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My Dirty Secrets 3.2

"After a rough night and an anxious morning at home, Melissa meets back up with Jake!"

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Author's Notes

"Melissa gets her long overdue opportunity to explore herself after a rough first night out. Going home proves to be an anxious gambit that ends up with another meeting with Jake."

"Liss, is that your phone?" Jules asked with her eyes still closed and her arm around me.

"Huh?" I replied, barely able to see from the eye makeup I had failed to take off the night before.

"Your phone is buzzing, or my vibrator is about to attack us. Either way, I don't care. Just make it stop," she said, stifling a chuckle at her own early-morning humor.

"Shit, what time is it?" I said, frantically searching for my phone.

"Jules, let's go!" I panicked, trying to sort out where I'd put my scrubs.

"Relax, girl, we don't work today, remember?" Jules groaned, rolling back over in bed.

"No, but the part of the plan where we don't tell Nick about the 'secret vacation' is about to go sideways unless you get me to my car!" I was hopping around trying to put my scrub pants on when Jules slapped my ass as she got out of bed.

"Julia, I swear!" I laughed.

"So, you know, I was hoping for a vibrator attack. you see, my drunk friend kicked my only chance at sex out last night." Jules mused sarcastically on her way to the bathroom.

I was a hot mess as I tried to make my hair look like I had not done what I'd done. Standing at the hall mirror, I was getting ready for work just to go home and undo everything I'd just finished.

"Let's gooo!" I pressed as Jules slowly wandered back to her bedroom to put her pants on.

My phone started to buzz again, and it was Nick.

"Hey there," I answered.

"Hey, babe, are you still at work?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, we got swamped last night, so I've been catching up," I lied through my teeth.

"You doing okay?" Nick asked, sounding a little off.

"Yeah, I'll be home shortly. I need to finish up." I lied again while motioning for Jules to hurry her ass up.

"Looks like we're going to get called off. I'll swing by the hospital, and we can eat some breakfast before you go to bed; how does that sound?" he asked, trying to be sweet.

Well, honey, it sounds like a fucking horrible idea, I thought to myself.

"No, that, that's okay. I'm going to be out of here pretty quickly. Um, no, I'll grab something on my way home." I replied.

"Okay, I'll see you when I get home.  I love you."

"Love you," I said as I hung up.

I grabbed my backpack and a wet paper towel to try and fix my makeup in the car. Besides some mascara and lip gloss, I never wore makeup to work, so I needed to look like I'd been dealing with sick people and not being one. Jules drove like she was on fire.  We were making good time getting back to my car.

"Do I look like I about puked on a guy's dick last night?" I laughed nervously.

Jules just laughed as she licked her finger to rub mascara off my cheek.

"Julia, that's gross," I said, licking my finger and wiping it on her cheek, laughing.

As she pulled up to my car, I felt like I was about to lose the contents of my stomach again. Only this time, I was at work. People I knew who were showing up for their shifts. I wasn't about to have that be the topic of discussion for the day, especially with the schedule debacle that Jules had caused. There is no need to give everyone a story to share.

I blew Jules a kiss, which was our typical goodbye. Getting into my car, I got my gum out of my backpack. That helped me settle down enough to drive home. The whole ride, I was piecing the previous night together. The bar, Jake, the bathroom, Jake….Oh lord, Ben!

Surely, he would keep his mouth shut. There wasn't anything he knew other than that we went out. Was there? I racked my brain trying to figure out the details from the night before, but admittedly, they were a little fuzzy.

As the house came into view, I saw Nick's truck in the driveway.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I hissed, hitting my hand on the steering wheel.

 "It's fine. I've worked thirds before. This isn't a big deal," I said, trying to calm myself down.

Pulling in, I gave myself the final once-over in the mirror. The rain had let up a little, but it worked in my favor, as I still looked like a mess. I got out of the car right as Jessi came out of the house.

"Hey, Liss, I'm headed to Amber's," Jessi said. This was normal. They were always together and did lunch and nail dates regularly.

"Heya, Jess, have fun and tell her I said hi, okay?" I said, trying to get into the house before she smelled last night's vodka and cranberry mixed with mint gum.

I closed the door and heard Nick heading toward the kitchen.

"Hey, you," he said as I walked in.

"Hey babe, can you put my dishes in the dishwasher for me?" I patted him on the chest and kissed his cheek, trying to keep moving.

"Everything okay?" he asked again.

"Yeah, just need a shower," I answered, shutting the bathroom door.

I stripped down and got into the shower quickly. Nick always came in and liked to talk to me when I was in the shower. I'm unsure if it was a naked thing or a Nick thing, but that man couldn't help himself. As predicted, the door opened, and there he stood.

"Nicholas, what are you doing? Get your fuzzy ass out of here. I'm in the shower," I tried to play it off, but I needed time to think. I didn't need him trying to join me in the shower or, worse yet, trying to start something sexual.

It hadn't been that long ago I had Jakes dick in my mouth…Oh god, no, Jake. I had to text that poor guy. He needed to know what kind of mess I’d caused. As the water washed over me, it felt so good.  My body ached from getting sick the night before. This is why drinking was not one of my favorite activities. I was good at it while doing it, but I almost always got sick afterward.

Shutting off the water, I grabbed my towel and scrubs and headed to our room.

"Going to bed. I'll be up around four. I work again tonight,” I lied again.

Once I was in bed, I just lay there. I grabbed my phone and thought again about texting Jake. Nope, no good would come of that this early. I just put on my pajama shirt and shorts and went to bed. I can't stand sleeping in a bra or panties. I never have been able to.

It wasn't long, and I was out cold. The dark room, coupled with my hangover, I had no problem sleeping the day away.

When my alarm went off, I was up and focused on my routine. Nick would leave me alone because, let's face it, I was not pleasant when I worked nights. I used that to my advantage more times than not. I took a quick shower and got dressed. This time, though, I would be ready for whatever Jules had planned.

I was discreet, but I had a change of clothes folded into my backpack. I did my hair and put some makeup on. Even put some perfume on and tossed the bottle in my bag.

"Hey, babe, I'm heading in a bit early tonight," I said as I passed Nick in the kitchen.

"You sure you're alright?" he asked yet again.

"Yeah, of course; just a busy week. Lots of girls are out, ya know, so I want to get in there," I told him, not slowing down.

I took a deep breath and a massive sigh of relief as I shut the car door. I'd made it. I just started the car and headed to Jules' house. She was probably up or not. It didn't really matter. I've had a key to her place since she moved in. I just needed to sort this all out and try to enjoy my secret vacation.

I pulled into the drive, and thankfully, her car was home. I half expected Ben to be sniffing around since he'd gotten the boot the night before. Part of me wished they would make their thing a thing, and part of me hoped it would just go away as quietly as it had started. Jules was not known for mutually happy breakups; her partners had difficulty letting go.

I walked in and heard the shower running. I carried my backpack to Jules' room and tossed it on her bed. I had to pee from all the water I'd been drinking to try to kill my headache that was hanging on from the night before. As I opened the bathroom door, there she was, as naked as the day she was born. Jules had terrific boobs. I've never been into ladies, but I always secretly got excited seeing Jules naked.

"Jules, what the hell," I said, covering my face.

"What? You're the one who opened the door," she laughed.

"Get in the shower and close the door. I have to pee," I said, shooing her into the shower.

Without a word, she hopped in the shower, and I sat down just seconds before peeing my pants.

"So I brought clothes tonight, what's the plan?" I asked

"Well, I figured we could go back tonight and see if your new friend is there," she replied, trying to feel me out.

Looking at my phone, I had Jakes's number and had thought about texting him every time I'd picked up the phone.

"Can't hurt, I guess."

"Shut up, really?" Jules said, shocked as she opened the door and peeked out.

"Yeah, really, I kind of owe him an explanation." I cringed, "A text saying 'hey, sorry about biting your cock and almost throwing up on you, P.S. I'm married' doesn't exactly scream classy, does it?" I laughed.

Jules just laughed. I got up, pulled up my scrubs, and changed in her bedroom. I took off my work clothes and folded them so they didn't look like they'd spent the night in a pile on the floor like before. I sat in my bra and panties on the edge of her bed and looked at myself in her full-length mirror. I looked pretty hot. I had high-cut panties on, and even though I am a busty girl, I put on the matching push-up bra. The bra was a green satin-like fabric covered by black lace, and my panties were black with a little bow in the front that matched.

I picked up my phone and texted Jake.

"Hey, sorry about last night."

His reply was almost instant.

"Who is this?"

He can't be serious. Who is this? Really? He put his number in my damn phone and texted himself.

"It's Melissa."

I was slightly annoyed. That was a pretty memorable blowjob, if I don't say so myself. Minus the unhappy ending, but still, I was great!

"Oh, Alyssa, yeah, I remember you. How are you feeling?" he replied with a laughing face.

"Ha ha," I replied.

As we texted, Jules came out of the bathroom in her towel and flopped on her bed. She watched me pacing in my undies while I waited for a response.

"If you're up to it, I'd like to see you again," he finally replied.

"If you're lucky," I replied with a smiley face sticking its tongue out.

"I can pick you up. What's your address?" Jake messaged back.

"I'm with my friend; we can meet you somewhere. How's the club from last night? Around nine?" I said, trying to keep my thoughts in order.

"Perfect," he replied.

Tossing my phone on the bedside table, I flopped down next to Jules. She really was a hottie.

"Well, what did he say?" she said, looking at me with her tits popping out of her towel.

"We're going to the club around nine,"

"Maybe this time, drink soda," Jules laughed.

We lay in her bed, me in my undies and Jules naked under her poorly managed towel. I don't know that there is another person other than perhaps Nick with whom I could just lay nearly nude and feel so content. It isn't a sexual thing. It is just something that I was comfortable with.

"I love your boobs," Jules said, breaking the silence and pinching my nipple.

"They're pretty great," I said, grabbing her towel and throwing it, "Good thing you have a pair, too!" I said, giggling.

At this, Jules took the opportunity to prance around naked. She went to the kitchen and grabbed us both a beer. Handing me mine, she rubbed the open bottle top against her breasts, making sure her erect nipple went into the mouth of my bottle.

"Your drink, madam,"

Licking the bottle top seductively, I took a drink.

"Yummy! Must have been a good year".

We both laughed as Jules went to fetch her towel from the corner where I'd thrown it.

She began to get dressed, putting on a plum-colored bra that, as usual, barely covered her boobs and a matching pair of panties that, like every other pair she owned, went right up her ass crack. If I were a guy, she'd be hard to resist. I'm a girl, and she's hard to resist at times. I promise if girls were my thing, she'd be my type!

We managed to get dressed and sat in the living room three beers into the evening, waiting uneasily until it was time to leave. Jules had made some cheese sandwiches and had a tube of Pringles, so we had something in our stomachs. It must be nice being perpetually 13 years old, eating cheese sandwiches, and having stuffed animals on your bed. I was jealous of her in some ways. I had always rushed to grow up and never really enjoyed being me. My life was alright, but I'd never had both beer and fruit roll-ups in my grocery cart at the same time. I was enjoying this stolen part of my past as it mixed with my present.

"What time is Ben coming?" I asked pejoratively.

"He's not unless you want him to," she said, munching on chips.

"Maybe call him and see if he'll be around, ya know, just in case," I said, hearing my own words, unable to stop them.

Jules called Ben, and after some thinly masked conversation about Ben's sexual needs, she explained our plans.

"He's going to be home; he said to call him anytime," she said, hanging up.

Even at this moment, when I was lamenting the loss of my youth, I was planning to bring an adult into our fun evening. If it weren't for Jake, Ben was fun. Fuck, what was I going to tell Jake? I'd run the possible conversations repeatedly in my head, and none made sense. He was a good-looking man. He wore work boots like my husband and still had his single-guy clean jeans for going out. I'd had to hide a pair of Nick's for occasions where ripped, burned, and stained jeans just wouldn't cut it.

Jake had worn a ballcap that wasn't stained and was curved just right. I always loved how a nice ballcap fits a man. They must have pulled some guys out of school for a few days to learn how to bend their cap bills perfectly to cover their eyes just enough and still look proper. He even wore a flannel shirt that looked like he may have ironed it. I definitely had a type. I loved a working man. They were my weakness.

We finished our beers and headed to the bar. My stomach was tied in knots; I couldn't help but be terrified. The parking lot was not nearly as full tonight, so we circled so Jules could pick the best spot. I never understood the micro rituals she had for everything.

As she pulled into a spot, I grabbed her hand.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I asked.

"Whatever you want, and fuck anyone else, mama," Jules said plainly.

I liked it when she called me mama or lady. It was odd because I didn't have kids, and I wasn't her mama, but she made it work.

"There he is!" I said, pointing at Jake.

He was walking to the door, and before I could stop her…

"JAKE!" Jules yelled. "Hey, Jake!"

This is the girl I chose to be my best friend. She was making that girl who used to eat boogers and paste in Sunday school look pretty good as a choice as far as friends go.

"Oh my God, Julia," I scolded.

"What, maybe he wants to say hi?"

"I'm sure he does, but why the parking lot?"

"Settle down, Liss. You puked in there; you puked out here. It's all the same, right?" Jules said, rubbing my tummy.

At this point, Jake was almost to the car. He approached the driver's window where Jules was waiting. Jake looked damn good. As he came closer, I could smell his cologne as the breeze came in, and he smelled good. I felt my stomach knot up for an entirely different reason now.

"Hey Jake, thanks again for taking care of our girl last night," Jules said, winking.

"Happy to help," Jake smiled, "How you feeling, Alyssa?" he said with a sly grin still on his lips.

"A lot better than last night, that's for sure. I'm sorry about…"

"I'm glad you're here. I was afraid I wouldn't hear from ya." Jake interrupted.

"Do we really want to be here?" Jules asked, catching me completely off guard.

"I'm open to whatever," Jake replied.

"Follow me, let's go to my place. I'm only about ten minutes from here," she said, putting her hand on my thigh to keep me from losing my shit on her.

"Sounds good. Lead the way."

As he made his way to his truck, I contemplated exactly how I was going to kill Jules.

"What the fuck was that?" I said, not trying to hide my frustration.

"Look, no matter what happens, you don't want to be yelling over the music explaining this, and my house is your home, too," she was unusually serious. "No matter what happens, this guy is just some guy, and we'll figure this out. On our terms," she said, rubbing my thigh.

"I don't know what to say or what the hell I was even thinking texting him," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Well, I kicked Ben out last night. Jake isn't any bigger. I think I can manage if needed," she smiled.

Jules was right. Nothing productive was going to come from a conversation in a dance club. I'd done enough communicating with my mouth in there the night before. It's best to level with the guy and to be somewhere he can leave once he hears the truth.

We pulled in, and Jake was right behind us. He pulled up next to my door. Of course, after he got out, he opened my door for me. Why did he have to be a gentleman, too? He had a lot of things going for him. Melissa from three years ago would have had her panties on the floor of his truck before we'd left that parking lot. Years of being a good girl taught me what I didn't want to be. So, during nursing school, I'd allowed myself to be a little friskier sexually. Nothing crazy; I was just actually willing to have sex.

We walked in, making small talk and little jokes. Jules unlocked the door and went straight to the kitchen. She came back in with three beers. She handed me two and opened one herself.

"Jake, Melissa is married," Jules stated, "I'll be in my room watching TV."

With that, Jules left me. My mouth was probably wide open as I handed Jake a beer.

"I, uh, I love her, and I hate her," I stammered.

"But she's telling the truth, huh?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, she is," I replied timidly.

"How do you feel about that?" Jake asked.

"How do you feel about it? I'm the one who wasn't honest last night."

"I'm married too," Jake replied, "My wife lives out of state with her future husband, though."

"What? I don't understand?" I said, feeling confused.

"I've been married for four years. One day after work, there were divorce papers on the kitchen table. Her shit was gone," Jake explained.

 "I could have been divorced by now, but she didn't give me the decency of telling me how she felt. So, I've held onto the papers and drug this mess out," he said with a wink.

"I live with my husband, and things aren't bad," I said meekly.

"Seems you were looking for something last night," he answered.

"I don't know what I was doing last night. Things just happened, and it was so great just being me," I explained, "Then I started drinking a little, then a lot, and you know the rest."

Jake stood up. He looked at me. I'd not been comfortable enough to sit down after Jules' announcement.

He looked right into me. He wasn't angry or upset. Fuck his perfect ballcap! How did he do that?

"Well, I could go," he said slowly, "or."

That's when the "or" was made clear. Jake put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. His lips were soft. He smelled so damn good. He pulled back and awaited my reaction. We sat there for a few seconds. He started to back away, and I grabbed him.

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“What the hell, Melissa?” I screamed inside.

I didn't do anything but keep him from backing up. I just needed a few more seconds. I didn't want him to go, and I couldn't let him stay.

His lips found mine again in the chaos of my thoughts. Holy shit, was he a good kisser. He just melted his lips into mine so gently. I closed my eyes and breathed in whatever that magical smell this man had. He put his arm around my waist and kissed me slowly. What else could I do? I put my hand between his shirt collar and jaw and kissed him back. My mouth opened as I felt myself offering my tongue to him.

Jake took my offer, and his own tongue met mine. His kisses were tender and drove me to want more. I put my hand against his chest and felt the heat of his body on my palm as I contemplated shoving him away and grabbing him so he couldn't leave. As he probed my mouth with his tongue gently, I felt my teeth biting down against his tongue. My hand closed, grasping his shirt and holding him. His breath escaped him with a light moan.

What was happening here? I released his tongue and found myself biting his lower lip and sucking as I did. Jake inhaled and grabbed for my breast. Refusing to release my grasp on his shirt, he tried to move around my arm. He angled to get better access to my chest, our kiss uninterrupted.

"I'm married. Is this even okay?" I asked, trying to get a handle on the moment.

"Yes, Ma'am," Jake said, returning to kiss me again.

Still holding Jake's shirt, I pulled him in closer. Jake again tried to move his hand to my breasts. I released his shirt long enough to grab his wrist and put his hand to his side. My mouth was leading our kisses as I grabbed Jake by the shirt again. I felt myself giving in to whatever this was and wanting more of the control that Jake was allowing me.

I was afraid of my reactions and excited about this feeling of freedom that was washing over me. As I finished unbuckling Jake's belt, I fumbled with the button on his jeans. Our kisses became wild and passionate. The attraction between us was intense. Stepping out of his pants, his boxers followed immediately. His cock was sticking out from his smooth frame. He was much leaner than my husband, and he did have a nice dick. I wanted it in my mouth again, but I wasn't ready to turn him loose. His hands had crept up behind me as he held my ass firmly through my jeans. He stood before me, kissing me exactly how I wanted.

He began to struggle with his flannel shirt, and all the while, I kept my hold on his white t-shirt. My firm grip on that shirt was the only thing anchoring me to this moment or any other. Everything I was feeling was wrong. Jake managed to pull my shirt off over my head, and my pants were unbuttoned as I worked at stepping out of them. As he stood there with his cock touching my black panties, I could feel the heat of his member against me.

As we stood in Jules' living room, Jake tried to push his cock between my thighs. I wasn't ready to give up and let him drive just yet. I pushed him back onto the couch and stepped closer to him. His eyes were wide as I pulled my panties down. He reached out to touch me. I slapped his hand playfully, put my foot up onto the couch next to him, and pulled his face toward my pussy. He eagerly grabbed my ass cheeks and shoved his face further into my crotch as I felt the first of his kisses on my freshly shaved lips.

For the first time, I understood the appeal men found from having a woman shove their cock into her mouth. This was exhilarating. Jake could not hide his excitement as he began to devour me. His tongue worked between my lips, searching for my sex. He probed between my folds with his tongue, looking for my clit, and worked his tongue between my legs, trying to taste more of me. My pose on the couch had limited his access, and I was enjoying his desire to please me.

Jake's ballcap had fallen off in his excitement to devour me, and his dark blonde hair was between my fingers as I pulled his mouth against me. He was doing a fantastic job of not only making my pussy feel good but making me feel needed and desired. Sex with Nick was good, but not this good. He ate my pussy and did a good job, but he didn't have this raw enthusiasm.

Jake wanted me, only me, and that was unmistakable. I felt like I should do something for him. I was battling with myself as he lapped his tongue against my excited kitty. I was not used to being the focus of such an intense sexual spotlight purely for my pleasure. He kissed, sucked, and nibbled at my lips, occasionally forcing his tongue deep enough to make me gasp a little at his touches. I'd never considered the difference between a partner who was good in bed and a partner who made me feel good in bed.

As I held his head against me, he was equally forceful with my ass as he held both of my cheeks in his hands. His grasp held me tightly to his mouth as though I would run away. He barely left himself space to breathe as his passionate kisses were lavished upon my pussy. As he drove his tongue into me, I could feel his hands becoming more adventurous as he kneaded my cheeks in his hands. He was alternating, squeezing, and spreading my butt cheeks. I enjoyed feeling him. His touch was firm and had an effect on me I was relishing.

I grabbed a handful of Jake's hair and pulled his head away from my pussy, and looked down at him. He moved his hands from my ass and gently stroked his cock slowly. I could have lowered my pussy down onto him and given us both some sweet release. I wanted him, and he clearly wanted me.

"Where is this going?" I asked, panting from Jake's attention.

"Well, that depends," Jake said, obviously choosing his words carefully.

"On what?" I pressed.

"You," Jake said without any hesitation.

My pussy was still near enough to his face that he could smell how aroused I was. My pussy ached. I wanted him so badly.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked, feeling ridiculous.

"I haven't carried them since high school," Jake said solemnly.

Sinking back into the couch a bit, Jake was obviously thinking this was over. I stood still with my leg propped up, and I began to feel a bit silly.

"In my purse on the chair by the door! You're welcome," Jules shouted from the bedroom.

I turned, and Jules' purse was in the chair. Wearing only my bra, I walked over and rifled through her purse like a raccoon in the trash. I grabbed a condom and turned to Jake, and raised my eyebrow suggestively. That sexy, sly smile crossed his lips as he eyed me up and down like he had the night before. I walked back to Jake and knelt in front of him. Looking him in the eyes, I took my bra off and set it to the side, letting my breasts drop from their previously well-supported position.

"Damn, Alyssa, you are one hell of a woman," Jake said with a smirk, admiring his view.

Looking down at his cock I ran my fingers from his stomach down onto his shaft and under his head. As my finger crossed the tip, I put my finger in my mouth and sucked my finger seductively.

"I'm enjoying the view from here as well," I said, looking at him again squarely.

Without waiting for me to swallow, Jake leaned forward and kissed me. His hands were on each side of my neck, his fingers in my hair. He held me and shared the taste of our combined oral efforts. His precum from my finger and my juices were still very present in his mouth. I broke off our kiss and lowered my lips to his cock.

Without a word, I started to suck him. I missed the way the drinks had lowered my inhibitions the night before. I tried to remember exactly what I'd done that had driven Jake near wild the night before. I remembered biting his cock a few times, and I knew I was a little rough. I was letting him fuck my mouth as I mentally worked up the courage to try the things that had worked so well for drunk Melissa. She took what she wanted, and that even turned me on about myself.

"Okay, Liss, you can do it," I thought, trying to psych myself up without speaking. "You did it last night. You can take what you want. What's the worst that can happen."

I continued for a few more strokes, just plainly sucking Jake, who was enjoying himself. I wanted that hunger back on his face and that desire he'd shown me in the bathroom and when he drove his face into my pussy.

"This is it, girl, just do it," I could hear the voice in my head exploding and throwing off the chains of subservient sex that had been expected of me.

I grabbed Jake's balls in my hand firmly and bit down on the head of his cock firmly. I was instantly rewarded when he moaned, and I could see his fingers curling into Jules' couch cushion. As I began my rough play with his cock Jake squirmed and thrust into my mouth. When I wasn't ready for him, he found my teeth waiting for his shaft instead of my soft tongue. His body language changed from mild to wild as this new Melissa took over.

Holding his shaft, I started to intensely suck the head of his cock. I loved the smooth, stiff feel of his head in my mouth. It reminded me of a big sucker. The slickness of his skin in my mouth was intoxicating. Combine that with the sounds he was making as I worked my newfound magic on his member. I was dripping wet and could feel my pussy leaking onto my inner thighs as I sucked him.

"You need to be careful down there," Jake breathed with his grip on the couch just as firm as when I had started.

"You doing okay?" I asked, continuing to lick his cock.

"Yeah, I'm good," he managed to say through staggered breaths.

I picked up the condom from the floor and unwrapped it. I'd not used one of these in years. The mechanics hadn't changed. Just put it on and roll it down. I had never put one on before, though. Usually, whatever boy was on top of me unceremoniously tore it open and fiddled with it. I figured I'd give it a shot. There were several in Jules' purse. There was no real surprise there.

As I opened the package, Jake looked at me longingly. He didn't just want sex. Jake wanted sex with me! I could see it on his face as he watched me. His cock jumped a little in time with his pulse. He was rock-hard. His body was tense, and I could tell it was taking everything he had to let me put the condom on him. I held his shaft in my left hand, and with my right, I placed the condom on his swollen head. At my mere touch, his cock jerked. I slowly teasingly rolled it down and then looked up at him.

"What do you think we should do now?" I asked with a wink.

With a grin, Jake stood up and pulled me up with him. His cock pressed against my tummy as he was a fair bit taller than I was. He kissed me again, long and deep, his hands on my ass and my breasts pressed against his chest. He was not nearly as fuzzy as Nick, and his skin felt good against my nipples. Jules' couch wasn't the ideal place for amazing sex, and it was evident that Jake wasn't quite sure the best way to make this work. As I kissed him, I thought about trying to lie down and let him climb on top of me. The idea of him flopping around on top of me didn't do it for me, though. New Melissa had some ideas, though.

I reached down and stroked his cock a couple of times. I crawled up onto the couch and got comfortable on my knees, resting my top half on a few of the pillows with my ass in the air. Jake picked up on the idea quickly. He got behind me, and I could feel his hands on my hips as his cock was against my pussy. He began to rub his cock against my wet slit, and even though I hated the feel of a condom, I was in need of a good deep fucking. I was hopeful that my eager display gave Jake the hint of what I expected from our first time.

Grabbing his shaft, he pushed the head into me. I could hear the wetness of my pussy as he slowly started inserting his head and pulling back. He was indeed a gentleman and didn't just ram his cock into me. I had never in my life let myself just take what I wanted out of sex. Every time, I did what my partner wanted. This new discovery of my own sexuality made me smile. I couldn't believe that after everything else I'd done, I just hopped on the couch and presented my pussy to this man.

Jake broke my concentration on my personal sexual revolution as he started fucking me. He was gentle, but he wasted no time burying his cock into me. I could feel his body against my ass each time he pushed into my pussy. He felt good; I put my hand between my legs and started to rub my clit, which only spurred him on to fuck me harder and faster. Oh god, this felt good. I loved how his balls slapped against me as he held my hips each time. I could feel him more desperately fucking me. His strokes were coming faster as I felt my first orgasm coming. My greedy pussy grabbed his cock and tried to hold him inside me as he fucked me. I wanted this so badly. I needed this. Oh, god damn!

"Fuck Me," I moaned.

Jake obliged, pounding his hips against my ass. I could feel my tits bouncing against the pillows as I held on for dear life. He definitely knew what he was doing! My pussy gave him everything she had as my spasms wore down. I felt lightheaded as I knelt there, letting Jake fuck me. I felt so sexy as I arched my back and rubbed my clit some more. I wanted to put on a bit of a show for him. He was doing most of the work, after all.

He felt so good. Nick didn't like fucking me from behind. He liked me to be on top or on my back. There wasn't any variety, and this felt so good. I could hear Jake starting to groan. I had hoped for another orgasm before he finished, but I did suck his cock like a maniac. Before I realized what I was doing, I reached my hands back and spread my cheeks wide open.

"Damn, Melissa," he groaned.

It felt good knowing how badly he wanted me. I was getting so close as Jake was about to explode, I started pushing my hips back to meet his thrusts. This was hot. I felt like a goddess as Jake fucked me. Just then, I felt Jake. He had licked his thumb, and he pressed it slowly into my ass as he fucked me! I had never had anyone try to do that!

"Ohh, damn, Jake, yes," I moaned.

It felt good. His thrusts were fierce, and his thumb was in my ass. My second orgasm came very quickly now. He worked his thumb expertly. I had always been afraid it would hurt, but this felt incredible. The sensation in my bottom matched with his strokes in my pussy. I was shaking as my pussy started to squeeze his cock again. I struggled not to scream as I came. My body shook, and my pussy was dripping down my thighs as I came. As my mind returned from orbit, I became aware of Jake again. His thrusts slowed, and his breathing was deep as he shuddered.

He pressed his thumb into my ass deeply this time and his cock all the way into my pussy and held my hip with his free hand. His cock jerked inside me, and I knew that he'd finished. He continued to stroke my pussy as his orgasm subsided. He slowly pulled his thumb out of my no longer virginal bottom, and I could feel him growing softer inside me. I was still shaking as he pulled his cock out.

I got up and turned to face him, and the kiss, it was as though I'd never been kissed. Jake inhaled me, and I felt everything he'd felt. His mouth showed me the passion he'd experienced, and he gave me the last of his energy through his lips. His tongue delicately caressed my own as he put his hands on my lower back and pulled me close.

He moved his kisses to my cheek and my neck as I laid my head against his chest.

He went to the bathroom off of the kitchen, and I did the walk of shame into Jules' bathroom. She was lying on her bed on her tummy with her hands under her chin, kicking her feet back and forth. I was still naked and stopped for a second. Jules took in an eye full as I walked to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up, and as I opened the door, I looked at her again.

"What, really, Julia?" I laughed.

"Fuck me indeed, Liss!" she giggled.

"Shhh," I giggled back.

I walked back out, and Jake had managed to get his pants back on and was seated on the couch we'd just defiled. I picked up my shirt and put it on without my bra. It was long enough to half cover my bottom, which was enough. I wasn't worried after everything that had just happened on that couch.

"I'm usually not like that," I said with a new timidity about my words.

"I'm not sure I could handle the normal Melissa then," Jake said, leaning over to kiss me.

"Sorry if that was…"

"Sorry if it was what?" Jake interrupted, "An amazing, mind-blowing experience that ruined every time I'd ever had sex up until this moment?" Jake laughed, kissing me again.

"Melissa, you are an amazing woman," he said, looking into my eyes.

"I guess I got a little into things," I blushed.

"I believe if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right," Jake replied, "I've just been doing it wrong until now, I guess."

"Haha, yeah, I guess," I answered nervously.

"I should probably get going. Do you want to come with me? I'd like it a lot if you spent the night at my place, ya know, just to sleep." Jake said, looking down at his boots.

"I probably shouldn't, not that I don't want to. I just probably shouldn't tonight." I answered.

"I understand," Jake said solemnly.

"Jake, it's not like that at all. I should stay with Jules tonight, but let's talk in the morning?" I said, putting my hand on his.

"So tomorrow then?" Jake said, cheering up a bit.

"Yeah, call me. I'll be on the road about 6. If you're up, we can talk for a bit."

With a kiss, Jake put his ball cap on and headed out to his truck. He looked back half a dozen times and asked me at least twice more if I was sure I didn't want to spend the night. After closing the door and shutting off the porch light, I looked at my bra and panties on the floor.

"Go ahead," I hollered.

"You guess you got a little into things?" Jules laughed. "Girl, I came hard, and no one was even fucking me!" she hollered back through the door, laughing.

I opened the door and looked at Jules, still lying on her stomach.

"Really?" I said sarcastically.

"Who's lying, Liss? That shit was hot!" Jules said, getting up out of bed.

As I tried to patch together exactly how and why everything had happened the way it did, Jules headed to the kitchen. This girl wasn't lying!! Her vibrator was on her bed, and her naked butt was all the evidence I needed.

"Julia, really! Dear God," I scolded.

"What? My phone died, and the charger is next to the couch. What was I supposed to do?" she said, unable to suppress her laughter.

I laughed hard as I flopped on her bed. I just left my clothes in her living room and got under the blankets. Jules shut the lights off and came in with a bowl of ice cream. We just sat there, both of us in only a t-shirt. Jules would give herself a bite, then feed me a bite.

"Things aren't gonna end well. Ya know that right, mama?" she said, speaking in a rare serious tone.

"I know Jules. This will be hard," I replied.

Jules gave me another bite of ice cream and kissed me on the forehead. She put the bowl on her nightstand and got under the covers. We just lay there. Jules put her arm over me, and I thought about everything. Mostly Jake. I thought about Nick, too, but I had yet to find answers, and I knew none were going to show up before morning. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on getting home. I tried to concentrate on Jake at 6 a.m. and what I'd say to him. Mostly, I just enjoyed being with Jules and feeling safe. All the wrong decisions in the world couldn't change us. At least, I hoped that was the case because I couldn't imagine living without her.

Written by Spendingtime
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