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Innocent Part V

"Nessie's three little words change so much."

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Nessie nibbled her bottom lip. She looked at me and then back at Kay. “He’s not blood,” she stated.

The room was deadly silent. Each of us held our drinks in our hands and looked from one to the other and back again. I had a random thought of the final gunfight in the Sergio Leone trilogy. We aren’t blood I thought and what blood I had ran into my shaft and I would swear the cushion on my lap shifted.


Oh fuck, why do I have to be so wet! Kay thought looking at Paul.


Did I just say that out loud? thought Vanessa looking between Paul and Kay. Oh, God if they fuck… I’m gonna have to frig myself!


Fuck! I’m so fucking hard I thought, looking at Kay. I glanced at my sister who was actually squirming. You want us to! and I had to make a concentrated effort not to let my jaw drop open.

Simultaneously, the three of us raised our glasses to our mouths and as we set them down my sister stated, “He does have a nice cock… not a horse cock… but a nice cock.”

“Err… how?” I asked incredulously.

“Seriously?” Nessie replied, “We were hormone-riddled adolescents at the same time! I lost count of the times I saw a tent in your pants… unlucky for you… reckon I possibly had an equal number of sodden panties back then.”

“Excuse me?” Kay interjected. “Do I not get a say?”

The two of us looked at her, “Literally, your choice.” I suggested.

“What he said,” added Nessie.

“And you would?” Kay asked. Without having to look at her legs I could see her thighs tightening. In some part of her mind, she was trying to control her squirming.

“I…” I paused to actually consider what I was agreeing to, “Ahh, fuck. Before tonight, before meeting you at the Barn, it would’ve been a definite ‘No’.” I took another sip of my drink as did my two ‘sisters’. This is turning into a bizarre drinking game; I shook the thought away. “Then I met Kay… albeit catfishing Kay. She’s funny, smart and sexy. Her, I would definitely… want to sleep with.”

“I didn’t lie,” Kay answered.

“And the kiss?” Nessie asked, “Was that a lie?”

“I… maybe at first… but I did kiss him…,” She took another sip of her drink. I mentally stopped myself from copying. “I wanted to… by the end, it wasn’t a lie.”

She looked to my sister who shrugged her shoulders but then said, “You can trust him, that much you know. And he certainly won’t be bragging about it.”

“I never brag. Well, not about women and I never tell tales,” I reassured Kay.

“You and your friends never talk about sex?” Nessie asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded, “We do, but I always change the names to protect the not-so-innocent.”

We both looked to Kay who was looking at the glass she was holding in both her hands, roiling the amber fluid around it. She gave a barely perceptible nod, downed her drink and stood up. She picked up her shoes and headed for the hall. She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder, “Well? She asked, “Are you coming ‘Horse-Cock Carter?”

I looked at Nessie and she merely nodded a ‘go-on -then’ look, grinning broadly.

“As you wish,” I replied, Miss… Catfish Cooper!”

We heard Nessie burst out laughing as once again Kay took hold of my hand and led me to her bedroom.


Nessie watched her brother and little ‘sister’ disappear laughing at Paul’s parting remark. She settled down and finished her own drink placing it on the floor. “Mmmm…” she said to no one and popped the button on her jeans, eased down the zipper and slipped her fingers beneath her sodden panties and into her wet furrow.


Kay led me into her room heading for the bed. I let go of her hand and placed my hands on her shoulders. She shivered a little as I swept her hair away from her neck and kissed her shoulder softly. She sighed as I continued to place warm wet circles up along her neck towards her ear. Her hands reached back taking hold of my hips and pulled my groin, the hard lump of my erection against her ass.

I snaked my tongue up the back of her ear, my hot breath washing over it as she slowly ground against me. I placed a hand on her flat stomach as my lips slowly migrated across her cheek to her mouth. Her fingers entwined in mine and as our lips met, she urged my hand down and pressed my fingers into her crotch.

We groaned equally as I felt the heat and dampness emanating from her quim and ground my painfully erect cock hard against her ass. Our tongues snaked over each other as she shivered against me and her nails scratched at my jean-clad hips. God, I want this girl, I thought. I was sure that I’d never had such a passion for any girl before.

I span her about and held her shoulders at arm’s length. “Are you sure about this, Michaela?” I asked nervously.

She stared into my eyes and reached up her hands sliding them beneath mine. “Yes, Paul… from the moment I went to the bar and saw you!” she said and pulled her hands down dragging the string shoulder straps with them.

I know my jaw dropped open as her dress fluttered down her sides to pool around her feet leaving her standing there in just tiny lace panties. Her flesh was two or three shades darker than her mother’s, her breasts small but pointed, topped with a pair of half-inch-long hard nipples that were a very dark brown surrounded by tiny areolae. My eyes roved further, her waist seemed too thin and I grinned when I saw a gold stud just below her navel, it took a lot of self-control not to spin her about as her hips suggested a perfect ass, at least to me. Without her heels on her legs, although proportionate to her body looked short and ended in a pair of, seemingly, tiny feet.

As my eyes returned to hers, I was glad she was still wearing panties as I knew I wanted my first glimpse to be up close and personal.

“God, you’re beautiful,” I answered and unbuttoned my shirt. Her hands twitched by her sides as I pulled off my shirt and then unbuckled my belt. She stepped, half-stumbled back till her ass rested against the edge of her bed. I remained where I was and kicked off my shoes before unbuttoning my jeans and pushing them down.

Her eyes followed the descent of my jeans and then rose back up to the tent in my boxers. Her tongue flicked out and wet her lips as I looked down myself to see a large, dark circular patch staining my boxers. “As you can see… I’ve been wanting you for some time!” I confessed. Once again, I bent down and pulled off my socks as I stared at the damp crotch of her panties. Kay spread her thighs wide apart to allow me an unobstructed view.

It took all of my self-control not to simply plunge my head between her outstretched thigh and suck that young, virgin quim. Instead, I reached back and pulled down my boxers knowing my torso and head obstructed her view. I straightened up, Kay’s eyes went wide and her chest heaved as she finally saw my fully erect cock.

I offered her my hand and she took it. I pulled her up into a tight embrace and kissed her deeply. Her tongue writhed around mine as my shaft pressed against her stomach smearing my precum around her navel. I groaned into her mouth as I felt my cockhead graze against her piercing. Our hands slid up and down our backs, as our tongues entwined, I could feel her heart beating rapidly with mine as our chests pressed tightly together,

I guided her towards the bed and lowered her down gently without breaking our kiss. When it finally broke, her eyelids fluttered open and I smiled back as I placed a kiss on her button nose. She squirmed beneath me as I kissed her chin and then the underside of her jaw. Her nails dragged up my back as two more kisses took me to the top of her chest. My eyes never left Kay’s as my kisses wandered left and right along her shoulders before zig-zagging back and forth across her chest.

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Her slim fingers slipped through my hair, I almost laughed as I figured mine was actually longer than hers. My lips slowly and teasingly ascended the slopes of her breasts, three times almost touching her hard erect nipples. Her chest heaved beneath me and she squirmed vying to get my mouth on her sensitive flesh. She gasped and arched her back beneath me as I cupped her mound, her juices oozing through her sodden underwear. As her eyes closed, I sucked her left nipple deep into my mouth and cupped her right in my other hand.

“Fuck!” she moaned loudly as her body went rigid, her back arched up off the bed and her juices soaking my hand covering her mound.

I squeezed one nipple and lightly bit the other and ten fingernails dug into my scalp as my ‘little’ sister orgasmed. I felt her labia yield beneath her lacy panties and the length of my finger pressed into the moist furrow. I held perfectly still as Kay’s body vibrated beneath me and after half a minute collapsed back onto the bed.

I simultaneously released all of her erogenous points as I noted the tears running down her temples from her tightly closed eyelids. I began to resume my journey of kisses. I reached her navel and her piercing and could taste the saltiness of my pre-cum upon her flesh. Her eyes flicked open as her fingers caressed my head. “Oh, fuck… Paul,” she sighed, “Why, the fuck, have you been away so long?”

“I’m asking myself the very same question!” I answered and pushed her thighs apart and dropped my eyes to her crotch. They had been a reasonably discreet pair of panties, I imagined, when Kay had put them on that day. Now, they were bunched up and folded into her quim, thoroughly soaked, and almost exposing her outer labia, “Are these a… favourite pair of your knickers?” I asked.

“They are now,” she answered, “I will be keeping them!” Her hands left my head and reached down grabbing either side, hooking the material into her fists. The lacy material almost disappeared between her labia before she pulled hard and ripped them from her hips.

“Fucking beautiful,” I stated gazing at her naked crotch.

“It’d look better with that lovely thick cock of yours slamming into it!” she replied.

“Did your mother never teach you any patience?” I asked.

That smile I’d seen in the club re-appeared. “Oh, she tried… but I couldn’t wait that long!” she answered.

My eyes dove into her pussy, my fingers having shifted and pulled her lips fully apart. The deep red gash bisected her dark flesh and, in my head, I couldn’t wait to see my pale cock slamming into it. “Well… sorry… but I need to know you’re wet enough for my… ‘lovely thick cock’!”

“Fuck off!” she shot back, “I’ve been dripping since I kissed you on the dance floor… and I’ve wanted your cock since my sixteenth birthday!”

I locked my eyes on hers and extended my tongue and slowly ran it up the length of her slit, Kay moaned loudly and her nails returned to my scalp etching grooves into my flesh as I continued to lap at her bittersweet juices that, as she said, were literally dripping from her pussy.

“Ohhh…” she groaned, “Mmmm… I guess, yes, I can wait a little longer!”

She was looking back at me but I could tell her eyes were out of focus as with each subsequent lick I drove my tongue a little deeper into the folds of her quim. About the sixth stroke, I felt a hard nub as the tip of my tongue crested the top of her slit and her body responded instantly by arching its back and grinding her crotch into my face. “Oh, fuck, yes you bastard!” she cried out.

Without a doubt, I knew Nessie would have heard her ‘little’ sister and I found that I didn’t care in the slightest. Again and again, I lapped at the dripping cunt before me, my tongue buried deep each time and my lips forming a circle about her clit and sucking hard each time. She writhed and shuddered and I moved my hands to her hips and held her down.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cried and her squirming ceased as her body went limp and her juices ran freely out of her slit and down between her ass cheeks. I plunged my tongue all the way inside and drank greedily from her quim.

Once her breathing returned to normal, I withdrew my tongue and looked at my ‘little’ sister lying there, a large blush adorning her chest and neck. Her eyes shot open and she smiled broadly as she felt my glans rest against her splayed pussy lips. I nestled my cockhead deeper into her folds, my hands sliding up her sides. “Your first time… this may hurt,” I warned.

She laughed and shook her head, “Fingers took care of that, some time ago!” she answered and I felt her heels rest against my ass cheeks and slowly pull me in. Both of us looked down to watch my pale cock ease into her darker flesh. The two of us groaned simultaneously, she was the tightest I had ever felt but also probably the wettest too.

“Ahhh…” she breathed, “I’ve dreamt of this, seen it in my mind… but, oh God, Paul, I never imagined it would feel so good… so fucking full!”

Just over half my length was inside her, gradually disappearing into her, “I never dared dream of this,” I admitted, “But, Christ, I wish I had, Kay!”

The two of us shuddered as our hips finally met and I felt her pussy ripple around my throbbing manhood. I grasped her hips and held her tight as I rolled the two of us over so I was lying on the bed and she was on top, she beamed down at me and rested her hands on my chest, her nails resting on my nipples. “Go as fast or slow as you like,” I instructed her.

“Mmmhmm…” she replied and slowly began to lift herself up my length. Her gaze passed over my head and I tilted my head back to see where she was looking and saw the full-length mirror on her wardrobe. I reached across the bed and grabbed a pillow, bunching it up under my head before my hands returned to her hips. It was taking all my self-control not to drive my cock up into her, but her slow exquisite movements were gorgeous. Just before my glans slipped out, she eased back down till once again she ground her hips against mine. I could feel the folds within her massage my cockhead and knew the neck of her womb was pressed against it.

Another rise and fall, a little quicker this time and again the sensation deep inside her had me concentrating on not ejaculating. Faster and faster, she went and I could feel my heavy balls hot and sticky with her juices. Her body was starting to shake and her pussy was tightening and loosening around my invading shaft.

My cock slipped out and her hand flashed down grabbing it and then she impaled herself once again slamming down hard. She grabbed my hand and pulled it up to her breasts and I squeezed and massaged her soft flesh. “Ohhh … fuck!” she cried out, “I’m gonna cum… gonna cum on your cock, Paul!”

My other hand rose up and I squeezed both her nipples as she drove down hard again and again, my glans slamming into the neck of her womb again and again, “Yesss…” I urged, “Cum all over me… Kay… I’m gonna fill your beautiful cunt with my spunk!”

Three thrusts later and I was as good as my word and on the next so was Kay. She bucked wildly on top of me as I drove my hips up. Her pussy squeezed and rippled around my spurting shaft and her juices flooded out over my rapidly emptying balls. Eventually, she collapsed down on top of me and my arms wrapped around her, our sweat-slicken flesh sliding against each other.

I kissed her forehead and our chests heaved against one another.

“I love you, ‘big’ brother,” she whispered.

“I love you, ‘little’ sis,” I answered.

Written by TonyNon
Contributing Authors
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