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Making Mindy Mine

"Something rough and dirty. Not my usual, romantic fare ..."

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"I'm telling you Hank, that girl is a slut! She runs around like a wild animal, staying out all hours of the night, and always with different men! Older men, Hank! I swear, I think some of them are even giving her money! She's completely out of control! I just can't take it anymore!" 

The screeching sound of Gloria's voice was like a hot wire on my nerves, and instantly brought back unwanted memories of our past marriage. Feeling the instinctive urge to yell back rise in my throat, I pulled the phone away, and swallowed my poisonous desire to respond in kind. Only when the line went silent did I dare bring the receiver back up to my face. 

"Gloria, please," I finally replied, trying my best to sound calm. "She can't be all that bad. She's eighteen years old for Christ sake! She's bound to want to live a little." 

I heard a sharp intake of breath and knew instantly it was the wrong thing to say. For a moment, Gloria sputtered in rage, sounding very much like she was choking on a chicken bone. When she finally became coherent enough to speak, her voice was dripping with venom. "I swear Hank; it would be just like you to think it okay for a young woman to act like a whore! Honestly, she must be getting this from her father! I certainly never acted like a tramp, eighteen or not!" 

That was true enough. Gloria had a puritanical streak that would have impressed Mother Teresa. Had I known that before, I would never have married her. By then, Mindy was already four years old, and it hadn't taken long for me to understand why her father had left. I could only take Gloria's bitching for a couple of years myself, but by then, I became quite fond of my former stepdaughter. 

As Mark was already long out of the picture, I became a sort of godparent to Mindy. Even then, being around Gloria had proven to be virtually impossible, and I more or less missed the next twelve years of Mindy's life. It had only taken those few minutes on the phone with Gloria to prove she hadn't changed a bit in the years since. 

I couldn't begin to imagine how hard it must have been for Mindy! Having Gloria as a mother must have been suffocating for her. After less than five minutes on the phone with my ex-wife, I agreed to let my god-daughter come and live with me. 


Mindy pulled up in her Mini the next morning, just as I was leaving for work. I gave her a key and told her to feel free to use the guest room. Just seeing her face light up when she saw me, and hearing the happiness in her voice, was all the proof I needed that I had made the right decision. 

"Are you sure you won't need any help?" I asked, ready to call off from work if she did. 

"No, I'll be okay, Hanky! I have most of my clothes packed, and there are only a few other things I need to bring. You go on, and I'll see you tonight! I'll even make your dinner." 

Hearing her call me “Hanky” again put an instant smile on my face. Honestly, I would have wanted to strangle anyone else for calling me that, but Mindy had started using it affectionately when she was very young and had somehow never quite let it go. "All right sweetie," I said with a chuckle. "That sounds great. We'll talk more tonight. Have a good day, and promise me you won't get into another fight with your mother, okay?" 

"Okay, Hanky, I promise. She just makes me so crazy sometimes!" 

"I know, Mindy. Believe me, I know." I waved goodbye, and reluctantly headed off to work. 

I couldn't help but look back through the mirror as I drove away smiling happily, as she started to unload a box from her car. From what Gloria told me about Mindy's recent behavior, I'd almost expected her to show up, half-dressed, with an inch-thick layer of makeup on! Now that I'd seen her, I had to laugh at myself for ever having believed any of it. 

Not that Mindy wasn't a beautiful girl, because nothing could have been further from the truth. At five-foot three, Mindy was both slim and athletic. She possessed the same, lustrous blond hair that first attracted me to her mother. That morning, she had it bundled up in a way that was just wild enough to be cute. Her deep brown eyes sparkled with youth, and instantly seemed to express her every thought. Wide and alive, they complimented her tanned skin and soft features in a way that would have made her age difficult to guess if I hadn't already known. 

What relieved me most was the fact that she wasn't wearing any noticeable makeup at all. As for the skimpy and inappropriate clothes her mother spoke of, there was no sign. Her faded jeans and yellow cotton pullover did look good on her, but there was certainly nothing at all suggestive in her attire. She seemed every bit the normal, well-adjusted young woman of whom I'd always been proud. 

My worries about Mindy being dispelled, I grimaced at the things Gloria said about her the night before, and I decided my ex' had finally lost her mind. “How could she treat her own daughter like that?” I silently screamed. “She really is one, crazy-ass bitch!” 

I was fuming in anger as those negative thoughts rolled through me, but I took a deep breath and resolved to put them out of my mind. The only thing that mattered was having Mindy back in my life. The last thing I wanted was to let Gloria ruin it for either of us. "At least Mindy doesn't have to put up with her craziness anymore!" With those last words spoken aloud, I gave myself a mental pat on the back for being my god-daughter's hero, and thought no more about it as I hit the freeway on my way to work. 


Mindy settled in over the next week, and while my work schedule meant we only saw each other in the evening, there was nothing in her behavior to give me pause. The first hint that something might be amiss was how much ready cash she seemed to have on hand. I had already noticed the late model import she was driving, but considering the hefty sum Mark paid for child support over the years, I'd convinced myself that Gloria must have put at least some of it to good use. What a laugh. This was Gloria I was talking about! I should have known better than to believe that. 

The last time I'd asked, Mindy was waitressing at a local restaurant. As the week wore on, however, she showed no signs of actually having a job. By Thursday night, I was strongly inclined to ask her about it. 

Even then, I hesitated. I knew her mother must have been grilling her about every part of her life, and the last thing I wanted to do was to make her feel that nothing had really changed. It wasn't until Friday that I started to see that things were not quite adding up. 

When I came home that night at six, Mindy had dinner ready, as she had all week. While we ate, she casually asked how my day went. She listened attentively as I rambled on about things in which she couldn't possibly have any interest. She was charming, and I found myself dominating the conversation without ever having a chance to ask her much of anything. Finally, as she began clearing the table, I found the moment I'd been waiting for. 

"So Mindy, what about you? Are you still working over at RJ's Steakhouse? You haven't gone out all week." I did my level best to make my interest seem like nothing more than idle curiosity, but by then, I was hearing Gloria's accusations echo through my thoughts, and I was desperate to have Mindy prove her wrong. 

"No, Hanky," she said with little interest. "I quit there after graduation. I'm not old enough to serve drinks yet, and I wasn't getting tips as a hostess. Besides, I hate red meat, and the smell was making me sick." 

Mindy picked up my plate and headed for the kitchen as she spoke, leaving me alone before I could pursue it further. Still, she'd only given me a partial answer, and by then, I really felt she was deliberately trying to be vague. When she returned, my tone was a bit more direct. 

"So, are you working now? And what about school? Are you planning your classes for the fall?" I'm sure I was beginning to sound a bit exasperated, but while I didn't want to pry too much, I felt I had a right to know what her plans were. 

"Yeah, I'm working at the Kensington Plaza. It's just part time, and mostly at night, but I get a share of the tips." 

"The Kensington? Isn't that the new casino they opened last year? I thought you had to be twenty-one to work there?" 

Mindy gave me one of her classic 'don't you know anything' looks and almost rolled her eyes at me. "Well yeah, Hanky, I would have to be older to work in the Casino, but I'm in the Hotel. I've been working with the Concierge Desk, and helping with some of their guests." 

"Wow, sweetie, that sounds great! I'm really happy for you. So what about school … ?” I was about to go on, but her cell phone abruptly interrupted me with an insistent chime that demanded Mindy's attention with all of the authority of a trumpet from Heaven. 

"Sorry, Hank, that's Jake, I have to take this!" She was already answering as she darted to the back of the house, leaving me in bemused silence as I watched her disappear into her room. 

As I sat there in silence, I had the same thought any man in my position would have had at a time like that, “Who the hell is Jake?” 


Mindy spent the next hour taking a shower and getting ready for wherever she was going. Somewhere in the midst of her tumultuous preparations, I managed to find out Jake was her boss, and that she was going to work at the Hotel. I glanced at the clock. It was past eight, and I wondered why, at this time of night, did this Jake need an eighteen-year-old intern? The only ideas that came to mind were anything but professional, and once again, her mother's accusations began infecting my thoughts. 

“Careful there, Hank, you don't know squat about the Hotel business,” I told myself. I had just about decided I was being grossly paranoid when Mindy came out of the hall. She had combed her blond hair out until it flowed like sunshine over her shoulders and down the deep-V of her exposed back. Her scarlet satin dress was cut low in front as well, cradling her full breasts tightly underneath, but revealing, what to me, was a decidedly uncomfortable amount of cleavage. So much so, in fact, that I caught myself wanting to stare at her sensual beauty. I knew she had developed, but good God, I had no idea she was so very ... there! 

The dress itself clung to her lithe body, yet also seemed to drape over her curves in a way that I'm sure every man she encountered would notice. Darker stockings clung to her legs and caressed their slender shape all the way down to the killer heels that encased her feet like the proverbial Ruby Slippers. Even her nails and lipstick matched the scarlet theme of her undeniably provocative ensemble. 

Mindy held her wrap tightly around her shoulders, thankfully covering the rounded tops of her breasts as she bent down to give me a quick kiss on my cheek. 

Her excitement was obvious, and actually seemed to radiate from her as she moved toward the door. "I may be out late, Hanky, don't wait up!" 

"You're going to work dressed like that?" I managed to choke out before she left. 

Mindy stopped and flashed a smile that was filled with both admonishment and understanding. "Of course, Hanky. I have to look nice. This isn't 1980 anymore." The she gave me a quick finger wave and slipped out the door. 


I kept telling myself that if Gloria hadn't planted the idea into my head, I wouldn't have been so suspicious and obsessed with what Mindy was doing. She was an adult, after all. I truly did believe she should be given the opportunity to decide what she wanted to do, and whom she wanted to see. Somehow, I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I needed to do something, and that she was making some kind of horrible mistake! By midnight, I had drunk one too many beers, and as if by its own, my hand found my cell phone and I was dialing the Kensington Plaza Hotel. 

I remember the nervous tension I was feeling as the phone rang, it was hard for me to stay calm, when the pleasant voice of a woman picked up the line. "Kensington Plaza Hotel, Sherri speaking. How may I address your call?" 

"Hi, I'm looking for Mindy MacNee. She works for your Concierge Desk." Even then, I didn't really know what I was trying to accomplish. At the very least, I had to find out if she was really there. My mind was racing, and the brief delay on the other end began to feel like an eternity. Soon, the woman came back. 

"One moment please, I'm transferring your call." 

Again, the delay, and this time replete with the kind of on-hold music that made a person want to scream. The seconds ticked by until I heard a click, and a man's deep and resonant voice came on the line. "Concierge Desk, Jake speaking. How may I assist you, sir?" 

I had a sudden vision of a guy in khakis, and shaking the image from my mind, I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. Then, I started speaking as calmly as I was able. "Yes, I'd like to speak with Mindy MacNee please." 

"I'm sorry sir, Ms. MacNee is unavailable right now. If you would care to leave a name and phone number, I'd be happy to forward it to her when I can." His words were professional, but there was something else there as well. He was being purposely vague in a way that set off even more alarm bells, and I silently felt my stomach drop at the realization. 

"Does that mean she's there, working now, or would I expect to hear from her tomorrow?" I asked, trying to get him to tip his hand. 

"I'm sorry sir, I cannot answer that. All I can say is that we can deliver a message if you like. Would you care to leave a name and number?" 

I almost told him who I was, but knew it would have meant nothing to him. Worse still, I would have only angered Mindy if I did. No, after all of that, I quietly replied "No thank you," and ended the call. I sat there for a long time trying to decide if Gloria might be right, and even if she was, would it really be any of my business anyway? 

I was still sitting there past two in the morning when I heard Mindy open the door. I'm not sure what I expected when she came in. Would the excitement she felt when she left still be with her? Would she be happy or sad, or just tired? My emotions had run the full gambit by then, and I felt worn down by my own obsession with needing know. 

Mindy had already removed her heels when she came into the den. She saw the empty beer cans and the ashtray full of cigarette butts, and I could swear there was a flash of sadness in her eyes. 

"Ah Hanky, you've been talking with mom, haven't you?" 

"What? No! Well, yes but not tonight!" I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from becoming angry. "Okay, as you know, I did speak with your mother about you the night before you came to stay with me. To be honest, Mindy, she said a bunch of things I didn't want to believe, but now I'm not so sure. So you tell me, what the hell is going on? You need to talk to me. You need to let me in, sweetie. I need to know the truth because I don't believe for a minute you're working as intern in that dress until two in the morning!" 

Mindy sighed and pulled her wrap off before sitting on the couch next to my chair. There, with the lamp light shining down on her, I could clearly see the rise of her breasts as she moved. I just shook my head at the idea that such a revealing look would be appropriate for her work. 

"Are you really that worried about me?" she asked with more disappointment than anger. 

"Of course I am! Why do you think I've been up all night waiting for you?" 

Mindy held my gaze for a long time, and I could see she was trying to make up her mind. Then she crossed her legs and sat back on the couch with her eyes piercing into mine. "Okay, I'll tell you what you want to know. I just hope you really want to hear it." 

"I do, Mindy. I can't help, if I don't know what's wrong." 

Mindy laughed cynically and shook her head. "You...

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Written by Milik_the_Red
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