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The weather was changing quickly. Our summers were dry and hot, and we often had brush fires around the county. Our wet season was most people's cold winter. I don't know if anyone had ever seen snow in town. I didn't have any memory of that. I had only seen snow once when Dad took us up into the mountains east of us.



Mount Laguna was supposed to have snow almost every winter. I suppose it did. They said if we were getting rain, then there was snow on Mount Laguna. We didn't really take too many trips except to go fishing. Dad loved to fish, but I hadn't gone with him in some time now.


Now I was finished with high school, and I was making plans to start attending San Diego State College in the fall. I was registered for all of my courses. Maggie, my youngest stepsister, had helped me get it all straight, because she was going there already -- not in the summer, but she had completed her freshman year. She was working and could still pay for her room in the house near the campus.


I still had the second bedroom all to myself, since Maggie was gone, and Sheila was with her husband, Jason. She was having a baby. I found out on the day I graduated high school. Something was going on there, but no one would talk about it. I guess I was still the baby in the family. Well, not really. My stepmother, Cindy, had finally come to the conclusion that I was an adult now.


Several weeks had passed since Cindy and I had finally made love. What I should just say is, we fucked. It was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me. Cindy had let me please her. I know I had, because she was still coming to me for sex. At least once every week now. She often cried afterwards, but she said it was because she was so happy. She had missed making love to a man for such a long time.


Since I was home most of the time now, and Dad was working during the day, we could play as much as we wanted. But she still had chores to do. And she told me once that she didn't want to wear me out. That was funny. I had a hard on almost all the time when she was around.


This morning I decided that Cindy might perhaps need some nearness. I know I did. I got up late, being a little lazy, but no one had complained yet. Besides, I had my part time job at the San Diego Country Club. I worked about fifteen or twenty hours a week. It was really here in Chula Vista. It had been since 1921, they said. I think it started in San Diego in the 1890s.


I was learning to play, and working there allowed me to get in a round or two during the week. I still had to rent clubs though. We couldn't afford a set. I also got to see some pretty good players. The caddies, and some of the adult members, talked about Billy Casper and Gene Littler maybe going pro. They were local guys. And we also had our own open tournament, the San Diego Open.


However, I wasn't working today. I woke up with a stiff cock, like always. But now I didn't always have to jack off. I had Cindy to be my sweet lover. And she was very sweet. Long, wavy brown hair, down to her shoulders. She was almost always in a house dress, and I learned early on that she liked to leave off her panties, and her bra. She had a grand body. I thought she was shaped like Marilyn Monroe. I loved Marilyn back then.


Rising and dressing I took my time. I rubbed my prick in my Levi's, and looked at my clock. It was close to noon. Cindy would be making us some lunch. I was soon cleaned up and out of my room. Passing through the archway into the kitchen I saw Cindy at the counter. She was slicing bread, for sandwiches, I supposed. I snuck up on her.


"Peter! Get your hands off of those. They aren't toys, mister!"


Her hands slapped mine, which were cupping her tits. So soft, and no bra. I didn't remove them. I wanted to feel the nipples hardening, and I did. I chuckled into her neck, and I kissed it, then licked it. She smelled and tasted of Palmolive soap. I could get an erection just sniffing that odor wafting through the house. She moaned softly and leaned back into my arms.


Her round butt was nestled against my hard cock. She could feel it, I knew. I let one hand move down and lift her dress up, and slipped my hand around and gently caressed her pussy. Her moaning got louder as I stuck two fingers in her slit, and began getting my palm wet with stepmother juices.


"You are the naughtiest boy in California, you know that? Oh, god, that's so good, baby. You make me cum so easily now... mmm, oh, fuck, baby let's go into your room."


I twirled her around, pressed my hard cock against her, and kissed her deeply. She was half a foot shorter so I leaned down. My lips were greedy on hers, as her hands went to my blond curls. I felt her tongue probing my mouth, and that really turned me on. I broke the kiss and picked up my stepmom to carry her into my bedroom. She needed the touch of my dick.


Sometimes I would just fuck Cindy with her clothes on. She always wore nylon stockings with a garter belt, even if she left the panties off. I enjoyed filling her pussy with my cock, with her dress pushed up to her waist. But taking off the dress was fun too, because then I could suck on her soft, sweet tits.


"Cindy, I love you so much. Let me lick your cunt, okay sweetie? You taste so good. Look at my cock. Hold it baby, and stroke it. Oh, shit, I want to suck you Cindy."


I liked calling her Cindy. I always had. She had asked me to when Dad and I had joined her and my stepsisters. And, for some reason, it made me so fucking horny when I called her that. So I did, and then would cum a load of spunk in her mouth or her pussy.


Now I had Cindy on a lower bunk bed, leaning up on some pillows. Her hands were twisted in my blond curls, and my mouth was glued to her clit, making her cum fast for me. I was so hard now.


"Jesus, baby boy, suck that pussy. Oh, fuck, Peter. Eat me baby. Eat me, so fucking good."


I couldn't help but jerk my cock as I licked her slit. I had one hand fingering her pussy, but then I put my fingers on her little puckered hole, and I tickled it. With some pussy juice, I got a finger in and started finger fucking her hole. She squealed.


"Like that, lover? Like me to do that? Ah shit, I need to fuck you, Cindy."


I crawled up on the bunk with her, and she wrapped her legs around my neck as I lifted them up on my shoulders. I pressed her knees down against her tits, and slid my cock into her cunt. Shit, she was so tight. Dad hadn't been fucking this pussy enough, but that meant it was tight as hell for me. I grunted as I pressed my cock head into her sucking cunt, and then began fucking my lover, Cindy.


Slow and easy, that was how I wanted to fuck her. I could never get enough pussy. She was my first fuck, and she would always be the best. She taught me to love making love. And I showed her how much I loved her with my prick. My hard, long prick, thrusting into her cunt. Deep into her always wet pussy. She moaned and begged for more cock. Okay, I started ramming it harder, and she whimpered and dragged my head down to kiss me.


Fucking her was heaven, and I was close, but I decided to test something. As I fucked her cunt I was fingering her ass again. And she didn't say no. This was a new thing. She had shown me everything, so far. Now I would show her something. I wondered if anyone had fucked Cindy's ass before. Maybe I would be the first. I rammed once more, hard, into her pussy. Then I pulled it out, while she cried out, asking me why.


My cock was sticky with pussy juices and I slowly pressed the mushroom head into her ass.


"Oh, fuck, Peter. I don't know baby. I don't know...oh fuck, yes, yes."


I steadily pressed more prick into her ass hole and it was tight, so tight I almost couldn't get it in. But I wanted to fuck her every way I could. So I kept feeding her cock, and her lips were eagerly kissing me, and I knew she wanted this.


"Am I your first, Cindy? Am I the first to fuck you like this? Ah, fuck, I have to cum soon, babe. Cumming soon. Fuck, fuck, fuck... ah fuck. Take me, lover, take me."


I was thrusting hard and fast now. I took her virgin ass. I fucked her so good, and Cindy kept crying out that she wanted more cums, more cums. I was making her happy, I knew that. Fucking her now a little rougher, but she took it all. Ah, fuck I needed to cum. And I did. It spurted out into her asshole. I thrust several times more, and then pulled out, spilling my seed on her thighs. I squirted once or twice more onto her soft belly, as my hand worked to get it all out.


"Peter, baby, you're so good to me. Did I make you feel good, sweetie? I want you to feel good. I love you baby."


"You're always perfect, Cindy. You know that. I'm so lucky to have you. That was so fine. Let's take a shower now, okay? We can play some more."


"You're so horny all the time, bad boy. You could do this all day, I know that, but I have things to do. You clean up, and come in for lunch. Then I need to go out shopping. Get up, now!"


I had never worried about cumming in Cindy and making a baby. She had told me after our first time that she wasn't fertile anymore. She'd had her tubes tied after her second baby and before she married my Dad. So I could cum in her and never have to wear a rubber. That was pretty nice, you know.

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The day passed. Dad was home around six, just in time for dinner. We had fried chicken, lots of mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. One of my favorite meals. Cindy was a good cook, along with being a perfect lover.


It was several days later, on a Monday. I was going out to the club to do some caddying. I heard a car outside as I was getting ready to leave. I looked out the front window and saw it was a cab. No one took taxis then. It was too expensive. But it was Sheila, my oldest stepsister. She got out, and the cabby opened the trunk and set out some luggage on the sidewalk.


"Cindy, it's Sheila! She's got bags. What's going on?"


Cindy came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. She pushed back a lock of hair from her face, and went to the front door. Opening it she felt Sheila grabbing her and hugging. I could hear crying. What was happening? I slipped out and took the luggage from the cabby. He left, having been paid already.


We all sat down in the living room. I was sitting on a chair, while Sheila and Cindy were on the couch. As Sheila was slowly stopping her crying, we were finally understanding what was happening. As Cindy held her hand she told her story.


Jason, her husband, had apparently lost most of their money. He had been going up to Las Vegas almost every weekend, driving their Studebaker and staying at the Flamingo Hotel. At first, Sheila had gone with him, and she would play the slots with twenty dollars. She would win a little. Usually enough to buy them dinner. Jason always lost. She at last stopped going with him as her pregnancy continued.


Now he was there most of the time, just coming back to sell things. He swore that he would win big and they would be in the money. Sheila was sick of it. She decided to leave him when he sold their car. Now he had taken the bus up to Vegas, and Sheila had come home. She was four months pregnant, and she was moving back home with Mom and Dad.


I now had an old roommate back in my bedroom. That was fine. We still had the two sets of bunkbeds in there. Sheila would be sleeping on one lower bunk, and I would have the other. It would be okay.


Sheila had married right after high school. She hadn't been here with us for about five years. Of course, we lived in the same town. And we had always been a close family. She took after Cindy. She was heavy now with the baby, but she was still pretty. Just like Cindy and Maggie. I couldn't help noticing that her breasts were getting bigger now. That was for the baby.


Dad was surprised to find Sheila at home, when he got off of work, but he was happy to see her back in the house. So she helped Cindy with supper. We had a meatloaf. After we ate we listened to the radio.


We were losing some shows. Burns and Allen had gone off the radio in 1950, and they went to a television show. Fibber McGee and Molly was ending that summer. Dad said we would have to get a TV soon, or we would have nothing to listen to at night.


So we all went to bed about ten o'clock. Sheila had been talking to Cindy most of the evening, about her marriage and stuff. She hadn't really talked to me. But when we went in to bed she started chattering with me. I think she was still upset, and not really sure what was going to happen. I mean, she was having a baby. She went into the bathroom to change into her nightgown, while I undressed and climbed into bed just wearing some pajama bottoms.


The light was on overhead when Sheila came in. She sat at her old vanity and began doing things with creams and stuff. She and Maggie had spent hours, it seemed, sitting there, looking in the mirror, and getting prettier. Not that they really needed it. They were both beautiful, I thought. And sexy too. I had grown to like sexy women. Cindy was spoiling me that way.


"Hey, Sheila, when are you going to get in bed? I need the light out to sleep."


"Hold your horses, Peter. You're such a little pest. I'll be ready in a minute."


"I'm not so little anymore. Say, did you get your nightgown wet? You got two spots there. Spill something?"


"Shut up. If you must know it's milk. I'm going to have a baby. You're old enough to understand that, aren't you? I need to change this now. Damn. Turn around. I need to put on another gown."


"Okay, okay." I rolled over with my back to her. She was fumbling in her bags. She hadn't put her stuff away yet. I glanced over my shoulder, and saw her naked now. Her breasts were swollen, and her belly was too. But she was so pretty. Her legs were curvy, and long, even though she was only five feet two inches. She was like Cindy, except pregnant. I started getting hard.


"Hey, what are you looking at, you little pervert?" She threw a brush at me, and I just laughed. She shrugged into another gown, laughing too. Then she turned off the overhead light and came over to the empty bunk. There was moonlight coming through the lace curtains. I slowly stroked my prick, as the bed creaked under her weight. I drifted off to sleep.


I awoke later. The moon had gone down, so it was dark in the room. A breeze blew the curtains, and cooled my face, as I heard what had awakened me. It was Sheila, and she was weeping softly, but loud enough for me to hear. I shook off the sheet I was covered with, and got my legs over the side of the bed. I whispered to Sheila.


"Hey, what's up? You okay Sheila?"


"What? Nothing. It's nothing pest. I'm fine."


I got up and took two steps to her bed. I sat down.


"It's okay Sheila. It's okay."


We kept on whispering, so we wouldn't be heard. I was patting her hair. I didn't know what to do. I never had to handle crying girls before. But she was my stepsister. I cared.


"Peter, could you just lay down with me. Just hold me, could you?"


I pulled her sheet back, got beside her, and put an arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and kept crying gently.


"Tell me what's wrong."


I held her and waited. I was there.


"Well...I know it's silly, but I have too much...

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Written by Green_Man
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