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"That was detestable, young man. Simply horrid. It's beyond me how you children act nowadays. I'm appalled. I have no idea what to do about it."

We were in Mrs. Longtree's small sitting room that was right next to her bedroom. In this old Victorian home there were numerous rooms, including several bedrooms that she rented out, and the combination parlor and dining room where the residents could gather. This little room was private. She would sometimes allow one or two of the girls to have tea with her but not often.

"You're right, ma'am. Yes, of course. Please, don't kick the girls out. It's all my fault. I mean, I talked them into it. Don't make them leave. They're happy here and they always say you're the best. They really like you, ma'am."

She rose up from her wingback chair and began pacing around the room. She was dressed as always in her white blouse, pleated skirt, and comfortable shoes. I was trying my best to be contrite. I mean, I didn't want to leave the rooming house. Not now in the middle of the semester. Besides, I'd been making some great memories here. But I was expecting to get kicked out soon.

It was the day after Mrs. Longtree caught us. I had been making love to my stepsister, Maggie, along with her girlfriend, Naomi. Yeah, it was all three of us doing it. It was great, but then the landlady had peeked in and saw us. The girls hadn't noticed and I hadn't told them. I was waiting for the hammer to fall I guess.

So now I was called into the sitting room immediately after breakfast this Saturday morning by one of the co-eds who lived here. When the landlady closed the door and locked it I just knew I would be told to pack up and take my stepsister with me. I glanced over to her window looking out to the east and thought of escaping up into the Laguna Mountains. I could smell the odor of flowers still blooming on the hillsides.

Mrs. Longtree had continued walking slowly about the room and as she did she kept chastising me for my behavior. At the same time she had slowly begun to loosen some things in her hair. It soon fell down around her shoulders. It was kind of pretty, I couldn't help but notice. She always had worn it up in some kind of bun. Now her deep black hair spread out.

"And further more, young man, let me tell you that it was disgusting seeing you that way. With no clothes on and showing all that God gave you. Yes, showing it all. I saw it. It was horrible seeing that hard member of yours having just abused that poor girl. I shudder to think of it now."

She had stopped and was standing right in front of me as I sat on the stool she had told me to sit on. Mrs. Longtree was a rather short lady and a little chubby. Nicely round and juicy I had thought before. Nowhere near as tall as I was. I kept looking up into her face. As I did she reached out and took my head in her hands, still giving me the business verbally, but bringing my head towards her. She pressed my face into her large breasts and I heard her sigh.

She changed her tone now. Her voice was low as she began asking me questions.

"Go on now, tell me what you were doing. Tell me, Peter. What were you doing to those girls?"

I could feel her trembling now. I turned my head as she loosened her grip. I looked up at her and smiled. I began describing how we had played that night. All of it. My hands went up to her waist and around, grasping her butt and squeezing it. I kept on telling her the naughty things I did to my stepsister and to Naomi using all the dirty words I knew.

She had released my head and her fingers were slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Her gaze was upwards away from my eyes as she slowly removed her top and reached around to undo her bra. Her large breasts sagged a bit but not too much. She was in her forties and still attractive. To me. I thought she was pretty.

Again, as I stopped speaking, she pulled my face to her and let me know what she wanted. Her nipples were hard now and I began to suck on them. Just as I did with my stepsister, Sheila. I would suck her milk out, but Mrs. Longtree had no milk. Just large tits that turned pink and red as I sucked on them. My fingers were gripping her ass and I heard her whimpering softly.

I stood up quickly and bent down to kiss her. Women loved to kiss. I had learned that well from my stepmother and stepsisters. Now I was kissing an older woman and I could smell her lavender scent. Actually, she was just about the same age as Cindy, my stepmom. I liked kissing, too, along with all the other stuff. I just liked sex.

"My god, you are such a bad boy. So bad. You're just forcing me to do things that I'll regret, aren't you, Peter? Aren't you forcing me? Oh, lord, I'll just have to give in. Yes, I'll give in. You want me in the bedroom? Is that what you're making me do, Peter? Alright, alright. Let's go into the bedroom. You're going to use me, I know that. Making me do things I should never do."

As she chattered on she had taken my hand and was leading me through the door into her bedroom. I followed gladly. I was smiling. It was all going to be okay. I closed her bedroom door and picked her up in my arms. She squealed like a young girl but she didn't struggle. Or, not much.

I placed her on her own bed and began removing my clothes.

"So now I'm supposed to get undressed? Is that what you're making me do? You're so strong, Peter. I just have to do it, don't I? I just have to do what you want, you beast."

And as she spoke her skirt and shoes were gotten rid of. That left her white cotton panties. I was naked now as I knelt down and slowly began peeling her panties over her pale thighs. Her pussy was covered with dark brown curls. I tossed the panties away and leaned down to kiss her legs, from her knee and upward to her mound. She was lying back on the bed now and her legs slowly spread wider and wider.

"My god, my god. Oh, god, this is filthy you nasty boy. You dirty boy, forcing me to do this. Oh, oh, oh." I had begun licking around her slit and I slipped a finger in to see that she was still a little dry. I licked her some more and she began to get moist.

I didn't know if she would come for me while I did this. But I knew she would if I fucked her pussy. I knew that would work, and I knew that's what she wanted. I was pretty sure. So I stroked my hard prick with one hand and fingered her slit with the other and looked up to see her face contorted with happiness.

Pulling my fingers out I crouched over, spread her apart, and began to press my cock in. She cried out, "What are you doing dirty little boy, dirty boy?" She was letting out little noises, like ooh, ohh, ooh, and I knew I was doing what she wanted. Even if she said she didn't.

I grabbed her legs and pressed her knees back so I could drive my prick deeper and deeper. I loved fucking pussy and this was a tight pussy. I wondered how long it had been for her but then forgot that and just fucked her the way she needed to be fucked. The way I liked to fuck. I liked to fuck fast and hard and slowing down and letting her moan a little and begin to beg for me to never stop.

She started weeping now. Crying and saying over and over, "so long, so long, oh god it's been so long." And then her body trembled. I froze, but she grabbed my butt, pulling me deeper, and she cried out, "yes, yes, oh fuck yes!" So I kept pumping her with my cock and felt the spunk building up until I could hold back no more, and it shot out. Humping now, faster and faster, with short intense rams into that sweet lady's pussy, spewing my seed into her. Fuck, it was good fucking, as I let out a howl and jammed it one last time. And held it there.

After a few seconds I slowly pulled myself out of her juicy kitty. She was lying back completely spent it seemed. Then she slowly bent upward, placing her arm across her tits and a hand over her slit. She rolled over to one side and looked over her shoulder at me.

"Well, you had your way with me, dirty little boy. Filthy boy. We will just have to forget this ever happened. Please, Peter, just wash up and leave now. And try to control yourself around the girls. Do that for me." With that she rolled over, but I could tell she was gently caressing herself as she folded her knees up and slightly spread them, humming softly to herself. I washed up in her bathroom, dressed and left.

From then on each time we were in the same room I would see a slight smile playing about Mrs.

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Longtree's face. I didn't tell Maggie and Naomi that the landlady knew about us. Why get them upset. And I didn't want them acting differently around her. But I did wonder how long the lady would wait until she was pleasured once more.

I took off for the San Diego Country Club down in Chula Vista. I needed to do some caddying and get some extra cash. I would usually go down every weekend for a few hours and then get back up to the rooming house to get some studying done. This time I decided to take a detour over and see Cindy and Dad at home.

I left a note in Maggie's room because she was out working her part-time job, too. I was thinking of spending the night at home. I didn't need to bring anything with me. I had tons of clothes and stuff there. Anyway, I just needed a little visit.

It was around five in the afternoon when I finally got to our bungalow. I'd carried a bag around the golf course three times for some business men and made some needed money. I had to pay rent to Mrs. Longtree that coming week.

It was nice out as I walked a couple of blocks from the bus stop. There were puffs of clouds in the sky but it was sunny and warm with roses and oleander blooming along our street. I could see the garage door was open and the Ford was in the driveway. Some feet were sticking out from under the car. It had to be my Dad.

As I crunched up the gravel drive Dad slowly pulled himself from under the car. He smiled at me as he wiped some grease from his hands.

"What the hell. Didn't know you were coming, boy. Everything alright?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, Dad," I said. "It's fine. Just homesick a little I guess. I'll spend the night and get back tomorrow. That okay?"

"Course. Don't know what your mother's making for dinner. Smelled good, though. I was just checking for a leak under the engine. Seems okay. I guess the oil I saw at work was from another guy's car." He rose up, dusted his pants, and we walked into the house through the garage.

"Cindy. Look who's here," he called out as we walked up two steps and into the kitchen. Cindy was bending over the oven pulling out a pan. She glanced up and grinned at me. Then she stood up straight, put the pan on the counter, tossed her oven mitts down, and came to give me a hug.

"I'm glad to see you," she said, "but don't you have schoolwork to do?"

"Yeah, Cindy. That's what's in this bag. Some books and stuff. I'll be back in plenty of time tomorrow if I haven't finished up."

We ate about forty-five minutes later after I had washed up and had a chat with Dad in the living room. Cindy had made a meatloaf along with some mashed potatoes and peas. And with some fresh baked rolls and butter. Dad had his bottle of Falstaff and Cindy had one too. She didn't really drink and Dad laughed at her. I just had milk.

After supper we went into the living room and Cindy turned on the radio so we could listen to some shows. She smiled at me and I thought she was a little tipsy from the beer. We listened to Gunsmoke. Dad liked it a lot, but I just spent a little time with them and then went into my room and sat at my old desk to do some studying.

Just after ten o'clock Cindy peeked into my room and said she and Dad were going to bed. She came in and gave me a kiss. She giggled and then whispered, "I had another beer. I'll be back in an hour, Peter. You stay awake sweet boy." Then she kissed my cheek and went out to go to bed with Dad.

I couldn't go to sleep now. So I just continued doing some reading while I listened to the house creaking around me. I had the window open for the breeze and the odors of the night drifted in. There was an owl hooting in the distance and then a coyote howled.

Cindy put her hand in my blond hair and caressed me awake. I had put my head down on the desk. I came awake quickly and twisting around I encircled her waist, feeling the silky smoothness of her nightie. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I pulled her through my bedroom door, closing it softly, then we barefooted down the hall and to the kitchen. The moonlight glowed through the picture window in the living room.

She was giggling quietly as I opened the door to the garage and we stepped down onto the cool concrete floor making sure the door was closed. I switched on one of the fluorescent lights Dad had over the work bench at the back of the garage. Then I grabbed Cindy, pressing her back against the hood of the Ford. I leaned in and kissed her greedily.

My hands were up under her nightie now. I pressed my palm down the front of her panties and felt the warmth of her pussy. I rubbed it and felt the vulva that was so damp already. Kissing her roughly now I pulled my hard prick out of the front slit of my underwear. Cindy grabbed it and pulled me toward her. I lifted her up by her butt onto the hood.

Now my face was embedded in her breasts, sucking through the satin material and feeling the hard tips of her nipples. Then I forced my way up into her pussy, beginning to ram her slit with my grunts of lust playing counterpoint to her moans and whimpers of love. I began fucking her the way I had dreamed of when I left the boarding house earlier, standing up on my tiptoes.

After that first eager taking of my stepmom's pussy I slowed down. I wanted to enjoy her the way I always did, as she whispered, "slow baby, slow, yes yes. Yes, my Peter boy. Fuck me good baby," and then she just begged for "more, more, more."

My thighs were tight and I stayed upright and crouching over my sweet Cindy, piercing her steadily and feeling the primal urge building to fill her with my milk. Holding tightly to her hips and rutting in her pussy. Groaning and fucking and wanting to come so badly. Wanting her to come for me, with me. Her body stiffened.

"Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, baby, coming..."

I wanted more. I kept screwing my little stepmom and feeling the joy in my cock. The joy of lust and love. God, it was so good. So good. I knew if I kept fucking that she would come over and over. My lover was a sexy woman. So I held off. I was learning. I was learning how to make it better and better. Fucking my sweet girl.

Driving my hard cock into her on the hood of a car was so fucking sexy. She was such a perfect woman. And she wanted me this way. She loved me this way. Rutting like animals in the garage, smelling the odor of wood chips and motor oil. Filling her gripping pussy with my stiff dick.

Now. Now it was time. Thrusting faster into her slit. Feeling the heat and the juicy, sticky wetness of her pussy. My cock began to pulse and I hunched over and began shooting my spunk. Over and over, surging jets of sperm into my stepmother. Getting just what I wanted. Such good fucking. With each hump I shot a little less until I had to stop and plopped my prick out of her. I leaned down and hugged her with my head on her breasts.

We stayed that way for a long time it seemed. I pulled her closer and kissed her,...

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Written by Green_Man
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