grab his jacket to go out. We talked about everything under the sun while he smoked. I found myself getting a little sad when he put his cigarette out. I always hoped he’d light another so we could spend more time alone together.

This all came to a head the summer after I graduated high school. Nick and Melissa lived with our parents. We spent more and more time together than we otherwise would have.

Hanging out was never inappropriate or sexual. We just enjoyed each other’s company. Then, one summer night, things changed. Living in a house full of people was always a calamity. I had gone out with a friend to watch a movie, and my parents were out of town for some church retreat. I looked forward to coming home and Melissa, Nick, and me being the only ones there.

I kicked my sandals off at the door and entered the dark kitchen. Nick’s truck was in the driveway, so I knew they were home. Putting my things on the counter, I fumbled through the kitchen. All the while, I was having a hell of a time finding the light switch. I could hear Melissa laughing in their bedroom. I skipped the light and felt my way through.

It was at that moment that I truly heard Melissa. What sounded like a laugh at first was not a laugh at all. She was whimpering and moaning. I had never seen porn or ever even kissed a boy. But I knew the sex-sound jokes my friends made at school.

“What was I supposed to do?” I thought as my hands began to tremble.

Our parents never even kissed each other in front of us growing up. It was a high crime for me even to know that Melissa and Nick were having sex. Let alone being within earshot of the act. I turned toward the stairs to go to my room and wait it out.

“Fuck yes, that feels good,” I heard Nick growl.

My blood ran cold.

In an instant, my fight-or-flight response turned off. His sultry voice piqued my curiosity. Stopping where I stood, I felt myself turning around toward their bedroom.

“Jessi, what are you doing!” My conscience screamed.

As I crept closer. I could hear Nick and Melissa’s muffled dialogue and the sounds of their passionate kissing in between. Their door was open about four inches, and they had the lamp on in their room.

I was four steps away from the golden glow coming from their door.

“I love when you suck me,” Nick said in a low voice.

My stomach was cramped with fear and excitement. I couldn’t stop now. I had to see what they were doing. As I crept closer, I saw Melissa on her knees. She was fully nude. Her body bent over Nick, sucking his cock. I watched her bobbing up and down while Nicks’s hands were on her shoulders. I could hear her sucking him as he encouraged her with his hips and his hands.

I felt the need to run and the desire to go closer. Moving another step closer, I could now see them both fully. Nick’s head was tilted back as he lay beneath Melissa while she continued to suck and stroke him. His cock was obscured by my sister’s attentive touches. His hips pushed gently upward while she continued.

I remember thinking that he was very gentle for a big man. The way he moved was beautiful to me. I wanted to taste him. I couldn’t stop thinking about how his hard cock would feel in my own mouth. Nick reached down and pulled Melissa from his dick which I saw now fully for the first time. I’d never seen a hard penis before.

His head and shaft were shiny from my sister’s saliva as he reached his hand down and began lightly stroking himself while they kissed deeply. His strong hand stopped at the base of his cock to squeeze slowly and firmly. This made the head even shinier in the lamplight.

My sister’s breasts were as large as my heavy double-D cups. We often shared shirts, and she’d had to lend me a black bra to match my dress for a dance at school the previous year. Her curvy bottom and ample thighs were straddling Nick’s thigh as they kissed. I watched as Melissa rubbed her pussy on his thigh while Nick’s cock rubbed her stomach.

“Fuck me, please, baby,” Melissa moaned.

As they shifted positions, I leaned away from the light.

“This is so wrong, Jessi,” I thought to myself.

Everything I knew told me that it was not ok to not only spy on them but to draw the amount of pleasure that I was from watching.

I saw a shadow pass in front of the light. Leaning forward again, I saw Melissa on her back with her legs open. She had lifted her legs. Her feet, with their lavender polished toes, bobbed around Nick’s elbow height as she spread herself open for him. Nick was over her with his hand on that beautiful cock. He got closer and bent his head down to suck my sister’s nipple.

“Mmmm, Ouch,” Melissa yelped in a sexy voice as Nick gently bit her nipple.

Nick pressed his cock against Melissa’s pussy and rubbed her slit up and down. I could hear the wetness against his cock as he did. The tip of his cock parted her lips as he played with her clit gently. He expertly fucked her lips slowly. I could see him inserting just the head of his cock inside Melissa’s pussy. His teasing surely felt amazing. I was frozen with lustful curiosity just watching.

I couldn’t stop watching him especially. His body, face, and even the light filtering through his beard was captivating. I found my breast and squeezed my nipple while thinking of Nick’s teeth on Melissa’s tender nipple, wishing it were my own. I pinched hard and wanted more. As I did, Nick began pushing his cock deeper into her.

His body moved in ways I’d never seen a man move before. His thrusting was soft and smooth. He paid attention to every motion his wife made. His hand found her cheek as he pushed deep inside her and gently kissed her waiting mouth.

“Oh my God,” I thought to myself.

I wanted that so badly.

Nick’s thrusting was moving faster. My breathing grew heavy as I watched. His nipples were pierced. The rings moved rhythmically as he fucked her. Seeing his nipples only made me focus more on my own. His arms now held her legs up as he gently shoved his cock all the way inside my sister. I could hear the slaps as their flesh met. The soft, wet sounds of sex were the most hypnotizing sounds I’d ever heard.

“Harder baby,” Melissa cooed.

Nick obliged with some guttural sounds as he picked up his pace. I reached down and felt my pussy as I watched. My panties were wet at this point, and there was no denying how quickly I could cum. I began to play with my slippery clit, flicking every time Nick pushed into Melissa.

My sister’s hands were gripping her ass cheeks and spreading herself open; as she lost herself completely in her ecstasy. Nick’s eyes burned with intensity as he fucked her faster. My fingers followed his pace, and I felt myself about to cum. As Melissa finished her much louder and unashamed orgasm, my own waves of pleasure crashed upon me as I stood in the hall.

“Fuck me, Nick,” I whispered in a breathy voice.

My spasms lasted longer than ever before as I came. I could feel the wetness of my orgasm soaking my panties. I couldn’t stop. I wanted to cum again. Only this time with him. His skin glistened with sweat as he neared orgasm. His thrusting became even faster and less gentle.

“Yes, baby, harder you know what I like,” Melissa shuddered.

My fingers were going fast to keep pace with Nick’s expert pounding, as my hand was burning from the effort. I wanted to share an orgasm with him. I needed this so badly. As my second orgasm was building, Nick pulled his cock out and began to jerk it vigorously.

“Oh my god, what is he doing?” I thought to myself excitedly.

His cock was well lubricated from Melissa’s pussy. He stroked himself faster as Melissa began to finger her clit. We were all masturbating together, or at least at the same time! This was what I never knew I needed. The head of Nick’s cock was darker and swollen, and I could see the definition in his shaft. Slowing his strokes, I could clearly see his dick now.

“Please cum, Nick,” I pleaded silently.

I watched closely as his cock began to jerk. His cum was thick, and Melissa responded by spreading her lips for him. He was cumming between her lips and rubbing his cock at the entrance to her pussy as she masturbated.

“Fuck” Nick groaned.

His cum was all I could focus on as it continued to shoot my sister’s waiting pussy. She didn’t slow down. Her own hand rubbed her clit as his sticky semen coated her lips. Melissa began a high-pitched moan. Her stomach tensed as I saw her face contort in orgasm. I watched her painted toes curl and her body jerk. I could hear her juices as she squirted on Nick’s cock.

Now my own pussy began to squirt as a crushing orgasm hit me. My panties could not contain the flow as my pussy gushed. My juices were leaking down my leg as I stood there helplessly watching my sister slowly stroke her cum covered clit. I stared at his beautiful cock covered in a mixture of her pussy and his cum. Nick plunged into her one last time as I shoved my finger inside my tight hole. It felt so good feeling my finger stretch my pussy and watching Nick slowly push his cum deeper into my sister. All of a sudden, a jealous moan escaped my mouth.

“What the hell, Jessi?” I scolded myself silently.

“What was that?” Melissa said with a start.

“What was what?” Nick replied.

I turned quickly and tiptoed to the stairs before I bolted to my room.

“Damnit, what am I going to do now!” I panicked.

My heart was pounding, my hand smelled like sex, and my shorts and panties were beyond the point of ignoring them. I quickly took them off and hurriedly searched for dry clothes. I threw on some fresh blue panties and a pair of white cotton shorts. As I did, I heard footsteps upstairs.

“C’mon c’mon Jessi, hurry up,” I barked at myself.

As though I hadn’t already panicked enough, I could hear Nick on the steps.

“Damnit,” I thought.

What had I done? Melissa surely won’t be ok with me watching her husband fuck her. She certainly won’t be pleased that I’d fingered myself while watching them. Just then, the backdoor closed. This was my out. I looked in the mirror; my cheeks were still flushed. I threw on a tank top and mussed my hair before darting up the stairs.

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“Hey stranger,” I called out, opening the backdoor.

“Heya Jess, when did you get home?” Nick replied cheerfully.

“A little while ago, I thought I was home alone, so I had a nap.” I lied.

Nick’s lips gripped the filter on his cigarette. He thought for a moment and then exhaled a cloud of delicious smoke. I loved the smell of smoke because Nick was the only person I knew who dared to light up at my parents’ house.

“Makes sense to me,” He chirped. “Whenever I get the chance, I like to steal a nap.” He laughed in his deep, seductive voice.

Nick finished his cigarette, and we went inside. Melissa had put herself together nicely and was sitting on the couch with her hair thrown up in a messy bun and a pajama top and shorts. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I could easily make out her nipples under her top. I knew she didn’t sleep in panties from years of living with her.

“Jess, one of the girls could escape at any moment,” Melissa taunted at the apparent tightness of my tank top.

“Bite me, it’s gotta be one hundred degrees outside,” I laughed.

Half kidding and half serious in the most horny way I could imagine. Besides, I wouldn’t have minded if one of my tits did escape as long as Nick’s mouth was there to catch it.

“Get it together, Jessi,” I told myself as the guilt washed over me.

As usual, we sat and watched TV for a bit before Melissa turned in for bed. She was an early riser, almost always in bed by ten. Nick and I would stay up until midnight most nights, even though he got up at the same time as my sister. He always said he hated going to bed early because he was a night person.

I felt dirty sitting there with Nick. He had been like a big brother to me, and I completely turned him into something to think about while getting off. Let alone how turned on I’d been watching them having sex.

“This should feel wrong.” I thought to myself, “Why did it feel so damn good though,” I mused, puzzled.

Fucking my sister’s husband wasn’t exactly high on my list of things I wanted to accomplish before tonight. Now, it was all I could think about.

As we sat there, Nick and I watched late-night comedy shows like always, but tonight, I wanted more. I got up to get a drink of water in the kitchen and hiked my shorts up to make sure my cheeks would pop out the back. He was constantly pinching my sister’s butt. Maybe he’d notice mine.

Sitting on the couch, I felt sexy. I propped my leg up and made sure my pussy was easy for him to notice. I loved knowing that I had a secret. I hoped he’d look even more so I could watch him look. I shifted a bit on the couch, and I could feel my panties up my ass, so I knew he had a good view. It didn’t take long, and I saw his eyes wander down to my open crotch. His gaze lingered. I opened my leg casually to let him see as much of my pussy as he could.

Nick always sat on the floor so he could stretch out. He had a pillow in his lap. Probably to hide the smell of sex from me. I could only dream that seeing my display made him hard again. Eventually, I gave up on my quest for bad behavior and went to bed. Even lying under my blanket, there was nothing I could do to get his majestic cock out of my mind.

The following day, I woke up still hypnotized by what I’d seen the night before. I heard Melissa leave early and knew Nick and I were alone in the house. Sliding my hand up my shirt, I pinched my nipple. Thinking of Nick’s teeth on my sister’s flesh made me wet. I wanted to feel his teeth on my sensitive nipple. Reaching down, I felt my pussy, and she was already soaked.

My fingers spread my folds, and I began stroking my clit. Nick’s cock was...

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Written by Spendingtime
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